I would like to welcome you to UCLA’s Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference. UCLA is a leading center for innovative research in the development of technologies that will have lasting impact on the world’s long-term needs. We are excited to have you join us for this opportunity to share, first-hand, the continuing efforts to address new challenges for our world as a whole.

The scope and breadth of research at UCLA in this space is impressive, due entirely to our enterprising faculty. The faculty who will be presenting to you today are on the forefront of many important technological developments, including transforming energy efficiency, facilitating the use of renewable resources, and ensuring that the world has access to clean water.

We hope you will appreciate their dedication and ingenuity in pushing scientific boundaries in impactful ways.

In summary, we hope that this event will highlight the tremendous calibre of research at UCLA, and provide a venue for you to connect with our researchers and your peers. We aspire to make this an ongoing event that will open new avenues for creativity and commercialization.


Brendan Rauw

Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director of Entrepreneurship

© 2013 UC Regents Conference Program

12:45 pm Registration

1:30 pm Ira Ehrenpreis — General Partner, Technology Partners Welcome/Keynote Address

2:00 pm Industry Panel — Representatives from Bayer MaterialScience, Boeing Spectrolab, Quallion, Schneider Electric, & Waste Management

2:35 pm Investor Panel — Representatives from Craton Equity Partners, US Renewables Group, & Venable LLP

3:15 pm Bruce Dunn — Materials Science and Engineering (Northridge Room) Topic: Three-Dimensional Battery Architectures Gaurav Sant — Civil & Environmental Engineering (West Coast Room) Topic: New Directions Toward Improving Carbon, Energy and Durability Metrics of Cementitious Materials and Concrete Infrastructure Ivan Catton — Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (South Bay Room) Topic: A Designer Fluid for Phase Change Heat Transfer Devices Rajit Gadh — Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Grand Ballroom “Salon A”) Topic: WINSmartEV — The UCLA Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Network Optimized for Customer, EV, Parking Facilities and Grid Usage

3:45 pm Qibing Pei — Materials Science and Engineering (Northridge Room) Topic: Transparent Polymer Composite Conductors: Opportunities for Flexible and Stretchable Thin Film Electronic Devices Eric Hoek — Civil & Environmental Engineering (West Coast Room) Topic: Innovations in Water Technology for Desalination, Oil & Gas Production and Waste-to-Energy Applications Laurent Pilon — Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (South Bay Room) Topic: Novel Thermal and/or Mechanical Energy Conversion Using Ferroelectric Materials

4:15 pm Larry Carlson — Institute for Technology Advancement (Northridge Room) Topic: BruinPatch: UCLA and NIST Funding Unite to Create a New Approach to Fixing Our Streets and Highways Yoram Cohen — Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (West Coast Room) Topic: Surface-Nanostructuring with Polymers for Membranes and Chemical Sensors Richard Wirz — Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (South Bay Room) Topic: Green Energy: Solar Thermal, Wind, and Plasma Materials

4:45 pm Richard Kaner — Materials Science and Engineering (Northridge Room) Topic: Graphene Supercapacitors James Liao — Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (West Coast Room) Topic: Exploring Principles of Metabolic Engineering for Fuels and Chemicals Production Yu Huang — Materials Science and Engineering (South Bay Room) Topic: Engineering Highly Effectively Nanocatalysts for Fuel-cell Applications and Beyond

5:15 pm Reception on Terrace

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 1 Contents Speaker Profiles 3

UCLA Technologies Available for License 10

Energy Technologies 11 Solar 11 Alternative Fuels 12 Storage Systems 12 Smartgrid 14 Wind 14 Thermo/Pyroelectrics 14 Heat Management 15

Water Technologies 15

Materials Technologies 17

Conference Sponsors 25

Contact Information 26

2 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Larry E. Carlson Ivan Catton, Ph.D. Director of Advanced Materials Professor of Engineering UCLA Engineering Institute for Technology Advancement Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ITA) http://www.mae.ucla.edu/people/faculty/ivan-catton http://www.ita.ucla.edu/about/about-ita [email protected] [email protected] Ivan Catton is Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at UCLA. He Larry Carlson is Associate Director of the UCLA received his Ph.D. in Engineering from UCLA in 1966. Engineering Institute for Technology Advancement, and For over 40 years, Ivan Catton has made significant Director of Advanced Materials. He is also the Fund contributions to a wide variety of basic and applied Manager for the Easton Foundation where he focuses problems in thermal science and engineering, including on developing new materials for use in the aerospace natural convection, flow instability, solar energy utilization, and sporting goods industries. He serves as Principle porous media transport, and nuclear reactor safety. Investigator (PI) and co-PI on several privately and Recently he has developed a new, patent pending heat government funded programs, including research for the transfer fluid. Professor Catton has served as Director National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the Morin-Martinelli-Gier Memorial Heat Transfer and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). His current Laboratory since 1984. Catton is a Fellow of both ASME specialty is carbon nanotube-based composites for and ANS, and has received an ASME Best Paper Award, multifunctional properties. the Heat Transfer Memorial Award and the Max Jakob Prior to joining UCLA in 2009, he spent 20 years Memorial Award. He has also served as an associate at Easton Sports where he was Vice President for editor of the Journal of Heat Transfer. Professor Catton Research and Development. Prior to that, he spent 15 has published 430 research papers of which 190 are in years with Alcoa in various engineering management the archival literature. and marketing management roles. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University and has done graduate work at Lehigh University, the University of Pittsburgh, and UCLA.

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 3 Yoram Cohen, Ph.D. Bruce Dunn, Ph.D. Professor Nippon Sheet Glass Professor of Materials Science Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and Engineering Director, UCLA Water Technology Research Center http://www.seas.ucla.edu/ms/faculty1/dunn.html http://polysep.ucla.edu [email protected] http://watercenter.ucla.edu [email protected] Bruce Dunn is the Nippon Sheet Glass Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA. He was Dr. Cohen is a UCLA Professor of Chemical & a staff scientist at the General Electric Corporate Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) since 1981 and Research and Development Center before joining Director of the UCLA Water Technology Research UCLA. His research interests concern the synthesis Center. He is also on the faculty of the UCLA Institute of inorganic materials and characterization of their of the Environment and Sustainability and a UCLA electrical, optical, biological and electrochemical Luskin Scholar. He is a recognized expert in membrane properties. His recent work on electrochemical energy separation processes, surface nano-structuring, graft storage includes research on three-dimensional batteries polymerization, water purification and desalination, and pseudocapacitor materials. He has authored or and environmental impact assessment, with over 200 co-authored over 300 papers in scientific and technical published research papers and book chapters in the journals and has been awarded 13 patents with several above areas. He developed patented technologies others pending. He has received a number of honors for smart water treatment and desalination systems, and awards including a Fulbright research fellowship, membrane monitoring, surface nano-structured invited professorships and two awards from DOE for his membranes, in addition to software for nanoinformatics research in materials science. He is a Fellow of both the and environmental impact assessment. Dr. Cohen American Ceramic Society and the Materials Research and five Faculty co-founders of the UC Center for Society. Environmental Impact of Nanotechnology received the 2012 California Governor’s Award in Green Chemistry. He also is recipient of the AIChE Lawrence K. Cecil award in Environmental Chemical Engineering (2003) and the Ann C. Rosenfield Community Partnership Prize (2008) in recognition of his environmental research, and State of California Senate and US Congressional Certificates of Recognition (2008) for contributing to legislation to protect public health.

4 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Rajit Gadh, Ph.D. Eric M.V. Hoek, Ph.D. Professor Professor & Industrial Affiliates Program Director Director, and Energy Research Center Civil & Environmental Engineering Institute of the Environment & Sustainability http://www.smartgrid.ucla.edu California NanoSystems Institute [email protected] http://www.nanometer.ucla.edu Dr. Rajit Gadh is a Professor at the Henry Samueli [email protected] School of Engineering and Applied Science at UCLA, Founder and Director the Smart Grid Energy Eric M.V. Hoek is a Professor in the UCLA Department Research Center or SMERC (http://smartgrid.ucla. of Civil & Environmental Engineering. His UCLA edu) and Founder and Director of the UCLA WINMEC research group explores the union of nanomaterials and Consortium (http://winmec.ucla.edu). Dr. Gadh has membrane technologies for water, energy, biomedical a Doctorate degree from Carnegie Mellon University and environmental applications. In the past decade, he (CMU), a Masters from and a has co-authored over a hundred scientific articles, book Bachelors degree from IIT Kanpur all in engineering. chapters, patents and proceedings papers, is a former He has taught as a visiting researcher at UC Berkeley, Editor of the journal Desalination and recently co-edited has been an Assistant, Associate and Full Professor The Encyclopedia of Membrane Science & Technology at University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was a visiting for John Wiley & Sons. researcher at . Hoek also enjoys applying his basic research knowledge to practical applications having consulted for a range of private companies, law firms, US federal, state and local agencies, private research foundations, NGOs and foreign national research agencies. Dr. Hoek has served as an advisor on major water reuse and desalination projects in Southern California, and has been involved with the formation of several water technology startup companies including NanoH2O (nanoh2o.com) and Water Planet Engineering (wpeh2o.com).

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 5 Yu Huang, Ph.D. Richard B. Kaner, Ph.D. Associate Professor Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Materials Science and Engineering Distinguished Professor of Materials Science California NanoSystems Institute and Engineering http://www.seas.ucla.edu/huanggroup/ http://www.chem.ucla.edu/dept/Faculty/kaner [email protected] [email protected]

Professor Huang is an Associate Professor in the Richard B. Kaner received a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry Department of Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1984 working at UCLA. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from with Prof. Alan MacDiarmid (Nobel Laureate 2000). University of Science and Technology of China and her After carrying out postdoctoral research at the University Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Harvard University. of California, Berkeley, he joined the University of Before she joined UCLA, she was a Lawrence California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1987 as an Assistant Postdoctoral Fellow in Lawrence Livermore National Professor. He was promoted to Associate Professor Labs. At UCLA, Professor Huang and her group with tenure in 1991, became a Full Professor in explore the unique technological opportunities that 1993 and a Distinguished Professor in 2012. He has result from the structure and assembly of nanoscale published over 275 papers in top peer reviewed journals building blocks. Focusing on the molecular level, she and holds 14 U.S. patents with 20 more pending. conducts research to unravel the fundamental principles Professor Kaner has received awards from the Dreyfus, governing nanoscale material synthesis and assembly; Fulbright, Guggenheim and Sloan Foundations as well and utilizes such principles to design nanostructures as the Exxon Fellowship in Solid State Chemistry, the and nanodevices with unique functions and properties to Buck-Whitney Research Award, the Tolman Medal address critical challenges in electronics, energy science and the Award in the Chemistry of Materials from the and biomedicine. Recognitions she received include the American Chemical Society for his work on refractory World’s Top 100 Young Innovators, the Sloan Fellowship, materials including new synthetic routes to ceramics, the PECASE, DARPA Young Faculty Award and the NIH intercalation compounds, superhard metals, graphene New Innovator Award. and conducting polymers. He has been elected a Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Materials Research Society (MRS). Along with appointments in the Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering, Professor Kaner served as the Associate Director of the California NanoSystems Institute from 2007-09. Professor Kaner’s teaching has been recognized with the Hanson-Dow Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Harriet and Charles Luckman Distinguished Teaching Award and the Gold Shield Faculty Prize for Academic Excellence.

6 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference James C. Liao, Ph.D. Qibing Pei, Ph.D. Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Professor and Chair Professor Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Materials Science and Engineering http://www.seas.ucla.edu/~liaoj/ http://www.ms.ucla.edu/people/bios/pei [email protected] [email protected]

Dr. James C. Liao, Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Qibing Pei is Professor of Materials Science and Professor and Department Chair, Chemical and Engineering, UCLA. He specializes in synthetic polymers Biomolecular Engineering of UCLA, is a pioneer in and composites for electronic, electromechanical, and Metabolic Engineering. He received his B.S. degree from photonic applications, with over 120 peer-reviewed National Taiwan University and Ph.D. from University journal publications. He is the inventor or co-inventor of Wisconsin-Madison. After working as a research of 39 awarded US patents covering polymer OLEDs, scientist at Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, dielectric elastomers with greater than 100% actuated NY, he started his academic career at Texas A&M strain, light emitting polymers, and related materials University in 1990 and moved to UCLA in 1997. He and thin film devices. His current research activities received numerous awards, including Merck Award for include synthesis of conjugated polymers, stretchable Metabolic Engineering (2006), Food, Pharmaceutical, polymer electronics, nanostructured composites, polymer and Bioengineering Division award of American Institute actuators and generators. Dr. Pei received a B.S. degree of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) (2006), Charles from Nanjing University, China, and a Ph.D. from the Thom Award of the Society for Industrial Microbiology Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, (2008), Marvin Johnson Award of American Chemical Beijing. He was a postdoctoral scientist in Linköping Society (2009), Alpha Chi Sigma Award of AIChE University, Sweden, a senior chemist 1994-1997 at (2009), James E. Bailey Award of Society for Biological UNIAX Corporation (now DuPont Display), Santa Engineering (2009), Presidential Green Chemistry Barbara, and a senior research engineer 1998-2004 at Challenge Award (2010), and the White House SRI International, Menlo Park, California. He has been on “Champion of Change” for innovations in renewable the UCLA faculty since 2004. He was named a Fellow energy (2012). In 2013, he was elected to the National of the SPIE in 2012. Academy of Engineering, and was named a co-winner of the ENI Renewable Energy Prize, bestowed by the President of Italy.

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 7 Laurent Pilon, Ph.D. Gaurav N. Sant, Ph.D. Professor Assistant Professor and Edward K. and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Linda L. Rice Endowed Chair in Materials Science Civil and Environmental Engineering http://www.seas.ucla.edu/~pilon [email protected] http://lcc-ucla.com [email protected] Laurent Pilon is Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at UCLA. He Gaurav Sant earned his BSCE (2006), MSCE (2007) received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from and Ph.D. (2009) in civil engineering from Purdue Purdue University in 2002. Professor Pilon’s laboratory University and spent a post-doctoral year (2010) at the focuses on synthesizing, characterizing, and modeling Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. Gaurav’s materials for waste heat energy harvesting and energy research is focused on the development of sustainable storage applications. In particular, his team has developed materials for infrastructure construction, with special patent-pending processes and devices to convert waste emphasis on reducing the CO2 and energy use impacts heat and/or ambient mechanical energy directly into of cement and cement-based derivatives in applications electricity. Professor Pilon is the recipient of the 2005 ranging from bridges to buildings. This work which National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the is supported by federal, state and industrial partners 2008 Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award leverages both experimental and computational platforms in Heat Transfer from ASME, and the 2009 Young to seek cutting-edge solutions to “material’s sustainability Scientist Award in Radiative Transfer from the Journal of concerns” facing the construction industry. The outcomes Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. He was of this work have been published in over 45 papers in elected Senior Member of SPIE in 2011. international journals and conference proceedings.

8 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Richard Wirz, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Director, UCLA Plasma & Space Propulsion Laboratory Director, UCLA Energy Innovation Laboratory http://www.wirz.seas.ucla.edu [email protected]

Richard Wirz is an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at UCLA and holds a joint appointment in JPL’s Electric Propulsion Group. He is the Director of the UCLA Plasma & Space Propulsion Laboratory and the UCLA Energy Innovation Laboratory. His plasma and space related research focuses on advanced propulsion concepts and the plasma science relevant to these devices. His energy research currently focuses on new approaches to solar thermal energy storage and wind energy capture.

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 9 UCLA Technologies Available for License

Energy Technologies Solar page 11 Alternative Fuels page 12 Storage Systems page 12 Smartgrid page 14 Wind page 14 Thermo/Pyroelectrics page 14 Heat Management page 15

Water Technologies by Faculty Yoram Cohen page 15 Eric Hoek page 16

Advanced Materials Technologies by Faculty Larry Carlson – polymers| nano page 17 Greg Carman – composites| electronics page 17 Jane Chang – manufacturing| electronics| nano page 17 Chi On Chui – manufacturing| electronics| nano page 17 Xiangfeng Duan – manufacturing| composites| electronics page 17 Bruce Dunn – manufacturing| electronics page 17 Mark Goorsky – manufacturing| electronics page 18 George Grüner – manufacturing| polymers| composites| electronics| nano page 18 Vijay Gupta – polymers page 18 Hong Hahn – manufacturing| polymers page 18 Diana Huffaker – composites| manufacturing| nano page 18 Jiann-Wen Ju – construction| concrete| asphalt page 19 Richard Kaner – polymers| composites| manufacturing| electronics| nano page 19 Prakash Koonath – manufacturing page 20 Ching Hwa Kwang – polymers| electronics| nano page 20 Daniel Leff – polymers| nano page 21 Ken Nobe – manufacturing| electronics page 21 Qibing Pei – polymers| Energy| solar| manufacturing| electronics page 21 Gaurav Sant – concrete page 21 Sarah Tolbert – polymers| Water| membranes| manufacturing| electronics page 22 King-Ning Tu – manufacturing| electronics page 22 Fred Wudl – manufacturing| polymers page 22 Ya-Hong Xie – manufacturing| electronics page 23 Jenn-Ming Yang – composites page 23 Yang Yang – electronics| composites| manufacturing| polymers page 23

10 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Improved Photovoltaic thermal annealing and chemical Energy Technologies Efficiency in Semiconducting synthesis methods. The approach Solar Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells obviates the need for high temperature, through Control of Fullerene which offers advantages for mass Self-Assembly and Stacking production. The technology has wide Vertical Heterostructures for Professor Tolbert and colleagues have applications for portable devices, Transistors, Photodetectors, displays, modulators, detectors, LEDs, and Photovoltaic Devices identified a self-assembly method for arranging fullerene molecules that and power stations. Professor Duan and colleagues results in a 4X increase in solar cell have developed a vertical field-effect UCLA Case No. 2011-206 energy conversion efficiency (current transistor (VFET) that enables high Lead Inventor: Kang Wang density; on average). This technique current density through the overall Patent Status: Patent Pending allows more control over the packing semiconductor area with a high on-off Energy| solar of individual molecules to provide for current ratio. Current densities reach higher material densities that result in 2–5 orders of magnitude greater than A Stretchable Organic Solar improved efficiency. those recently reported for vertical Cell Based on Semi-Metal tunneling transistors or barristors. UCLA Case No. 2008-662 Graphene/Polymer Hybrid Integrating graphene with solution- Lead Inventor: Sarah Tolbert Using hybrid polymeric composites processible semiconductor materials Patent Status: Pending – Published and semi-metal graphene electrodes, Application #20090266416 to form vertically-stacked devices can UCLA researchers have developed a Energy| solar, Materials lead to new types of low-cost, high- stretchable solar cell that could be used performance transistors, photodetectors, to conform to various uneven surfaces. and solar cells. Carbon Nanotube/Nanowire The technology has broad applications UCLA Case No. 2013-363 Thermo-Photovoltaic Cells to consumer goods — including Lead Inventor: Xiangfeng Duan Professor Wang and colleagues have portable electronics and clothing – and Patent Status: Pending developed three types of thermo- infrastructure development for both Energy| solar, Materials| manufacturing photovoltaic (TPVs) cell structures urban and rural areas. based on a particular nanomaterial. UCLA Case No. 2010-670 Hydrogen Production by a The optical and electrical properties Lead Inventor: Kang Wang Novel Thermochemical Water of these nanotechnology-based TPVs Patent Status: Patent Pending Splitting Cycle can be tuned during fabrication. This Energy| solar makes them suitable for applications Professor Manousiouthakis and such as waste heat harvesting in colleagues have developed a industrial manufacturing facilities, Polarizing Photovoltaic Device thermochemical cycle for decomposing high performance-low radiation and Its Application in Liquid water into hydrogen and oxygen. There devices for space applications, and Crystal Displays and Tandem are many realizations of this process other devices for next-generation Solar Cells involving a variety of intermediates. electrical conversion. Professor Yang and colleagues Thermal decomposition of water usually have developed an energy recycling UCLA Case No. 2005-603 requires temperatures greater than technology called polarizing organic Lead Inventor: Kang Wang 2,000° C. This novel thermochemical photovoltaics, which can boost the Patent Status: Issued – #7,985,615 cycle can be operated at a relatively function of the LCD by working low temperature of ~900° C. Due to Energy| solar| thermo/pyroelectrics, Materials| manufacturing simultaneously as a polarizer, a its lower operating temperatures, the photovoltaic device, and an ambient decomposition can be powered by a light or sunlight photovoltaic panel. variety of energy sources, including Nanoparticle Hybrid Solar Cell urning polarizers into energy-generating solar energy. The innovation lies in the Based on a Copolymer photovoltaic units recovers energy from optimization of intermediates, operating Self Assembly Process photons which would be otherwise lost. temperatures, kinetics, heat removal Professor Wang and colleagues Compared with their silicon or other and control of the rate of reaction, and have devised of a practical, low cost, inorganic or organic-inorganic hybrid electricity cogeneration. large-scale production method for counterparts, a unique advantage of UCLA Case No. 2005-332 multilayered photovoltaic device the organic conjugated materials is Lead Inventor: Vasilios Manousiouthakis fabrication. Hybrid solar cells based on that the molecular chains can be easily Patent Status: Issued – #7,960,063 nanocrystals and nanoparticles require reoriented. high temperature and are expensive Energy| solar| thermo/pyroelectrics UCLA Case No. 2010-666 to produce. In this technology, UCLA Lead Inventor: Yang Yang researchers developed a copolymer Patent Status: Pending template to form the nanoparticle array, Energy| solar| thermo/pyroelectrics which offers versatility in construction and low cost compared to conventional

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 11 Solution Synthesis and between CZTS and CdS substitutes. A Controllable and Robust Deposition of Kesterite Copper To date, the research team has Cell-Free System for Zinc Tin Chalcogenide Films developed Cd-free photovoltaic Fatty Acid Production from Earth Abundant Elements devices that have achieved conversion Professor Ho and colleagues have for Solar Cell Applications efficiencies over 3.5%. developed a system that can produce Professor Yang and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2013-584 a large amount of fatty acids in short developed a solution based method Lead Inventor: Yang Yang periods of time. The unique approach for Cu2ZnSnS4-precursor synthesis. Patent Status: Pending has the advantage of not relying on Compared to currently-implemented Energy| solar expression systems or living cells, methods, this method is more thereby reducing expenses and the environmentally friendly, cheaper to overall complexity of the system. The Multiple Donor/Acceptor Bulk execute, and provides a powerful tool researchers have documented that Heterojunction Solar Cells for depositing uniform films in chemical the production rate of fatty acids is an compositions suitable for large scale Professor Yang and colleagues have order of magnitude higher than that of solar cell fabrication. developed a new device structure for traditional cell culture-based systems. organic photovoltaics that expands Fatty acids have a great variety of use in UCLA Case No. 2011-410 the absorption bandwidth and the health and cosmetic industries and Lead Inventor: Yang Yang increases overall device performance are a well-characterized precursor to Patent Status: Pending of the organic solar cells. In contrast biodiesel and other industrial chemicals. Energy| solar, Materials| manufacturing to multiple junction solar cells, the approach does not require further UCLA Case No. 2013-833 Conjugated Low-Bandgap fabrication steps, thereby mitigating Lead Inventor: Chih-Ming Ho Polymer for Electronic Devices increases in manufacturing cost Patent Status: Pending Energy| alternative fuels Organic photovoltaic devices provide and complexity. an opportunity to utilize solar energy UCLA Case No. 2013-919 efficiently and at low cost. To harvest Lead Inventor: Yang Yang a greater spectrum of light, scientists Patent Status: Pending Energy Technologies have sought to reduce the energy Energy| solar Storage Systems bandgap of the active material. UCLA researchers have developed a novel High Capacity Silicide-Air low-bandgap polymer that provides Primary Batteries excellent photovoltaic performance in Energy Technologies single junction devices (PCE >7%). Alternative fuels Professor Duan and colleagues This technology has application to have developed a novel group of silicide-air batteries. This new class organic solar cells, tandem solar cells, Dieselzymes: Directed of batteries enjoys several benefits transparent solar cells, field-effect Evolution of a More Stable and of silicide materials, including high transistors, near infrared (NIR) organic Methanol Tolerant Lipase for electron capacity, high conductivity, photo-detectors, and NIR organic light Biodiesel Production emitting diodes, among others. high operating voltage, high earth Professor Bowie and colleagues have abundance, and potential environmental UCLA Case No. 2013-071 developed a highly stable and methanol benignity; all of which make for an Lead Inventor: Yang Yang tolerant lipase. The engineered lipase excellent ultra-high density energy Patent Status: Pending (Dieselzyme 4) has 30-fold increased storage material. Further developments Energy| solar, Materials stability over the wild type enzyme at in oxygen reaction catalysts and tri- 50° C and 50-fold increased stability electrode cell configurations will enable An Approach to Deposit a at high methanol concentrations. silicide-air batteries with superior Cd-Free Buffer Layer for The improved methanol tolerance, anode capacity and high practical CZTS Solar Cells thermostability, and longevity of energy density, appropriate for mobile Dieselzyme 4 make it easily the most Cu ZnSnS (CZTS) absorber materials power applications. 2 4 robust lipase currently available for point the way to the next generation of biodiesel production. Unlike many UCLA Case Nos. 2012-212, 2014-073 thin film solar cells for both ecologically other lipases, Dieselzyme 4 is easily Lead Inventor: Xiangfeng Duan and economically sustainable expressed in E. coli, allowing for simple Patent Status: Pending photovoltaics. However, current n-type large-scale production. Energy| storage emitters or buffer layers, contain cadmium sulfide (CdS), a probable UCLA Case No. 2013-299 human carcinogen shown to be toxic. Lead Inventor: James Bowie UCLA scientists have developed a Patent Status: Pending Cd-free buffer layer on CZTS, which Energy| alternative fuels previously has been challenging due to a substantial conduction band offset

12 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Charge Storage Device for supercapacitor applications. Supercritical Thermal Architecture for Increased Furthermore, the CNT-VNW composite Energy Storage Energy and Power Density structure imparts higher capacitance Professor Wirz and colleagues have Professor Dunn and colleagues have than either CNT or VNW alone. developed a novel method to store developed a method that significantly UCLA Case No. 2009-058 thermal energy. The technology increases the energy density of Lead Inventor: Yunfeng Lu enables thermal energy to be stored electrochemical capacitors. High surface Patent Status: Issued – #8,427,813 at significantly higher energy densities, area and facile ion motion is attained Energy| storage systems, Materials| compared to sensible heat storage. through fabricating nano-crystalline films composites| polymers| nano Preliminary calculations indicate with three-dimensionally interconnected that energy stored per unit mass porosity. As a result, the charge capacity Gas Fill-Up Process System and can increase 9-fold over storage is increased, without compromising Methodology with Minimum in saturated liquid. Commercial the high charging/discharging rates of and/or No Cooling applications include energy storage electrochemical capacitors. in solar power plants, and waste Professor Manousiouthakis and heat recovery in automobiles and UCLA Case No. 2009-392 colleagues have developed a novel industrial plants. Lead Inventor: Bruce Dunn system and method of filling-up gas into Patent Status: Pending – Published storage vessels. An important lineup of UCLA Case No. 2014-071 Application #20120026644 applications includes the fill-up of gases Lead Inventor: Richard Wirz Energy| storage systems used for energy, such as hydrogen Patent Status: Pending and natural gas. The technology Energy| storage Membraneless Fuel Cell with speeds up the fill-up process without Self-Pumped Fuel and Oxidant compromising safety, and eliminates the High-Density, High-Temperature Professor Kim and colleagues have need for an expensive cooling system Thermal Energy Storage developed a fuel cell that incorporates commonly employed by current systems. and Retrieval The proposed methodology also allows an innovative membraneless design with Professor Wirz and colleagues have the temperature of both the gas and the other specialized ancillary technologies developed a novel, high density, thermal vessel itself to be controlled by the user. to simplify the device and enable energy storage (TES) system. Instead miniaturization to the millimeter scale. UCLA Case No. 2014-054 of using storage materials typically Where most fuel cells require ancillary Lead Inventor: Vasilos Manousiouthakis used for TES, like nitrate salts and oils, fuel and oxidant pumps, this invention Patent Status: Pending the current technology utilizes simple, incorporates a previously developed Energy| storage systems| alternative fuels low-cost fluids. Besides being highly self-pumping mechanism that uses available and low-cost, these fluids bubbles to move fluids through its Advanced Cascade also afford extremely high thermal channels. Because the system was Thermal Storage stability, as well as the potential to essentially designed like a solid-state achieve high values of heat capacity. device, it is scalable to large systems Professor Wirz and colleagues have This technology could become the and mass production. developed a method to optimize basis for an economical thermal energy thermal energy storage (TES). By storage vessel, thereby reducing a UCLA Case No. 2010-309 cascading the storage medium (SM), significant capital cost in advanced Lead Inventor: Chang-Jin Kim the method optimizes the interaction energy solutions. Patent Status: Pending – Published between the SM and the source/ Application #20120148931 sink working fluid. For particular SMs, UCLA Case No. 2014-102 Energy| storage systems| alternative fuel in which pressure and temperature Lead Inventor: Richard Wirz considerations are especially important, Patent Status: Pending Carbon Nanotube/ this technology promises to yield much Energy| storage

V2O5 Composites for higher efficiencies and performance at Supercapacitors low cost.

Professor Lu and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2011-601 created a nanocomposite material that Lead Inventor: Richard Wirz vastly improves the charge storage Patent Status: Pending capability of the EC supercapacitors. Energy| storage The unique composite consists of vanadium pentaoxide nanowires (VNW) with varying amounts of carbon nanotube (CNT)-supported vanadium pentaoxides. This unique CNT-VNW structure achieves higher specific energy, higher specific power, and enhanced electrochemical capacitance

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 13 Direct Conversion of Energy Technologies Energy Technologies Nanoscale Thermal Radiation Smartgrid Wind to Electrical Energy Using Pyroelectric Materials Architecture and Level 2 High-Strength Wind Turbine Professor Pilon and colleagues have Variable Power Control Scheme Blades and Wings developed a novel way to harvest waste heat by combining thermal Professor Gadh and colleagues have Perry Johnson and colleagues have radiation at the nanoscale with developed improved energy control developed a novel blade design pyroelectric energy conversion. This schemes to manage electric vehicle that optimizes both aerodynamic could be used to recover energy from (EV) charging. These systems will performance and structural strength mobile electronic devices, increase provide a more economical, safe, and in wind turbines. The blade design can efficiencies in power plants, or provide energy-efficient scheme towards minimize airfoil thickness, optimizing power to remote sensors, among many implementing the EV into local power aerodynamic and power performance, other applications. grids, while satisfying customer needs while the blade gap greatly improves and preferences. In addition, from the the bending moment of inertia of UCLA Case No. 2010-532 schedules of individual EV owners, novel the inboard region and strength of Lead Inventor: Laurent Pilon methods of user information recognition the overall structure. This invention Patent Status: Pending – Published will further optimize the power current may also be industrially applied to Application #20110298333 through an EV. the manufacture and use of fluid Energy| thermo/pyroelectrics, Materials| turbine blades, airplane wings, pumps, heat management UCLA Case No. 2013-146 and propellers. Lead Inventor: Rajit Gadh Thermochemical Cycle for Patent Status: Pending UCLA Case No. 2012-752 Thermal and/or Mechanical Energy| smartgrid| alternative fuels Lead Inventor: Perry Johnson Energy Conversion Using Patent Status: Pending Ferroelectric Materials WinSmartEV: Smart Ev Energy| wind Professor Pilon and colleagues have Charging and Grid Integration developed a new energy cycle that Professor Gadh and colleagues have converts thermal and/or mechanical developed WinSmartEV, a platform for Energy Technologies energies directly into electrical energy. smart charging and backfill of electric Thermo/ With the ability to harvest waste heat, vehicles (EVs). It leverages the UCLA- the cycle could be used to increase developed Reconfigurable Wireless Pyroelectrics the efficiency of systems like internal Interface for Networking of Sensors combustion engines, heat pumps, and technology to integrate with the Smart Thermal Mechanical refrigeration systems. Mechanical Grid in order to simultaneously meet the Energy Harvesting energy harvesting could be used to demands of end users and utilities. So, Professor Carman and colleagues salvage energy from roads and various instead of simply adding power capacity, have developed a novel energy transportation systems. This new cycle which would be prohibitively expensive, harvesting apparatus that may include can generate energy at temperatures the WinSmartEV platform aggregates a ferromagnetic material and/or below 200° C, where few energy charge information statuses from a shape memory alloys to convert technologies can operate. vehicles with demand response signals thermal energy to mechanical energy UCLA Case No. 2013-637 to automatically achieve grid-to-vehicle to electrical energy. The apparatus Lead Inventor: Laurent Pilon charging or vehicle-to-grid back-charge. is subjected to a thermal gradient to Patent Status: Pending cause beams to bend, thus creating UCLA Case No. 2010-903 Energy| thermo/pyroelectrics Lead Inventor: Rajit Gadh stress/strain in a piezoelectric Patent Status: Pending – Published material, or creating magnetic flux in Application #20130179061 a magnetic path. The charges created Observation of Nuclear Fusion Energy| smartgrid| alternative fuels in this process can be transferred to Driven by a Pyroelectric Crystal electrical batteries. Professor Putterman and colleagues have developed a method for UCLA Case No. 2006-381 generating fusion under desktop Lead Inventor: Gregory Carman conditions. By using the extremely Patent Status: Issued – #7,800,278 large electric fields produced during Energy| thermo/pyroelectrics the heating of a pyroelectric crystal, deuterium ions accelerate into collisions that generate the fusion. This method can be implemented into electrostatic

14 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference fusion devices, palm-sized neutron membranes have applications in water generators, or even microthrusters for Water Technologies treatment and desalination, where miniature spacecraft. biomaterial buildup and salt scaling of reverse osmosis membranes UCLA Case No. 2005-363 A Novel Ex-Situ Scale Observation Detector (EXSOD) represent major impediments to high Lead Inventor: Seth Putterman recovery rates. Patent Status: Issued – #8,396,181 for RO Process Monitoring Energy| thermo/pyroelectrics| Professor Cohen and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2008-736 alternative fuels developed a detector that monitors Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen membrane scaling in real time, enabling Patent Status: Issued – #8,445,076 Triboelectric Photoelectron timely anti-scaling measures to be Water| filtration| membranes, Accelerator enacted before irreversible membrane Advanced Materials damage. The innovation consists of Professor Putterman and colleagues a specially designed plate-and-frame have developed a low voltage, compact Highly Sensitive and Selective high pressure RO membrane cell with source of high-energy electromagnetic Nano-Structured Grafted optical windows. Pressure, feed and radiation. This accelerator utilizes Polymer Layers for permeate flow rates, conductivity and triboelectricity to produce a strong Chemical Sensors pH are continuously monitored, with electric field, which is then seeded Professor Cohen and his research team data collected by computerized data with electrons from a distinct, second have developed methods to synthesize acquisition systems and displayed in material. The design of the accelerator a highly selective thin polymeric film real-time as well as stored for off- circumvents a limitation seen in sensing layer composed of a highly line analysis. mechanoluminescent X-ray generators dense, covalently and terminally bound where the electron current is restricted UCLA Case No. 2006-408 nano-structures polymer layer with after separation of the electron- Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen significantly higher sorption capacity donating polymer. The photoelectron Patent Status: Issued – #7,910,004 and solute diffusivity relative to accelerator has potential application Water| membranes| filtration existing polymeric sensing layers. The in fusion reactions, medicine, isotope sensing layer can be engineered for manufacture, X-ray generation, Graft Polymerization hydrophilic, hydrophobic, polar, non- and pulsed X-ray generation for Induced by Atmospheric polar, and ionic sensing by choosing X-ray movies. Pressure Plasma appropriate reaction precursors. These layers may be employed on a range of UCLA Case No. 2012-105 Professor Cohen and colleagues transducers, such as mass, conductive, Lead Inventor: Seth Putterman have developed a novel process for optic, acoustic, pressure, spectroscopic, Patent Status: Pending surface modification of a broad range and mechanical. Energy| thermo/pyroelectrics of inorganic surfaces via atmospheric plasma-induced graft polymerization. UCLA Case No. 2008-744 The process utilizes atmospheric gas Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen Energy Technologies plasma for surface activation with Patent Status: Pending – Published subsequent graft polymerization of the Application #20090311540 Heat Management desired vinyl monomers. The presence Water| filtration| membranes, Materials| polymers of the grafted polymer chains on the Low-Temperature Conduction- substrate was confirmed by infrared Cooling of a High-Temperature spectroscopy. Additionally, surface Method and System for Superconducting Cable topology and surface feature uniformity High Recovery Water Desalting Professor Manousiouthakis and was evaluated by atomic force Professor Cohen and colleagues colleagues have developed a technology microscopy (AFM). have developed a method and system that eliminates the need to pump liquid UCLA Case No. 2006-661 to continuously, sustainably, and nitrogen throughout the entire length Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen inexpensively desalinate high salinity of a superconducting cable. Eliminating Patent Status: Pending – Published water of high mineral scaling propensity. the need to pump liquid nitrogen Application #20100035074 The system is able to process waters as eliminates the associated cost and Water| membranes| filtration contaminated as industrial, agricultural, reliability issues. The innovation involves and mining wastewaters, with recovery levels in excess of 90–95%. cooling the cable at periodic lengths Fouling and Scaling and removing heat through a highly Resistant Surface Nano- UCLA Case No. 2008-787 conductive copper cladding. Structured Membranes Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen UCLA Case No. 2003-469 Professor Cohen and his research Patent Status: Pending – Published Application #20110155665 Lead Inventor: Vasilios Manousiouthakis team have developed a novel class Water| filtration Patent Status: Issued – #7,748,102 of membranes capable of resisting Energy| heat management organic- and biofouling, as well as mineral salt scaling. These novel

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 15 Integrated Ultrafiltration High Rate Recirculating Sensors for Detecting and Reverse Osmosis Hybrid Trickle-Bed Wetland Membrane Fouling Process and System for Graywater Treatment and Degradation at Professor Cohen and colleagues have and Reuse Full-Scale Installations developed a compact and self-adaptive Professor Cohen and colleagues have Professor Hoek and colleagues have integrated water ultrafiltration and developed a graywater treatment developed low and high pressure reverse osmosis (UF/RO) process system to recycle water that presents fouling detectors to be used in full-scale and system. Designed to produce up a number of advantages over currently membrane filtration and desalination to 18,000 gallons of drinking quality available systems. It allows water to plants. Successfully tested at the water per day with no intermediate be re-circulated continuously at a Long Beach Water Department’s tanks between UF and RO or for UF higher flow rate than current systems prototype membrane desalination backwash, the system can be further without flooding, while still providing an facility, the detectors represent the inlet expanded for even larger capacity. aerobic environment in the “soil” layer. of the lead element of a full-scale plant, In addition, the system is remotely Several novel components, including where fouling is typically most severe, monitored and is self-adaptive, making the vegetation support and plumbing or the outlet of the tail element of a full- use of advanced model-based control. are designed to be easily removed, scale plant, where scaling occurs. This facilitating ease of maintenance and is crucial, as early warning of membrane UCLA Case No. 2011-138 repair. In addition, a number of features fouling, scaling or degradation can Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen prevents clogging in the system. This result in faster response times to Patent Status: Pending system has the potential to be low in optimize plant performance and/or Water| filtration| membranes capital and operational costs, low in prevent plant failures. maintenance, easy to operate, reliable, Real-Time Integrity and integrated astatically within natural UCLA Case No. 2010-736 Monitoring of Reverse surroundings. A prototype has already Lead Inventor: Eric Hoek Osmosis Membranes been built and operated successfully in Patent Status: Pending Water| membranes| filtration Professor Cohen and his research the field. team have developed a Membrane UCLA Case No. 2014-057 Exploring New Chlorine- Integrity Monitoring (MIMo) system and Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen approach to monitor the integrity of Tolerant Polyamide Derivatives Patent Status: Pending for Preparing Biofouling- reverse osmosis membranes in real- Water| filtration time. By utilizing automated marker Resistant RO Membrane injection and high sensitivity detection, Professor Hoek and colleagues have this monitoring system can detect Nano-Structured developed a novel reverse osmosis (RO) integrity breaches and their severity, Membranes for Engineered membrane formulation that is chlorine and assess the potential passage of Osmosis Applications tolerant and extremely hydrophilic, various pathogens and contaminants of Professor Hoek and colleagues have which imparts significantly better concern. In addition to providing marker developed novel nano-structured biofouling resistance in application like detection down to the part-per-billion membrane materials to be used in desalination and water reuse. These level, the marker used in the approach is osmosis-driven separations. Compared new RO membranes could be packaged FDA-approved, non-toxic and economic to the only commercially-available for use in new and existing RO water to use for routine integrity testing. The osmotic membrane, a first-generation treatment plants, where they could MIMo system can be deployed in any form of the technology exhibited reduce overall energy demand and cost situation that used reverse osmosis ~200 times greater water permeability of operation. membranes to purify water, including with similar separation performance; seawater desalination, wastewater a remarkable early performance UCLA Case No. 2013-455 treatment, and decontamination of benchmark. This membrane has Lead Inventor: Eric Hoek impaired waters. potential applications in forward Patent Status: Pending osmosis water purification, osmotic Water| membranes| filtration UCLA Case No. 2013-917 water samplers, food and beverage Lead Inventor: Yoram Cohen dehydration, and salinity gradient A Universal, Scalable, and Patent Status: Pending energy production. Cost-Effective Surface Water| filtration| membranes Modification for Anti-Fouling UCLA Case No. 2010-004-2 Polymeric Materials Lead Inventor: Eric Hoek Patent Status: Pending – Published Professors Kaner and Hoek have led Application #20130105395 the development of a novel surface Water| membranes| filtration, Energy| modification of plastic materials alternative fuels, Materials| polymers| nano including polymeric thin films used for medical, optical, sensing and separation applications that provides robust resistance to bacterial adhesion, fouling

16 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference and infection. The technology provides Controlled Nano-Doping of in-plane crack, thus enabling highly a facile method of making anti-infection Ultra-Thin Films robust flexible electronics with superior and anti-fouling plastic surfaces. Professor Chang and colleagues have electrical and mechanical performance. The unique chemical modification developed a method to grow a thin, technique can be performed in aqueous UCLA Case No. 2013-577 doped copper layer or alternating Lead Inventor: Xiangfeng Duan solutions and in very short reaction stacks of doped copper and undoped times (seconds to minutes) suggesting Patent Status: Pending copper via atomic layer deposition Materials| manufacturing| electronics it to be amenable to economical (ALD) in high aspect ratio, and at low commercial scaleup. deposition temperatures. The copper Physical Assembly Integration dopant precursors can either be Ca, UCLA Case No. 2013-504 of Graphene and Dielectrics Lead Inventors: Richard Kaner and Mg or Zn halides or organometallics. Eric Hoek ALD deposition is compatible with Professor Duan and colleagues Patent Status: Pending low-k dielectrics with typical processing have developed new strategies Water| membranes| filtration| temperatures of 350° C or less. for fabricating graphene-based transistors, opening a new route to high UCLA Case No. 2003-317 performance graphene electronics. Lead Inventor: Jane Chang This development has broad impacts, Materials Technologies Patent Status: Issued – #7,544,398 from highly integrated circuits, to Materials| manufacturing| nano| electronics ultra-sensitive biosensors, to a new Enhanced Strength Carbon generation of spintronics and magneto- Nanotube Yarns Wafer-Scale Formation electronic devices. Professor Carlson and colleagues of Aligned Nanowires and Nanotubes UCLA Case No. 2010-589 have developed a novel, chemically Lead Inventor: Xiangfeng Duan functionalized, carbon nanotube yarn. By Professor Chui and colleagues have Patent Status: Pending infusing a resin having sub-nanometer developed a method to form aligned Materials| composites rings, the inventors have created a nanowires (and/or nanotube arrays) new material capable of producing the through standard lithographic patterning Cleaning Lithium to Improve world’s strongest carbon fiber, well in techniques. The invention enables Protective Layer excess of 7 GPa. control over the nanowire (or nanotube) number, linewidth, and pitch, with no Professor Dunn and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2011-132 restriction on the substrate size and developed a method to improve the Lead Inventor: Larry Carlson the material choice of nanowires (or homogeneity of a protective layer Patent Status: Issued – #8,470,946 nanotubes). Furthermore, since the placed upon a lithium metal surface. Materials| polymers| nano technique requires a low-thermal By removing surface impurities from budget, integration and fabrication of the lithium and applying a uniform Wideband Metamaterials from heterogeneous devices is feasible with protective layer, a more homogenous Composites Multiferroics minimal cross-contamination issues. current distribution can be maintained Professor Carman and colleagues across the electrode and dendrite UCLA Case No. 2009-650 have developed novel wide band formation can be suppressed. Lead Inventor: Chi On Chui materials from composite multiferroics. Patent Status: Pending UCLA Case No. 2009-511 By combining piezoelectric and Materials| manufacturing| nano| electronics Lead Inventor: Bruce Dunn piezomagnetic layers of material in the Patent Status: Pending – Published proper materials orientation, negative Application #20100221611 effective permittivity and negative Highly Flexible Macroelectronics Materials| manufacturing| electronics effective permeability can be realized. from Scalable Vertical This is the basis of a metamaterial that Thin Film Transistors can be used for various electromagnetic Professor Duan and colleagues have wave processing applications such as developed a new design of highly antennas, filters and lensing. scalable and flexible vertical thin- film transistors (VTFTs) based on UCLA Case No. 2013-629 the heterostructure of graphene and Lead Inventor: Gregory Carman amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide Patent Status: Pending ( -IGZO) thin film. Unlike conventional Materials| composites| electronics α planar TFTs, vertical current flow in VTFT is largely unaffected by an

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 17 Novel Composite Interconnected Networks in helmets. Inserts in current running Semiconductor Substrate for of Graphene and shoes have resulted in reduction in Thin-Film Device Transfer Nano-Scale Materials knee forces. Professor Goorsky and colleagues Professor Grüner and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2011-177 have identified a high quality composite developed methods of producing novel, Lead Inventor: Vijay Gupta semiconductor substrate for epitaxial interconnected networks of nano- Patent Status: Pending deposition of electronic device layers scale carbons and new forms of high Materials| polymers that is also capable of transferring surface area materials with significant device layers from the composite electrochemical activity. These new Multifunctional Polymer substrate to another substrate of choice. composites can be used as electrodes Nanocomposite Preparation This technique reduces costs associated for energy storage devices, taking Methodologies with having to replace starting materials, advantage of the high conductivity of and can also be extended to a variety and the high specific capacitance of the Professor Hahn and colleagues have of semiconductor material combinations component materials, leading to energy identified methods for manufacturing to create transfer-ready semiconductor storage with both high energy and multifunctional polymer nanocomposites substrates. This transfer substrate and power density. containing various fillers, including process will be useful for any thin film metal and ceramic nanoparticles. semiconductor device manufacturer. UCLA Case No. 2011-099 The fabrication methods are versatile Lead Inventor: George Grüner enough to produce both flexible and UCLA Case No. 2008-550 Patent Status: Pending robust final products and work with Lead Inventor: Mark Goorsky Materials| composites| polymers| thermoplastic and thermosetting nano| electronics Patent Status: Pending – Published polymer matrix materials. The keys to Application #20110221040 the method are monomer stabilization Materials| manufacturing| electronics Aligned Nanowire-Oxide and solvent extraction, producing Nanoparticle Composite a final process that is efficient and Transparent and Flexible Electrodes environmentally friendly. Carbon Nanotube Transistors Professor Grüner and colleagues UCLA Case No. 2008-452 Professor Grüner has developed a have invented a novel electrode Lead Inventor: Hong (Thomas) Hahn technology that addresses the needs for architecture that incorporates aligned Patent Status: Issued – #8,372,908 a flexible and transparent transistor by carbon nanotubes decorated with oxide Materials| manufacturing| polymers replacing one or more of the four basic nanoparticle composites. This allows components of a transistor (source, for the high energy capacity and high drain, gate, and conduction channel) power density needed to meet the GaAs/InGaAs Axial with a carbon nanotubes network. Since energy storage capacity required in Heterostructure Formation in three components of the device are many batteries and supercapacitors. Nanopillars by Catalyst-Free all formed from the same material, the Selective Area MOCVD method of fabrication is easy and uses UCLA Case No. 2011-565 Professor Huffaker and colleagues have Lead Inventor: George Grüner standard fabrication techniques. developed a novel catalyst-free growth Patent Status: Pending technique that allows formation of UCLA Case No. 2005-432 Materials| composites| nano| electronics multiple axial GaAs/InGaAs hetero- Lead Inventor: George Grüner structures with controllable indium Patent Status: Pending – Published Material for Mitigating Application #20100127241 composition and thickness. This Impact Forces with Collision Materials| polymers| manufacturing| method allows the user to control the nano| electronics Durations in Nanoseconds formation of axial nanopillar hetero- to Milliseconds Range structures which is crucial for optimized device integration. Flexible Nanotube Transistors Professor Gupta and colleagues have developed a material (and method of Professor Grüner and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2011-522 production thereof) that is extremely Lead Inventor: Diana Huffaker developed films of nanostructures effective in mitigating impact forces that can be integrated into flexible Patent Status: Pending across a wide range of collision- Materials| composites| manufacturing| nano semiconducting substrates. This durations. Because of the wide range technology has applications in flexible of applicability, this material could be displays, wearable electronics, intelligent used in virtually all areas of recreational paper, and other lightweight, low- and professional sports to reduce cost electronics. impact forces and the probability of UCLA Case No. 2006-654 concussions and traumatic brain injury Lead Inventor: George Grüner to football players and our soldiers by Patent Status: Issued – # 8,456,074 insertion of only a 2 mm thick layer Materials| composites| polymers| nano| electronics

18 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Pothole Repair for Asphalt and Nanoelectronic Devices Based Polyaniline Nanofiber Concrete Base Aggregates on Nanowire Networks Composite Materials: Professor Ju and colleagues have Professor Kaner and colleagues have New Chemical Sensors developed a strong bonding polymer developed networks of molecular for Phosgene that offers a long-term solution to nanowires that can be used to control Professor Kaner and colleagues have asphalt and cement pothole repair electrical properties. Using networks developed a sensor with polyaniline patching material. Because the new of nanowires makes them more robust polymers for the detection of phosgene polymer has high fracture toughness and immune to defects. Moreover, these (COCl2), a colorless, highly toxic gas and impact absorbing ability, it serves nanowires can be cheaply manufactured that has been used in chemical warfare as a continuous structural cage using a variety of techniques. They as well as in industrial processes for material for holding aggregates have applications in biological and polyurethanes. The approach provides a together even when heavy traffic chemical sensing. sensitive (ppb) method to detecting this stresses are applied. Furthermore, due highly poisonous gas. to its adjustable viscosity, the material UCLA Case No. 2004-043 provides penetration depth control for Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner UCLA Case No. 2008-717 various applications. Patent Status: Pending – Published Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner Application #20060284218 Patent Status: Pending – Published UCLA Case No. 2009-731 Materials| manufacturing| nano| electronics Application #20100006334 Lead Inventor: Jiann-Wen (Woody) Ju Materials| nano Patent Status: Pending Polyaniline Nanofibers Materials| construction| concrete| asphalt as Hydrogen Sensors Nanostructured Polymer Professor Kaner and colleagues have Electrodes Rapid Bulk Synthesis of developed a method for sensing Professor Kaner and colleagues at Carbon Nanotubes hydrogen using polyaniline nanofiber UCLA and Caltech have developed Professor Kaner and colleagues material. The approach utilizes novel electrode structures for use have developed a rapid method detectable conductivity changes in in the storage of ions made with for the bulk synthesis of carbon the nanofiber material when exposed novel nanostructured polymer films. nanotubes and graphite encapsulated to hydrogen gas. This polyaniline This technology takes advantage of metal nanoparticles. The method sensor has advantages over traditional a new class of nanofiber conjugate is highly efficient, inexpensive, and palladium-based sensors in that its polymer materials to form amphoteric readily scalable to multi- and single- phase change for detection is reversible electrodes that demonstrate improved walled nanotubes. and its synthesis is inexpensive. cycling properties and remarkable application flexibility. UCLA Case No. 1999-245 UCLA Case No. 2007-391 Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner UCLA Case No. 2010-480 Patent Status: Issued – #6,479,028 Patent Status: Pending – Published Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner Materials| polymers| nano Application #20110300637 Patent Status: Pending – Published Materials| nano Application #20110229759 Materials| polymers| nano| electronics Efficient Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes at Low Temperature Rhenium Diboride, an Ultra‑Incompressible, Professor Kaner and colleagues have Superhard Material developed a novel process for the low- temperature formation of nanorods and Professor Kaner and colleagues have nanoscrolls of various inorganic layered developed a method to manufacture a materials or compounds. In particular, superhard material, rhenium diboride (ReB ), at ambient pressures. They this method can be used to form carbon 2 nanoscrolls, a structure analogous have shown this material possesses to multi-walled carbon nanotubes. incompressibility along its c-axis These materials may be used for similar to that of diamond, has a hydrogen storage, electronic devices, high differential stress, and has high supercapacitors, battery electrodes, or hardness under low load similar to cubic high-strength structural composites. boron nitride.

UCLA Case No. 2002-079 UCLA Case No. 2008-619 Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner Patent Status: Issued – #6,872,330 Patent Status: Issued – #8,431,102 Materials| composites| nano Materials| composites

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 19 Rapid Solid-State Metathesis Compositional Variations of the surprising flexibility of these novel Routes to Nanostructured Tungsten Tetraboride with supercapacitors makes them ideal for Silicon-Germanium Transition Metals and new portable electronics. Light Elements Professor Kaner and colleagues at UCLA Case No. 2012-291 UCLA and JPL have developed a Professor Kaner and colleagues have Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner method for producing unfunctionalized developed a method of improving the Patent Status: Pending nanostructured silicon and silicon- hardness of tungsten tetraboride (WB4), Materials| manufacturing| electronics germanium through a solid state by substituting various concentrations of metathesis reaction that is very efficient tungsten and/or boride with transition Fabrication Method of SOI with and inexpensive. The method does metals and light elements, respectively. Partially Different Thicknesses not require any expensive equipment In addition to being inexpensive and and instead relies on favorable possessing metallic conductivity, initial Professor Koonath and colleagues thermodynamics to drive the formation samples of the developed materials have developed and reduced to of the nanostructured materials. exhibit Vickers hardness to well above practice a method to fabricate silicon Overcoming the previous limitations of 50 GPa, >15% far higher than the on insulator (SOI) substrates that have partially different thicknesses within the manufacturing methods could lead hardness of WB4. to cost-effective utilization of these a layer. Using a simple fabrication materials, with applications focusing on UCLA Case No. 2011-657 process, conventional lithography and energy storage and energy conversion. Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner etching steps allow for control over the Patent Status: Pending formation of the insulating layer of a UCLA Case No. 2010-656 Materials| composites SOI substrate. This novel and simple Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner process gives the user a high degree Patent Status: Pending – Published Mechanochemical Synthesis of of control over the thickness of the SOI Application #20110318250 Mg Si and Related Compounds layers as well as three-dimensional Materials| polymers| nano 2 and Alloys patterning of the insulating layer of the Professor Kaner and colleagues have SOI substrate. This technology can be Patterning, Electronic Tuning developed methods to synthesize used to produce mixed loading circuits, and Electrochemical Activity of substantially phase pure compounds where devices that require opposing Laser Converted Graphene of magnesium silicide and related design parameters can be integrated Professor Kaner and colleagues alloys. The phase purity achieved by onto a single chip. have developed a novel facile, “green this method is unprecedented, and UCLA Case No. 2004-328 method” for generating, patterning, and the yielded products are suitable to be Lead Inventor: Prakash Koonath electronically tuning graphene-based used as thermoelectric materials in the Patent Status: Issued – #7,368,359 materials at low cost. The electrical mid- to high-temperature range (400 K Materials| manufacturing| electronics properties of this laser-converted to 800 K). graphene can be tuned over five orders of magnitude, a feature proven UCLA Case No. 2011-721 Molecular Nanowires difficult with other methods. The Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner from Single-Walled simultaneous reduction and patterning Patent Status: Pending – Published Carbon Nanotubes Application #20120138843 of graphite oxide offers substantial Professor Kwang and colleagues have versatility in the fabrication of electronic Materials| manufacturing| composites| electronics successfully produced significant devices, organic devices, asymmetric amounts of nanowires within single- films, microfluidic devices, integrated walled carbon nanotubes. The dielectric layers, batteries, gas sensors, Laser Printing of Flexible single-walled carbon nanotubes were and electronic circuitry. Graphene-Based synthesized by various methods and Supercapacitors with Ultrahigh filled with materials from the gas, UCLA Case No. 2011-127 Power and Energy Densities solution, or solid phases. Length- Lead Inventor: Richard Kaner Professor Kaner and colleagues to-diameter ratios on the order of Patent Status: Pending have developed a method to create hundreds have been achieved. These Materials| manufacturing| composites| electronics flexible and all-organic supercapacitors nanowires could be further developed to using inexpensive lasers. Unlike impart novel electrical, superconducting, commercial supercapacitors, these optical, or magnetic properties. show ultrahigh energy density values UCLA Case No. 1999-258 approaching those of batteries, while Lead Inventor: Ching Hwa Kwang maintaining high power density and Patent Status: Issued – #7,112,315 excellent cycle stability. In addition, Materials| polymers| nano| electronics

20 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference A Method for Preparing high sensitivity, solar energy conversion peak with 10% resolution in the Organically Soluble at high efficiency, and large area thin composite scintillator. Moreover, the Monodisperse, Metal Particles film transistors capable of carrying high synthetic chemistry for their production of Catalytically Active and Non- current densities. utilizes inexpensive materials. Catalytically Active Materials UCLA Case No. 2005-239 UCLA Case No. 2012-334 Professor Leff and colleagues have Lead Inventor: Qibing Pei Lead Inventor: Qibing Pei developed a method of preparing Patent Status: Issued – #7,939,900 Patent Status: Pending monodispersely sized particles of Materials| polymers, Energy| solar Materials| polymers uniform shape with well-defined surface compositions. Organically-functionalized Copolymers of High Efficiency Organic nanometer-scale particles of catalytically- Alkyioxythiophene Light Emitting Diodes active metals have extremely high surface areas (a large number of Professor Pei and colleagues have Professor Pei and colleagues have catalytically active sites per particle) developed low bandgap conjugated developed a novel approach to and unique size-dependent chemical copolymers based on Alkyloxythiophene fabricating organic light emitting diodes behavior, enabling their application monomers. These copolymers exhibit (OLEDs) using transparent composite in a variety of homogenous and superior electrical characteristics electrodes, that greatly increases their heterogeneous catalytic processes, from appropriate for polymeric solar cells, emission efficiency. The composite petroleum cracking to polymer synthesis. LEDs, and thin-film transistors. electrodes are thin, flexible, compatible with solution-based processing, and UCLA Case No. 1995-560 UCLA Case No. 2006-494 improve the light outcoupling efficiency. Lead Inventor: Daniel Leff Lead Inventor: Qibing Pei The new OLEDs are highly flexible Patent Status: Issued – #6,103,868 Patent Status: Pending – Published and are at least twice as efficient as Application #20090095343 Materials| polymers| nano comparable OLEDs fabricated on ITO/ Materials| polymers glass. These new techniques can be Aqueous Electrodeposition of used to more economically produce Magnetic Co-Sm Alloys Bistable Electroactive Polymers higher-efficiency OLEDs, which are Professor Nobe and colleagues Professor Pei and colleagues have becoming increasingly prevalent in have developed a continuous, low developed a bistable electroactive medical devices, smartphones, and capital and operating cost process polymer transducer for electrically other portable or wearable electronics. actuated deformation of rigid that produces Co-Sm alloys from UCLA Case No. 2013-001 electroactive polymer members. aqueous plating solutions by Lead Inventor: Qibing Pei They can be electrically deformed to electrodeposition. Manufacturing costs Patent Status: Pending various rigid shapes with maximum of the electrodeposition method can Materials| manufacturing be as little as one-tenth that of other strain greater than 100% and as high known physical methods. Furthermore, as 400%. The polymer transducers’ Phase Change Materials this process enables electroforming advantages include high energy and in Concrete: Method for (an electrodeposition procedure) power densities, quietness, mechanical Enhancing the Thermal Damage of magnetic materials on complex compliancy (for shock resistance and Resistance of Structures geometries, which cannot be achieved impedance matching), high efficiency, by other processes currently in use. lightweight, and low cost. Professor Sant and colleagues have developed a method to enhance both UCLA Case No. 2009-356 UCLA Case No. 2007-140 the thermal damage resistance and Lead Inventor: Qibing Pei Lead Inventor: Ken Nobe energy efficiency of concrete structures Patent Status: Issued – #8,237,324 Patent Status: Pending – Published by embedding phase change materials Application #20120049102 Materials| polymers (PCM). By storing and releasing Materials| manufacturing| electronics energy, PCMs limit thermal fluctuations, Bulk Polymer Composites thereby reducing stress development New Materials for the Professor Pei and colleagues have and subsequent cracking. Moreover, Formation of Polymer developed a method of synthesizing minimizing thermal volatility can help Junction Diodes novel composite polymers suitable for promote energy conservation in Professor Pei and colleagues have detection of radiation, including beta building operations. rays, positrons, gamma rays, X-rays, and developed innovative polymer p-i-n UCLA Case No. 2012-289 neutron particles. The all-organic matrix junction diodes formed by simple Lead Inventor: Gaurav Sant exhibits as much as 45,000/MeV light solution processing at ambient Patent Status: Pending yield — more than 2 times that of the conditions. The diodes are particularly Materials| concrete useful for applications requiring current champion organic scintillators, electroluminescence with high quantum and a gamma (662 keV) photoelectric or power efficiency, photodetection at

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 21 Photoactivity and Ion- Inorganic Admixtures for The commercial applications for this Exchange as New Routes Preventing Conversion invention include but are not limited to to Corrosion Inhibition in Phenomena in memory, controlling magnetism, motors Reinforced Concrete High-Alumina Cements and logic devices. Professor Sant and colleagues have Professor Sant and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2013-470 developed a strategy to limit steel developed a method to prevent the Lead Inventor: Sarah Tolbert corrosion processes in concrete strength loss caused by increased Patent Status: Pending structures. This approach combines porosity seen in high alumina cement Materials| manufacturing| electronics topical and integral methods of anatase systems. The addition of inorganic deployment expected to be superior admixtures serves to suppress Flip Chip Nanotechnology to current methods of steel corrosion hydrogarnet formation at the expense Using Composite Solder/Sic inhibition, being both regenerative and of more stable AFm phases. The Nanowire Joints tunable. By using an unprecedented result is high-alumina cement with combination of real and virtual increased volume stability and Professor Tu and colleagues have experiments, this method represents a corrosion resistance. developed a method to strengthen significant advance in the design and Pb-free solder joints by adding small development of new infrastructure UCLA Case No. 2013-634 quantities of contoured-surface material systems. Lead Inventor: Gaurav Sant nanowires to the IMC matrix. The Patent Status: Pending composites provide very strong UCLA Case No. 2012-702 Materials| concrete impact fracture toughness, which Lead Inventor: Gaurav Sant prevents shearing along the interface. Patent Status: Pending Solution-Processible Inorganic Furthermore, since only small quantities Materials| concrete Ordered Vertically-Oriented of nanowires are required, the proposed Porous Films technique provides an affordable solution Methods to Control and Professor Tolbert and colleagues have that meets the new safety regulations. Predict Cement Reaction Rates created a technique for producing UCLA Case No. 2009-586 Using Tailored Limestone vertically oriented inorganic pore Powder Additions Lead Inventor: King-Ning Tu systems via solution processing. Using Patent Status: Pending Professor Sant and colleagues have this novel procedure, a hexagonal Materials| manufacturing| electronics developed an easy-to-use tool to predict honeycomb structured surfactant or and control the reaction rate of cement polymer templated inorganic-organic Thermally Re-mendable using tailored limestone replacements. composite is grown on a cubic self- Cross-Linked Polymers By simply inputting desired material assembled patterned surface to form property parameters, the tool will perform the vertically aligned pores. Unlike many Professor Wudl and colleagues calculations to provide appropriate traditional methods, this innovative have developed a method of making mixture proportions needed to achieve procedure can utilize a variety of thermally re-mendable polymers. These said parameters. The tool can also materials to form the film structure, transparent and colorless polymeric recommend alternative mixtures of which enhances substrate versatility. solids can be fabricated without the use cement and limestone to yield the Additionally, the use of a cubic self- of solvent and cured at temperatures same material properties. By using this assembled liquid crystal system for a ranging from 80° C to 120° C. Once invention, concrete technologists can substrate to align a hexagonal self- a crack is propagated in this cured quickly assess process parameters assembled liquid crystal system allows material, the crack can readily be needed to prepare a mixture that the realization of superior feature size thermally repaired. Upon heating the fits their desired material properties, and material control. polymeric body to 120° C, many bonds without performing expensive and time- within the material break. Upon slow consuming experiments. UCLA Case No. 2005-728 cooling back to room temperature, Lead Inventor: Sarah Tolbert these bonds reform in a way that allows UCLA Case No. 2012-784 Patent Status: Issued – #8,399,057 for the repair of the fracture. This Lead Inventor: Gaurav Sant Materials| polymers, Water| membranes procedure can successfully be repeated Patent Status: Pending multiple times on the same sample. Materials| concrete Magnetoelectric Control of Superparamagnetism UCLA Case No. 2002-343 Lead Inventor: Fred Wudl Professor Tolbert and colleagues Patent Status: Issued – #6,933,361 have developed a system with the Materials| manufacturing, polymers ability to intrinsically control overall net magnetization through the application of electric fields. Strain transfer from the substrate to the magnetic component of the system results in perturbation of the magnetization of the system.

22 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Spin Injector one experimental composite recorded Rewritable Nano-Surface Professor Xie and colleagues have a mean value of 50 MPa, far exceeding Organic Electrical developed a fundamentally new the 3.45 MPa required for nuclear Bistable Devices approach for efficient spin injection waste applications. Professor Yang and colleagues have that can inject charge carriers such UCLA Case No. 2012-125 developed a bistable electrical device that near 100% of the charge carriers Lead Inventor: Jenn-Ming Yang that is convertible between a low are spin polarized. The approach avoids Patent Status: Pending and high resistance state. The device the drawbacks and shortcomings Materials| composites includes at least one layer of organic associated with diffusion-based low conductivity material sandwiched current injection and tunnel injection. between two electrodes. A buffer layer Organic Bistable Device and The spin injector can enable viable is located between the organic layer Organic Memory Cells spin FETs composed of ferromagnetic and at least one of the electrodes. The material sandwiched between two Professor Yang and colleagues buffer layer controls metal migration semiconductors, which may potentially have developed a bistable electrical into the organic layer when voltage provide an alternative to Si CMOS device employing a bistable body pulses are applied between the electronics. This technology has and a high conductivity material. A electrodes to convert the device back broad applications across electronics sufficient amount of high conductivity and forth between the low and high development, including computer material is included in the bistable resistance states. memory, data storage devices, spin body to impart bistable between a low FETs, and spintronics. resistance state and a high resistance UCLA Case No. 2003-262 state by application of an electrical Lead Inventor: Yang Yang UCLA Case Nos. 2006-689, 2006-725 voltage. These devices are well suited Patent Status: Issued – #7,482,621 Lead Inventor: Ya-Hong Xie for use as electrical switching and Materials| manufacturing Patent Status: Issued – #8,233,315, memory devices. #8,101,984 High-Throughput Solution Materials| manufacturing| electronics UCLA Case No. 2001-129 Processing of Large Scale Lead Inventor: Yang Yang Graphene for CeramicAsh: Patent Status: Issued – #6,950,331 Device Applications Material and Method Materials| manufacturing| electronics Professor Yang and colleagues have Professor Yang and colleagues have developed a novel solution process Organic Electrical Bistable developed a method to utilize the waste for the large-scale production of Devices Fabricated by product fly ash to make CeramicAsh, a single layered graphene. The resulting Solution Processing chemically bonded ceramic. Fabricated graphene sheets have the largest at room temperature, CeramicAsh Professor Yang and colleagues have area yet reported by an order of exhibits high compression strength, fire developed a new series of composite magnitude, resulting in significantly resistance, and extremely low density. materials that can be used as non- easier processing. Field effect devices The inventors have demonstrated that volatile electronic memory devices that were also fabricated by conventional the material’s density, transparency, and exhibit bistable behavior. In general, the photolithography that displayed currents pH can be tailored to produce specific materials are composed of a dielectric 3 orders of magnitude higher than any solutions. Such versatility allows for matrix material containing an organic ever observed for chemically produced myriad potential applications for this polymer and/or an inorganic oxide, graphene. This versatile technique inexpensive yet robust new material. which collectively acts as an electron reproducibly produces large graphene donor and an electron acceptor. sheets, enabling a vast array of UCLA Case No. 2012-114 Electronic memory and switching applications. Lead Inventor: Jenn-Ming Yang devices manufactured from these Patent Status: Pending films can be produced more easily and UCLA Case No. 2008-422 Materials| composites inexpensively with reduced power and Lead Inventor: Yang Yang thermal requirements, enabling stacking Patent Status: Pending – Published Application #20100273060 New Lead-Boron-based in various configurations to fabricate Materials| manufacturing| polymers Ceramics electronic devices of higher density.

Professor Yang and colleagues have UCLA Case No. 2003-194 developed a new fast-setting ceramic- Lead Inventor: Yang Yang cement material, fabricated with lead Patent Status: Issued – # 7,274,035 and boron compounds. In addition to Materials| composites| manufacturing shielding gamma rays and neutrons, these materials also effectively encapsulate radioactive nuclear and hazardous wastes. They also exhibit high temperature resistance and extraordinary compressive strength;

UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference | 23 A Simple Route for Grain Growth in Solution-Processed Crystalline Semiconductors Professor Yang and colleagues have identified a simple route to enlarging the grain size of crystalline semiconductors through the use of alkali metals. They have demonstrated a 5X enlargement of the grain size in a solution-processed metal hybrid semiconductor material. This method has applications in large- scale production of solution-processed semiconductors, transistors, memory devices, LEDs, and solar cells.

UCLA Case No. 2008-552 Lead Inventor: Yang Yang Patent Status: Pending – Published Application #20120280362 Materials| manufacturing

Solution-Deposition of Cigs Solar Cell by Spray-Coating Professor Yang and colleagues have developed a solution-based thin-film deposition technique that circumvents the need for vacuum based deposition. Instead, the method utilizes spray coating to form a thin, high-quality inorganic film. This fully scalable technique conforms to control requisites, such as the thickness and the metal ratio in the resulting film, and avoids issues associated with film cracking. The proposed technique is industrially scalable, is high- throughput, and is much less costly than many alternatives.

UCLA Case No. 2009-726 Lead Inventor: Yang Yang Patent Status: Pending – Published Application #20120073622 Materials| manufacturing

24 | UCLA Cleantech & Advanced Materials Partnering Conference Conference SPONSORS

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