The Intolerant Society CALENDAR by Michael McKinnon, President of Pro-Life Cornwall Pro-Vie Sunday, March 17th Has our Society become so self- Now this may have seemed like a 4:30 pm to 7 pm absorbed that people follow only their victory, but in reality, the discrimina- Pro-Life Spaghetti Supper own wills, their own whims and are tion towards respect for human life at Agora Catholic Centre enslaved by their own exclusive emo- both ends of the spectrum, from con- tions? Has Society become intolerant ception to natural death, continues to ***** of those who do not adhere to the be the dominant agenda both socially Monday, March 25th popular agenda which promotes that a and politically. 1:30 pm & 7:15 pm person must be comfortable above Gosnell: The Trial of all? Does our Government draft and The new attestation policy discrimi- administer policies that reflect only nates directly against pro-life organi- America’s Biggest Serial Killer what the most vocal public might zations engaged in peaceful, legal The Port Theatre want at the time for their pleasure? If advocacy for pro-life positions. No ***** so, what is the broader Society’s view other prospective employer seeking with respect to ? public grant monies is so specifically Thursday, May 9th targeted. No other group that assem- March for Life Recall last year, when the Trudeau bles for organized, peaceful demon- Parliament Hill administration promoted an strations to express and share their “attestation policy” which forced indi- beliefs are so consistently opposed, viduals and organizations who applied shut down and hamstrung by endless An editorial in the Catholic Register for employment grants to attest that rules and police interventions. (December 13, 2018) noted that “Peaceful they supported abortion? This policy lobbying to change the law is every citizen’s clearly discriminated against anyone This discriminatory policy came legal and constitutional right. That includes who believes in life. about because of the mindset of those pro-life activists. If access to public money is who believe that how a person feels available to one of them, it should be availa- In December 2018, the federal gov- is of paramount personal and public ble to all.” All too often, the public believe ernment amended this attestation poli- interest. The government is catering that those who promote pro-life values are cy by removing the language requir- to emotion rather than reason and exclusively conservative Catholics. The issue ing individuals and groups to attest principles of law. is more broadly supported than that by that they directly support abortion. SOCIETY continued on page 4 Test Your Abortion IQ

1. In 1969 the Canadian gov- 5. The estimated number of woman never sees a doctor ernment legalized abortion preborn children’s lives ter- until he appears to abort her through which month of minated by abortion in Cana- baby is: pregnancy? da since 1969 is: A) 10% A) 3 rd month A) 1.5 million B) 15% B) 6 th month B) 250,000 C) 48% C) 9 th month C) 3 million 9. With the advances in medi- 2. In 1969 it was not known 6. There are (?) babies abort- cal research the variety of when life begins ed for every hundred babies surgical procedures which are A) True born in : now performed on babies in B) False A) 13 the womb are: B) 23 A) 50 3. The average number of C) 26 B) 80 performed each day D) 43 C) over 100 in Canada is: A) 27 7. A developing baby’s heart 10. A conservative estimate B) 155 starts to beat at: of the number of couples or C) 300 A) 21 days individuals in Canada waiting Visit the Resources B) 42 days to adopt a child is: section at 4. At what stage of develop- C) 10 weeks A) 5,000 allianceforlife.org ment can a baby’s sex be B) 17,000 to download the above determined? 8. Abortion is promoted as a C) 23,000 postcard that you can A) 4 days decision between a woman B) 6 weeks and her doctor. But the per- See page 4 for the answers. send to PM Trudeau. C) 3 months centage of abortions per- No postage needed! formed in clinics where the

Why We March in 2019 #1 Fifty years of legalized abortion in Canada This 22nd National March for Life, we march in commemora- tion of 50 years of legalized abortion in Canada. We march in memory of the 4 million + children killed before birth by abor- tion since 1969, the year former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau passed an omnibus bill decriminalizing abortion.

#2 - To show that the pro-life vote matters The National March for Life this year precedes a crucial federal election in which the stakes are at an all-time high. This year, we march in our nation’s capital to urge our parliamentarians to put an end to this 50-year-long assault on human life. We will march and we will proclaim: “We vote pro-life!” Upcoming Events GOSNELL Dates yet to be determined The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer

Unplanned is based on Gosnell is the shocking true story of the investigation and trial of the book of the same Dr. - his 30 year killing spree and the political and name written by Abby media establishment that tried to cover it up. Originally investigat- Johnson. ed for illegal prescription drug sales, a raid by DEA, FBI & local law enforcement revealed crimes they could not have expected As one of the youngest within the clinic. clinic directors in the Based on the NY Times Bestseller, by journalists Ann McElhin- nation, Abby Johnson ney and Phelim McAleer — Gosnell: The Untold Story of Ameri- was involved in up- ca’s Most Prolific Serial Killer. (gosnellmovie.com) wards of 22,000 abor- tions and counseled “The film may be preaching to the people who already believe countless women on that abortion is the taking of the most innocent of human lives, their reproductive perhaps it will inform and change some hearts.” (St. Anthony choices. Messanger)

Her passion surrounding a woman's right to choose led her to be- “...the production in no way suggests a horror movie or even a come a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact leg- thriller. Instead, it has the general shape and feel of an episode of islation for the cause she so deeply believed in. Until the day she Blue Bloods or Law & Order.” (Steven Greydanus of Decent saw something that changed everything. Films)

Although this movie opens on March 29th, it is not yet available in Canada. When it becomes available we will make arrangements to screen it. (unplannedfilm.com)

“Are laws allowing euthanasia and assisted suicide leading society down a dangerous path?”

A thought-provoking journey through Europe and to ask one of the most fundamental philosophical questions of our time: should we be giv- ing doctors the right in law to end the life of others by euthanasia or assisted suicide? Filmmaker Kevin Dunn uses powerful testimonies and expert opinion from both sides of the issue to uncover how these highly disputed laws affect society over time.

We are making arrangements to bring Alex Schandenberg, execu- tive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, to present Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death. Alex appeared in the movie and was instrumental in its creation. (fatalflawsfilm.com)

We are in the process of revamping the format of our AGM as well as when

we will host it. Pro-Life Cornwall Pro-Vie, in conjunction with the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall will screen the movie GOSNELL at The Port Theatre (132 Montreal Rd, Stay tuned! Cornwall) on Monday, March 25th at 1:30 pm and 7:15 pm. FREE will offering. Website in the Spotlight - Babies Who Volunteer Babies Who Volunteer are a network of babies and their caregivers, “it was truly wonderful to have the little ones here and the resi- enriching the lives of seniors one baby at a time. They believe that dents loved it! There was a wonderful energy during the visit and in every community, there are seniors who can benefit from the it warmed my heart.” simple joy that babies bring. Promenade Retirement Residence

They believe that the resources needed to bring love, happiness and “The residents were really happy and excited at the sight of the quality of life to our seniors can be found in our communities, our young ones. Honestly, it is one of the most emotionally trigger- families and in our children. We believe that uniting seniors with ing activities that I have ever seen in long term care.” babies is a powerful and practical way to enhance their quality of Salvation Army Grace Manor life. Baby Days are unique interactions but woven together, create a movement that is changing the lives of seniors one baby at a time. Baby Days help our seniors feel valued and cared for. For more information go to babieswhovolunteer.com


Take Action Today! SOCIETY continued from page 1 informed and committed groups across We were all appalled when Andrew Cuomo, governor of our neighbours to the south, not Society. The March for Life held re- only passed the Reproductive Health Act, a law that allows for abortion up to the ninth cently in Washington, DC was not just month, but jubilantly celebrated this new law by cheering and lighting up buildings in pink. a Catholic event. Large and vocal rep- resentations of mainstream Protes- But before we start to point fingers, are you aware that Canada has NO law on abortion. tants, Evangelical Protestants, Jews, What this means is that abortion on demand is available during all nine months of pregnan- Mormons, Muslims and other in- cy in all 10 Canadian provinces and all 3 territories! formed groups were in attendance. All Most politicians, including many Pro-Life politicians are loathe to jump into this debate. of these attendees had come to the The next federal election is scheduled for sometime this fall. We need to start telling our understanding that destroying life in politicians that we care about life, from conception to natural death, and we expect them to the womb is not just, does not serve do the same. Society and does not convey the car- ing values that we all aspire too. The Take 10 minutes and write to your MP, our prime minister as well as the leaders of the op- issue went beyond faith – clearly there position. Let them know that pre-born children must be protected and that our law on assist- were large numbers at the March who ed suicide should not be expanded. You do not have to be an award winning author, you just argued for protecting life because of have to be clear, firm and polite. their adherence to logic and reason. If it is reasoned that killing humans is There are many websites that you can visit to learn more about the issues of abortion, eutha- wrong, then killing children in the nasia and doctor assisted suicide, and to better understand the facts. You will get lots of ide- womb is wrong. That children in the as for your letter. In addition, many of these sites provide sample letters or postcards that womb are human beings has been you can use to convey your message. Go to allianceforlife.org, campaignforlifecoaltion.com shown incontrovertibly by science. and to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition’s website at epcc.ca What else could they be?

Let us stand together and speak out in ANSWERS TO ABORTION I.Q. QUIZ opposition to the policies of our Gov- 1C, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5A, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9C, 10C ernment that do not attest to life at all Sources: Questions ages and stages! Discrimination on the 3, 5, 6, 8: Statistics Canada basis of faith or belief is totally unac- 4, 7: Flanagan, F.L. “The First Nine Months of Life” (1962) ceptable. It is totalitarian to deny equality, respect and free speech to 10: National Adoption Study, University of Guelph organizations who oppose killing chil- 9: Dr. Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist dren and actively terminating life!