Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015. With 6 figures

1bs_bs_query Integrative based on morphology,


3bs_bs_query mitochondrial DNA, and hyperspectral


5bs_bs_query reflectance profiling

6bs_bs_query 1 2 1 7bs_bs_query 1 bs_bs_query YANG WANG †, CHRISTIAN NANSEN † and YALIN ZHANG *

8bs_bs_query 1 9bs_bs_query Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management, Ministry of Education,

10bs_bs_query Entomological Museum, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China 2 11 bs_bs_query Department of Entomology and Nematology, UC Davis Briggs Hall, Room 367, Davis, CA, USA


13bs_bs_query Received 23 June 2015; revised 6 October 2015; accepted for publication 7 October 2015


15bs_bs_query Integrative taxonomy is considered a reliable taxonomic approach of closely related and cryptic species by inte-

16bs_bs_query grating different sources of taxonomic data (genetic, ecological, and morphological characters). In order to infer

17bs_bs_query the boundaries of seven species of the evacanthine Bundera Distant, 1908 (: Cicadellidae),

18bs_bs_query an integrated analysis based on morphology, mitochondrial DNA, and hyperspectral reflectance profiling (37 spec-

19bs_bs_query tral bands from 411–870 nm) was conducted. Despite their morphological similarities, the genetic distances of the

20bs_bs_query cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene among the tested species are relatively large (5.8–17.3%). The species-

21bs_bs_query 2 specific divergence of five morphologically similar species (Bundera pellucida and Bundera spp. 1–4) was revealed bs_bs_query

22bs_bs_query in mitochondrial DNA data and reflectance profiling. A key to identifying males is provided, and their morpho-

23bs_bs_query logical characters are described. Average reflectance profiles from the dorsal side of specimens were classified based

24bs_bs_query on linear discriminant analysis. Cross-validation of reflectance-based classification revealed that the seven species

25bs_bs_query could be distinguished with 91.3% classification accuracy. This study verified the feasibility of using hyperspectral

26bs_bs_query imaging data in insect classification, and our work provides a good example of using integrative taxonomy in studies

27bs_bs_query of closely related and cryptic species.


29bs_bs_query © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015

30bs_bs_query doi: 10.1111/zoj.12367


32bs_bs_query ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: 16S rDNA – classification – DNA barcoding – Hemiptera – hyperspectral imaging

33bs_bs_query – leafhopper – method – species delineation.


35bs_bs_query INTRODUCTION taxonomy consists of integrating different data types 50bs_bs_query

for species delineation, and it is becoming widely ac- 51bs_bs_query

36bs_bs_query Given the limited availability of taxonomic expertise cepted in modern taxonomy (Glaw & Vences, 2002; 52bs_bs_query

37bs_bs_query for many diverse and complex groups of , methods Dayrat, 2005; Will et al., 2005; Padial et al., 2010; 53bs_bs_query

38bs_bs_query are needed to: (1) partially automate the initial screen- Schlick-Steiner et al., 2010; Yeates et al., 2011; Riedel 54bs_bs_query

39bs_bs_query ing and separation of insect species; and (2) develop et al., 2013; Bluemel et al., 2014; Miraldo et al., 2014). 55bs_bs_query

40bs_bs_query complementary and synergistic methods to improve the As part of integrative taxonomy, molecular tech- 56bs_bs_query

41bs_bs_query performance of existing procedures for the delinea- niques are widely used, including DNA barcoding 57bs_bs_query

42bs_bs_query tion and identification of closely related and cryptic (Hebert, Ratnasingham & deWaard, 2003; Hajibabaei 58bs_bs_query

43bs_bs_query 3 species. Regarding the latter aim, overlapping char- bs_bs_query et al., 2006; Rivera & Currie, 2009; Robinson et al., 2009; 59bs_bs_query

44bs_bs_query acter variation within and among species is well docu- Hebert, deWaard & Landry, 2010; Park et al., 2011; 60bs_bs_query

45bs_bs_query mented (Will, Mishler & Wheeler, 2005). Integrative Astrin et al., 2012; Alex Smith et al., 2013) and the use 61bs_bs_query 46bs_bs_query

of other regions of mitochondrial DNA (Dietrich, 62bs_bs_query 47bs_bs_query

Whitcomb & Black, 1997; Barco et al., 2013; Allegrucci 63bs_bs_query 48bs_bs_query *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

bs_bs_query 49bs_bs_query †These authors contributed equally to this work. et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2014) and nuclear genes (Rokas 64

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 1 2 Y. WANG ET AL.

1bs_bs_query et al., 2002; Danforth, Lin & Fang, 2005; Germain et al., three species of minute juvenile egg parasitoids 57bs_bs_query

2bs_bs_query 2013; Gutierrez-Gutierrez et al., 2013; Taylor et al., 2013). (Trichogramma) developing inside host eggs could 58bs_bs_query

3bs_bs_query As examples of integrative molecular techniques in be accurately classified based on the reflectance pro- 59bs_bs_query

4bs_bs_query insect taxonomy, three cryptic species of Anania files acquired from the host eggs. There are also studies 60bs_bs_query

5bs_bs_query (: : ) from North in which reflectance profiling was used in the system- 61bs_bs_query

6bs_bs_query America were classified based on DNA barcoding and atics of fossil insects (Mietchen et al., 2005). Finally, 62bs_bs_query

7bs_bs_query morphology (Yang et al., 2012). Handoo et al. (2014) in- Luo, Wei & Nansen (2015) showed that hyperspectral 63bs_bs_query

8bs_bs_query tegrated data from nuclear ribosomal DNA genes, mor- imaging of forewing costae could be used to differen- 64bs_bs_query

9bs_bs_query phology, and morphometrics into a species classification tiate ‘mute’ cicadas from cicadas with tymbal sound 65bs_bs_query

10bs_bs_query of 18 stunt nematode species (Nematoda: production. 66bs_bs_query

11 bs_bs_query Telotylenchidae). In addition, there are numerous taxo- In this study, we compared and integrated three taxo- 67bs_bs_query

12bs_bs_query nomic studies in which ecological observations are in- nomic procedures: (1) classification based on tradition- 68bs_bs_query

13bs_bs_query tegrated into the analysis, including: host selection al insect morphology; (2) classification based on the 69bs_bs_query

14bs_bs_query (Bernardo et al., 2008; Chesters et al., 2012; Knee et al., cytochrome c oxidase subunit I ( COI) mitochondrial DNA 9 10 70bs_bs_query bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

15bs_bs_query 2012), geographical distribution (Rius & Teske, 2013; (mtDNA) gene and 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene 71bs_bs_query

16bs_bs_query Miraldo et al., 2014), biochemical characters (Falahee analyses; (3) reflectance-based classification. Bundera 11 72bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

17bs_bs_query & Angus, 2010; Fusu, 2010; Rezac et al., 2014), eco- Distant, 1908 belongs to the subfamily Evacanthinae, 73bs_bs_query

18bs_bs_query logical niche modelling (Raxworthy et al., 2007; Zhu and it is widely distributed in the Oriental Region. For 74bs_bs_query

19bs_bs_query et al., 2013), cross-breeding analysis (Sourassou et al., the purpose of this study, we had access to speci- 75bs_bs_query

20bs_bs_query 2012), and sound production (Marsh, 1999; Brown et al., mens collected in China and Thailand. This compre- 76bs_bs_query

21bs_bs_query 2006; Popple, 2013). Bluemel et al. (2014) confirmed hensive analysis confirmed seven distinct species of 77bs_bs_query

22bs_bs_query four cryptic species of the leafhopper genus Aphrodes Bundera. With a high level of morphological similar- 78bs_bs_query

23bs_bs_query (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) as behaviourally, genetical- ity both in terms of external features and male geni- 79bs_bs_query

24bs_bs_query ly, and morphologically distinct species. talia (Figs 2–4) among some species of Bundera, this 80bs_bs_query

25bs_bs_query In recent years, there has been a growing interest genus is considered a taxonomically challenging group 81bs_bs_query

26bs_bs_query 4 in the use of imaging technologies in species classifi- and therefore highly suitable for a detailed study of 82bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

27bs_bs_query cation (Nansen & Elliot, 2016). Some applications are the complementarity of reflectance profiling as part of 83bs_bs_query

28bs_bs_query based on reflectance data acquired from only a few an integrative taxonomy procedure. A taxonomic re- 84bs_bs_query

29bs_bs_query (three) wide spectral bands measured with a digital vision of Bundera (Wang, Nansen & Zhang, 12 85bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

30bs_bs_query rgb camera (Arbuckle et al., 2001; Watson, O’Neill & unpubl. data) was not the objective of this study, but 86bs_bs_query

31bs_bs_query Kitching, 2003; Russell et al., 2007; Arribas et al., 2011; we provide reliable species delineation and a classi- 87bs_bs_query

32bs_bs_query Faria et al., 2014; Zhu & Zhang, 2014). Recently, Nguyen fication key for males of the seven species. We also 88bs_bs_query

33bs_bs_query et al. (2014) described an imaging system that can be use this analysis to discuss the potential of reflec- 89bs_bs_query

34bs_bs_query used to develop digitized three-dimensional models of tance profiling as part of integrative taxonomy. 90bs_bs_query

35bs_bs_query insect species. Such digitized models of insects are easy 91bs_bs_query

36bs_bs_query to share and store, and may therefore reduce the need

MATERIAL AND METHODS 92bs_bs_query 37bs_bs_query for the shipment of specimens among taxonomists and

NSECT SAMPLING bs_bs_query 38bs_bs_query increase the availability of insect reference collec- I 93

39bs_bs_query tions. In other taxonomic studies, detailed reflec- Leafhoppers were collected using a sweep net, light 94bs_bs_query

40bs_bs_query tance profiles (a series of reflectance values in narrow trap, or Malaise trap. Some specimens (24-7, 24-8, 51- 95bs_bs_query

41bs_bs_query spectral bands) were acquired, and different data pro- 1, 51-2, 23-1, 23-2, 23-4, 23-5, 23-6, 40-7, 40-8, 40-10, 96bs_bs_query

42bs_bs_query cessing and classification methods were used to: (1) 40-11, 51-3, and 51-4) were directly mounted on small 97bs_bs_query

43bs_bs_query select only the spectral bands that contributed to the pieces of triangular paper after sampling, whereas other 98bs_bs_query

44bs_bs_query distinction/separation of species; and (2) develop ac- specimens were previously preserved in alcohol (99%) 99bs_bs_query

45bs_bs_query curate classification algorithms. As examples, reflec- and subsequently mounted on triangular pieces of paper. 100bs_bs_query

46bs_bs_query tance profiling has been used successfully to classify In total, 52 specimens from seven species were in- 101bs_bs_query

47bs_bs_query species of stored grain insects (Singh et al., 2010), two cluded in this study (Table 1). 102bs_bs_query

48bs_bs_query 5 species of fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, bs_bs_query 103bs_bs_query

49bs_bs_query 1830 and Drosophila simulans Sturtevant, 1919) (Aw,

DNA EXTRACTION, AMPLIFICATION, SEQUENCING, AND 104bs_bs_query 50bs_bs_query 6 Dowell & Ballard, 2012), tobacco budworm (Heliothis bs_bs_query

MOLECULAR ANALYSIS 105bs_bs_query 51bs_bs_query virescens Fabricius, 1777), and corn earworm

52bs_bs_query 7 [Helicoverpa zea (Boddie, 1850)] (Jia et al., 2007), and Genomic DNA was extracted from the whole abdo- 106bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

53bs_bs_query Klarica et al. (2011) used imaging spectroscopy to dis- mens of single specimens by the EasyPure Genomic 107bs_bs_query

54bs_bs_query 8 criminate cryptic species of ants [Tetramorium caespitum DNA Kit (EE101; Transgen, Beijing, China). We fol- 108bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

55bs_bs_query (Linnaeus, 1758) and Tetramorium impurum (Foerster, lowed the manufacturer’s protocol, but with some modi- 109bs_bs_query

56bs_bs_query 1850)]. Nansen et al. (2014a) demonstrated that fications: the entire abdomen was incubated at 55 °C 110 bs_bs_query

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMY OF BUNDERA 3

1bs_bs_query Table 1. Sample information for the Bundera specimens included in the sequence


3bs_bs_query GenBank accession no.


5bs_bs_query Species/specimen ID Collection locality Collection date COI 16S


7bs_bs_query Bundera pellucida Li & Wang, 2001

8bs_bs_query 24-1 China Guizhou Leigongshan Datangwan 2012/07/21 KT183631 KT183670

9bs_bs_query 24-2 China Guizhou Leigongshan Xiannvtang 2012/07/21 KT183632 KT183671

10bs_bs_query 24-3 China Guizhou Leigongshan Xiannvtang 2012/07/21 KT183633 KT183672

11 bs_bs_query 24-4 China Guizhou Leigongshan Xiannvtang 2012/07/21 KT183634 KT183673

12bs_bs_query 24-5 China Guizhou Leigongshan 2012/07/20 KT183635 KT183674

13bs_bs_query 24-6 China Guizhou Leigongshan 2012/07/19 – –

14bs_bs_query 24-7 China Hubei Wufeng Houhe 2006/07/13 KT183636 KT183675

15bs_bs_query 24-8 China Hubei Wufeng Houhe 2006/07/13 – –

16bs_bs_query 51-1 China Guangxi Huaping Ankouping 2006/08/01 – –

17bs_bs_query 51-2 China Guangxi Huaping Ankouping 2006/08/01 KT183656 KT183693

18bs_bs_query Bundera sp. 4

19bs_bs_query 53-1 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183659 KT183696

20bs_bs_query 53-2 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183660 KT183697

21bs_bs_query 53-3 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183661 KT183698

22bs_bs_query 53-4 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183662 KT183699

23bs_bs_query 53-5 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183663 KT183700

24bs_bs_query 53-6 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183664 KT183701

25bs_bs_query 53-7 China Hubei Shennongjia Xujiazhuang 2013/07/19 KT183665 KT183702

26bs_bs_query Bundera sp. 1

27bs_bs_query 42-1 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Phu Kha NP office 14 2007/12/15 – –

28bs_bs_query 42-2 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Chiang Dao WS Nature Trail 2007/08/28–09/04 KT183644 KT183683

29bs_bs_query 42-3 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Chiang Dao WS Nature Trail 2007/08/28–09/04 KT183645 KT183684

30bs_bs_query 42-4 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Phahompck NP Headquarter 2008/02/07–14 KT183646 KT183685

31bs_bs_query 42-5 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Chiang Dao WS Nature Trail 2007/08/28–09/04 KT183647 KT183686

32bs_bs_query 42-7 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Chiang Dao WS Nature Trail 2007/08/28–09/04 KT183648 KT183687

33bs_bs_query 42-8 Thailand Chiang Mai Doi Phahompok NP Headquarter 2007/08/01–07 KT183649 –

34bs_bs_query Bundera sp. 2

35bs_bs_query 43-1 China Guizhou Kuangkuoshui Fenshuiling 2012/08/15 KT183650 KT183688

36bs_bs_query 43-2 China Guizhou Kuangkuoshui Fenshuiling 2012/08/15 KT183651 –

37bs_bs_query 43-3 China Guizhou Kuangkuoshui Fenshuiling 2012/08/15 KT183652 KT183689

38bs_bs_query 43-4 China Guizhou Kuangkuoshui Fenshuiling 2012/08/15 – –

39bs_bs_query 51-3 China Guangxi Napo Fude 2013/08/07 KT183657 KT183694

40bs_bs_query 51-4 China Guangxi Napo Fude 2013/08/07 KT183658 KT183695

41bs_bs_query Bundera heichiana Li & Wang, 1991

42bs_bs_query 40-1 China Guizhou kuankuoshui 2012/08/11 KT183637 KT183676

43bs_bs_query 40-2 China Guizhou Duyun Doupengshan 2012/07/24 – –

44bs_bs_query 40-3 China Guizhou Leigongshan 2012/07/20 KT183640 KT183679

45bs_bs_query 40-4 China Guozhou Kuangkuoshui Fenshuiling 2012/08/15 – –

46bs_bs_query 40-5 China Guozhou Kuangkuoshui 2012/08/10 – –

47bs_bs_query 40-6 China Guozhou Kuangkuoshui Fenshuiling 2012/08/15 KT183641 KT183680

48bs_bs_query 40-7 China Hunan Sangzhi Tianpingshan 2001/08/13 KT183642 KT183681

49bs_bs_query 40-8 China Hunan Hupingshan Quanpingcun 2006/07/17 – –

50bs_bs_query 40-9 China Guizhou Duyun Doupengshan 2012/07/23 KT183643 KT183682

51bs_bs_query 40-10 China Hunan Hupingshan Quanpingcun 2006/07/17 KT183638 KT183677

52bs_bs_query 40-11 China Hunan Hupingshan Dadongping 2006/07/20 KT183639 KT183678

53bs_bs_query Bundera emeiana Li & Wang, 1994

54bs_bs_query 23-1 China Sichuan Luding Gonggashan 2009/08/01 KT183627 KT183666

55bs_bs_query 23-2 China Sichuan Emeishan 2006/08/07 KT183628 KT183667

56bs_bs_query 23-3 China Sichuan Luding Gonggashan 2009/08/06 KT183629 KT183668

57bs_bs_query 23-4 China Sichuan Emeishan 1957/08/20 – –

58bs_bs_query 23-5 China Sichuan Emeishan 1957/08/25 – –

59bs_bs_query 23-6 China Sichuan Luding Gonggashan 2009/08/01 KT183630 KT183669

60bs_bs_query Bundera sp. 3

61bs_bs_query 50-1 China Xizang Motuo Dexing 2013/07/23 KT183653 KT183690

62bs_bs_query 50-2 China Xizang Motuo Dexing 2013/07/23 KT183654 KT183691

63bs_bs_query 50-3 China Xizang Motuo Dexing 2013/07/23 – –

64bs_bs_query 50-4 China Xizang Motuo Dexing 2013/07/23 – –

65bs_bs_query 50-5 China Xizang Motuo Dexing 2013/07/23 KT183655 KT183692


© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 4 Y. WANG ET AL.

1bs_bs_query 16 Table 2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers used in this study bs_bs_query

2bs_bs_query ′→ ′ 3bs_bs_query Primer Name Primer sequence (5 3 ) Primer source


5bs_bs_query LCO1490 GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG (Hebert et al., 2004)

6bs_bs_query HCO2198 TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA (Hebert et al., 2004)

7bs_bs_query tRWF1_t1* AAACTAATARCCTTCAAAG (Park et al., 2011)

8bs_bs_query tRWF2_t1* AAACTAATAATYTTCAAAATTA (Park et al., 2011)

9bs_bs_query 16SF1 CCGGTYTGAACTCARATCAWGT (Dietrich et al., 1997)

10bs_bs_query 16SR1 CTGTTTAWCAAAAACATTTC (Dietrich et al., 1997)

11 bs_bs_query 16SF2 CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCA (Yeh, Yang & Hui, 2005)

12bs_bs_query 16SR2 GCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT (Yeh et al., 2005)


14bs_bs_query *Two primers combined in cocktail primer, C-tRWF.


16bs_bs_query for 15–17 h, and DNA extractions were performed estimated using the Kimura two-parameter (K2P) model 58bs_bs_query

17bs_bs_query without destruction of the specimens, to allow for the algorithm in MEGA 6.06 (Kimura, 1980; Tamura et al., 59bs_bs_query

18bs_bs_query subsequent examination of morphology. Extracted nucleic 2013), under K2P and Tamura three-parameter (T3P) 60bs_bs_query

19bs_bs_query 13 acids were diluted in TE (pH 8.0) to a final volume substitution models, respectively. The branch support 61bs_bs_query bs_bs_query μ 20bs_bs_query of 100 l and stored at −20 °C. values of each clade were estimated by bootstraping 62bs_bs_query

21bs_bs_query Two mtDNA fragments were amplified by polymer- 1000 replicates (Felsenstein, 1985; Yang et al., 2012; 63bs_bs_query

22bs_bs_query ase chain reaction (PCR): a 660- or 800-bp fragment Bluemel et al., 2014), and neighbour-joining (NJ) and 64bs_bs_query

23bs_bs_query of the COI gene, and a 550-bp fragment of the 16S minimum-evolution (ME) trees based on distance were 65bs_bs_query

24bs_bs_query gene. Reactions were performed in a total volume of constructed in MEGA. To obtain results directly com- 66bs_bs_query μ μ 25bs_bs_query 14 25 l of reaction buffer, containing 12.5 lof2XTaq parable with the existing COI barcode literature for 67bs_bs_query bs_bs_query μ μ 26bs_bs_query PCR Master Mix, 9.5 l of sterile water, 0.5 l of each Hemiptera (Kamitani, 2011; Park et al., 2011; Foottit, 68bs_bs_query μ μ 27bs_bs_query 15 oligonucleotide primer (10 M), and 2 l of genomic DNA Maw & Hebert, 2014), the genetic distances within and 69bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

28bs_bs_query solution. among lineages were estimated based only on COI data. 70bs_bs_query

29bs_bs_query The COI fragment was amplified by primers LCO1490 Trees were constructed based on COI data alone and 71bs_bs_query

30bs_bs_query and HCO2198 (Table 2) with the following thermal combined COI + 16S data, respectively. 72bs_bs_query

31bs_bs_query cycling protocol: 2 minutes at 95 °C; five cycles of 40 73bs_bs_query

32bs_bs_query seconds at 94 °C, 40 seconds at 45 °C, and 1 minute

HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING 74bs_bs_query 33bs_bs_query at 72 °C; 35 cycles of 40 seconds at 94 °C, 40 seconds

34bs_bs_query at 51 °C, and 1 minute at 72 °C; 5 minutes at 72 °C; We used a hyperspectral spectral camera (PIKA II; 75bs_bs_query

35bs_bs_query and finally held at 4 °C (Park et al., 2011). When these Resonon Inc., Bozeman, MT, USA) with the lens 76bs_bs_query

36bs_bs_query primers were not successful, the primer cocktail mounted 15 cm above the Bundera specimens, and re- 77bs_bs_query

37bs_bs_query C-tRWF_t1 (Table 2) enabled the amplification of the flectance data were acquired with a spatial resolu- 78bs_bs_query 2 38bs_bs_query standard 658-bp barcode region, together with a short tion of 15 × 10 pixels per mm . The main specifications 79bs_bs_query

39bs_bs_query upstream sequence, in an additional 15% of the speci- of the spectral camera are as follows: interface, Firewire 80bs_bs_query

40bs_bs_query mens (Park et al., 2011). (IEEE 1394b); output, digital (12 bit); angular field of 81bs_bs_query

41bs_bs_query Amplification of the 16S fragment was accom- view, 7°. The objective lens had a 35-mm focal length 82bs_bs_query

42bs_bs_query plished by primers 16SF1 and 16SR1 (Table 2) and the (maximum aperture of F1.4), optimized for the near- 83bs_bs_query

43bs_bs_query following thermal cycling protocol: 5 minutes at 95 °C; infrared and visible near-infrared spectra. Hyperspectral 84bs_bs_query

44bs_bs_query 11 cycles of 1 minute at 92 °C, 1 minute at 48 °C, and images were collected with artificial lighting from 15- 85bs_bs_query

45bs_bs_query 1.5 minutes at 72 °C; 33 cycles of 1 minute at 92 °C, W, 12-V LED light bulbs mounted on either side of the 86bs_bs_query

46bs_bs_query 35 seconds at 54 °C, and 1.5 minutes at 72 °C; and a lens. A piece of white teflon (K-Mac Plastics, Grand 87bs_bs_query

47bs_bs_query final extension of 7 minutes at 72 °C (Dietrich et al., Rapids, MI, USA) was used for white calibration, and 88bs_bs_query

48bs_bs_query 1997). This protocol worked well for most specimens; ‘relative reflectance’ referred to the proportional re- 89bs_bs_query

49bs_bs_query however, we used primers 16SF2 and 16SR2 (Table 2) flectance compared with the reflectance obtained from 90bs_bs_query

50bs_bs_query for a few species. After verification via gel electropho- Teflon, and ranged between 0 (complete darkness) and 91bs_bs_query

51bs_bs_query resis, the PCR templates were purified and then se- 1 (white). 92bs_bs_query

52bs_bs_query quenced in both directions using the same primer pairs 93bs_bs_query

53bs_bs_query by Sangon Biotech Company (Shanghai, China). All se-

REFLECTANCE DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS 94bs_bs_query 54bs_bs_query quences gathered in this study have been submitted

55bs_bs_query to GenBank (see Table 1). In total, we acquired average reflectance profiles from 95bs_bs_query

56bs_bs_query Multiple sequences were aligned using CLUSTALW, 52 male specimens, with between five and 11 profiles 17 96bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

57bs_bs_query and genetic distances within and among lineages were taken from each species. Similar to previously pub- 97bs_bs_query

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMY OF BUNDERA 5 Colour


1bs_bs_query Figure 1. Average reflectance profiles and dorsal habitus of the seven species included in this study.


3bs_bs_query lished studies (Nansen et al., 2013, 2014a,b), the pixels peated for all specimens, and the average classifica- 36bs_bs_query

4bs_bs_query from each specimen were selected based on a radio- tion accuracy is calculated based on these independent 37bs_bs_query

5bs_bs_query metric filter, so that a pixel was excluded unless it met validations. 38bs_bs_query > > 6bs_bs_query the following criteria: R461 0.20, R650 0.30, and 39bs_bs_query < 7bs_bs_query R878 0.28.

MORPHOMETRIC IMAGING AND DESCRIPTION 40bs_bs_query 8bs_bs_query Using this radiometric filter, we obtained average

External morphology was observed using a Leica MZ 125 41bs_bs_query 9bs_bs_query reflectance profiles (about 450 pixels from the dorsal

microscope. The male genitalia were rinsed with water 42bs_bs_query 10bs_bs_query side of each specimen; Fig. 1). The original spectral data

after DNA extraction, immersed in a droplet of glyc- 43bs_bs_query 11 bs_bs_query consisted of 240 spectral bands from 392 to 889 nm

erol, and dissected following standard procedures. They 44bs_bs_query 12bs_bs_query (with a spectral resolution of 2.1 nm); however, ten bands

were observed under a compound light microscope 45bs_bs_query 13bs_bs_query in each end were eliminated because of concerns about

(Nikon Eclipse 50i). Photos were taken using a Sci- 46bs_bs_query 14bs_bs_query radiometric stochasticity, so we only used data from

entific Digital Micrography System equipped with an 47bs_bs_query 15bs_bs_query 220 narrow spectral bands from 411 to 870 nm, and

auto-montage imaging system and a QIMAGING Retiga 48bs_bs_query 16bs_bs_query these were spectrally binned (averaged across six ad-

4000R digital camera (CCD). The morphological ter- 49bs_bs_query 17bs_bs_query jacent spectral bands) to create 37 spectral bands. The

minology follows Dietrich (2004, 2005). 50bs_bs_query 18bs_bs_query main reason for the spectral binning was to use fewer

19bs_bs_query 18 spectral bands, and therefore avoid any concerns about bs_bs_query 51bs_bs_query

20bs_bs_query over-fitting the classification model (Nansen et al., 2013;

RESULTS 52bs_bs_query

21bs_bs_query Zhang et al., 2015), as happens with ‘Hughes phenom-

MORPHOLOGICAL COMPARISON 53bs_bs_query 22bs_bs_query enon’ (Guo et al., 2008; Lu et al., 2011), or violation of

23bs_bs_query ‘the principle of parsimony’ (Hawkins, 2004). With 37 Comparisons of morphological characters showed seven 54bs_bs_query

24bs_bs_query spectral bands as potential explanatory variables and groups and species from the 52 tested Bundera speci- 55bs_bs_query

25bs_bs_query 52 average reflectance profiles, the risk of model over- mens (Figs 2–4). Bundera emeiana Li & Wang, 1994 19 56bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

26bs_bs_query fitting was considered to be negligible. In PC-SAS 9.4 and Bundera heichiana Li & Wang, 1992 could fairly 57bs_bs_query

27bs_bs_query (SAS, Cary, NC, USA) we used forward linear discri- easily be delimited from the others, but the taxon status 58bs_bs_query

28bs_bs_query minant analysis (LDA; Fisher, 1936) (PROC STEPWISE) of the other five groups was considered ambiguous 59bs_bs_query

29bs_bs_query to only select the spectral bands that contributed sig- because of low morphological variation. The overlap- 60bs_bs_query

30bs_bs_query nificantly to the separation of species. In total, 17 of ping morphology was present in both habitus and male 61bs_bs_query

31bs_bs_query the 37 spectral bands were selected and included in genitalia: crown with discal large black spot, and ante- 62bs_bs_query

32bs_bs_query an LDA with jackknife cross validation (PROC DICRIM rior median and one lateral smaller black spot on ante- 63bs_bs_query

33bs_bs_query option = crossvalidate). In the cross validation, a single rior margin; pronotum with one transverse lateral 64bs_bs_query

34bs_bs_query specimen is excluded from the training data set and yellowish-brown stripe on anterior margin; forewing 65bs_bs_query

35bs_bs_query used for independent validation. This procedure is re- black with a partially transparent stripe along the costal 66bs_bs_query

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 6 Y. WANG ET AL. Colour


1bs_bs_query Figure 2. Male: A–P, Bundera sp. 2; Q–X, Bundera sp. 1. A, I, Q, habitus, dorsal view; B, J, R, habitus, lateral view; C,

2bs_bs_query K, S, head, dorsal view; D, L, T, face; E, M, U, pygofer, lateral view; F, N, V, aedeagal, lateral view; G, O, W, aedeagal,

3bs_bs_query ventral view; H, P, X, connective and style, ventral view.

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMY OF BUNDERA 7 Colour


1bs_bs_query Figure 3. Male: A–H, Bundera pellucida Li & Wang, 2001; I–P, Bundera sp. 4; Q–X, Bundera sp. 3. A, I, Q, habitus,

2bs_bs_query dorsal view; B, J, R, habitus, lateral view; C, K, S, head, dorsal view; D, L, T, face; E, M, U, pygofer, lateral view; F, N,

3bs_bs_query V, aedeagal, lateral view; G, O, W, aedeagal, ventral view; H, P, X, connective and style, ventral view.

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 8 Y. WANG ET AL. Colour


1bs_bs_query 25 Figure 4. Male: A–H, Bundera heichiana Li & Wang, 1991; I–P, Bundera emeiana Li & Wang, 1994. A, I, habitus, dorsal bs_bs_query

2bs_bs_query view; B, J, habitus, lateral view; C, K, head, dorsal view; D, L, face; E, M, pygofer, lateral view; F, N, aedeagal, lateral

3bs_bs_query view; G, O, aedeagal, ventral view; H, P, connective and style, ventral view.


5bs_bs_query vein; aedeagus with bilobed, lamellate apodeme arising constructed under the K2P model, one based on 39 COI 22bs_bs_query

6bs_bs_query from atrium and extended dorsolaterad; aedeagus with gene sequences (Fig. 5), and another based on 37 se- 23bs_bs_query

7bs_bs_query lamellate triangular ventral apophysis; aedeagus shaft quences combining the COI and 16S genes (Fig. 5). ME 24bs_bs_query

8bs_bs_query short, recurved dorsally, gonopore apical on dorsal yielded similar results to those of NJ based on the K2P 25bs_bs_query

9bs_bs_query surface. Among these five groups, it is difficult to de- model, and the same NJ tree topology was produced 26bs_bs_query

10bs_bs_query termine whether the subtle variation in morphologi- under K2P and T3P substitution models (Figs 5, 6). 27bs_bs_query

11 bs_bs_query cal characters is intra- or interspecific. We assumed Seven distinct lineages were revealed from these trees, 28bs_bs_query

12bs_bs_query that they are five different species here, and a key to and they are hereafter treated as seven putative species. 29bs_bs_query

13bs_bs_query these species is provided below. Based on the COI gene, the pairwise genetic dis- 30bs_bs_query

tances within and between lineages are shown in 31bs_bs_query 14bs_bs_query

Table 3. The mean genetic distance between lineages 32bs_bs_query

15bs_bs_query MOLECULAR ANALYSIS ranged from 5.8 to 17.3%, whereas the maximum 33bs_bs_query

16bs_bs_query In total, we obtained 39 COI gene sequences and 37 intralineage variation ranged from 1.0 to 4.5%. The 34bs_bs_query

17bs_bs_query 16S gene sequences. Except for samples 24-7 (637 bp) minimum genetic distance among lineages was between 35bs_bs_query

18bs_bs_query and 40-10 (643 bp), the alignments of all the COI se- B. sp. 4 and B. pellucida (5.8%), whereas the maximum 36bs_bs_query

19bs_bs_query quences are 658 nucleotide positions in length. The genetic distance within lineages was between sample 37bs_bs_query

20bs_bs_query alignment of the 16S sequences is about 510 nucleotide 51-4 and 43-1 (4.5%). Geographically separated lin- 38bs_bs_query

21bs_bs_query positions in length. Two neighbour-joining trees were eages of B. sp. 2 from Guangxi Province (51-3 and 39bs_bs_query

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMY OF BUNDERA 9


2bs_bs_query 20 1. Face entirely black (Fig. 4L); style apophysis lateral prolongation about one-half or more as long as style (Fig. 4P) bs_bs_query

3bs_bs_query ...... Bundera emeiana Li & Wang, 1994

4bs_bs_query - Face not black; style apophysis lateral prolongation about one-quarter or less as long as style

5bs_bs_query ...... 2

6bs_bs_query 21 2. Pronotum entirely black (Fig. 4C); forewing black without any stripe (Fig. 4A, B) bs_bs_query

7bs_bs_query ...... Bundera heichiana Li & Wang, 1992

8bs_bs_query - Pronotum with one transverse lateral yellowish-brown stripe on anterior margin; forewing black with a partially

9bs_bs_query transparent stripe along the costal vein ...... 3

10bs_bs_query 3. Scutellum entirely black (Fig. 3C, K, S)...... 4

11 bs_bs_query - Scutellum black with apical margin yellowish-brown (Fig. 2C, K, S)...... 6

12bs_bs_query 2223 4. Median longitudinal carina of frontoclypeus not blackish ochreous (Fig. 3T); three small black spots on anterior bs_bs_query

13bs_bs_query margin of head, of diameter less than 0.13 mm (Fig. 3S, T) ...... Bundera sp. 3

14bs_bs_query - Median longitudinal carina of frontoclypeus distinct blackish ochreous (Fig. 3D, L,); three small black spots on

15bs_bs_query anterior margin of head, of diameter larger than 0.22 mm (Fig. 3C, D, K, L)...... 5

16bs_bs_query 5. Posterior margin of aedeagal ventral apophysis in lateral view slightly concave (Fig. 3N); dorsal margin of aedeagal

17bs_bs_query dorsal apodeme arched (Fig. 3N) ...... Bundera sp. 4

18bs_bs_query - Posterior margin of aedeagal ventral apophysis in lateral view distinctly concave, forming obtuse angle (Fig. 2F);

19bs_bs_query 24 the dorsal margin of aedeagal dorsal apodeme smooth (Fig. 3F)...... Bundera pellucida Li & Wang, 2001 bs_bs_query

20bs_bs_query 6. Connective stem in ventral view with lateral membranous structure at base (Fig. 2H, P); male pygofer narrowed

21bs_bs_query along with the dorsal and ventral margin in lateral view (Fig. 2E, M)...... Bundera sp. 2

22bs_bs_query - Connective stem without lateral membranous structure (Fig. 2X); male pygofer only narrowed along with the ventral

23bs_bs_query margin in lateral view (Fig. 2U)...... Bundera sp. 1


25bs_bs_query 51-5) and Guizhou Province (43-1, 43-2, and 43-3) misclassified (20%) as B. pellucida; (4) B. pellucida speci- 55bs_bs_query

26bs_bs_query showed a 4.3% divergence, suggesting the need for more mens were only classified with 70% classification 56bs_bs_query

27bs_bs_query intensive sampling of this species; they were consid- accuracy. 57bs_bs_query

28bs_bs_query ered as one species. Except for the lineage of B. sp. 2,

58bs_bs_query 29bs_bs_query the divergence within lineages, regardless of geograph-

30bs_bs_query ic area, is less than 2.4%. In contrast, the divergence

DISCUSSION 59bs_bs_query

31bs_bs_query between any pair of lineages exceeded 5.8%. Se-

32bs_bs_query quence variation was distinctly smaller within than Seven distinct species from the leafhopper genus 60bs_bs_query

33bs_bs_query among species, revealing the existence of a barcoding Bundera were delineated based on integrative analy- 61bs_bs_query

34bs_bs_query gap. sis of morphology, mitochondrial DNA, and reflec- 62bs_bs_query

tance profiling. The divergence of five morphologically 63bs_bs_query 35bs_bs_query

similar species (B. pellucida, B. sp. 1, B. sp. 2, B. sp. 3, 64bs_bs_query

36bs_bs_query HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES and B. sp. 4) was revealed in mitochondrial DNA data 65bs_bs_query

37bs_bs_query Based on the classification derived from molecular data and reflectance profiling. It is confirmed that morpho- 66bs_bs_query

38bs_bs_query and morphological observations, average hyperspectral logical differences among these species are, neverthe- 67bs_bs_query

39bs_bs_query reflectance data were acquired from the same speci- less, still relatively small. 68bs_bs_query

40bs_bs_query mens and used to classify the leafhopper specimens. We proposed morphospecies based on subtle diver- 69bs_bs_query

41bs_bs_query Average reflectance profiles from the seven species are gences of morphological features, and then clarified their 70bs_bs_query

42bs_bs_query presented in Figure 1. It is seen that from about 700– specific status by mtDNA and hyperspectral reflec- 71bs_bs_query

43bs_bs_query 867 nm, there was considerable among-species vari- tance profiling. Our analyses of mtDNA sequences 72bs_bs_query

44bs_bs_query ation. It was also seen that B. heichiana and B. sp. 4 showed low levels of intraspecific genetic variation in 73bs_bs_query

45bs_bs_query were associated with reflectance profiles with slight- all seven species. The existence of a ‘barcoding gap’ 74bs_bs_query

46bs_bs_query ly different features than those from other species. The between intraspecific and interspecific genetic dis- 75bs_bs_query

47bs_bs_query independent cross-validation suggested that the speci- tances supports the notion that they are seven dis- 76bs_bs_query

48bs_bs_query mens could be classified with 91.3% accuracy across tinct species. The mean sequence divergences obtained 77bs_bs_query

49bs_bs_query all seven species; however, some important species- in the COI gene among the seven species were in the 78bs_bs_query

50bs_bs_query specific variation was observed (Table 4): (1) speci- range of 5.8–17.3% (Table 3), which corresponded to 79bs_bs_query

51bs_bs_query mens from four species (B. heichiana, B. sp. 2, B. sp. 3, the interspecies divergence levels found in other insect 80bs_bs_query

52bs_bs_query and B. sp. 4) were classified with 100% accuracy; (2) taxa (Hebert et al., 2003; Ballman et al., 2011; Han et al., 81bs_bs_query

53bs_bs_query B. sp. 1 specimens were partially misclassified (17%) 2012; Miraldo et al., 2014). In addition, Park et al.(2011) 82bs_bs_query

54bs_bs_query as B. sp. 2; (3) B. emeiana specimens were partially reported that congeneric species in showed 83bs_bs_query

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 10 Y. WANG ET AL.

1bs_bs_query Figure 5. Neighbour-joining tree (Kimura two-parameter, K2P) for 39 barcode cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) se-

2bs_bs_query quences. The node support: bootstrap neighbour-joining (NJ) (K2P)/NJ (Tamura three-parameter, T3P)/minimum evolu-

3bs_bs_query 26 tion (ME) (K2P). Single values on the MB tree correspond to Bayesian posterior probabilities. Question marks represent bs_bs_query

4bs_bs_query bootstrap values of less than 50.

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMY OF BUNDERA 11

1bs_bs_query Figure 6. Neighbour-joining (NJ) tree (Kimura two-parameter, K2P) for 37 sequences of combined cytochrome c oxidase

2bs_bs_query subunit I (COI) and 16S. The node support: bootstrap NJ (K2P)/NJ (Tamura three-parameter, T3P)/minimum evolution

3bs_bs_query 27 (ME) (K2P). Single values on the MB tree correspond to Bayesian posterior probabilities. Question marks represent boot- bs_bs_query

4bs_bs_query strap values of less than 50.

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 12 Y. WANG ET AL.

1bs_bs_query Table 3. Percentage of divergence in the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences


3bs_bs_query 1234567


5bs_bs_query 1 Bundera emeiana 1.4

6bs_bs_query 2 Bundera pellucida 17.3 2.4

7bs_bs_query 3 Bundera heichiana 16.9 14.5 2.1

8bs_bs_query 4 Bundera sp. 1 17.2 8.8 14.2 1.4

9bs_bs_query 5 Bundera sp. 2 16.0 9.6 16.0 11.0 4.5

10bs_bs_query 6 Bundera sp. 3 15.5 8.1 13.8 8.2 8.8 1.0

11 bs_bs_query 7 Bundera sp. 4 16.9 5.8 15.2 10.0 9.6 9.3 1.7


13bs_bs_query All genetic mean distances (%) were corrected with the Kimura two-parameter (K2P) substitution model using MEGA 6;

14bs_bs_query the numbers in bold are the maximum intraspecific distances.


16bs_bs_query an average of 10.7% divergence (range 0–24.8%), with clinal variation. By contrast, B. sp. 3 presented a dis- 57bs_bs_query

17bs_bs_query minimum interspecific distances exceeding 3% for more tinctly independent lineage, and distant from 58bs_bs_query

18bs_bs_query than three-quarters of the species pairs. Bluemel et al. B. pellucida and B. sp. 4 in the phylogenetic trees (Figs 5, 59bs_bs_query

19bs_bs_query (2014) reported divergence ranges from 4.21 to 7.0% 6). At the same time, B. sp. 3 specimens were classi- 60bs_bs_query

20bs_bs_query between four closely related species of the genus fied with 100% accuracy based on hyperspectral re- 61bs_bs_query

21bs_bs_query Aphrodes (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). flectance data. Although the differences in genital 62bs_bs_query

22bs_bs_query 28 Based on morphology, B. pellucida and B. sp. 4 are morphology are considered the most reliable charac- 63bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

23bs_bs_query very similar, but with the following differences: (1) ters to delimitate related species, and aedeagal mor- 34 64bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

24bs_bs_query median longitudinal carina of frontoclypeus marked with phology has been a prominent taxonomic character used 65bs_bs_query

25bs_bs_query 29 wide stripe (Fig. 3L), the stripe in B. sp. 4 is thin for leafhoppers for about 80 years, the male genital 66bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

26bs_bs_query (Fig. 3D); (2) aedeagal (Fig. 3N) ventral apophysis in morphology as an adaptation to prevent hybridiza- 67bs_bs_query

27bs_bs_query 30 lateral view, posterior margin distinctly concave, at an tion between syntopic species may not be the only factor 68bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

28bs_bs_query angle of 130°, but only slightly concave in B. sp. 4 (Eberhard, 1985, 2010; Bluemel et al., 2014). Bundera 69bs_bs_query

29bs_bs_query 31 (Fig. 3F). Bundera pellucida and B. sp. 4 are the most sp. 3 was collected from Tibet, which is geographical- 70bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

30bs_bs_query closely related pair of genetic lineages in the ly isolated from the others. Thus, B. sp. 3 is likely to 71bs_bs_query

31bs_bs_query phylogenetic trees (Figs 5, 6), with 5.8% divergence. be a distinct species from B. pellucida and B. sp. 4. 72bs_bs_query

32bs_bs_query Interestingly, B. pellucida specimens were only clas- Insect systematics has a long tradition for integra- 73bs_bs_query

33bs_bs_query sified with 70% classification accuracy in reflectance tive congruence, which promotes taxonomic stability. 74bs_bs_query

34bs_bs_query analysis, but no one specimen was misclassified as Considering that characters do not change at all levels 75bs_bs_query

35bs_bs_query B. sp. 4 (Table 4). Consequently, we argue that and the rates of character change are different, this 76bs_bs_query

36bs_bs_query B. pellucida and B. sp. 4 should be two separate species. runs the risk of underestimating species numbers 77bs_bs_query

37bs_bs_query Bundera sp. 2 has two geographically separated lin- (Padial & De La Riva, 2010). Several recent studies 78bs_bs_query

38bs_bs_query eages that showed 4.3% divergence (a species-specific of insects (Padial & De La Riva, 2010; Yang et al., 2012; 79bs_bs_query

39bs_bs_query level), but there was less morphological divergence Bluemel et al., 2014) have discussed or illustrated the 80bs_bs_query

40bs_bs_query between the two geographical groups (Fig. 2A–P). They power of ‘integrative taxonomy’. A comprehensive analy- 81bs_bs_query

41bs_bs_query shared a particular morphological character distin- sis of leafhoppers of the genus Bundera using multi- 82bs_bs_query

42bs_bs_query guishing them from other species: a connective stem ple criteria delimited seven distinct species: the five 83bs_bs_query

43bs_bs_query with a lateral membranous structure at base (Fig. 2H, morphologically similar species (B. pellucida, B. sp. 1, 84bs_bs_query

44bs_bs_query P). At the same time, B. sp. 2 was classified with 100% B. sp. 2, B. sp. 3, and B. sp. 4) were clearly discrimi- 85bs_bs_query

45bs_bs_query classification accuracy in the reflectance analysis nated. Furthermore, morphological differences among 86bs_bs_query

46bs_bs_query (Table 4), indicating low divergence within B. sp. 2. species were validated by molecular analysis and allowed 87bs_bs_query

47bs_bs_query 32 Furthermore, mitochondrial inheritance in arthro- us to confirm reliable morphological characters to dis- 88bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

48bs_bs_query pods can be affected by symbiont Wolbachia infec- tinguish species (see the key to species). 89bs_bs_query

49bs_bs_query tions with resultant high divergence in host mtDNA Based on integrative taxonomy, taxonomists can 90bs_bs_query

50bs_bs_query (Hurst & Jiggins, 2005; Frezal & Leblois, 2008; Munoz propose hypothetical morphospecies based on the vari- 91bs_bs_query

51bs_bs_query et al., 2011). Considering the low number of speci- ation of morphological features among individuals. Hy- 92bs_bs_query

52bs_bs_query mens (only two or three individuals for each geo- potheses about such morphospecies could be tested and 93bs_bs_query

53bs_bs_query graphical group), we treated them as one species here, clarified by other approaches and additional data 94bs_bs_query

54bs_bs_query but more sampling is certainly warranted. (Dayrat, 2005). The suitability of the COI gene for DNA 35 95bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

55bs_bs_query 33 The aedeagus of B. pellucida, B. sp. 4, and B. sp. 3 barcoding in species identification and delineation is 96bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

56bs_bs_query (Fig. 3F, N, V) were very similar, and may even be a widely acknowledged for groups (Hebert et al., 97bs_bs_query

© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 INTEGRATIVE INSECT TAXONOMY OF BUNDERA 13

2004; Foottit et al., 2014). Interestingly, Rodriguez- 2bs_bs_query

Fernandez et al. (2011) suggested that spectroscopy may 3bs_bs_query %

actually fit that metaphor (species barcoding) much 4bs_bs_query

better, and may be a true ‘barcoding of life’, interact- 5bs_bs_query 0 0.00 N Error

ing with morphological, genomic, or geographic data. 6bs_bs_query

Our reflectance-based profiling of Bundera species prob- 7bs_bs_query

ably reflects the species-specific variation in cuticu- 8bs_bs_query

lar composition. Hyperspectral reflectance profiling, 9bs_bs_query %

which represents a powerful tool for the rapid and non- 10bs_bs_query

destructive identification of closely related insect species, 11 bs_bs_query 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 100.00 0.1429 N 7 should be an important component of integrative 12bs_bs_query

taxonomy. 13bs_bs_query

Taxonomic misidentification of the specimens used 14bs_bs_query

to obtain DNA sequences is a growing problem, which 15bs_bs_query % threatens the utility of the deposited sequences in public 16bs_bs_query

DNA databases and increases the confusion of taxa 17bs_bs_query 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 100.00 0.1429 N 6 (Vilgalys, 2003; de Mendonca et al., 2011; Auger et al., 18bs_bs_query

2013). The reliable DNA data should be extracted from 19bs_bs_query

the holotype, but often the specimens are old, pre- 20bs_bs_query

cious, and potentially contaminated with DNA from 21bs_bs_query

% other organisms. In such cases, hyperspectral reflec- 22bs_bs_query

tance profiling may provide a complement or substi- 23bs_bs_query

tute to other taxonomic approaches. 24bs_bs_query 1 14.29 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 14.29 6 100.00 N 5

Many character systems (e.g. DNA barcoding, mor- 36 25bs_bs_query bs_bs_query

phology, and ecological niche profiling) are applied in 26bs_bs_query

taxonomy, but characters do not change at all levels 27bs_bs_query % and the rates of character change are heterogeneous 28bs_bs_query

(Padial & De La Riva, 2010). In contrast to the results 29bs_bs_query 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.1429 0.1429 N 6 85.71 4 analysed in this study, Yang et al. (2014) reported that 30bs_bs_query

some species of the cicada genus Mogannia (Cicadidae: 31bs_bs_query

Cicadinae) show considerable morphological vari- 32bs_bs_query

ation but less genetic divergence. The use of integra- 33bs_bs_query

% tive taxonomic analysis will greatly accelerate the 34bs_bs_query

assessment of biodiversity and the discovery of 35bs_bs_query

1 10.00 1 10.00 1 10.00 0characters, 0.00 0 new 0.00 species, 3 30.00 and relationships between 36bs_bs_query 11 100.00 N 3

species (Yang et al., 2012; Rajaei Sh et al., 2013). Our 37bs_bs_query

work showed that when dealing with genera such as 38bs_bs_query

Bundera, with low morphological differentiation between 39bs_bs_query

% syntopic congeners, the integration of reflectance pro- 40bs_bs_query

filing and molecular data enables the clarification 41bs_bs_query

of morphological characters and of species 42bs_bs_query 1 16.67 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 16.67 7 70.00 N 2

differentiation. 43bs_bs_query

44bs_bs_query %

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 45bs_bs_query 5 9.62 8 15.38 12 23.08 7 13.46 8 15.38 5 9.62 7 13.46 5 8.71 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.1429 0.1429 0.1429 5 83.33 N 1 We thank Dr Chris Dietrich (Illinois Natural History 46bs_bs_query

Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA) for arranging the 47bs_bs_query

loan of the specimens for this study and reviewing this 48bs_bs_query

article. We thank Dr John Richard Schrock (Emporia 49bs_bs_query

State University, Emporia, KS, USA) for reviewing this 50bs_bs_query sp. 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 sp. 3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 sp. 2 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 sp. 1 0 0.00 0 0.00article. 0 We 0.00 also thank Dr Cong Wei and Dr Zhaofu Yang 51bs_bs_query Number of observation and percentage classified into species, and error count estimates for species

(Entomological Museum, Northwest A&F University, 52bs_bs_query

China) for providing valuable comments. The study was 53bs_bs_query

supported by the National Natural Science Founda- 54bs_bs_query Bundera Bundera Bundera emeiana Bundera pellucida Bundera heichiana Bundera Bundera Priors 7 Total 6 1 2 3 5 4 Table 4. Classified into from species N, number of specimens; %, percentage classified into species; the numbers in bold are thetion numbers and percentages of specimens that areof classified accurately. China (31272346, 31420103911). 55bs_bs_query


© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 14 Y. WANG ET AL.

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