“The Epic of Gilgamesh: a Study in Archetypal Psychology”
Minor Research Project Entitled: “The Epic of Gilgamesh: A Study in Archetypal Psychology” Completed under the financial assistance of & submitted to: University Grants commission Western Regional Office, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007 Under the scheme of: MRP (Humanities) File No. 23-2029/10 (WRO) Sanction letter no. 23-2028/10 (WRO), Dated 05.10.10 Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. Mahesh Madhukar Nivargi Associate Professor, Department of English, Mahatma Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Ahmedpur Dist- Latur. 1 | P a g e ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful University Grants Commission and Western Zone Office of UGC for providing financial assistance to undertake this Minor Research Project. I would like to thank management members of VicharVikas Mandal and Principal, Dr. G.D. Bagde for allowing me to undertake this research work. I am always indebted and fall short of words to express my gratitude to my father, Late Mr Madhukar Nivargi, mother, Usha, my wife, Ashwini, Brother in law, Bhushan and my daughter Aditi for their love and continual support in all my endeavors. I am also thankful to all the members of department of English: Mr. Jogdand, Mr Biradar, Mr Dode, Mr Penurkar, Mr Mangrule, Ms Sayyed, Ms Dudhate, Ms Biradar, Mr Rajmalle, and all the staff members of Mahatma Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Ahmedpur for supporting me in my academic endeavors. A work of this kind requires various kinds of co- operation and inspiration on all accounts. I have found myself morally indebted to all those who are directly or indirectly concerned with this Research project and thank them all from the core of heart. Dr.
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