AWheelchairAWheelchair Rider’sGuideRider’sGuide Los Angeles and Orange County Coast ERICK & ELISA MIKITEN COASTWALK with the COASTAL CONSERVANCY COASTWALK, a nonprofit organization, is working for the completion of the California Coastal Trail, and promotes stewardship of coastal resources. Coastwalk organizes coastal hikes, and has published the two-volume guide- book Hiking the California Coastal Trail. THE COASTAL CONSERVANCY, a state agency, works with the people of California to expand public access to the coast and San Francisco Bay, and to preserve and restore coastal resources. The Conservancy has opened over 70 miles of shoreline to the public and has helped to preserve over 60,000 acres of wetlands, wildlife habitat, parks, and farmland. The Conservancy provided funding to Coastwalk to prepare and distribute this guide. CREDITS Produced by Rasa Gustaitis Edited by Hal Hughes and Rasa Gustaitis Designed and composed by Seventeenth Street Studios Special thanks to photographers Malcolm Lubliner and Larry Wan and to Irene Barnard Cover photos by Malcolm Lubliner © 2001 Coastal Conservancy Coastal Conservancy Publications 1330 Broadway, 11th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612 510/286-0933
[email protected] Coastwalk 7207 Bodega Avenue, Sepbastopol, CA 95472 800/550-6854
[email protected] THIS GUIDE GUIDE IS AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE and will also be accessible on-line through the web sites of Coastwalk,, and the Coastal Conservancy, Table of Contents INTRODUCTION vii HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ix Los Angeles