The Virginia Giant fÉv|xàç Éy à{x WxávxÇwtÇàá Éy cxàxÜ YÜtÇv|ávÉ Volume 2 September 2014 Issue 10 “WALKING IN PETER’S FOOTSTEPS” accommodations, there are five bedrooms, including ANNUAL MEETING the Thomas Jefferson and Williamsburg Rooms. For reservations, contact Nancy Maxey at 434-221-8942 & SPECIAL EVENT or
[email protected]. For more information, visit Society members will begin gathering at 11:30 am on Sunday, October 19, 2014, at Maysville Manor Bed & Breakfast in Buckingham, Virginia. After lunch and our annual business meeting, members will join guests for a ceremony in which Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Maxey, Jr., owners of Maysville Manor, will dedicate the library in honor of Peter Francisco. Plan now to attend this historic event! Maysville Manor ( circa 1815 ) is a beautifully decorated H-shaped federal structure, adjoining a 200-acre farm on the Slate River. For overnight The pleasure of your company is requested at the fÉv|xàç Éy à{x WxávxÇwtÇàá Éy cxàxÜ YÜtÇv|ávÉ Luncheon and Annual Meeting Sunday, October 19, 2014 ~ Gathering begins at 11:30 am ~ Maysville Manor Bed & Breakfast 23 Courthouse Road Buckingham, Virginia 23921 Special Event ~ 2:30 pm Dedication of the Library in Maysville Manor in Honor or Peter Francisco Luncheon : $20 per person; $10 per child 12 years of age or younger R.S.V.P. Email
[email protected] ~ call Anne Wilson at 512.636.8197 ~ or complete and return the form in this newsletter Parking : Buckingham Courthouse and Housewright House Museum lots HIGHLIGHTS OF PETER FRANCISCO DAY Society members gathered Sunday, March 16, in the Capitol Building in Richmond, Virginia, in celebration of Peter Francisco Day.