Department of Social Sciences Faculty of Humanities People, Fire, Forest and Water in Wungong: The Landscape Ecology of a West Australian Water Catchment David Jefford Ward This thesis is presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Curtin University of Technology June 2010 People, Fire, Forest and Water in Wungong Catchment – David Ward 2010 Declaration To the best of my knowledge and belief this thesis contains no material previously published by any other person except where due acknowledgment has been made. This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university. Signature:…………………………………………. 1st. June 2010 Postal address: 2a, Dreyer Road, Roleystone, Western Australia 6111 Telephone: (08) 9397 5684 Email address:
[email protected] i People, Fire, Forest and Water in Wungong Catchment – David Ward 2010 Contents Pages i Declaration ii Contents iii Dedication iv Acknowledgements v Abstract 1 Chapter 1: Mudpies, Hypotheses, and Structure. 14 Chapter 2: Dodging Disciplines. 41 Chapter 3: About Wungong Catchment. 63 Chapter 4: The Other Side of the Hill. 87 Chapter 5: Bushfire, Flogging, Measles, and Foresters. 122 Chapter 6: Better to Believe the Balga. 145 Chapter 7: Does God Play Dice? 164 Chapter 8: Violins and Bidi Burning. 173 Chapter 9: Fire, Forest, and Water. 185 Chapter 10: All the World’s a Stage. 197 Chapter 11: Summing Up and Verdict. 208 Appendices 239 References ii People, Fire, Forest and Water in Wungong Catchment – David Ward 2010 Dedication I dedicate this work to my beloved wife, Yvonne, for her patience, over many years, with my bushfire obsession.