Sleep Medicine: a Guide to Sleep and Its Ciated with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
BOOKS,FILMS,TAPES,&SOFTWARE Sleep Medicine: A Guide to Sleep and Its ciated with excessive daytime sleepiness. example is in Chapter 7, “Insomnia,” which Disorders, 2nd edition. John M Shneerson Chapter 7 discusses the complex and often examines the various hyperarousable states MA DM FRCP. Oxford, United Kingdom: perplexing topic of insomnia. Chapter 8 dis- that can lead to insomnia. Blackwell Publishing. 2005. Hard cover, il- cusses dreams and nightmares, causes and In general, the material is well selected lustrated, 325 pages, $125. treatments. Chapter 9 discusses motor dis- and organized. I am most impressed with orders, including the parasomnias (motor ac- the author’s ability to present complex top- Sleep medicine is a multidisciplinary med- tivities such as sleepwalking, sleep talking, ics and concepts in a naturally flowing, eas- ical specialty, newly recognized by the and rapid-eye-movement sleep-behavior ily understood narrative. This is particularly American Board of Medical Specialties. disorder). Chapter 10 covers obstructive evident in the chapter on the physiologic Physicians practicing sleep medicine have sleep apnea, which has received much press basis of sleep and wakefulness. Furthermore, backgrounds in many fields, including pul- lately. Chapter 11 discusses central sleep the presentation on drugs and sleep is out- monary medicine, internal medicine, neu- apnea and hypoventilation. The final chap- standing. It describes drug effects on sleep rology, and psychiatry. Sleep disorders af- ter examines medical disorders and how they stages and the circadian rhythm, and dis- flict many people and many remain can impact sleep. There are 10 appendixes, cusses pharmacokinetic aspects of specific undiagnosed because of lack of clinical rec- among which are validated questionnaires medications and mechanisms of action.
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