Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) 2016

Called to Serve: Our Hearts, Our Hopes, Our Aims are One

2016 20 30 44 Our ACS(P) Brand of Education Our Vision Our Staff

60 84 Our Events Our Awards & Achievements

96 124 176 Our Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) Our Pupils Our Partners & Our ACS Family The cover design is a rendition of a water colour painting by Ms Jessica Lai, an art teacher at ACS (Primary). It was commissioned by the school to celebrate 130 years of the Anglo-Chinese School on Founder’s Day.

002 Our Founder 003 The Best Is Yet To Be 004 Christ Our Cornerstone 005 A Knight’s Prayer 006 Our Anthem 007 Our Motto and School Crest 008 Our Vision, Our Mission and Our Shared Values 009 Our Desired Outcome, Our CARE Principle 010 ACS Principals and Vice-Principals 012 Message from the Bishop 013 Message from the Chairman 014 ACS Board of Governors 015 Principal’s Foreword 016 Editorial Committee 017 Theme Verse for 2016 018 Celebrations On The Hill 020 Our ACS(P) Brand of Education 030 Our Vision 044 Our Staff 060 Our Events 084 Our Awards & Achievements 096 Our Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 124 Our Pupils 176 Our Partners & Our ACS Family

1 Our Founder Bishop William Fitzjames Oldham 1857-1937

Anglo-Chinese School began with the dream of Bishop William Fitzjames Oldham and had its humble beginnings in a shop-house at 70 Amoy Street on 1 March 1886, with 13 boys. Today, it has grown into a strong community comprising seven units of the ACS family. All seven schools continue to live true to Our Founder’s vision of the ACS philosophy of education which is rooted in “Academic Achievement, Strength of Character and Christian Service”.

2 “ Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be... ” Robert Browning

3 The Anglo-Chinese School is founded on Christian Principles as embodied in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

4 A Knight’s Prayer ‘God Knows’

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”

from the poem ‘God Knows’ by M LOUISE HASKINS

5 6 The School Motto The Best Is Yet To Be! Introduced by the late Mr T W Hinch (Principal, 1929-1947) and incorporated into the crest in 1959.

The School Crest

The crest was designed in 1930 by the late Dr Yap Pheng Geck who was then a member of the staff.

The upper part of the crest shows a creature with a lion head, eagle wings and a dragon body with claws, technically a wyvern, symbolising that the school was founded when Singapore was a British Colony, by the American Methodist Mission, and during the Manchu Dynasty in China.

The lower part comprises a panel of blue and another of gold, representing the heavens and the earth. Superimposed on them are the letters ACS in red, signifying life bridging earth and heaven.

It is shaped like a shield to uphold knightly virtues such as chivalry, honour, loyalty, valour and manliness.

7 The Best Is Yet To Be

Our Vision Every ACSian a young man of character, capability and creativity

Our Mission ACS (Primary) believes in providing an all-round education in an environment which seeks to bring out the potential in every pupil to the fullest, and to develop in him a strong moral character, imbued with Christian values and principles to guide and prepare him for life ahead.

8 Our Shared Values integrity, Humility, Obedience, Perseverance, Empathy, Faithfulness, Unity and Loyalty Our Desired Outcome Traits of an ACSian . iHOPEFUL Leader . Creative Learner . Effective Communicator . Community Collaborator Our CARE Principle Coach . Affirm . Relate . Enthuse


50 Barker Road 121 Dover Road 16 Winstedt Road Singapore 309918 Singapore 139650 Singapore 227988

Mr Arene Koh Mr Winston Hodge Mrs Chaillan Mui Tuan Principal Principal Principal

Mrs Grace Khoo Ms Chock Siew Hwa Mr Patrick Soo Mrs Lim-Foo Boon Ching Vice-Principal Deputy Principal Mun Keong Vice-Principal Deputy Principal

Mrs Wendy See Mdm Yong Lee Har Mrs Judy Ho Mr Morgan Zhou Vice-Principal Deputy Principal Deputy Principal Vice-Principal The Best Is Yet To Be

Ms Eileen Seow Ms Thirunalan Vice-Principal (Admin) Mirunalini Deputy Principal 10 PRINCIPALS AND VICE-PRINCIPALS OF THE ACS FAMILY


60 Barker Road 25 Dover Close East 61 Jalan Hitam Manis Jl. Bantar Jati, Kelurahan Setu, Singapore 309919 Singapore 139745 Singapore 278475 Jakarta Timur - Indonesia

Mr Peter Tan Ms Beatrice Chong Mr Rob Burrough Mr Ng Eng Chin Principal Principal Principal Executive Principal

Mrs Aw Meng Yin Mrs Choo Hong Kiang Mr Melvin Sim Mr Richard Maclean Vice-Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal (Primary) Vice-Principal (Pastoral)

Mr David D’Souza Dr Lee Khen Seng Mr John Wu Mrs Tan Siew Hoon Vice-Principal (Admin) Vice-Principal (Secondary) Vice-Principal Vice-Principal (Staff & Student Development)

Mr Manmohan Singh Vice-Principal (Admin)

11 Message from the Bishop

here are various reasons why people serve, but there is only one that we Tmust aspire to.

Some serve because they are forced by circumstances beyond their control. While slavery might be non-existent in our experience, there are still those who work under conditions close to the slavery of old.

There are others who serve because they are paid to; this is a contract between two parties – if I am not paid, I am not going to serve.

There is another kind of service in which we are not paid at all, that of being a volunteer. However, one may volunteer for a variety of reasons too. Some serve to obligate the person or organisation to return a favour. When that expected favour is not realised, one stops volunteering.

In the midst of all kinds of motivation, the biblical formula is two-fold: love and humility.

To serve with love is to place the interest of others before ours; it is paying Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup wholehearted attention to their needs and meeting them. It includes giving up what is rightfully ours so that the needs of others come first. The Methodist Church in Singapore To serve like that is being sacrificial. It is for this reason that we need to couple it with humility. What might have begun as sacrificial service can end up being a cause for pride: Look at how much I have to give up so that he or she can be in a better position. To serve with humility means that nobody needs to know how much I have given; deep down in my heart, the reason, whatever that may be, is He came simply and sincerely that I want the best for that person.

“Not to be served, Such a service of love and humility springs out of a life that has received the but to serve, and to same. Hence, we do it out of a sense of deep gratitude. Anyone who has come to know Jesus will have begun to experience what this give His life as a is. We are told that He came “not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). After He had washed His disciples’ feet, ransom for many” He said to them, “You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash (Mark 10:45) one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” (John 13:13-16). Jesus was asking His disciples not just to copy His acts of service, but also to capture what is at the heart of service: to be like Him in humility.

As we deepen our knowledge and love of God, may we also serve as He had served.

12 Message from the Chairman

e give thanks this year for 130 years of the Anglo-Chinese School. From Wthe time that Oldham heeded the call to set up a Methodist Mission in Singapore to the present day, generations of ACSians have been blessed and have in turn become blessings to others.

While Oldham may have taken the first step to start our journey, countless contributors have, over the years, helped ACS to grow from a class of 13 boys in Amoy Street on 1 March 1886 into a family of six schools in Singapore and one in Jakarta. To all who have been a significant part of our history, from devoted educators to dedicated support staff, generous benefactors, parents and alumni, the Methodist Church and the Ministry of Education, we owe a debt of gratitude.

My thanks and congratulations to the pupils and staff of ACS (Primary) for a year filled with Grace, Growth and Learning, as well as one of academic achievements and extra-curricular successes. The school’s verse of the year from Galatians 5:13b, to “serve one another humbly in love…” is an apt reminder of where our focus should be. I would like to thank our principal Mr Arene Koh for his example of humble service in love and for his outstanding leadership and dedication to ACS (Primary). Mr Richard Seow ACS Board of Governors There is no doubt that we will face difficulties and trials over the next 130 years, but if our approach is the same as the ACS Pioneers of the Past – and our focus remains on nurturing our pupils to be young men of character, capability and creativity – ACS will rise to conquer the challenges of a new generation.

Many notable ACSians have ventured on paths less travelled and blazed the trail for others to follow. , , The school’s verse M. Jegathesan and Winston Choo are only a few of our outstanding alumni with exemplary accomplishments in their fields. Now in our 130th year, a new of the year from generation of trailblazers has emerged. At the Rio 2016 Olympics, we witnessed Singapore and ACS sporting history, when ACS alumnus Joseph Schooling Galatians 5:13b, won Singapore’s first-ever Olympic Gold Medal in the 100m Butterfly. In the course of setting a new Olympic record of 50.39 seconds, Joseph has shown to “serve one another the next generation that with belief, focused determination and perseverance, lofty goals can be achieved and even exceeded. Joining Joseph at the Rio humbly in love...” Olympics were ACS alumni Quah Zheng Wen in Swimming and Colin Cheng in Sailing who both qualified on merit and their sterling performances augur well for the potential of seeing more ACSians on the podium at future Olympics. is an apt reminder

The family of ACS has much to be grateful for and as we end our 130th year, of where our focus we are reminded to stay humble, giving thanks for all that we have received and remembering that as recipients of Grace, our responsibility is to pass it on. should be.

To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be.

13 ACS Board Of Governors

Mr Richard Seow Mr Lim Tat [Chairman] [Vice-Chairman]

Mr Low Wee Ping Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian Dr Lee Li Eng Mr Lau Cheng Hock

Mr Tang Kee Fei Rev Kenneth Huang Mrs Mildred Tan Mr Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara

Mr Lim Teck Yin Mr Oon Jin Gee Mr Ong Tek Khoan

14 Principal’s Foreword

ecess is perhaps the most valuable and enjoyable time of the day for pupils; for me, there Rhas never been a dull moment, as I observe the hungry ones queuing for food, wasting no time in striking up conversations with others in line, or boys wolfing down home-packed food in the company of friends, exchanging smiles, enjoying their never-ending chatter. And of course, there are those with only play in mind, be it tag, the latest game on the block, or just kicking a ball around the Student Plaza. These boys are our future generation, and these vignettes of recess bear semblance of the way in which ACSians often come together, to meld as one spirit, to work as one, but for the larger ACS Cause. The distinctive quality that makes ACS one, is most keenly felt in the way we purposed to celebrate SG50 and 130 years of the school. What was especially meaningful for me in 2016 was the lead-up to our 130th Founder’s Day on 1 March. ACS (Primary), along with the five other ACS units in Singapore, came together as ONE ACS to promote the gift of life through the ACS Blood Drive. The campuses of ACS (Primary) and ACS (Barker Road), ACS (Independent), and ACJC became blood collection centres where present ACSians, Old Boys, colleagues, parents, the Methodist Church, and members of the public came to donate blood. 320 units of blood were collected over February. Although our boys were unable to donate, they encouraged others who could through word of mouth, inviting families and the nearby community in the Barker Road vicinity to come, through their personalised cards. Mr Arene Koh This was our way of living out our Founder’s vision of a Heart of Service. The blood drive was but ACS (Primary) one act and the culmination of the ONE ACS SG50 ACtS of Service to the community that the six schools embarked upon in 2015 as part of SG50, as we chose ‘Called to Serve: Our Hearts, our Hopes, our Aims are ONE’ as our common theme. This ONE ACS spirit, when it harks back to the heritage we proudly claim as ACS, and as seen from the generations and generations of ACSians who have heeded Oldham’s call to Christian Service, has worked for good in our care for the community as a Methodist Institution. The distinctive Besides the ACS kinship we share, we also thank God for leading ACS(P) from strength to strength. Our Parent Support Group, the OBA, the ACS Board of Governors, and the Methodist quality that makes Church have inspired us by their support in our vision of nurturing ACSians of Character, Capability and Creativity. ACS one, is most 2016 will be remembered as a significant year for the many firsts in our school’s history. ACS (Primary) has been recognised, for the first time, for four Best Practices, namely Teaching and Learning, Character and Citizenship Education, Student All-Round Development, and keenly felt in the Partnership, and is also conferred the School Distinction Award, following an MOE External Validation (EV) Exercise. We are also thankful for teachers like Mrs Angeline Yung, who was way we purposed to honoured as a finalist of the Outstanding Youth in Education Award, for championing the school’s endeavours in caring for special boys with more varied learning needs. celebrate SG50 As we thank God for the strong showing of our boys in class, on the field, on stage, or in serving others, and for milestones achieved, we know that the work of nurturing our young charges goes far beyond targets. Those teachable moments in and out of class, at recess, where pupils learn and 130 years about themselves and their peers, forge friendships, will bear fruit in His Time, as our ACSians mature in Christian character, and begin contributing to society, corporately, or as individuals. So such moments in their development are to be treasured. As we ponder the pages before us, of the school. may it compel us to live up to our school motto, to press on and heed the call that God has for us, be it as an educator, a parent, an ACSian, or a volunteer. May we be uplifted and encouraged by the blessings of God in 2016, as we endeavour to provide our boys with a distinct ACS(P) brand of education, to prepare them for their future. To God Be The Glory! The Best Is Yet To Be!

15 Editorial Committee Called To Serve: our Hearts, our Hopes, our Aims Are ONE

e celebrate our 130th Founder’s Day with gratitude for • Teaching and Learning Wthe many pioneer educators, past principals, parent • Character and Citizenship Education volunteers and Old Boys who heeded the call to serve one • Student All-Round Development another humbly in love at ACS (Primary); they have laid a firm foundation for the present school leadership, staff, • Partnership the Parent Support Group, Old Boys and other partners in education to build on, with hearts, hopes and aims as one, In addition, Spring Singapore has renewed the school’s in developing ACSians at ACS (Primary) into young men of Singapore Quality Class status. character, capability and creativity. Serve one another Our boys have done the school proud by excelling Each year’s school magazine aims to capture in print our academically as well as in co-curricular activities, unique, holistic ACS(P) Brand of Education, in meeting the achievements of which have been captured in the pages Affective, Cognitive, Social and Physical needs of our boys, following. and in developing in each the Traits of an ACSian – as an humbly in love. iHOPEFUL Leader, an Effective Communicator, a Creative As we look back on 2016, we want to thank God for the many Learner and a Community Collaborator. teachers, non-teaching staff, parent volunteers, Old Boys and other key partners who worked hand in hand to Coach, – Galatians 5:13 The LORD has richly blessed ACS (Primary) this year. Affirm,R elate and Enthuse. As we look forward with faith, let In February, the school underwent an External Validation us continue to serve one another humbly in love… believing Exercise and the School’s Appraisal Branch, Ministry of that The Best Is Yet To Be. Education conferred upon the school for the first time the School Distinction Award and four Best Practices: On behalf of Editorial Team, Mrs Grace Khoo Vice-Principal

From left to right: Mr Ryan Wong Ms Woon Yuet Meng Mrs Grace Khoo (Advisor) Mrs Shirley Doray-Toh Mdm Josephine See (Teacher-in-charge) Mr Chong Kek Shin (Editor)

16 Serve one another humbly in love. – Galatians 5:13

From left to right: Mr Ryan Wong Ms Woon Yuet Meng Mrs Grace Khoo (Advisor) Mrs Shirley Doray-Toh Mdm Josephine See (Teacher-in-charge) Mr Chong Kek Shin (Editor)

17 29 February & 1 March 2016

s a lead up to Founder’s Day in celebrating walked our young ACSians down ACS’s past, In A130 years of ACS, ACS (Primary) pupils Days of Yore, and the message was impressed were asked to imagine the ACS of 2030 in upon them by ACS(P)-themed games and food the Creative Learner Challenge; 28 creative stalls, hosted by the PSG, during recess. Some Lego works were selected and showcased 90 supporters accepted personalised invitations at the Founder’s Day reception and later at a from our pupils to the blood donation drive on school exhibition. The inaugural Founder’s 27 February, which was a befitting conclusion Day Commemorative Service on 29 February to the ONE ACS SG50 ACtS of Service.

18 19 20 Our ACS(P) Brand of Education

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men. – Luke 2:52

21 22 Affective

23 24 Cognitive

25 26 Social

27 28 Physical


EVERY ACSian a young man of character, capability and creativity

30 31 32 Character

33 Capability

34 35 36 Creativity

37 Our Mission

ACS (Primary) believes in providing an all-round education in an environment which seeks to bring out the potential in every child to the fullest, to develop in him a strong moral character, imbued with Christian values and principles, to guide and to prepare him for life ahead.

38 39 OurShared Values integrity, Humility, Obedience, Perseverance, Empathy, Faithfulness, Unity and Loyalty

40 41 Traits of an ACSian

An iHOPEFUL Leader

The ACS(P) gentleman is grounded in the school’s iHOPEFUL (integrity, Humility, Obedience, Perseverance, Empathy, Faithfulness, Unity, Loyalty) values. He enjoys an education that is anchored on Christian principles. He seeks to be a CARE leader of self, of his peers, and of his community. An Effective Communicator

The ACS(P) gentleman is articulate, eloquent, effectively bilingual and is able to persuade others and present his thoughts in English and in his Mother Tongue with clarity. He is expressive and knows how to carry himself in both the real and the virtual worlds.

42 A Creative Learner

The ACS(P) gentleman is curious, creative, an inventive thinker with an outlook on issues in the world. He seeks to understand complexities and ambiguities. He is no mere consumer of knowledge but is bold to suggest new ways of doing things. A Community Collaborator

The ACS(P) gentleman seeks not only to grow himself, but he also shapes and impacts his spheres of influence and his community through partnerships and collaboration with others. He is a team-player who contributes to his family, to ACS, his community, and his country.


And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. – Colossians 3:23


Mr Arene Koh Mrs Grace Khoo Mrs Wendy See Ms Eileen Seow Mrs Jillianne Chew Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal Vice-Principal [Administration] [HOD/Aesthetics]

Ms Diana Tay Mrs Angeline Oon Mr Kelvin Lim Wee Meng Mr Azman bin Mohamad Dali Mdm Chui Yuen Phun [HOD/Mathematics] [HOD/Mother Tongue] [HOD/PE & CCA] [HOD/Science] [School Staff Developer]

Mr Edwin Tan Loon Kiat Mrs Janis Pavia Mdm Teresa Liew Mr Koh Yee Lee Mr Koh Chung Heng [SH/CCA] [Dy Year Head/Lower Primary] [Dy Year Head/Middle Primary] [Dy Year Head/Upper Primary] [SH/Discipline]

Senior Teachers’ Committee >>>

Mdm Chiew Hwee Ling Mr Kelvin Ho Chee Mun Mrs Angeline Yung Mr Terry Tan Chee Liang [LH/Mother Tongue] [SH/PE & HE (covering)] [SH/Special Needs & VIA] [Lead Teacher/Mathematics]


Mrs Christine Ho Mdm Suzanna Hashim Mdm Josephine See Mr Lim Kok Meng Ms Kogilavani V [HOD/Character and Citizenship [HOD/English Language] [HOD/GEP Humanities] [HOD/GEP Math & Science] [HOD/InfoCom Technology] Education]

Ms Vanessa Tan Mrs Lee Chi Loo Mr Shahrulnizam bin Padawi Mdm Eilina Look Ms Wong Way Lin [SH/Media Resource Library]; [Year Head/Lower Primary] [LH/Science]; [Year Head/Middle [Year Head/Upper Primary] [SH/Aesthetics [School Staff Developer (covering, wef Apr)] Primary (Covering)] (covering, Jan-Aug)]

Ms Woon Yuet Meng Mdm Jasmine Kaur Mr Chester Chen Mrs Tan Guat Hwa Mr Gerald Say [LH/English] [LH/English] [SH/InfoCom Technology [LH/Mathematics] [LH/Mathematics] (Jan-Jul)]

Mdm Ida Nonanseh Mrs Farisa Hussain Ms Tan Bee Po Mr Wan Mohamed Nazrith [ST/English Language] [ST/Mathematics] [ST/Mother Tongue] [ST/Science]

47 Ms Charmaine Cheong Zhi Mr Ang Ong Whee Mdm Wendy Ang Mr Chhoa Kok Kheng Zhuang [Jan-Jul]

Mr Chong Kek Shin Mdm Susan Chong Say Hoi Ms Aminda Chua Mr Daniel Chua Hoe Leong [Special Projects] [School Counsellor]

Ms Jane Gao Shuqing Mr Raymond Chua Khoon Sia Ms Adeline Goh Pei Yin Mdm Goh Chwee Suan [AED/LBS]

Mr Richard Goh Teoh Chuan Mrs Gomathi Ravindra Mdm Harsharenpal Kaur Mrs Heng Xiu Qin [AED/T&L]

48 Our Staff Mr Ho Shin Hoo Ms Ho Lim Hwei Mr Leon Ho Yoong Kian Mr Alfred Kriswano

Mr Adrian Kum Mrs Kunalan Senthamarai Ms Jessica Lai Mr Benny Lau Mun Yip

Mr Lee Lit Meing Ms Ivy Lee Ai Ming Mrs Jovina Lee Ms Lee Kam Har [Jan-May ]

Mrs Lee Ting Ting Mdm Leong Lilian Mdm Li Chunju Ms Li Xing

49 Mr Desmond Liew Shuh Onn Mrs Celia Lim Ms Natasha Patricia Lim Mrs Vanessa Lim [School Counsellor]

Mr Muhammad Jumadi Ms Lum Yick Thim Ms Mazeedah M Azmi Ms Mok Pei Terk [AED/LBS]

Ms Ng Bei Ying Mr Muhammad Khairil Mr Muhamed Nazrul Zain Mdm Najuma Banu [Jan-Jul]

Mdm Rebecca Ng Mr Bryan Ng Chung Jin Ms Ngoh Gek Luan Mdm Norharyati Harun [Jan-Mar]

50 Our Staff Ms Nur’Adilah bte Mohamad Sulaimun Mdm Jasmine Ong Cui Yun Mrs Parveen Zain Mdm Punitha Kasipandy [AED/T&L]

Mr Senthil Kumar Mdm Renuka Devi Windersalam Mr Shaik Ma’aruf bin Ali Mr Shi Liang [AED/LBS (Jan-Aug)]

Mr Colin Sim Mdm Siti Karmila Abu Ms Siti Masyita Mohd Ali Mdm Siti Nurjannah Saaet

Mdm Sri Dewi Mohamed Mr Kim Leong Mr Tan Jian Liang Mrs Neo Lin Li Hashim

51 Mr Tan Poo Loy Mdm Wendy Tan Mdm Tan Yoke Joo Mrs Cindy Teo

Ms Teo Mui Eng Mrs Shirley Doray-Toh Mr Vijayakumaran Govindasamy Mrs Dawn Wee

Mdm Wong Mei Kuen Mr Ryan Wong Jun Jie Mrs Karen Wong Mr Edmund Wu

Mdm Jeannie Yeo Mr Benedict Yap Mrs Eunice Yoong Mrs Zahara Osman

52 Our Staff Mdm Zarinah Eunos Mr Charles Zhang Mdm Zhang Cong Mdm Zhao Yikun

Christian Ministry Staff >>>

Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li Pastor David Ho Rev Edmund Koh [Chaplain-in-charge] [Chaplain] [Chaplain]

Ms Serene Liang Dr Sammi Tan Mr Alfred Yeo [Christian Ministry Staff] [Christian Ministry Staff] [Christian Ministry Staff]

NOT IN PICTURE Rev Jeremy Ong [Chaplain wef 1 Aug] Mr Raymond Poon

53 Executive and Administrative Staff >>>

Mr Pang Soon Eng Mr Lee Yong Yiang Ms Thosani Rajendran [Admin Manager] [Operations Manager] [Admin Executive]

Mdm Madhana d/o Vadibel Mdm Anupriya Ms Suriyani bte Jasni [Admin Assistant (Jan-Apr)] [Admin Assistant] [Admin Officer]

Mdm Chia Siang Keng Mdm Janice Hum Tin Khim Mdm Vasundara Devi Mr Terence Lee Aik Yun [CSO] [CSO] [CSO] [ICT Educator]

Ms Nur Azyani bte As’ari Ms Rashidah Mohamed Ms Vijaya Lakshmi Ms Syafiqa Amirah [Librarian] [REAS] [School Programme Executive] [Science Lab Technician]

54 Mr Khairulazren bin Abdul Hassan Mr Jahroni bin Karadi Mr Johari bin Emin Mr Muhd Fu’ad [Technical Assistant] [OSO] [OSO] [OSO]

Not in Picture: Mdm Koh Sock Kian [Admin Manager (Jan-Mar)] Mdm Athi Letchimi Mdm Saeyah bte Iksan OSO: Operations Support Officer [OSO] [OSO] CSO: Corporate Support Officer

55 STAFF NEWS 2016

We would like to congratulate the following staff for their loyal service to Anglo-Chinese School and their contributions in education:

NATIONAL DAY AWARDS OUTSTANDING YOUTH IN EDUCATION AWARDS (OYEA) FINALIST, 2016 Ms Angeline Chan was a finalist of the Outstanding Youth in Education Awards in recognition of her passion for teaching, particularly in her work in the CARE of our pupils with special needs. She received a Professional Development grant, a certificate from the Director-General of Education at the Mdm Josephine See Mr Kelvin Lim Academy of Singapore Teachers and attended Commendation Award Long Service Award the Teachers’ Day reception at the Istana. Ms Angeline Chan S3 SERVICE EXCELLENCE AWARD THE ACS (PRIMARY) LONG SERVICE AWARD 5 YEARS OF SERVICE: Mr Raymond Chua Mrs Parveen Zain Mr Chhoa Kok Kheng Mrs Lee Ting Ting Mdm Jasmine Ong Mdm Jasmine Kaur

10 YEARS OF SERVICE: Ms Patricia Lim Mdm Chia Siang Keng receiving her Mr Shahrulnizam Padawi Award from Mrs Low, S3 Superintendent Mrs Jane Ho Mr Muhammad Jumadi

15 YEARS OF SERVICE: THE METHODIST CHURCH IN Mr Tan Poo Loy SINGAPORE LONG SERVICE AWARD Ms Eileen Seow Mr Kelvin Lim (20 years) 20 YEARS OF SERVICE: Mr Wan Mohamed (20 years) Mr Kelvin Lim Mrs Farisa Hussain (20 years) Mr Wan Nazrith Ms Ngoh Gek Luan (20 years)

56 Our Staff The ACS OBA Outstanding Teacher Award In Loving Memory of The ACS OBA Most Caring Teacher Award In Loving Memory Sandy Eu: Ms Kogilavani of Sandy Eu: Mrs Janis Pavia

The ACS OBA Outstanding Teacher Award In Loving Memory of Sandy Eu and The ACS OBA Most Caring Teacher Award In Loving Memory of Sandy Eu are annual awards given to teachers of the school to honour and to affirm them for their outstanding achievements in nurturing their charges and showing care and concern for their peers. The ACS OBA Outstanding Teacher Award is given out on Founder’s Day (1 March) and The ACS OBA Most Caring Teacher Award on Teachers’ Day (1 September).

The inaugural CARE iHOPEFUL Educator Award (in 2015): CARE iHOPEFUL (Non-Teaching Staff), Semester 1, 2016 Mdm Jasmine Kaur Mr Khairulazren bin Abu Hassan

The CARE iHOPEFUL Educator Award is given by The CARE iHOPEFUL Non-Teaching Staff (NTS) the ACS(P) PSG in recognition of an outstanding Awards are given by the ACS(P) PSG in recognition teaching staff who practises the school’s CARE of outstanding Non-Teaching Staff who practise the Principle in his/her interactions with colleagues, school’s CARE Principle in their interactions with pupils, partners and parents. The award is given colleagues, pupils, partners and parents. Two CARE once a year during Founder’s Day. iHOPEFUL NTS Awards are given each year, the first in Semester 1 and the second in Semester 2.

57 JAN 3 FEB

1 2 4








58 Our Staff 1. 1st assembly of 2016 2. P1 Picnic and Race 3. Prefects’ Investiture 4. 48th Annual Swimming Meet 5. Chinese New Year Celebrations 6. P5 Adventure Camp 7. Total Defence Day 5 6 7

1. 130th Founder’s Day 2. International Friendship Day 2

1. PTM 2016 2. Making Thinking Visible Learning Journey 3. Praize Camp: Submerged 2 3

2 3 4

1. The NE Show 2. Racial Harmony Day 3. Art Fest Kaleidoscope! 4. Staff Fun Day 5. 55th Annual Track-and-Field Meet & Games Day 6. Language Fortnight 7. 51st National Day Celebrations 8 8. Methodist Schools’ Staff Get-Together 2016 6 7

1. Teachers’ Day Celebration 2. Children’s Day 3. Honours Day 2016 4. Graduation Day 2016 2

59 60 Our Events OUR EVENTS

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13

61 Primary 1 pupils received a rousing welcome at their first school assembly! CARE Week eased their passage to school life by leveraging on fun, culminating with the P1 Picnic Race – organised by the Parent Support Group – where companies of parents and children worked together and competed in The Eight Wonders Race. During the P1 Orientation in November 2015, our little ones met their classmates through ice-breakers and parents were invited to a briefing on the ACS philosophy, vision, mission and values, as well as matters on safety and transport. We hope that these touchstones will mark the beginnings of six fruitful years of collaboration between school and parents in nurturing these ACSians into young men of character, capability and creativity!

P1 ORIENTATION 4 January 2016

62 Our Events It was an exciting finals at the 48th Annual Swimming Meet as competitors took to their starting blocks, cheered on by supporters from the bleaches. For individual events, 20 in all, GHK led with four gold, four silver and four bronze to edge Oldham’s three gold, two silver and four bronze. In the relay events, it was the Oldham teams that came on top with a 1st and a 2nd in two of the three races. It was too close to call from start to finish and in the final tally, Oldham emerged overall Champion, with GHK and SVM coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively.

48th ANNUAL SWIMMING MEET 4 February 2016


Rank Individual Events House Time Event 12 12-Year-Olds 50m Breaststroke 8-Year-Olds Event 1 7-Year-Olds 50m Freestyle 1 Ong, Jeng Thoburn 37.56 1 Lee, Kang Le Mike Thoburn 16 1 Chang, Ralf TCT 50.22 2 Lee, Shae Chee Hean TCT 39.32 1 Koh, Aidan Oldham 16 2 Low, Isaac Kye CKS 1.11.18 3 Lam, Jeriel Koi Kiat TKK 49.25 3 Lim, Michael Yao Quan GHK 11 3 Pelz, Simon GHK 1.11.49 Event 14 10-Year-Olds 50m Backstroke 4 Khoo, Andreas Ting Wee SVM 6 Event 2 8-Year-Olds 50m Freestyle 1 Goh, Lachlan Oldham 39.16 9-Year-Olds 1 Koh, Aidan Oldham 39.30 2 Chia, Lucas Ming Hang TKK 42.84 1 Lim, Nathan TKK 27 2 Lee, Kang Le Mike Thoburn 43.09 3 Low, Isaac Oldham 43.22 2 Lee, Ewan Yi Wei Pedersen Oldham 22 3 Lim, Michael Yao Quan GHK 43.42 Event 16 12-Year-Olds 50m Backstroke 3 Chin, Xu Sheng Thoburn 18 Event 3 9-Year-Olds 50m Freestyle 1 Tan, Zachary Yi Qiang GHK 35.31 10-Year-Olds 1 Lim Nathan TKK 33.28 2 Foo, Dexter Chuan Fan TKK 35.85 1 Thio, Jerome LSG 27 2 Lee, Ewan Yi Wei Pedersen Oldham 36.04 3 Wong, Aloysius Zhi Hong CKS 35.92 1 Goh, Lachlan Oldham 27 3 Fong, Frankiln Jia Jie SVM 36.95 Event 17 9-Year-Olds 50m Butterfly 3 Tan, Micaiah GHK 25 Event 4 10-Year-Olds 50m Freestyle 1 Lim, Nathan TKK 37.43 4 Wong, Glenden TCT 21 1 Tan, Micaiah GHK 33.49 2 Chin, Xu Sheng Thoburn 38.58 11-Year-Olds 2 Chiam, Cohen Barron Yuen Ha GHK 34.93 3 Lee, Ewan Yi Wei Pedersen Oldham 42.13 1 Yoong, Jia Zhong Jadon TKK 27 3 Wong, Jason Min Yao CKS 36.32 Event 21 10-Year-Olds 100m Freestyle 2 Ng, Evan GHK 25 Event 5 11-Year-Olds 50m Freestyle 1 Goh, Lachlan Oldham 1.13.73 2 Ting, Timothy Jun-Hng SVM 25 1 Ting, Timothy Jun-Hong SVM 30.93 2 Wong, Jason Min Yao CKS 1.20.14 4 Lim, Ignatius Oldham 20 2 Ng, Evan GHK 32.82 3 Loh, Caleb Sze Kai SVM 1.40.54 12-Year-Olds 3 Fong, Fredrick Jia Sheng SVM 32.85 Event 22 11-Year-Olds 100m Freestyle 1 Tan, Zachary Yi Qiang GHK 27 Event 6 12-Year-Olds 50m Freestyle 1 Ting, Timothy Jun-Hng SVM 1.10.82 2 Tan, Ephraim GHK 27 1 Tan, Ephraim GHK 30.04 2 Fong, Fredrick Jia Sheng SVM 1.11.19 3 Ong, Jeng Thoburn 22 2 Foo, Dexter Chuan Fan TKK 30.41 3 Lee, Pete Xuan Xian Oldham 1.11.52 4 Liew, Maximus SVM 21 3 Wong, Aloysius Zhi Hong CKS 31.79 Event 23 12-Year-Olds 100m Freestyle Rank TEAM EVENTS TIME Event 7 7-Year-Olds 50m Breaststroke 1 Tan, Zachary Yi Qiang GHK 1.05.33 Event 34 10-Year-Olds 200m Freestyle Relay 1 Chang, Ralf TCT 1.01.57 2 Liew, Maximus SVM 1.05.46 1 Oldham 2.29.13 2 Chua, Kieran Kai Ren GHK 1.09.05 3 Lee, Shae Chee Hean TCT 1.08.34 2 Thoburn 3.36.62 3 Avasadanond, Li Parone SVM 1.16.84 Event 24 10-Year-Olds 100m Breaststroke 3 TCT 3.53.52 Event 8 8-Year-Olds 50m Breaststroke 1 Thio, Jerome LSG 1.30.27 Event 35 11-Year-Olds 200m Freestyle Relay 1 Lee, Kang Le Mike Thoburn 51.61 2 Wong, Glenden TCT 1.34.80 1 SVM 2.22.62 2 Koh, Aidan Oldham 54.29 3 Yeo, Ee Kiat Kiefer Thoburn 1.35.88 2 Oldham 2.29.27 3 Khoo, Andreas Ting Wee SVM 58.25 Event 25 11-Year-Olds 100m Breaststroke 3 TKK 2.33.60 Event 9 9-Year-Olds 50m Breaststroke 1 Yoong, Jia Zhong Jadon TKK 1.23.54 Event 36 12-Year-Olds 200m Freestyle Relay 1 Lim, Nathan TKK 43.56 2 Ting, Timothy Jun-Hng SVM 1.26.16 1 Thoburn 2.22.48 2 Chin, Xu Sheng Thoburn 50.29 3 Lim, Joshua Yong-Jie GHK 1.33.87 2 SVM 2.35.14 3 Tan, Elijah Yong En TCT 54.09 3 TCT 2.35.21 Rank Overall Individual Results House Points Event 10 10-Year-Olds 50m Breaststroke Rank OVERALL HOUSE RESULTS Score 7-Year-Olds 1 Thio, Jerome LSG 42.29 1 Oldham 205 1 Chang, Ralf TCT 18 2 Wong, Glenden TCT 45.03 2 GHK 198 2 Avasadanond, Parith SVM 11 3 Chiam, Cohen Barron Yuen Ha GHK 45.67 3 SVM 185 3 Low, Isaac Kye CKS 7 Event 11 11-Year-Olds 50m Breaststroke 4 Thoburn 164 3 Chua, Kieran Kai Ren GHK 7 1 Sau, Joshua Cheng Teck Thoburn 42.81 5 TCT 157 2 Lim, Joshua Yong-Jie GHK 42.78 6 TKK 143 3 Lim, Ignatius Oldham 45.19 7 LSG 96 8 CKS 58

64 Our Events LUNAR NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS 5 February 2016

Drumbeats thundered across the auditorium at the start of the celebration before Mr Arene Koh came on stage to complete the character 猴, symbolically ushering in the Year of the Monkey. Pupils from P1A and P1B led the school in a sing-along of traditional songs followed by a cross-talk between two talented P4 boys. Some P6 pupils entertained the audience in a light- hearted skit on the importance of iHOPEFUL values, followed by the lyrical tunes of a Chinese flute. There was rousing applause for two Taekwondo exponents from P5 as they performed feats with their flying kicks. At the finale, P2 pupils recited a poem 新 年到. After the school celebration, our pupils also enjoyed fun activities hosted by our parent volunteers.

65 P5 ADVENTURE CAMP 10-12 February 2016

In preparation for the P5 Camp at the MOE Dairy Farm Adventure Centre, the boys spent an afternoon of fun on 10 February, singing campfire songs and cheers and getting to know their group members through ice-breakers. The many team-building activities during the camp proved to be quite challenging and they fostered in everyone the importance of being a Community Collaborator. The campfire was especially meaningful as our boys bonded together in the spirit of camaraderie by performing songs and cheers to the amusement of the audience. Our boys are certainly on the road to becoming better iHOPEFUL Leaders.

66 Our Events Everyone must be prepared, and Together We Keep Singapore Strong - that was the theme of the message read by our Principal, Mr Arene Koh, on Total Defence Day.

Taking pupils by surprise, teachers in green fatigues stormed the auditorium, as they would, in response to a crisis. There was no guessing what was to happen next. The programme ended with a quiz and the singing of the Total Defence song, There is a Part for Everyone.

Pupils also spent time browsing through the winning entries of Total Defence activities on display at the canteen.

Wu Tze Han (NE Ambassador P6H)

TOTAL DEFENCE DAY 19 February 2016


OLDHAM House CHEONG KOON SENG House (CKS) Captain: Sean Michael Teh Wei Xin (P6D) Captain: Lee Ming-En, Jordan (P6E) Vice-Captain: Nigel Elliot Teo (P5D) Vice-Captain: Nishanth John Vijayan (P5F) Level Representatives: Level Representatives: P4: Lachlan Saputra Goh (P4D), Jacob Pang Yu Jia (P4A) P4: Chan Chee Yung, Noel (P4E), Au Wei En, Darren (P4B) P3: Jared Khaw Jun Lan (P3B), Tan Hsien Hao Jerrick (P3A) P3: Keegan Goh Yu Jie (P3C), Lee Jia-Yi, Samuel (P3A) Advisor: Ms Kogilavani V Advisor: Ms Diana Tay Kwee Hong House Mistress: Ms Mazeedah M Azmi House Master: Mr Daniel Chua Assistant House Mistress: Ms Siti Nurjannah Saaet Assistant House Mistress: Mdm Chiew Hwee Ling Teachers-in-charge: Teachers-in-charge: P3: Mdm Zhang Cong, Mdm Wong Mei Kuen, Mr Ang Ong Whee P3: Mrs Angeline Yung, Mdm Punitha Kasipandy, P4: Ms Vanessa Tan Bee Choo, Mdm Wendy Ang, Mdm Siti Karmila Mdm Jeannie Yeo P4: Mr Edwin Tan, Mr Ho Shin Hoo P5: Mr Koh Yee Lee, Mr Bryan Ng, Ms Lum Yick Thim P5: Mdm Chiew Hwee Ling, Mdm Renuka Devi Windersalam, P6: Mrs Farisa Hussain, Mdm Tan Yoke Joo Mr Ryan Wong P6: Mdm Suzanna Hashim, Mdm Leong Lilian THOBURN House LEE SENG GEE House (LSG) Captain: Sean Zhe Rui Aye (P6C) Captain: Yong U-Qi, Erik (P6A) Vice-Captain: Lee Kang Yu, Ted (P5A) Vice-Captain: Reeve Song Wen Xuan (P5D) Level Representatives: Level Representatives: P6: Justin Yap Chong Jin (P6A) P4: Yeo Ee Kiat (P4I), Dominic Liau (P4A) P5: Lim Kai Zhe Ashley (P5E) P4: Jerome Thio Zhi Lun (P4C) P3: Lim Yong Kai (P3D), Adriel Tan (P3E) P3: Jason Tan Yan Han (P3D) Advisors: Mrs Angeline Oon, Mrs Christine Ho, Mr Lim Kok Meng Advisor: Mrs Jillanne Chew House Mistress: Ms Adeline Goh House Master: Mr Raymond Chua Khoon Sia Assistant House Mistress: Mrs Lee Ting Ting Assistant House Master: Mr Benedict Yap Teachers-in-charge: P3: Mr Colin Sim, Ms Li Xing Teachers-in-charge: P6: Mrs Zahara Osman Ms Siti Masyita P4: Mr Gerald Say, Mdm Goh Chwee Suan P5: Mr Ho Yoong Kian Leon, Mrs Janis Pavia, Ms Aminda Chua P5: Mr Edmund Wu, Mr Chhoa Kok Kheng P4: Ms Mok Pei Terk, Mr Muhammad Jumadi, Mdm Sri Dewi Hashim P6: Ms Jasmine Kaur, Ms Nur A’dillah Mohamad Sulaimun P3: Mr Tan Jian Liang, Mrs Neo Lin Li, Mr Desmond Liew Shuh Onn GOH HOOD KENG House (GHK) SHAW VEE MENG House (SVM) Captain: James Elliot Toh Zhiheng (P6D) Captain: Sharad Selvam Ramachandra (P6E) Vice-Captain: Jeffrey Wong Jing Yang (P5D) Vice-Captain: Timothy Ting Jun-Hng (P5C) Level Representatives: P4: Tan Micaiah (P4C) Level Representatives: P5: Wayne Peck (P5F) P3: Rickson Chen Xinwei (P3B), P4: Shivesh s/o Sivaperakas (P4H) Advisor: Mr Terry Tan P3: Zachary Tan De Wei (P3F) P6: A’xl Toh Thiam Wee (P6E) House Mistress: Mdm Li Chunju Advisor: Mdm Chui Yuen Phun Assistant House Mistress: Mdm Norhayati Harun House Mistress: Mrs Lee Chi Loo Teachers-in-charge: P3: Mr Benny Lau, Mdm Harsharen Kaur Teachers-in-charge: P3: Mrs Gomathi Ravindra, Mrs Jane Ho P4: Mr Adrian Kum, Ms Patricia Lim, Ms Wong Way Lin P4: Ms Teresa Liew, Ms Ngoh Gek Luan P5: Mr Tan Poo Loy, Mrs Karen Wong, Mdm Zarinah Eunos P5: Mr Muhamed Nazrul Zain, Mdm Eilina Look, Mr Koh Chung Heng P6: Ms Woon Yuet Meng, Ms Ho Lim Hwei, Mr Chester Chen P6: Mrs Tan Guat Hwa, Mr Shahrulnizam Padawi TAN KAH KEE House (TKK) TAN CHIN TUAN House (TCT) Captain: Eugene Yeo Hanjie (P6D) Captain: Joshua Lee Tze En (P6B) Vice-Captain: Ryan Ho Yat Sing (P5F) Vice-Captain: Tang Yat Hei David (P5C) Level Representatives: P4: Chim Dong Han (P4C) Level Representatives: P4: Glenden Wong (P4D) P3: Daniel Choo Rei-Sheng (P3C) P3: Ang Aloysius (P3C) Advisor: Mr Azman bin Mohamad Dali Advisor: Mdm Josephine See House Mistress: Mdm Jasmine Ong House Mistress: Mrs Parveen Zain Assistant House Master: Mr Charles Zhang Assistant House Master: Mr Vijayakumaran Govindasamy Teachers-in-charge: P3: Ms Ivy Lee, Mdm Jasmine Ong Teachers-in-charge: P4: Mrs Kunalan Senthamarai, Mr Richard Goh, Mr Dennis Tan P3: Mrs Jovina Lee, Ms Teo Mui Eng P5: Mrs Heng Xiu Qin, Mdm Wendy Tan, Mr Charles Zhang P4: Mdm Najuma Banu, Mrs Dawn Wee P6: Mr Wan Mohamed Nazrith, Mdm Ida Nonanseh, P5: Ms Charmaine Cheong, Mr Shi Liang, Ms Ng Bei Ying Mr Azman bin Mohamad Dali P6: Ms Tan Bee Po, Mdm Zhao Yikun, Mr Kelvin Ho

68 Our Events OLDHAM House CHEONG KOON SENG House (CKS)




69 130th FOUNDER’S DAY 1 March (1886-2016)

Mr , a Distinguished Old Boy and the former Minister for Transport, was the Guest-of-Honour at our Founder’s Day celebrations. At the award ceremony, the Lee Hah Ing Scholarship and ACS OBA Meritorious Award (Gold) were presented to Goh Shen Ee Matthew [P6I 2015] and the Tan Khung Ngee Scholarship went to Joash Chow [P6D 2015]. Ms Kogilavani was awarded the ACS OBA Outstanding Teacher Award In Loving Memory of Sandy Eu, and Mdm Jasmine Kaur received the inaugural ACS(P) PSG CARE iHOPEFUL Educator.

70 Our Events The theme was ASEAN and there were activities to raise pupil awareness of the 10-nation community. In class, P1 boys coloured national flowers; P5 boys researched national heroes; and P6 boys built Lego models of regional iconic buildings. During assembly, P2 boys taught everyone Good Morning and Thank You greetings in ASEAN languages; the P3 boys presented a slide-show on national currencies while the P4 boys shared a video of themselves learning a Thai song Loy Krathong. Works of the winners of the various activities were showcased in the canteen. There was also a special booth by The Migrant Workers’ Centre to highlight its significant work.


71 P5 pupils gathered in school in eager anticipation of the NE Show. Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Ong, an Old Boy, briefed our boys on the immense preparation behind the scenes. This helped them understand the importance of values like obedience, perseverance, faithfulness, unity and loyalty, our iHOPEFUL values.

The 2016 NDP theme is Building Our Singapore of Tomorrow. The Show was held at the iconic National Stadium after a ten-year hiatus. Clad in celebrative red, our boys enjoyed the show thoroughly, awed by 3D projections and large props; it culminated in a finale with the NATIONAL EDUCATION SHOW recitation of the pledge and the singing of the national anthem by all the performers and 9 July 2016 spectators, followed by spectacular fireworks.

72 Our Events RACIAL 15 July 2016 HARMONY DAY

Our Cultural Heritage, the theme of this year’s Racial Harmony Day (RHD), encourages our pupils to value Singapore’s cultural diversity. At the RHD concert, pupils watched a video on the ubiquitous Five-Foot Way, an architectural feature which has come to represent the common spaces where races interacted, sold and bought food in days past. A group of Malay boys entertained everyone by singing a popular Hari Raya song. There were traditional food and games to enjoy over an extended recess, which was a wonderful way to conclude the day and to celebrate our unique Red Dot, a nation where races live together in peace and harmony.

73 ‘Arts Fest Kaleidoscope!’ was a myriad of performing and visual arts. The Choir, Synergy Dance Group, String Ensemble and Guitar Ensemble put on rousing performances, impressing everyone with their artistry and passion. Musicians Jack and Rai made an appearance to share messages of racial harmony through their songs. At the newly-opened Aesthetics Gallery, classes viewed the hundreds of 2D and 3D artworks on display, a visual treat and a showcase of talent, creativity and craftsmanship by our young ACSians. Through the Arts Fest, pupils have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the arts.


74 Our Events LANGUAGE FORTNIGHT 25 July - 4 August 2016

Our Language departments organised an inaugural fortnight of activities for all levels. The theme for English Language, Love English. Use it Correctly, underpinned activities such as Spelling Bee, a library trail, speech contests, games, riddles and tongue-twisters. Everyone enjoyed a skit by teachers and a drama performance by P1 pupils during assembly. The best of pupils’ written work were exhibited in the canteen during the two weeks. On 12 August, the Mother Tongue (MT) department concluded the Fortnight with a cultural concert, featuring an Angklung performance by Malay Language pupils, a South Indian Thappaattam dance by Tamil Language pupils, and representing Chinese Language, Kuaiban storytelling by P5s, and Wushu and Chinese Opera performances by P4 and P3 pupils respectively.


2016 marked the 2nd year of Games Day as an important, integral part of the Meet, in encouraging greater participation and instilling in our pupils a greater sense of House pride and belonging. Team members worked together, under the guidance of teachers as team managers. On the track, there was strong competition amongst rivals to gain more points for the House Championship. A heavy downpour cut short the excitement and the school adjourned to the auditorium for prize-giving to honour winners of the completed events. The Best Is Yet To Be.


Position Name Class House Time Position Name Class House Distance Event 1 Primary 5 600M Primary 5 Long Jump Finals Results 1st MUHAMMAD RYAN SEI Bin YAZID 5F TKK 117.64 1st Martin Christian Lim Zhi Ang 5E TCT 3.59 2nd Timothy Ting Jun-Hng 5C SVM 118.83 2nd Song Wen Xuan Reeve 5D LSG 3.5 3rd Teo Wen Liang, Nigel Elliot 5D Oldham 128.16 3rd Chow Jie Lun Aaron 5F GHK 3.19 Event 2 Primary 6 600M Primary 6 Long Jump Finals Results 1st Sharad Selvam Ramachandra 6E SVM 111.34 1st Sean Michael Teh Wei Xin 6D Oldham 3.66 2nd Loke Ngai Ming Benjamin 6E Oldham 126.99 2nd Samuel Ong Wei Qiang 6D SVM 3.57 3rd Gabriel Goh Cheng-U 6B LSG 128.65 3rd Jeriel Lam Koi Kiat 6C TKK 2.92 Event 3 Primary 3 100M The following track events were suspended due to the rain, 1st Song En Xu Reagan 3E LSG 15.21 to resume in November 2nd Ang Aloysius 3C TCT 16.21 Event 8 Primary 4 200M 3rd Nathan Lim Jie 3D TKK 16.3 Event 9 Primary 5 200M Event 4 Primary 4 100M Event 10 Primary 6 200M 1st Dayan Loh Weize 4B SVM 15.17 Event 11 Primary 3 300M 2nd David Christian Wei-An Magnu 4D Oldham 15.35 Event 12 Primary 4 300M 3rd Keegan Ho Kai En 4C CKS 15.82 Event 13 Primary 5 300M Event 5 Primary 5 100M Event 14 Primary 6 300M 1st Muhammad Ryan Sei Bin M Yazid 5F TKK 14.87

2nd Samuel Kwok 5C Oldham 14.96 Event 15 Primary 3 - 4x100M Relay 3rd Luke Tan (Chen Junheng) 5D TCT 15.27 Event 16 Primary 4 - 4x100M Relay Event 6 Primary 6 100M Event 17 Primary 5 - 4x100M Relay 1st Mark Lee Ren 6D Thoburn 13.36 Event 18 Primary 6 - 4x100M Relay 2nd Eugene Yeo Hanjie 6D TKK 13.52 3rd David Choo Rai-An 6C TKK 13.91 OVERALL RESULTS FOR GAMES DAY Event 7 Primary 3 200M Position House Points 1st Nathan Lim Jie 3D TKK 33.38 1st Thoburn 270 2nd Song En Xu Reagan 3E LSG 34.88 2nd SVM 205 3rd Ewan Lee Yi Wei Pedersen 3F Oldham 36.61 3rd LSG 205

Position Name Class House Distance Captain’s Ball Primary 3 Primary 4 Shot Put Finals Results metres 1st LSG 135 1st David Wong Tze Yang 4C TCT 5.59 2nd SVM 105 2nd Tay Rei Feng Xavier 4F Thoburn 5.45 3rd TKK 90 3rd Jarrett Yew Jiele 4D TCT 5.36 HandBall Primary 4 Primary 5 Shot Put Finals Results 1st TCT 135 1st JACOB PNG 5F CKS 8.92 2nd Oldham 105 2nd ALEXANDER KHOO TING HON 3C SVM 7.67 3rd Thoburn 90 3rd JEONG JAE HWA 5E LSG 6.96 Frisbee Primary 5 Primary 6 Shot Put Finals Results 1st Thoburn 135 1st JAMES ELLIOT TOH ZHIHENG 6D GHK 8.25 2nd GHK 105 2nd JERIEL LAM KOI KIAT 6C TKK 7.78 3rd SVM 90 3rd CHAN QI-EN, SAMUEL 6D TCT 6.77 Rounders Primary 6 Primary 4 Long Jump Finals Results 1st Thoburn 135 1st Asher Wong 4D LSG 3.5 2nd SVG 105 2nd Oliver Kuay Jing He 4D Thoburn 3.21 3rd LSG 90 3rd James Kenneth Butcher 4F CKS 2.94

77 Our Cub Scouts and the Boys’ Brigade joined ACS (Barker Road) for a combined parade, with the P6 pupils as spectators. On behalf of ACS (Primary), Mr Arene Koh received from pupil leaders of the Boys’ Brigade and Cub Scouts the two top UYO honours: The JM Fraser Award for Excellence 2015 Gold Honour Roll to The Boys’ Brigade, and the Frank Cooper Sands Gold Award to the Cub Scouts.

The six finalists in our ACS(P)’s Got Talent! contest entertained the school at our National Day celebratory concert. Our Guest-of-Honour, Dr Danny Ng, a Distinguished Old Boy and former ACS(P) PSG Chairman (2008-2011), presented the prizes.


78 Our Events Mr Arene Koh paid tribute to teachers in his address during the celebrations, and exhorted pupils to show their appreciation for the tireless work of teachers as well as non-teaching staff. Pupils performed on stage, followed by the Teachers’ Pledge and presentation of gifts by School Leaders. Congratulations to Mrs Janis Pavia who received the ACS (OBA) Most Caring Teacher Award In Loving Memory of Sandy Eu for 2016. Thanks to the efforts of the Teachers’ Day Sub-committee of the Parent Support Group (PSG), staff were treated to a sumptuous luncheon. Many came dressed to the Beach theme and enjoyed a fun-filled programme. What a wonderful Teachers’ Day Celebration!

TEACHERS’ DAY 1 September 2016


Blessings to All Teachers and Staff…

80 Our Events The most anticipated day in 2016 finally came on 6 October. Starting the celebration was the singing of Semoga Bahagia by School Leaders and Primary 6 Form Teachers, accompanied by Mrs Cindy Teo on the guitar. The highlight was the Fancy Dress Contest which saw contestants in costumes of recycled material. Russell Wee (P2G) won by impressing everyone as the Solar Power Man. Everyone enjoyed the hilarious mime of teachers mimicking as Synchronized Swimmers. Mr and Mrs Yoong’s duet and Mr Leon Ho’s Try Everything got everyone clapping and singing along. The programme ended with the Guess Who Is It? game. There was an extended recess with lots of food, games and fun for everyone.

CHILDREN’S DAY 6 October 2016


15 November 2016 18 November 2016

This day is specially set aside for our Primary 6 pupils Mr Quah Zhen Wen, an Old Boy and ACS Olympian, will to mark the end of their school life at ACS (Primary) be the Guest-of-Honour to grace Honours Day 2016. and the start of their secondary school journey. It Honours Day recognises pupils for their contributions will begin with a graduation ceremony where the in Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs), leadership and Principal presents certificates to the graduating cohort competitions. Pupils are selected based on a set of 2016. Representatives from each class will express of criteria for the different types of awards. The top their appreciation to their peers, teachers and parents through short speeches. Pupils will then proceed to a two accolades are the Old Boys’ Association (OBA) party organised by the Primary 6 prefects for a morning President’s Award and the Sportsboy of the Year Award. of food, fun and laughter. The ACS (OBA) award will go to a pupil who has done very well in his CCA while the Sportsboy award will be presented to a Primary 6 pupil who has excelled in sports.

Looking back with gratitude and forward with faith

82 Our Events To the Graduating Class of 2016 To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be.

83 OUR AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. – Proverbs 3:6

84 Our Awards and Achievements 85 School Awards for 2016

The Schools Appraisal Branch, Ministry of Education, conducted an External Validation (EV) Exercise on the school and ACS (Primary) has been recognised for four Best Practices for the first time, in:

• Teaching and Learning • Character and Citizenship Education • Student All-Round Development • Partnership

ACS (Primary) is also conferred the School Distinction Award by the Ministry of Education.

Spring Singapore has renewed the Singapore Quality Class.

86 Our Awards and Achievements Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2016





87 Champions of the ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ Divisions 57th National Primary School Swimming Championships 2016

ACS(P) Team, OCBC Aquatic Centre, 25 April 2016

ACS(P) Team with Joseph Schooling, 16 Aug 2016

88 Our Awards and Achievements A Niche Sport – All Can Swim: Building Character through Swimming

Our school-wide swimming programme has benefitted from MOE funding since 2007. All pupils undergo SwimSafer, a programme that coaches basic swimming and water survival skills. In addition, there is Flippa ball for the P4s, kayaking for the P5s, and scuba diving for the P6s.

A Niche Sport – ACSian Bowling: Building Character through Bowling

Bowling is a niche sport at ACS (P). The MOE funding received is channelled to our three- stage, school-wide programme to expose all P1 to P4 pupils to the sport, to identify and develop those with potential and to groom an elite group to compete both nationally and internationally. Lessons are also directed to developing pupils into Effective Communicators and Community Collaborators.

89 Awards and Achievements (CCAs) 2016

PERFORMING ARTS: BOWLING National Age Group Bowling Championship: SINGAPORE YOUTH FESTIVAL (SYF) Ÿ Singles: Eugene Yeo Hanjie (P6D), 1st; Cody Koh (P6B), 3rd CERTIFICATE OF DISTINCTION Ÿ Doubles: Eugene Yeo and Teng Woo Kiat Gerald SYF 2016 ARTS PRESENTATION FOR (P6F), 2nd INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE (GUITAR) Ÿ Team: Teng Gerald, Tan Tak Lu Ashton (P6C), PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL Cody Koh and Eugene Yeo, 1st Ÿ Masters: Cody Koh, 1st; Eugene Yeo, 2nd CERTIFICATE OF DISTINCTION SYF 2016 ARTS PRESENTATION FOR DANCE 15th Inter-Primary Schools Tenpin Bowling (INTERNATIONAL DANCE CATEGORY) Championship: PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL Ÿ Junior Division - 1st Runner-up Ÿ Senior Division - Champion CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT SYF 2016 ARTS PRESENTATION FOR CHOIR BADMINTON PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL South Zone: Ÿ Junior Team - 1st CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Ÿ Senior Team - 4th SYF 2016 ARTS PRESENTATION FOR INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE (STRINGS) PRIMARY SCHOOL LEVEL FOOTBALL South Zone, Junior Division - 3rd SPORTS AND OTHER CCAs RUGBY A Niche Sport - All Can Swim: Building Character National, Senior Boy’s Division: Champion through Swimming (12th Award) South Zone: Junior Boys’ Division: 4th A Niche Sport - ACSian Bowling: Building Character through Bowling (11th Award) TENNIS National Primary Schools Tennis Championship: SWIMMING Ÿ Senior Division - 2nd 57th National Primary Schools Swimming Ÿ Junior Division - 3rd Championships, Crowned Overall Champion: Ÿ ‘B’ Division - 1st TRACK-AND-FIELD Ÿ ‘C’ Division - 1st 57th National Inter-Primary School Track-and- Ÿ ‘D’ Division - 1st Field Championship:

90 Our Awards and Achievements Two gold and one silver medals, in 4th place for two ODYSSEY OF THE MIND: events, and in the top-8 for six other events National Finals, 2nd Overall (Division 1): 1st (Spontaneous Problem) and 2nd (Long Term Akira Swift 63rd Annual Track-and-Field Problem) Championships: World Finals, Iowa State U, USA: ACS (Primary), 7th One gold, one silver and one bronze medals out of 54 teams in Division 1

SAILING 8TH ANNUAL MATHLYMPICS: National Primary Sailing Championship: 9 gold, 14 silver, 21 bronze & two merit awards Ryan Sei (P5F) - 1st Individual Junior Optimist National Story Challenge 2016 GYMNASTICS (Mandarin, Team competition) st National Primary Gymnastics Championships: A1 team crowned 1 , and B2 team a top-6 finalist Dylan Tan, All-Around Champion: Gold medals in Floor Exercise, Vault, Rings and Horizontal Bar; NKF ANIMATION COMPETITION silver medals in Pommel Horse and Parallel Bars Winners of the Best Animation Clips: Pay It Forward, 3rd; We Want You, 7th TAEKWONDO National Inter-School Taekwondo Championship: UNIFORMED YOUTH ORGANISATIONS Senior: Poonsae Champion Junior: Overall Kyorugi Champion - three gold and THE BOYS’ BRIGADE (12th Barker Junior a silver medals Company) Ÿ J M Fraser Award (Year of Assessment 2015) - GOLF GOLD Honour Roll Ÿ Adventure Quest - SILVER Honour Roll National Primary School Competition Samuel Kok Mun Wai (P4A), Nathan Lim Jie (P3C), Ÿ Character Quest - GOLD Honour Roll 4th (Team Event) CUB SCOUTS Invitational Fencing Championships 2016 Ÿ Frank Cooper Sands Award (Year 2015) - GOLD Samuel Robson (P4I) - 1st, Junior Boys’ Foil Ÿ Cub Scout Challenge 2016 - BRONZE

CHESS 68th National Schools’ Individual Chess Championships: Joel Ong Yi Herng (P5H), 2nd (Junior Division) South Zone: Chua Yaw Teng Leonidas (P2H), 2nd

91 Founder’s Day Academic Awards

P1 2015 Top 3 Positions in Class Class Andrew Tay Bin Song 4C Kwan Kaiee 5H Lee Jun Rui Marcus 4I Dylan Chew 1A Ryan Toh 4D Lai Pengchong 5H Chua Yu Liang Gideon 5A Daniel Jude Choy Zong De 1A Leung Kin Ho Rio 4D Darren Tok Chin Han 6A Klinton Ho Qi Feng 5B Lee Wen Kai 1A Marc Ang 4D Tan Qing Han Dylan 6C Adwin Heng 5C Bence Huang Zongyou 1B Tan Kok Yang Thaddeus 4D Ethan Phua 6C Caleb Khoo Zhi-Yi 5D Jeriah Phua Yijie 1B Joshua Lim Yong-Jie 4E Chan Weixuan Glen 6C Loke Ngai Ming Benjamin 5E Lim Yu-Zhe 1B Samuel Cheng Wei En 4E Chin Yuan Tian 6C Jacob Ing Ka Lum 5F Jonathan Yong Ming-Sheng 1C Tan Yen Hao, Marvin 4E Ku Peng Le, Peniel 6C Danial Aidil Azhar 5H Yao Zongrui 1C Teo Wen Liang, Nigel Elliot 4E Joshua Low Jie Shen 6D Euan Koh Zhen Bin 5I Jaryl Chai Cong Jun (Cai Changjun) 1C Du Chuang 4F Bai Qixun 6D Chan Tze Hng, Joseph 6A Yu Yan Jun, Elijah John 1D Wong Mason 4F Curtis Tan Hui Zhe 6D Lim Zhi Han, Brandon 6B Samuel Gay Jun Han 1D Lee Xin-Ying Ryan 4F Tan Hong Yeow Darryl 6F Joshua Rusly Chai Ting Hong 6C Michael Seah Zhe Xuan (Xie Zhexuan) 1D Michael Liew Wensheng 4H Aneish Jose Sawney 6I Adric Yap Hsu Jin 6D Nathaniel Cheng Rong En 1E Ong Sheng Wei, Andrew 4H Josiah Hong Qin 6E Gabriel Sujan Kumarasingam 1E Keeratpal Singh Pannu s/o Top in Science (By Level) 2015 Class Zac Low 6F 4H Joshua Jonathan Kek Jiande 1E Dalvinder Singh Ryan Toh 4D Foo Chuan Jen Jonathan 6H Lim Yao Quan, Michael 1E Lee Jun Rui Marcus 4I Michael Liew Wensheng 4H Goh Shen Ee Matthew 6I Lucas Tan Kai Wen 1E Yeoh Siang Rong, Jonathan 4I Lim Ker Chong 5C Cameron Lim Ren Yi 1F Jeremy Kek Jianbin 4I Lai Pengchong 5H PSLE Achievement Awards 2015 Class Chong Koi Yung, Joshua 1F Ethan Phua 6C Nathanael Tung Wei An 6B Lukas Chew Jianhong 1F P5 2015 Top 3 Positions in Class Class Chin Yuan Tian 6C Hum Ee Li, Daniel 6C Zachary Chee Choon Yew 1F Chua Yu Liang Gideon 5A Lin Pin Rong Matthew 6C Tan Qing Han Dylan 6C Ryan Choo Zee Chai 1G Luis Sam Yik Chong 5A Viktor Loh 6I Ethan Phua 6C Lai Keng Yeong 1G Nezhad Yusuf bin Mohammed Feisal 5A Lee Jun Heng, Justin 6C Tan Ren An, Ethan 5B Top in Chinese Language (By Level) 2015 Class Chin Yuan Tian 6C Akash Thiagarajan 1G Ryan Toh 4D Parith Avasadanond 1G Joel Cho Kuang Jun 5B Ku Peng Le, Peniel 6C Loy Shan Wei Jeremiah 5B Ong Yi Herng, Joel 4H Lin Pin Rong Matthew 6C Ethan Tan Jun En 1H Lim Ker Chong 5C Nigel Chen Guanrui 1H Lim Ker Chong 5C Nawaz Elnasr Nasser 6C Arvind s/o Tharmaraja 5C Goh Min Kai Kenneth 5H Dylan Tan Chung Chien 6C Elijah Choo Kai-En 1H Lee Zong Heng Nicholas 5I Lee Kang Le, Mike 1H Lim Siang Pheng Ervin 5C Chan Chin Kai 6C Samuel Soo Kai Yin 5C Lim Jun Hao Royce 5I Byron Chan Kok Won 6C Nathanael Tung Wei An 6B P2 2015 Top 3 Positions in Class Class Teo Lee Yuan, Edward 5D John Sim Yi Long 6C David Low Rui-Yan 2A Lim Kai Ming, Joseph 5D Goh Shen Ee Matthew 6I Chong Hoe Yeong, Aaron 6C Zachary Teo-Krishnamuti 2A Shaan Nish Shetty 5D Top in Malay Language (By Level) 2015 Class Joshua Rusly Chai Ting Hong 6C Joshua Kee Jiawei 2A Sharad Selvam Ramachandra 5E Nuqman Hafiy bin Mohammed Fawzy 4D Samuel Hosea Ong Teck Hock 6C Cheah En Le Elliot 2B Julian Tay Wei Ming 5E Nikhil Parmar 5C Jacob Tan Tze Heng 6C Paxton Chan Yuk Kit 2B Aaron Chin Jin Hao 5E Mikail Firas Din s/o Abdul Jabbar 6I Koh Enxiang James 6C Isaac Lim Sze-Yuan 2B Low Xing Le Aden 5F Lo Eng Hoe Nicholas 6C Joshua Seow Jun Ming 2B Ho Lucas 5F Top in Tamil Language (By Level) 2015 Class Loh Yu Kang, Caleb 6C Tan Ho Tiet, Keane 2C Ivan Sim Kang Yu 5F Thevaseynan s/o C Balu 4F Joash Chow 6D Wai En Xiang, Ian 2C Lai Pengchong 5H Arvind s/o Tharmaraja 5C Joshua Low Jie Shen 6D Chin Xu Sheng 2C Lim Yong Le 5H Jaisankar Guru Kiran 6H Hii Wei Sheng, James 6D Nathan Lim Jie 2D Tan Hong Kai, Caelan 5H Lucas Teo Rui-Zhe 6D Top in Higher Chinese Language Syn Tze Ren, Matthew 2D Seow Wen Jun Patrick 5I (By Level) 2015 Class Curtis Tan Hui Zhe 6D Ho Yew Wei 2D Rayner Chew 5I Yeoh Siang Rong, Jonathan 4I Nathan Low Tze Song 6D Rahul Dhawn 2E Surya Nayar 5I Lim Ker Chong 5C Eugene Chua Wei Jun 6H Ng Juan Rong, Mark 2E Lai Pengchong 5H Oliver James Tan 6H Siah Yu Teng, Ethan 2E P6 2015 Top 3 Positions in Class Class Daniel Evans Goh Tian Ying 6H Zachary Lee Zhe 6A Tan Qing Han Dylan 6C Sean Eyo Wei Shao 2F Goh Shen Ee Matthew 6I Teo Kai, David 6H Avery Tang Yang Xiang 2F Krishna 6A Jaisankar Guru Kiran 6H Sean Sukamto 6A Ng Jun Lin, Kyan 2F Top in Higher Malay Language Class Xavier Wu Wenshan 6H Reagan Joseph Chua 2F Nathanael Tung Wei An 6B (By Level) 2015 Gabriel Lee Xun Zhi 6H Jonathan Chan Jian Yao 2G Lim Zhi Han, Brandon 6B Danial Aidil Azhar 5H Hong Zhi Qiang Paul 6H Chia Jin En, Mark 2G Yuan Zhiren Lawrence 6B Mikail Firas Din s/o Abdul Jabbar 6I Lim Sheng, Sean Jadon 6H Ethan Yeo See Wei 2G Hum Ee Li, Daniel 6C Chew Le-Kai Caius 6H Tan Qing Han Dylan 6C Top in Higher Tamil Language (By Keegan Goh Yu Jie 2H Level) 2015 Class Tan Ming Kai Perry 6H Ethan Phua 6C Loh Weng Eu Shunem 2H Jaisankar Guru Kiran 6H Foo Chuan Jen Jonathan 6H Javius Poon Jung Lok 2H Lee Jun Heng, Justin 6C Paul Seow Jian Hao 6H Joash Chow 6D 2015 Young ACSian Awards (By Class) Class Riaz Haq 6H P3 2015 Top 3 Positions in Class Class Joshua Low Jie Shen 6D Joel Chang Le Xin (Zhang Lexin) 1A Arunasalam s/o Senkuttuvan 6H Caius Chin Kai Zaak 3A Hii Wei Sheng, James 6D Jeriah Phua Yijie 1B Lee Jun Hong, Darren 6H David Wong Tze Yang 3A Lucas Teo Rui-Zhe 6D Aaron Lim Boon Kiat 1C Yap Han 6H Wu Yanyu 3A Daniel Elias Boh Shao Gee 6E Rajev Rajakanth 1D Lau Yan Shao 6H Ethan Ong Yu Thung 3B Akesh Jorim Chua Jieren 6E Benjamin Tze-Min Sommen 1E Gareth Hia Yi-Ren 6H Zachary Dylan Sng En Rong 3B Ho Rui Boon Ruben 6E Zachary Chee Choon Yew 1F Ashton Shaune Chong 6H Chan Qing Wen 3B Jaden Lim 6F Ryan Tan Wei Zhong 1G Koh Choon Kit John 6H Lachlan Saputra Goh 3C Lim Dao Cher 6F Titus Tay 1H Goh Shen Ee Matthew 6I Royce Ho Xinglun 3C Tan Hong Yeow Darryl 6F Trey Ignatius Leong 2A Loh Zhi Xian, Ethan 6I Jerome Thio Zhi Lun 3C William Daniel Buckle 6F Isaac Lim Sze-Yuan 2B Ethan Wu Yi Feng 6I Tham Zhi Xian, Gareth 3C Eugene Chua Wei Jun 6H Daniel Choo Rei-Sheng 2C Mikail Firas Din s/o Abdul Jabbar 6I Dylan Teo Jing Yi 3D Oliver James Tan 6H Leong Ho Karl 2D Aneish Jose Sawney 6I Trevor Chow Seong Yan 3D Daniel Evans Goh Tian Ying 6H Khoo Ting Yong Augustine 2E Viktor Loh 6I Tay Eewan 3D Teo Kai, David 6H Sean Eyo Wei Shao 2F Christopher Tay Hiang Juey 6I Gerard Yap Kai Sheng 3E Goh Shen Ee Matthew 6I Jonathan Chan Jian Yao 2G Tjhin Brian 6I Tay Rei Feng Xavier 3E Loh Zhi Xian, Ethan 6I Keegan Goh Yu Jie 2H Russell Choy Chern-En 6I Lam Zhi Yang, Marcellus 3E Ethan Wu Yi Feng 6I David Wong Tze Yang 3A Daniel Choo Zhenghao 6I Travis Kiong Jia Rui 3F Mikail Firas Din s/o Abdul Jabbar 6I Lee Wee Guan, Jeremy 3B Mak Rui An Ryan 6I Rayson Loi 3F Anand Isaac Sithu Tian Kai 3C Top in English Language (By Level) 2015 Class Ong Wei Yang, Shaun 6I Ang Li-Xiang Jeremy 3F Sashant Balamurali 3D Ewan Lee En 4C Navin Sivakumar 6I Dylan Chan Wai Jin 3F Keith Eldriech Tanya Young 3E Ong Sheng Wei, Andrew 4H Jireh Toh Jia En 6I Rae Isaaq bin Sherwan Nara 3F P4 2015 Top 3 Positions in Class Class Arvind s/o Tharmaraja 5C Ong Yi Xian, Seth 6I Dylan Low Kai Zhe 4A Loo Pei Jun 4A Andrew Philip Lim 5H Kylle Anderssen Tanya Young 6I Claydon Lim Ming Zhi 4B Joshua Sau Cheng Teck 4A Tan Qing Han Dylan 6C Sean Matthiaz Lim Tao-Chern 6I Timothy Stephen Ang Tze Wei 4C Dylan Low Kai Zhe 4A Goh Shen Ee Matthew 6I Gabriel Tan Jiaxu 6I Matthan Jude Wong 4D Dylan Ong Zhi Heng 4B Xavier Chan Yi Jie 6I Joshua Lim Yong-Jie 4E Dylan Yip Ding Sing 4B Top in Mathematics (By Level) 2015 Class Neil Goh Ken Tze 6I Cheng Jih Kit Ian 4F Chen Anhong 4B Ryan Toh 4D Ong Ray Tzer Thaddeus 6I Keeratpal Singh Pannu s/o Joshua Chen Kay Jian 4C Michael Liew Wensheng 4H Dalvinder Singh 4H Tan Khung Ngee Scholarship Award 2015 Class Tong Han Wei Stefan 4C Samuel Soo Kai Yin 5C Joash Chow 6D 92 Our Awards and Achievements ACS OBA President’s Award 2015 The ACS OBA President’s Award is given annually to pupils, below the age of 11, who have performed well in their chosen field of competition, both in Singapore and internationally. The two recipients for 2015 are:

Ong Yi Herng, Joel Merrick Tan Yi Ern When Joel was in K1, he taught himself chess by Merrick has participated in the following international chess reading a thick compendium. A year later, he topped competitions. His rankings in 2015 were: his age-group at his first competition. Joel went on • 12th, Open U-9 category, FIDE World Schools Individual to win many local competitions. Championships, Pattaya, Thailand Joel competed at the ASEAN+ Age-Group Chess • 6th, Open U-9, 11th Asian Schools Chess Championships, Championships from 2013 to 2015 as a member Singapore of Team Singapore. He won three Team Bronze • 21st, Open U-10, 16th ASEAN Age Group Championships, medals in 2015 and his rankings against some 60 Singapore opponents were  15th, U-10 Standard Chess 17th, He represented ACS (Primary) in 2015 and received the following: Rapid Chess and  6th, Blitz Chess. • 3rd (South Zone), and 8th (National), 67th National Schools’ Joel demonstrates strongly the iHOPEFUL values of Individual Chess Championships integrity, perseverance, faithfulness and humility. • A distinction, National South Zone International Chess Carnival He was appointed the captain of the U-9 team during the 56th National Inter-School Team Chess Championships. Merrick has clearly demonstrated the values of perseverance and integrity at competitions.

93 Sportsboy of the Year 2015

The Sportsboy of the Year Award is given annually to an outstanding P6 pupil who has represented Singapore in a chosen field of sport, recognising his achievement at international competitions. The two recipients for 2015 are:

Muhammad Daniel Kei B M Y Zachary Ian Tan

Daniel Kei is ranked in the top-five of sailors in the Zachary won 12 golds and broke all 12 records at Singapore Sailing Federation’s Optimist Gold. His the 46th Singapore National Age Group competition achievements in 2015 include: in 2015, bettering his 10 golds and 10 records in • 1st (U-12), 2nd (Open), Langkawi Open 2014. As a swimmer with great potential, Zachary • 6th (Open), AITC, Lanzaronte Regatta became the youngest swimmer to be selected for training in the national squad. • 1st (U-12 and Open), Fish & Co Youth Championship • 6th (Open), 1st (Team Racing), North America IODA Significantly, Zachary also received the 2013 Championship, Antigua ACS OBA President’s Award. In 2015, he was the • 15th (Open), 1st (Team Racing), World IODA 2015, youngest participant on stage with PM Lee at Youth Poland Celebrate!, a post-SEA-Games event organised • 3rd (Open), NSC Cup Open by MOE to showcase youth achievements, which At the Sea Games in June 2015, Daniel clinched a also marked the official opening of the Sports team silver and was Singapore’s youngest athlete. Hub. Despite his achievements, Zachary remains grounded and friendly, and has the hallmarks of His passion for sailing has taught him discipline an iHOPEFUL Leader. and focus, juggling between intense training five times a week and his studies.

94 Our Awards and Achievements Lee Hah Ing Scholarship 2016 Goh Shen Ee Matthew

The Lee Hah Ing Scholarship, The recipient of the 2016 Lee Hah Ing Scholarship is Goh Shen Ee Matthew funded by the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation, is presented of Primary 6I (2015). In the PSLE, Matthew obtained 4A* and a Distinction during Founder’s Day to the top in Higher Chinese Language, a testament to his hard work and dedication. PSLE pupil who continues his secondary school education in Matthew also received the ACS(OBA) Meritorious Gold Medal. one of the ACS family of schools. The award is in honour of Lee Matthew is humble, always eager to learn and challenges himself to do Hah Ing (Principal of the Anglo- Chinese School, 1961-1969) for better. He is conscientious, motivated and takes pride in his work. his contributions and services to the school and Foundation. Matthew is an excellent prefect councillor and iHOPEFUL Leader. He Each year, recipients of the inspires confidence in others, his peers and teachers alike. He was also various scholarships funded by the Foundation who attend a tea one of the model pupils for 2015 as well as a recipient of the Edusave reception at the Tan Chin Tuan Character Award given to the school’s top 2% of Singaporean pupils for Mansion are reminded of the call to give back to the community in exemplary character. the future. Matthew is a true scholar and gentleman; given his achievements and potential, truly, The Best Is Yet To Be.


You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. – Psalm 77:14

96 Our Co-Curricular Activities 97 SWIMMING

Teachers-in-charge: Mr Ang Ong Whee, Mdm Ida Nonanseh, Mr Richard Goh Coaches: Swimfast Aquatic Group Pte Ltd

Our swimming CCA membership stands at 220, making it one of the school’s most popular CCAs. The swimming CCA starts with a foundation programme for beginners and progresses to the developmental and competitive swim squads. Training is held on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Shaw Pool.

Well done to our school swimmers who came in first in the ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ Divisions! Our school swimming team clinched the overall schools champion title in the 57th National Primary School Swimming Championships 2016, held at OCBC Aquatic Centre on the 21, 22 and 25 April 2016. All of our school swimmers certainly have done the school proud!

98 Our Co-Curricular Activities BOWLING

Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Farisa Hussain, Mr Dennis Tan, Mrs Lee Ting Ting, Mdm Norhayati Harun Coaches: Mr Adam Chew (Head Coach), Mr Vincent Lim (Assistant Coach)

A strike and a double strike! Our school team did us proud by bringing home the championship cup for the Senior team and the position of 1st runner-up for the Junior team during the 15th National Primary Schools Tenpin Bowling Championship.

Our passionate bowlers are constantly improving, learning new techniques and perfecting their skills. Teachers take care to instil iHOPEFUL values and the CARE Principle in moulding and nurturing our bowlers into young men of character, capability and creativity. Our bowlers displayed great sportsmanship and team spirit throughout our training sessions and competitions. Well done boys! The Best Is Yet To Be!


Teachers-in-charge: Ms Jessica Lai, Mdm Wendy Ang, Ms Wong Way Lin

Art Club gives pupils who share an interest in art the opportunity to gather and create artworks. In line with the school’s Desired Outcome to develop pupils into Creative Learners, Community Collaborators and iHOPEFUL Leaders, members work in teams to learn from each other, reflecting on the creative process and taking turns to lead.

Weekly sessions were an excursion into a host of art media such as clay, mosaic tiles, recyclables, exploring patterns, colour and contrast, to create meaningful prints and whimsical artworks; 49 pieces were finally exhibited at Arts Fest Kaleidoscope! 2016.

100 Our Co-Curricular Activities CHOIR

Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Gomathi Ravindra, Mdm Jasmine Kaur Choir Director: Mr Phua Ee Kia

Our Choir received the CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT at the SYF Arts 2016 Presentation for Choir Primary School Level at the SOTA Concert Hall in April. Rehearsals began in January with the goal of mastering three pieces of music, Voice In The Round, Abendlied and Kimi o nosete. Under the direction of Mr Phua, our 33 choristers trained hard to forge together one voice, helped tremendously by team and character-building activities in- between rehearsals. In school, the Choir continued to delight their audience at events such as the Arts Fest Kaleidoscope and the 130th Founder’s Day Commemorative Service. The Best Is Yet To Be!


Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Dawn Wee, Mdm Leong Lilian, Ms Lum Yick Thim Coaches: Mr Krishna Chitrada, Ms Madhu

Members meet on Wednesdays to hone their skills in International Chess. During the March holidays, our boys participated in the 68th National Schools Individual Chess Championships. Joel Ong Yi Herng of P5I came in second in the Senior Boys Division. At the 10th ACS(P) Open Chess Tournament in May, the champion of the lower primary category was David Low (P2B) while Kwan Kaiee (P6I) was the champion for the upper primary. The school team did us proud in the South Zone International Chess Carnival 2016 by clinching the School Distinction Awards in all categories – Open, U-10 and U-8. To God Be The Glory!

102 Our Co-Curricular Activities COMPUTER CLUB

Teachers-in-charge: Mdm Najuma Banu, Mdm Zhang Cong Trainers: Ms Chan Yan Ting, Ms Lauren, Ms Heather Ann Abeyasekera, Mr Lim Wei Jie (Animagine Pte Ltd)

Animation is fun and rewarding. Using papercut animation and claymation techniques and guided by trainers, our boys produced two videos for the inaugural National Kidney Foundation Animation Competition. The P5 team of Chew Liang Gim, (P5H), Coen Lim (P5H), Ian Liang Kai Quan (P5I), Matthew Ng Eng Kiat (P5I)) came in 3rd, and the P6 team of Goh Ching Han, Matthew (P6B), Luke Loh Shiun Hurng (P6B) and Ong Kuan Siang (P6E), 7th.

In photography, Jordan Tan (P4H) and Isaac Yeow (P4H) won the Merit Award in the 6th National Primary School Photography Competition. Pupils also participated in the National Photography Festival in August and the School Digital Media Awards in November.


Teachers-in-charge: Ms Natasha Patricia Lim, Ms Li Chunju Instructors: Mrs Shirley Tan, Mr Tan Jwee Meng and Ms Lim Kai Jing

Funzone was started as a Chinese Language Club in 2004 to expose our boys to Chinese Arts and Culture through the media of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting. Under the guidance of three artists, our members have been actively participating in many competitions over the years.

Exhibiting artwork at competitions offers precious opportunities for our young budding artists and calligraphers to showcase their talent. A leader of Funzone, Ong Tze Herng Kieran (P4C), a member of Funzone since Primary 1, shares that Funzone has exposed him to the beauty of Chinese art and nurtured his talent in these two ancient, traditional art forms.

104 Our Co-Curricular Activities GUITAR ENSEMBLE

Teachers-in-charge: Mdm Sri Dewi Mohamed Hashim, Mdm Punitha Kasipandy, Mrs Janis Pavia Instructor: Mr Edward Chua

Our Guitar Ensemble received the CERTIFICATE OF DISTINCTION at the SYF Arts 2016 Presentation for Instrumental Ensemble (Guitar) Primary School Level at The Republic Cultural Centre. Our guitarists were eager to give their all after months of intense preparation and rehearsals. Under the baton of Mr Edward Chua, our 14 talented musicians rendered two compositions, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by to their dedication, hard work and perseverance. We hope that such Tchaikovsky and In the Mood by Joe Garland. It was successes will inspire our starting musicians to always strive for the a stellar performance and the award bore testament best.


Teachers-in-charge: Mdm Parveen Begum, Mdm Jeannie Yeo

The Odyssey of the Mind challenge is to find the most creative solution to a problem, which may range from the building of a mechanical device to offering an interpretation of a literary classic.

At the National Competition on 8 and 9 April, our team – comprising Iain Stewart Dawe, Teng Tzen Xiang Justin, Lee Zong Heng Nicholas of P6H and Aidan Wong Penu Jun-Wen, Euan Koh Zhen Bin and Max Yeo Tai-En, of P6I – came in first in the Spontaneous Problem and an overall second. They proceeded to represent Singapore at the World Finals in Iowa to emerge 7th out of 54 teams. Our boys’ performance in the division was the best among the teams from Singapore.

106 Our Co-Curricular Activities PRAIZE CLUB

Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Karen Wong, Dr Sammi Tan (Christian Ministry Staff), Ms Serena Liang (Christian Ministry Staff)

Our theme, To be a Servant Leader, taught us precious lessons from the parables of Jesus on how we should live. Week by week, we memorised the chronological order of the 66 Bible books and completed pages in our Quest booklets to earn more badges. We also learned how to love others and share the gospel.

As a Club project, we donated stationery and Christian books to a Cambodian orphanage. It showed us how even the smallest of donations was able to benefit others. We drew Biblical milestones for an art competition. Together with hundreds of others, we enjoyed the Submerged camp in June to learn about how God looks into our hearts.

Timothy Goh (P5H)


Teachers-in-charge: Mr Tan Poo Loy, Mr Ang Ong Whee, Mr Richard Goh, Ms Mok Pei Terk, Mr Vijayakumaran s/o Govindasamy

The Public Address (PA) boys are a dedicated and motivated lot. They are likely the earliest boys to arrive in school daily because of their responsibility in the setting up of microphones and the computer and ensuring they work perfectly before morning assembly.

PA boys work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure nothing is overlooked or taken for granted. They also perform duties on special events like Chinese New Year and National Day celebrations. Events serve as learning opportunities for members to grow as Creative Learners and into iHOPEFUL Leaders. The Best Is Yet To Be.

108 Our Co-Curricular Activities ROBOTICS CLUB

Teachers-in-charge: Mdm Tan Yoke Joo, Mr Vijayakumaran s/o Govindasamy Coaches: Ms Wong Gek Hoon, Ms Koh Swee Chen

The Robotics Club is a rather unique club that focuses on honing hands-on problem-solving skills through the testing of concepts and experimenting with creative ideas. Besides acquiring programming skills, the weekly lessons train us as Effective Communicators and Community Collaborators, instilling the importance of iHOPEFUL values as we work in teams. We participated in the prestigious National Junior Robotics Competition (NJRC) organised by the Singapore Science Centre in September. The focus was on waste management and robots and we made it to the top 40 teams. Truly, The Best Is Yet To Be.

Ang Ryou (P6I)


Teachers-in-charge: Mr Raymond Chua, Ms Siti Nurjannah Saaet

Members of the Science Club enjoy learning about scientific concepts through their weekly activities of the Club. They also consciously seek to be ‘green’ citizens as they look at ways to apply the 3Rs – Reuse, Reduce and Recycle – in their daily lives.

As members become increasingly aware of the environmental issues plaguing the world, they grow as Creative Learners and iHOPEFUL Leaders. Skills and values are taught in the weekly activities that encourage pupils to brainstorm and contribute ideas. Giving our boys the opportunity to present their ideas has also helped them to grow into confident, Effective Communicators, another desirable Trait of an ACSian.

110 Our Co-Curricular Activities STRING ENSEMBLE

Teachers-in-charge: Mdm Rebecca Ng (Jan-Mar), Mr Edmund Wu (Jan-Apr), Mdm Jasmine Ong (Mar-present), Mdm Wendy Tan (Jun-present), Mrs Heng Xiu Qin CCA Instructors: Ms Esther Hwang and Mr Damien Kee

Our String Ensemble received the CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT at the SYF Arts 2016 Presentation for Instrumental Ensemble (Strings) Primary School Level at the Republic Cultural Centre. Under the able leadership of our string conductor, Ms Esther Hwang, our boys gave of their best at the Festival. They mastered their parts and they played as one. The months of preparation in school leading to the competition, the long rehearsals, were precious opportunities for members of the various sections not only to practise and bond together, but also for each one of them to grow in character, capability and creativity. To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be.


Teachers-in-charge: Ms Ho Lim Hwei, Mdm Harsharenpal Kaur, Ms Ivy Lee Coach: Mr Yutaki Ong

Our Synergy Dance Group received the CERTIFICATE OF DISTINCTION at the SYF Arts 2016 Presentation for Dance (International Dance Category) Primary School Level at the University Cultural Centre on 20 April. 22 of our gentlemen transformed themselves into Brick Brothers, jiving and hip- hopping to a medley of songs. They impressed the judges with their perfectly-synchronised dance moves. Our Synergy Dance Group was later invited by the Republic Polytechnic to perform at the Dance Momentum 2016. The team also showcased its talents at the school’s Arts Festival. It has been a truly fruitful and memorable year for our dancers. To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be!

112 Our Co-Curricular Activities TOTAL FITNESS CLUB

Teachers-in-charge: Mr Wan Mohamed Nazrith, Mdm Wong Mei Kuen

The Total Fitness club drew much interest from upper primary boys by offering a range of enjoyable activities in keeping fit: from jump rope, gymnastics, inline skating, to team sports like ultimate frisbee, football and dodge ball, which the boys enjoyed most. The year ended with bouldering. Members learnt the value of keeping themselves fit and agile. They also supported each other in the healthy spirit of competition. Most importantly, the club offered precious time for pupils to form stronger bonds with each other.


Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Jovina Lee, Mr Charles Zhang, Ms Charmaine Cheong, Ms Ng Bei Ying (School Team, Training Squad and Enrichment); Mrs S Kunalan, Mdm Siti Karmila (Recreation) Coaches: Mr Erwin Djohan and Mr Pang Zhi Kang

2016 has been a good year! In the South Zone Badminton Tournament, our Senior team emerged 4th while our Junior team met our expectations and came in 1st. In the Nationals Badminton Tournament, both the Senior and the Junior teams emerged in the top 16! Our School Team boys led by example to inspire boys from the Training and Enrichment squad to train even harder for a coveted place in the School Team. We are truly blessed by the dedication and support of our wonderful coaches, parents and teachers. To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be!

114 Our Co-Curricular Activities BASKETBALL

Teachers-in-charge: Ms Adeline Goh, Ms Mok Pei Terk Coaches: Mr Lim Seng Luan (Head Coach), and Mr Low Aik Bee (Coach)

Our Junior and Senior teams trained hard and played their best at the South Zone Championships in January. The Juniors played against Zhangde Primary but being young and inexperienced, it was a draw at half time. They persevered and won, overcoming their opponents in the second half, demonstrating tremendous sportsmanship and teamwork.

Through Basketball, we hope to instil in our boys the importance of iHOPEFUL values during training and at competitions. We thank our dedicated circle of parents, coaches and teachers for their support and guidance, and God for watching over the boys. To God Be The Glory, The Best Is Yet To Be.


Teachers-in-charge: Mr Tan Poo Loy, Ms Nur’Adilah bte Mohamed Sulaimun, Ms Teresa Liew, Mr Bryan Ng Coach: Mr Syazwan Saden

Floorball is a fast, exciting game that is an attractive CCA for our boys. Competition matches for primary schools are played in three 12-minute sessions.

Training days are on Mondays and Wednesdays. At developmental stages, the focus is on the mastery of basic skills and rules.

During school team training, our boys start to focus on their individual skills, developing an ability to read the game, its tactics and strategies. Emphasis is placed on sportsmanship, character building and teamwork. During this year’s National Primary School Floorball Championships, the boys battled strong opponents to make it to the top 12. The Best Is Yet To Be!

116 Our Co-Curricular Activities FOOTBALL

Teacher-in-charge: Mr Leon Ho, Mr Kelvin Ho, Mrs Neo Lin Li, Ms Zhao Yi Kun, Mr Shi Liang, Mr Muhammad Khairil Coaches: Mr Dilwant Sing (Head Coach) and coaches from Star Soccer Networks

As a team sport, football offers a great platform for our budding players to grow in iHOPEFUL values and in the Traits of an ACSian. In the course of training, and throughout the competition season, our footballers picked up not only skills and tactics from our coaches, they also learned to play as one team in overcoming other teams, particularly the stronger ones.

Both the Junior and Senior boys proved themselves to be better teams this year than last. Our Senior boys made it to the top eight teams in the South Zone tournament. Our Junior boys emerged as the second runner-up in the South Zone tournament to qualify for the National Championship, finishing in the top eight.

All this would not have been possible if not for the unwavering support of dedicated parents, coaches and teachers.


Teachers-in-charge: Mr Tan Jian Liang, Mr Daniel Chua, Mr Koh Yee Lee, Mr Colin Sim, Ms Li Xing Coaches: Mr Tang Kee Fei, Mr Teh Wai Kiat, Mr Keith Oh Wei-Yang, Mr Sunil Mandalia, Mr Ong Szu Ker, Mr Boon Swan Heng, Mr Ken Ho

It has been a fulfilling year for ACS(P) Rugby. At the South Zone competition, the Senior team came in 1st while the Junior team was placed 4th. Among the 16 schools that made it to the nationals, the Senior team emerged victorious, clinching 1st place while the Junior team came in 7th place.

All our achievements would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the coaches, parents and teachers. We thank God for cultivating good values in our boys and helping them soar to greater heights.

118 Our Co-Curricular Activities TENNIS

Teachers-in-charge: Mr Nazrul Zain, Ms Mazeedah M Azmi , Mr Ho Shin Hoo, Mdm Renuka Windersalam Coaches: Mr Roslan bin Sumadi, Mr Sarmani bin Mohd Shariff

2016 was an eventful year for our Junior and Senior teams. The Junior team played against Catholic High School and came in second runner- up. At the finals, the atmosphere was electrifying when our Senior players displayed their prowess at ACS (Junior) and came in runner-up in the National Tennis Championship.

Our achievements would not have been possible without the hard work of our boys, the dedication of the coaches and the support of our parents, teachers and school leaders. Thanks be to God for watching over our boys and as they gave their best. The Best Is Yet To Be!


Teachers-in-charge: Mrs Zahara Osman, Mr Chhoa Kok Kheng, Ms Siti Masyita Coaches: Mr Tang Ngai Kin, Mr Chen Jin Long, Mr Yusman Jamil, Ms Sivagami Subramaniam

Our athletes train hard regularly exhibiting the values of Perseverance, Loyalty and Faithfulness under the guidance of dedicated coaches. In the 57th National Primary School Track-and-Field Championship 2016, our team took home a total of two golds and one silver. They were 3rd runners-up twice and top eight in six other events. Vice-Captain, Daniel Chua Rui Zheng shares: “We trained in the sweltering heat, only to rush home to complete the growing mountain of homework. Yet, what made us persevere was the camaraderie of friends and our loyalty to our beloved ACS. What kept us going was our faithfulness to our role and the knowledge that we can always aim higher.”

120 Our Co-Curricular Activities THE BOYS’ BRIGADE

Teachers-in-charge: Mr Adrian Kum, Mr Ryan Wong, Mr Alfred Sutjiadi Church Staff: Mr Alfred Tan

The 12th Barker Junior Company was blessed this year with 30 recruits and the Gold Honour Roll for the JM Fraser Award for Excellence. At Adventure Quest in March, 20 P6 boys earned a Silver Honour Roll, being tested on BB Knowledge, Basha Tent Pitching, First Aid and more. A visit to the Navy Museum was the highlight of the June Camp. At Character Quest in August, we came in 2nd runner-up and 6th place.

Reflecting on its theme Anchoring Values, Shaping Character, Timothy Ang (P5I) felt that the ACS(P) teams upheld iHOPEFUL values throughout. They set aside individual differences and worked together in pressing on, seeking God’s guidance.


Teachers-in-charge: Mr Benny Lau Mun Yip, Mdm Goh Chwee Suan, Mr Benedict Yap Volunteer Adult Leaders: Mr Lim Wei Yung, Mr Fabian Goh, Mr Jedd Lim and Mr Aaron Chan

2016 was another great year for the ACS (Primary) Cub Scouts as we achieved the Frank Copper Sands Gold for 2015.

This year’s investiture welcomed 21 recruits into the movement. At Camp, we put into practice our Scout Promise and Scout Laws. In addition, 19 of our Cubs successfully completed the District Cub Scout Leadership Training Camp. During Job Week, we raised $5451 through hard work and perseverance. We also clinched the Bronze award at the National Cub Scout Challenge 2016.

It is always exciting to attend scout meetings when I can bond with my friends and learn valuable lessons. The Best Is Yet To Be.

Tay Weixiang Nicholas (P5D) Cub Scouts Scribe

122 Our Co-Curricular Activities The Best Is Yet To Be

123 124 Our Pupils OUR PUPILS

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. – Jeremiah 33:3


Samuel Soo Kai Yin (P6C) Adwin Heng (P6C) Head Prefect Deputy Head Prefect Leadership to me is the ability to lead and to rally a team to work together for the common Leadership to me is about being a role model in integrity, empathy, humility and faithfulness good. Being Head Prefect, I aspire to be a role model in speech and conduct to my fellow to my fellow ACSians. It is not about telling others what to do but about setting the example ACSians, as I grow in the four Traits of an ACSian, becoming an iHOPEFUL Leader, an of speech and conduct, guided by iHOPEFUL values and the four Traits of an ACSian. As Effective Communicator, a Creative Learner and a Community Collaborator. As I apply the Deputy Head Prefect, I work with Samuel and fellow Prefect Councillors. My confidence has CARE Principle with humility and empathy, my hope is to see the change in others as they grown given the opportunity to address the school during assembly and I am managing my too grow in iHOPEFUL values. time better, juggling between studies and prefectorial duties.


(From left to right) 5th Row: Dylan Teo Jing Yi, Anand Isaac Sithu Tian Kai, David Wong Tze Yang, Trevor Chow Seong Yan, Lee Jun Rui Marcus, Matthew Ng Eng Kiat, Cheng Jih Kit Ian, Tang Yat Hei David, Isaac Kok Shou-Tng, Marcus Tay Tse En, Keeratpal Singh Pannu s/o Dalvinder Singh, Keegan Ho Kai En, Kwah Hsiang Rui David, Chan Meng Yarn Clarence, Sashant Balamurali, Tan Yi Liang Jordan 4th Row: Elijah Loke Wai, Yeo Ee Kiat, Joshua Lim Yong-Jie, David Christian Wei-An Magnus, Nuqman Hafiy bin Mohammed Fawzy, Lee Wee Guan Jeremy, Matthew Lim Kai Jie, Gabriel Sam Boh Shao Wei, Isaac Khoo Jing Jie, Tan Chek Han Samuel, Wu Yanyu, Rae Isaaq bin Sherwan Nara, Brendan Sreekanth, Lucas Tan Yongzhi, Tan Tze Kai, Han Teng En Gabriel, Loh Sze Kai Caleb 3rd Row: Jonathan Ong Kaijie, Tan Cheng Kiat Davian, Tong Han Wei Stefan, Lim Kai Zhe Ashley, Liew Yu Heng Jared, Timothy Stephen Ang Tze Wei, Dharman Vijayakumar, Ezekiel Shao En, Marc Tze-Kai Sommen, Claydon Lim Ming Zhi, Arjun Dinesh Das, Zachary Lee Yi, Martin Christian Lim Zhi Ang, Ryan Joshua Ong Sheng-En, Ong Hua Jie Ro-I, Euan David Ong Yi-En 2nd Row: Dylan Teo Zhi Cai, Lim Ruiyi Joshua, Luke Tan, Alexander Loh Yi Kai, Goh Shen Lei Timothy, Hannes Fitzgerald Ng Wei Hao, Kaden Lim, Koh Kok Hon, David Maximilian Lim Wen Wei, Jadon Yoong Jia Zhong, Kyan Lew Cao Hui, Dylan Tan Ze Yu, Hann Leong, Chiang Yong Shing, Jaydon Gui Zhi Xian, Yoong Gee Yan Asaph, Ryan Toh 1st Row: Lim Ethan, Chia Chin Han Ethan, Samuel Kwok, Mr Koh Chung Heng, Ms Eileen Seow Lay Yen, Mrs Grace Khoo, Mr Arene Koh, Mrs Wendy See, Mrs Christine Ho, Mdm Wong Mei Kuen,

127 Marc Ang , Hung Joe Kit, Kayden Tang (Not in Picture: Ethan Chua Jie Fan) 128 PREFECT COUNCILLORS & P6 PREFECTS 2016 Our Pupils

(From left to right) 3rd Row: Zachary Tan Yi Qiang, Cody Koh Lishan, Max Yeo Tai-En, Ryan Lim Yanzhe, Caleb Khoo Zhi-Yi, Lim Kai Ming Joseph, Hayden Tan Li Ern, Lai Pengchong, Christopher Ong Teng Boon, Aloysius Wong Zhi Hong, Yeo En Joshua, Keven Tan Yanze, Goh Jing Xuan, Yue Wei An Joshua, Loke Ngai Ming Benjamin, Syed Jalal Ahmad Gilani, Chua Yu Liang Gideon, Sim Heng Ee 2nd Row: Seow Wen Jun Patrick, Siaw Zheng Yu @Fedric Siaw, Tristan Jonathan Tan Ern-Xiang , Jayden Choong, Justin Yap Chong Jin, Yeo Jun Zhe Ethan, Tan Shaun Wen Jonathan, Lee Yi Feng Joshua, Ethan Lim Chun Wei, Tan Weilun, Thaddeus Heng Tian Ping, Julian Tay Wei Ming, Ng Tristan Lihong, Doel Kieran Tan, Raffles Neo Wee Peen, David Choo Rai-An, Joseph Yap Kai Yang, Lim Yong Le, Douglas Ethan Kwok, Jonn-Mark Leong 1st Row: Lee Cheong Weng Justin, Dan Yuet Wayne, Sameel Kai Sinnathuray, Klinton Ho Qi Feng, Samuel Soo Kai Yin, Mr Koh Chung Heng, Ms Eileen Seow Lay Yen, Mrs Grace Khoo, Mr Arene Koh, Mrs Wendy See, Mrs Christine Ho, Mdm Wong Mei Kuen, Adwin Heng, Hoe Yat Wai Sean, John Tze-Wen Fung, Danial Aidil Azhar, Euan Koh Zhen Bin (Not In Picture: Arvind s/o Tharmaraja, Aiden Khoo Weiquan) JUNIOR SPORTS LEADERS 2016

(From left to right) 3rd Row: Ismail Shah bin Hussain Shah, Steward Yeo Xian Bin, Teng Tzen Xiang Justin, Joshua Lee Tze En, Ryan Ow Kai Jun, Liew Zhi Jiee Maximus, Jeriel Lam Koi Kiat, Elliot Heng Zheng Yang, Mark Lee Ren, Chan Qi-En Samuel, Luis Sam Yik Chong, Shae Lee Chee Hean, Chiang Xing Kang Egan 2nd Row: Chan Wen Hui Ryan, Goh Chien Chung, Ivan Loh, Joel Tan-Lienhart, Ho Xuan Jie Zacharias, Hia Juay Hng Ryan, Marco De Vito, Ryan Seow, Wayne Ho Wei En, Matthan Jude Wong, Jacob Pang Yu Jia, Leung Kin Ho Rio, Joel Lam Koi Kee, Rayen Neel Shanmugam, Jerrell Chong Jin Sheng 1st Row: Chan Chee Yung Noel, Glenden Wong, Ms Eileen Seow Lay Yen, Mrs Grace Khoo, Mr Arene Koh, Mrs Wendy See, Mr Kelvin Lim Wee Meng, Lee Kang Yu Ted, Javen Tan Jun Wen (Not In Picture: Ethan Quek Heok Hwee, Anand Isaac Sithu, Goh Xuan Yi Daniel, Ian Lim, Joash Tan, Darion Wiradjaja) 129 130 Our Pupils 1A

Arihant Chandsekar Rai, Wesley Leck Hong Ting, Ryan Ee Wen Rui, Kong Jedd, Lucas Boey Jun Hang, Ashton Wong, Jonathan Gay Li Wei, Hesper Tay Jin Hong, Ezekiel Jordan Lim, Poh Hong Wee Louis, Tan Zheng Jie Tyler

Esher Yu Zhiheng, Skylar Jonathan Simon Pelz, Joseph Ho Zhen Yue, Chan Keng Yong Keefe Ryan, Mdm Punitha Kasipandy, Luke Ng Jun Ming, Theodore Tan Zephen, Aditya Aaren Om Rai, Gao Longsheng, Scott Kai Hardy, Chew Yan Joon Stefan

Mdm Leong Lilian, Kieran Chua Kai Ren, Ian Lai Kai’en, Teh Ren You Rafael, Aaden Poon Kei-En, Brandon Seah Lok Jun, Oliver Yeo, Raahil Prakash Kamdar, Yeo Hon Pin Austin, Joel Chan Ju Yau 1B

Tok Hong Xun Lucas, Wong Kang Xuan Lucas, Khua Teng Han Marcus, Ethan Kuan En Yi, Fan Yuankai Justin, Zee Ka-Yong, Theodore Lee Yui Tsz, Chan En Hao Isaac, Ian Lee Jun-De, Tan Wei-Xin Timothy, Hoe Jun Lei

Aden Chan Yi En, Ong Hong Shen Alvin Peter, Mrs Angeline Yung, Matt Ong, Markus Tan Hong Qi, Kuan Zhe Yu Ignatius, Wong Yoong Kai Elliot, Joel Kwek Wei Pin, Ms Tan Bee Po, Yang Yang, Skyler Hayden James Cooper 131 Luke Tan, Ong Kai En Isaac, Gavin Tsai Kai Feng, Bem Huang Zongyi, Chng Wei Cheng Moses, Kaelan Wong Yan Siang, Chan Shawn Ren Nigel, Jamus Cheng Jinhui, Ralf Fyvie Shanzhe Chang (Not In Picture: Jayden Cacatian Pound(LOA)) 132 Our Pupils 1C

Mdm Goh Chwee Suan, Kiefer Owen Tanya Young, Kwek Yi Ren Callum, Chan Yi Xuan, Ajit Singh Vaidyanath, Marco Hong-Zhen Pavanello, Yue Xuan Yu Sean, Sunay Mishra, Nathan Lim Chung Yan, Mr Richard Goh (May-Dec)

Josh Chia Ren Jie, Lim Rui Nathanael, Matthias Jovan Leow, Ian Tan, Gianluca Primo Speciale, Aiden Png Jun Quan, Wong Yu En Kyan, Mdm Zhao Yikun (Jul-Dec), Matthew Declan Loo Cheng Yu, Teo Yi Kai Ayden

Brendan Caius Kho, Ethan Shane Wong Yuan Jun, Hoe Yat Hon Jayden, Jireh Lam Zheng Yu, Fong Soong Chun, Jared Ng Zhuoyi, Mdm Teo Chi Loo, Chua Yaw Hui Maximilian, Ong Ming Hui Eran, Vittorio Kai Piron, Thong Yap Hann, Sheldon Shum Le Yinn, Ryan John Lee Brendan Caius Kho, Ethan Shane Wong Yuan Jun, Hoe Yat Hon Jayden, Jireh Lam Zheng Yu, Fong Soong Chun, Jared Ng Zhuoyi, Mdm Teo Chi Loo, Chua Yaw Hui Maximilian, Ong Ming Hui Eran, Vittorio Kai Piron, Thong Yap Hann, Sheldon Shum Le Yinn, Ryan John Lee


Tan Rui Heng, Toh Kuan Tze Daniel, Hannes Vagenende, Bailey Tan Bok Ley, Toh Yu Yang, Guo Zijia, Mdm Zarinah Eunos, Evan Tay Yukai, Isaac Liew Zhi Hun, Zachary Song Cheng Feng, Joshua Wong Yiwei

Davyynn Armaan Raaj Singh, Ku Peng Jun Emmanuel, Joshua Chan Kit Hwa, Isaac Ng Chao Siang, Allen Leong Ching Sum, Daniel Kwok, Owen Tan Yuanhao, Nathan Pang Yu Han, Anakin Lee Rui Yang, Ng Kai De Rafael, Mr Chen Hsian Wei Chester (Jan-Jul), Tristan Benedict Lim Wei Tian, Pwi Yao Jun 133 Samuel Ng Bing Zheng, Ng Yi Kai Leonard, Daniel Gong Wei Kwang, Caius Barron Chiam Zhi Qi, Seah Ek Hiang Ryan, Brody Joseph Chan Yi Wei, Mrs Eunice Yoong, Nathanael Emmanuel Wijaya, Kwok Zhong Rui Elliot 134 Our Pupils 1E

Lee Dylan, Varunesh Naidu s/o Vidyaraj Naidu, Dawson Kastono Ahadi, Jared Ean Kwok, Tan Hng Woo, Suman Jayden Shyam, Yen Rui Ze Dylan, G Prasanth, Tristan Chan Jun Ying, Joshua Ho Wai Yeong, Kieran Vardaan Bahuguna

See Jie Yu Isaiah, Chan Chin Ler Clinton, Nathaniel Chen Wei Zheng, Nicholas John Lee Wei Cheng, Mdm Wong Mei Kuen, Ho Jia Le Timothy, Matthew Thuraisingam, Chiang Xing Jie Ethan, Isaac Low Kye, Ralph Gan, Nicholas Koh Kaijie

Mrs Zahara Osman, Julius Seah Han Meng, Isaac Wat Cheng Han, Yeow Kai Sheng Callum, Kuan Junheng Jayden, Fong Yu Hin Nathaniel, John Joshua Ariel Mrs Zahara Osman, Julius Seah Han Meng, Isaac Wat Cheng Han, Yeow Kai Sheng Callum, Kuan Junheng Jayden, Fong Yu Hin Nathaniel, John Joshua Ariel


Mr Chua Hoe Leong Daniel, Dhiren Devan, Dhiran Dinesh Das, Clive Chiew, Chan Chun Hum Marc Ryan, Avadhani Popuri Eshan, Ashwin Zhiwei Rajaram, Raza Khawaja, Shane Yau Wah Shan

Ian Goh Jun Ying, Ho Jian Kai Evan, Doen Kiefer Tan, Edward Wong Wai Ming, Emmanuel Lo Hong Yu, Mrs Jovina Lee, Ian Jeriah Stephen, Ng Juun Jeen, Ng Juan Hon Michael, Randall Noah Chua, Ng Yu Ban Timothy 135 Lee Yan Bo Dylan, Lee Kum Ruu Borneo, Justin Poon Jia Le, Julian Lee Ka Weng, Javion Sim Zhe Min, Jarren Cheong Yung En, Zach Tan Thian Ler, Tan Shao-Rae Gabriel, Tan Jun Hock Nicholas, Zan Tan Kai, Tyler Wong 136 Our Pupils 1G

Tai Soon-Liang Mitchelson, Athanasius Lee, Shawn Lee Zheng-An, Ng Jun Xi, Aidan Wee Ern, Benjamin Isaac Koh, Dylan Chua Shi Jie, Sim Rui Zhi Ryan

Mdm Li Chunju, Revan Tsang, Jeremiah Fernando Lim Fang-Rui, Wong Xuan Kai Regis, Tang Yanxiang, Cameron Shum Le Junn, Zachary Heng Zheng Khai, Elisha Wong Wei Zhi, Neo Su Zheng Joel, Neo Tian Le Kenneth, Li Parone Avasadanond, Kayden Isaiah Yap Yong Jun, Josh Tyler Wong Zheming

Lee Yan Kai Ryder, Ooi Yong En Colin, Ng Wei En Ryan, Gan Chi Won, Mrs Lee Ting Ting, Ethan Ngo, Ho Rong Xin Caden, Keagan Cheong Zhong Wei, Jason Kee Jiazhi, Cheah Eu Sheng Dylan, Andrew Liew Kye Lee Yan Kai Ryder, Ooi Yong En Colin, Ng Wei En Ryan, Gan Chi Won, Mrs Lee Ting Ting, Ethan Ngo, Ho Rong Xin Caden, Keagan Cheong Zhong Wei, Jason Kee Jiazhi, Cheah Eu Sheng Dylan, Andrew Liew Kye


Elton Lim Meng Yew, Soo En Ler Sebastian, Joshua Lee Kai Shen, Toh Jun Hao Marcus, Chen Yiyang Luca, Hoe Yong Jun Justin, Xavier Ong Yee Keat, Jeremiah Lee Jie-Ren, Kaelem Michael Kurek

Benjamin Liew Soon Yi, Ethan Ng, Mdm Siti Karmila Abu, Foong Ming Jun Andrew, Khoo Choon Kee Lucas, Lim Kai-Ler, Oliver Michael Lim Kang Wei, Zander Lim Ngee Kai, Nikhil Weizhen Ranjan Sarker, Lucas Quek Heok Kiat, Kieran Chew Kai Wen, Oliver Er Ching Yang, Tan Jian Zhi Zakee Bin Adam 137 Mdm Najuma Banu, Hafiz Arwyn Jones, Lee Guan Xian Andrew, Joash Ong Jun Wen, Tan Jun Jie Jake, Chew Le-Jie Cyril, Shayan Pragash, Scott Ethan Furness, Tang Lok Tin Zachary, Basel Suen Guanxian 138 Our Pupils 2A

Jonathan Boey Chun Young, Lee Wen Kai, Gho Sin Tat Devon, Ryan Chan Weiming, Aidan Koh Wen Kang, Amir Advani, Matthew Wan Zhen Yu, Lucas Lim Jia Rui, Nico Caviezel, Chan Jun Hui Ethan, Daniel Jude Choy Zong De

Ignatius Koh Jian Zhi, Ethan William Sng Kai En, Jeremiah Lee Wei Han, Joel Chang Le Xin, Wong De Rui Jonathan, Matthew Lam Yi, Valentin Lee Chng Hsien, Robbie Chua Zong Chen, Joshua Yong Ming-Jie, Chng Wei Chong Darren

Dylan Chew, Elisha Sau Cheng Kai, Mdm Parveen Begum, Yamato Robin Tham, Tan Jian En Joel, Mr Tan Kim Leong Dennis, Cedric Nathan, Samuel Kok Kay Jin, Ong Zhen Jie Wesley, Jaydon Tan Yi Quan, Chia Rui Jie Thaddeus Dylan Chew, Elisha Sau Cheng Kai, Mdm Parveen Begum, Yamato Robin Tham, Tan Jian En Joel, Mr Tan Kim Leong Dennis, Cedric Nathan, Samuel Kok Kay Jin, Ong Zhen Jie Wesley, Jaydon Tan Yi Quan, Chia Rui Jie Thaddeus


Haris Muhsein bin Mohammad Effendi, Kam Kah Arn Matthew, Timothy Tan Kai-Jun, Rys Bin Wan Mohamed Nazrith, Cayden Lim Tze Wei, Renfred Yeo Zhe Rui, Brandon Chue Hao Ming, Mr Ang Ong Whee, Bence Huang Zongyou, Brian Goh Chengyu, Ayden Lee Ming En

Brandon Chew Jun Yu, Chan Shawn Wei Jared, Low Tze Kun Zach, Wang Zihan, David Low Junyi, Ting Heok Kang Aiden, Chai Ying Jie Gavin, Cheong Yong Yu Kyros, Keith Ho Tze Hou, Mrs Heng Xiu Qin, Lim Yu-Zhe, Joel Tan Liang Yi 139 Lye Yong Jun, Luke Ian Butcher, Mun Qi-Heng Caden, Kyler Poo, Tiew Tian Yu Aidan, Jeriah Phua Yijie, Ian Nathan Quah Yu Yang, Choo Kang Ming, Joel Leong Yi Heng 140 Our Pupils 2C

Ethan James Kuah Qing, Brendan Tang Jun Ming, Chow Bingda Batistierro, Chng Wei Chuan Davin, Alexander James Tay, Ms Natasha Patricia Lim H C, Aidan Kunal, Aaron Lim Boon Kiat, Jonathan Yong Ming-Sheng

Jaryl Chai Cong Jun, Andreas Khoo Ting Wee, Christopher Khoo Boo Yang, Rhys Tan Wen Hao, Haydenn Hong, Lim Sheng Jie Isaac, Ryden Ang Jian You, Keane Sebastian Sandhu, Kieran Choo Tze Wei, Jayden Ong Junxiang, Timothy Owen Kee

Zachery Swee Zhi Wen, Jared Tan Kian Kiat, John Wong Tze Xiang, Gabriel Tong Lewei, Raphael Min Htet Ng, Chua Yaw Teng Leonidas, Tan Roy Zak, Yao Zongrui, Daniel Bian Dong Rui, Zhang Zeyuan Jerry (Not In Picture: Jarrod Keithon Koh Ti Hong, Mdm Harshenpal Kaur) Zachery Swee Zhi Wen, Jared Tan Kian Kiat, John Wong Tze Xiang, Gabriel Tong Lewei, Raphael Min Htet Ng, Chua Yaw Teng Leonidas, Tan Roy Zak, Yao Zongrui, Daniel Bian Dong Rui, Zhang Zeyuan Jerry (Not In Picture: Jarrod Keithon Koh Ti Hong, Mdm Harshenpal Kaur)


Kao Zhi Rong Kenneth, Juan El Khazen, Rainer Ong Zhikai, Ezra-Luke Oh, Gerrard Tay Lang, Erick Tio Ding Fan, Loke Noah Zen, Asher Tan, Samuel Gay Jun Han

Nicholas Kang Zhi Xian, Ng Shun Kit Brandon, Ee Eu-Jin, Yu Yan Jun Elijah John, Arjen Gerardus Janssen, Mrs Pavia Janis, Elkan Yap Juay Kiat, Mark Tang Jia Cheng, Rajev Rajakanth, Lau Jia Yang David 141 Arshneal Singh, Matthew Atticus Tan, Jayden Teopilus Wen Xun, Lim Kwan-Rei Ayden, Michael Seah Zhe Xuan, Joshua Chan Liang Tse, Kan Hong Xian, Jayden Lee Jun De, Miss Ngoh Gek Luan, Greg Merican Choo, Muhammad Amir Ali Sabry, Joshua Boey Xi Huang, Joshua Lee Shyen 142 Our Pupils 2E

Tyler Miles Loh Zhen Zhe, Lucas Tan Kai Wen, Roy Ng Jun Cong, Shawn Lin Hao’en, Evan Matthew Loh, Isaac Loh Sheng Kai, Raphael Low, Lim Jingkai Aloysius, Ian Goo, Oliver Wee Xuan Lee, Jayden Aw Jie Kai

Constantine Ying Kah Whai, Ang Kai Wen Dylan, Ethan Chong Jia En, Gabriel Gow Zhi Ming, Coby Boey, Ren Chenyu, Nathaniel Cheng Rong En, Chong Ming En Nathan, Mr Colin Sim, Denzel Han Wei Chou

Gabriel Sujan Kumarasingam, Lee Kum Ree Cymru, Keefe Loh Jun Qi, Joshua Jonathan Kek Jiande, Benjamin Tze-Min Sommen, Jiang Tongze, Tan Rui Qi Matthew, Mr Chhoa Kok Kheng, Lim Yao Quan Michael, Chong Hark Ian Ethan, Joshua Paul Teoh Chia Rui Gabriel Sujan Kumarasingam, Lee Kum Ree Cymru, Keefe Loh Jun Qi, Joshua Jonathan Kek Jiande, Benjamin Tze-Min Sommen, Jiang Tongze, Tan Rui Qi Matthew, Mr Chhoa Kok Kheng, Lim Yao Quan Michael, Chong Hark Ian Ethan, Joshua Paul Teoh Chia Rui


Lucius Chong Jia Jie, Malcolm Wenliang Perera, Ryo Muto Lim, Ms Goh Pei Yin Adeline, Vernon Lim Jia Han, Wang Hong Sin, Nathanael Jana Nagulan James, Teo Rui Feng, Benjamin Ngo, Lukas Chew Jianhong, Zachary Chee Choon Yew

Tay Joachim, Shaan Kumar, Chng Wei Ang Jarell, Kendrick Kwok Rui Tian, Lim Yong-De Peter, Mr Zhang Zong Yang Charles, Jaeken Heng, S Vijayendraa Haran, Chia Jo-En, Lee Jia Hong Ansel 143 Ethan Paul Lim Tang En, Cameron Lim Ren Yi, Andre Ian Lim Ji In, Ethan Ong Teng Yong, Chua Rong Zheng, Chong Koi Yung Joshua, Brendon Au Kar Mun, Jaden Dominic Tan Joseph, Hsieh Jun Ting, Koh Ern Xi Roel, Kiran Arun Murthy 144 Our Pupils 2G

Choo Teng Fai Joseph, Chan Meng Kay Elisha, Chan Jon-Wy, Caleb Tham Jing Heng, Miss Lee Ai Ming Ivy, Caelan William Casey, Braeden Goh, Akash Thiagarajan, Emmanuel Soon Yi En

Koh Yu Zhe, Jonathan Emmanuel Kua, Jonathan Chu Wen Jie, Huang Yong, Hoo Hsien Rui, George Amadeus Hah Wei Yang, Elisha Au Yi Kean, Daniel Loh Zhen Yi, Yue Wei Ming Xavier, Yeo Chi Kai Lucas, Mrs Christine Ho, Wee En-Sherng Russell

Saint Claire Lucian Sebastien Ci Yu, Ryan Tan Wei Zhong, Ryan Choo Zee Chai, Parith Avasadanond, Oh Jia Qi Aaron, Leon Loh Shu-Juin, Lai Keng Yeong, Tyler Law Hon Ray, Timothy Chin Thien Siang, Sng Zer Wei Joash Saint Claire Lucian Sebastien Ci Yu, Ryan Tan Wei Zhong, Ryan Choo Zee Chai, Parith Avasadanond, Oh Jia Qi Aaron, Leon Loh Shu-Juin, Lai Keng Yeong, Tyler Law Hon Ray, Timothy Chin Thien Siang, Sng Zer Wei Joash


Christian Yip Jun, Barnaby Tan Jen Yang, Bryan Loh Ziyi, Nexus-Kyan Veroff Kai Chew, Ho Xu Jie Travis, Ng Yong Kai Brayden, Joseph Suraj Kumar, Joel Tan Wen En, Zachary Low Jie Xian, Mdm Ong Cui Yun Jasmine, Lin En Xi Toby

Isaac Chan, Lucas Alexander Bock, Lee Kang Le Mike, Ethan Tan Jun En, Chng Wei Yang Javier, Aidan Kai-Cheng Yeo, Arya Evan Zaccheus, Dylan Tan Kai Wen, Kieran Seow 145 Tay Qi Heng Aaron, Daniel Alexandre Lei Wai Ong Vitoria, Nigel Chen Guanrui, Wong Chung Kai Ian, Mdm Li Xing, Titus Tay, Kevin Christoph Langner, Elijah Choo Kai-En, Huang Wei Zhe, Michael Wong Kia An, Hargun Singh Bajaj, Nickolas Neo Yi Shan 146 Our Pupils 3A

Mr Chua Khoon Sia Raymond, Eidan Pang Kia Ee, Edwin Tay Wen, Chong Jin Declan, Daniel Khor Kai En, Satchindan Shirde Mahendran, Noah Tan Kit Tsin, Timothy Chin Si Rong, Joseph Tan Zhen Yu, Isaac Atticus Lee, Kuan Weiyi Jethro, Soong Jun Xian Ian, Aditya Murthy

Justin Lee Jia Xian, Oakley Chua Wei Feng, Timothy Ho Rae Kit, Leong Hong Wei Dylan, Lim Elias, Wai Song Yi Ethan, Seah Rui Han Jonathan, Fabian Chek, Brandon Jeremy Boyd, Kruz Drake Kornegay, Joseph Lee Min Yih, Kieran Theodore Da Silva Shi Hua En, Ethan Koh Tze Kit

Mr Shahrulnizam Padawi, Tan Hsien Hao Jerrick, Riley Cho Wei Jie, Teo Kai Ern Titus Samuel, Jedidiah Cheong Jie De, Lee Jia-Yi Samuel, Matthew Thai Kai-Jun, Aaron Khaw Jun-Jie, Daniel Low, Franklin Fong Jia Jie, Erdan Hakeem Bin Edhir, Caleb Yap Keane Yang, Fong Yu Luke, Isaac Low Jun Wei, Joel Ong Zheng Wei Mr Shahrulnizam Padawi, Tan Hsien Hao Jerrick, Riley Cho Wei Jie, Teo Kai Ern Titus Samuel, Jedidiah Cheong Jie De, Lee Jia-Yi Samuel, Matthew Thai Kai-Jun, Aaron Khaw Jun-Jie, Daniel Low, Franklin Fong Jia Jie, Erdan Hakeem Bin Edhir, Caleb Yap Keane Yang, Fong Yu Luke, Isaac Low Jun Wei, Joel Ong Zheng Wei


Mr Ng Chung Jin Bryan, Khoo Zhi-Lei Elliot, Cornelius Ng Han Shuo, Noah How Zuo En, Gabriel Elliot Alfred, Kyle Andrian Ali, Lim Lun Xun Ioan, Adli Safin Bin Aidil, Jeremiah Yeo Sung Kit, Chang Jia Jun, Brandon Satoshi Song, Jared Khaw Jun-Lan, Rickson Chen Xinwei, Kwok Zhong Jun

Damien Ng Kai Ren, Tan Jia Hui, Hoe Jun Yi, Aidan Ethan Auyok, Tang Kai Yeung Daniel, Aaron Ong An Ren, Ivan Joash Stephen, Trey Ignatius Leong, Evan Lim, Isaac Risham s/o Kathiresan, Mohammad Akmal bin Mohammad Faisal, Lo Wing Sing Benedict 147 Brayden Liew Yu Teng, Cedric Mok Yue En, Khoo Ting Yong Augustine, Joshua Daniel Lee Tze Hong, Mr Lau Mun Yip Benny, Chiang Bing Feng Oscar, Justin Lui Jun Wei, Eldon Joel Kwan, Abel Low, Theodore Thong Yu Jie, Low Wern Jae Zach, Lim Zhirui Ethan, Matthias Teng Carwyn, Gan Wei Yan (Not In Picture: Leong Jun Yang) 148 Our Pupils 3C

Peter Sam Chow Tian An, Chua Zhong Heng, Daniel Choo Rei-Sheng, Wai En Xiang Ian, Zachary Tan Ming Ern, Elijah Chew Ze Feng, Tan Ho Tiet Keane, Ranen Tan Zhen Yi, Brandon Zhang Kaihao, Isaac Lim Sze-Yuan, Cheah En Le Elliot, Cheong Zhi Hao Michael, Chew An-Yuan Christopher, Hoe Kai Yi Ethan Noel

Marcus Peng Jun Hao, Matthew Khoo En Kai, Zachary Teo-Krishnamuti, Leong Ho Tim, Syn Tze Ren Matthew, Lim Kee Yew Darius, Mr Tan Jian Liang, Russell Chan Ten Jin, Siah Yu Teng Ethan, Ng Juan Rong Mark, Noah Jaden Tan Jia Han, Gabriel Ho Zhen Yu, Javius Poon Jung Lok, Ethan Yeo See Wei, Lim Yuan Bin Nicholas

Chin Xu Sheng, Eithan Tan Yi Deng, Rahul Dhawn, Joseph Lim Zhang Yao, Reagan Joseph Chua, Ang Aloysius, Darren Tan Ze Xi, Sheng Hong Ming, Seetoh Ren Kai Luke, Shawn Ho Shuen En, Keegan Goh Yu Jie, Lim Yu Kit Ryan, Paxton Chan Yuk Kit, Nonis Ryan Jayden, Mrs Lim Celia Chin Xu Sheng, Eithan Tan Yi Deng, Rahul Dhawn, Joseph Lim Zhang Yao, Reagan Joseph Chua, Ang Aloysius, Darren Tan Ze Xi, Sheng Hong Ming, Seetoh Ren Kai Luke, Shawn Ho Shuen En, Keegan Goh Yu Jie, Lim Yu Kit Ryan, Paxton Chan Yuk Kit, Nonis Ryan Jayden, Mrs Lim Celia


Ryan Choy J-En, Sean Eyo Wei Shao, Ngien Zi En Joel, Ajjagottu Harshith Reddy, Cheong Hsien Kai Asher, Chia Jin En Mark, Dante Tan Yu Jie, Damien Lim Bing Heng, Teo Wen Kai Joshua, Khua Yew Heng Brandon, Reuben Sim Zhong Yi, Kwan Rui Heng Caleb, Rory Yap Rui Yi

Tan Yan Han Jason, Tong Jun-Wei Gareth, Evan Tan, Yeo Kai Hsuen, Mr Vijayakumaran Govindasamy, Nathan Lim Jie, Ho Yew Wei, Ng Jun Lin Kyan, Joseph Wee Yon-En, David Low Rui-Yan, Tan Yong En Elijah, Evan Tan Kai Jin, Jesse Ong Yi Min, Caden Kwok Lexian, Leong Ho Karl 149 Joshua Seow Jun Ming, Joash Loh Ci-Yi, Loh Weng Eu Shunem, Mikhail Kai-Ahn Mohd Nasir, Max Lee Yeong Kang, Lim Yong Kai, Lucas Yeo Zhen Ye, Ace Matthew Kastono, Avery Tang Yang Xiang, Andre Chew Leong Joon, Joen Choo Tze En, Jason Kok Wen Hao, Ethan Yeo, Mr Muhammad Khairil (Jul-Dec), Joshua Kee Jiawei, Jonathan Chan Jian Yao (Not In Picture: Mr Lee Lit Meing (Jan-May) ) 150 Our Pupils 3E

Chong Wen Hao, Chng Kai Ler Caleb, Chee Yin Seng, Chan Yu Zhe, Brayden Peter Tan, Alpheus Tan Sin Wee, Adriel Tan, Isaac Oh Weizhi, Ilyaas Ng Kien Yong, Ian Chan, Hilo Lee Yen, Ewan Lim Zheng Yu, Ethan Raphael Wee

Kenneth Raphael Lim Wie T, Jonathan Kok Wen Ming, Kaden Kwek, Julian Ng Hin Lock, Joel Lee Jun Jie, John Tow Zhi Chong, Isaac Tan Tiang Tze, Mr Alfred Kriswano (Jul-Dec), Octavius Fok Zonmun, Ng Song Hao Daniel, Nathan Mak Kai Wei, Lim Ke Jiun, Lee Shi Jie Aidan, Kyeron Isaac How Han Zhe

Seth Wan Jun En, Sean Lincoln Mok Wen Jie, Mrs Neo Lin Li, Santos Andreas Cheong, Png Yong Jie Joshua, Philius Andreas Cheong, Wong Zi Jian Samuel, Shayne Tan Tze Herng, Stephen Chen Wei Wen, Wong Rae-Hun Joen, Tan Chin Ann Ryan, Song En Xu Reagan, Ethan Orion Lock (Not In Picture: Ng En Kuang Joshua, Ms Ng Bei Ying (Jan-Jun) ) Seth Wan Jun En, Sean Lincoln Mok Wen Jie, Mrs Neo Lin Li, Santos Andreas Cheong, Png Yong Jie Joshua, Philius Andreas Cheong, Wong Zi Jian Samuel, Shayne Tan Tze Herng, Stephen Chen Wei Wen, Wong Rae-Hun Joen, Tan Chin Ann Ryan, Song En Xu Reagan, Ethan Orion Lock (Not In Picture: Ng En Kuang Joshua, Ms Ng Bei Ying (Jan-Jun) )


Darren Tay Yu Jun, Ethan Ng Yu Hern, Doughlas Tan Jian Jin, Choo Jing Tang Xavier Theodore, Chang Ren Hong, Caleb Tan Kai Le, Mdm Yeo Jeannie, Brandon Ko Minjun, Aaron Michael Tan Yi, Tan Geng Khiang Marc, Shane Ho Yiran, Rick Ang Jia Le

Jaeden Lim Jie En, Mrs Gomathi Ravindra, Isaac Tan Wen Yang, Ho Marcus, Gaddiel Goh Cheng-Z, Gabriel Loh Seck Chuan, Ewan Lee Yi Wei Pedersen, Etienne Weizhe Liebenberg, Paul Awyong Shi Guang, Pang Zhikang, Nirup Singh Bajaj, Lucas Tay Jin Tai, Loi Kae Jin 151 Lo Wing Hong Aaron, Lim Kai Jie David, Lim Ian, Leung Yu Ji, Lee Feng Chen, Kienan Foo Zi En, Khoo Kai Jun Joshua, Josh Ng Chao Ee, Zhou Zicong, Zachary Tan De Wei, Yeow Kai Ye Conrad, Valens Lee Chng Yi, Tyler James Tan, Timothy Kok Wen Shern, Teo Yu Ten Jarrod (Not In Picture: Evan Israel Tay Yi Hern) 152 Our Pupils 4A

Dominic Liau Ze Min, Javen Tan Jun Wen, Chua Shun Hao Gideone, Chow Ser Wei Mark Ethan, Elijah Loke Wai, Gabriel Sam Boh Shao Wei, Rae Isaaq Bin Sherwan Nara, Tan Tao Zhi, Mr Kum Kin Meng Adrian, Ariel Ng Xu, David Lim Onn, Ashton Chew Jun Cheng

Mdm Renuka Devi Windersalam, Jaedon Isaac Cheong Ern, Wang Hong Li, Keith Michael Ong Yee Ming, Jacob Pang Yu Jia, Andre Dominic Wong Hoi Wan, Reyna Teo Wen Ee, Brayden Leong Rui Jun, Benjamin Lee, Aiden Loh E Kye, Fong Yik Hoi Caleb, Javier Tan JunKai, Lee Wee Guan Jeremy, Arthur Chong Yi Kang

Phua Jyun Ying, Mohammad Azdfar bin Mohammad Faisal, Hitesh s/o Regu Gopal, Sameer Ali bin Khairussufi, Joshua Ong Li Yong, Roy Chee Zhi You, Tan Jun Hao Jonathan, Mrs Cindy Teo, Tang Yuan Sheng Collin, Hansel Avniel Chin Ee Tong, Joshua Khoo Jia Jie, Teddy Rayhan Setiawan, Chia Rui Shen Zachary, Jainesh s/o Dinesh, Tan Wei Jun Evann, Timotheus Joseph Lim Sheng Rong, Sathya Nayar Phua Jyun Ying, Mohammad Azdfar bin Mohammad Faisal, Hitesh s/o Regu Gopal, Sameer Ali bin Khairussufi, Joshua Ong Li Yong, Roy Chee Zhi You, Tan Jun Hao Jonathan, Mrs Cindy Teo, Tang Yuan Sheng Collin, Hansel Avniel Chin Ee Tong, Joshua Khoo Jia Jie, Teddy Rayhan Setiawan, Chia Rui Shen Zachary, Jainesh s/o Dinesh, Tan Wei Jun Evann, Timotheus Joseph Lim Sheng Rong, Sathya Nayar


Shane Aathar, Anthony Lee Zhi, A Niranjan, Aaron Lau Ka Shing, Au Wei En Darren, Chua Euan, Chan Qing Wen, Bryan Alexander Ponniah, Caleb Ho Kai Le, Wang Binrui, Nathanael Tan Wen Xuan, Scott Jared Gair

Elliot Tan Kai Tyan, Du Yi, Dylan Chan Wai Jin, Mdm Wendy Tan Poh Yee (Jul-Dec), Chua Jun Jie Aviel, Dayan Loh Weize, Goh Chien Chung, Lee Wung Yong Thaddeus, Ling Ee-Yang Ethan, Romell Ang Qi Jun, Dylan Ming Gabriel, Gerard Yap Kai Sheng 153 Julien Ow Jun Qing, Keith Eldriech Tanya Young, Jereme Lim Jin Hung, Kliff Ho Jin Rui, Mrs Dawn Wee, Joshua Chong Yong Jun, Jayden Cheong Yung Ler, Jaden Rhys Lim Rui Zhi, Wu Yanyu, Lucas Ng Kaiyi, Shum Wei-Liang Rey, Soh Jing Lun, Royston Yam Yi Min, Loh Sze Kai Caleb, Goh Jun Jie Ryan (Not In Picture: Mdm Wong Way Lin) 154 Our Pupils 4C

Chan Meng Yarn Clarence, Anand Isaac Sithu Tian Kai, Lim Jun Wen Ethan, Sashant Balamurali, Ryan Joshua Ong Sheng-En, Tan Chek Han Samuel, Euan David Ong Yi-En, Keegan Ho Kai En, Zachary Dylan Sng En Rong, Wayne Choo Zee Chen, Ong Ming En Ethan, Ciaran Ow Wern Yu, Tan Yan Ming Ryan, Tham Zhi Xian Gareth, Tan Yu Yang Jaden

Zishan Haq Bin Mohamed Yousoof, Zee Ka-Hao, Samuel Kok Mun Wai, Jerome Thio Zhi Lun, Nathan Loh Zhen Jie, Tan Micaiah, Soo Yee Onn Isaiah, Scott Xander Kok, Ong Kay-An Jonathan, Mansimran Singh Bajaj, Jason Wong Min Yao, Lee Quan En Bryan, Sim Rui Jie Nicholas, Chim Dong Han

Mdm Liew Sin Tong Teresa, David Wong Tze Yang, Isaac Wong Wei-Lun, Tang Yat Cong Derek, Lin Ze Xi Timothy, Wong De Xuan Nathan, Miss Mazeedah M Azmi, Coen Chia Min Xun, Ethan Ong Yu Thung, Samuel Tan Kaien, Ong Tze Herng Kieran, Lee Li Ren Ryan Mdm Liew Sin Tong Teresa, David Wong Tze Yang, Isaac Wong Wei-Lun, Tang Yat Cong Derek, Lin Ze Xi Timothy, Wong De Xuan Nathan, Miss Mazeedah M Azmi, Coen Chia Min Xun, Ethan Ong Yu Thung, Samuel Tan Kaien, Ong Tze Herng Kieran, Lee Li Ren Ryan


Lincoln Tay Yijun, Isaac Low Tze Sheng, Joel Lam Koi Kee, Merrick Tan Yi Ern, Tan Tze Elijah, Lachlan Saputra Goh, David Christian Wei-An Magnus, Joshua Choo Jon Shen, Isaac Khoo Jing Jie, Ho Jun Wei Sean, Ng Yan Bin Nathanael

Mr Edwin Tan Loon Kiat, Dominic Huang Tianle, Ang Li-Xiang Jeremy, Isaac Ling De Jun, Tan Cheng Kiat Davian, Jaden Marcus Lim Wei Shan, Jared Soon Zhong En, Ravern Suen Jun Ming, Ryan Chan Shao Yang, Jarrett Yew Jiele, Javier Chai Cong Jiu, Travis Kiong Jia Rui, Loh Yi Li Isaiah, Rayson Loi, Dylan Lim Yanchao 155 Timothy Choy Ren Shyan, Lam Zhi Yang Marcellus, Oliver Kuay Jing He, Aiden Michael Loh, Chung Xiang Yu Reine, Asher Wong, Glenden Wong, Lee Yih Shyen, Seah Sean, Lucas Lim, Elliot Yap Yi Jie, Mdm Chiew Hwee Ling, Caleb Pang Yi Yang, Joel Tan-Lienhart 156 Our Pupils 4E

Ho Xuan Jie Zacharias, Chan Zhao Xun Gordon, Kieron Lim, Lee Yu Hsien Russell, Andre Bertrand Chua Zhe Kai, Hia Juay Hng Ryan, Chan Wen Hui Ryan, Ang Howe Loon Aloysius, Mdm Ang Wendy, Jayden Cho Jie Jun, Jeron Tay Ming Feng, Raphael Wong Zi Jing, Foo Siang Yi Asher

Wong Ee Jen, Kaz Lim Hsu Eyn, Jonathan Jude Yeo Guan-En, Cheng Xe An Neil, Chan Chee Yung Noel, Bryan Goh Jing Yuan, Ellard Lim Jinzheng, Lock Yong Hao, Timothy Tan Rui Yang, Omar Koh Ee, Chua Yi Kiat, Joshua Eng Chong Jun, Ajaydas Devadas

Goh Pin Pin Isaac, Samuel Yeo Kai Le, Kendrick Zhikang Ngkoo, Jeray Tedoen, Nathanael Teo Xianwei, Lau Wai Wing Timothy, Chong Zhi Yuan Julian, Rae Ho Yat Chun, Jakob Kai Gopalan, Joshua Leong Shao En, Josh Blu Ng, Alvin Chris, Goh Yiwen Luke, Ivan Loh Jinkang (Not In Picture: Ms Siti Nurjannah Saaet) Goh Pin Pin Isaac, Samuel Yeo Kai Le, Kendrick Zhikang Ngkoo, Jeray Tedoen, Nathanael Teo Xianwei, Lau Wai Wing Timothy, Chong Zhi Yuan Julian, Rae Ho Yat Chun, Jakob Kai Gopalan, Joshua Leong Shao En, Josh Blu Ng, Alvin Chris, Goh Yiwen Luke, Ivan Loh Jinkang (Not In Picture: Ms Siti Nurjannah Saaet)


Mr Ho Kelvin, Brandon Chan, Ethan Liew Wei Zhong, Brendan Sreekanth, Caius Chin Kai Zaak, Alejandro Santos Rivas, Marc Wilson Chung, Matthew Tan Cher Hui, Tan Choon Siang, Ethan Quek Heok Hwee, Cohen Barron Chiam Yuen Han, Ong Hua Jie Ro-I, Ang Huai Shao, Cruz Sebastian Chua

Tertius Lee Yong Siang, Choo Zhi Xian Branson, Tay Rei Feng Xavier, Neo Yong Ern Ernest, James Kenneth Butcher, Chan Man Lock Jake, Tan Hong Kai, Reonne Yeo, Gareth Goh, Emerson Tay Ren Yen, Malcolm Koh Ho Siong, Chan Chee Kin, Brandon Landis Bock 157 Matthew Chu Wen Guang, Ryan Lim An Lun, Terry Tay Jing Zhou, Goh Xuan Yi Daniel, Mr Koh Chung Heng, Jonathan Leong Yi Kai, Ryan Lee Han Xun, Harry Tang Jun Hao, Tay Weiye Marcus, Lim Boyu Brandon, Dylan Au Yi Ern, Gregory Evan Kwok, Isaac Wee Boon Hui, Shane Tang Ming Yi 158 Our Pupils 4H

Abishek Sandiran, Chan Haowei, Mr Wong Jun Jie Ryan, Ethan Marc Lai Jinn, Leonard Tan, Anders Lim Shaoheng, Tan Yi Liang Jordan, Tilak Manu

Caius Jaden Yap, Maximilian Ang Jian Zhi, Neo Yong Le Ian, Daryle Ang Xuan Ye, Tay Eewan, Royce Ho Xinglun, Siddhaarth Dharani, Shivesh s/o Sivaperakas, Isaac Yeow En Rui

Michael Yeo Yong Shern, Kim Jun Loong David, Chng Kay Yern Aidan, Mr Ho Shin Hoo, Joshua Tan Kye Juin, Wilson Lourdu Xavier Garrison Joshua, Jonathan Ong Kaijie, Nathan Yong Jin Peng, Elliot Mark Jansen (Not In Picture: Joshua Paul Lee Shang Wei) Michael Yeo Yong Shern, Kim Jun Loong David, Chng Kay Yern Aidan, Mr Ho Shin Hoo, Joshua Tan Kye Juin, Wilson Lourdu Xavier Garrison Joshua, Jonathan Ong Kaijie, Nathan Yong Jin Peng, Elliot Mark Jansen (Not In Picture: Joshua Paul Lee Shang Wei)


Kwah Hsiang Rui David, Ng Yong Le, Yeo Wei Han Luke, Lucas Chia Ming Hang, Caleb Chia, Joseph Tan Qi En, Samuel Elijah Robson, Jadon Lee Jay Han, Chia Jae-Ren

Lim Junwen Miguel, Ng Ren Hui, Leithan Koh Li Teng, Wang Jing Yuan, Hii Wei Jie Mark, Loo Ther Tristan, Jireh John Kwek, Mr Shi Liang, Reuel Pang, See An Josiah 159 Daylon Chua Sijie, Dylan Teo Jing Yi, Zachary Matthew Khoo Wen Kai, Evanz Tan Kai, Yeo Ee Kiat, Trevor Chow Seong Yan, Tan Yeng Luen Bryant, Ms Mok Pei Terk 160 Our Pupils 5A

Mr Tan Poo Loy, Elijah Mark Yeo Zhe, Bryan Eli Chen Song Kai, Choy Rui-Yang Lukas, Gareth Huang Lee Jun, Harith Mikail Mohamed Nasser, Dylan Teo Zhi Cai, Lee Kang Yu Ted, Kuah Zi’le, Chia Teck Ian, Chen Anhong, Zachary Yam En, Foo Hee Min @ Kaemon Poh Foo

Joshua Yeo Zher Rei, Samuel Lim Chung Mun, Leong Kaizer Ethan, Aaron Lim Jian Wen, Ezekiel Daniel Goh Shao En, Kyan Lew Cao Hui, Krish Deepak Nagrani, Mr Edmund Wu (Jul-Dec), Wong Chun Kit Christopher, Wayne Ho Wei En, Chow Yi Alfie, Wong Shao En, Pang Yu Kang

Jet Khoo Yi Wei, Yeo Hong, Tschuyler Ong, Soh Zhi Jie Matthias, Joash Tan I-An, Tan Yen Hao Marvin, Ryan Koo Yi Zhe, Pete Lee Xuan Xian, Bryce Wong Koon Meng, Tan Chong-Jihn Matthew, Yap An Ren Evan Nathaniel, Marcus Tay, Chia Han Xiang Aidan (Not In Picture: Darren Satria Perkasa bin Khairil Anwar, Ong Yi En Ian, Ms Charmaine Cheong (Jan-Jun), Mdm Eilina Look (Jan-Jun)) Jet Khoo Yi Wei, Yeo Hong, Tschuyler Ong, Soh Zhi Jie Matthias, Joash Tan I-An, Tan Yen Hao Marvin, Ryan Koo Yi Zhe, Pete Lee Xuan Xian, Bryce Wong Koon Meng, Tan Chong-Jihn Matthew, Yap An Ren Evan Nathaniel, Marcus Tay, Chia Han Xiang Aidan (Not In Picture: Darren Satria Perkasa bin Khairil Anwar, Ong Yi En Ian, Ms Charmaine Cheong (Jan-Jun), Mdm Eilina Look (Jan-Jun))


Thevaseynan s/o C Balu, Subramaniyan s/o Pandi Raj, Wong Bing Kit Frost, Soh Wen Hao Aden, Mrs Kunalan Senthamarai, Ismail Shah bin Hussian Shah, Yap Jay Shin Ashton, Ilhan Intekhab Khan, Arjun Dinesh Das, Wong Jun En Kai, Jaydon Gui Zhi Xian, Goh Sam Kai, Matthew Cheong Zhi Yong, Tan En Yang Joel

Dylan Low Kai Zhe, Dylan Ong Zhi Heng, Fong Yiu Skye, Elijah Joshua, Tay Kee Guan Matthias, Tan Jun Heng Kayvier, Joshua Gow Zhi Yong, Julien Soon Bo En, Yoong Jun Kit, Asher Low Jiarui, Evan Lewis Ng Chen Yan, Yoong Gee Yan Asaph, Enzo A Sasidharan, Lee Cheng Fai Dylan 161 Raynand Loi, Timothy Fong Hao En, Ryan Seow How Wen, Isaac Ng Kien Hong, Darius Lim Hwee Kai, Mdm Ida Nonanseh Abdul Rahman, Yeo Ee Hean Sean, Russell Gan, Mah Git Mun Warren, Henry Ke Heng Vasko, Zachary Leong Yao Jie, Julian Tan, Lee Le Qian Abraham, Du Chuang 162 Our Pupils 5C

Fredrick Fong Jia Sheng, Hannes Fitzgerald Ng Wei Hao, Aaron Josiah Low, Leung Kin Ho Rio, Ignatius Lim Kai Jie, Brandon Teo Chuanyu, Hann Leong, Lim Ruiyi Joshua, Christiaan Weiyan Liebenberg, Liu Zhengliang, Liu Kai Max, Tang Dylan, Stephen Lim Jing Yi, Timothy Ting Jun-Hng, Tan Kok Yang Thaddeus, Jerrell Chong Jin Sheng, Lai Keng Foong

Zachary Lee Yi, Nicholas Ng Hiap Siang, Samuel Cheng Wei En, Matthan Jude Wong, Alexander Khoo Ting Hon, Matthew Chin Si Jie, Dharman Vijayakumar, Nuqman Hafiy bin Mohammed Fawzy, Ryan Toh, Lance Ang Jia Hao, Marc Ang, Toh Xue Hong, Mr Shaikh Ma’aruf Ali (Jul-Dec)

Zhang Yu Heng, Woo Jun Kit Koen, Joshua Chen Kay Jian, Ms Lai Kit Mun Jessica, Wong Mason, Wong Lin Kiat Ryan, Liew Yu Heng Jared, Samuel Kwok, Chiang Yong Shing, Claydon Lim Ming Zhi, Ethan Chua Jie Fan, Lee Xin-Ying Ryan, Matthew Ng Jun Han, Tang Yat Hei David (Not In Picture: Mr Edmund Wu(Jan-Jun)) Zhang Yu Heng, Woo Jun Kit Koen, Joshua Chen Kay Jian, Ms Lai Kit Mun Jessica, Wong Mason, Wong Lin Kiat Ryan, Liew Yu Heng Jared, Samuel Kwok, Chiang Yong Shing, Claydon Lim Ming Zhi, Ethan Chua Jie Fan, Lee Xin-Ying Ryan, Matthew Ng Jun Han, Tang Yat Hei David (Not In Picture: Mr Edmund Wu(Jan-Jun))


Andrew Tay Bin Song, Wong Kang Yu Kaiser, Tyler James Leong, Jeffrey Wong Jing Yang, Liew Jun Ray Isaiah, Wee How Feng Treffert, Joshua Sau Cheng Teck, Ryan Tan Suan Tat, Jag Alexis Ng, Dilan Haridas, Dexter Yong Yu Heng, Ethan Jedidiah Pang Kin Fong

Aidan Sun Zhihong, Tang Kai Yi, Teo Wen Liang Nigel Elliot, Mr Muhamed Nazrul Zain, Luke Tan, Joshua Lim Yong-Jie, Dylan Tan Ze Yu, Kieran Chan Tai Yong, Ryan Seow, Mr Koh Yee Lee, Loo Pei Jun, Hung Joe Kit, Ewan Lee En, William Jin Zhong Liang, Wong Cheng Yin Benjamin, Zachary Lim Minh 163 Koh Kok Hon, Soon Fung, Hoon Wei Chieh Linus, Tong Han Wei Stefan, Ethan Yim Choong Rye, Christian Gerard Gaspar, Kieran James Boyd, Lee Jian Wen James, Timothy Stephen Ang Tze Wei, Song Wen Xuan Reeve, Ryan Yap Rui Yang, Ethan Lau Jit Ann, Augustine Alexander Chan Wai Cheong, Lucas Tan Yongzhi, Matthew Lim Kai Jie (Not In Picture: Lim Yu Yang Ian) 164 Our Pupils 5E

Kwan Rui Zheng Matthew, Jeong Jae Hwa, Marcus Phil Lau Jun Hui, David Maximilian Lim Wen Wei, Ralph Wang Kler, Jonathan Tan Suun Eu, Shah Aryan Dhaval, Enrique Aathar, Kayden Tang, Lim Elijah, Martin Christian Lim Zhi Ang

Zann Low, Jaden Ng, Kaden Lim, Warrick Low, Cheng Jih Kit Ian, Jadon Yoong Jia Zhong, Tan Bin Hui, Asher Kam Wee Lok, Mdm Ong Ghim Muay Angeline, Oscar Tan Yuanfei, Cheah Eu En Ryan, Jared Ng Kah Loong, Keith Emet Huan, Goh Shaun Kai, Tan Aik Ern Ian

Lee Ming-Li Jonathan, Jayden Shang Wei Jun, Evan Jarrett Loh Wei Si, Gabriel Augustine Tan En, Eden Soh Yi Sheng, Chiang Xing Kang Egan, Wayan Loh Weien, Yeoh Xian Zhi Aloysius, Davis Kent Tan Hwang-Ee, Quinlan Curtis Koh Ti Khiang, Koh Woo Heng Bertrand, Chia Chin Han Ethan, Lim Kai Zhe Ashley, Mr Wan Mohamed Nazrith, Lim Ethan Lee Ming-Li Jonathan, Jayden Shang Wei Jun, Evan Jarrett Loh Wei Si, Gabriel Augustine Tan En, Eden Soh Yi Sheng, Chiang Xing Kang Egan, Wayan Loh Weien, Yeoh Xian Zhi Aloysius, Davis Kent Tan Hwang-Ee, Quinlan Curtis Koh Ti Khiang, Koh Woo Heng Bertrand, Chia Chin Han Ethan, Lim Kai Zhe Ashley, Mr Wan Mohamed Nazrith, Lim Ethan


Wayne Peck, Benjamin Khoo Boo Han, Tay Kuan Yew Ritchie, Muhammad Ryan Sei bin Muhammad Yazid, Kang Zhi Ren Marcus, Han Teng En Gabriel, Sim Xu Hui Bryant, Chong Wei Juin, Chow Jie Lun Aaron, Mr Ho Yoong Kian Leon, Aaron Ing Pak Kei, Ong Darius

Nishanth John Vijayan, Gideon Goh Cheng-E, Elliot Chua Yu Tjun, Tan Yan Yu Iker, Noel Liew Yue Hung, Lim Yik Hong Pierre, Ryan Ho Yat Sing, Lee Zheng Rui Evan, Joshua Lam Keng Hao, Png Pin Jie Jacob, Leong Sher Jei Galen, Alexzander Chong Yi Shuen, Lim Zhi Yong Evan Sven, Tan Yi-Anh Jude 165 Seet Qin Han, Darren Liem, Dylan Yip Ding Sing, Angad Chopra, Julian Lui Song Jun, Alliot Lim An Jie, Choa Zonghan Etienne, Joel Chan Kim Yuen, Marc Kwan Ming De, Marc Tze-Kai Sommen, Oh Boon Kai Keith, Ng Yan Qi Jonah, Lee Fon Ming Bryant, Mrs Karen Wong (Not In Picture: Gordon Chwee Xiang Hao) 166 Our Pupils 5H

Keeratpal Singh Pannu s/o Dalvinder Singh, Sim Yu Jie Bryan, Mr Benedict Yap, Trystan Raj, Lee Jun Rui Marcus, Teo Seng Tiak Joel, Lee Shaw Hsiang, Kendrick Ang Zhong Yi

Goh Shen Lei Timothy, Benjamin Yong Ming-Wei, Alexander Loh Yi Kai, Michael Liew Wensheng, Darion Wiradjaja, Matthew Chua Rui Xiang, Coen Lim, Chew Liang Gim, Ryan Mah Wei Keat, Ong Sheng Tek Oliver

Lee Jia Jie, Chao Fan En Nicholas, Choo Zhi Yuan Winston, Michael Leow Yikai, Wong Yeh Siang, Jordan Kai-Wei Yeo, Lin Rui, Tay Kai En (Not In Picture: Mdm Rebecca Ng (Jan-Mar), Mdm Eilina Look (Sep-Dec)) Lee Jia Jie, Chao Fan En Nicholas, Choo Zhi Yuan Winston, Michael Leow Yikai, Wong Yeh Siang, Jordan Kai-Wei Yeo, Lin Rui, Tay Kai En (Not In Picture: Mdm Rebecca Ng (Jan-Mar), Mdm Eilina Look (Sep-Dec))


Joel Loh Quan Yu, Ryan Chia, Daniel Tan Jun Xi, Ms Aminda Chua Nyap Kin, Michael Chi Cheng Lock, Ethan Alexandre Lim, Christian Gregory Lim Tye Jin, Yeoh Siang Rong Jonathan, Ian Liang Kai Quan

Tan Tze Kai, Ong Sheng Wei Andrew, Jeremy Kek Jianbin, Gabriel Roberto Tan Chu Sze, Ms Tan Bee Choo Vanessa, Timothy Ang Ti’en Ern, Isaac Kok Shou-Tng, Jonathan Lim Jay-Sien, Ivan Loh, Marcus Tay Tse En 167 Elijah Yong Jun Xiang, John Junrui Hu Lagman, Ong Yi Herng Joel, Ryan Daniel Chua, Ryan Koh, Edden Chew Keyn-Hantz, Matthew Ng Eng Kiat, Chan Chin Kan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36

Form Teachers: Mrs Jillianne Chew, Ms Lim Guat Hwa

6A1 Aidan Lim Wei-Loong 2 Akkash See Wei Ren 3 Ang Wen Pin, Andrew 4 Brian Joshua Chang 5 Chua Yu Liang Gideon 6 Darren Tan Jun Wei 7 Darren Wee 8 Declan Ansel Kho 9 Ethan Lee Song Yin 10 Ethan Lim Kai 11 Ethan Wong Kee Jann 12 Gabriel Tee Xin Yang 13 Gawain Khoo Teng Ghee 14 Javier Loy Ki-Jyn 15 Jerald Ong Jie Le 16 John Yesudass Steven 17 Johnson Hung Jun Jie 18 Joshua Satrio Tando 19 Kesler Tan Yicheng 20 Kwok Soong Ping, David 21 Lee Quan Jun Ervin 22 Lee Zhi Kai 23 Lim Zong Han, Ian 24 Luis Sam Yik Chong 25 Malcolm Lim Ngee Kang 26 Mark Soo Sheng Han 27 Matthew Christian Teh Yu-Jun 28 Nathaniel Hugo Gratian Lin 29 Nezhad Yusuf Bin Mohammed Feisal 30 Poon Jung Yun, Edson 31 Shawn Lim Wei Jie 32 Soon Zi Foon Benjamin 33 Syed Jalal Ahmad Gilani 34 Tan Rong Hwa, Nigel 35 Tan Yan Kai, Kiefer 36 Yong U-Qi, Erik

168 Our Pupils 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35

Form Teachers: Mrs Farisa Hussain, Mr Azman B Mohamad Dali

6B1 Cale Galeno Shankar 2 Caleb Yeap 3 Ching Tze Yi, Lucius 4 Choy Koon Tze 5 Chua Yaw Hong Frederick Vyner 6 Cody Koh Lishan 7 Dylan Hay Yao Jie 8 Edrick Tham Koek Kit 9 Elijah-John Nazar 10 Gabriel Goh Cheng-U 11 Goh Ching Han, Matthew 12 Hong Ker Young Marcus 13 Ian Tay Yi En 14 Joel Cho Kuang Jun 15 Joel Sim Rong En 16 Jordan Riatono 17 Joshua Lee Tze En 18 Joshua Lee Yu Jie 19 Joshua Tan Jee Yong 20 Klinton Ho Qi Feng 21 Lee Peng Yi, Jerom 22 Lim Jun Hong Dylan 23 Lim Kai En Ian 24 Loy Shan Wei Jeremiah 25 Luke Lo Shiun Hurng 26 Ng Li Hong John 27 Ong Jeng 28 Ong Jun Yao Ryann 29 Rin Hong Han, Josh 30 Tan Ephraim 31 Tan Jen Xen 32 Tan Ren An, Ethan 33 Tan Wei Zhi 34 Wesley Ang Yu Xiang 35 Yue Zhiyang, Nicholas

169 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Form Teachers: Ms Ho Lim Hwei, Mdm Suzanna Bte Hashim

6C1 A Barathan 2 Adwin Heng 3 Ang Kai Wei 4 Arvind S/O Tharmaraja 5 Benjamin Makaio Ho Tsing Howe 6 Chan Jie Rong Jerome 7 Chhoa Wen Zhe 8 Dan Yuet Wayne 9 David Choo Rai-An 10 Foo Chuan Fan Dexter 11 Foo Jiehan Jonathan 12 Hoe Yat Wai Sean 13 Jedidiah Phua Shengjie 14 Jeriel Lam Koi Kiat 15 John Tze-Wen Fung 16 Joseph Yap Kai Yang 17 Julian Wong Wei Yang 18 Kaden Yap Teck Wei 19 Lau Wai Hung, Norman 20 Lee Cheong Weng Justin 21 Lee Yi Feng, Joshua 22 Lim Ker Chong 23 Lim Siang Pheng Ervin 24 Nikhil Parmar 25 Pang Gheng Yong 26 Ryan Lim Yanzhe 27 Ryarn Leck Jiongrui 28 Sameel Kai Sinnathuray 29 Samuel Boey Chun Kit 30 Samuel Soo Kai Yin 31 Sean Zhe Rui Aye 32 Sim Heng Ee 33 Soh Chai Wei 34 Steward Yeo Xian Bin 35 Tan Shaun Wen, Jonathan 36 Tan Tak Lu Ashton 37 Tan Weilun 38 Timothy Joshua Seet Wen Hao 39 Tobias Huynh Van Binh 40 Trevor Tan Keng Kit 41 Xymus Ibrahim Rohaizad 42 Yam Lu Wen 43 Yeo En, Joshua 44 Yiu Yi Hin Kinsey

170 Our Pupils 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Form Teacher: Ms Woon Yuet Meng, Mr Kelvin Lim

6D1 Aaron Choo Yao Ren 2 Aiden Khoo Weiquan 3 Caleb Khoo Zhi-Yi 4 Chan Qi-En, Samuel 5 Chang Feng 6 Chauncey Kum Yin Shen 7 Christopher Ong Teng Boon 8 Chua Wee Joon, Justin 9 Cole Tan Jun Qiu 10 Doel Kieran Tan 11 Douglas Ethan Kwok 12 Elliot Teo Dee Tiau 13 Eugene Yeo Hanjie 14 Goh Jing Xuan 15 Harsh Singh Bajaj 16 Hayden Tan Li Ern 17 Heng Zhe Shen Ethan 18 Ian Ng Sheen-Jie 19 James Elliot Toh Zhiheng 20 Jayden Ng Yun Yang 21 Joel Tang Kar Heng 22 Jonathan Elijah Chia Ren Kai 23 Justin Yap Chong Jin 24 Liew Zhi Jiee, Maximus 25 Lim Kai Ming, Joseph 26 Mark Lee Ren 27 Reanu Tarin Ali 28 Ryan Ow Kai Jun 29 Ryan Tan Jun Jie 30 Samuel Ong Wei Qiang 31 Samuel Ooi Quan Rong 32 Sean Michael Teh Wei Xin 33 Seth Asher Kok 34 Seth Sumarleki 35 Shaan Nish Shetty 36 Shiv Dewan 37 Tang Chung Kit Samuel 38 Tay Weixiang Nicholas 39 Teo Lee Yuan, Edward 40 Tristan Jonathan Tan Ern-Xiang 41 Vincent Alexander Gunawan 42 Yeo Jun Zhe Ethan 43 Yue Wei An Joshua 44 Zachary Tang Yang Shen

171 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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30 31 32 33 34 35

Form Teachers: Mr Say Tiong Sin Gerald, Mdm Jasmine Kaur, Mr Goh Teoh Chuan (Jan-May)

6E1 A’xl Toh Thiam Wee 2 Aaron Chin Jin Hao 3 Augustine Pooh Kai Xun 4 Bryan Inesh David 5 Chan Chia Seng 6 Cheng Shao Loong Malcolm 7 Chong Yih, Jayden 8 Christian Yeo Kai Lei 9 Darryl Soo En-Han 10 Ethan Gorrie 11 Isaac Seah Jia Wei 12 Javen Ow Jun Sung 13 Jayden Sim Jie En 14 Jonas Ho Jun Rong 15 Joseph Tan Jee En 16 Julian Tay Wei Ming 17 Kush Kapoor 18 Kwan Hwang Kid Max 19 Lam Yi Rong, Jonathan 20 Lee Ming-En, Jordan 21 Leong Hoi Zi Ryan 22 Loh Sau Sheng Dylan 23 Loke Ngai Ming Benjamin 24 Ong Kuan Siang 25 Raffles Neo Wee Peen 26 Raphael Yeo Tong Seng 27 Russell Robert Bock 28 Sean Philip Chew Wei En 29 Sharad Selvam Ramachandra 30 Sim Kai Yang, Ethan 31 Tan Qiyuan Joshua 32 Tan Swee Keat Ludovic 33 Tay Kai Cong, Javier 34 Ting Heok Hin Kieran 35 Zachary Tan Yi Qiang

172 Our Pupils 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36

Form Teachers: Ms Siti Masyita Bte Mohammad Ali, Ms Diana Tay Ms Nur’Adilah bte Mohamad Sulaimun

6F1 Asher Tan Jie Ming 2 Chan Yi Bin 3 Chia Yi Jie, Julian 4 Elliot Heng Zheng Yang 5 Elliot Sebastian Lim Wei Kuan 6 Ethan Choo Jon Wei 7 Ethan Wijaya 8 Ho Jun Wei, Kieran 9 Ho Lucas 10 Ivan Sim Kang Yu 11 Jacob Ing Ka Lum 12 Jayden Choong 13 Jeremy Kaw Jun Chuan 14 Jonn-Mark Leong 15 Josiah Loke Wing 16 Jude Chow Tian Xi 17 Leong Chun Kit, Daniel 18 Leong Zhong Hui Nicholas 19 Lim Chin Hong, Kenneth 20 Lim Jun Hao, Terry 21 Lim Tze Cher Darren 22 Loke Jian Cheng, Gabriel 23 Loo Zhong En Samuel 24 Low Xing Le Aden 25 Ma Zhaoqi 26 Marco De Vito 27 Max Tan Ren Zhang 28 Mok Gin Han, Enzo 29 Ng Wei Lien, Kenton 30 Rayen Neel Shanmugam 31 Ryan Alexander Seow 32 Shawn Yip Jong Young 33 Siaw Zheng Yu @Fedric Siaw 34 Teng Woo Kiat, Gerald 35 Yen Chao Yi, Samuel 36 Yian Kai Rui, Roy

173 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Form Teachers: Mdm Zhang Cong, Mdm Chui Yuen Phun

6H1 Aloysius Wong Zhi Hong 2 Ang Ryou 3 Chin Xu Dong 4 Curtis Aaron Chiu Min Ern 5 Danial Aidil Azhar 6 Danil Chang Wei Yi 7 Darren Ho Yan Kit 8 Ethan Lim Chun Wei 9 Iain Stewart Dawe 10 Lai Pengchong 11 Lee Zong Heng Nicholas 12 Low Anh Minh 13 Low Yew Keng, Timothy 14 Matthias Ong 15 Neo Jie Ern, Jeremy 16 Ng Tristan Lihong 17 Ong Keng Keat, Joshua 18 Rayner Chew 19 Tan Hong Kai, Caelan 20 Tan Shaen En Lucas 21 Tan Wei Sheng Justin 22 Tan Zi’an, Sven 23 Teng Tzen Xiang Justin 24 Teo Joon Yue Jonathan 25 Wu Sze Han

174 Our Pupils 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Form Teacher: Mr Tan Chee Liang Terry, Mdm Tan Yoke Joo

16I Aidan Wong Penu Jun-Wen 2 Andrew Philip Lim 3 Chaska Tan Jia Jie 4 Daniel Chua Rui Zheng 5 Ernest Lam Xin Kai 6 Euan Koh Zhen Bin 7 Goh Min Kai Kenneth 8 Huang Zheng Long 9 Jonevan Tan Yi Ern 10 Keven Tan Yanze 11 Kwan Kaiee 12 Leon Tay Kia Yong 13 Lim Jun Hao Royce 14 Lim Yong Le 15 Loh Zi Quan Keith 16 Mark Siow Shi En 17 Matthew Kok Kay Ian 18 Max Yeo Tai-En 19 Natanael Tan Tiong Oon 20 Seow Wen Jun Patrick 21 Shae Lee Chee Hean 22 Surya Nayar 23 Thaddeus Heng Tian Ping 24 Wong Wai Chung Nathaniel 25 Xiao Hanzhong Edmund


As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. – 1 Peter 4:10


P4 boys wrapping hampers for elderly residents Harmonics with crystal glass Staff donations to migrant workers

Making tea for residents

‘Grandpa’, ‘Grandma’ enjoying their arts and craft

ML boys at Pertapis Senior Citizens’ Fellowship Home How about some word games? Thumbs up, Share-A-Gift from P2 boys

Packing foodstuff for delivery to low-income families Art Club, in appreciation of migrant workers Enjoying a game at Ramakrishna Mission TL boys at the Sree Narayana Mission

178 Our ACS Family Recess Games Fellowship Lunch for Teachers

Relationship Emphasis Week

Lunch with moms Faithful moms A birthday celebration

CHRISTIAN MINISTRY 2016 Dr Sammi Tan Christian Ministry Staff The Christian Ministry Staff supports the school’s holistic education through the following:

• Chapel Services: The theme God is Sovereign was evident as His Story unfolded through the history of Israel’s kings • Daily Morning Devotions focused on iHOPEFUL values in character- building and the CARE Principle in relating with others • Recess Activities helped forge friendships. Time was also set aside to pray for pupils’ needs • Relationship Emphasis Week (REW): Pastor Raymond Fong and Mrs Amy Loh shared on the theme Above All. CMS conducted classes following REW decisions. • Prayer Ministries included pre-exam prayers and for PSLE, regular parents’ prayer meetings and a Prayer Walk every Semester • Mothers’ Bible Study: Faithful mothers gathered weekly to study the Twelve Women of the Bible • Teachers’ Ministry: Teachers received birthday cards and were hosted to fellowship lunch once every term • Praize Club: CMS worked with teacher-in-charge in planning weekly activities and the annual camp in June

To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be.

Recess movies A briefing for parent volunteers

179 Mr Keith Magnus PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Chairman PSG Exco

The ACS(P) Parent Support Group (PSG) is a key, Support, and support in the library. During holidays, strategic part of the school’s fabric. We serve as the we organised two family camps to promote parent-son primary platform through which parents partner with bonding. Funds were raised for the benefit of the broader the school, to support its initiatives and to enhance school community and the PSG supported the school in the learning environment for pupils to achieve their full their pastoral care efforts. potential. Not all schools have such a strong PSG and credit goes The PSG has discharged its duties in 2016 with to all past and present volunteers. distinction, and lots of hard work, through its 10 sub- committees and the help of dedicated parent volunteers. We are humbled that in recognition of the PSG’s contribution, the school was cited as having a strong Almost every day of the school year, parent volunteers partnership of the Best Practice in the 2016 Ministry help with some aspect of life at ACS(P). In events, of Education External Validation Exercise. We are we played our part in Founder’s Day and organised pleased, of course, that this was a contributing factor Children’s Day, Racial Harmony Day and the Primary towards ACS(P)’s inaugural School Distinction Award. One Orientation Picnic/Wonders of ACS(P). Supporting Our congratulations to school leaders and staff on this the school administration, parents served in class as prestigious award, and heart-felt gratitude to parents for Teacher Aides, and provided Curriculum Support, CCA making 2016 a significant one! The Best Is Yet To Be!

180 Our ACS Family PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Founder’s Day

Family Camps

Fun Day Racial Harmony Day

Parent Volunteers as Partners

181 182 Our ACS Family ACS FAMILY 2016 REPORT

184 ACS (Junior)

186 ACS (Barker Road)

188 Anglo-Chinese Junior College

190 Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

192 ACS (International)

194 ACS Jakarta

196 ACS Oldham Hall

198 ACS Old Boys’ Association


The Lord has done great things for us; whereof we are glad. - Psalm 126:3 our Guest-Of-Honour. In his speech, he encouraged the boys to persevere in their learning and grow in character. We rejoice and give thanks to God for His blessings on our school in 2016. Our school vision is “Every ACSian, a young Gentleman of Character, ready for the Future to Lead Our former pupil, Joseph Isaac Schooling, received a very warm ACS welcome upon his and to Serve.” Our work plans, programmes and events aim to reflect our refined school return to ACS(J) on 16 August. Staff and students filled the MPH, amphitheatre and foyer vision. In a world characterised by new knowledge, advancing technology and globalisation, with thunderous claps and cheers as he visited the school. In his humble way, Joseph we continue to leverage on our Christian values to build a firm foundation and to raise a shared that the pursuit for excellence came with much self-discipline and determination. We generation of boys who are equipped to lead and to serve. are truly proud of his Gold Medal and Olympic Record-breaking achievement in the 100m butterfly final at the 2016 RIO Olympics. SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENTS A group of young and talented musicians performed for a special Lunch Time concert, Academic Excellence Singapore Rhapsodies at National Gallery, featuring the red SG50 Steinway piano on We give praise and thanks to God for His continued blessings on the school. The class of 26 August. This concert series features Singapore music performed by young musicians 2015 did well in their PSLE with 85.7% qualifying for the Express Stream. from Singapore schools. The Performing Arts Groups have done well at the SYF Arts Presentation 2016. The groups continued to perform at various functions in school and CCA Awards out of school. Group Category Results The Senior and Junior Boys from Tennis CCA came in 1st at the Nationals. The Rugby U11 The Boys’ Brigade JM Fraser Award (2015) Gold team was also 1st at the Nationals. At the Track-and-Field Nationals (B Division), we set Cadet Scouts Frank Cooper Sands Award (2015) Bronze a new record with a Gold Medal. The pupils demonstrated excellent skills and tenacity in st th th Chess Nationals Senior Division 1 , 8 , 11 the competitions. (Individual) Junior Division 7th Nationals Boys Open 2nd (Team) Boys Open 1st South Zone Boys Under 9 2nt (Team) Boys Under 11 3rd Chinese Club Nationals Group Story-Telling 3rd International Mandarin Recital Merit Award Choir Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation Distinction Concert Band Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation Accomplishment Tennis Rugby (Symphonic) String Orchestra Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation Distinction for Instrumental Ensemble Junor Vibez Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation Distinction (Dance) Destination Nationals 2 Golds Imagination International 6th, 17th Odyssey of the Nationals 5 Golds,1 Silver Mind International 13th, 27th,31st Badminton South Zone Senior Boys 3rd Our Guest of Honour BG(Ret) Jek Kian Yee Choir at National Gallery Junior Boys 3rd Football South Zone Junior Boys 4th Golf Nationals Team Event 5th Rugby South Zone Under 13 2nd Under 11 1st

Nationals Under 13 3rd Under 11 1st Sailing Nationals Senior Boys 3rd Junior Boys 2nd Swimming Nationals B Division 2nd C Division 2nd nd D Division 2 Joseph Schooling’s Visit Table Tennis South Zone Senior Boys 1st Junior Boys 2nd Nationals Senior Boys 4th Taekwondo Nationals Senior Boys 4th Tennis Nationals Senior Boys 1st Junior Boys 1st Tenpin Bowling Nationals Senior Boys 5th Junior Boys 3rd Track-and-Field Nationals B Division 1 Gold (new record) Junior Vibez at SYF C Division 1 Bronze (4th) D Division 1 Silver, 1 Bronze(3rd)

ASPIRATION The ACSian embraces the future with an aspiring mindset. He has a strong sense of curiosity and pursues excellence in what he sets out to achieve. On our 130th Founder’s Day, we were honoured to have BG (Ret) Jek Kian Yee, a Distinguished Old Boy of the school and former President’s Scholar and SAF Scholar as Close Encounters at DI Global Finals No Cycle Rcycle at OM World Finals

184 Our ACS Family Two teams advanced to the DI Global Finals at the University of Tennessee and achieved 6th and 17th places. Three teams moved into the OM World Finals and achieved 13th, 27th and 31st places. Both tournaments were educational and challenging and the teams put in a lot of time and effort in their preparation.

CHARACTER Kindness Week P6 games JV Particpating in Moulmein-Cairnhill National Day The ACSian gentleman of character demonstrates love, integrity and loyalty at all times. for lower primary pupils Celebrations Dinner With Other ACS Schools On Total Defence Day, a few male teachers wore uniforms representing the various units they serve in. They shared with pupils on their roles in the army, navy, air force and civil The staff will be involved with Values In Action activities this November. The collaboration defence and the importance of serving and protecting our country. will be with Willing Hearts and Yong-En Care Centre in their outreach to the elderly and needy. We had a wonderful National Day Celebration on 8 August. The students sang their favourite National Day songs with gusto and pride while waving the flags that they had JOYFUL EXPERIENCES made. The ACSian finds joy and delight in his school experiences and learning journey. The G.A.T. (Greet, Ask and Thank) Project was introduced to develop graciousness in our pupils. It has simple steps for pupils of all ages to consciously show respect and Play@Recess promotes learning of a sports activity through an experiential approach appreciation to people they approach for help in school. during recess. It is very popular with the students. The prefects took the initiative to organise a memorable Teachers’ Day Celebration in The Creative Science Investigation Programme (CSI) encourages the love of science school on 1 September. The activities were heart-warming and fun. through inquiry-based learning. The activities engage their visual, auditory and kinaesthetic senses and support their understanding of the Science concepts taught in school. The Primary 1 boys went on a neighbourhood walk in Term 1. This learning journey integrates various subjects under the same theme, and made learning meaningful for the Primary 1 boys. Each class was led by the class teacher and assisted by parent volunteers. During Mother Tongue Fortnight, various activities were planned for the boys to have fun while using the various Mother Tongue languages. Introduction by Mr Ashraff Singing during ND Celebration The ACS Borderless Classroom allows our boys to have opportunities to meet and learn from new friends from overseas. We were privileged to host pupils and teachers from ACS SERVICE (Jakarta) and Ateneo De Manila Grade School (Philippines) in April. A class of Primary 5 pupils engaged in an online video-conferencing lesson with a teacher from Hungary in The ACSian works with others to make a positive difference. He is encouraged to work in conjunction with Safer Internet Day. close collaboration with his schoolmates and to reach out to others who need his help too. In August, the staff put aside their work to spend an afternoon playing games in teams. In February we held the Prefects’ Investiture to install our prefects. Head Prefect, William There was much laughter and fun followed by a wonderful tea reception on SWB Games Tan, encouraged the prefects to serve and lead with compassion. Day. The Primary 6 boys planned some games for the Lower Primary boys during Kindness The Cultural Immersion Programme to China for P5 pupils in May was an eye-opening Week. They demonstrated love and care for their younger schoolmates. experience. The boys learnt to appreciate the beauty of the Chinese culture and language. The Primary 5 classes took turns to visit Bethany Methodist Nursing Home in Semester At ACS (Junior), we are grateful to God for all our successes, achievements and blessings. 1 to interact with the elderly members there. We continue to serve humbly, knowing that He will lead us as we strive to provide an ACS brand of education to our boys. To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be. In Term 4, the Primary 1 and 2 pupils worked together to host some kindergarten children as well as incoming Primary 1 children. They shared with the young visitors about life in lower primary, prepared fun activities and a welcome booklet for them. The collaborative effort was well appreciated by the children and the teachers that came. The Primary 5 Thoburn Enrichment Programme allowed our pupils to collaborate with Collaborative efforts with The School of Change in activities that encouraged service to the community and helping CSI Language Week activity students from Philippines others outside of school. Through the Design for Change projects, pupils learnt the value of servant-leadership. Our Run for Rio was an initiative to encourage the Primary 3 to Primary 6 pupils to run a total of 7916 laps around the field, in celebration of the Rio Paralympics Games Opening Ceremony on 7th September. The running sessions took place before morning assembly. The Houses collected 1 point for every lap completed by their pupils. For each point, parents donated $1 to Singapore National Paralympic Council in support of the Team Singapore Paralympians. The amount of $8970 was collected by the end of August. P1 Neighbourhood Walk A short performance by ACS ( Jakarta) The Junior Vibez were invited to perform for the Moulmein-Cairnhill 51st National Day Gala Dinner Celebration. The energetic performance was a way for the boys to bring joy to others.

Prefects’ Investiture ChinaTrip 2016 Staff Well-Being Games Day


Students With 8 ‘O’ Level Distinctions 2016 Lee Hah Ing Scholarship Recipent (Thaddeaus Low) Arts Night

The theme for all six ACS schools for 2016 is ‘CALLED TO SERVE’, with our similarly joint Our top GCE N-Level students were Adric Ng Chee Kai, Tan Tze Kai, Ivan and Thaddeaus theme verse taken from Galatians 5:13b: ‘Serve one another humbly in love.’ In 2016, our Low (all of 4A1). In total, 78.0% of our GCE N-Level cohort qualified for the Secondary ACS (Barker Road) gentlemen responded to the call to serve and did so in various ways and 5 Normal (Academic) course, whilst 15.6% qualified for the Polytechnic Foundation with good grace over the course of the year. Programme. ACADEMIC RESULTS We congratulate both our GCE O-Level and N-Level students on their achievements in the 2015 public examinations and pay due credit to their dedicated teachers, who worked By the grace of God our 2015 GCE O-Level results were ones that compared well with closely and tirelessly with them beforehand, in order to prepare the students for their those at national level, as we performed either equal to or above the national average in examinations. a number of subjects, as far as passes or distinctions were concerned (or both.) The table below highlights those subjects in which this was the case: CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (CCAs) Our niche areas remain as Speech and Drama, under the renamed Applied Learning % Pass % Pass % Distinction % Distinction Subject Programme (ALP), “Developing Effective Communicators through Drama, Debates and (School) (National) (School) (National) Public Speaking” and Water Polo, our Learning for Life Programme (LLP), “Building Art 100 73.5 20.0 8.9 Character through Sports & Outdoor Education”. Malay 100 99.5 0 25.5 In addition to these prestigious endorsements, we witnessed other achievements and English Language 98.3 93.6 31.1 22.4 successes in the field of co-curricular activities over the course of the year, which are Literature in English 95.5 93.5 20.5 29.0 summarized in the tables below: Combined Humanities 92.6 87.2 34.3 31.2 Sports (Nationals, unless otherwise stated) Mathematics 98.3 94.4 55.5 56.4 Sport Division Position Additional Mathematics 98.9 96.3 50.0 56.6 Water Polo ‘B’ 5th Physics 99.4 98.1 37.5 49.1 Water Polo ‘C’ 3rd Chemistry 97.1 97.1 28.5 47.1 st Handball ‘B’ 1 Biology 98.0 94.7 44.0 48.1 (Not SSSC Tournament) Science (Physics/ 1st and 3rd 100 87.1 30.3 39.6 Handball ‘C’ Chemistry) (Not SSSC Tournament) Rugby ‘B’ 4th Our top GCE O-Level students for 2015, with 8 Distinctions apiece, were Jake Khoo (4S1), rd Joel Tan Yuan Hong (4S1) and Theng Khai Ming, Luke (4S1) respectively. These were Rugby ‘C’ 3 closely followed by Johnathan Chua Zhi Hao (4S1), Lee Chong Ming, Tristan (4S1), Marcus rd Taekwondo ‘B’ BLACK BELT Kyorugi - 3 Tang Peng Yun (4S1), Tan Wei Jie Sean (4S1), Terrence Jefferson Tanizar (4S1), Bin Wen RED BELT Poomsae - 3rd Jun, Jerome (4S2), Brandon Loke Shuen Yi (4S3), Stefan Lin Yan (4S3) and Tan Aik Wen Basketball ‘B’ 1st (Zone) (4S3), all of whom achieved seven Distinctions. In addition to the above, 18 other students Basketball ‘C’ 2nd (Nationals) & 2nd (Zone) obtained 6 Distinctions, whilst in total some 75 students were awarded 4 Distinctions or th more. Bowling ‘B’ 4 Bowling ‘C’ 4th Overall, our GCE O-Level results meant that 99.6% of our Sec 4 Express Stream students Golf ‘C’ 4th qualified for at least a place in a Polytechnic, whilst 71.1% of our Express Stream students qualified for Junior College. For our Normal Academic ‘O’ Level students, 100% qualified for Sailing ‘C’ Byte - 3rd a Polytechnic place, with 5.2% qualifying for Junior College. Swimming ‘B’ & ‘C’ 4th nd Our GCE N-Level students also produced some satisfying results, as the following table Tennis ‘B’ 2 indicates, showing those subjects in which we performed above the national average in Tennis ‘C’ 3rd terms of distinctions achieved: Badminton ‘B’ 4th (Zone)

Subject % Distinction (School) % Distinction (National) Uniformed Group Organisations Combined Humanities 31.3 19.3 Uniformed Group Award English Language 34.4 15.7 Scouts Frank Cooper Sands Award (Gold) Malay 33.3 25.4 (Awarded for 2015) Mathematics 37.5 33.4 JM Fraser Award - Gold Honour Roll Boys’ Brigade (Awarded for 2015) Science 34.4 23.5 NPCC Unit Overall Proficiency Award (Bronze) NCC (SEA) Best Unit Competition - Silver

186 Our ACS Family Drama Night Founder’s Day Parade Founder’s Day Guests

Performing Arts with their counterparts in the countries concerned and to conduct Values-In-Action activities during their visit, which would benefit the recipients in practical ways. As has always Performing Art Award been the case in previous years, the feedback from the students involved regarding the Concert Band Singapore International Band Festival (Bronze) programme is most encouraging, with many of them commenting that it enabled them to Dance Distinction in 2015 SYF develop a better understanding of the culture and way of life of people in the country they visited, in addition to returning to Singapore with a greater appreciation of the good fortune Choir Accomplishment in 2015 SYF and many blessings they are able to enjoy as Singaporeans living in Singapore. Chinese Orchestra Accomplishment in 2015 SYF OUTDOOR EDUCATION Drama Accomplishment in 2015 SYF Our Secondary 1 and 2 students once again attended their respective annual camps as part Clubs and Societies of the school’s Outdoor Education Programme. Club/Society Award The Secondary 1 Discovery Camp was held, for the first time, at the Labrador MOE Outdoor Secondary Category Best Performing Robot Infocomm (Robotics) Adventure Learning Centre from the 14 to 16 January. During the camp our students (Two Teams - 1st and 2nd Place) participated in various activities, such as Kayaking, Zipline and Abseiling, as well as a Singapore Youth Photography Convention Challenge Rope Course. They also went on a Learning Journey to Labrador Park, where Infocomm (Photography) (Junior Category) they learned about the big guns that ‘pointed the wrong way’ and the Dragon Tooth Gate. 2nd Place On their final day, the students took an early morning walk to Labrador Park, where they watched the sun rise, itself a symbol of the start of a ‘new life’ for them in secondary school. Destination Imagination The camp ended with a presentation ceremony, where parents joined them to personally present their sons with a certificate of completion. Challenge Position Scientific Challenge 1st The Secondary 2 Adventure Camp was held from the 23 to 26 February at Home Team, NS . nd Fine Arts Challenge 2 Focussing on working together as a team, our students had to overcome their fear of heights by conquering Other Achievements (Non-CCA) the high elements and a Challenge Rope Course on Competition Award the first day of the camp. The cohort was then split into two groups, both of which covered land-based National Youth Bronze Award expeditions across Bukit Timah and Pulau Ubin, where Business Challenge Competition. the students’ navigational skills were put to the test, as Apptastic Category (2nd Runner-Up) they looked for checkpoints. Through these activities IGNITE Challenge Robomech Category the students learned to respect the environment (1st and 2nd Runner-Up) and also got to know their peers better. The camp culminated in the Inter-House Challenge, with Oldham C21 @ ACS (BR) eventually emerging as the ‘top’ house. We continue to equip our students with the attitudes, skills and competencies necessary 2016 has been another memorable year for Anglo- for them to be Global Citizens of the 21st Century. With this in mind, all Secondary 3 Secondary 2 Camp Chinese School (Barker Road) as a result of the many students once again participated in our C21 @ ACS (BR) programme towards the end successes and achievements we have been blessed of Term 2. This provided them with the opportunity to travel to various regional countries, with over the course of the year - and for which we humbly thank God. As we continue to namely Cambodia (Siem Reap and Phnom Penh – separate groups), Malaysia (Malacca/ ‘serve one another humbly in love,’ we aspire to do so graciously, in the sure and certain Kuala Lumpur, Perak and Sarawak – separate groups), China (Yunnan), Thailand (Chiang knowledge that God is watching over us at all times, as well as our unshakeable belief that Mai), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) and Myanmar (Yangon) respectively, in order to interact ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’.

Annual Cross Country Inter-House Games Day 5A students and their Form Teachers at TEAM 2016 Part 1


Academic - Olympiads Academic - A Levels Academic - Science and Engineering Fair

Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) celebrates Science fiction writing competition. Besides these them had also received scholarships from the another year of God’s guidance and faithfulness upon science awards, three students were selected to Autonomous Universities. the college in providing an all–round education of the showcase their Cyberwellness proposals at the highest standards. We thank and praise the Lord Student Cyberwellness Ambassador Recognition CO-CURRICULAR ACHIEVEMENTS for the many achievements of the College in 2016. Showcase 2016, while the college team clinched Sports and Games •The College is a traditional 2nd place at the ST-MOE Big Quiz (Current Affairs sporting powerhouse. At the 2016 National Inter- SCHOOL EXCELLENCE AWARDS Quiz), West Zone Cluster. school Championships, our sports teams clinched a The Best Practice Awards for Teaching & Learning, International Achievements and Study Trips • For total of two National Titles (Bowling Boys, Golf Boys), Student All-Round Education and Staff Well-being, international representations, two students were 6 Silver, 7 Bronze awards and 5 fourth-place finishes. the Outstanding Development Awards for Character selected to attend the Aerospace Summer Camp International Sports Achievements • Students also Development and National Education, the School in China while two students participated in an OEP Excellence Award, and the Singapore Quality Class made their presence at various international sports on Eco-Sustainability to China/HK as part of TESLA championships with state representations at the Asian Award, which were all conferred in 2011, are still valid Programme. MOE selected two students as Junior until 2018. Schools’ Swimming Federation Championships, the Representatives of the Ministry of Education Debate Asian Schools’ Soccer Federation Championships Training Programme and as Junior Observers of the COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT and the ASEAN Schools Games. 2015 World Schools’ Debating Championships. A GCE A-Level Results 2015 • At the 2015 A Level student participated at the World VEX Robotics Debating & Public Speaking •The ACJC Debate Examinations, 96.2% of our 742 students obtained Championships 2016 with a team of students from Team consistently distinguished itself by excelling at least three H2 passes, with a pass in GP or KI ACS (Independent) clinching the Teamwork Award. in producing top ranked speakers at national surpassing the national standard of 93.1% as well competitions. The Debate team clinched 2nd Runner- as the previous cohort mark of 95.2%. With regard Scholarships awarded to ACJC Graduands • Up at the Debate Association and ITE Debate to quality of performance, the Class of 2015 has Our students’ strengths are also recognised by Championships. In the international arena, the performed well with 208 students, 28% of the cohort, scholarship boards. To date in 2016, 32 ACJC debaters competed at the 2nd International Oldham scoring at least three H2 distinctions. Furthermore, graduates have received a range of scholarship Debating Championships 2016 producing the Top the Class of 2015 has set a college record of 81.3 out awards like the PSC Scholarships, the MOH 1st, 2nd and 4th speakers with Runners-Up for the of 90 Mean Ranking Points, exceeding the previous Healthcare Scholarships, the teaching scholarships team. At the Asian Schools’ Debating Championships score of 80.7 held by the Class of 2014. This would from MOE, the Singapore Industry Scholarship, the held in Thailand, the team produced the top speakers put our students in good stead as they apply for the Local Merit Scholarship by the Singapore Police at both the senior and junior divisions. local universities. Force, the Local Merit Scholarship by the , the Beacon Scholarships by the Besides participating in debate competitions, the Academic Competition Achievements • The students Ministry of Transport and the National Environment, college with its rich debating culture organises various did the college proud by winning at various national and the Water Scholarship by NEA. A number of debating and oratory events to expose teacher academic competitions. At the 27th Singapore Chemistry Olympiad, the students clinched 2 Silver, 2 Bronze and 3 Merit awards, with a Merit award at the 26th Singapore Biology Olympiad. At the same time, the students were awarded a Bronze award and two Certificates of Participation at the National Olympiad in Informatics. At the 2016 Singapore Science and Engineering Fair, the student research teams were awarded 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 1 Merit and a special award for Best Presentation. At the NTU Nanyang Research Programme, the students were awarded 2 Golds and 3 Silvers. Seven students participated in the A*STAR MOE Research Attachment Programme and completed their research attachments. One student was awarded ACSian Theatre 3rd prize at the A*STAR Science Chronicles, the

188 Our ACS Family and students to a wider national and international on the larger community. To this end, the College community of debaters and coaches/teachers. The works closely with our community partners to create college co-organised the MOE-ACJC Intercollegiate meaningful opportunities for our students. This year Debating Championship for the 6th year. The Orators’ marks our 3rd successful collaboration with the Tan Cup was organised for Secondary Schools with the Chin Tuan Foundation on the Project Cheer series, largest number of secondary school competitors where eight classes and two CCA groups designed ever in the history of the event. An international and organised intergenerational bonding activities for competition, the 2nd Oldham International Debating the underprivileged children and elderly beneficiaries VIA - ACS130 Blood Drive Championships 2016 was organised with 50 local in 12 charities supported by the Foundation. and 10 overseas teams competing. Since 2007, the College has strived to develop our Performing Arts • The College has a strong students as socially responsible citizens through standing in the Performing Arts. At the 2015 SYF the annual Grassroots Enrichment, Attachment Arts Presentation, five teams, namely the Chinese and Training (GREAT) programme in partnership Orchestra, Choir, Concert Band, Indian Dance, with the Ulu Pandan grassroots organisations. After International Dance and String Ensemble, achieved introducing students to the grassroots movement, the Certificate of Distinction, with Guitar Ensemble, students are mentored by grassroots leaders to Harp Ensemble, and Chinese Drama clinching the design a meaningful VIA project to strengthen Certificate of Accomplishment. This year, the ACSian social cohesion among residents. This year, in time Theatre (Drama) clinched a Certificate of Distinction for the Rio Olympics, our GREAT students invited while the Chinese Drama team was awarded the Ulu Pandan residents to pen their wishes for Team VIA - GREAT Programme Certificate of Accomplishment. Singapore on origami hearts to form a giant heart on a banner, which will be presented to the Singapore National Olympic Council. Beyond the local community, the College aims to offer students an enriching global experience of serving the underprivileged communities in the region. In November, three teams of students will continue their predecessors’ good work in Bintan, Cambodia and Chiang Mai to conduct English lessons for local children and work on basic infrastructural CCA - Bowling refurbishment projects.

Serving as inspirational role models for our students, VIA - Project Cheer our staff members accompanied our students and the elderly of Concern and Care Society on Inquiry in Practice (CLIP) teams to deepen their an outing to Sentosa. Our staff also joined our pedagogical skills as well as experiment and students, parents and neighbours in the Buona Vista establish other innovative approaches to teaching vicinity in a college-initiated blood donation drive to and learning. As an extension of their learning, the commemorate the ACS family of schools’ 130th year teachers also actively share their best practices and in Singapore, following our founder’s passion of ideas both within and across colleges. Our teachers serving the community. also model passion both professionally as well as CCA - String Ensemble STAFF in their personal pursuits. Two of our teachers are members of Team Singapore for both Waterpolo and The teachers from the College have continually Floorball. The college is heartened that two of our contributed their expertise in various ways to the ex-students who won the Koh Boon Hwee Scholars’ education fraternity. They have conducted sharing Awards conferred by the Nanyang Technological or assisted in facilitating teachers’ learning at national University named two of their teachers as their platforms such as the Teachers’ Conference and most honoured teachers. Two awards named after Instructional Programmes Support Groups (IPSG). In our two honoured teachers with a cash grant will addition, they served as curriculum resource persons be given to any two future NTU students from the AWSDC 2016 or are involved in the planning committees for Ministry college. For their dedication and contributions to the of Education programmes such as IPSG, Subject education and public service, the 2016 National Day Chapters and Networked Learning Communities. The VALUES IN ACTION (VIA) Long Service Medals are conferred on Mrs Geetha teachers also serve on various capacities such as Creffield, HOD Arts, and Mr Daniel Khor, SH Physics. The College puts a premium on VIA which is a key coaches for international debating competitions as Mdm Tan Gim Choo, Operations Support Officer, was experiential learning component of Character and well as international Olympiads. The teachers also awarded the MOE Excellence Service Award 2015. Citizenship Education (CCE) in the College. We recognise the importance of life-long learning and nurture our students to be positive change-makers, often seek opportunities to enhance their pedagogical We thank and praise God for his continued goodness and strongly encourage them to put their values in understanding, content mastery and instructional and favour upon the college. To God Be The Glory. action by initiating activities to make a positive impact practices. They form Collaborative Learning and The Best Is Yet To Be.


Singapore International Timothy Ong -Our President’s Mathematical Challenge Winners- Scholat Overseas Education Trip Higher Education & Careers Day Distinction Award We are the champions!

Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) celebrates 130th higher than the national average. The results reflect OUR SPECIAL EVENTS anniversary this year. To commemorate it, all ACS the collaborative efforts of students, teachers and the Creativity Action Services (CAS) Programme • All schools will have a common theme taken from Galatians unwavering support of parents and their families. students in the IBDP are required to undertake CAS 5:13b, ‘serving one another humbly in love’. This theme is activities in the three areas of creativity, action and aligned to the school founding principle of service to the OUR SPECIAL PROGRAMMES service. This year, each Year 5 is required to embark on community which is to nurture ACSians to be “catalysts Careers Opportunities and Guidance (COG) • COG a CAS Class project. This programme requires students for change”. It is a call to the school family to have a heart supports the PCCG curriculum in helping students to initiate an act of service to the community and carry it of service. The school theme was and will be elaborated enter post-secondary life. Under this programme, Local out as a class, guided by their class and pastoral care on in our pastoral care lessons, CCAs, morning devotions and Overseas Admission Offices are invited to present teachers. and in chapel. information about their educational institutions, ranging from their academic programmes and admission criteria International Model United Nations Conference • The We are immensely pleased to announce that one of to the facilities that are available in their schools. In 9th Session of the International Model United Nations our students, Timothy Ong Kah Yong was awarded the addition, career talks and presentations by professionals Conference (IMUNC) and the 4th Session of the Middle prestigious President’s scholarship. He studied at Anglo- in their fields (e.g. Medicine and Law) are also organised East Summit (MES) took place from 6 to 8 June this year, Chinese School (Junior) and Anglo-Chinese School regularly to help students make informed choices. organised by the Young Diplomats’ Society (YDS). Both (Independent). An all-rounder with diverse interests, he conferences are hallmark events in the Singapore Model participated in a range of co-curricular activities at ACS Overseas Education Programme •The annual Overseas UN calendar year. IMUNC is a simulation of the UN for (Independent) and took on several leadership roles. He Education Programme aims to help students to broaden secondary school students, whereby delegates represent was Captain of the Debating Club, Vice-Chairperson of their horizon and to provide opportunities for life lessons UN member states in the various UN organisations. MES, the Young Diplomat’s Society and Christian Fellowship beyond the classroom. Community service is also on the other hand, serves as a platform for debate and Society, as well as the Captain of his House. He was factored into the programme during these trips. discussion on key issues currently afflicting the Middle also a Senior Cadet Lieutenant with The Boys’ Brigade East. and a writer for the student publication “!nk”. On top of Year Duration Destination(s) his active involvement in co-curricular activities, Timothy The theme for this year’s conference was “Change the found time to give back to society. He contributed actively Year 2 19-24 January West Malaysia World”. His Excellency Mr Kirk Wagar, United States to The Boys’ Brigade charity events such as the Share- Ambassador to Singapore, graced the Opening Ceremony a-Gift Project and started a peer-tutoring programme Year 3 19-24 January Ho Chi Minh City, as Guest-of-Honour. As part of the MES lecture series, between ACS (Independent) and Fairfield Methodist Hanoi, Kunming/ two guest lecturers, Dr Ali Kadri and Dr Fanar Haddad, School (Secondary) in 2015. Timothy was awarded the Lijiang, Shanghai, from the Middle East Institute (MEI), National University of Singapore Police Force Book Prize in 2015 in recognition Guangzhou, Bali, Singapore, delivered lectures to the MES delegates. Ms of his excellent academic and CCA achievements. Central Java and Michelle Teo, Deputy Director for MEI, graced the MES Taiwan Closing Tea and presented awards to the delegates. OUR AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS A number of our IB students have done the school proud Character Development Programme •The Year 4 Higher Education & Careers Day •The Higher Education by being awarded prestigious scholarships: Six students students attended the Character Development Camp and Careers fair is a much anticipated and sought after obtained the PSC scholarship, three students the DSTA in Port Dickson and Seremban. The objectives of this annual event: The fair this year was held on 9 March Scholarship (Undergraduate), two students the MINDEF, camp are to provide students the opportunity to challenge from 12 pm to 3pm in Auditorium 1. This year’s event seven students the MOHH Healthcare Merit Award themselves and learn more about their strengths and saw an overwhelming participation from 59 organisations, (HMA), one student the HDB scholarship, one student weaknesses in adventure activities. Students also worked ranging from local government agencies and both local the AVA Undergraduate scholarship and five students in teams and gained self-confidence as they become and overseas higher education institutions. Outside A-STAR Scholarship, more adept in problem-solving and aware of their physical Auditorium 1, students engaged with representatives capabilities and the power of endurance. from local universities and institutes representing In the Awards category, three students were given the Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Inside Auditorium 1, SAF Young Leader Award 2016, one student the 2016 IP Symposium • The IP Symposium is ACS the students were greeted by representatives from local SPF Book Prize Award, two students the DSTA JC (Independent)’s signature programme aimed at government scholarship agencies and institutions from Scholarship, and two students the Singapore Economic developing the IP learner in preparation for the IBDP. Europe, Canada and the US, readily addressing queries Development Board (EDB) Promising Young Leader 2065 IP Symposium held from 13 to 16 July is an and offering valuable insights. Award. enrichment programme which provides opportunities for Integrated Programme students (Years 1 to 4) to become OUR SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS OUR IB ACHIEVEMENTS inquirers, knowledge seekers, thinkers and principled Science and Mathematics Competitions • Our students Of the 444 ACS (Independent) students in the 2015 citizens of the country. We were honoured to have Dr continue to shine in the various Science and Mathematics cohort, 41 obtained the perfect score of 45 points. The Walter Edgar Theseira (Senior Lecturer, SIM University), Competitions nationally and internationally. Many of cohort’s average total point score was 41.84. Last year, an alumnus, addressed more than 1000 students at them have won prestigious awards for their outstanding the school had 34 students with perfect scores, and an the opening ceremony. Students from Methodist Girls’ performance in the various competitions the school average total point score of 41.3. Overall, 84.2% of the School were able to join us in participating in the various participated in. Their creative and innovative thinking cohort obtained 40 to 45 points, compared to 78.4% in the programmes alongside our IP students. and their ability to dissect difficult problems have enabled previous year. ‘Those who sow with tears will reap with the school to shine on the international stage. In the songs of joy.’ Psalm 126:5 Much sowing has been done Imaginaxium • Imaginaxium is an annual school event Big Science competition, our students obtained high by our students, teachers, and indeed the wider ACS held on 8 March to celebrate, promote and recognize distinctions and distinction. In Chem-E Challenge, we (Independent) community who have faithfully supported innovative efforts in the school. To further promote were second runner-up, in Engineering Explorer, we our school over the years. innovation, all students in the school were encouraged to were champions, in Greenwave, we won first prize, in submit their ideas during the “Idea Week” held before the International C B Paul’s Science Quiz, Nanyang Research OUR ‘O’ LEVEL ACHIEVEMENTS event. The Guest-of-Honour for the event was Mr Choe Programme and Singapore Junior Biology Olympaid, we The Senior Administration and the staff are extremely Peng Sum, CEO, Fraser Hospitality Private Limited. He obtained gold and silver medals. Our students won medals pleased with the results achieved by the 2015 cohort was accompanied by two other judges, Dr Benjamin and championships when they took part in the following of students. The school MSG is 2.50 (2014: 2.45) and Tan and Mr Lin Xunliang. Our teams were joined by 18 competition: Eureka, Google Science Fair, International L1R5 is 11.89 (2014: 11.94). Of the 19 subjects offered other schools from the region including China, Indonesia, Biomedical Quiz, National Science Challenge, Singapore by the school, 14 have achieved percentage distinctions Malaysia and Vietnam. Biology Olympiad, Singapore Chemistry Olympiad,

190 Our ACS Family AC@Orchard- Busking for Winners of the coveted Gardeners Cup at Change Singapore Garden Festival Odyssey of the Mind Dance Venia I30 strong choir -a time to celebrate

Singapore Junior Chemistry Olympiad, Singapore Junior Boys Gold Silver Bronze 4th Odyssey of the Mind • The Odyssey of the Mind World Water Prize, Singapore Physics Olympiad and Singapore B&C 15 7 5 1 Finals was held in Iowa State University in late May 2016. Science and Engineering Fair. Our three teams have indeed done the school and the A 5 1 5 0 nation proud through their exemplary performances, OUR ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORTS & GAMES AND Boys’ Total 20 8 10 1 created through six months of effort. Firstly, our Division 3, OTHER CCAS Girls 0 0 0 4 Problem 5 team achieved a respectable World 13th place National Schools Championships For Sports • In the School Total 20 8 10 5 and 2nd place for the Long Term Problem in a very heavily National Schools Championships for Sports, we achieved contested problem and division. Secondly, our Division 3, School Medals Total 38 an astounding 38 medals, comprising 20 gold, 8 silver and Problem 2 team was awarded a World 3rd place as well 10 bronze. # of Top 4 Finishes 43 as the first team OMer’s Award for Singapore, awarded to Grand Slams 4 teams that through their solutions, have truly exemplified A Division (Boys) Gold Silver Bronze 4th OUR UNIFORMED GROUPS the spirit of the Odyssey of the Mind. Lastly, to top up a Cricket 1 fantastic year for the ACOM contingent, we were humbled Cross-Country 1 Our Uniformed Groups also did very well to bring home to see our Division 2, Problem 5 team awarded the World Rugby 1 nine Golds. Champion’s title. Swimming 1 Robotics • Four teams to participate in the VEX Robotics Tennis 1 Cat- S/N UGs Name of Award egory of World Championship held in Louisville, Kentucky from Sailing 1 20 to 23 April. We made Singapore proud as two teams Award Bowling 1 managed to qualify for the divisional quarterfinals. 1 NCC(Land) Best Unit Competition Gold Canoeing 1 Our team was also awarded the Teamwork Award – in 2 NCC(Sea) Best Unit Competition Gold recognition of our school having a sustainable, high- Shooting (Air Pistol) 1 Best Unit Competition Softball 1 3 NCC(Air) Gold achieving multiple-team robotics programme. On 20 and (Best Air Unit) 21 June, where we participated in the Singapore VEX Water Polo 1 Unit Overall Proficiency 4 NPCC Gold Robotics Championship. Pitting ourselves against our A Division (Girls) Gold Silver Bronze 4th Award traditional competitors, we emerged with the Excellence Unit Overall Performance Cross-Country 1 5 NCDCC Gold Award, which is the highest award presented to the Squash 1 Award top all-round team in recognition of performance in all J M Fraser Award for competition categories. Swimming 1 6 BB Gold Water Polo 1 Excellence 7 Scouts Frank Cooper Sands Gold Joseph Schooling - The Best Is Yet To Be • On the morning B Division Gold Silver Bronze 4th 8 Ventures Frank Cooper Sands Gold of 13 August, 500 students from ACS (Independent), ACS (Junior) and ACS (Primary), staff, alumni and parents Bowling 1 9 SJAB Corps Achievement Award Gold gathered in Lecture Theatre 1 to watch this historic Cricket 1 In NCC (Air) Chen Jiawei achieved the outstanding air event. They were jubilant when Singapore and Joseph Rugby 1 cadet award. Padmanaban Kannan Adithiya Vikash Schooling won our nation’s first Olympic gold medal! ACS Swimming 1 achieved best flight award at the Citadel USA International (Independent) congratulates ACS Old Boy Joseph Isaac Tennis 1 Cadet exchange programme. In NCC (Land) Lim Jia Shen Schooling on creating history by being Singapore’s first Water Polo 1 Arnest achieved Outstanding Cadet Award. Our Boys’ Olympic gold medallist with an Olympic record of 50.39 Badminton 1 Brigade, achieved the Highest Overall Collection for BB seconds for the 100m butterfly event. We are proud of Canoeing 1 Week and our BB Blaze obtained 1st Place, winning the him and his remarkable journey to attaining this gold. Cross Country 1 LG Winston Choo Challenge Trophy. The NCDCC SCDF- Truly, The Best Is Yet To Be. NCDCC Pinnacle Award was won by Arinjay Mishra and Sailing 1 Fantasticks, A musical • A musical adaptation of the Shooting (Air Rifle) 1 Ryan Phua. In NPCC, a group of officers won SPF-NPCC award. 1960 Fantasticks, the world’s longest-running musical, Squash 1 will be directed and performed by our very own staff and Golf 1 OUR OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS students. This will be the last of the school effort in fund- Softball 1 ‘Busking for Change- AC @ Orchard’ • It was organised on raising. It promises to be an exciting event that will be take Track & Field 1 28 May from 3pm to 6pm, the first ever fund-raising event place from 4-5 November with a gala dinner thrown in on along Orchard Road. It took place along the pedestrian 5 November. More details will be featured in a write up in C Division Gold Silver Bronze 4th walkway from Wisma Atrium to Mandarin Gallery where the 2017 school yearbook. Bowling 1 our students, staff, and even parents staged various street CONCLUSION Canoeing 1 performances in support of the Singapore Association for As ACS (Independent) continues to nurture its students, Cricket 1 Mental Health. It was a remarkable display of talent, skills and gifts of the ACS family. The school is grateful for all we are ever mindful of the fact that our achievements Cross-Country 1 would not have been possible without the support from Golf 1 who have contributed their time, talents and “change” so generously to this initiative. the Board of Management, the Board of Governors, Rugby 1 parents and all well-wishers. They have been and will Swimming 1 Gardener’s Cup • The EFG also participated in the continue to be our partners in our efforts to develop our Tennis 1 Singapore Garden Festival. The Candy Floss Garden students to become men and women of robust character WaterPolo 1 which they helped build won not only the Best Floral and godly values. We are indeed grateful to all of them Badminton 1 Display Award, but also the highly-coveted Gardener’s and also to God from whom all blessings flow. In the years to come, we will continue to depend on God, the beacon Sailing 2 Cup. They shared this glory with 10 other partners. of truth and light, for his everlasting grace and mercy. Squash 1 Their garden shone as a testament to the power of the collaborative spirit. The Gardener’s Cup is the apotheosis of a gardener’s journey, and is a crowning laurel for the club.


What makes a school year special? Is it the Our pastoral care team received training in success achieved by our students, and the how to use these profiles to focus more on awards they win? Is it numbered by the ever students’ strengths. We hope to use this tool growing collection of trophies in the trophy to bring out the best in every student through cabinet? Or is it something more than that? improved personal development. 2016 was the 130th year of the founding of It is not possible to report on any ACS ACS, a particularly special year for everybody activities without talking about sports. Our in the ACS family. This anniversary was Ariane Ruppli Risa Tan students participated in the second and celebrated with much fanfare at ACS third seasons of the Athletic Conference of (International) – from improved academic average is 31 points with 24 points and Singapore International Schools (ACSIS). results across the board, to our very own above being a pass mark. The top mark was They competed in tennis, basketball, rugby, MasterChef – we indeed have much to 45, obtained by Ariane Ruppli. This is the touch rugby, football, and volleyball. Whilst celebrate. first time an ACS (International) student has they did not always bring home the gold achieved full marks for the IB programme, medals, their attitude and strong work ethic and we are very proud of the hard work that brought pride to the school. Our teams all of our IB students have put in towards were often the underdogs, as they generally earning their Diplomas. Congratulations also consisted of younger (and sometimes go to Risa Tan, our second Oxford-bound smaller) players with limited experience. student, whose hard work and commitment However, they trained hard and learned well to the school are laudable. She scored 44 in from each game they played, holding their the IBDP. own against the more experienced teams. The IGCSE results also continued in this Of particular note are our athletes Charity recent trend of exceeding the performance Lien and Ryan Wong. Charity is an of the previous year. Our students achieved accomplished swimmer who broke the a 91.4% pass rate with 53% Distinction 13-Year-Old Girls’ 100m breaststroke passes. This compares to 90% and 91% record at the Singapore National Age pass rates in 2013 and 2014 respectively; Group Swimming Championships, and won and 45% and 48% Distinction pass rates one silver and two gold medals in other respectively. national swimming championships. Charity Miss Kathleen Manley To top it all off, two of our students have is also a carded athlete, meaning that she topped the world in Economics and is sponsored by the Singapore government This year we also mourned the loss of our Mathematics in last year’s Cambridge for sports-related matters. Her latest success Vice-Principal of Academic Affairs, Miss IGCSE, bringing the total number of such was a silver medal for the Singapore Team Kathleen Manley. She was very much a awards by our school to 15 in seven years. at the ASEAN School Games (ASG) in part of ACS (International) life, and worked We commend Singaporean Zhu Mengqi and July. Ryan is a golfer who is one of the tirelessly for her students. She was a Xue Anwen on their hard-earned successes. youngest players to be selected to represent kind mentor to teachers and students Singapore in the National Golf Team. He alike. A memorial service was held in her This year, our school rolled out the was also selected to participate in the ASG remembrance, where teachers and students PEAKS psychometric assessment as and other golf tournaments as part of Team put in much effort to give her a fitting send an additional tool for pastoral care. The Singapore. off – she will be sorely missed, and fondly PEAKS assessment was developed by Dr remembered. Shirley Lim, and is based on the Five Factor The second Singapore International Schools’ Model of Personality. It stands for: Purpose, Debate League was hosted and organised The IB and IGCSE results are certainly one Energy, Affirmation, by our students. Though they did not win this cause for good cheer: for IB results, 98.7% Knowledge, and time, their effort was certainly commendable. of last year’s candidates gained their IB Sustainability, and Another team of students went to Boston Diploma in the November 2015 examination. focuses on individual to participate in the Harvard Model United There was an improvement in the overall assets. Students Nations. Three of our students, Leo Koo pass rate on 2013 and 2014, increasing receive a personality Ja Hyun, Naveen Venkatanarayanan, and from 92% to 96% to 98.7%. The overall profile detailing this Dhruv Uppal, received Honourable Mentions cohort average of 35 was also higher than as well as areas for their efforts. last year’s average of 34 points. The world for development. Zhu Mengqi TOTW

192 Our ACS Family Our Touch Rugby Girls Charity record breaking swim Service trip to Cambodia

On the cultural side of school life, our pride to the school in her humble service God has continued to bless us in our 11th students presented this year’s school to migrant workers. She graduated in 2007 year of operation; sending us many people musical “Into the Woods” and the Strings and is the co-founder of SAMASAMA, an without whom we would not have done as Concert. The Strings Concert was an East- initiative that reaches out to migrant workers well as we have. Our thanks go to the School meets-West performance presented by the and helps them integrate into society. Chaplaincy, Holland Village Methodist Strings Orchestra and GuZheng Ensembles. Church, parents, the PSP, external It is often said that travel is a great addition Both musical and concert were received with providers, the Board, and last but not least, to anybody’s education, and at ACS much acclaim, as staff and parents alike our students and staff for their hard work and (International), we also have other overseas were impressed by our student’s acting and dedication. Indeed, we have much to give school excursions besides the service trips. musical skills. thanks for. This year’s adventures included a ski trip in Service is an important part of the student Japan, and a jump down under to Western experience at ACS, and every year teachers Australia. and students alike find that they seem to be the ones who benefit more than those they are rendering service to. Six overseas service trips will have been organised this year, including trips to Thailand, Kota Kinabalu, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, and Zimbabwe. As usual, students had to raise the funds required for their trips, and it was heartening to see their tenacity and creativity in finding ways to encourage their peers, parents, and even teachers, to donate towards good causes. A particular highlight this year was the Student Ambassadors’ project. The Ambassadors organised multiple events Hunger Pledge Wall to raise funds for the children in Tien Lu, Vietnam. This included the Hunger Wall where students pledged small donations to write messages to the children on the wall, and Choice to Run, where students asked for pledge amounts for each lap they ran. Choice to Run also featured a range of games and activities for run supporters to participate in. Our alumni continue to do us proud: we congratulate alumnus Woo Wai Leong on his MasterChef Asia win. Wai Leong was from the pioneer batch of graduating students in 2006. Alumna Kari Tamura has also brought Skiing in Japan


Of Light, Love & Lives Thanksgiving and Blessing Service Thanksgiving and Blessing Service

Thanks be to God for a decade of blessings upon ACS Jakarta. It is only through IGCSE ACS Jakarta ACS Jakarta ACS Jakarta World God’s grace that we exist and continue to flourish. Distinctions ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘15 1st Lang English 41.3 61.7 54.7 14.1 OF LIGHT, LOVE AND LIVES To give thanks to the Lord for 10 blessed years, the ACS Jakarta community English Literature 45.0 66.7 85.7 48.7 dedicated this year’s school musical production – Of Light, Love, and Lives Bahasa Indo - - 68.4 - – to Him. The production serves also a second purpose to tell the story of Mathematics 65.2 93.3 95.9 34.5 ACS Jakarta in order that the community will remember, in the words of T Additional Math 92.0 77.4 79.6 50.2 W Hinch, “the past we inherit, the present we create” and strive to continue Physics 71.9 76.0 92.2 46.9 ACS Jakarta’s legacy. Over 180 pupils from both the Primary and Secondary schools came together for this project, giving them an opportunity to learn Chemistry 89.5 65.6 78.0 47.9 more about themselves as well as to make new friends across the grades. Biology 50.0 57.7 71.7 42.5 Throughout the rehearsals, pupils learnt important school values (Teamwork, History - 16.7 71.4 50.6 Humility, Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Excellence) that will certainly Geography 42.3 65.2 70.8 33.5 uphold them for a lifetime. Business Studies 41.9 61.5 59.4 27.4 NEW PRIMARY BLOCK Music 40.0 88.9 87.5 57.9 ACS Jakarta’s 10th year also brought with it the completion of a new Primary block comprising 26 classrooms, two libraries, two music rooms, two art rooms, Additionally, our Diploma students maintained a 100% pass rate set last year. two computer labs, a lecture room, a counseling room, a mathematics room The average of this year’s cohort was 34.4 and our graduates continued to and a spacious, air-conditioned Multi-Purpose Hall. The new building will help be accepted into top local and overseas universities such as the University of us better cater to the needs of our pupils and enhance the level of education Indonesia, Nanyang Technological University, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, we provide. In remembrance of Jehovah Jireh, the school held a thanksgiving University of California Davis, University of California San Diego, University and blessing service in February for the building, which was officiated by Bishop of Texas at Dallas, Purdue University, King’s College London and Imperial Amat Tumino, and attended by Mr Mucki Tan and other members of the ACS College London. Jakarta Board of Management. CCAS AND COMPETITIONS ACADEMIC RESULTS This year, pupils in various CCAs participated in more than 40 competitions As in previous years, our pupils continue to maintain a high level of academic and events. excellence. The Primary school pupils continue to attain good results for the Checkpoint tests with half the cohort achieving the “perfect score” of 6 for SPORTS English, 6 for Mathematics and 6 for Science. We bettered the world average In sports, athletes obtained two Golds, three Silvers and seven Bronzes in the in all three subjects and more than 90% of our pupils scored 5s or 6s in all Jakarta Athletics & Activities Conference (JAAC). three subjects. Gold medals: Checkpoint ACS ACS ACS World U10 Mixed Basketball Jakarta ‘14 Jakarta ‘15 Jakarta ’16 ‘16 U12 Boys’ Basketball Overall MSG 5.75 5.90 5.73 --- English MSG 5.49 5.77 5.57 3.7 Silver medals: Mathematics MSG 5.84 5.94 5.86 3.9 U12 Girls’ Badminton U12 Girls’ Basketball Science MSG 5.92 6.00 5.86 4.2 U15 Boys’ Basketball % scoring 5s and 6s 90.71 97.78 91.23 --- % Triple 6 40.98 58.33 49.12 --- Bronze medals U8 Boys’ Football Our Secondary school pupils also achieved good results this year. Out of the U13 Boys’ Swimming 79 pupils who took the IGCSE, 45 of them achieved six distinctions or more, U13 Girls’ Swimming 31 with seven distinctions or more, and 12 with eight distinctions. Celine Olivia U15 Boys’ Track-and-Field Nugraha won the top honours of eight A*s. U15 Girls’ Track-and-Field Basketball

194 Our ACS Family Primary Academic Awards MCC

U18 Boys’ Football Delegate and two awards for the Best Position Paper. They also participated U18 Girls’ Football in the Harvard Model Congress Asia (HMCA) in Seoul, Korea, in which they received five Honourable Mention awards. The MCC is entirely led by students, This year, we began our partnership with Chelsea Soccer School to provide and serves as a model for other CCAs to follow. our footballers a more coherent programme from EC to Secondary. The new programme improved our performance significantly, and we did well in the JAAC This year, we launched Student-Run Clubs, a Student Representative Council’s Soccer tournaments, the annual Jakarta Schools Football League (JSFL) and initiative which led to the inceptions of the Book Club and Media Resource at the Greensfields Challenge Cup. Club CCA. In line with the school’s vision of nurturing leaders for God, country and community, Student-Run Clubs will be a platform for more pupils to hold More pupils competed in swimming this year. ACS Jakarta organised the annual leadership roles in the running of CCAs and will offer them alternatives to Sprint Swimming Challenge (SSC) where our swimmers won six Golds, 14 existing CCAs. Silvers, six Bronzes and a Best Swimmer award. This year, we were privileged to host the JAAC Swimming Meet where our swimmers bagged four Silvers, EXTERNAL COMPETITIONS five Bronzes for an overall 3rd place in both the boys’ and girls’ U13 division. Besides CCAs, our pupils also took part in various Science and Mathematics Besides the SSC and JAAC Swimming Meet, our swimmers also participated competitions. At the International Singapore Maths Competition, our pupils in the Jakarta Nanyang Swimming Challenge for the first time, winning seven hauled one Gold, six Silvers and eight Bronzes. They also took part in the Golds, one Silver, one Bronze and two Best Swimmer awards. Singapore Asian Schools’ Math Olympiad and clinched eight Golds, 15 Silvers and 15 Bronzes. Last but not the least, our pupils participated in the Japan The might of our pupils’ athletic ability is affirmed in none other better than our International Science and Mathematics Olympiad (JISMO) and won one achievements in Track-and-Field. In total, our pupils won 16 Golds, 14 Silvers Diamond, 10 Ruby, eight Emerald, six Sapphire and six Good Effort awards. and 10 Bronzes in the JAAC Primary and Secondary Track-and-Field Meets Held twice a year, they also earned the highest average scores at both JISMO and for the Secondary Track-and-Field Meet, we achieved an overall 3rd place events and the school took two Gold, one Silver and one Bronze trophies at in both the U15 Boys’ and Girls’ events. the two editions of the Olympiad.

PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT Not only are our pupils talented in Sports, they are also talented in the The new Primary block may be completed, but the work on improving existing Performing Arts. Our ACS Jakarta Youth Choir brought glory to the school facilities is ongoing. We are renovating the PE Office and relocating the when they achieved two Gold and one Silver medals at the 8th Grand Prix Fitness Room to a more spacious area. We hope that the Fitness Room and international choir competition in Pattaya, Thailand. its additional equipment will better cater to the needs of PE pupils and provide a place to train indoors in times of inclement weather. CLUBS For Club CCAs, the Model Congress Club (MCC) continues to participate in As the school celebrates, with gratitude, its 10th year in the ACS Family, we competitions in Jakarta and overseas. This year, the MCC participated in the look forward to the next decade and beyond. With God’s grace and guidance, Indonesian Model United Nations (IMUN) held at the Universitas Indonesia we are sure that The Best Is Yet To Be! (UI), in which they received two Honourable Mentions, two awards for the Best

Football Football Choir


ACS Oldham Hall – The Boarding School, responsible individuals while living with other After an early lunch at 11am, members is a ‘Home Away From Home’ to some 300 fellow boarders in harmony. We also have remained in the Dining Hall to form groups foreign and international students from local the objective of imparting Christian values under the six House banners, donning their and international schools in Singapore. to these students during their stay at ACS colours and rehearsing their cheers before Established in 1886 together with Anglo- Oldham Hall, through regular devotions, heading to the Sports Hall, for customary Chinese School (ACS) by Bishop William talks, concerts and assembly sessions. group photo sessions to start off the activities. Fitzjames Oldham, Oldham Hall is located There were snack breaks in between games. within the ACS Barker Road campus. HALL ACTIVITIES Following a sumptuous dinner, boarders and Boarders range between 13 and 18 years of AHMs joined staff, befrienders, alumni and Orientation Games & Founder’s Day age, and admission into the Hall is subject to OHMC members at the BRMC Sanctuary for Challenge a vigorous interview conducted by the House the Dedication Service. Everyone was invited Mistress. Our annual Orientation Games was held on to supper and the night ended with boarders Saturday, 27 February. Decked out in 2016’s and AHMs dancing on the makeshift dance In 2016, boarders that numbered the most at turquoise-coloured T-shirts, boarders, staff, floor under the skylight in the Dining Hall. Oldham Hall were from ACS (International) AHMs and alumni attended the event with and St Francis Methodist School, as well much gusto. ‘MRT’ was the theme for this The fortnight of celebrations ended with a as MOE Scholars. We have seen a healthy year and MRT lines were used to represent special Founder’s Day talk by Reverend broader growth from Nexus International and the different House colours: Blue (Downtown Norman Wong delivered at a Sunday Stamford American International School. Line), Grey (LRT), Purple (North-east Line), assembly following. Red (North-south Line), Green (East-west BOARDERS’ WELFARE Line) and Yellow (Circle Line). Members from Dedication Service the different Houses were easily identifiable “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly Resident staff at Oldham Hall provide by pieces of cloth and by the colour of their loved children and live a life of love, just as boarders with the necessary supervision and painted faces. Christ loved us and gave himself up for us support to ensure their welfare and personal as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” needs. Boarders are put under the care The weekend of games and celebrations Ephesians 5:1-2 of Christian Assistant House Masters and actually took months to plan. In the weeks Mistresses (AHMs) with a heart for youth leading up to the games, the AHMs The Dedication Service on 27 February was a work and a calling to serve in the Oldham responsible for organising this event had special time at the start of each calendar year Hall community. The low AHM-to-boarder put their minds together to come up with the for management and staff to come together ratio enables us to provide needed care to various bespoke games and activities. There in dedicating themselves to God and in the our boarders, many of whom are away from were numerous trial runs for the various service of the community at ACS Oldham home for an extended period for the first games and briefing sessions for the AHMs Hall. Boarders and alumni were present to time. AHMs are expected to be role models and boarders. All in all, it was well worth the witness this dedication as a testimony of the to our boarders in helping them to become effort and hard work. higher purpose for which we serve.

Orientation Games Orientation Games

196 Our ACS Family The choir, ‘Voices of Oldham’ sang the Performers could choose from dancing, choral introit “Be Exalted, O God!” in a call singing, showing magical tricks, and in fact, to worship. The theme of the Dedication almost anything under the sun. After many Service was “God Loves Us”. rounds of elimination, only three performers made it to the finals. The competition was The Chairman of Oldham Hall, Mr Hugh Yii, intense, a challenge for wannabes to shore inspired everyone by retelling the story of up their confidence and performance on Rev Oldham when he started ACS in 1886 stage. with a class of 13 boys in a small, rented, dilapidated shophouse at 70 Amoy Street, Unleashed 2016 was packed with two hours and how, by the grace of God, 130 years of unique and wonderful performances by on, ACS has grown into the ACS family of boarders from Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar schools, and the Oldham Hall of today. It and China. The audience, comprising other was a testimony of God’s faithfulness and boarders, friends, the alumni and the AHMs, Take 5 Camp love, working through the men and women cast their votes for their favourites. The final who had obeyed God’s call to serve in His results were decided by the judges, and Changi Chalet from 24 to 27 March during mission. votes from AHMs Steve, Wennie, Shanshan the Easter weekend. and Eunice. There were guest performances Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li, Pastor-In-Charge of by AHMs Shanshan & Nghia and Ms Eunice It was a great time of bonding between Barker Road Methodist Church, reminded & Mr Victor before the final tally. boarders, AHMs and Alumni as they everyone of God’s abiding love, how “God reflected on the love of God, the significance loves us” with a fatherly, sacrificial love that There was much excitement and shouts for of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. often included discipline. joy as the names of winners were being called out. Music from the MMCs added Camp highlights included the amazing race In the Act of Dedication, the management to the fanfare, followed by a mass dance games at the boardwalk along Changi beach, committee and staff (full-time and volunteers) participation of our boarders on the floor, and devotional talks by Mr Hugh Yii, Mr pledged to serve and uphold the vision and wrapping up the evening. Unleashed was a Kevin Ngan and Pastor David Ho. Campers mission of Oldham Hall with the help of God. meaningful event for all, where friendships also celebrated Easter Sunday with a sunrise were fostered, lessons learnt, happiness service at the beach. Unleashed shared and memories treasured for years to Boarders had a meaningful time at the In February, the OH Students’ Council come. Easter camp as they come face to face with organised “Unleashed”, the annual talent the love of our living God in a special way. show started in 2012 as an opportunity Take 5 Camp Indeed! There is no greater love! Praise and boarders to showcase their special abilities “No Greater Love!” was the 2016 theme of thanks be to God! and skills. This year’s theme was “Agents”. the Take 5 camp which was held at the Aloha

Dedication service unleashed Take 5 Camp


Retired teachers enjoying a ACS-inspired cake sponsored sumptuous buffet spread by ACS Class of 1960 Group Photo - Pioneers and Pillars of ACS Soccer Waterpolo

THE ACSOBA MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR 2016/2017 enjoyed a delectable dessert spread which included Goodwood Park Hotel mooncakes President: Mr Lim Tat and Swensen’s Ice Cream sponsored by Mr En Lee (Class of 1990) and Mr Keith Chua 1st Vice-President: Mr Oon Jin Gee respectively (Class of 1969). The Class of 1960 added to the celebratory mood of the 2nd Vice-President: Ms Joy-Marie Toh event by carrying on the tradition of sponsoring the ACS cake in honour of the teachers. Honorary Secretary: Mr Rayson Seow The teachers had an added treat this year as there was, for the first time, a lucky draw Honorary Assistant Secretary: Dr David Tan with table gifts and prizes, which included dining vouchers at the Shinkei Japanese Honorary Treasurer: Mr Tang Kee Fei Restaurant, sponsored by alumni Mr Anderson Wong, Dr Beng Teck Liang, Dr Julian Honorary Assistant Treasurer: Mr Ong Tek Khoan Theng, Dr Wong Heng Yu, Ms Joy-Marie Toh, Mr Paul Lee and the ACS OBA. Committee Members: Mr Phang Kien Yip, Mr En Lee, Mr Melvin Deng, Dr Wong Heng Yu, Mr Paul Lee Our guests spent the evening mingling, reminiscing and exchanging fond memories as well as to share with each other their latest pursuits. The event was rounded off by a Pursuant to Rule 11(4) of the Rules of the Association, Mr Timothy Chew, Mr Jonathan rousing rendition of the school anthem, and a group photo-taking of retired teachers and Yuen and Mr Lock Wai Han, were co-opted as Committee Members. Old Boys present. Teachers went home with a beautiful tote bag kindly provided by the ACS(I) Parent Support Group, ACS(BR) and ACS(J), filled with gifts, which included ACS BOARD OF GOVERNORS and ACS (INDEPENDENT) BOARD OF MANAGEMENT custom-made ACS(I) Tung Lok mooncake gifts sponsored by the Class of 68/70, Eu The ACS OBA, as in past years, has been serving actively in the various schools of the Yan Sang vouchers sponsored by Mr Richard Eu, Chef Yan cookbooks and aprons from ACS Family through its representatives in the ACS Board of Governors and the ACS ACS(J), Super Coffee from the Super Group and Sun Chlorella products from Tisco Pte (Independent) Board of Management. Ltd.

Representatives from the OBA in the ACS Board of Governors are: The OBA would once again like to thank Mr Peter Tan, Principal of ACS(BR) and his team Mr Lim Tat – Vice-Chairman for hosting us and in providing the logistics, as well as generous sponsors who supported Mr Oon Jin Gee the evening in cash and kind. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year, and Mr Tang Kee Fei encourage all retired teachers or staff of ACS schools to join us. Mr Ong Tek Khoan 27 February – Past vs Present Games 2016 Representatives from the OBA in the ACS (Independent) Board of Management are: The 2016 Past vs Present was held in the morning of 27th February in both ACJC and Mr Lim Tat – Vice-Chairman ACS (Independent). True to the form of recent years, the Old Boys turned up in full force Mr Oon Jin Gee and retained the Ang Peng Tiam Challenge trophy for another year. The response was Ms Joy-Marie Toh overwhelming as soccer drew a record number of teams participating this year even as Mr Rayson Seow we saw an increase too in participation in the other sports.

OBA SUB-COMMITTEES The Old Boys proved to be superior in every sport this year, fitter and more skilful, Our various Sub-Committees also help in co-ordinating alumni activities and events: leveraging on their experience despite the intense February heat. More importantly, it was a clean sweep of all the games as the Old Boys took back the soccer title from the • Past vs Present Games: Mr Melvin Deng, Mr Paul Lee schoolboys. • Founder’s Day Dinner: Mr Rayson Seow, Mr Timothy Chew, Ms Joy-Marie Toh, Mr Phang Kien Yip, Dr Wong Heng Yu, Dr David Tan We would like to record our deepest appreciation to Mr Michael Thio for his contribution • OneACS Career Forum: Mr Ong Tek Khoan, Ms Joy-Marie Toh, Mr Jonathan Yuen of beverages, ACJC and ACS (Independent) for hosting and Oldham Club for their help • Retired Teachers’ Dinner: Ms Joy-Marie Toh, Mr Timothy Chew, Mr Rayson Seow, in organising the event. The Past vs Present Games is certainly an event where we are Dr Wong Heng Yu able to share, young and old, a heritage that makes us all ONE ACS. Let us continue to • Scholarship & Bursaries: Mr Tang Kee Fei, Dr Wong Heng Yu find ways to remain connected in our various sporting communities until the 2017 Past • Social & New Members: Mr En Lee vs Present. • Welcome Event: Ms Joy-Marie Toh, Mr Paul Lee • Oldham Club: Mr Melvin Deng, Mr Paul Lee Here were the final results: • Publicity & Publication: Ms Joy-Marie Toh, Mr Phang Kien Yip, Mr David Tan • Tennis - Past • Young ACSians: Mr Paul Lee • Waterpolo – Past • Overseas Chapters: Dr Wong Heng Yu • Badminton – Past • Volleyball – Past Activities of the OBA in 2016 were as follows: • Rugby – Past • Soccer – Past 1 September - Retired Teachers’ Tribute Dinner 2015 • Squash – Past On 1 September 2015, the Annual ACS OBA Retired Teachers’ Tribute Dinner was held at the Sports Hall on the campus of Barker Road. The OBA organises this event 1 March - ACS 130th Founder’s Day Dinner 2016 annually on 1 September, in recognition of the hard work put in by our former teachers On Tuesday, March 1, ACS celebrated its 130th Anniversary at the Island Ballroom, of the various ACS schools. This year was especially poignant as we joined Singapore in Shangri-la Hotel. To the ACS Old Boys’ Association Management Committee, the ACS celebrating SG50 and showing recognition to the many pioneer educators amongst us. Founder’s Day Dinner is not about having a fancy meal in a five-star hotel: It is the feeling of community and school pride that cannot be replicated elsewhere, our past, present and Approximately 80 teachers celebrated the occasion which graced by retired Principals future converging in one place. and Vice-Principals such as Mr Wan Fook Weng, Mr Peter Joe Chia, Mr Lim Keng Boon, Mr Wee Kim Cheng and Mdm Gladys Chia, as well as representatives from the ACS No details were spared, as ACS crossed yet another milestone. There were photo booths Board of Governors. with school backdrops of one’s choice and ACS uniforms to pose in – in adult sizes, thankfully! Even the napkins were folded to resemble an ACS shirt, complete with the All present were treated to a sumptuous buffet themed to our School Anthem and ACS badge!

198 Our ACS Family Badminton ACS friends are forever ACS (Independent) ACJC ACSian Theatre ACSOBA Medal Award

Scores of alumni were touched by images of the Days of Yore flashing on screens in the The panels which followed were hosted by alumni moderators who facilitated discussions ballroom. Photos of the old canteen at Barker Road, the Shaw Pool and images of former on questions such as “Tell us about the Highs and Lows of your career”, “What is a typical principals and teachers stirred up memories, memories of an unparalleled journey that day in your profession like?” and “What skills do you need to succeed in this job?” The has made us ACSians into the people we are today. purpose of the questions was to give students and parents a candid and personal insight into the nuances of what each career entails. We sang a familiar hymn, O God Our Help In Ages Past, from our chapel days, a reminder of the guiding Hand of our Heavenly Father and the God-breathed work in ACS. Local tertiary institutions – NTU, NUS, SIT, SMU, SUTD, and Yale-NUS – were also And we also sang, of course, our beloved School Anthem, led by emcee and an Old Boy, present to enhance the overall experience of the Forum. Participants met with their Clement Chow, together with representatives from the six ACS units in Singapore and representatives on topics such as academic modules offered, career options, the the ACJC Student Council on stage. What a sight and sound to behold: Generations of criteria for different careers, alongside queries on application procedures and selection ACSians united in one voice belting out Our ACS Forever. Time has passed on, but not requirements. the ACS spirit. OBA Membership There were heart-felt performances written by students from ACS (Independent) for the The membership of the ACS OBA stands at 8,692 (as at 31 August 2016). 130th anniversary, and the vibrant dances by ACJC’s ACSian Theatre that filled the ballroom with youthful, electrifying exuberance. Highlights too were televised greetings SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS from ACS Jakarta, Mrs Lee Gek Kim with ACSians Down Under and Colin Goh (Class of The ACS OBA currently administers the following scholarships/awards: 1986) from New York City. • T W Hinch Scholarship Fund • Lim Song Scholarship The ACS OBA is appreciative to all who made this event a meaningful one. A special • Wong Nang Eong Scholarship word of thanks to the FDD planning sub-committee comprising Timothy Chew, Rayson • Scholarships donated By Tan Sri (Dr) Tan Chin Tuan Seow, Dr Wong Heng Yu, Desmond Wee and Joy-Marie Toh. • Choo Hwee Lim Scholarship for Badminton A Division (IB) - Tan Qi En (ACS Independent) 30 July - The One ACS Career Forum 2016 B Division (Sec) - Bryan Tan Jun Kai (ACS Independent) On Saturday, July 30th 2016, the ACS OBA hosted the annual ONE ACS Career Forum • ACSOBA Humanities Scholarship at ACS (Independent) for students, parents and alumni of the ACS family and Methodist • ACSOBA Bursaries for Needy Students schools in Singapore, organised by the ACS OBA and sponsored by the ACS Foundation. ACSOBA Medals The One ACS Career Forum has grown over the years. In 2012, we had four sessions The ACS OBA Medals were awarded to: and 16 speakers. In 2013, we had five simultaneous sessions over three time slots to Year give students a greater choice and more time to interface with speakers in smaller and Name School Award Graduated more focused interest groups. The following year, we introduced a C-suite panel to give Goh Shen Ee Matthew ACS (Primary) 2015 Gold students some insight into the thoughts of industry leaders. In 2015, we expanded the Then Shan ACS (Junior) 2015 Gold format even further to welcome almost 60 alumni speakers spread over 13 different Bin Wen Jun Jerome ACS (Barker Road) 2015 Gold disciplines and invited 7 local tertiary institutions to speak to students about admissions Joel Tan Yuan Hong ACS (Barker Road) 2015 Silver criteria. Tan Zhi Zheng Varen ACS (Independent) 2015 Gold (GCE O-level) Ong Kah Yong Timothy ACS (Independent) 2015 Gold (IB) This year, to mark the 130th anniversary of ACS, we aimed even higher and had an Aaron Goh Qi Yang ACS (Independent) 2015 Gold (IB) unprecedented 80 alumni speakers across 14 professional disciplines, including Claire Lois Carter Rui En ACJC 2015 Gold traditional areas like Law, Medicine, Accounting, Engineering and Banking & Finance, Benjamin Ong Ming Yi ACJC 2015 Silver and extending to Entrepreneurship, Public Service, Architecture, Media and newly- Deandra Angelica Muliawan ACS (International) 2015 Gold (IB) introduced panels such as Allied Healthcare, Startups and Tech/IoT (Internet of Things). Tan Xuan Ying Risa ACS (International) 2015 Silver (IB) In addition, we introduced Interviewing and Networking Skills panels to familiarise Dhruv Uppal ACS (International) 2015 Gold (IGCSE) participants with presentation skills and strategies. Lim Jia Jing ACS (International) 2015 Silver (IGCSE) Lim Tat, the President of the ACS Old Boys’ Association, delivered the opening address Rayson Seow which highlighted the key objectives: first, to provide greater focus into specific career Honorary Secretary paths in an informal and interactive setting, and second, to enable participants to have a deeper understanding of the pre-requisites needed to enter into those careers. He also expressed gratitude to the ACS Foundation (ACSF) for sponsoring the event. In his capacity as the Vice-Chairman of the ACSF, he explained its role as the umbrella foundation for all ACS schools, in the funding of holistic development of ACS students and teachers, and in turn, in sharing with society the blessings and rewards of an ACS education through them. Together with the OBA, the ACSF is consolidating ACS Moderated panel discussions resources and efforts to ensure the ONE ACS culture flourishes.

The opening session for the day was the C-Suite panel moderated by Jonathan Yuen, Partner, Rajah and Tann Singapore LLP who engaged the following Old Boys in a lively and candid discussion on career advice and personal lessons from their school days: Chew Kwee San, Executive Director, TECITY; Ng Kok Siong, Chief Corporate Development Officer, CapitaLand Ltd; and Rear-Admiral Frederick Chew of the Republic Meeting reps of higher institutions of Singapore Navy. Questions from the floor of learning

199 Autographs

200 Our ACS Family 201 designed & printed by LONDONBOB DESIGN Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) 2016 rimary) rimary) P chool ( S +65 6353 1366 +65 6250 1633

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