Portland Daily Press: August 13, 1875

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Portland Daily Press: August 13, 1875 ESTABLISHED JUNE 33, 1862. YOL. 13. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1875. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. TIIE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS the sanction of REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. entertainments. obtained the Naval Commis- question can be bad by comparing the ut* Published every day (Sundays excepted) the _WANTS. THE PEESS. by sion by the means of returns filled up mainly terances of two representative Demo- Wanted. Booksellers and PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO, Stationers. in the handwriting of Delaney, or some one cratic papers, one in New York and the oth- COOPERS to mako syrup barrels; HOYT, A roots No.91 middle Ntreel. Excursions. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 13, 1875 of his upon blanks furnished by the er in Indiana. The Press of at '09 Exchange St., Portland. TWENTYsteady work. JAYNES & CO., 350 Main St., T. P. mcHOWAiV,234 CougreiM 91. Moonlight clerks, Troy speaking REAL ESTATE Cambridgeport, Mass. augl2d3w* Adjutant General’s office, and signed by the the financial plank in the text National Terms: Might Dollars a Tear in advance. To Book Binders. CHANDLER S BAND FOR GOVERNOR, selectmen the towns to xohich the sales Democratic miil subscribers Seven Dollars a Year If in ad- Wanted a Active or Silent of platform, says: -‘Inflation will paid Partner, Witt. A. Stooi.i 4*. inset5* * ance RCIWCV, 81, were made, in which returns the men so sold be thoroughly squelched in the National Con- PARTY of good standing, allowing a first class Ext-lmu^f, No. Ill Excliiinx« St. FOR SALE requires some more This GEN. SELDEN CONNOR. were to be resident or liable vention. No one fears that it will THE MAINE A Manufacturing business, MHI iltft A SSIAC1KFORR, Ne. .‘*5 IMum Friday Evening certified persons really not. STATE PRESS capital to work on a large scale, wfil bear a thorough Street. Chandler’s make an on to enrollment in towns who were in the What tlie demand will be business safe, and sales made only to Band will excursion Steamer such people done. The investigation, Gazelle to For Senators. responsible sold aB fast as manufactured, service of the It Ohioians as to mil IS brick with tho lot of parties; United States navy.” ap- might well begin look forward dwelling house, largo and to if not surpassing any business and Bhilderg* Cuiulierlacd—Humphrey Cousens, of Gorham. cor- profits equal 1’arp^nters to taking back seats and to JL land connected therewith, situated at the in and responsible JONES’ LANDING. Philander Tolmau, of Harrison. pears elsewhere in the report that such a being required go Hates of Advertising: One inch ot of and streets, sunl Maine; only principals parties WlIS't'NEV A' MKAWM, Frarl Street, *#- on space, tho ner Free South now numbered 27 with. Address care Mat- David W. of New Gloucester. probation till they have proved themselves length of constitutes a treated “Manufacturer,” Fsirk. leaving Custom House Wharf at 8 o’clock. Merrill, certificate was the an column, “souare.” South street. Maine. positr Balcony James of prerequisite of assign- renewed in $1.50 tocks & Fox, Portland, aug2deodif Concert at Union House. A of Fireworks on Bailey, Portland. the genuine faith.” At about per square daily first week ;'75 cents per week Also the three-storied brick store. No. 183 Fore display Oxford ment of arrival and of boat. .John P. Swascy, of Canton. the names to the towns claiming tbe same time this was writen the of after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing street, now occupied by Joseph Coolidge. departure editor other Furniture—W holesale and itetail. Samuel D. Wadsworth, of Hiram, every day after first week, 50 cents. Also the lot of land on the northwest side of Fore fARE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. them. We think Mr. Moore will conclude the Evansville Courier was writing on the Halt thiee or WAMEK €OKEV A 410., Arcade, No. flulO For Clerk of Courts. square, insertions, less, 75 cents; one street, being the lot between land owned by tho Bakers Wanted. d3t same as toliows: “To our 50 cents IS Free Street. after reflection that he did attach his question week, $1 00; per week after. heirs of Isaac lllsey and brick store owned and occu- Cuniberland... .Daniel W. Fessenden, of Portland. long Special mind this is of more Notices, one third additional. Jerome 13. Fickett. UEOBUE A. WHBTJVEV, No. 50 Ex- Oxford.James S. of Paris. name to such a question importance pied by WANTED AT Wright, certificate for the good of his Under head of and “Auction Also lot ot rear St. of ail kinds Excursions. than tbe of or the reten- “Amusements,” the large land in the of tho last rfanufte EpbalHUtriujt Moonlight For Commissioner. preservation parties Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inseitions mentioned lot, and also iii: rear ot the brick stores done to order. fellow citizens of Anson. At any rate, the tion of the services of unruly leaders. Tbe r less $1.50. C. COBB C& Cumberland... .John L of Brunswick. Nos. 187, 185 and 183 Fore street. W. CO., Swift, Democratic of the nation Advertisements in STEAMER HOUGHTON Oxford.Joseph L. of Andover. subject of paper credits isn’t one for the party will experi- inserted the “Maine State Also the wooden store with the lot on passage way ChIsT Chapman, has a 98 and 30 Pearl Street, Pattern and Model Maker. ence no in bold and able Press’’(whieli large circulation in every part leading from Central wharf to Moulton street, being For Treasurer. Anson reformer to enlarge upon. difficulty fiuding of the State) for $1.00 for first the and now J. I. 250 Fore Cor. ol Will on a leaders who are iu with the masses per square insertion, store lot occupied by Bryant & Burns, THREE €IOO» BAKERS, KAKBOUR, Street, go Cumberland... .Oliver D. Dike, of sympathy and 50 cents per square for each nsertion. tij'ow, Fortinud. Sebago. subsequent Pump and Block Makers. aug3 dtf Oxford.Christopher C. of The of the Convention on the money question. Bat tbe in- Address all communications to Cushman, Hebron. result Republican people Also stores and lot on the southeast sido of Fore tend to settle this at the and PUBLISHING Co. A. MOONLIGHT EXCURSION For Judge of Probate. iu the sadness to question polls, street, occupied by Huntington and by J. H. Wanted. Thin Fourth District, will bring __PORTLAND Bond & Co. Photographers. Evening, also Friday and Hnturday Oxford.Augustus H. Walker, of Lovel. they do not intend to cease in tbeir efforts the heart of He and his Also the three-story brick dwelling house, occupied a middle aged Lady, a situation as .House- A. a. BAVSS A CO., Wo. HO middle Street. Eyenings Cumberland... .Henry C. Peabody, of Portland. Corporai Emery. until tbe greenback policy has triumphed. by the subscriber. No. 77 State street, with laud and BY keeper in a small lamilv. Call at of had to secure the nomina- The Presidential candidate on the BUSINESS CARDS. J. 11.1.AmNON, 15» middle Mi.,nr.Vrau. This the boat will to Register Probate. paper labored hard Democrat- stable, &c. The lot is say 80 feet on State fetieet, aug3dtf 4201 CUMBERLAND STREET. evening, go Long Island,where there will be a dance. Cumberland. ...William K. of Portland. ic ticket will be nominated the West and and extends back say 150 feet. Neal, tion of Mr. Powers, had announced that that by Also four house lots on Anderson and two Plumbers. music BIT BAND. South. That Western or Southern man who street, Partner Wanted. COLE’S aspirant had carried towns which he had not CHARLES H. house lots on Oxford street. A A,IIIt9 An earnest desire to fancies be can conciliate tbe views KIMBALL, YOUNG lUIU.EIi, No. 01 Federal rttreel justify your generous confi- conflicting All the above will be sold on favorable terms. man who can command a cash capital ®rfday the party will stop at Tre- all means had aided the cause of the of in Evening, dence, and a strong regard for the honor and wel- jud by possible Eastern and South-Western people up- Two-tliirds of purchase money can remain on mort- A $3,000. One of the best business chances letlien h Landing, where there will be a dance, with Portland. Old established A fare of our me of the Aroostook claimant. he must on the must be beside him- ARCHITECT, gage at 7 per cent interest per annum. paying well. smart, Roofers. music by Cole’s Band. State, inspire with the firm resolve to Now money question man more than Address tho subscriber Post-office If OX energetic young wanted money. J. N. JieCOT A Siren. no and to consider no other see self.” through CO., SlSt Hpritig spare effort consequences in the nomination of Gen. Plaisted the __ ISO 1-3 983 for information. Must have good references os to character. Satis- DilDDLT STREET, Saturday Night, sail in the Bay, accompanied in the endeavor to the duties that factory references in return.. For further par- faithfully discharge usual FRED’R. FOX. given by Uole’ii Full Band, afterwards landing at Republican triumph and look with ticulars address Real Estate Agents. will be incumbent on me choice shall Music and the Drama. (Boyd Block,) dti Jones’, \f your prove Art, augl2 C. & S. Manufacturer, Portland. Mo. grief upon the high hopes he had entertained JOSIK C. PROCTER, No. 03 Exchange Saturday afternoon, steamer Charles Houghton to be the choice of the people also. I pledge you and Arthur Sullivan has written an English PORTLAND, JTIAIIN'JE.

—— Preview end. ——

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