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Ocean Shores THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] Available early Tuesday at: http://www.echo.net.au VOLUME 22 #04 TUESDAY, JULY 3, 2007 22,300 copies every week TORN BETWEEN TWO COVERS *>}iÊ£n Celebration for Oh say can you see our reluctance to conform… highway completion A ‘community day’ will be staged to celebrate the next major mile- stone in the multi-million dollar conversion of the Pacifi c Highway to four lanes when the $256 million Brunswick Heads-Yelgun project opens this month. The Australian Government Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, Jim Lloyd, and the New South Wales Roads Minister, Eric Roozendaal, have announced that traffi c will switch to the 8.7 kilome- tre new roadway on July 11. Mr Lloyd said: ‘It is great to see the Brunswick Heads - Yelgun devi- ation all but fi nished. When it opens next month, almost 40 per cent of the Pacifi c Highway north of New- castle to the border will be con- verted to four lanes. Mr Roozendaal said the continu- ing Pacifi c Highway upgrade is one of the biggest projects ever under- taken in this country. ‘A commu- nity event will be held on July 8, the Sunday before the offi cial opening. People will be able to walk or cycle along the full length of the project and have an opportunity to volun- tarily make a donation for the priv- ilege, with the proceeds going to This year the Graeme Dunstan inspired ‘4th of July, Independence from America’ parade in Byron Bay was also a celebration of the success of last week’s Peace charity.’ Convergence at Yeppoon. Sunday’s colourful march led by the raucous Samba Blisstas and followed by 150 banner bearing supporters wound its way through Final details are being arranged town to the market. See story on the Convergence on page 8. Photo Jeff ‘Star Spangled Blather’ Dawson through the RTA’s Pacifi c Highway Project Offi ce and an organising committee representing local com- munity groups. Activities planned Bruns walkies raises hackles again for the day include bus tours of the route; food stalls and market stalls; Michael McDonald warnings where appropriate, for a opposed by Crs Tucker, Tardif, During public access Mullum- buskers, bands and a jumping cas- Byron Shire Council was divided fi rst offence of a dog in a prohibited Woods and Kestle. Earlier Cr Bob bimby resident Maggie Tardif sup- tle; displays, and a colouring-in last week on how it should respond area; prioritise management and Tardif moved that Council have the ported the option later moved by competition for local school chil- to lobbying over the dog exercise placement of advisory signs; and general manager and the director her husband Cr Tardif and asked, dren. Mr Lloyd said an auction area – and fi nes for going beyond it publish a notice in Council’s block of planning approach the appropri- ‘Why is there not clear and correct associated with the opening would – at Brunswick Heads. After heated advertising and issue a media ate government departments to signage at Brunswick Heads raise money for the local surf club debate and a tied 5-5 vote, Mayor release identifying Council’s 400m request a review of the dog exercise Beach? and volunteer rescue association. Jan Barham used her casting vote companion animal exercise area, area at Brunswick Heads being ‘What needs to be considered is The main item is a cricket bat in favour of Council rangers assist- with conditions of use. Council will extended by either providing an that a lot of dogs in a confi ned signed by the NSW cricket team. ing in managing companion ani- also develop a memorandum of extension of the area to the extent space will and do create havoc, it’s The old Brunswick River name mals compliance on Marine Park, understanding with agencies con- of the permitted fi shing zone on a just natural and the 400m strip to plates will be handed to the local National Park and Nature Reserve trolling land adjacent to compan- timed basis of say 5am to 9am and walk a dog up and back only leads historical society. areas adjacent to Council’s com- ion animal exercise areas including 5pm to 8pm; or allowing the on- to dogs showing a bit of aggression Those wanting further informa- panion animal exercise areas. companion animal management. lead exercising of dogs within the to each other. Dogs are used to tion about the community day or South of the surf club at Bruns- Cr John Lazarus put up the suc- fi shing zone; or a combination of routine and once their routine wishing to participate can phone wick Heads, Council will support cessful proposal, which was the two. continued on page 2 toll free 1800 071 144. 2 July 3, 2007 Byron Shire Echo www.echo.net.au Local News ALL SCRAP METAL WANTED Byron Bay High marks 20 years , Ê* Ê1*Ê- ,6 Ê Member for Richmond Jus- 7 Ê 19Ê/ Ê"/ tine Elliot, pictured centre with principal Barry Miller UÊ,Ê +1* / UÊ ,Ê " - and Byron Shire Mayor Jan UÊ/,1 Ê " - Barham, said this week she UÊ,"" was proud to attend Byron UÊ "** , Bay High School’s offi cial UÊ ,-- UÊ1 1 ceremony to mark the 20th UÊ anniversary of the school. UÊ-/ -- Ms Elliot unveiled the UÊ9Ê - commemorative plaque set UÊ /, Ê"/",-ÊUÊ, /",-ÊUÊÊ7 -Ê UÊ // , -UÊÊ7 Ê"7 ,-ÊUÊÊ ,Ê "8 - outside the library beside the new Memorial Gardens. " 9Ê"7 Ê Ê"* ,/ ‘Today is a wonderful -/Ê "-/Ê opportunity to acknowledge /Ê, 9 ,- the achievements of a truly great public high school, and to say well done to all the 1300 788 412 parents, students and teach- ers who have worked here over the past 20 years,’ Ms Elliot said. "03UFFOLK0ARK ‘It is also a time to acknowl- 3ERVICE#ENTRE edge all those within the Byron Bay community who ‘Byron Bay High is a truly ing reputation for excellence all the best for the future 0HONEÈÈnxÊΣ££ worked so hard over many unique school. in academic, sporting and and know it will continue years to have this school ‘Over the past 20 years it cultural endeavours. its commitment to excel- 1UALITY3ERVICEn1UALITY0EOPLE built. has developed an outstand- ‘I wish Byron Bay High lence.’ !T"03UFFOLK0ARK3ERVICE#ENTREWEWILLGUARANTEEYOU QUALITYSERVICEANDREPAIRSEVERYTIME2ALPH+YNOCHAND *OHN7RAIGHTAREOURTOPQUALIlEDMECHANICS TOGETHER Brunswick Heads walkies raises hackles again THEYBRINGWITHTHEMYEARS From front page ‘Yes there are responsible told Councillors that the ‘12 compliantly and there is OFEXPERIENCEANDLOCAL changes, they do, and I repeat dog owners, and I accept and months of grace’ for dog damage to signs.’ KNOWLEDGE7ITH2ALPHS they do react and can show commend all of those that walkers intruding into marine He said Council needs to FACTORYTRAINEDEXPERTISE signs of uncharacteristic may be present here today,’ park zones was over. consider that the Marine AND*OHNSHIGHSTANDINGAS behaviour due to changes in Mr Ferris said. ‘However, During his speech Cr Tar- Park Authority will be review- ALOCALMECHANICFOROVER their dog walking regime. given what I have seen on dif said that dog owners at ing its own rezoning plan in YEARSOURTEAMHASONLY ‘Over the last three years our beaches, I remain in a Brunswick Heads were fi ve years. ‘If dog exercise 2ALPH+YNOCHQUALITYTOOFFER *OHN7RAIGHT we have met and made friends state of dismay and often respectful ‘and probably do areas prove onerous they !3+!"/54/52&2%%#/524%39#!2 with many dog walkers and total despair at the numbers more for the environment could say from Brunswick to we all maintain a community of irresponsible dog owners than other people. If on lead, Ballina they are fi nished.’ spirit, this is our beach and we who fl aunt the law and have dogs are totally under con- Councillors disagreed as to love and protect it. Dog walk- total disregard for signs and trol and it is quite reasonable what degree native animals 6 Ê9"1,Ê-9Ê ers at Brunswick Heads are the environment. to have a look at this.’ were being affected by dogs. very community minded and ‘Undisturbed habitat is the Cr Lazarus’s opinion was During debate Cr Jan Man- "1/Ê -/6-Ê Ê do the right thing and pick up last bastion of hope of sur- that the dog walking situa- gleson described Council’s their dogs’ droppings and vival for many species. I… tion at Brunswick Heads was companion animals commit- / Ê 9," Ê-, after heavy winds and storms consider that any extension to a ‘mess’. ‘A number of peo- tee as ‘a war zone’. ,ETUSKNOWYOURVIEWSn we pick up the debris that existing dog exercise areas on ple have been acting non- Q Council Roundup, page 18 lands on our foreshore.’ our beaches is a blatant disre- WHETHER WHERE HOWBIGANDMOREx Lance Ferris of Australian gard for not only the threat- Beware the $20 man... SURVEYSAVAILABLEAT Seabird Rescue spoke in gen- ened and endangered species eral of the dangers dogs rep- concerned but indeed to our According to Julie of Bella He acts like he’s in a real WWWBYRONBALLINAGREENSORG resented to threatened native environment as a whole.’ Rosa Gelati in Byron there hurry so when you give him ORPICKUPACOPYATTHESEOUTLETS species, including birds and Andrew Page, manager of is a male scam artist work- the change, he turns to go turtles. the Cape Byron Marine Park, "ANGALOWn0OST/FlCE ing the local businesses by then whips back around and "RUNSWICK(EADSn"OOK'ALLERY claiming he has been says you only gave him one "YRON-ULLUMBIMBYn3ANTOS shortchanged from a fi fty.
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