COMPANY F First U. S. Sharpshooters was ford's Ford, on the Potomac, the rebel rear was over- organized in September, 1861, with Edmund taken and Company F rendered brilliant service,

Weston, Jr., of Randolph as captain and C. W. Seaton capturing two guns and several prisoners. and M. V. Bronson as lieutenants. It joined the At Fredericksburg the sharpshooters were not regiment at New York and went with it to Washing- ordered into action, but crossed the river on the 14th ton, where the men were mustered into the service of December, and on the night of the 15th picketed of the United States. The company left Vermont the extreme front, close under Marye's Heights. with one hundred and thirteen enlisted men, but After Fredericksburg, the regiment remained in upon muster in thirteen were rejected, to reduce the camp, doing the usual picket duty, until the Army number to the regulation limit of one hundred men. moved out in the Chancellorsville campaign. In In November of the same year William Y. W. this disastrous battle the company was engaged Ripley was commissioned as lieutenant-colonel of the every clay at different points on the line, and lost six regiment, and commanded it in all the battles in men, killed and wounded. which Company F took part, until he was disabled At Gettysburg the sharpshooters served with the by wounds. Third Corps, to which they had been transferred The sharpshooters remained in a camp of instruc- prior to the battle of Chancellorsville, and Company Washington, until the 22d of March, 1862, tion near F, with three other companies of the regiment, per- they were assigned to the division of Maj.-Gen. then formed a very valuable service in checking Long- Porter, and embarked for the Peninsula, Fitz John street's march towards the Union left, on the morn- where a portion of the regiment served in every ing of the second day of the battle. They were all the campaign, except Fair Oaks. battle of engaged at other points on the line on that and took part in the battles in front Company F of succeeding days, losing several men. On the 7th of Yorktown, at Hanover Court House, Mechanicsville, November, Company F led the advance of the Third Mill and Malvern Hill, losing eleven Gaines's men in Corps at the passage of the Rappahannock at Kel- wounded. Harrison's killed and At Landing at the ly's Ford, under Capt. C. D. Merriman, with such close of the seven days' battles, Captain Weston re- vigor as to completely surprise and compel the sur- signed and C. W. Seaton was promoted to be captain. render of four hundred and six Confederates, well marched with Morell's division The company of the covered by rifle pits, the company losing only four Fifth Corps to the second battle of Bull Run, where men. At Locust Grove, in the Mine Run campaign, it sharply engaged, losing several men. was At An- the company was heavily engaged and again lost tietam the sharpshooters had the unusual experience, heavily in good men. for them, of being merely on-lookers, as the Fifth March 28, 1864, the gallant Third Corps, reduced Corps was not engaged as a whole ; but at Black- to almost a skeleton by its terrible losses at Chan- 59S COMPANY P. — FIRST U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS. 599

cellorsville, Gettysburg and Locust Grove, passed they were transferred to Company E, Second U. S. into history, being consolidated with the Second Sharpshooters. During this period they were fre- Corps. The sharpshooters became part of the quently engaged, and lost five men, killed and Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Corps, and wounded. The company was present at no less than as such took part in the battles of the Wilderness, thirty-seven battles and skirmishes of importance, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and the various battles beside numberless minor affairs. around Petersburg. It numbered, from first to last, including all The company crossed the Rapidan on the 4th of recruits, one hundred seventy-seven men ; of these May, 1864, with forty-three enlisted men, and was no less than thirty-two were killed on the field, or engaged in the hardest fighting of that bloody cam- died of wounds received in action. The wounded paign ; at the close of the battle of Cold Harbor who recovered and again reported for duty numbered

only fifteen of the forty-three were left ; twenty-eight forty-five thus eighteen per cent of the whole died ; men had fallen. In the operations about Petersburg of wounds, while the total number of casualties is Company F was frequently engaged and lost fourteen seventy-seven, or forty-three and a half per cent of men, up to the time when the term of original en- the whole. listment expired, on the 12th of September, 1864. The record shows the severe and dangerous nature Of the original one hundred and thirteen men mus- of the service performed by these men, and on it tered into the service, there were only twenty-five they may safely rest, certain that a grateful country left, present and absent ; of these, nineteen elected will honor their memories, even as it does those of to take their honorable discharge, and six re-enlisted. their comrades, who fought in the ranks of other and The small remnant of the company kept up an larger organizations. organization until the 23d of December, 1864, when


Big Bethel, Va., March 28, 1862. Cedar Run, Va., Oct. 13, 1863.

Siege of Yorktown, Va., April 5 to May 4, 1862. Kelly's Ford, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Hanover Court House, Va., May 27, 1862. Locust Grove, Va., Xov. 27, 1863. Chickahominy, Va., May 22 and 29, 1862. Mine Run, Va., Nov. 30, 1863.

Mechanicsoille, Va., June 26, 1862. Wilderness, Va., May 5 to 7, 1864. Gaines's Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Todd's Tavern, Va., May 8, 1864. Charles City Cross-Roads, Va., June 29, 1862. Po River, Va., May 10 and 11, 1864.

Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862. Spottsylvania, Va., May 12 to 16, 1864. Gainesville, Va., August 29, 1862. North Anna, Va., May 23 and 24, 1864. Second Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862. Totopotomoy, Va., May 30 and 31, 1S64. Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Cold Harbor, Va., June 3 too, 1864. Va., Sept. 19 Blackford's Ford, W. and 20, 1862. Petersburg, Va., June 16 to 20, 1S64. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Weldon Railroad, Va., June 22, 1864. Dec. Richards' Ford, Va., 31, 1S62. Deep Bottom, Va., July 27 and 28, 1864. Chancellorsville, Va., May 2 to 5, 1863. Petersburg Mine, Va., July 30, 1864. 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 1 to 3, Four Mile Run, Va., August 15 and 16, 1864. Wapping Heights, Md., July 23, 1863. Hatcher's Run, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. COMPANY F.


Company F, (First Vermont Company), mustered into the service ot the United States September 13, 1861. Original members, not veterans, mustered out of service September 13, 1864. Regiment dis- banded and veterans and recruits transferred to Second Regiment U. S. Sharpshooters, December 23, 1864, but their record is completed in this organization.

Field and Staff.

Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Commis'n. Issue.

Lieut-Colonel. William Y. \V. Ripley Rutland, Jan. i,'62 Jan. i,'62 Wd. July 1, '62; Disch. Aug. 6, '62, for prom, as Col. of the 10th Vt, but was compelled to decline on account of wds.


Name and Rank. 11 :


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remakks. Enlistment Muster.

Sergeants Henry E. Kinsman, Royalton, Aug. 20/6 Sept. 13/61 See 1st Lieutenant. E. Wiltsey Hindes, Rutland, Sept. 3,'6i Sept. 13/61 See Captain. Amos H. Bunker, Colchester, Sept. 4/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. July 19, '62, for disab. Milo C. Priest, Brattleboro, Sept. ii,'6i Sept. r3,'6i Disch. Oct. 31, '62, for disab. Lewis J. Allen, Ferrisburgh, Sept. 2,'6i Sept. 13/61 See 2d Lieutenant.

Corporals. Daniel Perry, Wardsboro, Sept. 1 1, '6 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Dec. 22, '62, for disab. Fred'k F. Streeter, Brattleboro, Aug. 24, '6 Sept. 13/61 Des. Feb. 1, '62; (hung in Ohio for the murder of the McCov family.) Al Brown, Williamstown. Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Des. Apr. 25, '63. ['64; Must, out Se'pt. 13, "64 William C. Kent, Castleton, 1, Sept. 1 '61 Sept. 13/6 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63; Tr. back to Co. Mch. II, '64; Wd. May 25, Harrison Peck, J. Ira, Sept. 1 1, '61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Oct. 26, '62, for wds. reed. Aug. 31, '62. William H. Taft, Starksboro, Sept. 1 i,'6i Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 12, '62, for disab. Charles D. Merriman, Brattleboro, Sept. 1 1, '61 Sept. 13/61 See Captain. Charles W. Peck, Ira, Sept. 1 1, '61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Nov. 26, '62, for wds. reed. Apr. 5, '62.

Musicians. Calvin Morse, W. Fairlee, Jr., Sept. ii,'6i Sept. 13/61 Prom. Prin. Muscn. Nov. 13, '61 ; Disch Oct. 15, '62, for disab. Charles Sherwin, Grafton, Sept. t i,'6i Sept. 13/61 Disch. Nov. 5, '61, for disab. r'64; Disch. Oct. 26, '64, for disab. Griffin, Almon D. Waterbury, Sept. ii,'6i Sept. 13/61 Des. Feb. 22, '62; Retd. Mch. 31, '63; Wd. May 4, '63, and June 12,

Wagoner. Edward F. Stevens, Roxbury, Aug. 7, "6 Sept. 13/61 Prom. Sergt. Aug. 10, '62; Must, out Sept. 12, '64.

Privates. Amsden, Solon Grafton, Oct. i,'6i Oct. 1/61 Disch. Feb. 8, '62, for disab. Archer, Foster E. Plymouth, Sept. ii,'6i Sept. 13/61 Disch. Oct. 4, '61, for disab. Babcock, Alvin Burlington, Aug. 16/62 Sept. 20/62 Died July 1, '64, of wds. reed. June 3, '64. Bailey, Jacob S. Randolph, Sept. 11/61 Sept 13/61 Prom. Corp. Dec. r, '62 ; Disch. Aug. 26, '63, for wds. reed. May 3, '63. Bailey, James J. Rutland, Aug. 28,'6i Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 19, '62, for disab. Bailey, Merrill Cavendish, Aug. 7/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch Oct. 9, '64, for disab. Ball, James M. Charlotte, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch. Apr. 16, '63. for disab. Barnum, Henry E. Monkton, Aug. 25/62 Sept. 20/62 Died July 14, '64, of wds. reed. June 17, '64. Barnum, P. Jerome Monkton, Aug. 25/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch. Dec. 9, '62, by order of Gen. Porter, to reduce Co. Bartomy, Edward Burlington, Sept. 2/61 Sept. 13/61 Des. July 6, '63. Battles, William T. Rockingham, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Died Jan. 6, '62, of disease. Beaura, Uustin Waltham, Sept. 6/62 Sept. 20/62 '64; Wd. May 7, Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S , Dec. 23, "64; do. to Co. Vt., G. 4th Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Bemis, Artemas Jericho, W. Aug. 19/62 Sept. 20/62 Prom. Corp. Oct 8, '64; Wd. Sept. 12, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65: Must, out Bessy, Daniel E. Bennington, July 23/64 Julv 23/64 Killed in action Oct. 27, '64. [June 19, '65. Bickford, S. Windsor, Joseph Sept. 11/61 Sept. 3,'6i Died June 14. "64, of wds. reed. June 4, '64. [at Burlington Vt. Billings, Benjamin F. Wardsboro, Sept. 11/61 Sept. '62 13/61 Wd. May 27, ; Disch. Jan. 3, '63, for prom. as Hosp. Stew. U. S. A.. Blake, William H. Rockingham, Sept. ir/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 9, '63, for disab. Blanchard, Azil N. Braintree, Sept. 1 j,'6i Sept. r 3/6i Disch. July 22, '62, for disab. Blodgett, Benjamin F Tunbridge, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Oct. 4, '61, for disab. Bolles, James E. Chester, Sept. 11/6 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Nov. 29, '62. for disab. Bowen. John Warren, Dec. 10/63 Dec. 18/63 Died June 15, '64, of wds. reed. May 12, '64. Bronson, Martin V. Rutland, Dec. 2 1 ,'63 Dec. 21/63 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. Brown, Francis N. Wardsboro, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 11, '62, for disab. ['65 ; Must, out July 13. 65. Brown, Sherrod Haven, 20. New Sept. 8/62 Sept. '62 Wd. Nov. 27, '63; Tr. to V. R. 1 C. May , '64; Disch. Sept. 20, '65, Brown, Thomas H. Ryegate, Aug. 23/62 Sept. 20/62 Killed in action May 12, '64. Burnham, Alfred S Charlotte, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch. Nov. 7. '63, for disab. Burns, Angus C. Waltham, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20 '62 Disch. Apr. 16, '63, for disab. ['65 ; Must, out July 13, 65. Burrows, A. Cornwall, James Aug. 3/64 Aug. 3/64 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. Burt, Allen Burlington, Aug. 12/62 Aug. 12/62 Disch. Sept. 29, '63, for disab.

Buswell, Brigham Windsor, 1 Sept. 1/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Jan. 26, '63, for wds. reed. July I, '62. Butler, Euclid C. Granville, Sept. 1 i/6i Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 7, '63. for disab. Butler, Stephen M. Plymouth, Jan. 1/64 Jan. 7/64 Wd May 26, "64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65: Disch. Aug. 12, '65, for disab. Chadwick, Silas Randolph, Sept. 1 1/6 Sept. 13/61 Prom. Corp. Feb. 1, '62 ; Disch. Mch. 8, '63, for disab. Chase, Aquilla Coventry, Aug. 12/64 Aug. 26/64 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, Must, out '65. 65; July 13, ['65 ; Must, out June 24, '65. Chase, Ichabod E. Rockingham, Dec. Dec. Tr. 9/63 9/63 to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb 25 Chase, Jonathan E. Rockingham, Dec. 9.'6 9/63 Dec 3 Wd. May 12. '64; Tr. to V. R. C. Dec, 4, '64; Disch. Aug. 31, '66. Clark, Charles M. Calais, Sept. ii,'6i Sept. 13/61 Disch. Jan. 10, '62, for disnb. Clark. David Braintree, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Re-en Jan. 2, '64; Wd. June 22, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt Feb. 25. '65; Prom. Corp. May 1. '65- Cooley, William St. Albans, Aug. Sept. Disch. 29/61 13/61 Aug. 10, '62, for disab. [Must, out July 13, '65! Cooper, Abraham H. Brattleboro, Sept. [1/61 Sept 13/61 Prom. Corp. May 1, '62 do. Sergt. '62 ; Dec. 1, ; killed in action July 2 '£,- . 4.1 &-_' '63. Tor M..,» ._ '65.' [25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, Cram, Merrill H. Brookfield, Aug. 15/64 Sept. *Tr. to Co. E. 9/64 2d U. S. S. S. Dec 23,3, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. Cross, Andrew Roxbury, Sept. 11/61 Sept. Tr. J. 13/61 to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63 ; Disch. Sept. 14, '64.

* Enlisted for one year. 76 1


Name and Rank Remarks.

Cross, Artemas C. Waltham, Sept. 6/62 Sept. 20/62 Killed in action Mav 5, "64. 4, Cunningham, Michael Middleburv, Sept. 20, '62 Prom. Corp. ; Wd May 4, '63, and May '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Aug. 9/62 v Dec. 23, 64; do. to Co. G. 4th t. Feb. 25, '65; Disch. May 14, '65, for wds. Culligan, Joseph H. Windsor, Sept. n,'6i,Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 18, '62, by reason of being a minor, S. O. W. D Cutting, William W. Rutland, Sept. u ,'6 1. Sept. 13/61 Must, out Sept. 12, '64.

Daggett, David 0. Rockingham, Sept. 1 1, '61 Sept i3,'6i Tr. to V. R. C. Mch. 15, '64; Must, out Sept. 13, '64. Danforth, Charles Whitingham, Aug. 19,'64'Aug. 26/64 Killed in action Nov. 27, '64. Davis, Emilus Bethel, Sept. ii,'6i Sept 13/61 Disch. Dec. 25, '61, for disab. ; Dawson, WHIiam F. Isle La Motte, Sept. 6,'6iiSept. 13/61 Died June I, '62, of wds. reed. May 27, '62.

: Domag, William J. Essex, Aug. i5,'62 Sept. 20/62 Killed in action May 5, '64. 12. ''64. '65. Ellis, George H. Jamaica, Sept. 11/61 Sept. '3 Must, out Sept. ['65 ; Must, out June 19, Field, Alphonzo L. Cavendish, Aug. 7/62 Sept. 20/62 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, "64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, Fitts, Edward Wardsboro, Sept. u,'6i;Sept. 13/6 Died Oct. 6, '61, of disease. Flanders. Stephen B. Clarendon, Sept. 11, 61 Sept. 13/61 Re-en Jan. 2, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co.

G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25. '65 : Prom. Corp. June 20, '65 ; Must, out July Fleury, William D. Isle La Motte, Sept. I7,'6i Sept. 17/61 Disch. Feb. 5, '62, by reason of being a minor, S. O. W. D. [13, '65. 1, Ford, Henry Braintree, Sept. 1 '6 1 Sept. I3.'6i Disch. Mch. 8, '62, for disab.

French, David W. Jamaica, Sept. 1 1, '6 1 Sept. i3,'6i Prom. Corp. Aug. 15, '63 ; killed in action May 5, '64.

Gale, Edmund W. Ferrisburgh, Aug. 25, '62. Sept. 20/62 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64 ; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, 1, '65. Gardner, Sumner E. Chelsea, Sept. 1 '6 1 Sept. 13/6 Died Jan. 29, '62, of disease. ['65 ; Must, out June 19, Giddings, Edwin A. Rutland, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20/62 Killed in action May 7, '64. 1, Giddings, Henry H. Clarendon, Sept. 1 '61. Sept. 13/61 Disch Oct. 4, '61. for disab.

Giddings, Silas Ira, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20/62 Wd. June 18, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64 ; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25. '65; Must, out June '9. 95- Grover, Lyman D. Wardsboro, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Prom. Corp. Dec. 1, "62; do. Sergt. July 3, '63; Wd. July 2, '63, and June 22, '64; Must, out Sept. 12, '64.

Guthrie, James H. Ryegate, Sept. n/61 Sept. 13/61 Re-en. Jan. 2, '64; taken pris. May 5, '64; Par. ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Yt.; Prom. Corp. June 20, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Hagan, Joseph Rutland. July 7/62 Sept. 20/62 Killed in action May 7, "64.

Hallock, Fitz Green Burlington, Sept. 1 1/61 Sept. 1;. Wd. Nov. 7, '63; Must, out Sept. 12, '64. Hammond, Nathan B. Brattleboro, Sept. 1 1 ,'6 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Jan. 21, '62, for disab. Harrington, Luther L Ferrisburgh, July 12/62 Sept. 20/62 Prom. Corp. ;. Must, out Sept. 12, '64. Hart, John C. Pittsford, Sept. 4/62 Sept. 20/6: Died Nov. 18, "62, of disease. Hazard, William B. Ferrisburgh, July 12/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch. Jan. 26, "63, for disab. Higgins, Clark H. Ferrisburgh, July 16/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch. Jan. 1, '65, for disab. Himes, Edward H. Rutland, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Jan. 12, '63, for wds. reed. June 28, '62. Holbrook, George G. Isle La Motte Sept. 6/61 Sept. 13/61 Died May 12, '62, of disease. '62. Holbrook, Thomas J. Hyde Park, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Oct. 22, for disab. Holley, Franklin S. Cornwall, Aug. 12/62 Sept. 20/62 Disch. Jan. 1, '65. for disab. [65; Must, out May 13, '65. Holtham, John A. Rockingham, Dec. 9n' 63 Dec. 9/63 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G 4th Vt. Feb. 25,

Hosmer, Elbridge Middlebury, 1. '62 : Aug. 9/62 Sept 20/62 Prom Corp. Dec. Wd. May 4, '63 ; died Dec. 4, '63, of wds. reed. Huff, Henry H. Charlotte, Sept. 2/61 Sept i3.'6i Disch. Nov. 26, '62, for disab. [Nov. 27, '63 Hunt, Simeon B. Crattsbury, Sept. 6/61 Sept. 13/61 Des. Oct. 10/62.

Imphey, Stephen Rockingham, Dec. 1 8/63 Dec. 18/63 Des. June 19, '64. Jackman, John W. Waltham. Aug. 16/62 Sept 20/62 Disch. Jan. 10, '63, for disab. F. Jackson, Edward Rutland, Aug. 16/62 Sept 20/62 Wd. Oct. 13, '63 : Tr. to Co. E. d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to V. R. C. Feb. 21. '65: Must, out July 8, '65. Jenks, Volney W. Sudbury. Aug. 23/64 Aug. 23/64/Taken pris. Oct. 27. "64, and died at Salisbury, N. C, Jan. iS, '65. Elijah Johnson, Enosburgh, Aug. 24/62 Nov. 25/62 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G.4th Vt., Feb. 25, "65; Must, out July 13, '65. Johnson, George H. Wardsboro, Sept. n,'6i Sept. 13/61 Died Nov. 21, '61, of disease. Jordan, Benajah W. Isle La Motte, Aug. 27/61 Sept. 13/61 Died Aug. 12, "62, of wds. reed. June 27, '62. [Must, out Aug. 31, '64. Jordan, Charles M. Isle La Motte, Sept. 6/61 Sept. Prom. Corp. Dec. Nov. 13/61 1.J62; Wd. 27, '6^; Tr. to V. R. C. June 8/64; Kaanan, John Alburgh, Sept. 6/61 Sept. 13/61 Re-en. Jan. 2, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4U1 Vt., Feb. 25, "65; Prom. Corp. June 20, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Kellogg, Lyman S. Castleton, Sept. n,'6i:Sept. 13/61 Disch. Mch. 19. '62, for disab. Kelley, Eugene A. Fairhaven, July 5/64 July 5/64 Died Aug. 17, '64, of disease. Kent, Caspar B. Ferrisburgh, Aug. 22/62'Sept. 20/62 Killed in action June 16, '64. Kimball, Levi W. Rockingham, Sept. 11/61 Sept 13/61 Disch. Oct. 4, '61, for disab. Kimberly, Curtis P. Pittsford, Sept. 13/61 Sept 13/61 Must, out Sept. 12. '64. Knowlton, Frank M. Brattleboro, Sept. n,'6i'Sept '3/6i Disch. Jan. 21, "62, for disab. Lacoy, Jacob Charlotte, July 17/62 Sept 20/62 Killed in action Ma}' 6. "64. Laffie, Martin C. Brandon, Sept. 1/62 Sept 20/62 Wd. May 4, '63 ; Tr. to V. R. C. Aug. I, '63 ; Must, out June 30, '65. Laflin, Peter Alburgh, Dec. 15/63 Dec. 18/63 Killed in action June 22, '64. Lanphere, ChaunceyR Rutland, Sept. 11/61 Sept • 13/61 Disch. Dec. 22, '62, for disab. P65; Must, out July 13, '65. Leach, Lyman B. Fairfield, Dec. 2 Jan. 3/63 5/64 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23/64; do. to Co. G.4th Vt., Feb. 25, Leach, William H. Burlington, 3,'6l;Sept '62 • Sept. '3/6 Prom. Corp. June 1, ; Wd. and taken pris. July 2, '63 ; Par. Disch. Jan. 6, '64, for disab. Leddy, Barney Jericho, Aug. Sept. 23/62 20/62 Killed in action June 22,^64. _ ['65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Henry L. Locke, Richmond, Aug. 23/62 Sept. 20/62 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64, do. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25 Loran, David Alburgh, Dec. 15/63 Dec. i8/63|Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S.Dec. 23/64; do. to Co. G-4th Vt.,Feb.25,'

I '65; Prom. Corp. June 20, '65 : Must, out July 13, '63.

Enlisted for one year. 111


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Enlistment Muster.

Lucier, Charles Coventry, Aug. 1 2/64 Aug. 26/64 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23/64; do. toCo.G 41I1 Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Lyman, '64. Edward Hartford, Sept. 1 1, 61 Sept. 13/61 Prom. Corp. Aug. 15, '63 ; died June 25, '64, of wds. reed May 7, Manchester, Geo. W. Fairhaven, Sept. 1 1, '6 Sept. I3,'6i Disch. July 29, "62, for disab. Mattocks, Henry Tinmouth, Aug. I9,'62 Sept. 20/62 Prom. Corp. Mcli. 1, '64; Wd. May 7, '64; killed in action May 13, '64. McKeever, William Rutland, Sept. u,'6i Sept. 13/61 Wd. May 5, '64; Must, out Sept. 12, '64. Mead, C. Eugene Rutland, July 19, '62 Sept. 20/62 Prom. Corp. Aug. 15, '63; Wd. Nov. 7, '63, and Sept ir, '64; taken "64 pris. June 22, ; Par. ; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June J9, '65.

Mead, Charles B. Rutland, July J9,'62 Sept. 20/62 Prom. Corp. ; killed in action June 17, '64. Mead, George E. Rutland, Sept. ii,'6i Sept. 13/61 Died Sept. 9, '62, of disease. Meader, John H. Ryegate, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20/62 Died June 9, '63, of wds. reed, in action. Monahan, '63 '65. John J. Rutland, Aug. 12/62 Sept. 20/62 Wd. May 4, '63 ; Tr. to V. R. C. Nov. 20, ; Must, out July 18,

Morgan, Watson P. Monkton, Aug. 25/62 Sept. 20/62 Taken pris. June 22, '64; Par. ; died Mch. 1, "65, of disease. Murray, Patrick Rutland, July 7/62 Sept. 20/62 Killed in action Nov. 7, '63. Nichols, Henry C. Fairhaven, Sept u/61 Sept- 13/61 Disch. Oct. 31, '62, for disab. Niles, Jerome T. Alburgh, Aug. 27/61 Sept. 13/61 Disch. Feb. 7, '62, for disab. Odell, Charles G. Peru, Oct. 7/61 Oct. 7/61 Disch. Aug. 2, '62, for disab. Page, Horace H. Ryegate, Sept 1 1 .'6 Sept. i3,'6i Disch. Dec. 29. '62, for disab.

Page, John C. Ryegate, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 20/62 Wd. May 5, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64 ; do. to Co. G.

4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65.

Paine, Eugene Brookfield, Sept 11/61 Sept. Wd. Nov. 27, '63 ; Must, out Sept. 12. "64.

Peck, Cassius Brookfield, Sept 11/61 Sept. u/61 Prom. Corp. Dec. 1, '62; do. Sergt. May 1 '63 ; Must, out Sept. r2, '64. Percy, Alphonzo R. Coventry, Aug. 12/64 Aug. 26/64;Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4H1 Vt, Feb. 25,

'65 ; Must, out July 13. '65. I

Percy, Jay S. Westfield, Aug. 17/64 Aug. 26/64 *Missing > n action Oct. 27, '64. Perkins, John W. Pomfret, Sept 11/61 Sept. 13/61 IDisch. Oct. 4, '61, lor disab. Perry, Nathan Wards boro, Sept. 13/61 Sept. i3,'6i|Disch. Oct. 4, '61, for disab. Portwine, George Middlebury, Sept 1 1/62 Sept. 2o,'62JDied Mch. 23, '63, of disease. Potter, Darius E. Clarendon, Sept. 1 1/6 Sept. i3,'6iJDisch. Nov. 8, '62, for disab. Potter, Noel Clarendon, Sept. n/61 Sept. i3/6i;Disch. Dec. 26, '62. for disab- Quintan, John Charlotte, Aug. 15/62 Sept. 20/62 Wd. June 17, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19. '65. Read, James A Charlotte, Sept. 2/61 Sept. 13/61 Died June 28, '62, of wds. reed, same day. Robinson, Edwin E. Calais, Sept n/61 Sept 13/61 Prom. Q M. -Sergt. Jan. iS, '62; Must, out Sept. 12, "64. Rowe, Benjamin E. Colchester, Aug. 12/62'Sept 20/62 Died Mch. 28, '63, of disease. Sanford, James M. Topsham, Aug. 3o,'64!Sept io/64'*Tr. to Co. E 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23. '64; do. to Co. G.4th Vt., Feb. 25, "65; Must, out June 19, '65. ['65; Must, out June 19, '65. Cornwall, Sanford, Ozias July 23/62 Sept. 20/62 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23. '64 ; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt.. Feb. 25. Smith, Amos A. Plymouth, Dec. 22/63 Jan. 5/64 AVd. May 12, '64; Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23, '64: do. to Co! Spear, George W. Charlotte, Aug. Sept. 2o/62;Disch. Dec. "62, for disab. 4th Vt.. '65 15/62 9, f G. Feb. 25, ; Disch. May 14/65. Brattleboro, Sept. l '64. Sprague, Watson N. 11/61 Sept. 3,'6i Must. out Sept. 12. ["65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Squires, George Alburgh, Dec. 15/63 Dec. 8/63Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23. '64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, Stearns, Doran H. Lincoln, Sept. 10/61 Sept. 3-6 ;Prom. Hosp. Stewd. Jan. 20, '63; Must, out Nov. 17, "64. Stockwell, Andrew Stowe, Sept. n/61 |Des. '62. J. Sept 3/6 Feb. 13. ['65 ; Must, out June 19. '65. Stone, Charles Ferrisburgh, July 12/62 Sept. 0/6 Tr. to Co. E. 2d U. S. S. S. Dec. 23. "64; do. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25 Stone. Henry J. Windsor, Sept. 1 1 ,'6 Sept. 3/6 ,Tr. toV. R. C. Nov. 15, '63; Disch. Sept. 17, '64. Tarbell, Walter S. Chester, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 3/6 Died July 27, '62, of disease. Tewksbury, Charles C. Calais, Sept. 1 1/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Oct. 4, "61, for disab. : Thomas, John W. Rutland. Sept 11/61 Sept. 3/6 Prom. Corp. Dec. 1, 62; Disch. Dec. 9, '62, to reduce Co. Burlington, Sept. "64. Thompson, James M Sept n/61 3/6 Mu.'t. out Sept. 13. TPar. ; Mu-t. out Apr. S, '65. Ferrisburgh, Sept. Sept. jProm. '62: Thompson, Paul M. 2/61 3/6 Corp. Dec. 1, do. Sergt. July i, '63; taken pris. May 5, '64; Thompson, Wm. H. Burlington, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 3/6 iDisch. Oct. 4, '61, for disab. Tracy, William H. Monkton, Aug. 30/62 Sept. 0/6: 'Died Mch. 8, "63. of disease. Hartford, Sept Sept. 3,'6 iProm '62 "63 Trask, Edward D. 6/61 Corp. June 1, ; Wd. May 4, : killed in action May 5, '64. Turnbull, Thomas A. Burlington, Sept. 2/61 Sept 3/6 jMust. out Sept. 12, '64. Van Ornum, Chas. T. Burlington, Sept 11/61 Sept. 3/6 IDisch. Sept. 22, "61, for disab Walton, David S. Brattleboro, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 3/6 iDisch. Dec. 9, "62, for disab. Weeks, Friend A Mendoc, Aug. 10/64 Aug. o,'64*Died Nov. 17, '64, of wds. reed, in action. Wells, William, Jr. Brookfield, Sept. 11/61 Sept. 3/6 Taken pris. May S, '64, and died at Florence, S. C, Sept. — '64 Whiting, Albert Tunbridge, Sept. u/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Oct. 4, "61, for disab Whitmore,Sylvanus L. Ira, Sept. u/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch Aug. 27, '62, for disab. Whitney, Azro B. Tunbridge, Sept u/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Mch. 20, '62, for disab. Wightman, John A. Rockingham, Sept n/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Mch. 13, '62, for disab. Charlotte, Sept. 2/61 Sept. Must, out Sept. '64. Wilder, Henry B. 3/6 13, [Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13. '65. Cavendish, Sept 1 1/61 Sept. Re-en. '64; Tr. to Williams, Samuel J. 3/6 Jan. 4, Co. H 2d U. S. S. S. ; do. to Co. H. 4th Vt Wills, John E. Burlington, Nov. 16/61 Nov. 6/6 Disch. Oct. 15, '62, for disab. Wilson, William W. Rockingham, Sept 11/61 Sept. 3/6 Died May 13, '64, or wds. reed. May 5, '64. Wooley, George A. Rockingham, Septu/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Jan 11, '64, of wds. reed. July 2, '63 Worden, Elisha A. Brattleboro, Sept 1 1/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Apr. 26,-62, for disab. Worthing, Rodney C. Bakersfield, Sept. u/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. July 14, '62, for disab. Wright, Spafford A. Monkton, Sept 1 1/6 Sept. 3/6 Wd. May 5, '64; Must, out Sept. 13, '64. Yale, David N. Middlebury, Sept u/61 Sept. 3/6 Disch. Nov. 5, '61, for disab.

*Enlisted for one year. 31


The final statement of Company F, First U. S. Sharpshooters is as follows :

Original total, . members—Officers, 3 ; Enlisted men, 113; .116 Gain—.Recruits—Enlisted men, ... '74

Aggregate, . 190


Killed in action —Enlisted men, . 18

Died of wounds— Enlisted men, . 12

Died of disease—Enlisted men, 1 Died in Confederate prisons, 2

Total of deaths, . 45

•'•' Honorably discharged Officers, ; Enlisted total, — 5 men, 73 ; y8 Deserted—Enlisted men, 6

Transferred to V. R. C. and other organizations, . 1

Losses other than by death, 95

Officers, 2 ; Mustered out— ; Enlisted men, 48 total, 50

. Aggregate, IC,

Total wounded, 50 Total taken prisoner, 7



ON the 23d of September, 1861, Governor Eras- seven dollars per month, was the company mustered, tus Fairbanks authorized and commissioned which was done by Lieut. W. W. Chamberlin, Four- Capt. Homer R. Stoughton, of Randolph, to raise a teenth United States Infantry, on the 9th of Novem-

company of picked men to join Col. Hiram Berdan's ber, 1 86 1. organization, which was authorized by the general After waiting for instructions until about the 20th government, consequently the recruiting of the Sec- of November, the Second company sharpshooters, ond company began, and Seymour F. Norton, of numbering officers and men, ninety-one, started for Winooski Falls, was the first man to enlist, and Washington, D. C, to join the Second regiment U. Henry H. Church of Randolph, was the second. In S. Sharpshooters, Col. H. A. V. Post commanding ;

the course of a few days there was as fine a company when the company reached Washington it became of men in camp at West Randolph as ever went from Company E of the regiment. To go back to the any State to the defense of the country's honor. AH trip to Washington. I must give the company as high

. these men were required to stand the special test of a compliment as any the)' deserved during the war, making ten consecutive shots with a rifle, placing and that is, upon arriving in New York City, on Peck each shot inside a ten-inch ring at a distance of three Slip Pier, 25 East River, on the "Elm City," they hundred yards, and must in every way stand the marched up to Park Barracks, where every soldier physical examination required of all recruits to the from New England remembers having once been, army at the time. Right here I must add that the where they got their first real army fare, and upon special branch into which these men were enlisted ascertaining they were to leave Jersey City at four had such attractions that it brought together a supe- o'clock in the afternoon, they with one accord desired rior set of men, intellectually as well as physically, a pass to go out into the city, none of them having so after organizing and getting ready for muster dur- been in New York. The Captain, much to the as- ing the early part of October, an unpleasant fact was tonishment of the Regular Army Officer in command the muster in it oc- made known that prevented ; at the barracks, granted the passes with the promise records will show. curred in this way, as the At the that they should all return in time to march to the called in the extra session of the Legislature, sum- ferry. At the appointed time every officer and man mer to provide for raising and equipping the six regi- was in line, which astonished the commander at the ments, the cavalry and one battery, if I am not mis- barracks as much as the granting the passes had done act had provided taken, it was thought the same for in the morning, and with a single exception, not a the State allowance at seven dollars per month for man was intoxicated, and he was able to march to the the enlisted men, but upon the convening of the reg- train. Every man was in line as we arrived at the Bal- ular session of the Legislature, it was found that no timore and Ohio depot in Washington, and all went provision was made beyond the troops specified, into camp off Seventh Street, out of the city, the de- leaving out the battery being recruited by Captain tails of making the camp of instruction and the joining Hebard, as well as the sharpshooters, consequently a of other companies comprising the regiment, occu- delay was caused in the muster of the Second com- pied the time until December, when the writer was pany, and not until the Legislature had passed the detailed by order of Gen. G. B. McClellan, at the re- law providing for all enlisted men the State pay of quest of Gov. Frederick Holbrook, to go to Brattle- 605 6o6 COMPANIES E AND H. — SECOND U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS.

boro, Vermont, and aid in organizing and taking on the Rappahannock Station, where the series of battles Third Vermont Company, Capt. Gilbert Hart, which commenced which ended at Bull Run, number two. was another fine body of men, who were complimented Companies E and H were under fire every day both in New York and Philadelphia as they passed from August 23, 1862, to the wind up at Chantilly, through those two cities. This Third company be- when Cen. Phil. Kearny was killed the 30th of Au- came Company H, in the Second Regiment United gust. No men ever bore themselves more gallantly

States Sharpshooters ; they remained in camp of than the Vermont sharpshooters. It is hard at this instruction, Washington, until the 19th of March, moment to enumerate the deeds of special daring 1862, when they were moved across the Potomac and performed by these men, often called upon to go and brigaded with the Fourteenth Brooklyn Zouaves, find troublesome Rebel sharpshooters, and invariably Twenty-second, Twenty-fourth and Thirtieth New with a good account, the ranks were fearfully deci- York Volunteers, Gen. C. C. Augur commanding, mated, and the rolls showed few men for muster on and to which brigade was attached Battery B, Fourth pa)r sheet, that were made up on the march to An-

U. S. , Capt. John Gibbon commanding ; also tietam. At Groveton, Company E was the first com- two regiments of cavalry commanded by Colonel pany to encounter the Rebels under Stonewall Jack- Bayard and Colonel Kilpatrick. All of these three son, and in each succeeding day of that terrible fight last named officers were promoted to Brigadier-Gen- the Vermonters vied with the companies from Maine, erals before hardly a month bad passed. I speak New Hampshire, Minnesota and Michigan, to see of these to show how the Vermont boys were sur- who should do the best work, and on the very front rounded at the outset. line on the left of where Lee broke our line, Com- There was nothing of special interest occurred panies E and H stood their ground with their can- until the First Army Corps under General McDowell nonade, until there was danger of being out-flanked was put on the move after General McClellan went and captured, and then only by the most strenuous

to Yorktown ; then the Corps moved on Fredericks- effort did they get away.

burg, and on the 18th of April, 1862, the Second After the retreat to Upton's Hill, and the short company sharpshooters was first called upon to skir- rest, the regiment was again put on the move, and mish against the retreating column of General Hol- reached South Mountain in time to be engaged freely ney, who retired across the Rappahannock at Fal- with the Rebels September 14, and in which the mouth, and was followed by the brigade of General companies were complimented, wilh the others, for Augur, Battery B, Fourth U. S. Artillery, supported the daring and bravery in dislodging the enemy and by Company E, Maryland U. S. S. S., who fired their occupying the ground from which the enemy was first shots and first saw a soldier dead on that day. driven by the sharpshooters. On the 15 th of Sep- All the men behaved splendidly and deserved and tember, after passing over South Mountain, many got great credit for their behavior in the presence of prisoners were taken, Companies E and H taking enemy. Company did its part well in aiding the H their full quota. On the 16th the regiment was at the support of the skirmish line. Keedysville, near Sharpsburg, near Antietam Creek, part of In the latter May the army advanced tow- and on that night marched around to the right of the ards Hanover Court House, and the Vermont com- army, Hooker occupying the ground on the Sharps- panies were called upon to do picket duty in front of burg and Hagerstown Pike. the enemy, and were complimented on the occasion. The troops remained on the Antietam battle field Then came the movement of Gen. Stonewall Jack- for several weeks, when they began the march into son in the Shenandoah Valley, calling our Corps to . The sharpshooters were at all times put aid General Banks, and in attempting to do so two into severe places. At Front Royal was a sharp trains collided on June 1st, when several men of skirmish. were badly injured. This prevented the Company E In the early spring, the latter part of April and the Augur's troops procedure of General any further fisrt days of May, the Chancellorsville fight came. than Rectortown, Va., so the troops were ordered The Second regiment U. S. Sharpshooters was on Heights, back to camp Falmouth Va., where the Whipple's Division of Sickles' Corps, as was the writer was taken ill with a fever and was uncon- First regiment, in which was the First Vermont for several days, and in an almost scious hopeless company U. S. Sharpshooters. On the 2d of May, for weeks, taking him away from his condition com- at Hazel Run, the two regiments attacked and cap- mand from earl}' in June until the 23d of August, tured the largest part of the Twenty-third Georgia, 1862, when he joined his company in the .fight at who were the rear of 's force COMPANIES E AND H. — SECOND U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS. 607

that attacked the Eleventh Corps. All the men did On the evening of the 10th of May, 1864, at excellent service on this occasion, as they did Spottsylvania, the Second Corps charged the Rebels throughout the entire Chancellorsville battle, being and Lieut. -Col. Homer R. Stoughton, while leading put into the most difficult places. On the 3d of May, the regiment, received a gun shot wound, breaking while on skirmish line engaging the enemy, the two ribs and receiving other injuries, which com- Eleventh New Jersey fired a volley into their own pelled his retirement from the field, and from that skirmish line in front of them, causing some con- to the 21st of June, 1864, the writer was away from fusion and a retirement of the sharpshooters until the command on account of wounds received. The the firing ceased. two companies, E and H, passed through all that From Chancellorsville we returned to camp at series of battles of 1864, from Spottsylvania, through Stoneman's Switch. During this encampment the Cold Harbor and on to Petersburg, where the writer companies did regular picket duty and always per- joined the regiment and assumed command on the formed every duty faithfully and promptly. On the 2 1 st day of June, 1864, early in the morning. On march to Gettysburg, in the hot days of June, and all the same day the Second Corps made a left flank the time these two companies were on that march, movement to cut the Weldon railroad, the Second no men ever tried to do better. regiment, in which E and H were, was put to the In the engagement on the 3d of July, when Long- front to encounter the described squadron of Fitz street attacked us, these two companies, E and H, Hugh Lee's cavalry. Colonel McDougal, who com- were in the thickest of the fight, and when the manded the brigade, and to whom I reported, sent Fifteenth Alabama struck us they stood their ground our regiment in and we soon found ourselves largely and entered into that fight with great zeal. outnumbered, and reported to Colonel McDougal, On the march back the men were zealous to get when he replied, "go on, there is nothing in your into a fight with the enemy, and at Williamsburg, front," so I pushed on. Presently report came from while Lee was crossing, or rather delayed in cross- companies A and B both, that their line was being ing, the men of E were anxious to get into a fight, overlapped, and in danger of being captured. I direct- and begged to get up to the Rebel works. ed them to break to the rear their respective flanks

This campaign was carried on until we reached and the firing was beginning to be sharp. I heard Springs, Sulphur where we camped a long time with what I supposed was support coming on my left and the usual routine, until, I think, November 6, when rear, and in attempting to adjust and join the line, we made the crossing of Kelley's Ford. The Second fell into the hands of the Second N. C. cavalry, dis- regiment was detached and sent to General DeTro- mounted. At the same time the Colonel and Orderly briand, who put them in the post of honor, the front ; of the Second N. C. cavalry were both captured by they were the first to reach the river. E, with Com- Lieutenant Sharp and some of the men. Five of our pany C from Maine, deployed right in front of the regiment were captured beside myself. The six Rebel rifle pits, in open ground, which was clone with months incarceration and parole deprives me from great coolness. On the day following, the regiment giving any further details. Captains Norton and to drive was sent for, the Rebel cavalry and a battery Abbott of E and H would be better fitted to give artillery from our front, which of was done to the the doings for the period from May 10 to June 21, and satisfaction of Generals Mead, Birney and Ward. from that on to the end of the war. gave us Brandy Station as This our winter quarters. The officers and men of companies E and H can- or November 26 28, the battle of Mine Run was not receive too high praise for the efficient and though little fighting took place, fought ; yet it was valuable services during the entire period of the war hazardous beyond degree. On the 30th was the after they entered the army. it sharp shooting,- and was done very well ; all the At Fredericksburg, Orange Court House, Rappa- Vermonters fit for duty were there. We then re- hannock, Sulphur Springs, Groveton, Bull Run, turned to camp in winter quarters, partially prepared South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg. Chan- by the rebels, who had to go away and leave them. cellorsville, Gettysburg, Wapping Heights, Auburn This was near Brandy Station, Virginia. Virginia, Kelley's Ford, Brandy Station, Orange In the spring of 1864, General Grant took com- Grove, Mine Run, Wilderness, Po River, Spottsyl- mand, and the campaign was carried on continuously vania, North Anna, Totopotomoy, Cold Harbor, from May 4, when we passed over the same ground Petersburg, June 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Petersburg, to reach Todd's Tavern, as a year before to get to Sept. 10, '64, Boydton Plank Road, Weldon railroad Chancellorsville. We were under fire the 4th, 5th, and Hatcher's Run, having forty killed and ninety 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th of May, when the writer wounded. The companies having been joined to the was wounded. 4th Vermont, were mustered out July, 1865. COMPANY E.



Second company of Vermont sharpshooters made a reconnoissance in force to Orange Court THE to Thornton, Virginia, skirmish- was recuited by Homer R. Stoughton, of House ; August 5 at August we West Randolph, Vermont. Before any man could ing with the rebels both places ; 8 be accepted, he must shoot his target—that is, he marched to Slaughters Mountain, arriving in time to must put ten successive bullets into a five inch ring help the rebels across the Rapidan River ; August one hundred yards distant. November 9, 1861, one 18 we were the rear guard to Major-General Pope's 21- hundred officers and men were mustered into the army across the Rappahannock River ; August

United States service, the officers being Capt. 22-23 we skirmished along the river banks ; August Homer R. Stoughton, 1st Lieut. Frederick Spauld- 26 we had a sharp skirmish at White Sulphur ing, 2d Lieut. Henry M. Hall. Springs ; August 27 we marched from Warrenton November 21, the company left Vermont for towards Bull Run, in the rear of Jackson's Rebels, Washington, D. C, where we joined our regiment, and picked up quite a number of stragglers as and were known as company E, Second regiment, prisoners ; August 28 we were in action at Gaines- the ville at Bull U. S. Sharpshooters ; our camp was known as ; August 29 and 30 second Run, and on camp of instruction. We remained here through the 29th the company had its first man killed in the winter of 1861 and *62, and on January 15, 1S62, action. we were paid for the first time by Major Old, who, Sept. 1, we were in line at Chantilly ; Sept. 8 we

to our Colonel, H. A. V. Post, said : "Colonel, crossed the Potomac at Long Bridge for Antietam turning ;

you have one thing of which you should be proud ; Sept. 14 we charged over South Mountain and you have a regiment of almost eight hundred men, captured two mountain howitzers and a number of and every man steps up and signs the pay-roll him- prisoners. Back of the brush fence we counted self. I do not believe such a thing ever happened twenty-seven dead Rebels from the Thirty-seventh before in the worlds history of wars." North Carolina regiment. Sept. 15 and 16 we were

March 18, 1862, we crossed the Potamac by way picking up the stragglers ; Sept. 17 we entered the of Long Bridge, into Virginia, and joined Major- historic corn field at Antietam and helped to fill the General McDowell's Corps, becoming the First bloody lane, at the expense to our company of one

Battalion, First Division, First Army Corps ; April killed and ten wounded. Our captain and four men 18 we left for Falmouth, arriving there the morning were left for duty. We were left in camp without of the 19th, when company E was deployed as much duty to perform ; October 1 we had thirteen their first shot at the Rebels skirmishers, and fired ; men for duty in company E ; October 17 we had June 1st, we marched towards Richmond, but were thirty recruits join us. and with some of the slightly ordered to the Shenandoah Valley ; we took the cars wounded and sick, returned to duty, -we were again at Mannassas Junction, and when near Salem, met a company. with an accident,- company E having eighteen men October 30 we crossed the Potomac at Harpers injured, some of them severely. We were then Ferry ; November 1 5 we were in camp near ordered back to Falmouth, and found our Sharps Stoneman's Switch, Va. December 12 we crossed loading rifles waiting for us we the Rappahannock to the field of breech ; July 26 Fredericksburg,


where we captured a cavalry picket post, both men December 21 seventeen of the original one hundred and horses ; we lost one wounded. December 20 F. men re-enlisted as veterans. Captain F. D. Sweet- ie * D. Sweetser was made Captain, S. F. Norton, First ser had been cashiered, and S. F. Norton comes in Lieutenant, John F. Law, Second Lieutenant. Captain, John F. Law, First Lieutenant, Thomas J. December 30 we joined the First regiment of sharp- Tarbell, Second Lieutenant. The year of 1863 had shooters, under Colonel Berdan. 1S62 had been a seen hard marching and bloody battles, yet our loss hard year for company E. We had had on our rolls was small, as we had only one man die of disease, one hundred and forty-five officers and men, two two were wounded, six taken prisoners, fifteen dis- had been killed in action, five died of disease, forty- charged for wounds and disability, and four trans- three had been discharged for wounds and disability, ferred to Invalid Corps, leaving sixty-four officers six deserted, three transferred to Invalid Corps, and and men on our company rolls. one promoted of out the company ; sixty-one had January 7, 1864, we left for Vermont on our veter- gone, leaving eighty-four officers and men borne on an furlough. February 23 we were again at Brandy the rolls of the company. Station, where we found forty-four recruits for the

January 20, 1863, we marched through mud and company ; February 28 we marched to James City, rain to the river and picketed along its banks. We but soon returned to camp, and on May 4 the com- returned to camp April January 24. 28 we marched pany crossed the Rapidan at Ely Ford ; May 5 we below Fredericksburg and saw Sedgwick's Sixth were again after the rebels in the Wilderness. We

Corps across the river ; May 1 we marched to a ford thought we had seen hard fighting and hardships be- and to the plank road near the Chancellorsville fore, but this was war twice told, every day at the

House ; May 2 we helped to capture the Twenty- front. May 5 to 7 we were in the Wilderness and third Georgia regiment, four hundred and eighty around Chancellorsville ; May 8 and 9 at Todd's of Jackson's rear guard, for which Major General Tavern; May 10 and 11 at Po River; May 12 at Sickles got off his horse and taking each man by Spottsylvania and Hancock's great charge, where the hand, thanked us for the work we had done, ex- many thousand prisoners and thirty pieces of artill- cusing us from duty for the next twenty-four hours. ery were taken. May 13 to 18 we were skirmish-

May 4 the company was again at work, and May 6 ing with the enemy ; May 19 General Birney gave river we crossed the ; we had lost three men prison- the company a day off. We were near his head-

ers, and one wounded ; June 1 1 we were off for quarters, when up the road in our rear we heard Gettysburg; 12 at " June Rappanhannock Station; firing, "fall in sharpshooters ; we go on the double at Centreville June 17 ; June 19 at Gum Springs Ewell's ; quick and drive back Rebels — Company E June 26 we crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry, having two wounded, and that is all the rest we got. and marched to Point of Rocks, making thirty-two May 23 found us at North Anna River, known as miles of hard marching. July 1 we were at Gettys- Taylor's Bridge, where we took part in the charge, and burg, where we did some hard fighting, though each captured a redan with artillery and several hundred

day's loss of was slight ; men one wounded ; four prisoners. Company E had one man killed, two prisoners. July 22-23-24 we were engaged at Man- mortally wounded. May 27 we were at Lady Grove assas Gap and Wapping Heights ; July 26 we were Church; May 31 at Totopotomoy Creek, charging near Warrenton, remaining in the neighborhood of the enemy at that place. Warrenton and Culpeper, doing picket duty until It being necessary to relieve the Fifth Corps, we October 9. As the rebels took the offensive we were told by General Grant, in person, to go across

were driven back to Fairfax, where we skirmished the creek, if we had to surrender when we got there, with the enemy. but we did not surrender ; we took one hundred and October 13 we were near Little Auburn, and had thirty-seven of the Twenty-seventh North Carolina quite a sharp skirmish. November 7 we led the prisoners and held the works that night. We had Third Corps to Kelley's Ford, and deployed along the one killed and four wounded, one being mortally

river bank while the First regiment sharpshooters wounded. June 1 we were at Bethesda Church ; river charged across the and captured Col. G. Glea- June 3, at Cold Harbor, where we had one mortally

son's Twelfth Virginia regiment, one Surgeon, one wounded to 1 1 in a line of works' ; June 4 along the Major, several Captains and Lieutenants, and about Chickahominy River; June 12 we marched to Long five hundred prisoners. November 8 we again met Bridge and crossed the Chickahominy to Wilcox the Rebels at Culpeper. November 26 we crossed Wharf and across the James River. For forty-one the Rapidan and met the enemy at Locust Grove days we had seen constant fighting, skirmishing and and Mine Run, without the loss of a man. Soon picket duty, without intermission and with the loss after we returned to our camp near Brandy Station. of many good men. June 16, 17 and 18 we were on


the skirmish line and picket line; June 21 at the duty until Feb. 5, when we again cross at Hatcher's Weldon Railroad we crossed the James Run, charge the Rebel works we had taken once be- ; July 27 River at the Crow's Nest, and marched towards fore, and take a number of prisoners without loss to Richmond all day. The 28th we skirmished with the Company E. February 25 our regiment was badly enemy we deployed along the line in front reduced in numbers and we lost our regimental or- ; July 29 of where the mine was to explode, keeping the Reb- ganization, being transferred to 4th Regiment Ver- Volunteers. As Company G our company was els from firing their batteries ; so well did we do our mont duty that not a piece was fired, for which our Gen- full. Sergt. W. H. Humphrey was, on Nov. 12, eral highly complimented us 1864, made First Lieutenant, and Sergt. W. F. Til- From this time until August 13 we did picket son, Second Lieutenant. duty, marching then to City Point and going upon Captain Norton had been absent, having been the transport down the river just at the trans- wounded, since May 12, 1864, Lieutenant Law had ; dark Tarbell died of wounds, we port faced about, going to Deep Bottom ; we then resigned, Lieutenant had marched toward Richmond and flanked a four-gun had lost eleven killed in action, ten died of wounds, battery, which we charged and took, with twenty-five three died in Rebel prisons, and ten of disease. When or thirty prisoners and a quantity of ammunition. we left the Second Corps Brigade, General De Trobri- Just at dark we marched to Weldon Railroad, which and issued a highly complimentary order, acknowledg- we helped to take and hold. Again we did picket duty ing our long and efficient service and our glorious until September 10, when the pickets closed along record made on many a bloody battle field. the front of the Chimneys, the Twentieth Indiana After going into the 4th Vermont, Lieutenants and Second Sharpshooters. At one o'clock, a. m., we Humphrey and Tilson each lost a right leg. charged and captured three hundred to four hundred We have many others with an arm or leg gone, prisoners and held the ground taken, for which we and many have ghastly wounds, showing plainly the were again complimented for duty well done. Again hard and bloody fighting the company has done, yet picket duty until October 27, when we crossed we have had but a small part of the praise given to Hatcher's Run and marched towards the Southside the Vermont troops, but we get praise from a source railroad and sharply engaged, Company E losing that but few get theirs from ; ours comes from the two men killed and five wounded.. We called it the enemy, they knew us well. Often the enemy has battle of the Bull pen. December 8, with the Fifth been heard to sing out, " Look out, there are those Corps, General Mott's Division of the Corps, " Second devils with big hats and short guns ! Colonel Oates we marched towards the North Carolina line, tearing writes that when fighting our little regiment at Get- up one hundred and thirty miles of railroad, and tysburg, with his brigade, he never got into such a back to Petersburg. December 23 we had thirty- hornets' nest in all his life. We all tried hard to do two men from the First Company, (F), join us; our our duty, and whether we get our due praise or not, company quota was full, although we had a number we can enjoy a united country, with its freedom and absent, wounded or sick. Again we have picket love, friendship, charity and loyalty.


Rappahannock Station, Va., August 21 to 24, 1802. Mine Run, Va., Nov. 28 to 30, 1863. Sulphur Springs, Va., August-26, 1862. Wilderness, Va., May 5 to 8, 1864. Groveton, Va., August 28, 1S62. Po River, Va., May 10, 1864. Second Bull Run, Va., August 29 and 30, 1862. Spotlsylvania, Va., May 10 to 12, 1864. South Mountain, Va., Sept. 14, 1862. North Anna, Va., May 23 and 24, 1864. Antietam, Md., Sept. 16 and 17, 1862. Totopotomoy, Va., May 31, 1864. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12 to 16, 1862. Cold Harbor, Va., June 11, 1864 Chancellorsville, Va., May 2 to 4, 1S63. Petersburg, Va., June 16 to 23, 1864. Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 to 4, 1863. Deep Bottom, Va., July 27 and 28, 1864. Wapping Heights, Va., July 22, 1863. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 10, 1864. Auburn, Va., Oct. 13, 1863. Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. Kelly's Ford, Va., Nov. 6, 1863. Weldon Railroad, Va., Dec. 7 to 10, 1864, Brandy Station, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 5 to 7, 1865, Orange Grove, Va., Nov. 27, 1863. COMPANY E.


Company E, (Second Vermont Company), mustered into the service of the United States November 9,

1861. Original members, not veterans, mustered out of service November 9, 1864. Regiment disbanded and veterans and recruits transferred to Company G. 4th Vermont Vols., February 25, 1865, but their record is completed in this organization.

Field and Staff.

Name and Rank. 11


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Enlistment Muster."

Sergeants. Seymour F. Norton, Burlington, ISept. 27,'6i Nov. 9/61 See Captain. John F. Law, Cambridge, Oct. 5/61 Nov. g,'6i See 1st Lieutenant. William H. Proctor, Fairhaven, Oct. 8,'6i Nov. 9,'6i Prom. 1st Sergt. Sept. 17, '62; Tr. to V. R. C. Dec. 31, '63; Prom. 2d '65. Lieut, in 24th U. S. C. T. Mch. 2, '65 ; Disch Sept. 30, Thomas J. Tarbell, Mt. Tabor, !Oct. i6,'6i Nov. 9/61 See 2d Lieutenant. William K. Strong, Rutland, Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Jan. 3, '63, for disab.

Corporals. James E. Parker, Whiting, Oct. io,'6r Nov. 9/6 Disch. May 16, '62, for disab. 1 Addison C. Benedict, Underhill, Oct. i5, 6i Nov. 9,'6 Disch. Mch. 7, '63, for disab. Henry H. Church, Randolph, Sept. 30, '61 Nov. 9/6 Disch. Mch. 11, '63, for disab. James V. Newton, Randolph, Oct. 6,'6i Nov. 9.'° Disch. Jan. 16, '62, for disab. P. W. Thompson, Mt. Tabor, Oct. i6,'6i Nov. 9.'6 Disch. June 1, '62, for disab. Amos Smith, Jr., Whiting, Oct. io,'6: Nov. 9/6 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Red. Jan. 3, "63; Prom. Corp. Jan. 1, '65; do. Sergt. Jan. 7, '65; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, "65; Must, out John I. Howard, Mt. Tabor, Oct. 16/6 Nov. 9,'6 Disch. Jan. 29, '63, for disab. [J u 'y r 3> '°5- Harrison Holden, Brandon, Oct. 16/6: Nov. 9/6 Disch. Mch. 13, '62, for disab.

Musician. Franklin Hill, 13, '64. J. Waterbury, Oct. '61 Nov. 9,'6i Tr. to V. R. C. Nov. 1, '63 ; Disch. Sept. 7,

Wagoner. John B. Davies, Grafton, Oct. 13/61 Nov. 9,'6i Disch. Mch. 22, '62, for disab.

Privates. Abbott, Abial S. Londonderry, Dec. 26/63 Dec. 29/63 Des. Sept. 10. '64; Retd.; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Des. Abbott, Charles Londonderry, Dec. 17/63 Dec. 29/63 Died Nov. 5, "64, of disease. [May 24, '65. Abby, Osmond Middlebury, Oct. 16, '61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Mch. 13, '62, for disab. Ackley. Lewis A. Plymouth, Sept. 6, '64 Sept. 9,'64i*Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. 5, Adams, George H. Marlboro, Aug. 1 '62 Sept. 30/62 Disch. Apr. 1. '63. for disab. [25, "65 ; Must, out June 19. '65. 5, Adams, Simeon, Jr. Marlboro, Aug. 1 '62 Sept. 3o/62jDes. Jan. 20, "63; Retd. : Wd. May 12, '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. Albee, Vietts W. Granville, Aug. 12, '6: Sept. 30/62 Disch. Mch. 17. '63, for disab. [Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Atvvood, Edward Bridgewater, Aug. 15/62 Sept. 3o/62,Prom. Corp.;— Red. Jan. 8, '65: Wd. May 12, '64; Tr. to Co G. 4th Vt., Bailey, James J. Rutland, Aug. 11/ Sept. i5/62iDes. Oct. '62. Bain, Charles H. Middlebury, Oct. 11, '61 Nov. 9,'6iTr. to V. R. C. Feb. 13, '64; Disch. Dec. 5. '64.

Bennett, Daniel B. Somerset, Aug. 16/62 Sept. 3o/62Taken pris. June 2. '64: sent to Andersonville, Ga., June 8, "64; N. f. r. Blanchard. Henry K. Bridgewater, Aug. 4/62 Sept. 3o/62Tr. to V. R. C. Dec. 31. '63 ; Must, out June 26, '65. Bolster, David W. Wesion, Julv 29/64 Aug. 29/64 *K"illed while on picket Oct. iS, '64. ['65. Bowen, James C. Wea:'iersfield Dec. '64; 15/63 Jan. 4/64 Wd. May 6, Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, Bradley. Joseph C. Plymouth, SeDt. 6/64 Sept. 9/64 * Killed in action Oct. 27, '64.

Brown. Alfred 1 ,"6 "62, C. Strafford, Nov. 1 Nov. 29/61 Died July 10. of disease. [31, '64. Brown, George A. Stockbridge, Julv 28/62 Sept. 30/62 Died in ambulance en route to White House Landing, of wds. reed. May

Brown, Willard C. Pittsford, Oci. Re-en. 21. '63 : ; 22/61 Nov. 9/61 Dec. Prom. Corp. do. Sergt. Jan. 1, '65 ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, "65; Prom. Com. -Sergt. 4th Vt., June 24, '65; Must, out July 13, "65. Bruce, Horatio P. Woodbury, Sept. 27/61 Nov. 9/61! Re-en. Dec. 21. "63: Prom. Corp. Feb. 8, '62; 31, Red. July '63 ; Wd. Sept. 17. "62; died 21, of wds. reed. 31, j June '64, May '64. Carr, Ira Underhill, Nov. 2/61 Nov. 9/61 .Must, out Nov. 9, '64. Cashmin, Richard Vershire, Sept. *Tr. to Vt.. '65 15/64 Sept. 15/64 Co. G. 4th Feb. 25, ; Must, out June 19, '65. Chase, Walter Fairfield, Dec. '65 22/63'Jan. 5,'64'Prom. Corp. Jan. 1, ; Wd. June 3, '64; Tr. to Co G. 4th Vt., Feb.

25, '65 ; Must, out July 13. '65. j Cilley, Charles H. Plymouth, Aug. 22/64 Sept. 2,'64;*Killed in action Oct. 27, '64, [June 19, '65.

Clav, George A. Bridgewater, Aug. 11/62 Sept. Prom. Corp. 1, '65 : to 30/62 Jan. Tr Co. G. 4th Vt.. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out Clay, Smith M. Plymouth, Dec. Tr. to 5/63 Jan. 2/64 Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65.

Coburn, Oscar Royalton, Oct. Nov. Sept. "62 : 25/61 9/61 Wd. 17. Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63 ; Disch. Nov. 9, '64. Collins. S. Corinth, John Aug. 18/62 Sept. 30/62 Taken pris. %t, Par. ; May — ; — Tr. to V. R.. C. Feb. 10, '64; Must, out "65. July 3. [for wds. reed. June 1 1, '64. Congdon, Henry C. Clarendon, Aug. 11/62 Sept. 15/62 Prom. Corp.; taken pris. July 2, '63; Par. '63; Disch. Jan. 17, '65, Cook, William Danby, Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Feb. 6, "63, for disab. Coolidge, Daniel N. Rochester, Oct. 21/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Nov. 2i,'62, for disab. Coolidge, John T. Ludlow, Oct. 1/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Dec. 19, '62, for wds. reed. Sept. 17, '62. Culver, Albert F. Poultney, Aug. 21/62 Sept. 15/62 Tr. to V. R. C. Aug. 1, '63; Must, out June 28, '65. Culver, Daniel L. Wallingford, Nov. 6/61 Nov. 29/61 Disch. Aug. 11, '62. Culver, Wallingford, Harry Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; died Jan. 10, '65, of wds. reed. June 18, '64. Cummings, George S Sherburne, Aug. Aug. *Tr. to Co. 15/64 15/64 G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Cummings, Henry O. Woodstock, Feb. Feb. Prom. Corp. 8/64 8/64 Jan. 1, '65 ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out Cutts, Tilton Bridgewater, Dec. 1 1, Jan. Tr. to Co. '63 6/64 G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. [July 13, '65. Daggett, C. Bridgewater, James Aug. 14/62 Sept. 30/62 Disch. Feb. 4, '63, for disab. [Must, out July 13, '65. Darling, Aqilla Fairfield, Jan. 1/64 Jan. 5/64 Des. Nov. 22, '64 ; Retd. Jan. 5, '65 ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Davis, Daniel T. Fairlee, Nov. 1 ,'6 Nov. 9/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63 ; Prom. Corp. ; died June 23, '64, of wds. reed. May 6,64. Davis, Frank M. Fairlee. Nov. 1/61 Nov. 9/61 Tr. to V. R. C. ; Tr. back to Co. ; Must, out Nov. 9, '64. Davis, Morton H. Pittsfield, Dec. 14/63 Dec. 22/63 Wd. May — '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 23/65.

•Enlisted for one year. 1


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Enlistment Muster.

Davis, William J. Weathersfield, Dec. i5,'63 Jan. 4/64 Killed in action May 6, '64. Doty, George Rutland, Dec. 24/63 Dec. 26/63 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out July 13, '65. Dunton, George C. Underhill, Nov. 2,'6 Nov. 9/6 Disch. Apr. 15, '62, for disab. ['65. Durkee, Tracy S. Bethel, Dec. 28/63 Jan. 5/64 Wd. June 16, '64; Tr. to Co. G.4th Vt., Feb. 25/65 ; Must out June 24, Edgerton, Andrew A. Plymouth, Aug. 9/62 Sept. 30/62 Died Dec. 21, '62. of disease. ['65. Edgerton, Hiram R. Danby, Dec. 16/63 Dec. 26/63 Wd. May — , '64: Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, Eldred, Henry G. Rutland, Dec. 24/63 Dec. 26/63 Died July 7, '64, of wds. reed. June iS, '64. Elkins, Thomas W. Pomfret, 29.' '65. Dec. 26/63 Dec. 63 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, Fagan, Patrick Plymouth, '65. Sept. 6/64 Sept. 9/64 *Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, Fairbanks, Alfred D. Bethel, Aug. 13/62 Sept • 30/62 Tr. to V. R. C. June 1, '64 ; Disch. June 24, '65.

Fairbanks, Charles Bethel, . Aug. 12/62 Sept 30/62 Wd. and taken pris. July 3, '63 ; Par. Sept. 29, '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th

Vt, Feb. 25, '65 ; Must out June 19, '65. [Must, out July 13, '65. Fairbanks, Charles D Hartland, Dec. 23/63 Dec. 25/63 Wd. May 31, '64, and Nov. 20, '64 ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt , Feb. 25, '65:

Farnham. George Strafford, Nov. 1 1/6 Nov. 29/61 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept 1, '63; Disch. Sept. 30, '64. Fleury, Thomas Fairfield, Jan. 2/64 Jan 5/64 Des. Sept 15, '64. Foster, James A. Brookfield, Aug. 5/62 Sept 30/62 Disch. Apr. 16, '63, for disab. Foster, Lyman D. Cavendish, Dec. 1/63 Jan. 2/64 Disch. Mch. 31, '64, for disab. Freeman, Henry Rochester, Oct. 21/61 Nov. 9/6 Disch. June 5, '62, for disab. Gates, Burke, George W. Aug. 18/62 Sept . 30/62 Disch. Apr. 7, '63, for disab. [Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 15, '65.

Gibbs, .' James R. Pawlet, Aug. 14/62 Sept 15/62 Prom. Corp. July 31, '63 ; Red. Jan. :, '65; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Gilman, Joseph D. Cambridge, Oct. 10, '61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Nov. 24, '62, for disab. Goodenough, Chas. J St. Johnsbury, Dec. 24/63 Jan. 4'64 Died Dec. 7, '64, of disease. Green, Samuel H. Pittsford, Dec. 18/63 Dec. 26/63 Wd. June 16, '64; Wd. and taken pris. Oct. .27, '64: Par. Tr.

to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Disch. July 15, '6; , for disab. Hart, Willis Wallingford, Oct. 20/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. July 18, "62, for disab. Hastings, Charles W. Randolph, Oct. 10/61 Nov. 9/6 r Disch. Oct. 9, '63, for wds. reed. May 4, '63. Hathorn, Horace S. Bridgewater, Aug. 4/62 Sept. 30/62 Disch. Mch. 3, "63, for disab.

Hathorn, William A. Bridgewater, Aug. 18/62 Sept. 30/62 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63 ; Must, out July 15, '65. Headle, David Shrewsbury, Dec. 7/63 Dec. 26/63 Died Feb. 3, '64. of disease. Headle, Levi P. Shrewsbury, Dec. 7/63 Dec. 26/63 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. T Hill, Caleb . Isle 29- '62 N La Motte. Nov. 17/61 Nov. Prom. Corp. May 16, ; Disch. to date July 30, '62, S. O. W. D. Hill, Thomas J. New Haven, Oct. 25/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Feb. 5, "62. for disab. Hinckley, Elijah Winhall, Oct. 15/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. June 27. '62, for disab. Hinkson, Calvin E. Worcester, Dec. 25/63 Jan. 2/64 Died Mav 21, "64, of wds. reed, same day. Hodge, Holden S. Stowe, Oct. 28/61 Nov. 9/61 Tr. to V.'R. C. Mch. 29, '64; Disch. Sept. 30, '64. Hodges, Sylvester E. Rutland. Dec. 21/63 Jan. 4/64 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must out July [3 '65- Holbrook, Manlius Leming-ton, Nov. 1 1/61 Nov. 29/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Wd. Sept. 17. '62, and July 3, 63; Prom. Corp.

Jan. 7, "64; do. Sergt. Jan. 1. "65 ; Tr. to Co. G 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Holmes, Charles E. Royalton, Sept. Nov. 9/61 Died May 23. '62, of disease. Holtham, Edward A. Barton, Oct. 10, '6i Nov. 9/61 Disch. Dec. 1, '62, for disab. from injuries reed, on cars. Howard, Silas W. Royalton, Sept. 26/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Mch. 5, "63, for wds reed. Sept. 17, '62. Howard, Suel T. Danby, Dec. 16/63 Dec. 26/63 Tr. to V. R. C. Nov. 26. '64; Disch. July 29, "65. Howard, Thomas B. Rovalton. Sept. 26/61 Nov. 9/61 Died June 25. "62. of disease. Howe, David J. St.'Albans, Aug. 14/62 Sept. 30/62 Disch. Apr. 1, "63, for wds. Humphrey, Wm. H. Underhill, Oct. 30/61 Nov. 9/61 See 1st Lieutenant. Jefts, Rosalvo Weston, Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Mch. 13, "62, for disab. Johnston, John H. Jericho, Nov. 4/61 Nov. 9/61, Re-en. Dec. 21, "63: Prom. Corp.; Disch. Mch. 24, "64, for disab Joiner. George B. St. Albans. Aug. 15/62 Sept. 30/62 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65: Must, out June 19, '65. Joslvn, Edwin Waterburv, Oct. 24/61 Nov. 9/61 Died July 11, "62. of disease. Keith, Charles E. Rochester, Oct. 21/61 Nov. 9/61 Killed in action Aug;. 29, '62. Keith, George C. Rochester, Oct. 21/61 Nov. 9/61 Must, out Nov. 9. "64. Kemp, Milton Pittsford, Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. June 26, '62. for disab. Kennerson, Henry Irasburgh. Aug;. Aug. M 5/64 26/64 *Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt , Feb. 25. "65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Kirk, David M. Weston. July July *Tr. to 4th "65 29/64 29/64 Co. G. Vt, Feb. 25, ; Must, out June 19. '65. Ladd, Seneca St. Johnsbury Jan. 1 Jan. 4/64 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13. '65. Lamson, George C. Stowe, Oct. 29/61 Nov. 9/6 1 Disch. Feb. 15, "64, for disab. ['65. Langworthy, Sanford Cavendish. Dec. Jan. Wd. '64; 19/63 2/64 May 19, Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, Latimer, William Middlebury, Oct. 1 1 ,'6 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Mch. 22, '62, for disab. "62. Lavelly, Victor Jericho, Aug. 30/62 Sept. 15/62 Disch. Nov. 4, for disab. ['65. Fairfield, Dec. Jan. '64: Law, James, Jr. 28/63 5/64 Wd. May 6, Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, Law, John, Jr. Fairfield, Dec. 22/63 Jan. 5/64 Died Aug. 22, 64, of wds. reed. May 23, '64. Leach, James N. Pomfret, Dec. 18/63 Dec. 29/63 Died May 14, '64, of wds. reed. May 6, '64. Leach, Luther Fairfield, Aug. 11/64 Aug. 26/64 *Tr. to Co. G. 4th Feb. '65j Vt, 25, 3 ; Must, out June 9, '65. Fairfield, Aug. Leach, Napoleon 11/64 Aug. 26/64 "Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, 55 : Must, out June 8, '65. Leach, Nathan W. Bakersfield, Dec. 16/63 Dec. 30/63 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 6, '65. ['65

Leach, Welcome G. Bakersfield, Dec. 16/63 Dec. Wd. May '64 ; Tr. to 30/63 20, Co. G. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13 ' Leslie, Henry C. Plymouth, Sept 1/64 Sept. 10/64 *Tr. to 4th Co. G. Vt, Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Lewis, Luke M. Duxbury, Oct. 3°/6' Nov. 9/61 Wd. Sept 17, '62; Must out Nov. 9, '64. Livermore, George H. Strafford, Dec. 12/63 Jan. 4/64 Supposed to have been lost on steamer " Keyport" between Camp Dis- tribution and Belle Plain, May 16, '64. Locklin, Samuel B. Jericho, Oct. 30/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Dec. 30, '62, for disab. Longley, Rensellaer Stockbridge, Aug. 8/62 Sept. 30/62 Disch. May 28, '63, for disab. Martin, Burnap A. Rochester, Oct. 1/6 Nov. 9/61 Disch. May 22, '62, for disab.

*Enlisted for one year. 1 1 ;


of Date of Name and Rank. Date Remarks. Enlistment Muster.

Martin, Richard E. |Nov. i6,'6i Nov. 29/61 Des. Sept. 9, '62. Maxham, Samuel W Roxbury, !oct. 20/61 Nov. 9, '61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Corp. ; killed in action May 6, '64. 2, "62. McClallen, Byron Westford, , Nov. '61 Nov. 9/61 Killed in action Sept. 17, McGettrick, Felix W. Fairfield, Jan. 1, '64 Jan. 5/64 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out June 24, '65. 1, Minet, Exes Mt. Tabor, Oct. 3 '61 Nov. 9,'6i:Prom. Corp. Mch. 14, '62; Red. ; Wd. May 30, '64; Must, out Nov. 9/64. Moody, Charles E. Vernon, Sept. 20/64 Sept. 20,'64j*Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Morris, George R. Nov. 5/61N0V. 29,'6i|Disch. Aug. 12, '62, for disab. Morey, Joel Stowe, Oct. 28/61 Nov. 9,'6l!Disch. June 19, '62, for disab. '61 Mosher, Henry E. Bethel, Oct. 1, Nov. 9/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63 ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 Prom. Prin. '65. Muscn. 4th Vt. May I, '65 ; Must, out July 13,

Munsel, John Sharon, Aug. 6/62'sept. 30/62 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out June 19. '65. [19. '°5- Newell, Luther B. Ripton, July 23, '62 Sept. 30/62 Wd. May — '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25. '65; Must. out June

Newton, John Q. Barnet, Dec. 14/63 Jan. 4/64 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Packard, Alanson E. Stockbridge. Dec. 30,'63ljan. 5,'°4 Died July 2S, '64, of wds. reed. June 1 1, '64. [18, '65.

Packard, Albert C. Barnard, Aug. 7/62 Sept. 30/62 Wd. May 11, '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb 25, '65 ; Must, out May Packard, Philander R. Barnard, July i6,'62 Sept. 30/62 Disch. Aug. 18, '63, for disab. Page, Charles A. Ryegate, Oct. 12, '6r Nov. 9/61 Disch. May 24, '62, for disab.

Parris, John J. Dan by, Oct. 31, '61 Nov. 9/61 Tr. to V. R. C. ; Must, out Nov. 9, '64. Patridge, Edward M. Randolph, Oct. 9, '6 1 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Dec. 20, '62. for disab.

Percy, George E. Coventry, Aug. 11/64' Aug. n/64 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. 1 Phillips, Henry H. Weston, !july 30, 64july 30/64 *Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out June 19, '65.

Pike, Preston P. Isle La Motte. Oct. 1 3/61; Nov. 9/61 Disch. Feb. 5, '62, bv order of Sec. of War. Pinney, Edson Plymouth, Aug. 9,'62|Sept. 30/62 Tr. toV. R. C. Jan. 15, '64; Disch. Mch. 16, '64. Powell, Elijah W. Hinesburgh, Oct. 9/61: Nov. 9/6ijDisch. Mav 16, '62, for disab. [8, '65. Powers, Alanson A. Newark, Sept. 20/64 Sept. 2o,'64J*Wd. Oct/27, '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, "65 ; Must, out June Proctor, Oscar Fairhaven, Oct. 8/61 Nov. 9/61 'Disch. Mch. 22, '62, for disab. Quimby, John C. Sharon, Aug. 2/62' Sept. 30/62 Tr. to V. R. C. June 1, '64: Disch. July 28 '65. Rand, Preston A. Royalton, Sept. 26/6 1; Nov. 9/61 Disch. Nov. 24, '62, for disab. Rice, Edward C. Somerset, Aug. i6,"62 Sept. 3o/62:Dis'ch. Dec. 10, '62, for disab. j Richardson, Burton C Jericho, Oct. 30.'6i:Nov. 9,'6i;Disch. Dec. 8, '62, for disab. 1. Robinson, Wallace E. Bridgewaler, Feb. 1 '64; Feb. 16/64 Killed in action May 6, "64.

Rock, Alphonzo N. Nov. 1 i/6rNov. 29/61 JMust. out Nov. 29/64. [25,. '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Rollins, Ledrue M. St. Albans, Aug 16/62'Sept. 30,'62iTaken pris. July 2. '63: Par. Sept. 21, '04; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. Rounds, Isaac E. Woodstock, Aug. 9/62|Sept. 3o/62|Wd. May 6, '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb 25, '65; Disch. May 15/65.

Sanborn, Asa Stowe, Oct. 1 i "63 "62 J. 30/6 Nov. 9/6i'Re-en. Dec. 31, ; Wd. Sept. 17, ; died June 21, '64. of wds reed Charles Sawyer, H. Sharon, Aug. 8/62 Sept. 3o/62,Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out June 13, '65. [June 4, '64 Sawyer, David 15. Bridgewater, Aug. 9/62 Sept. 3o/62|Disch. Nov. 7, '63, for disab. Sawyer. Edwin A. Bridgewater, Aug. 9/62 Sept. 3o.'62 Died Feb. 15, '63. of disease

Scott, William M. Cambridge, Oct. 5/6 1 9. '61 Disch. 22, '62, for disab. Nov. May [Feb. 25, '65 : Must, out June 19, "65. Severance, Luther Woodstock, Aug. 1 1/62. Sept. 3o/62,Taken pris. Dec. '64: 8, Exch. Mch. 25, '65 ; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt.,

Shepard, John F. Royalton, Oct. i4.'6i Nov. 9/6 1 Disch. Oct. 12, '62, for disab.. Shippey. Azro A. Clarendoi., Dec. 17/63 Jan. 4/64 Died Nov. 21, '64. of disease. Smith, Bowman B. Barton, Oct. io,'6i'Nov. '64. 9/61 Re-en.~ Mch. 28, '64; Des. Apr r6, Smith, Montillion Clarendon, Aug. it, '62 Sept. 15/62 Disch. Mch. 26, '63, for disab.

Smith, William D. Pittsford, Oct. i6,'6i ! pris. "63: Nov. 9/61 Taken Mch. 3. Par. — — ; died Oct. 1, '63, of disease. Spicer,' Addison V. Bridgewater, Feb. 1 1/64 Feb. 16,-64 Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65: Must, out July 13, '65.

Squire, Daniel W. Rutland, Oct. 28/61N0V. Re-en. Dec. 21, '63 : Prom. Corp. 9/61 Ian. 3, '63 ; do. Sergt. Jan. 7, '64; do 1st Sergt. Jan. 1, "65: Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must out July 13, '65. Squire. Willard Rutland. Oct. H. 28/61JN0V. 9/6 II Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Corp. Jan. 1, '65; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt.

Feb. 25, '65 : Prom. Sergt. June 17, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Stockwell, Arthur E. Stowe, Oct. 28/61; Nov. ,'6 Re-en. '63 '62, Dec. 21, ; Wd. Sept. 17, and May 6, '64; Tr. to Co. G. 4th Vt. Feb. '65 Prom. 25. ; Corp. May 1, '65 ; do. Sergt. June 20, Stockwell, Elbridge A Royalton, Sept. 26/61 Nov. 9/61 Wd. May 12, '64: Must, out Nov. '64. 9, ['65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Stowell, George D. Plymouth, Dec. 14/63 Jan. 2/64 Killed in action Nov. 1 1. "64. Swan, Henrv C. Rochester, Oct. 17/61 Nov. 9.'6 Disch. Nov. 20, '63, for disab. Tarbeli, Abner W. Danbv, Dec. 21/63 Jan. Tr. to Co. 4th Vt. Feb. '65 4/64 G. 25, : Must out June 3, '65. TMay 6 '64 Tarbell. James SI. Mt. Tabor, Oct. 16/61 Nov. Re-en. Dec. 21, Prom. 9/61 '63; Sergt. ; Disch. Dec. 31, '64, for wds. reed. Terrill, Delavan L. Underhill, Nov. 5/61 Nov. Tr. to V. R. '64: 9/61 C. Feb. 15, Disch. Nov. 9, '64. fig '65 Thompson, DeAlgeroy Woodstock, Aug. 18/62 Sept. 30/62 Wd. May 16. '64; Tr. to G. th Vt. Co. 4 Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June Thompson, Henry H. Mt. Tabor, Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9,'6. Disch. '62, j May 15, for disab. Thompson, Wm. A. Mt. Tabor, Oct. 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Mch. 15, '62, for disab. Tilson, William F. Bethel, Nov. 1/61 Nov. 9,'6i See 2d Lieutenant. Trask, E. Royalton, Oct. to/6i Joseph Nov. 9/61 Wd. May 6, '64 ; Must, out Nov. 9. '64. Turner, Charles W, Cambridge, Nov. 1/61 Nov. Prom. Regtl. Com.-Sergt. '62; 9/61 Feb. 16, Disch. July 1, '62, for disab. Walker, Alvin L. Woodstock, Aug. 7/62 Sept. 30/62 Died May 30, '64. of wds. reed. May 6, '64, Wallace, Franklin W Pomfret, Aug. 11/62 Sept. 30/62 Died Dec. 19, '62. Watkins, Francis R. Pomfret, Aug. 13/62 Sept. 30/62 Des. July 8, '63. Wells, Lyman C. ML Tabor, Oct. 16/6 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Feb. 9, '63, for disab. West, Henry E. Morristown, Oct. 28/61 Nov. 9/61 Disch. Mch. 22, '62, for disab. Wheeler, Horace S. Dorset, Aug. 13/62 Sept. 15/62 Des. Apr. 11, '63. Whitcomb, Silas F. Strafford, Nov. 23,'63 Jan. 4.'64 Died July 7, '64, of wds. reed. June 18, '64. Danb3\ Oct. White, Alonzo 16/61 Nov. 9/61 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 9, '63 : Disch. Nov. 8, '64.

*Enlisted for one year. COMPANY K — SECOND U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS. 6. 5

Name and Rank. Date of Muster.

White, Rufus M. Shrewsbury, ;Dec. 4,'63!Dec. 26,'63

White, Wallace W. F"airfield, Whitman, Shepard II. Whitney, Edward C. Willard, Eli A. Willey, George W. Wills, Orrin Wing, Lemuel B. York. Albert H. COMPANY H.



COMPANY H, the third and last company of In "camp and guarding supplies at Falmouth till this arm raised in Vermont was organized in May 25, then across the Rappahannock, and on the

December, 1861, at Brattl^boro, where it was mus- march toward Richmond, but turning back on the tered in on the 31st of the same month, with Gilbert 29th they marched to Catlett's, where they took cars Hart, Captain, Henry Herbert and Albert Buxton, and went via. Manassas Junction toward Front Royal, Lieutenants. It started the same day for Washing- in the movement to intercept Stonewall Jackson's ton, leaving behind sick with measles one-fifth of its retreat up the Shenandoah. one hundred men and officers, who followed in Feb- They were detained with some injury and loss to ruary, 1862. Quartered in the camp of instruction the regiment and company by colliding trains at near the city, as a part of the Second U. S. Sharp- Rectortown Station, and after other marches and shooters under the command of Col. H. A. V. Post, halts, on the 15th of June reoccupied their camp at it took lessons in the art of war and the duties of Falmouth. camp life till March 19, when the regiment crossed On duty at Spottsylvania Court House and vicinity the Potomac, and as a part of McDowell's corps, from the 5th of August to the 9th, they began on the began duty in the field. General Augur commanded 10th a forced march to Cedar Mountain, passed their brigade and King their division. It had been Ellis's Ford, -and on the evening of the nth reached settled at the camp of instruction, by negotiations, the scene of the late battle, and camping in that in which the men very actively participated, that vicinity till the 19th, moved back with the Army of their arm should be the recently invented breech- Virginia behind the Rappahannock. loading rifle of the Sharpe Manufacturing Co. Their From the 21st of August to the 3d of September leather leggings, hair knap- uniform of dark green, they were engaged in the series of battles, marches, sacks backed with bright tin kettles, and their rifles, and counter marches, incident to Pope's campaign, the regiments distinguished them among many then after his retreat from Cedar Mountain. In their three the difference in appear- leaving Washington, but days of battle and skirmish near Rappahannock Sta- after a few bivouacs. ance was less marked tion, Company H lost one man killed, and another in Remaining near Washington, south of the Poto- their skirmish of the 26th of August at Sulphur mac, till April 4, they then advanced toward the Springs. On the 28th, in the attack on King near Rappahannock, and after camping at Bristoe Station Groveton, their brigade (now Hatch's) taking an im- from the 6th to the 15th, and at Catlett's till the portant part in the contest, the company was under to Falmouth in fire, mostly 17th, made a forced march McDow- of artillery, and met with no loss. On ell's effort to surprise the small Confederate force the 28th the same brigade, by the rapidly changing but escaped through Fred- stationed there, which processes of war, was commanded by Colonel Sulli- ericksburg, burning the bridges. van, Hatch having succeeded King. Just at night- 616 COMPANY H. — SECOND U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS. 617

fall a battle began between this and Hood's divi- front, to encounter a more to be dreaded danger sion, which lasted till their loss nine o'clock. Company H on from the rifles of their antagonists ; yet the Warrenton Turnpike assisted in holding the in the three days' encounter was but two slightly enemy at bay till the night finally ended the battle wounded. ; loss, two wounded, one captured. On the following January 14, 1863, by command of General Burn- day they were again engaged, but without loss to this side the two regiments of sharpshooters were formed company. into a distinct arm of the service under the com- In the re-organization of the Army of the Potomac mand of Colonel Berdan. This order led to much their brigade, now commanded by Colonel Phelps, extra marching of the sharpshooters during the with its division, became apart of the First Corps rainy season and till after the famous " Mud March," under Hooker. They marched through Maryland to but finally on the 2d of February they went into win- the South Mountain range and were engaged Sep- ter quarters on a hillside, facing South, near Stone- tember 13 at Turner's Gap, carried the ground to man's Switch, where picket duty alone relieved the the summit, where, having routed the enemy and monotomy till the opening of the Chancellorsville captured his Mountain howitzers, they rested on campaign. They took an active part in the maneu- their arms and advanced at day-break, marching to vers and auspicious opening of the Chancellorsville Antietam. On the 16th they led the advance campaign, as well as in the battle. They were of of Hooker's division on Lee's left, had a slight skir- the force marching to the river below Fredericks- mish at the close of that day, and were in the thickest burg without actually crossing, and thence rapidly

of the fight in the cornfields at about sunrise the fol- up the river to the U. S. Ford, where they crossed

lowing morning. Loss, five men wounded, one mor- by pontoons on May 1. On this field their part in tally. There was heavy loss throughout the regiment the capture of the Twenty-third Georgia regiment, including its colonel wounded, and adjutant killed. their skirmish of the same day on Lewis Creek, and Their ranks thinned by previous hard marches, their their bare escape from capture on that disastrous loss at this battle was fully twenty-five per cent of evening are noteworthy events ; and of no less inter- those present for duty, but they received thirteen est, their proximity. to the scene of the wounding of recruits and some sick and wounded returned to the Confederate General Jackson. Their service on duty in October. On the 30th they re-crossed the the following day, though in an exposed position, Potomac, and nearing Fredericksburg, Colonel Post was not in the thickest of the fight, but their skir-

recovering from his wound, returned but to resign, mishing on May 3 was hot and bloody, some of the

and Capt. Homer R. Stoughton of Company E was casualties resulting sadly enough from the rash fire promoted to major and took command of the regi- of their friends. ment. Captain Hart and Lieutenant Herbert re- The two regiments received especial compliment signing, Lieutenant Buxton and Q. M.-Sergt. Will- after this battle from General Birney, commanding iam P. Shreve were promoted to captain and first the division. The company's loss in this battle was lieutenant of Company H respectively, and First three wounded.

Ser°t. William Newell to second lieutenant. June 24, Major Stoughton was promoted to the December 9 they marched on toward Fredericks- Lieut.-Colonelcy. burg amidst snow and ice, and crossed the river at They reached the field of Gettysburg on the even- the lower bridge on the 12th. For the next three ing of July 1. On the 2d as skirmishers on the days they were on the terrace above the river under extreme left of the army they held back the charg- the enemy's guns posted along the wooded ridge ing columns of the enemy while Round Top was in beyond, and subjected at intervals to their fire. On danger. On the 3d they double-quicked to the scene the 13th, as skirmishers, they captured a redoubt in of Pickett's charge, discharged a volley into the fly- the wood by the river with several prisoners and ing ranks of Wilcox's men, and sent forward a skir- horses. This skirmish on the river terrace, from mish line on the heels of the retiring enemy. On the which the fog was then lifting, the line deploying as 4th they skirmished in the field to the front of this it advanced toward the wood, while our batteries charge and lost heavily. Their loss was four wound- north of the river raked the ground in its front, ed and two captured. In line of battle but not under afforded one of the finest battle pictures of the war fire at Williamstown, before Lee's crossing of the and was not especially bloody. Skirmishing on this Potomac, in support of the First Sharpshooters at and the two succeeding days carried them beyond Wapping Heights, of the rear guard of the army the range of the great guns on the ridge in their during most of Mead's retreat from the Rapidan to


Manassas, and as such engaged in several skirmishes column. Finally at daylight on the 12th, at the cap- on the march, supporting the First Sharpshooters at ture of the angle, the company gathered in several Kelly's Ford, in a manner bloodless to them, though times its own numbers in prisoners. In this battle not to their enemies ; they were engaged on the fol- and their skirmish of the succeeding day, Company lowing day, November 7, at Brandy Station, and H lost 4 wounded. After several days more of alter- quickly swept away the opposing force of cavalry nate skirmish and rest at this field, they marched without loss to the company, the regiment having to the North Anna, there led the charge which cap- one man mortally wounded. In the Mine Run cam- tured the Telegraph road bridge, with the loss to paign, , at Locust Grove, they had four Company H of one killed and two wounded, and in men injured by a pine tree felled upon the company their next charge of Totopotomoy Creek, with their by a shell bursting in its trunk. regiment, captured a number of prisoners and the The union lines being re-formed on Mine Run, enemy's intrenched skirmish line.

Company H was engaged skirmishing on the days From June 2 to 13, during the operations and of Sunday and Monday, and picketed at night, a fact disastrous charge of the army at Cold Harbor, the influencing their " sleepy march " on the night of loss of Company H, though not in the charging col- the retreat. Their loss at the Run was two wounded. umn, was one man killed and three wounded. Among the regiment's wounded there, was Lorenzo After the crossing of the James and during the Barker, their fighting chaplain. attempts to carry Petersburg by direct assaidt their

December 21, the company, with its regiment, re- duty as skirmishers was almost incessant, and their enlisted as an organization, and on January 7, 1864, loss correspondingly heavy, aggregating from the 6th these veterans having received furloughs started for to the 1 8th three men killed, not less than five wound- home. February 23, returned to their camp near ed, and one captured. Further left on the 21st Culpeper with their bodies and their ranks both in the movement against the Weldon railroad, while recruited, the company again numbering 100 men leading Barlow's division, they captured a colonel in as when it first left Vermont. command of a brigade, with a lieutenant of his staff By re-organization of the Army, March 28, the and other prisoners of the force forming there in the Third Corps was absorbed by the Second under the thicket to lacerate our moving flank. Loss, Lieu- command of General Hancock, and the Second Sharp- tenant Newell wounded, one man killed. Colonel shooters became a part of the Third Division and Stoughton was here captured. Sergt. Walter W. First Brigade, Smith took command of the commanded respectively by General's company. _ Among the Birney and Ward, and the long campaign opened losses of the 22d inflicted by the Confederate flank- which began with the Wilderness battle and ended ers were two men captured from Company H. with Appomattox. Twice back across the James and Appomattox to skirmish On May 5 Company H, having crossed the Rapi- and capture a battery in the vicinity of dan the morning of the day previous, was brought Deep Bottom. On duty as skirmishers at the epi- under fire as flankers on the Brock road, just south sode of the Burnside Mine, picketing wherever their rifles may prove the most available of its intersection with the Orange Plank, and, rest- ; so the months of and ing there through the night on their arms, they July August pass, and September 10, under De Trobriand. now their advanced in solid ranks to the latter road, at the brigade commander, they share in the capture of the opening of the battle in the morning and the contest rifle pits on the Jerusa- lem Plank Road, in front of Forts Hell and is bloody, with varying success, till at the burning Sedg- wick. Their service for the next two months in the log breast-work in the evening, the enemy was re- rifle pits was irksome and dangerous, but resulted in pulsed. Loss of Company H : S killed, 16 wounded the loss of only two men, wounded. and 2 missing. Among the killed or mortally This service was varied by marches and battles to wounded, was Captain Buxton, their tried and faith- the left—October 1, on the ground where Fort Fisher ful commander. afterwards rose and became familiar to the Vermont May 7 they skirmished to the front of the same Brigade, and October 27, beyond Burgess' Hill in a field. May 8, leaving this bloody field in their rear, movement against the Southside railroad. inspired by the tactics of their new commander-in- William H. Churchill and Edgar A. Beach, re- chief not to wait for the verdict, they marched to cently commissioned as Captain and Lieutenant, were Todd's Tavern, [in the movement to Spottsylvania never mustered in as such by reason of wounds and H.] skirmished there and again C. crossed the Po capture at this battle, Churchill's wound being mor- Returning, they next join River. Warren's assaulting tal. Five others of the company were here wounded. COMPANY H — SECOND U. S. SHARPSHOOTERS. 619

They were of the rear guard in the night retreat Well received by their comrades in arms of the from this field. Fourth, they participated with them in sundry skirm- Thanksgiving day in the trenches with roast ishes, and the capture of intrenched picket lines in turkey from home. front of the Fort in the advance upon, and capture

Early in December they cross the Nottoway with of, the enemy's works, April j., in the preparation the Fifth Corps and assist in wrecking the Weldon near Amelia Court House, and battle at Sailors' Run, railroad. and the rapid march toward Appomattox Court During the winter, Sergeant Smith became Cap. House. tain of the company, and Sergeants Abbott and After Lee's surrender they marched to Danville Keeler, Lieutenants, Lieutenant Shreve being mus- and returned partly by cars, through Richmond and tered out by reason of expiration of term of service, Fredericksburg to Washington. In sight of the and the company is augmented by seventeen re- dome of the Capitol, the business of war being done, cruits, mostly from Company F, First U. S. Sharp- a spirit of discontent prevailed like that which had shooters, whose organization had ended. Finally as possessed them in the camp of instruction, before identified with the Second U. S. Sharpshooters they took the field, but it was not for long. In a they deliver their last skirmish on the morning of few weeks they were welcomed to the then newly February 5, 1865, at the Vaughn road crossing of incorporated city of Burlington, where they were Hatcher's Run, crossing the stream and capturing mustered out. the works in the face of the enemy's fire with the Expert marksmen and skirmishers, no disaster loss of one man wounded. ever befell a flank of our army with these men de- By an order of the War Department, disbanding ployed in its front. The companies of these regi- the regiment and sending its eight companies to ments, being from many different States, brought troops of their respective States, Company H re- together as one family, caused friendly relations to taining its letter, became a part of the Fourth Ver- spring up and continue among men otherwise widely mont Volunteers on February 25, on which day, separated by space. And the States so contributing, parting sadly with the regimental staff and the men composing the most of those then loyal, have thus of the other companies, they march to their new set at least one small rivet more in the links which quarters on the line by Fort Fisher. bind them with their sisters.


Rappahannock Station, Ya., August 21 to 24, 1862. Mine Run, Va., Nov. 2S to 30, 1863. Sulphur Springs, Va., August 2G, 1862. Wilderness, Va., May 5 to 8, 1804. Groveton, Va., August 28. 1862. Po River, Va., May 10, 1864. Second Bull Run, Va., August 29 and 30, 1SC2. Spotlsylvania, Va., May 10 to 12, 1864. South Mountain, Va., Sept. 14, 1862. North Anna, Va., May 23 and 24, 1804. Antietam, Mil., Sept. 16 and 17, 1862. Tolopotomoy, Va., May 31, 1S64. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12 to 16, 1862. Cold Harbor, Va , June 11, 1864 Chancellorsville, Va., Mag 2 to 4, 1S63. Petersburg, Va., June 16 to 23, 1864. Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 to 4, 1863. Deep Bottom, Va., July 27 and 28, 1864. Wapping Heights, Va., July 22, 1863. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 10, 1864. Auburn, Va., Oct. 13, 1863. Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1804. Kelly's Ford, Va., Nov. 6, 1S63. Weldon Railroad, Va., Dec. 7 to 10, 1864. Brandy Station, Va., Nov. 7, 18G3. Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 5 to 7, 1805. Orange Grove, Ya., Nov. 27, 1863. COMPANY H.


Company H, (Third Vermont Company,) mustered into the service of the United States December 31, 1861. Original members, not veterans, mustered out of service December 31, 1864. Regiment disbanded, and veterans and recruits transferred to Company H, 4th Vt. Vols., Feb. 25, 1865, but their record is completed in this organization.


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Commis'n. Issue.


Gilbert Hart, Dorset, Dec. 24/61 Dec. 31, '61 Disch. Nov. 3, '62, S. 0. W. D.

Albert Buxton, Londonderry, Dec. i,"62|Dec. 27/62 2d Lieut. ; Wd. July 3, '63: killed in action May 6, '64 William Newell, Dorset, May 1S/64 June 23/64 1st Sergt.; Prom. 2d Lieut. Dec. 1, "62; Disch. Oct. 17, '64, for vvds. reed. June 21, '64.

William H. Churchill, Londonderry, Oct. 11/64 Nov. 4/64 Sergt. ; Re-en. Feb. 9, '64: Prom. 1st Sergt. Dec. 1, '62; (not mustered

as Capt.); Wd. May — , '64: died Oct. 27, '64, of wds. reed. same day. [out July 13, '65. Smith, Sergt. "63: Walter W. Wilmington, Nov. 11/64 Dec. 6/64 ; Re-en. Dec. 21. Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25/65; Must.

1st Lieutenants. Henry Herbert, Middlebury, Dec. 24/61 Dec. 31/61 Resgd. Nov. 24, '62.

William P. Shreve, Salem, Mass., Dec. 1/62 Dec. 27/62 Regtl. Q. M.-Sergt. ; Must, out Dec. 31, '64.

' Curtis Abbott, Bethel, Jan. 22/6 Feb. 1/65 Priv. ; Re-en. Dec. 21, Corp. r, : '63: Prom. Jan. '63; do. Sergt.: do. 1st

Ser t. Nov. '64; , 6 1, Wd. May — '64 ; Tr. to Co.' H. 4th Vt., Feb 25, "65; Must, out July 13, "65.

2d Lieutenants. Albert Buxton, Londonderry, Dec. 24/61 Dec. 31/61 See Captain. William Newell, Dorset, Dec. 1/62 Dec. 27/62 See Captain.

Edgar A. Beach, Essex, Oct. 1 Nov. Priv.; Prom. 1/64 4/64 Corp. Mch. 12, '64; Wd. Nov. 27, '63, and May . '64; Wd. and taken pris. Oct. 27, '64; Par. Feb. 5, '65; Must, as 2d Lieut, to date Dec. 31, '64; Tr. to Co. A. 4th Vt., Feb. 18, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Willis F. Keeler, Pittsford, Jan. 22/65 Feb. Priv. Re-en. 1/65 ; Dec. 21, '63 ; Prom. Corp. Mcli. 12, '64; do. Sergt. Nov. 1. '64; Wd. May—, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must. out July 13, '65.

Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistment Muster. Remarks.

Sergeants. William Newell, Dorset, Not. i,'6i Dec 31/61 See Captain. Walter W. Smith, Wilmington, Oct. 17/61 Dec. 31/61 See Captain. William H. Churchill, Londonderry, Oct. 18/61 Dec 31/61 See Captain. Frederick E. Clark, Newbury, Dec 4/61 Dec 31/61 Disch. June 24, ''62, for disab. Chipman J. Tobey, Pawlet, Nor. 15/61 Dec 31/61 Red. Feb. 15, '62; Disch. May 25, '62, for disab. 620 1 ;


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Enlistment Muster.

Corporals. Albert H. Burgess, Grafton, Oct. 16, '61 Dec- 3' '61 Prom. Sergt. July n, '62; Disch. Feb. 13, '63, for disab. Ezekiel B. 1 Northrop, Fairfax, Dec. 13, "61 Dec:. 3i, 6l Disch. Feb. 28, '62, for disab. Alvah B. Fairfield, Brattleboro, Oct. 29, '6 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Dec. 20, '62, for disab. Albert L. Holland, Grafton, Oct. 16/61 Dec.:. 3t,*l Disch. Oct. 18, '62, for disab.

William A. Shattuck, Winhall, Oct. 24,'6i Dec. 3'.'6i Tr. to V. R. C. Nov. 20, '63 ; Disch. Oct. 24, '64. Henry E. Giddings, Reading, Oct. 30, '61 Dec. 3'. '61 Died June 14, '62, of disease. Warren Stevens, Londonderry, Oct. 23/61 Dec. 3 1, '61 Killed in action Aug. 22, '62. Preserved Potter, Pawlet, Nov. 15/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Sept. 26, '62, for disab.

Musicians. Charles H. Robinson, Londonderry, Oct. 24/61 Dec. 31, '61 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63; Disch. Oct. 24, '64.

Carmillus T. Warner, Landgrove, Oct. 21/61 Dec. 3r,'6i Re-en. Dec. 21, '63 ; killed in action June n, '64.

Wagoner. Joel P. Stevens, Londonderry, Nov. 4/61 Dec. 31, '6) Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Privates. Abbott, Curtis Bethel, Nov. 2/61 Dec 31, '61 See 1st Lieutenant. ['65. Abbott, Daniel Braintree, Feb. 16/64 Feb. 16, '64 Wd. May 6, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, Alexander, Caleb H. Brattleboro, Dec. 10/61 Dec. 31, '61 Tr. to V. R. C. May 24, '64: Disch. Jan. 5, '65. Allard, Wilman D. Woodstock, Aug. S/62 Sept. 30/62 Wd. and taken pris.'july 2, '63; Par. Sept. 23, '63: Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Allen, Rodolphus W. Wallingford, Feb. S, 62 Feb. 18/62 Died July 27, '62, of disease.

Austin, Heman Essex, Aug. 62 Sept. 30/62 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63 : Must, out July 10, '65. Averill, Philetus Readsboro, Oct. 29/61 Dec. 3i,'6i Disch. Oct. 27, '62, for disab. Ayers, John H. Grafton, Oct. 16/61 Dec. 31/61 Died Oct. 3, '62, of disease. ['65; Must, out July 13, '65. Bagley, Walter A Warren, Nov. 24/63 Dec. 18/63 Des. June 8, '64; Retd. Dec. 31, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb, 25,

Bandy, George Walden, Dec. 9/63 Dec. 23/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65.

Barnes, Daniel D. Whitingham, Dec. 31/61 Dec. 31/61 Wd. July 3, '63 ; Must, out Dec. 31, '64. Barry, George W. Brattleboro, Nov. 61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Feb. 27, '62, for disab. Barton, Joseph C. Warren, Dec. 1 1/63 Dec. 18/63 Died Aug. 26, '64, of wds. reed. May 31, '64. Beach, Edgar A. Essex, Aug. ,'62 Sept. 30/62 See 2d Lieutenant. ['65. " Bemis, Oliver D. Richmond, Dec. 1/63 Dec. 11/63 Wd. ° ct - 2 7. 64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 17, Benson, William H. Landgrove, Dec 21/61 Dec. 31/61 Prom. Corp. Feb. 17, '62; died Oct. 10, '62, of wds. reed. Sept. 17, '62.

Berry, Leonard C. Waitsfield, Dec. 14/63 Dec. 18/63 Tr- to Co. H. 4th Vt, Feb 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Bigelow, Samuel Rockingham, Dec. 1/63 Dec. 23/63 Died June 74, '64, of wds. reed. May 6, '64. Blake, Elias C. Morgan, Dec. 7/63 Dec. 17/63 Disch. Jan. 27, '65, for wds. reed. May 13, '64. Bliss, Waitstill Fairfax, Nov. 4/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Sept. 1, '62, for disab. Bond, Charles S. Cavendish, Oct 6/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Oct 12, '62, for disab. Britton, George F. Brattleboro, Nov. S/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Jan. 29, '63, for disab.

Brattleboro, - to Britton, George F. Dec. 9/63 Dec. 16/63 Tr Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out Aug. 26, '65. Brockway, John R. Brattleboro, Oct. 1S/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. May 5, '62, for disab. Brophy, Harvey A. Dorset, Dec. 7/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Nov. 28, '62, for disab.

Brown, George E. Reading, Dec. 19/63 Jan. 2/64 Wd. and taken pris. May 6, '64, and died at Florence, S. C, Dec. 1, '64. Brown, George T. Reading, Dec. 19/63 Jan. 2/64 Died June 5, '64, of disease. [July 13, '65. Bullock, David M. Readsboro, Dec. 13/61 Dec. 31/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt, Feb. 25. '64; Must, out Merritt Readsboro, *Tr. t° 4th Bullock, E. Aug. S/64 Aug. 18/64 Co. H. Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 26, '65. Burlingame, Zelotes Dummerston, Nov. 23/61 Dec. 31/61 Died Oct. 7, '62, of disease. Burnham. Morris Woodstock, July 21/62 Sept. 30/62 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63; Must out July 12, '65. C. Morgan, Dec. Dec. Tr. to 4th Burroughs, Eugene 0/63 17/63 Co. H. Vt, Feb. 25, '65 ; Prom. Corp. June 24, '65; Must. Burroughs, Leavitt F. Barton, Dec. 10/63 Dec. 17/63 Killed in action June 17, '64. [out July 13, '65. Butterfield, Abner L Dummerston, Dec. 5/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Dec. 17, '62, for disab. Calkins, Ezra G. Morgan, Dec. 9/63 Dec. i7/63|Wd. May 6, '64: Disch. Jan. 31, '65, for wds. Campbell, Henry L. Londonderry, Oct. 21/61 Dec. 31/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Sergt. Nov. 1, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt, Chase, Amos B. Bradford, Nov. 30/63 Nov. 3o/63 Killed in action June 18, '64. [Feb 25, '65; Must, '65. ; out July 13, George Essex, Aug. 21/62 Sept. 30/62 Prom. Corp. Nov. 1, '64; Tr to Chase, Co. H. 4th Vt, Feb. 25, '65 ; Must. out May 13, '65. Nov. Tr. to Vt., Clark, Carlos E. Barton, 23/63 Jan. 2/64 Co. H. 4th Feb. 25. '65 ; Must, out May 13, '65. B. Brandon, Nov. Dec. Re-en. Dec. '63; Prom. Clark, James G. 13/61 31/61 21, Corp. Mch. 12, '64; Red ; Tr. toCo. H. 4th Vt., Feb. '65 25, ; Prom. Sergt. Mch. 29, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Clark, Lewis T. Brandon, Dec. 16/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Mch. 22, '62, for disab. Rochester, Tr. to Comstock, Solomon C. Dec. 3/63[Dec. 9/63 Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Cooper, Charles H. Windham, Dec. 24,'63'Dec. 30/63 Died Jan. 16, '65, of disease. '62, Cressey, Everett J. Readsboro, Oct. 30/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Sept. 3, for disab. [N. f. .. Cressey, George W. Readsboro, Oct. 30/61 Dec. 31/61 Dropped from rolls Nov. 3, '63, by order of Lieut.-Col. Stoughton Cressey, Martin V. Readsboro, Oct. 30/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. May 8. '62, by order of Gen. McDowell. Currier, George A. Concord, Dec. 22/63 Dec. 24>'63 Killed in action May 6, '64. '64. Davis, Noyes J. Brattleboro, Dec. 2S/61 Dec. 31/61 Must, out Dec. 31, Demary, Edward W. Reading, Dec. 19/63 Jan. 2/64 Killed in action June 18, '64. Diamond, George W Grafton, Oct. 31/61 Dec. 31/61 Prom. Corp. Jan. 1, '63; Must, out Dec. 31, '64. Dix, Hosea Whitingham, Nov. 21/61 Dec. 31/61 Died Oct. 17, '62, of disease. P. Glover, Dec. Dec. Tr. to V. R. C.June 16, Tr. to Dow, Roswell 15/63 17/63 '64; back Co. Sept. 7, '64 ; Tr. Co. H.

4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65.

*Enlisted for one year ,


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Enlistment Muster.

Draggon, Samuel Weston, Sept. 21,'64'Sept. 21,'64'Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. [for disab. ' ' - tn - J 2 6 Disch. Dutton, Edwin P. Warren, Dec. 7/63 Dec. 18/63 Wd. Mav 6, '64; Tr - to Co H - 4 Vt Fe - 5> 5 i June 15/65, Eaton, Orville M. Warren, Dec. i,'63 Dec. i8",'C3 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Ellis, Joel Essex, Aug. 30,'62 Sept. 30,'62|Des. Dec. 15, '62. Elmer, Edmund S. Brattleboro, Nov. 9,'6i Dec. 31,'61'Must. out Dec. 31, '64. [June 24, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Emerson, Gary H. Danby, Dec. 4,'6i Dec. 3i,'6i|Re-en. Dec. 31/63; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Prom. Corp. Emerson, Orange G. Danbv, Dec. 4, '61 Dec. 3i,"6iiRe-en. Dec. 31, '63; Wd. Nov. 27, '63; Prom. Corp. Mch. 12, '64; do.

' Sergt. Nov. 1, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Prom 1st

Sergt. Mch. 29, "65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. I Everleth, Henry D. Dummerston, Nov 19. Dec. 31/61 Disch. Mch. 24, '63, for disab. [19, '65. 4II1 Fletcher, George Woodstock, Aug 1 1, Sept. 30/62, Wd. June 16, '64; Tr. to Co. H. Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June Forrest, Jonathan St. Johnsbury Dec. 5- Dec. 9/63 Wd. May 6, '64; Des. Sept. 13, '64. Forrest, Samuel St. Johnsbury, Dec. 9. Dec. 12/63'Wd. May 6, '64; died Aug. 30, '64, of disease.

Franklin, Solomon B. Hartford, Dec. 21, Dec. 21/63'Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; sick in Hosp. since Jan. '64; N. f. r. Frye, David M. Concord, Dec. 8. Dec. 24/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Fuller, Benjamin Buike, Dec. 9. Dec. 23/63'Tr. to V. R. C. Jan. 17, '65; Disch. July 27, '65. Gay, Stillman O. Reading, Dec. 19. Jan. 2,'64 ! Died Mch. 31, '64, of disease. Giddings, Benjamin F Cavendish, Oct. 26, Dec. 31/61 iDisch. June 25, '62, for disab. ['65.

Gilbraith, Ralph P. Burke, Dec. 5- Dec. 23/63VVd. May 6, "64 ; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, Gillen, James Sheffield, Aug. '9: Aug. 19/64 *Died Feb. 12. '65, of disease.

Goddard, Joseph E. Kirby, Dec. 14. Dec. 26/63 l" 1". to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. [Feb. 20/65. Goodenough, Ezra Arlington, Oct. Dec. 31/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Regtl. Com. -Sergt. July 10, '62; Must, out 7 Greelej , Amos Essex, Aug. Sept. 30,"62;Wd. and taken pris. May 6, '64, and died at Camp Laudum, Ga., while

I a prisoner. Greeley, Cyrus A. Londonderry, Nov. Dec. 29/63 Wd. May 23, '64; Tr. to V. R. C. Nov. 22, '64; Disch. Feb. 24, '65. Griswold, Collins R. Londonderry, Nov. Dec. 29/63 Wd. May 6, "64; Tr. to Co. H.4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Prom. Corp. June

I 24, '65 : Must, out July 13, '65.

Hannett, John, Jr. Kirby, Nov. Dec. 19/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. '65. Harrington, Elisha Dorset, Nov. Dec. 31/61 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 30, '63 ; Must, out Jan. 11,

Healey, Albert S. Bridgewater, Aug. Sept. 30/62 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb- 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Houghton, Byron R. Bethel, Feb. Feb. 1S/62 Tr. to V. R. C. Sept. 1, '63; Disch. Apr. 24, '64. Houghton, Henry H. Westminster, Nov. Dec. 31/61 Re-en Dec. 21, "63; Bugler; Wd. July 3, '63; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt.

i Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Howard, Alfred P. Arlington, Oct. 61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Mch. 20, '63, for disab. [killed in action June 22, '64. Howard, Charles H. Grafton Oct. '6iDec. 31/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Corp. July 11, '62; do. Sergt. Mch. 12, '64; Hubbard, Leonard L. Woodstock, Aug. 62 Sept. 30/62 Wd. Nov. 27, '63, and Oct. 27, '64; Prom. Corp. Nov. 1, '64; Tr. to

! Co. H. 4th Feb. 25. '65 ; Disch. June 19. "65, for disab. Hunt, Mitchell St. Johnsbury ! Dec. 63iJan. 9/64 Wd. May 6, "64: Des. Sept. 9, '64. Hyde. Charles B. Pawlet, Oct. '6ilDec. 31/61 Disch. Mch. 22, '62. for disab. Jenkins, Edgar L. Kirby, jDec. 63! Dec. 26/63 Died Jan. 29, "64, of disease. Johnson, Edwin S. Wardsboro, Nov. 6ijDec. 31/61 Disch. Mch. 22, '62. for disab. Jones, George M. Waitsfield. [Nov. 63Dec. 1S/63 Killed in action May 6. '64. Jones, Holland Waitsfield, Nov. '63'Dec. 1S/63 Tr. to V. R. C. Aug. 21, "64; Disch. Sept. 30, '64.

Joslyn, Eugene E. Waitsfield. I Nov. 63'Dec. 1S/63 Wd. May 6, ^64; Prom. Corp. Nov. 1, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. '65 Prom. '65 '65. 25, ; Sergt. June 24, ; Must, out I July 13, Keeler, Willis F. Pittsford, jDec. 61 Dec 31/61 See 2d Lieutenant. Kellogg, James P. Castleton, Dec. 63 Dec. 19/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Kendall, George S. St. Johnsbury. 'Nov. 6ijDec. 3i/6iTr. to V. R. C. Apr. 8, "64; Disch. Jan. 3, '65. Kendall, Merrill S. Essex. !Dec '6i|Dec. 31/61. Disch. Dec 13. '62, for disab. King, William V. Fairfax, ! Dec. '6iiDec. 31/61 Died Mav 28. '62. of disease. Lyman, Frank Chelsea. Sept. ^65 '64JSept. 12/64 "Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, ; Must, out June 19, '65. Mansfield. Myron Fayston, I^c '63JDec. 18/63 Taken pris. June 22, '64, and died at Rikersville, S. C, Oct. 27, '64, Mason, Almon Brattleboro, i\ov. '61 Dec. 31/61 iDied June 25, '62, of disease. [while a pris. May, George A. Readsboro, Nov. Dec. 3i/6i|Des. Sept. 6, '62. Maynard, James L. Waitsfield, Nov. Dec. 1S/63, Killed in action May 6, '64. McGrath, John Pawlet. Oct. Dec. 31/61 jDisch. Mch. 24. '63. for disab. ['65, for wds. reed. Sept. 30, '64. Miller, Allen P. Cavendish, Dec. Dec. 3i/6i|Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Tr. to Co. H-4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Disch. Aug. I) Miller, George S. Cavendish, Oct. Dec. 31/61, Re-en. Dec.21, "63; Prom. Corp. Jan. 1, '63; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb.

25, '65 ; Prom. Sergt. Mch. 29, '65; Must, out July 13, '65. Pawlet, I Monroe, Atherton Dec- Dec. 3i,"6i:Disch. Oct. 5. "62, for disab. [Must, out Julv 13, '65.

Morris, Henry Lyndon, Sept. Sept . 17/64 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Des. Apr. 26, '65 ; Retd. June 4, '65 ; Morse, Hiram L. Concord, Aug. Sept. 8/64 Oct. '64; *Wd 27, Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June Mullett, Charles L. Newfane, Oct. Dec. 1. '<>' 3 Disch. Mch. 22, '62, for disab. [19. '65- Newell, Lucius D. Brattleboro, Dec Dec. 31/61 Disch. Oct. 12, '62, for disab. Ober, Henry Brattleboro, Nov. Dec. 31/61 Disch. Apr. 2, '64, for disab. [disab. Ober, Joseph R. Brattleboro, Nov. Dec 3i,'6i Prom. Sergt Dec. 1, '62; Wd. July 3, '63; Disch. Mch. 12, '64, for O'Neil, Thomas Lyndon, Nov. Dec. 23/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Osborn, Edson P. Chelsea, Sept. Sept 13/64 *Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Chelsea, Osborn, Webster B. Sept. Sept. 12/64 *Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Parker, Moses A. Concord, Aug. Sept 8/64 *Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out June 19, '65. Parker, William Morgan, Dec Dec. 17/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65 ; Must, out July 13, '65. Parris, Jared L. Danby, Nov. Dec. 31/61 Re-en. Jan. 23, "64; Wd. Nov. 27, '63, and May 6, '64; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt. Feb. 25, '65; Prom. Corp. June 24, '65; Must-out July 13/65. Patterson, Haynes Landgrove, Oct. 21/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Feb. 14, '63, for disab.

^Enlisted for one year. 1


Date of Date of Name and Rank. Residence. Remarks. Enlistment Muster.

Peabody, Ariel lirattleboro, Nov. 7/61 Dec. 31/61 Prom. Sergt.', Wd. Nov. 27, '63: taken pris. June 22, '64; released Dec. 16, '64; Must, out Jan. 25, '65.

Petrie, William Hartland, 1 2, - 1 ' 1 '65 Must, out '65. H. Sept '64 Sept 12/64 *Tr. to Co. H 4 Vt., Feb. 25, ; June 19, Phelps, George 15. Brattleboro, Oct. 30/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. May 8, '62. [reed. May 6, '64. Pike, Lewis Whitingham, Oct. 28/61 Dec. 31/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Corp. Mch. 12, '64; died May 8, '64, of wds. Prentiss, Thomas T. Waitsfield, Nov. 28/63 Dec. 18/63 Disch. Sept. 8, '64, for disab. Prindle, Gilbert H. Poultney, Nov. 14/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Oct. 23, '62, for disab. Putnam, William E. Brattleboro, Dec. 10/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. Mch. 3. '62, for disab. Ramsay, Francis J. Rockingham, Dec. 31/61 Dec. 31/61 Died Jan. 30, '62, of disease. Randall, Joseph X. Glover, Dec. 5/63 Jan. 2/64 Disch. Oct. 3, '64, for disab. Rawson, Harrison L. Jamaica, Dec. 3'6i Dec. 31/61 Disch. Nov. 26, '62, for disab. Rawson, Kimball P. Jamaica, Dec. 3/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. June 14, '62, for disab. Rawson, Riley G. Jamaica, Dec. 3/61 Dec. 31/61 Died May 26, '62, of disease. Richardson, Geo. A. Jamaica. Dec. 7/6' Dec. 31/61 Disch. Dec. 4, '62, for wds. reed. Sept. ty, '62. [out July 13, '65.

Richardson, JohnN. Waitsfield, Nov. 28/63 Dec. 18/63 Prom. Corp. Nov I. '64: Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Must. ' '65. Waitsfield, l0 -. C. Feb. 22, '65 ; Must, out July 20, Richardson, Loren S. Nov. 28/63 Dec. 18/63 Wd. J une ". 64; Tr - v - R Robbins, George W. Newfane, Oct. 26/61 Dec. 31/61 Disch. July 2, '62, for disab. '65. Sanborn, Frank A. Rutland, Dec. 10/63 Dec. 22/63 Tr. to v - R - C. ; Disch. Jan. 7, : Sault, Edward T. Bethel, Feb. 13/62 Feb. 18/62 Disch. Oct. 15, 62, for disab. Sault, Lewis Bethel, Feb. 13/62 Feb. i8/62|Must. out Feb. 20, '65. J

Scribner, Grove S. i Poultney, Nov. 6/6 Dec. 31/61 Re-en. Dec. 21, '63; Prom. Sergt. Jan. 1, '63; do. Regtl. Q. M.-Sergt. Nov. 16, '64; Wd. May 6. '64; Must, out Feb. 20, '65. Shedd, Abel B. Danville, Dec. 3/63 Dec. 19/63 Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out May 13, '65. Sheehan, Daniel Danville, Sept. 20/64 Sept. 2o/64i*Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65; Must, out June 19, '65. Sheldon, Myron T. iBurke, Dec. 7/63 Dec. 9/63|Killed in action May 6, '64. 9-' '65 to ; Must, out Simpson. Jonathan T. Orange, Nov. 63 Dec. i9,'63lTr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, ; Tr. V. R. C. Smith, Charles E. Sudbury, Feb. 13/62 Feb. i8,'62lDied Sept. 17, '62, of disease. [July 21, '65. '62 '62, Smith, Henry A. Dorset, Dec. 7/6i Dec. 31/61 Prom. Corp. Feb. 28, ; Disch. Nov. 5, for disab. [for wds. " Smith, William H. Windham, Dec. 24/63 Dec. Wd. May 6, '64 ; Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, '65 ; Disch. June 13, '65, '65 '65. Snow, Charles Ludlow, Sept. 9/64 Sept. Tr. to Co. H. 4th Vt., Feb. 25, ; Must, out July 13, Sprague, Henry Huntington, Dec. 3/63 Dec. Stevens, Edwin X. Readsboro, Nov. 13/61 Dec. Stewart, Harvey C. Wallingford, Dec. 10/61 Dec. Stewart, William E. Wallingford, Jan. 18/62 Feb, Straw, Charles A. J. St. Johnsbury. Nov. 3°-'63 Dec. Strong, Sylvester E. Ludlow, Oct. 2S/61 Dec. Strow, William H. Weathersfield Dec. 12/61 Dec. Swift, George H. Pittsford. Dec. 7/63 Dec. Taylor, Joseph K. Danville. Dec. 3/63 Dec. Tichout, Hannibal jEssex, Aug. 22/62 Sept. Tower, George Riley Westminster, Oct. 22/61 Dec.

Town, William Sherburne, Tyler, Charles T. Warren, George M. Whipple. Alexander S. White, Charles L. White, Eben White, William F. Williams. Jacob Williams, Samuel J. Willis, Daniel H. Witt, Lucian A. Worden, Herbert M. Wyman, Loring York, George W. Young, Edgar W. FINAL STATEMENT.

The final statement of Company H, Second U. S. Sharpshooters is as follows :

Original total, . . . 100 members—Officers, 3 ; Enlisted men, 97 ; Gain—Recruits—Enlisted men, . . ... 91 Aggregate, ...... 191


Killed in action —Officers, 1; Enlisted men, n; total, . . .12

1 total, . . Died of wounds—Officers, ; Enlisted men, 5 ; 6

Died of disease—Enlisted men, . . . . 19

Died in Confederate prisons, . . . 3

Total of deaths, ...... 40

Officers, ; total, . Honorably discharged— 3 Enlisted men, 56 ; 59 Deserted—Enlisted men, ... 6 Transferred to V. R. C. and other organizations, . 16

Finally unaccounted for . . 1

Losses other than by death, . 82

Mustered out Officers, Enlisted men, ; total, — 5 ; 64 .... 69 Aggregate, ...... 191

Total wounded, . . 44

Total taken prisoner, . . . 7