"Living Sustainably; Creating Ecosociology"
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WORKtNG DRAFT OF "Living Sustainably; Creating EcoSociology" by William F. Tarman-Ramcheck, Ph.D. _Principle Author And ~- Richard Coon, Ph.D. Technical Contributor Carroll College Waukesha, Wisconsin Spring, 2002 PREFACE for Archived and Electronically Preserved Documents By William F. Tarman-Ramcheck, December 12, 2012 (a.k.a. William F. Brugger from approximately 1962-1990, and William F. Ramcheck from 1952-1962) I, Bill Tarman-Ramcheck, do hereby make the following original authored documents and supporting research available to the "Sociology Of Sustainability" (SOS) program at Carroll University, and for others who may wish to learn more about them especially regarding the origins and framework for "Ecosociology." These are through my roles now as Adjunct faculty at Carroll University, "Sustainability Program Consultant" for Carroll, and former graduate of Carroll (in 1974 as Bill Brugger at Carroll College). The following archived and electronically preserved items are integral to the framework for the SOS program as a new Emphasis in the Sociology Major and Minor, and are all separate documents. They were the first known at the time to propose "Ecosociology" as a new "multi-discipline" combining Sociology with Ecology that subsumed many other disciplines as described in detail in the first document below. I proposed that "Ecosociology" framework in 1982 to potentially resolve the "Dunlap-Butte/ debates," which are still being referred to today as ongoing. For more on that see especially Jean-Guy Vaillancourt's "From environmental sociology to global ecosociology: the Dunlap-Butte/ debates" in The International Hand book of En vironmental Socio logy, Second Edition (Redclift and Woodgate, 2010). More recently see "Towards an Ecosociology" by Paul Stevens (in the journal Sociology, downloaded at Carroll University from Soc.sagepub.com on November 29, 2012). My works below were never published, due in part to not finding a company willing to publish my dissertation back then. They were even less enthusiastic about the work PRIOR to my accepted dissertation which still had the "Ecosociology" proposal in it before being carved out of the final version by my dissertation committee as "peer review." The further pursuit of publication was not engaged in because of my applied career in recycling and public works management. There was a brief period in the mid-1990s to early 2000s when as an Adjunct I worked with Associate Professor Dr. Richard Coon at Carroll to see if we might update those works. We were again unsuccessful in finding a publisher as we were not persistent enough. Finally, the court document for my name change to "Tarman-Ramcheck" is included in this Preface. That was done as a family decision in 1990 to take that name before my natural father, William Xavier Ramcheck, died of cancer that year. However, the court documents for my name change to "Brugger" are not included because I do not have the records for when my original parents got divorced, and when I subsequently took that name for the blended family being adopted by Richard Brugger when I was a pre-teen. My work as a Carroll undergrad, and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee grad, led to these documents; while my work now as Carroll faculty and program developer still utilizes them. • Toward an Ecosociology of Ecocommunities manuscript ("pre-dissertation" 1982) as William Brugger (William Tarman-Ramcheck with name change document and note) o This is significant for "ECOSOCIOLOGY" prior to dissertation (and "Eco-Sociology"). • Ecocommunities: A Typological Analysis of Human Habitats in Transition, (Ph.D. Dissertation, UWM, 1982) as William Brugger (William Tarman-Ramcheck with name change document and note) o This LACKS the "ECOSOCIOLOGY" framework, and has less policy, but is the dissertation. • Living Sustainably; Creating EcoSociology manuscript prospectus ("post-dissertation" 2002) by William Tarman Ramcheck with Richard Coon) o These co-authors attempted to reach publishers through Midwest Sociological Society meetings. o A larger (but incomplete) version of this is in the "Sociology Of Sustainability" housed at 124 Wright Street, and/or CU library archives. • An EcoSociology Field Guide to EcoSocial Planning manuscript (class project 2012) by William Tarman-Ramcheck and SOC 202 students) o This is an expansion of "EcoSociology" policy aspects into resources for "ESP" planning. o This and all items "archived" will be linked to an SOS website due to ties to SOS program and courses. • Toward an Ecosociology of Ecocommunities and Ecocommunities: A Typological Analysis of Human Habitats in Transition, original research ("pre-dissertation" and "dissertation" 1982) as William Brugger (William Tarman Ramcheck with name change document and note) o Includes all letters, surveys, responses, and supporting articles/books for the dissertation and work leading to the dissertation. o These will also be available in Carroll library archives. Carroll College March 26, 2002 Dear Publisher's Representative: Thank you for your interest in publishing contemporary sociological textbooks. We hope you will take the time to consider the enclosed prospectus and sample chapters for an innovative text we are preparing for publication. Tentatively entitled Living Sustainably; Creating EcoSociology, it delves deeply into current global issues while posing options for local solutions. It individualizes those solutions by offering "consumption" and "conserver" lifestyle choices, with resources and activities designed to have students critically evaluate social and personal futures. Those are encompassed in three core and twelve topical chapters that can serve as a supplementary text for introductory sociological, ecological, and environmentally related college courses. Yet given it's cutting edge framework of "EcoSociology," it can also stand alone in certain upper level courses. The book is still in a very preliminary draft. We would welcome the opportunity to craft it in a style that fits well into your company's orientation and mix of offerings. Please examine its possibilities, as portions of it have already been well received in early tests in courses at Carroll College. We look forward to the chance to discuss this further with you at your earliest convenience, and hope that we can build a highly successful project together. We firmly believe it is needed now more than ever. William F. Tarman-Ramcheck, Ph.D. 414-471-8422 x217 bramcheck@ci. wauwatosa. wi. us ·. ~~ Richard H. Coon, Ph.D 262-524-7166 [email protected] 100 North East Avenue Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 262-547-1211 Prospectus for Living Sustainably; Creating EcoSociology by Dr. William F. Tarman-Ramcheck and Dr. Richard H. Coon Carroll College, Waukesha, WI March 17, 2002 I. PROJECT A. Brief Description The first introductory text to supplement sociology, social problems and a wide variety of ecology and environmental studies courses from an "EcoSociologya perspective. Develops an "EcoSocial modela with a "REAL a (Real EcoSocial Alternatives for Living) approach for: • combining the "lensesa of Ecology and Sociology, • understanding/appreciating other realities, • analyzing/critiquing global problems, • portraying eco-creative options to solve those problems, • interacting eco-effectively with others, • strategizing for sustainable lifestyles and communities, • preparing for working, spending, and saving "ecosocially," • doing other "consumer/conserver" living (re: home, car, school, parenting, etc.) • while enjoying/optimizing free time for actualizing oneself & others, • and studying various life cycles in "EcoSocial" environments. Accomplishes this REAListic analysis and application through an organizing principle .of "CONSERVING US." This perspective envelopes the main content sections that follow three initial chapters which introduce the "EcoSociology" multi-discipline, as follows. 1. Creating EcoSociology: How We See Our Wor1ds 2. EcoSocial Modeling: How We Creatively Analyze THE Problem-US . 3. Getting REAL: How We Begin KEY Problem-Solving by CONSERVING US. 4. C ommunicating: How We Express, Inform, & Persuade Ourselves. 5. 0 thering: How We Do Things For, With, & To Others. 6. N urturing: How we Raise, Educate, & Explain Ourselves. 7. S heltering: How & Where We Shape Our Buildings/Neighborhoods. 8. E ating: How We Feed & Shape Our SELVES/Communities. 9. Reinvesting: How We Produce & Utilize REAL Goods/Services. 10. Valuing: How We Glorify, Justify, & Control Our Destinies. 11. I magining: How We Care For & Adorn Our Bodies/Dwellings. 12. N avigating: How We Travel Around & Map Our Ways. 13. Greening: How We Empower Our Political/Economic/Social Networks. 14. U nitving: How & Where We Relax, Entertain, Celebrate, & Vacate. 15. S ustaining: How We Preserve & Enjoy Our Future. B. Outstanding Features Combines, expands on, and supplements components of a variety of other works from many media, thus offering a complimentary or even stand-alone "EcoSociology" text. Samples include the following. • From AB Longman: Henslin's Essentials of Sociology, Robbins' Global Problems, Frey's The Environment and Society, Soroka's Social Problems, Bates Ecology, Culture and Politics; from Prentice -Haii- Tepperman's Think Twice! , Charon's The Meaning of Sociology; • From Coursellnks---Gallagher's Introductory Sociology, Caskey's stand; from Pine Forge Bell's Environmental Sociology, McMichael's Development and Social Change; from Berrett Koehler-DeGraaf et.al. 's Affluenza; from Island Press: Benfield et.al.'s