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12-5-2013 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 89, No. 27 WKU Student Affairs

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Recommended Citation WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 89, No. 27" (2013). WKU Archives Records. Paper 6374. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/6374

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PHOTO SPORTS BEST PHOTOS OF Toppers looking to THE SEMESTER improve on the road PAGE A8 PAGE B8

THURSDAY , DECEMBER 5, 2013 • WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY • WKUHERALD.COM • VOLUME 89 NO. 27 Pike fraternity Remembering sanctioned for hazing

BY CAMERON KOCH [email protected] her light Pi Kappa Alpha has been found to be in violation of university pol- icy in regards to hazing, as well as violating university policy by know- ingly providing false information to WKU Student Activities, according to university documents. The fraternity will be losing organizational recognition from the university until July 1, 2014, at which time the chapter can petition for reinstatement, provided they SEE PIKE PAGE A2

SGA Talisman guests visit

Vinnie Tallarico, Melanie Reichert's high school boyfriend, shares the ways in which she touched his last meeting life at the candlelight vigil Monday night. "She really shaped who I am," he said. "I would be a com- pletely diff erent person without her — she taught me to believe in myself and other people. She was something else, and I was lucky to know her." KATIE MCLEAN/HERALD BY KAELY HOLLOWAY [email protected]

Representatives from the Talis- Candlelight vigil honors student’s ‘vivacious’spirit man attended the Student Govern- ment Association’s fi nal meeting of BY ANNA LAWSON and thoughts of Reichert, starting off with Lex- the semester on Tuesday night to [email protected] ington sophomore Devan Hall, one of Reichert’s discuss the yearbook and its bud- close friends. get. Three weeks after Melanie Reichert’s death, “We sat together in class and got along really During the meeting, Talisman students are continuing to celebrate the life of great from the start,” Hall said to the group. “I Editor-in-Chief Katie Honadle, Stu- a classmate, friend and inspiration. wish I had more time with her. We don’t realize dent Publications Director Chuck On Tuesday, an intimate group of students how little time we have with one another until Clark and Talisman Adviser Char- gathered together in the brisk December eve- it is gone.” lotte Turtle presented information ning in front of the Fine Arts Center for a can- The circle of about 20 friends continued shar- and answered questions about the dlelight vigil in Reichert’s honor. The group be- ing stories full of light and happiness. They all past, present and future state of the gan the commemoration by sharing memories SEE REICHERT PAGE A2 SEE SGA PAGE A3

Theft, substance abuse make up majority of campus crime

BY JACOB PARKER Dominic Ossello, communica- Assault [email protected] tions offi cer for the WKU Police 3 Warrants 8 Summon served Department, said the number of Accident report With another semester coming incidents doesn’t sound overly high Harrassment to a close, crime on campus is likely compared to previous years. Drugs Investigative arrest to see an exponential drop when “We’ve had several over the past 20 Disorderly conduct students leave for winter break. The years where musical instruments DUI Sexual assault semester has seen its share of in- are stolen,” he said. “Musical instru- 17 Rape cidents, however, with 151 reports of ments are high-ticket items, and crime. defi nitely jack up the numbers con- Instances of theft, alcohol intoxi- siderably.” Physical altercation cation and possession of drugs top The majority of thefts were phones 2 estimated $120 the list. or bikes, with chances of items being Theft ranks fi rst, with a total recovered. However, the number of of 49 incidents and an estimated students who have items stolen is Criminal damage $28,829.98 stolen from locations greater than the number who have 17 estimated $2,429.99 around campus. However, one theft items returned, Ossello said. Alcoholic included a $9,952 fl ute, contributing “I wish I could say it was higher Theft Intoxication estimated $28,829.98 to the higher estimated value. SEE CRIME PAGE A3 29 49


PIKE Howard Bailey, VP of student aff airs CONTINUED FROM FRONT Depending on the severity of the violations have met conditions set by the univer- sity, which include a review of mem- would determine the bership and signed copies of a “No- period of time that the Hazing” certifi cate from each fraternity member, according to the document. organization would be The notice was issued on Nov. 26. suspended for.” The investigation of the fraternity for hazing began after allegations of hazing were raised during fall break. Alpha Epsilon fraternity were all cited Charley Pride, director of Student for hazing and “organizing, sponsoring, Activities, said the fraternity losing their implementing or conducting programs organizational status means they can or activities which are violations of the continue to operate, but cannot par- law or university regulations,” accord- ticipate in university-sponsored events. ing to documents provided to the Her- “They are not able to participate in ald. Greek Week, recruitment — any events Howard Bailey, vice president for put on by us,” Pride said. Student Affairs, said a Greek organiza- Pride said an organization know- tion on average is usually investigated ingly furnishing false information to every two or three years. Student Activities during an investiga- Bailey said the amount of time it tion, the other university policy Pike takes to fully complete an investiga- was found to be in violation of, isn’t un- tion of an organization depends on common. the number of people that need to be “Some were truthful, some were interviewed and the severity of the al- not,” Pride said. legations. Pride said he could not at this time The punishment for the organiza- disclose what hazing activities mem- tion also depends on the allegations. bers of Pike were involved in. “There is no typical punishment,” Four Greek organizations were sanc- Bailey said. “Depending on the sever- tioned for hazing last fall. Kappa Delta ity of the violations would determine sorority, Kappa Alpha Order fraternity, the period of time that the organization Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity and Sigma would be suspended for.”

REICHERT Sarah Miller, Louisville sophomore CONTINUED FROM FRONT I know she will be had one underlying message — that remembered for her free Reichert would be missed. Among the group was Lexington se- spirit. She had an open nior Kerr Beebe, Reichert’s boyfriend. mind, an open heart and “I was so blessed to be able to spend the small amount of time I did with love for everyone.” her,” he said. “She touched each and every one of our lives.” Also present at the vigil was Reichert’s fellow resident. roommate, Louisville sophomore Sar- “Everyone on the fl oor felt that she ah Miller. Miller has known Reichert was a great addition to the group,” since they were in fi fth grade. Golding said. “She brought a lot of “She was vivacious. She loved to take positive energy that will defi nitely be advantage of every opportunity, and missed.” she always got involved in whatever she Once everyone had shared their could,” she said. thoughts, Hall wrapped up the vigil The vigil was a time for all of Reichert’s with a few words, followed by everyone closest friends to surround themselves blowing out their candles. However, with people who were also touched even as the candle lights dimmed, spir- and inspired by the life Reichert led. its remained high as laughter and hope “It was nice to see everyone come out were heard throughout the group. for this,” Miller said. “I really enjoyed The students stayed and continued being able to share my own memo- to share more stories from Reichert’s ries with her, as well as hear everyone life. New acquaintances exchanged else’s.” phone numbers and promises to keep Even people who didn’t know Reichert in touch, and words of support and en- as a close friend attested to the fact that couragement were heard throughout she had a kind soul and warm person- the group. ality. “I know she will be remembered for Nashville freshman Corinna Golding, her free spirit,” Miller said. “She had an who lived on the same fl oor as Reichert open mind, an open heart and love for in Minton Hall, came to remember her everyone.”

Download the WKU Herald app on iTunes DECEMBER 5, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM PAGE A3

South Campus store ‘wasn’t making any money’ BY JACKSON FRENCH cided it was so well-received our direction to the Nashville Jim Sears, operations director [email protected] by the community that we de- Road store,” he said. cided to keep it open.” The WKU Store on Nashville Though the bookstore on Auxiliary Services Director Road has been open since We were just looking at it like, you know South Campus has been shut Gary Meszaros said the South April 2012 and has been fi nan- down, its operations will con- Campus store’s sales were lim- cially successful, Sears said. this is not a place that’s making money tinue with new expansions for ited following the semester He said WKU already owned right now.” The WKU Store on Nashville start. the building the store currently Road. “We were just looking at it occupies and decided to use it Jim Sears, operations direc- like, you know this is not a as a receiving area for the cam- tor of The WKU Store, said the place that’s making money pus bookstore. pus,” he said. “It’s been really a program.” South Campus bookstore was right now,” Sears said. “Ulti- “It had a storefront and we pleasant, pleasant surprise.” Sears said the back of the “in limbo for a while” before mately, we need to be creating got to thinking, 'You know Despite the closing of the Nashville Road store is still be- it was shut down in early No- revenue, but at the same time what? Let’s take advantage of South Campus bookstore, ing used as a stockroom. Once vember. we want to provide services to the storefront, roll the dice Meszaros said there will still be that area is freed up, however, “It (the South Campus book- the student.” here, see if it works,’” he said. book buyback on South Cam- the WKU Stores has the poten- store) was one of those opera- Sears said relocating the Sears said the gamble paid pus. tial to expand the venue. tions that just wasn’t making bookstore to the building on off. “We’re still going to be any money,” Sears said. “We Nashville Road was seen as a “The community’s really em- there for sellback or buyback “We’ve got a building there have the WKU store on Nash- better decision than keeping braced it, and in all honesty, a books,” he said. “We’ll set up that can defi nitely morph into ville Road, which initially was the South Campus location lot of faculty (and) staff shop at in the lobby for that, and then whatever we want it to morph just going to be like a tempo- open. the Nashville Road store even we’re going to deliver books into,” he said. “It’s just right rary location, but then we de- “We decided to kind of shift though they’re on Main Cam- through a textbook reservation now fi nding out what it is.”

ies printed from 5,000 to 3,000 from the by the Talisman are just ideas. No per- Ingram and Schrader were present SGA 2014 book. manent measures have been taken. during the meeting to receive their rec- CONTINUED FROM FRONT Currently, the Talisman’s budget is The last meeting also focused on up- ognition. $82,000. The publication received an coming graduating seniors. Ingram is involved in many WKU Talisman. additional $45,000 from one-time SGA President Keyana Boka and Han- programs. She currently acts as a Com- “It [the Talisman] really documents funds granted by both Gordon Emslie, nah Garland, director of Academic and munications Ambassador and is vice the history of the Hill,” Honadle said. provost and vice president for Aca- Student Affairs, recognized and dis- president of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Yearbook budget cuts have caused demic Affairs, and Vice Provost Rich- tributed honorary white tassels to four sorority. many involved with the publication to ard Miller. Additional money will come new inductees to the Society of Distin- Schrader, a Gatton Academy gradu- seek sponsorships, propose lower dis- from Herald reserves that were gener- guished Graduates. ate, has traveled abroad to various tribution rates and fundraise to main- ated by ad sales. Boka said the white tassels will make countries in Asia to teach and complete tain suffi cient funding and safeguard However, this is not a permanent so- inductees stand out among the “sea of the Talisman’s award-winning quality. lution, as both the university-granted yellow [red] tassels.” various forms of research. She has also Clark told the group that, to date, the funds and the Herald reserve money Sarah Schrader, McKinley Ingram, been awarded several scholarships and publication has won 15 Pacemaker are only for the current school year. Eric Wills and Kelsey Thomason are the is a fi nalist for the Rose scholarship. awards — the highest honor a colle- “The Herald cannot sustain fi nancial newest inductees to the society. “The things that they’ve done are re- giate publication can receive. stake in the Talisman,” President Gary The Society of Distinguished Grad- markable,” Garland said. “The Talisman is a national point of Ransdell said in an email in October. uates recognizes seniors for their SGA concluded the meeting by pass- pride for WKU,” Clark said. Ransdell said he would revisit the achievements and accomplishments ing three bills. Two distributed money The cuts may prompt a decrease in issue of the Talisman budget in the outside of the academic fi eld. Induct- to various WKU clubs and organiza- both the book’s page count from 400 spring. ees are nominated by department tions, while the other allocated money to 352 pages and the number of cop- All options currently being explored heads and selected by SGA. for Winter Term scholarships.

it’s so random and quick, but we’ve def- and cocaine. With 66 drug and alcohol “We haven’t really done anything CRIME initely stepped up our extra patrols.” related crimes, almost 44 percent of new or different. Its just continued sup- CONTINUED FROM FRONT In terms of violent acts on campus, crimes on campus this semester were port,” he said. three accounts of assault, one account related to substances. Ossello said it’s something the sta- than it actually is,” he said. “It’s really of sexual assault, two incidents of “That sounds about average. It may tion will never stop looking at but it hard if people don’t keep serial num- physical altercations and one account be a little bit on the lower end, if that goes further than just police control. bers or itemize it in some way. Phones of rape that is currently being investi- makes sense,” he said. “Obviously, DUI “Education and good decision-mak- are the most common, and without a gated were reported. is a major concern for the safety of stu- ing will always win out in that one,” he serial number, recovery is almost im- Alcohol intoxication accounted dents and campus as a whole.” said. “We can’t do enough to enforce it possible. for 29 reports, while driving under Ossello attributes the number of compared to people who just make the “If people keep up with their serial the infl uence made up 17— bringing DUI incidents to increased traffi c stops, right decision. Hopefully, things like the numbers, that drastically improves our alcohol-related crimes to a total of 46. while with drugs, it’s usually a call from shuttle and friends taking control of the ability to recover property. Theft is defi - An additional 20 incidents reported someone else in a dorm when drugs situation will help minimize that more nitely a hard one to deal with because were drug related, including marijuana are smelled or seen. than anything the police could do.”



COMMON GROUND Apologies & Admonishments Tops & Bottoms BY NICK BRATCHER Until I looked it up before I wrote rights violations by Navi Pillay, the [email protected] my fi rst column, I couldn’t even have United Nations High Commissioner for pointed to Syria on a map. Human Rights, in her annual report. Three and a half years I still don’t know the fi rst thing about Sexual orientation is still being used of college have fl own the Affordable Care Act or why we can’t as an excuse to persecute people, here TOPS to the hard past me. just pay for Medicaid, Medicare and So- in the U.S. and abroad, in all lines of re- work from every- And now I fi nd my- cial Security with the money that grows ligious faiths or lack thereof. one at the Student self sitting in front of a on trees. You’re telling me that we’ve got The U.S. still possesses a crazy Publications. computer screen with watch-phones but no money trees? I amount of debt, but I guess that’s noth- one last shot at saying ain’t buying it. ing new. something meaningful I still hope my fraternity gets a “good” College kids still can’t get a job, un- BOTTOMS to who- to a body of students I’ve pairing for Homecoming next year, I less you’re an engineer or have a crazy ever stood on our Bratcher likely upset, angered, still laugh at Tweets that are surely rac- ridiculous resume. So I don’t see that conference room Opinion pleased, excited or — ist when my friends retweet them and I vulnerability being a real possibility table. Editor what I fear is most likely am the epitome of a burnout who cares outside of an act of God. — just plain bored with entirely too much about what others And I watched millions of Ameri- my irrelevance to your life. think of him. cans not just mentally skip Thanksgiv- Well, if I had to sum up all my mes- I could stand to take some of my ing but physically skip the in TOPS to the kick- sages into one, I’d spend these inches own advice, and for that, I humbly ad- favor of Christmas bargains, going out off of the holiday of precious newspaper space apologiz- mit that all my words are quite worth- on Day to shop instead . ing to and admonishing you guys, my less if their weight relies on my perfec- of spending the day being truly thank- readers. tion. ful. I apologize for feigning like I’ve ever But I hope this broken vessel has We’re living in a world that isn’t quite been an expert at anything. delivered something very important to right. The truth is, I am probably unquali- you. Injustice is a ground that’s more BOTTOMS to Black fi ed to have been writing this column I hope you’ve seen the world as common than most of us would prefer. Friday seemingly all semester. slightly more complex — one in which I never needed to be an expert to point lasting two weeks. There are certainly more moral fi g- the biggest problem may just be staring that out. ures around campus — smarter, wittier us in the mirror. But the clock is ticking for all of us, and better suited to be telling you what Syria was just declared one of two both for our time on the Hill and be- to do with your lives. major hotbeds of ongoing human yond.

LINDS LETS LOOSE Here’s what I hope you’ve learned TWEETS BY LINDSAY KRIZ and engage you, the audience, to I hope that if you decide to become FROM [email protected] some capacity this semester. engaged your freshman year of college THE HILL If you choose to listen to “Blurred — when you’re 18 and still shocked to I feel like it’s been Lines” with the windows down I at least see people sobbing in the library be- a fortnight since I’ve hope you’re more educated on how it cause of fi nals — that you’re doing it penned one of these can be seen as problematic. because you are truly ready to be mar- columns, and literally it If you choose not to call yourself a ried. And if you really, truly are, that’s @Amore_Mj4ever94 has. It might be the last feminist, I hope you take the time to just great. And if you’re not, tell your Aye they better do somethin I write for the next few come up with your own defi nition of partner so. Your future is just beginning about that possum sittin next weeks — when I return “feminist” and “feminism” before do- here at WKU. to a tree walking up the big in January, I will instead ing so. A little research goes a long way I hope that if you see a drunk boy hill, that thing looked into my be serving you as the and may even change how you view the or girl at a , the only thing you do Kriz soul! #wku #wku17 Columnist Opinion Editor for the term, yourself and the women around to that person is get them a safe ride College Heights Herald. you. home. — Sent 7:43PM/3 Dec 13 It’s my fi rst real po- If you have a daughter, I hope you I hope that if you still pine for “the sition of authority in such a long time, look into her eyes and wish for her all One” that you remember that you are but I feel that for my last semester of the opportunities in life. I hope you one, and one is whole, and you are @sinclairdotson college, I should be pushing myself to hope she won’t be hindered because of whole just as you are, with or without a I love that @WKUBigRed rides complete tasks that would normally her gender. signifi cant other. around campus on a moped. make me feel uncomfortable. If you choose to wear a shirt that But mostly, I hope I’ve helped you If I’m going to enter the terrifying says “save the ta-tas” or “I love boo- to realize that you don’t have to listen At 9 am. On a Tuesday. He's “real world” in the next six months, I bies” in honor of breast cancer, I hope to a word I say. You’re a free-thinking not just any mascot, he's awe- might as well enter it already terrifi ed you’re kind and thoughtful toward a human, and I hope that even if you some. #WKU #CollegeMascots but a bit more confi dent in my abilities person, should he or she approach you disagree with everything I’ve said 100 — Sent 12:43PM/3 Dec 13 as a writer, an editor and a woman. and tell you why they deem it problem- percent, you at least thought about Those are my goals for next se- atic. I hope you’ll hear them. Not only what I’ve said. That was truly my mester, but I do hope that I’ve some- that, but I also hope you’ll truly listen to goal this semester: to truly make you how helped to educate, entertain what they have to say. think. @EmilyDaniel20 Sitting in biology class, eating twizzlers, and talking about Jurassic park. #wku — Sent 1:34 PM/3 Dec 13 CARTOON STRIP

@bluejaebird With my tuition, I could buy 41,460 Taco Bell tacos. #col- legeprobs #WKU — Sent 11:11 AM/3 Dec 13

@morgangoetz13 The Stall Street Journal should be issued weekly. I spend a lot of time in there. #WKU #col- legeprobs — Sent 7:35 PM/3 Dec 13

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CANCER (June 21- LEO (July 23-Aug. VIRGO (Aug. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. July 22) -- It's a good 22) -- Don't overspend 23-Sept. 22) -- Work 22) -- Shop carefully. time to get your mes- or gamble today. Th ere's interferes with travel Th e next two days are sage across. Check your more work coming. A now, so make plans for good for making changes intuition by review- rude awakening calls later. Postpone a shop- at home. Be careful, ing data. Don't try to you to re-affi rm a ping trip. Get an expert though. Th ink things impress others, despite commitment. Remain for the job (if you're not through before acting. your brilliant idea. Keep patient. Work and make one). Your love holds Get everyone else on it private for now and money today and tomor- you to your highest board to make a break- prepare. Exercise outside row. Give and take. In- ideals. Pay attention to through. Sift for bar- and think it over. form the team privately. that. Have inexpensive gains; there are plenty of Off er insights. fun. options.

SUDOKU PROBLEMS PAGE A6 DECEMBER 5, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM Friends remember Looper’s easy going nature

BY JACOB PARKER Henderson senior Dustin [email protected] Grillon said he met Looper this semester. Outside in the smoking sec- “I have a class with him and tion under the stairs of Cherry I’d gotten to know him be- Hall, one chair remained re- cause I’m a philosophy minor served this week as the memo- and he’s a philosophy major,” rial of a philosophy student Grillon said. who died last Wednesday. Grillon said Looper was a Flowers, cigarettes and very easygoing guy. lighters surrounded a picture “Derrick was one of those of Lafayette native Derrick people who was always very Looper’s face in remembrance upbeat,” he said. “He made it of the time he spent there a point to talk to people, he — making friends. you know, he reached out to One of these friends, people in that way.” Bowling Green senior Ann Looper was the kind of guy Reagan, said Looper, a phi- that anyone could be friends losophy major, was always with, Grillon said. very generous in his friend- “He would often try to, if ships. someone was having a bad “Derrick was a great guy, he day, he would try to alleviate was always smiling,” she said. it, or he would really feel with A memorial for Lafayette Tenn., junior Derrick Scott Looper, 22, rests outside of Cherry Hall, where he Reagan said some of her them,” he said. often smoked and talked with friends. Looper died on Nov. 27. fondest memories are the “I don't think he ever times spent in the smoking sec- knew, or would’ve ever ac- DEMETRIUS FREEMAN/HERALD tion outside of the ground fl oor knowledged it, but people of Cherry Hall with friends. that cared about him — he way or another and he was supportive, fun-loving, warm be deprived of his wonderful “Hanging out with him in had become such a big part there for us.” and appreciative of life. spirit,” she said. “I pray that the smoking circle, as we like in a lot of our days, he was a Dayton, Ohio, junior Whit- “I am terribly sorry that one day we will all be able to call it, talking about every- fi xture. He affected the lives ney Marsh posted on Ander- the world will never see all of to reach a state of peace and thing and nothing at the same of so many people in such son and Son Funeral Homes the great things that he was understanding about this time,” she said. “He just always small and important ways — and Memorial Park memorial going to accomplish in his tragic loss. Derrick may be had a smile on his face — that’s it’s tangible that something page that Looper was incred- life, and I am so very sad that gone, but he will never be how I will always remember is missing. He had become a ibly generous, understanding, all of the people in his life will forgotten.” him — a happy-go-lucky guy.” part of all of our lives in some

New department to concentrate on science side of psychology

BY TREY CRUMBIE side and recognize psychology teach what courses and which will stay housed in the cur- said. “There’s a lot to do be- [email protected] as a STEM, or Science, Tech- courses each department will rent home of the psychology cause you’re starting from the nology, Engineering and Math be in charge of. In addition department in Gary Ransdell ground up and (there are) a A science-based curricu- fi eld. to this, both departments are Hall until further notice. lot of things to get in place. I lum was the driving force that Lemerise said the new de- establishing new curriculums “For the time being and would say we’re working very created the new department of partment is currently work- themselves. maybe for a few more years, hard on looking at curriculum psychological sciences. ing on a proposal to create a “Overall, my biggest thing we’re going to be right here,” and developing the B.S. and The department was ap- Bachelor of Science degree. is just maintaining hope,” Lemerise said. “No one is go- getting things organized and proved by the Board of Re- Before the split, the only de- Wininger said. “In hoping ing anywhere.” so on.” gents in October and offi cially gree offered in psychology was that although this is a really Cheryl Stevens, dean of Gordon Emslie, provost and created on Nov. 1. The new a Bachelor of Arts. diffi cult process right now, Ogden College of Science and vice president for Academic department is a split off from “What that means for stu- and while we may not all Engineering, said her college Affairs, said the creation of the the department of psychol- dents is that there will be an agree on why this is happen- is welcoming of the new de- new department is a win-win ogy. additional kind of degree in ing or whether this should partment. situation. Elizabeth Lemerise, inter- psychology in addition to what have happened, it’s happen- “We’re very happy to have “Psychology is a very di- im department head of psy- we currently have,” Lemerise ing, and I hope that we can them,” Stevens said. “Looking verse discipline with a large chological sciences, said psy- said. all work together…to do new forward to new opportunities variety of subfi elds and we be- chology has an applied side Steven Wininger, psychol- things and do new things that — new collaborations.” lieve it’s in the best interest of and a research-based, science ogy professor and co-chair benefi t students.” Lemerise said there’s plenty the university to allow faculty side. department head, said the two Lemerise said due to the she has to do while she is in- to thrive in whatever sub-fi eld The new department will departments are still work- limited space available on terim department head. they wish to participate in,” concentrate on the science ing to determine who should campus, the new department “It’s pretty busy,” Lemerise Emslie said.

Enrollment drop puts focus on retention, recruitment

BY TREY CRUMBIE Brian Meredith, associate vice president for Enrollment Management ment to be a trend for WKU tor of College Readiness and [email protected] in the near future. Meredith interim co-director of Admis- said WKU has changed the sions, said WKU is making As the spring semester way they attract prospective sure prospective students are inches closer, WKU is hoping We have a great product to sell here at WKU, students, including stronger prepared for college while they retention efforts will be up to communication, increased are in high school. par. and we are working to get the brand out in recruitment efforts in certain Hunter said WKU encour- WKU’s total enrollment for front of more students." areas and automatically con- ages high school students to this semester stands at 20,456, sidering students who apply complete their pre-college down 668 students from the to WKU by a certain date for curriculum for free while they fall of 2012. It is the fi rst time scholarship money. have the chance. fall enrollment has dropped in “I think if anything we’re “We want them to focus 16 years. ment Management, said he freshmen GPA has also risen going to see some pluses out on their preparation,” Hunt- Fewer students than ex- wasn’t worried about the from 3.14 to 3.19. of these new initiatives,” Mer- er said. “You don’t want to pected results in less money drop in enrollment because “It’s a process,” Meredith edith said. “We spent in a lot of come to college and pay to from tuition, creating a $1.6 of the change in admission said. “We’re shaping the class.” time and effort into that, so I’m take Algebra 2. That’s just not million gap in the university’s standards. The university an- Meredith said he feels con- hopeful.” smart.” budget. nounced over the summer fi dent the new admission Despite the increase in en- Hunter said WKU is also Every spring, enrollment that WKU would be raising ad- standards will help WKU in the rollment for some universities increasing their efforts on numbers drop from the fall. mission standards, looking to long run. in Kentucky, such as the Uni- retention, including us- From the fall of 2012 to the accept slightly higher qualifi ed “We have a stronger class versity of Kentucky and Mur- ing MAP-Works, a retention spring of 2013, 1,918 stu- students. that came in this fall,” Mer- ray State University, Meredith software package that con- dents dropped out of the President Gary Ransdell edith said. “I feel pretty good said WKU will continue their tains a survey that is sent to university. Current four-year said earlier this semester that about that. I think its part strategies for attracting stu- all WKU students, and col- graduation rates are at 50.3 the average ACT score for in- of a greater plan to bring in dents. lege success. percent. coming freshmen this semes- students that are ready to “We have our unique strate- “We are looking at the entire A larger number of students ter was 22, an increase from hit the ground running aca- gies here,” Meredith said. “We range of the enrollment expe- leaving the university than ex- 21.4 from last year. Ransdell demically and be success- have a great product to sell rience,“ Hunter said. pected could result in another said it was not a rising trends ful and also be retained at a here at WKU and we are work- Hunter said WKU will con- budget shortfall. but a direct result of more se- higher level.” ing to get the brand out in front tinue to focus on a broad range Brian Meredith, associ- lective and higher admission Meredith said he doesn’t of more students…” of students, despite the admis- ate vice president for Enroll- requirements. The average plan for the drop in enroll- Sharon Hunter, coordina- sions criteria change. DECEMBER 5, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM PAGE A7

WKU Herald Underground is a bimonthly online video series dedicated to showcasing local bands. musicians from across the area use the basement of our Student Publications building to perform acoustic sets. Each video will be accompanied by a short bio about the band and both will be posted on wkuherald.com. fair Buffalo weather kings ROdeo

Jordan anthologies minton

Past performances on wkuherald.com Lulu Mae Check out tiger merritt performing “expanding Tiger Merritt anyway” on of morning wkuherald.com teleportation

Download the new WKUHERALD app on iTunes and Google Play PHOTO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2013 WKUHERALD.COM @WKUHERALD Be kind, REWIND

The Herald staff picked the most eye-catching images which best represent the fall 2013 semester at WKU. Thank you, Photo staff, for all of your hard work.

Tariq Shabazz holds a candle during a prayer in front of Pearce-Ford Tower on Friday, Sept. 13 to honor his son, Larry Thomas. "I can't even say that these arrests bring comfort," Shabazz said about suspects being taken into cus- Glasgow senior Taylor Emberton clings to escort Justin Wellum after winning the Homecom- tody. "Now these parents will have to go without a son as well." Thomas was ing crown during halftime of WKU's game against Troy on Saturday, Oct. 26. Emberton rep- shot on Sept. 2 and died from his wounds a day later at Vanderbilt University resented Kappa Delta sorority and Kappa Alpha fraternity. DEMETRIUS FREEMAN/HERALD Medical Center in Nashville. BRIAN POWERS/HERALD

LEFT: St. Louis junior guard for the Lady Top- pers basketball team Jas- mine Crawford dances on the hood of a jeep in the Pearce-Ford Tower parking lot on Aug. 23 during the "Twerk Fest," which was announced by the @WKU17 Twitter account. TYLER ESSARY/ HERALD

BELOW: Princess, a chi- huahua, relaxes on a boo- gie board with her owner Mckayla Manning during the Puppy Paddle hosted by the Bowling Green Warren County Humane Society at the Russell Sims Aquatic Center on Saturday, Sept. 14. The 11th annual Puppy Pad- dle charged a fee of $10 per dog to swim in the pool, with 100 percent of proceeds going to the Bowling Green Warren County Humane Society. SHELBY MACK/HERALD LIFE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2013 WKUHERALD.COM @WKUHERALD



Eak Taing, 56, makes donuts in the kitchen of Great American Donut Shop. Taing moved to the United States from Cambodia when he was 24. He said his business still make donuts the old-fashioned way. HIDDENPHOTOS BY TYLER ESSARY/HERALDTREASURE Donut shop offers welcoming environment for students

BY MACKENZIE MATHEWS formed an expectation when going to GADS. [email protected] “We have long-time reputations with the community,” he said. “Espe- o outsiders, the Great American Donut Shop does not seem cially college students come for an environment where they can meet up like much. To locals, however, it is a hidden treasure. together.” Urbanspoon, a site that recommends restaurants de- Campbellsburg native Cameran Smith, a 2012 WKU graduate, said the pending on location, shop is unique in that it is person- recentlyT named the Great American able and constantly available. She Donut Shop — known affectionate- said she was not interested in cam- ly as GADS —the No. 1 restaurant in pus , so it was nice to have a Bowling Green. place to go at night. Cambodia native Sae Taing “It’s one of the few places that’s opened GADS 23 years ago, and open 24 hours a day that’s chill,” it has since made its mark on the she said. “It’s the laid-back atmo- town. Most customers are regulars sphere that drew most of us, and who fi nd themselves returning for the fact that you can depend on it more than the famed donuts. when you don’t want a big crowd or Employee Thai Eng, also from a lot of noise.” Cambodia, said customers have Freshly glazed donuts simmer in the window at Great American Donut Shop. SEE GADS PAGE B2

FREQUENT FACES Julie Ransdell holds WKU close to heart

BY JACOB PARKER fraternity-sorority was a sister things together, including rais- [email protected] to mixer. ing two sons, Patrick and Mat- “I didn’t like him at all at fi rst," thew, walking their dogs, read- When Julie Ransdell fi rst came she said. "He was a pledge, ing, gardening and cooking. to WKU as a freshman, she had and I was dating an active, so “Gary’s the king of cinnamon no idea the role the university I had no interest in him at all.” rolls,” she said. “He makes would play in her life. But he was a rather persistent them from scratch, and they’re “I think when you get to be young man and then his work to die for.” my age, what has made you ethic, his drive, really attracted However, Ransdell said her are all your experiences in life,” me to him.” favorite activity is traveling Ransdell said. “When I got After a fi rst date spent walk- around the world, especially here, I joined a sorority and be- ing around campus during the on study abroad trips with stu- came very involved in student fall of 1971, the Ransdells have dents — something that the life. That’s sort of what we do been together ever since. Ransdells try to do each year. now, so maybe it never went “We got married senior year “The students at WKU have away.” with no idea with what the amazing opportunities to do Through her involvement in future held, but it’s been a fun things. We like to do it with Chi Omega sorority, Ransdell ride,” she said. “We’ve been them,” she said. “Traveling the would come to meet her fu- married 40 years now.” world is a life-changing event Julie Ransdell, right, walks her two dogs, Tsavo, bottom and Spirit, ture husband, WKU President Over the years, the Ransdells because you see how small the back right, with her friend Ann Allen, of Bowling Green, on Nov. Gary Ransdell, by going to a have enjoyed doing an array of SEE RANSDELL PAGE B2 25. BRIAN POWERS/HERALD PAGE B2 DECEMBER 5, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM

COLUMN Graduation stirs mix of emotions, optimism

BY TESSA DUVALL smacking me in the face. Last Then I stepped inside the girl. I learned the Fight Song by I suppose that could be a [email protected] semi-formal. Last week of ballroom only to see boxes heart before freshman year be- nice change. I defi nitely won’t undergraduate classes. Last upon boxes full of caps and gan and still take a picture with miss all-nighters in Mass Me- Feelings are sorority meeting. Last Col- gowns directly across the room Big Red every chance I get. dia’s computer lab, nor 14- funny things. lege Heights Herald byline. from me. WKU has very much become a hour days on campus. Remember Last Student Publications Oh. We get those today. part of me. But, that also means no a month ago . Last day as a stu- When I was handed my cap I am at home on this Hill. more late-night GADS trips when I was so dent of WKU. and gown, one of the women Although I know WKU will and no more walking by the excited about If change is inevitable, then working at the table pointed always be close to my heart, I cherry tree blossoms every becoming an why does it freak me out so out my reaction. am still dreading Dec. 14. spring. alumna of much? “Oh, it did just hit her! Look, Suddenly the graduation It’s a little odd to feel so con- Duvall WKU and pro- I remember when gradua- she’s getting emotional. And cap that has been staring at fl icted about this graduation claimed ‘the best tion suddenly felt like a reality: red!” she said, grinning at me. me for the last month will thing, but I think it’s a good homecomings are yet to come’ the day I went to the grad fair. Here’s the thing: I am red, come out of the bag and sit sign. It means I loved my time and yadda yadda yadda? On my way into the Augen- and not just in that moment. atop my head. My name will on the Hill and am sad to see it Can someone remind me of stein Alumni Center, I saw a I am the truest shade of Hill- be called, I’ll hug Gary and end. It also means I’m excited that, please? girl walk out, cap and gown in topper Red. I was raised by turn my tassel. about my future, but anxious You see, this time of the hand. two WKU alumni and sold Girl For the fi rst time since age about what it may hold. semester is full of “lasts” — I forgot to order mine, I Scout Cookies to the Lady Top- fi ve, I will no longer be a stu- Feelings are funny things, in- one right after the other, thought. Crap. per basketball team as a little dent. deed.

CHIC CHICKS Fashion trends to revive your winter look

week we will get out of school, opportunity to express your undone, reverse the process. keep it cool and effortless, and and once we come back, New thoughts in a stylish way. It is Button up the fi rst couple once again, please don’t overdo York Fashion Week will be just not that important what you and leave the rest undone. it. For a sexier look, pair denim two weeks away. For those who say, as long as it is loud and It’s so fast, simple and fash- overalls with heels and possi- are interested, it starts on Feb. clear, written in a bold font ion forward. Some design- bly, you could even wear a belt. 6 and ends on Feb. 13. That’s all over your sweater or a bag. ers take it even further. They when the full list of the new- Some cool ideas are all over the do it with too. If you ‘70s Fringe est fashion trends for spring runway. Look no further than want to see how this trend It’s unbelievable how long will come out, right at the time Alexander Wang and Kenzo. looks on someone before try- some fashion trends survive. when layering and cuddling Large prints look the best with ing it out yourself, check out The fi rst fringes in apparel ap- BY MONTA REINFELDE up in warm coats and jackets simple jeans or shorts, but can some pictures from Diesel, peared in ancient Mesopota- [email protected] starts to get annoying as well be easily dressed up with large Rodarte, Trussardi and John mia. Then, they were extreme- as old. Why wait that long? I pieces of jewelry. More is more! Richmond shows. ly in style in the ‘70s and now I remember back in August want to give you a rundown of For some good street-style in- it seems fringes are back again, when my favorite fashion the fi rst spring fashion trends spiration, search Miroslava Urban Cowgirl bolder than ever. Variations are magazines – Harper’s Bazaar, that you can start wearing Duma, creator of the Russian This is not a theme party, so endless. You can have them Vogue and Red - came out now. Or, at least give you some fashion website Buro 24/7. avoid overkill, but some un- just as a small eye-catching with the September issue, cov- new ideas to include in your She knows how to do it best. expected western elements detail on your shirt or dress, ering everything about winter Christmas wish list. in outfi ts can look extremely fringes can cover the whole fashion. It was interesting to Genius Simplicity fashionable. Some of the sub- dress, or they can embellish see what to expect in a couple Conversation Starter If you have a button down trends emerging in the up- a short dress, adding some of months, but besides that, Wordplay on pretty much shirt — literally, any kind of coming season are the ones to length. Any of these ideas I didn’t want to think any fur- any piece of clothing and ac- button down shirt — the rest consider for your cowgirl twist. are excellent choices for New ther than fl ip-fl ops, beach cessory is one of the winter takes not even a minute to Think cowboy boots, embroi- Year’s Eve. Keep it glamorous waves and a white, lace dress. trends, but will continue in rock the latest trend. Instead dered shirts, low-slung mas- and dark in winter, but effort- It’s different in winter. In one spring. That’s such a great of leaving a few top buttons sive belts and denim. Try to less and bohemian in spring.

“We slept on the ground for points every place we’ve been,” members.” do it. WKU is a passion, and RANSDELL two weeks in the bush, and it she said. Since coming back to WKU we will leave it better than we CONTINUED FROM LIFE was a life-changing experi- Closest to her heart is her 16 years ago, Ransdell said she found it.” ence,” she said. “The poverty family, Ransdell said, which in- feels she has come full circle. All in all, Ransdell said she world is now through social is so different than what we cludes her dogs Diddle, Spirit “Coming back here is a pas- loves spending time with stu- media and things like that.” have… You want to do for (of Western), and Tsavo. sion. It’s not about anything dents and being so close to the Having travelled to several those people, so we came “We have two boys, two other than we need to get campus that she loves. different countries, including back selling baskets through grandchildren, one [of my [Western] as good as it can be,” “I wake up with a smile on France, Italy and the Galapo- SIFE [Students In Free Enter- sons] is getting married next she said, adding that Gary is my face because there’s no- gos Islands, Ransdell has a fair prise].” year here on campus, at the always brainstorming ideas where else I’d rather be,” she amount of fl ying miles under Ransdell plans to go back to Chandler [Memorial] Chapel,” to improve. “Gary’s sort of the said. “There are no typical her belt. However, her favorite Kenya one day but plans to still she said. “Since I walk dogs ev- energizer bunny — there’s al- days. You don’t want them to trip, a two-week stay in Kenya, keep track of the places she is ery morning on campus, my ways another project in the be the same, you want them is one that she counts as an in- going in the meantime. dogs are extremely important background and there’s always to be different. You want every fl uential experience. “We have a map that pin- to me — they’re actually family a creative way about how to day to be a surprise.”

regulars, a group she quickly small business owner, Leb- “We used to come here night, every night, preparing GADS claimed to be a part of. ewitz understands the impor- about every week, but since donuts for the next day. Taing CONTINUED FROM LIFE “I used to come here all the tance of being open 24 hours. my daughter went to col- works by a simple but produc- time — at least three or four “Twenty-four hour busi- lege, now it’s about every tive method. Bowling Green prides it- times a month — to get my do- nesses are in their own unique month,” he said. “I still come “We never count the donuts self on small businesses that nut fi x or hang out,” she said. breed, because you can be for the company — the atmo- we make, because we follow make themselves unique Rauel Lebewitz, originally home asleep and you’re mak- sphere.” the customer,” Taing said. in one way or another. For from Virgina Beach, moved ing money,” he said. Lebewitz said he enjoys be- “We bake by hand, very slow. Smith, it is that locality that to Bowling Green in 2008 and However, GADS is still more ing able to go into the shop and And we start in the evening made all the difference for shared similar sentiments for than a shop to Lebewitz and joke with the baker, Eak Taing, and don’t stop until we’re GADS gaining their local GADS’ qualities. As a fellow his family. who can be found working all done.”


THE REMOTE The highs and lows in my year of TV viewing

BY RYAN PAIT constructed and spectacularly acted. the 2013 Emmys were maybe some of But by transporting the series to New [email protected] “Girls” takes a grim look at the quasi- the worst in recent memory. Zealand, putting Oscar-nominated glamorous lives of young adults in their director Jane Campion in charge, and I watch a lot of TV. twenties and never thinks twice about LOVED: Brilliant — and different — setting Elisabeth Moss (“Mad Men”) It’s kind of my job. what it has to say. It’s HBO’s unfl inching new series in the lead role, the Sundance Chan- In 2013, I’ve start- wunderkind, and it’s fantastic. “Bates Motel,” “House of Cards” and nel original turned out to be one of the ed and fi nished 14 “Veep” takes an established comedic “Top of the Lake” all showed that TV is best, most cohesive viewing experienc- shows in addition actress (national treasure Julia Louis- at its best when it’s not playing by the es of the year. to all the other stuff Dreyfus) and shows that if you give tal- rules. Also: Elisabeth Moss was robbed at that I watch regu- ented people great material, the result “Bates Motel” took what sounded the Emmys. Just saying. larly. Whoops. is ridiculously hilarious. like a terrible premise — a modern- Here’s what I’ve day prequel to “Psycho” — and made WORST: “Political Animals” needs to loved and loathed LOATHED: The Emmys it compelling and unpredictable. Vera be put down. PAIT this year. As a TV fanatic, the Emmys are a big Farmiga and Freddie Highmore are While I wanted more of “Top of the time of the year for me. My excite- stellar as one of pop culture’s most fa- Lake,” I wanted USA’s miniseries “Po- Columnist LOVED: Basically ment was at an all-time high this year mous Oedipal pairs. litical Animals” to die, die, die. everything from HBO. because I liked the nominees and the “House of Cards,” Netfl ix’s big-budget From tone deaf writing to bad per- A number of the shows I’ve complet- host, the usually reliable Neil Patrick original series, became the year’s fi rst formances from usually reliable actors, ed this year have been HBO originals, Harris. “binge-watch” series when it went up “Political Animals” was one of those and I’ve been hugely enamored with But between the weird upsets (Jeff on Netfl ix Instant. Sometimes the best rare series where everything is just per- each and every one of them. Bridges for Best Actor?) and tired wins TV isn’t even on TV. fectly wrong. “Game of Thrones,” “Girls” and (“Modern Family” for Best Comedy Se- “Top of the Lake” took a familiar The worst part? It was nominated for “Veep” represent the best of what tele- ries? Again?), this year’s awards felt like premise and made it weird and out- three major Emmy awards and took vision has to offer right now. duds. standing. The miniseries follows a de- home one. Thank goodness it’s a mini- “Game of Thrones” takes a geeky, Paired with a severely toned-down tective investigating the disappearance series, because I don’t know if I could sprawling book series (that I love) and Neil Patrick Harris and a ceremony of a young girl, which is boilerplate live with the idea of knowing that more turns it into must-see TV that’s tightly weirdly obsessed with celebrity death, when it comes to TV. of it existed.

THE REEL Late action star’s fi lms were a summertime treat

Furious” movie franchise, died in a car boarding accident. “Fast and Furious” was such a grim accident in Valencia, Santa Clarita, Ca- Once the rumors were fi nally con- departure from the gleeful adrenaline lif. fi rmed, I felt shaken to my core. rush of the original street races. Walker, and professionally trained I never viewed Walker as a bastion of Then the series started to truly em- race car driver Roger Rodas, eased into acting prowess. He wasn't going to be brace its far-fetched nature in “Fast a red 2005 Porsche Carrera GT after a at the Oscars any time soon. Five” and “Fast and Furious 6” — the charity event and set out on a short test But since I grew up enjoying him in series' most entertaining fi lms to drive with Rodas behind the wheel. the “Fast and Furious” movies, I feel date. Less than a mile from where the like I've lost a friend. I couldn't wait to see what Walker event was held, the Porsche rico- In middle school, I spent countless had in store for us in “Fast and Furi- BY BEN CONNIFF cheted off a concrete pole and then summer afternoons watching “2 Fast ous 7.” [email protected] slammed into a tree before bursting 2 Furious” after going to the pool with With shooting over halfway fi nished into fl ames. friends. before the time of Walker's passing, Coming off a long workday on Black It was diffi cult to hear that the “Fast Walker didn't star in “Tokyo Drift,” Universal Pictures has since suspend- Friday in which I started a shift at 4:30 and Furious” star had passed after a the series' third installment, but my ed production in order to determine a.m., I knew it was going to take at least brutal car accident. For me, I initially friends and I liked making the con- the fate of the franchise. a day to fully recover. took the news of Walker's death with a nections to the two previous films. Walker was quoted as saying, “if one But my post-Thanksgiving recupera- grain of salt — it sounded like a head- When Walker returned to action in day the speed kills me, do not cry be- tion was interrupted on Saturday by line from The Onion or another one the fourth fi lm, I went with those same cause I was smiling.” the sudden news that Paul Walker, a of those stupid Twitter celebrity death friends from middle school to see it. key cast member in “The Fast and The hoaxes, like Adam Sandler's fatal snow- We were all disappointed because Deal.



KU students walk to hot, over 10 degrees warmer than Wclass during a warm the average 48 for December. The first day back after the Thanksgiv- weather will get colder as the week ing holiday weekend on Monday. goes on, when the temperatures dip Temperatures have been unusually back into the 40s. PAGE B4 DECEMBER 5, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM Passing the BATON

A fall semester of firsts, This spring, the Herald goodbye and good luck is coming to students BY MICHAEL MCKAY during fi nals week, my staff put togeth- [email protected] er a paper about the budget cuts in a BY JOANNA WILLIAMS a while now, and what I’ve come day and put it online. That was a fi rst [email protected] up with is that the editor needs to I have two more se- for the Herald. be proactive. mesters here at WKU, There’s been a lot of fi rsts this fall. There is a scene The Herald has always had an but by the time this is- We created a page for photojournal- in Pixar’s 2013 sum- open-door policy when it comes to sue hits the stands I will ism, erasing the stigma that photogra- mer hit “Monsters people giving us news and tips. We have graduated from phers work for the writers. That page University” where, sincerely want to hear from you. the hardest, most fulfi ll- was in every single issue, and it’s one of after having an em- But wanting students to call, email, ing program I’ve ever my proudest accomplishments as an barrassing photo (and in that rare moment) write to been in. editor. taken of them and us doesn’t always translate to it ac- It’s hard to think We also started Herald Under- put on the front tually happening. McKay about my fi rst semester ground, a video series you can learn page of the cam- There could be numerous rea- Fall 2013 at the Herald without more about in this issue. Williams pus newspaper, sons why, but I know often people Editor-in-Chief cringing. We shook up our writing and killed Spring 2014 the main charac- don’t have the time or the courage I was so eager and our most well-known series, “AtoZ,” to Editor-in-Chief ter Mike says to his to come to the newspaper with intimidated when I got break out of the box. The profi les and concerned friends, their ideas or issues. That’s why my fi rst assignment — a “foam party” stories this semester have been strong “Don’t worry. No one reads the next semester we’re coming to you. on campus, the thought of which is still and more enticing to you — I can say school newspaper anyway.” By that, I mean myself and who- pretty disgusting. that because more people are picking It’s a lighthearted moment in the ever else I can fi nd plan to come The photographer I was with, Jabin us up than they have before. movie and got a small chuckle out to your meetings, gatherings and Botsford, wouldn’t let me leave as soon Our news design is leaps and bounds me as I watched it with my younger get-togethers to speak with you as I got there. He pushed me (not liter- above anything I’ve ever seen at a col- brother over Thanksgiving break, all about what you care about and ally, thank God) to talk to people. He lege paper, or even local papers. but I do think it represents a bigger what you want to see from a cam- didn’t let me leave after fi ve minutes. Our goal this semester has been to topic at hand. Who reads the school pus newspaper. My hands were visibly shaking give you something you want to pick newspaper nowadays? After all, we are here to serve even as I was seriously asking some- up and read. It is my job as the incoming ed- and inform you. We cannot possi- one about rolling around in soap suds. It hasn’t been a perfect semester, itor-in-chief to fi gure out how can bly do that without knowing what What high stakes! and I haven’t been perfect either. That we inform readers but also frame it is that you want and care about. But I got that story in. And then one said, we’ve done so well because we the information in a way that There are a lot of things I’m ex- after the other until this column, which aren’t afraid to try something new and makes it appealing to the student cited about next semester at the will bring my total to 118. totally fail. I’m beyond grateful to the body. Herald, but fi nding new ways to But without turning this into a fall staff for that. It is something I think every edi- engage readers and help them be- self-aggrandizing spiel on how I rose I didn’t realize it at fi rst, but the best tor struggles with. I am no differ- come better media consumers is through the ranks and became the ty- part of my job this semester has been ent. I’ve been thinking about it for what drives me most. rant editor-in-chief I secretly hope to proofreading the pages for errors. In be remembered for, I actually want to the beginning they were hemorrhaging tell you about my staff. with red. Now, there’s a scrape or two cause of my Managing Editor Taylor Working 40-plus hours a week at the In journalism, we rarely write about on a page. I have actual, physical proof Harrison. She’s been my partner and Herald has meant we’ve spent a lot of ourselves. that people are learning. MVP since that fi rst day in May. time together. Not every hour has been We don’t have the opportunity to Proof that people care about getting Taylor, I speak for everyone in the the most fun (or even pleasant some- tell you about the daily struggle to put better. offi ce when I say thank you for consis- times), but I wouldn’t want be any- together such a beautiful product — I don’t know if there’s physical proof tently calling me out on my bullshit. where else. unless you are a family member or a that I’ve learned how to be a better I’m thankful to have a staff of people I’m lucky to have had this job for as friend, in which case it’s the only thing manager — maybe that my nose hasn’t who believed in me and believed in the long as I have, and I’m thankful WKU we ever talk about. Sorry about that. been broken by someone here. paper and for the triad of Herald advis- has an organization that has helped me I came back from a study abroad trip I’ve learned a lot about writing and a ers, Chuck Clark, Carrie Pratt and Mr. so much. in May to fi nd $2 million slashed from lot about working with people. Adams, who haven’t been afraid to duel I hope Joanna Williams and her staff the budget. The spring staff had already A good amount of the reason this with me when I’ve been so sure about for spring 2014 get as much out of this sent the last paper for the semester. So, semester has been so successful is be- a bad idea. as we did.

Download the new WKUHERALD app on iTunes and Google Play DECEMBER 5, 2013 • COLLEGE HEIGHTS HERALD • WKUHERALD.COM PAGE B5 iraculous MATCH

Leitchfi eld senior Jayme Pharis recently discovered she is a perfect match to donate bone marrow. Pharis will likely have to travel to Washington, D.C., to donate to a com- plete stranger. DEMETRIUS FREEMAN/HERALD Student prepares for journey as bone marrow donor

BY SAM OSBORNE Kevin Pharis, Jayme's father [email protected] Blood cancer I teared up when she told me. Knowing a family would When Jayme Pharis happened across a four-leaf clover on an October be getting news that I'm sure they had hoped and at a glance morning earlier this fall, she had a feel- prayed for touched me the same as I think it would ing a wave of good luck was coming her • About 70 percent of way. have if we had been the family seeking a donor.” Moments later, she got a phone call patients in need of a trans- with life-changing implications. plant do not have a match- Pharis, a Leitchfi eld senior, didn’t joyed,” she said. “It is such a rare thing Radcliff senior Meighan Shumate is ing donor in their family recognize the number but felt com- to get called as a match, and the fact one of Pharis’ best friends and has com- pelled to answer anyway. that a friend in my own sorority was peted in pageants with her throughout • One person is diag- The caller asked Pharis for her birth- called was just amazing. I was excited college. Pharis said many friends were nosed with blood cancer date and if she remembered signing up for Jayme and her patient because, for wary of her participation in the dona- approximately every four for the bone marrow registry in April both, it would be a life-changing expe- tion process because her fi nal pageant minutes. 2012. rience.” ever, Miss Kentucky County Fair, looms “I thought she was going to ask me In the U.S., a person is diagnosed in January. • One person dies of if I wanted to donate a dollar,” Pharis with blood cancer approximately every “Jayme is not a selfi sh person,” she blood cancer approximate- laughed. four minutes, and approximately every said. “Her fi rst thought was not of the ly every ten minutes. But the news her unexpected caller 10 minutes someone dies, according to January pageant, it was of helping. This was about to deliver was much deeper deletebloodcancer.org. is certainly a burden, but a good bur- • Blood cancer is the sec- than a monetary contribution. The agonizing pain of losing a loved den — she is putting another’s needs ond leading cause of can- “She asked me if I was sitting down, one while on a waiting list for an organ well above her own.” cer deaths and kills more and it still didn’t click,” Pharis said. donation is something Pharis has dealt Kevin Pharis, Jayme’s father, said he children than any other “Then I sat down and she said, ‘Well, with fi rsthand. was proud his daughter has the chance diease in the U. S. you’re a match for someone.’” “I had a brother when I was little, to make an impact. Pharis sunk into her couch, at- and he passed away waiting for a lung “When we got the confi rmation that Statistics from deletebloodcancer.org tempting to digest the information. Her transplant,” Pharis said. “I think that she indeed was a match, I teared up might have been the biggest decision, when she told me,” he said. “Knowing A-positive blood was a perfect match ton, D.C. for the donation. The pro- for a person in need. just that I have the potential to save a family would be getting news that somebody from that.” I’m sure they had hoped and prayed cess involves receiving an IV in each “I got hot, I started sweating a little arm or through four incisions in her bit,” she said. “I’ve just always known, Pharis said she knew immediately for touched me the same as I think it after receiving the phone call that she would have if we had been the family pelvic bone. Sam always told us over and over, it’s a Pharis said since receiving the miracle. Less than one percent of peo- would do anything to potentially save seeking a donor.” a life. Kevin said he knows the donation news she is a match, it has consumed ple get matched.” her thoughts on a daily basis. She said Louisville senior Sam Kimura, a sis- “I just thought about Jared and what will likely be painful but wholeheart- I would give to have him back and edly supports his daughter and the life she welcomed the sense of purpose ter of Pharis’ in Alpha Delta Pi sorority, that being a bone marrow match gives organized the bone marrow drive in what my family would give to have him she can potentially save. back,” she said. “I know there are risks and the pro- her. April 2012 that Pharis participated in. “It’s weird knowing someone needs The cause of bone marrow donation is Pharis said she doesn’t know the cess will be uncomfortable, but I feel identity of her match but does know it’s little compared to what the recipi- me,“ Pharis said. “With the past year, one that is very important to Kimura, I’ve had a tough time. I broke up with as she battles with aplastic anemia, an she is a college-aged female, which also ent has endured,” he said. “I support resonated with her. her physically and emotionally with all my boyfriend who I’d been with forev- autoimmune disorder in which bone er and I thought I was going to marry. I marrow fails to make enough blood “That was purely coincidence — my heart in the process.” they don’t match you by age or any- At this point, Jayme said she is quit nursing school on a whim. I’m just cells. Kimura was thrilled when she a fi rm believer that everything hap- heard the news. thing,” Pharis said. “It’s just purely who waiting for doctors to notify her if her is your match. That hit home whenever match is well enough for a donation. pens for a reason, and I knew as soon “When I found out that Jayme was as I got that call that all that had led up a match for somebody, I was over- she told me that. It made me think if I When she receives the call, she said was in the reverse situation.” she will most likely travel to Washing- to this.”



WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lady Toppers set to host third “Spread the Red Education Game” BY KYLE WILLIAMS said the game allows many local area [email protected] children — many of whom have never had the opportunity to be on WKU’s WKU will open Diddle Arena to campus — to experience it for the fi rst thousands of local students during the time. Lady Topper basketball game against “It brings a lot of young people to our Georgia State on Jan. 8 as a “Spread the campus for the fi rst time,” Stewart said. Red Education Game,” the school an- “…When we can get young people on nounced Tuesday. our campus and have them experience The game will mark the conclusion not just our athletic department, but of a month-long collaborative program our university for the fi rst time, that’s between WKU Athletics and local area certainly a great thing.” schools. Lady Topper coach Michelle Clark- Over 2,100 local students are expect- Heard said she’s excited for both the fan ed to attend. Teachers will use infor- support and the university. mation on WKU student-athletes as a “I’m super excited to be sitting here means of teaching history, math, read- today as the head coach, and excited ing and geography to their students about the 2,100 students that will be in leading up to the game. here cheering really loud for us,” Heard Athletics Director Todd Stewart said. “This is a special place.”

ence play. COLUMN The Toppers’ Sun Belt Conference CONTINUED FROM SPORTS schedule is set to kick off on Jan. 2 at South Alabama. WKU will be tested pointer effort from that night proves coming down the December stretch to be more of a norm than an outlier, against NCAA Tournament teams such the Toppers may have found the third as Louisville and Ole Miss — if the scorer that they desperately need. Toppers can pick up some experience Aside from bringing the new guys against the national contenders, they into the lineup, WKU should have should have a better shot of living up other goals for the break — specifi - to their preseason Sun Belt champion cally, get off to a good start in confer- predictions.

SPORTS BRIEF Three seniors to play in all-star games

Three Topper seniors have been Toppers, leading WKU and the Sun Belt chosen to play in separate NCAA all- Conference as a whole with 15.5 tack- star games next month. les for loss and 8.5 sacks while picking Senior running back Antonio An- up 103 total tackles. This is the fi rst year drews has been invited to play in the players will compete in the Medal of Reese’s Senior Bowl, senior linebacker Honor Bowl, which will be held on Jan. Xavius Boyd has been asked to take part 11 in Charleston, S.C. in the Medal of Honor Bowl and senior Jackson has been the focal point of linebacker Andrew Jackson has been the Topper defense for the past three selected to play in the East-West Shrine seasons. He fi nished the regular season Game and the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl. with 95 total tackles and has racked up The all-star games are intended to 326 tackles over the course of his career. showcase graduating seniors before the He is expected to participate in either NFL Draft. the East-West Shrine Game in St. Pe- Andrews set a new WKU record this tersburg, Fla., or the NFLPA Collegiate season with 1,730 rushing yards, good Bowl in Los Angeles. Both take place on for No. 4 in the NCAA, and he currently Jan. 18. leads all FBS players with an average of The WKU football team is still wait- 218.3 all-purpose yards per game. The ing to fi nd out if it will compete in a Reese’s Senior Bowl will take place on bowl game. Jan. 25 in Mobile, Ala. Boyd had a breakout season for the -Herald Staff


Th e Topper athletics teams came into the 2013 season with high hopes and expectations during WKU’s last year in the Sun Belt Conference. Th e men’s basketball team has gotten off to an up-and-down start, while the Lady Toppers have taken their knocks against top competition and seen success against other foes. Th e foot- team, meanwhile, is still waiting to hear what the postseason holds — the Toppers could be headed to a bowl game, or they could start their holiday vacations early. A decision on WKU’s postseason fate is expected sometime this weekend. Be sure to check wkuherald.com over the break to keep up with the action.

Junior guard Alexis Govan struggles to maintain control of the ball as she dribbles toward the basket. WKU lost 74-61 against No. 4 Louisville on Nov. 27 at Diddle Arena. JEFF BROWN/HERALD

Defensive specialist Ashley Potts (2) jumps on setter Melanie Stutsman (14) after Stutsman breaks the WKU record for career assists during the Coach Bobby Petrino walks to the sidelines during the fi rst half of Saturday's fi rst set of the game against Arkansas State. The Toppers won the game 34-31 to fi nish the Lady Topper's season 8-4, the best record WKU has posted since becoming an FBS member, 3-2 victory over but they are still waiting to hear their postseason fate. The NCAA will an- South Alabama nounce this weekend whether or not WKU has been selected for postseason Friday, Nov. 15, play. AUSTIN ANTHONY/HERALD at Diddle Arena. MIKE CLARK/ HERALD SPORTS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2013 WKUHERALD.COM @WKUHERALDSPORTS

MEN'S BASKETBALL It’s going to be Becoming an interesting ROAD WARRIORS break for Topper basketball team BY LUCAS AULBACH [email protected]

Fans who tuned in to watch the men’s basketball team fall 74-62 to Bowl- ing Green State on Monday probably ended up wishing they were watch- AULBACH ing Topper Talk, An- Sports tiques Roadshow, or editor hell, any other show the WKU PBS station normally broadcasts. It was a brutal night for the Top- pers. WKU shot 25 percent in the second half, hit 12-of-27 free throws and were hardly competitive after giving up an early 9-0 lead. Luckily for them, Christmas may be com- ing early in the form of two imme- diate contributors who will be able to play at the end of the semester. Redshirt freshman Chris Har- rison-Docks and junior Trency Jackson, a pair of transfer guards, will each be eligible to hit the court Freshman guard Payton Hulsey drives the ball against Eastern Illinois' Keenen Anderson during their game Saturday at for the fi rst time in WKU’s red and Diddle Arena. WKU won 68-53. JEFF BROWN/HERALD white on Dec. 14 against Louisville. The Toppers need offense. It’s no secret — WKU (4-3) ranks No. 333 WKU looks to end road struggles at Southern Illinois in the NCAA in points per game, posting an average of less than 63 BY TYLER LASHBROOK Score and play and win,” he continued. points through seven games this [email protected] “I don’t think that any of our away season on just .387 shooting. 74 games were just, you know, us getting Other guys are contributing — The Toppers are a markedly differ- 62 beat. I think we were just beating our- junior forward Aaron Adeoye, in ent team on the road than they are at WKU BGSU selves. We’ve just got to go out there home. and play our game and capitalize on his fi rst season at WKU, trails ju- Quick Stats nior forward George Fant with 5.5 Through seven games, WKU (4-3) positions that we have and just score rebounds per game, and freshman has amassed four wins — each within Wins- the ball and win.” guard Payton Hulsey looks like a confi nes of Diddle Arena. The team’s 4-0 losses at Junior guard Kevin Kaspar, who natural fi t to replace Jamal Crook at three losses, meanwhile, have all home had three rebounds on Monday, said the point. come on the road. he agreed with Fant’s assessment that, But Fant and junior guard T.J. However, WKU will have a chance home or away, it’s a matter of the Top- Wins- Price are scoring an average of 30.2 to right its road woes Saturday in Car- pers beating themselves. 0-3 losses on of WKU’s points per game, with no bondale, Ill., against Southern Illinois. There are currently three impor- one else averaging more than 5.7. “They’re defi nitely going to zone the road tant players out for the team, and Once you get past those two guys, I us,” Coach Ray Harper told WKU Ra- their absence may have contributed just don’t see a lot of scoring on this dio after the Toppers’ 74-62 at Bowl- 6-foot-5-inch senior guard Desmar to the slow road start. team yet. ing Green State. “Why wouldn’t they? I Jackson, who is averaging 21 points Fifth-year senior guard Caden That could change at the start of mean, we’ve not proven through sev- and 4.6 rebounds per game this sea- Dickerson missed WKU’s loss Mon- winter break. Harrison-Docks, who en games that we’re very good against son. day night with an ankle injury he was on Butler’s roster as a point zone. After WKU’s loss Monday night, suffered Saturday against Eastern Illi- guard for two exhibition games, “At times, I don’t know what else Harper said his team has to be men- nois. Additionally, guards Trency Jack- looks like a lights-out three-point we can do,” he said. “We get the ball tally tough. son and Chris Harrison-Docks are shooter in the limited highlights I’ve in great spots. But we’ve got to look at “That’s how you win on the road — awaiting NCAA eligibility after trans- seen from him, and Jackson was a fi lm and try and fi gure out some other is being mentally tough,” Harper told ferring schools. one-man highlight reel and top ways to possibly score.” WKU Radio. Dickerson’s status for Saturday scorer at Hilltopper Hysteria back Teams use zones to bait their op- On Saturday night, after a hot sec- night is unknown, but Jackson and in October. I’d expect both of them ponents into shooting from down- ond half in which the Toppers shot Harrison-Docks are cleared to com- to see immediate playing time. town. Through seven games, WKU 14-of-21 of the fi eld, junior forward pete on Dec. 14 when the Toppers Coach Ray Harper has made it has seen a lot of zone and is hitting George Fant said the team doesn’t play the defending NCAA champi- sound like Jackson in particular three-pointers at just a 28.3 percent need to change philosophies to win ons, the University of Louisville Car- should become an important part clip. The team is shooting a hair under on the road. dinals. of the WKU lineup as soon as he’s el- 39 percent from the fi eld. “There’s not too much to correct,” “You’re looking at three scholar- igible. He became a fan favorite with SIU (2-6) is traditionally a good Fant said. “You just got to win a game. ship guards not playing right now,” his high-fl ying dunks at Hilltopper basketball program, but the team has It all comes down, ultimately, to win- Harper said. “And I guarantee when Hysteria. If the 19-point, fi ve-three- struggled early this year and has split ning the game. they are eligible and healthy, they will their two home games. They are led by be playing a lot. A whole lot.” SEE COLUMN PAGE B6 “We have a team that can go out

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lady Toppers travel to Ball State Saturday

BY KYLE WILLIAMS Next game trying to focus on our defense [email protected] Saturday Dec. 7 again and let our defense turn @ Ball State into offense.” The Lady Topper basket- Muncie, In. 1 p.m. Heard said Ball State’s lead- ball team will look to build on ing scorer — Nathalie Fon- its strong second half against 2-6 Ball State team that averages taine, who is averaging 16.5 Morehead State on Sunday as 65.2 points per game on 36 per- points and 7.8 rebounds per WKU travels to Muncie, Ind. to cent shooting. Ball State fell to game — will pose a threat to take on Ball State on Saturday. No. 16 Purdue by just six points the Lady Toppers on offense WKU (5-2) held MSU to just in its fi rst game of the season. and on the glass. fi ve fi eld goals and forced 15 WKU is coming into Satur- “They’re leading scorer of a total of 26 turnovers in the day having won four of its last is very athletic,” Heard said. second half during their Sun- fi ve games and is averaging “Plays at the four position. I day showdown. 73.4 points per game on 42 think she rebounds really well Coach Michelle Clark- percent shooting. and can score around the goal.” Heard said she’s eager for her Heard said the Lady Top- Three Lady Toppers average team to get back on the court pers can’t take Ball State for more than 12 points per game because of the defensive prow- granted despite the statistics. this season, including junior ess they showed in the second “It’s going to be another guard Alexis Govan and junior half against the Lady Eagles. tough road trip for us,” Heard forward Chastity Gooch, who “I’m really excited about the said. “They’re playing pretty are averaging a combined 31.9 second half of our last game well on their home fl oor. I know points and 14.2 rebounds per against Morehead State,” Heard their record doesn’t speak as game. said. “Defensively, we did some well as I think, but they’re a The game tips off in Mun- things that we’ve been really great team…we’re going to cie, Ind. at 1 p.m. on Saturday. working on…I’m excited about have to get back in transition. The overall series is tied at 1-1, the opportunity to get on the They love to push the ball and with WKU’s only win coming road again and just the op- shoot the threes in transition, on the road. Govan enters the portunity for us to get another so we’re going to have to get game needing just 20 points to Junior forward Chastity Gooch drives to the basket and attempts game under our belt.” back and play good defense. I eclipse the 1,000-point mark a layup during WKU's 74-61 loss against Louisville on Nov. 27 at The Lady Toppers will visit a think the biggest thing is really for her career. Diddle Arena. JEFF BROWN/HERALD