May/June 2008 The Agricultural Volume 80 EDUCATION Issue 6 M A G A Z I N E

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Problem Appreciative solving Inquiry EDITORIAL Attacking Sacred Cows or Thoughtful Refl ection? By Billye Foster

Problem solving is the process of is a recent addition to the format of you remember what Agricultural moving toward a goal when the path the meeting due to the generous- Education was like in 1985? What to that goal is uncertain (Michael ity of Dr. & Mrs. Kirby Barrick. did programs and teachers focus on Martinez). John Dewey developed a Each year a seminar on or about as their primary goals? What were series of steps that are referred to as Agricultural Education is presented their weaknesses? For that matter, the problem-solving sequence. by a well respected member of the do you know the principal fi ndings profession. This year’s presentation of this study? The three year process Appreciative Inquiry is about the was by Dr. Robert Warmbrod and ended with the publication of Un- co-evolutionary search for the best his memories and refl ections on the derstanding Agriculture in 1988. in people, their organizations, and infamous “Green Book”. the relevant world around them. Perhaps it is time for us all to refl ect (David Cooperrider and Diana If you are a newcomer to this on the path Agricultural Education Whitney). Appreciative Inquiry profession, or perhaps someone has taken over the past twenty years. has been referred to as the art and just skimming this magazine, you The fi rst principal fi nding of the practice of asking questions that should know that in 1985 a study study is noted below. As you read strengthen a system’s capacity to on agricultural education in the this issue, I challenge you to refl ect apprehend, anticipate, and height- secondary schools was initiated on how much Agricultural Educa- en positive potential. due to concerns about the declining tion has or has not changed.... profi tability of American agriculture ne of the best things about and the declining enrollments in • Agricultural education in Agricultural Education is agricultural education programs. U. S. high schools usually does Othe consistency of our phi- The Commmittee on Agricultural not extend beyond the offer- losophy and the concepts that evolve Education in Secondary Schools ing of a vocational agriculture from the tenets found within said was established by the National program. philosophy. One of the most dan- Research Council at the request of gerous things about Agricultural the U. S. Secretaries of Agriculture Only a small percentage of students Education is the consistency of our and Education. This committee was enroll in these programs. Conse- philosophy and the concepts that charged with assessing the contribu- quently, most high school students evolve from the tenets found within tions of instruction in agriculture to have limited or no access to vocational said philosophy. As much as we the maintenance and improvement agriculture or agricultural literacy believe we have the premiere edu- of U. S. agricultural productivity programs. Minority students in urban cational system at hand, it is wise to and economic competitiveness (Un- schools have the least access to these sometimes take a step back and look derstanding Agriculture, pg. v.). programs (Understanding Agricul- at a bigger picture. Perhaps there ture, pg. 2). are other ways of doing that are just Much more detail could be provided, as effective--possibly even better but the most memorable outcome of in certain situations. Such were the this venture was the publication of a small green book, Understanding thoughts rolling around in my head Billye Foster is a Agriculture--New Directions for when I chose this theme. Professor at Education, affectionately known as The University of Ever notice how things sometimes “The Green Book”. Arizona and is Editor of seem to fall together? Recently I The Agricultural was in Reno, Nevada at the Ameri- Just as this issue serves to compare Education Magazine. can Association of Agricultural and contrast the value of problem Educator’s annual research meeting solving and appreciative inquiry, Dr. and conference. The fi rst night there Warmbrod’s refl ections provided a I attended the Barrick Seminar. This format for our own refl ections. Can

2 The Agricultural Education Magazine CONTENTS Theme:

Subscriptions Problem Solving OR Subscription price for The Agricultural Education Magazine is $15.00 per year. Foreign subscriptions are $25.00 (U.S. currency) per year for surface mail, and $40 (U.S. currency) Appreciative Inquiry-- foreign airmail (except Canada). Orders must be for one year or longer. We can accept up to a three year subscription. Refunds are not available. Please allow 4 - 6 weeks delivery Which is Best? of fi rst magazine. Claims for missing issues cannot be honored after three months from date of publication, six Editorial: months for foreign subscriptions. Single copies and back Attacking Sacred Cows or Thoughtful Refl ection? ...... 2 issues less than 10 years old are available at $5 each ($10.00 By Billye Foster, Editor foreign mail). All back issues are available on microfi lm from UMI University Microfi lms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. UMI University Microfi lms telephone Theme Editor Comments: number is (313) 761-4700. In submitting a subscription, PBL vs AI, which is better..., you ask? ...... 4 designate new or renewal and provide mailing address By Bobby Torres including ZIP code. Send all subscriptions and requests for hard copy back issues to the Business Manager: Jay Jackman, National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) 300 Theme Articles: Garrigus Building, 325 Cooper Drive, The University of PBL: Less Content; More Process...... 6 Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0215, Phone: (859) By Scott Burris 257-2224, FAX: (859) 323-3919. E-mail: [email protected]

Problem Based What? A case study on the Learning Article Submission Outcomes of PBL...... 8 Articles and photographs should be submitted to the editor By James Anderson or theme editors. Items to be considered for publication should be submitted at least 90 days prior to the date of the issue intended for the article or photograph. All submissions Do You Have AI in Your Toolbox?...... 11 will be acknowledged by the Editor. No items are returned By Rebecca Lawver & Misty Lambert unless accompanied by a written request. Articles should be typed double-spaced, and include information about the author(s). One hard copy and one electronic copy of the Teaching with the 4 D’s of Appreciative Inquiry...... 13 article should be submitted. A recent, hardcopy photograph By David Frazier should accompany the article unless one is on fi le with the editor. Articles in the magazine may be reproduced without permission but should be acknowledged. General Interest Articles: Editor Sustainability of SAE via Horticulture in Urban Dr. Billye Foster, Professor, Department of Agricultural Agricultural Education Programs...... 15 Education, The University of Arizona, PO Box 210036- By Dan Lassanske & Wendy Warner -Forbes 228, 1140 East South Campus Drive, Tucson, Arizona, Phone (520) 621-1523, FAX: (520) 621-9889.

Inclusion Corner (Guest Writer)...... 16 E-mail: [email protected] By Jewel Moore Publication Information The Agricultural Education Magazine (ISSN 07324677) is Turning a Teacher’s Aide Into an Agricultural the bi-monthly professional journal of agricultural education. Education Teacher...... 19 The journal is published by the Agricultural Education By Kim O’Byrne & Tom Dormody Magazine, Inc. and is printed at M&D Printing, 515 University Avenue, Henry, IL 61537.

Congratulations! You Got the Job--Now What?...... 22 Periodicals postage paid at Ames, IA 50010 and By T. D. Fanning additional offi ces.

Quizzical Refl ections...... 25 POSTMASTERS: Send address changes for The Agricultural Education Magazine to the attention of By Billye Foster Jay Jackman, National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) 300 Garrigus Building, 325 Cooper Drive, The Informational Items: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0215, Phone: (859) 257-2224, FAX: (859) 323-3919. July/August 2008 Theme Editor Contacts...... 5 Principal Findings from Understanding Agriculture...... 24

May/June 2008 3 THEME EDITOR COMMENTS PPBLBL vvs.s. AAI:I: WWhichhich isis better…,better…, yyouou aask?sk?

by Bobby Torres

if used correctly, yield wonderful Design and Destiny. Each stage learning results, including, yes, Invest a few moments in has a unique and specifi c learning thinking. A not so exhaustive list thinking. It will pay good objective. However, what makes includes Socratic dialogue, case appreciative inquiry unique is not interest. studies, brainstorming, discussion the four D’s, rather, it is what is ~Author Unknown groups, cooperative learning, Think- at the core of this approach--the Pair-Share, etc. value teachers place on students. AI have always been an advocate focuses on the positives in student for teaching students how to This issue highlights two teaching successes and building learning on I think. After all what could be approaches--problem-based learning their accomplishments. Essentially, more important in the growth and and appreciative learning. One is this approach searches for the best development of a student? Whether well known (the former) within in students. we teach kindergarten or college the teaching ranks of agricultural students, arguably, thinking is the education; the other (the latter) not Problem-based learning and single most important process skill. so well known. The problem-based appreciative inquiry have several Many of us recognize this and make learning (PBL) approach (not to be functional similarities. Both every effort to engage students in confused with the problem-solving approaches begin with a discovery/ meaningful dialogue and activities approach) continues to demonstrate problem situation and lead to that yield such results. There are its value in the secondary agriculture behavioral, cognitive and emotional several well known (and other little classroom. Anderson and Burris engagement among students. How known) instructional methods, discuss the relative value and each approach accomplishes these approaches and/or strategies that, benefi ts of problem-based learning. outcomes is different. Which is PBL focuses on better? Read on to learn more… a curriculum topic that develops both problem-solving strategies and interdisciplinary knowledge bases and skill. Students are placed in roles of active investigation seeking probable solutions to ill- structured problems that mirror real-world situations.

Frazier, Lawver and ROBERT M. TORRES is a Which to use to Lambert introduce us professor and director of (and me) to appreciative graduate studies in agricultural build my house??? inquiry. Appreciative inquiry is structured education at the University of around four D’s… Missouri, Columbia. Email: Discover, Dream, [email protected]

4 The Agricultural Education Magazine PBL vs. AI: Which is better…, you ask? July/August 2008

Theme Editor: Susie Whittington Associate Professor Dept. of Human and Community Resource Development The Ohio State University 208 Ag. Admin. Bldg. 2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, Ohio 43210

Leadership opportunities for underrepresented populations-- What are YOU doing?”

Diversity is about empowering people and promoting the human spirit. It makes an organization/group effective by capitalizing on all the strengths of each participant or member. Simply enforcing government regulations will not get you to be the best. To obtain the fullest competitive edge you need to create great teams by using the full potential of every individual. Teams are much more than a group. A group is a collection of individuals where each person is working towards his or her own personal goal or agenda, whereas a team is a collection of individuals working towards a common goal or vision. This creates a synergy effect within the team -- one plus one equals much more than one.

ng nti ou OOOPS!OPS! C s & ar Ye The January/February issue (Volume 80, Issue 4) has ty an error! On page 8, the ending of Frank Flanders’ en article entitled, “Cultivating a Program for Sustain- TTwentyw Years & Counting able Agricultural Education,” cut off part of the last paragraph. The ending should read...

The best hope for ensuring sustainability of Agricul- tural Education lies in Agricultural Educators’ ability to come together as a team to successfully address the challenges and opportunities facing the profession. The profession must work together for Agricultural Education to continue to be a powerful and effective force for guiding students to a successful future.

Pardon our error.

May/June 2008 5 THEME ARTICLE PPBL:BL: LLessess Content,Content, MoreMore PProcessrocess By Scott Burris

hances are, you probably had It worked well for me. In fact, in our classes meaningful for a college professor in your I carried many of those same students. To be successful, it is C“teaching methods” course lessons to my actual agricultural imperative that we learn to use who used the toolbox analogy. mechanics laboratory. Lessons our tools in more creative ways. Remember, each teaching method like “every tool has a specific is a “tool”. We often need to “drive use,” “always take pride in your PProblem-Basedroblem-Based LLearningearning in” a point using our lecture hammer. craftsmanship,” “take good care Sometimes, we need to assess of your tools,” “and be creative Problem-based learning is a teaching the scope of a subject area using in what you build, but always use tool that is very much consistent our discussion tape measure. A your tools as they were intended.” with the idea that students create or good teacher develops skill in construct their own understanding. using all of the tools. They are Back to the analogy, I often found Savory and Duffy (2001) identifi ed all kept safely in the “toolbox,” myself using my “teaching tools” eight principles that support ready to be called to action in the the same way. Each tool had a this approach. The following perfect situation. Sound familiar? specifi c function and could only principles can help educators be used exactly design experiences to help students as intended. The construct their own understanding. current educational 1. Anchor all learning activities climate has to a larger task or problem. presented several 2. Support the learner in challenges to developing ownership for agricultural the overall problem or task. education. Today, 3. Design an authentic task. we are faced 4. Design the task and learning with helping our environment to refl ect students to become to complexity of the independent environment they should thinkers and be able to function in at the problem solvers, end of learning. we are looking 5. Give the learner ownership of for opportunities the process used to develop to integrate a solution. core subjects 6. Design the learning into agricultural environment to support content and and challenge the learner’s contribute to school thinking. accountability 7. Encourage testing ideas and standardized against alternative vies and testing, and we alternative contexts. struggle to make 8. Provide opportunity for and the concepts support refl ection on both the content learned and learning process.

6 The Agricultural Education Magazine in a compartmentalized fashion. problem. According to Lohman As teachers, trying to accomplish Solutions developed by students (2002), ill-structured problems all of those things at once can in a problem-based format have have the following characteristics: PBL: Less Content, More Process be challenging and time multiple outcomes. Rarely do consuming. That’s where PBL problems encountered in real life 1. The exact nature of the comes in. Supporters of PBL have only one narrowly defined problem is unclear and claim that it promotes student- solution. Students learn skills that some information, but centered and lifelong learning, is overlap in competency areas often not enough to solve the more nurturing and enjoyable than integrating writing and math into problem, is provided. traditional methods of instruction, developing their solutions. Finally, 2. More than one way to and improves student motivation PBL emphasizes metacognitive or solve the problem exists. and teamwork. PBL can also be 3. The problem does not effective in improving problem- have a single right solving and critical thinking abilities. PBL (Problem Based answer. Learning) was de- In addition to critical thinking, PBL begins with a problem situation, PBL also emphasizes student signed to help students the basis for learning, in which the understanding and learning how meet the following students encounter before any to learn. PBL was designed to goals: preparation or study has occurred. help students meet the following Students encounter the problem goals: 1) construct an extensive and 1) construct an ex- in the same manner they would fl exible knowledge base; 2) develop tensive and fl exible in the real world. Students often effective problem-solving skills; knowledge base; work in groups to fi nd a solution 3) develop self-directed, lifelong 2) develop effective to the problem. Needed areas of learning skills; 4) become effective learning are identified and used collaborators; and 5) become problem-solving skills; as a guide to individualize study. intrinsically motivated to learn. 3) develop self-direct- Knowledge and skills that are ed, lifelong learning learned in the process are applied to Over the past decade, several skills; the problem. Finally, learning that models have attempted to capture has occurred is integrated into the the process of PBL. Some of these 4) become effective student’s existing knowledge base. models are elaborate and others collaborators; and simple, but they have several key 5) become intrinsically LLessess Content,Content, MoreMore components in common. In PBL, students learn by solving problems motivated to learn. PProcessrocess and refl ecting on their experiences. PBL situates learning in real- The role of the teacher takes on world problems, making students higher-order skills. Students develop a much different form in PBL responsible for their learning and problem-solving and critical thinking as compared to more traditional promoting active learning. The skills as they work toward the instructional strategies. Most process places emphasis on both solution of the real world problem. often the teacher will assume helping learners develop strategies the role of a facilitator, guide, and constructing knowledge. PBL is set apart from other strategies or coach. Teaching using the by the type of problem focused PBL technique is less about the content and more about the process. UUniquelyniquely AttractiveAttractive on in instruction. The traditional problem-solving methods have With the right help, feedback and been characterized by the existence support, students will uncover the Several characteristics of PBL appropriate content on their own. make it uniquely attractive. PBL is of a clearly defined problem. often interdisciplinary. Knowledge Problem-based learning, in contrast to traditional problem-solving Savory, J.R., & Duffy, T.M. (2001). and skills needed to solve real Problem based-learning: An approaches, is characterized by the world problems are not acquired instructional model and its inclusion of a messy, ill-structured constructivist framework Continued on page 10 May/June 2008 7 THEME ARTICLE PProblem-Basedroblem-Based WWhat?hat? A CCasease SStudytudy oonn tthehe LLearningearning OOutcomesutcomes ofof PPBLBL by James Anderson WWhyhy Variability?Variability? who would teach the students, had Why is variability so important in past experience with facilitating he spring semester of the instruction? Well according to the PBL. Therefore, the group gave student teaching internship Principles of Learning and Teaching us an opportunity to study a large has come to a close and we (Newcomb, McCracken, Warmbrod, group of diverse students being T instructed by one instructor in welcome a new class of professionals & Wittington, 2004), students must into the folds of teaching agriculture. be motivated to learn. Instructors their natural learning environment. As I refl ect on the lessons I have must take into account their students’ The group was randomly assigned observed over the past years from interests, desires, abilities, and to one of four sections of a course student teaching interns, and even learning styles. Just as our students on agricultural leadership. Each experienced teachers, I have come vary, so should the instruction used group was assigned an instructional to the conclusion that variability to teach them. Variability does not strategy of either PBL or teacher- in instruction continues to be an mean a departure from lecture, but guided learning (TGL) for five area of needed improvement in the use of various strategies and instructional units on leadership agricultural education. According resources to disseminate information. theory. Leadership development to Rosenshine & Furst (1971), One such strategy that has had content was chosen as the unit Clarity, Organization, Enthusiasm, critical acclaim in other disciplines, of instruction because it is inter- Task-oriented behavior, Provision of such as medicine, but has yet to gain curricular, socially relevant, opportunities for students to learn popularity and widespread use in and would not be a departure criterion material, and Variability agricultural education is problem- from the course curriculum. were the most promising teacher based learning (PBL). I believe that The TGL group, which totaled behaviors associated with student PBL is a very effective instructional 56 students, was taught by the learning. As a teacher educator, I strategy and would provide variability teacher using computer generated try to emphasize the importance if added to a teacher’s repertoire. To presentations and application of these characteristics to my this end, this article will discuss a activities. The remaining 54 students agricultural education students. And case study on the learning outcomes who made up the PBL group were to their credit, they do a very good of PBL in an agriculture class. given a case study, reference job of recognizing opportunities materials and questions to guide to incorporate the first five their individual research. Each characteristics into the learning TThehe CCasease member of the group was given process, but continue to struggle one of the fi ve topics to research with variability. Most often I see the A group of 110 freshmen from and teach to the rest of their group. use of technology, exciting games, the Chicago High School for Ag Finally after all topics were taught, or group activities as a way to Sciences was selected to participate they were asked as a group to provide vary instruction. However, it has in a case study to determine the a recommendation for a solution to become predictable and sometime learning outcomes of PBL. The the problem presented in the case repetitive to see such instructional group was selected because they study using the concepts they had strategies used. Unfortunately, as possessed two unique characteristics learned. At the conclusion of the these effective practices become that were desirable for this study. 10-days of instruction, students standard, we lose variability. First, the students are selected from in the PBL group were asked to all over the city from various social, refl ect on their learning experience. ethnic and educational backgrounds. In addition, the instructor was Second, Sheila Fowler, the instructor asked to reflect on the outcomes

8 The Agricultural Education Magazine of both instructional strategies. method of instruction. The focus was from the PBL group were asked to Their refl ections were used for the to fi nd themes that expressed which complete the refl ection because they purpose of this case study on PBL. instructional strategy motivated received the treatment as well as had Problem-Based What? students to make connections with prior experience with traditional A Case Study on the Learning SStudenttudent andand TeacherTeacher others (emotional engagement) and instructional strategies and therefore to persist in learning regardless could adequately provide a student’s Outcomes of PBL RReefl eectionsctions of content difficulty (cognitive comparison of both instructional engagement). Additionally, the strategies. Figure 1 is a summary of In this study, we asked the students teacher was asked to comment on the students’ and teacher’s refl ections. and the teacher to reflect on the student participation (behavioral experience and their preferred engagement). Only the students

Teacher-Guided Learning Problem-Based Learning Student Refl ections Cognitive Engagement Cognitive Engagement Easier to learn information when Uses more in-depth thinking to fi gure out working alone solutions Teachers present information in an Have to answer questions using more than easy and clear manner “yes” or “no” Can learn more information dealing Develops skills for researching and with one problem at a time instead of presenting information several at once

Emotional Engagement Emotional Engagement Working in groups slows down the Feels in control of the learning process learning process Something new and exciting Feel more confi dent with the Able to work in groups and develop information teachers present friendships Don’t like depending on other students

Behavioral Engagement Behavioral Engagement Teacher Students completed assignments with Students demonstrated positive Observations reinforcement from teacher collaborative efforts No extra effort taken by students to Most students actively researched learn content information on their objective

Cognitive Engagement Cognitive Engagement Students memorized the basics of Students had a deeper knowledge of the each theory content they research Students performed well with Students used higher-ordered thinking to knowledge questions but could not connect information learned to the process answer comprehension or application of fi nding a solution questions. Emotional Engagement Emotional Engagement Most students displayed a sense of Students expressed frustration with ownership for assigned duties content level being over their heads Students seemed to enjoy the process Students relied heavily on guidance regardless of the diffi cult content from teacher

Figure 1. Summary of Students’ and Teacher’s Refl ections

May/June 2008 9 In sum, the teacher believed that the PBL approach would help in has the potential of being one of the Continued from page 7 students’ behavioral, cognitive, and most effective instructional strategies emotional engagement because of if facilitated correctly. It helps to the collaborative and inquiry-based develop students’ problem-solving (Tech. Rep. No. 16-01). methodology. The teacher noted: skills, interpersonal skills such as Bloomington, Indiana: teamwork and communications, Indiana University, Center I think the PBL students learned and provides a vehicle in which for Research on Learning more content about their objective, students can take ownership of and Technology. specifi cally, but I tend to think their education. Although we have Lohman, M.C. (2002). Cultivating problem-solving skills that the TGL group learned more other instructional strategies in through problem-based content overall--at a more shallow agricultural education that provide similar learning outcomes, the approaches to professional level. Because the students in the development. Human PBL group had to spend a large additional benefi t of PBL is that it Resource Development amount of time focusing on their varies instruction. Teaching is not Quarterly, 13(3), 243-261. topic, I believe they probably only a science, but an art. As artists, learned their assigned theory we must continue to improve our better than anyone in the TGL skills by challenging ourselves to group learned any of the theories. experiment with and use various When it came to “teaching” techniques and media. It is through objectives to the rest of the group, creative instructional strategies most students felt uneasy because and relevant content that we will of the diffi culty of the content and continue to motivate our students to did not feel confi dent that they learn. It is time that we step out of our had completely learned the other personal comfort zones and challenge objectives. Although students had ourselves to fi nd the most innovative trouble understanding the theories ways to provide instruction. As with that they had not individually any new method, incorporating PBL researched, the students had into our instructional repertoire a broad understanding of the may not be easy. However, if we overall concepts and were able wanted an easy job, we would not have become agricultural educators. Scott Burris is an assistant to work collaboratively to develop professor of agricultural education a satisfactory resolution. I would at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. also assume that the PBL students References would retain the knowledge they Newcomb, L.H., McCraken, J.D., Warmbrod, J.R., & learned about their particular Whittington, S.H. (2004). objective better than anyone Methods of Teaching else in any section. From my Agriculture. Englewood perspective, the students in the Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. PBL classes benefited in ways Rosenshine, B. & Furst, N. (1971). that cannot be accomplished with Research on Teacher traditional teaching methods. Performance Criteria. In Research in Teacher Education, edited by B.O. SSteppingtepping OutOut ofof OurOur Smith. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: CComfortomfort ZZoneone Prentice Hall.

Through this case study, we have James Anderson, II is a visiting learned that both the students and the assistant professor of agricultural teacher viewed the PBL activity as education at the a meaningful experience. Although University of Illinois. PBL is a fairly unknown instructional strategy in agricultural education, it

10 The Agricultural Education Magazine THEME ARTICLE Do you Have AI in Your Toolbox?

by Rebecca Lawver & Misty Lambert improvement or potential outcomes. Now, for the second question: how can eachers are always looking for The DESIGN stage engages I use this as an agriculture teacher? new and interesting teaching individual contributions to identify Tmethods to add to our “what should be”. Here, individuals The process all starts with identifying Teaching Tool Box. We have one to create possibilities or suggest positive what is to be studied and asking suggest: appreciative inquiry. What changes to be implemented. Finally, the positive question. Questions is appreciative inquiry (AI), you the DESTINY stage continues could be asked in several ways ask? Well, let’s begin by breaking the ongoing learning and innovation in regards to the topic such as a terms down to explain the concept. of “what will be”. At the center of story, identifying what is of value, appreciative inquiry is the POSITIVE discussing what is good or by APPRECIATE: Valuing and CORE or positive question. This visioning for the future (Norum, recognizing the best in people four-phase cycle begins with a 2001). How we ask the question is and the world around us. positive question which is critical also important. Design questions to the outcomes of the classroom. which are stated in an affi rmative way INQUIRY: Exploring It creates hope and momentum using positive language. The topics and discovering new around a meaningful purpose. The you select provide a framework for potentials and possibilities. 4-D cycle provides a framework gathering stories and sharing among for continual learning and cycles students. The ability to draw on Appreciative inquiry, therefore, is a back to the beginning of the process common history and experiences positive way of exploring the value to discover what is working best. with students will provide them of the world around us. It focuses on strengths, successes, values, hopes, and dreams with the idea that these can be transformational, for both the student and for the classroom environment (Corporation for Positive Change). In AI theory, there is a connection between positive images and positive actions. It is a way to manage change in an organization.

There are four basic components of appreciative inquiry that can be described by the 4-D Appreciative Inquiry Cycle (see Fig. 1). The DISCOVERY stage is an understanding of the “what is and what has been”. This forms an appreciation and value for the topic you are studying and helps create a conversation about what is working well while moving the group into a positive interaction. The DREAM stage involves identifying “what might be”, as well as possibilities for Figure 1, 4-D Appreciative Inquiry Cycle

May/June 2008 11 with the knowledge that they can can be made to improve the diet. Norum, K. E. (2001). Appreciative apply to real world situations. This This is not a replacement for the design. Systems Research and process celebrates and even seeks out problem solving approach to teaching, Behavioral Science, 18, 323- the students’ own positive experiences but rather a framework in which 333. and successes. Students are capable problem solving can be posed. When Yballe L. & O’Connor, D. (2000). and we can encourage them to be approaching life and other issues as Appreciative pedagogy: successful as we focus on bringing a positive experience to be enjoyed Constructing positive models for their experiences to class. This entire rather than a problem that needs to learning. Journal of Management process must be guided by the belief be solved, the shift in perspective Education, 24, 474-483. that all students bring their own varied leads to a transformation that can roles in work, classes, organizations, reinvent the classroom environment relationships, and teams. This means (Yballe & O’Connor, 2000). It is that concepts and insights are more the problem-solving approach that personally meaningful because they pulls solutions from a common are based on personal experiences pool of knowledge and experiences. and are, therefore, easily relatable for the students (Ybelle & O’Connor, The next question is: Can appreciative 2000). By building this positive and inquiry be used to build positive inquisitive environment, a rapport group dynamics in our student begins to develop that encourages organizations? In fact, this is the trust and safety between teachers and arena in which appreciative inquiry students. This process will provide was fi rst developed. As we work students with the opportunity to with our FFA chapter and offi cer learn in a new and exciting way. team, the appreciative approach is aimed at valuing the “good” As students draw on their own positive qualities in their teammates as well experiences, they will need typical as focusing on what the group is guidance to stay on-task. For example, doing well and vision for the future. if beginning a unit on animal nutrition, If, for example, the group is doing Rebecca G. Lawver & Misty D. the appreciative inquiry approach well with organizing committees but Lambert are graduate teach- would want to explore nutrition, not with fundraisers, the AI approach ing & research assistants in ensuring experiences and stories from would have the group focus on agricultural education at the the students are included. What is good the good parts of the committee University of Missouri nutrition? What experiences have you organization process to explore had with healthy animals? What can “what’s working” and find ways good nutrition do for animals? What to fi x the fundraiser shortcomings. does good nutrition mean? Here is where most teachers diverge from the Appreciative inquiry is a tool all appreciative inquiry process. The next teachers should have in their toolbox. step is NOT to ask what is wrong, but It is a student centered approach that rather, “how can I use this information increases interpersonal and team about what works to adjust the things building skills, as well as higher order that might need improvement?” So, thinking skills. The students become nutrition is now taught using what the responsible for their own learning, students know. You will be amazed while the teacher has interested, at what a group of students can invested students. Who wouldn’t tell you about good nutrition. But, want that tool in their toolbox? they won’t know everything. The parts they don’t know are filled in Corporation for Positive Change (n.d.). What is appreciative by the instructor. Once an animal inquiry? Retrieved March nutrition “problem” is evaluated 3, 2008, from http://www. against the known standard, changes

12 The Agricultural Education Magazine THEME ARTICLE TTeachingeaching wwithith tthehe ffourour D’sD’s ofof

By David Frazier AAppreciativeppreciative IInquirynquiry

s a new agricultural science fi xed that they often neglect to care obstacles; however, one thing stood teacher, I remember feeling for the 99% that works just fi ne. In out in my mind--my students were that I had been given the A order to build a solid foundation genuinely interested in this teaching distinct opportunity of making a for my teaching style, I decided to approach. Not only did I have great difference, not only in the lives of concentrate on the positives right participation by each of the students, my students but in the lives of their away. I wanted to build on “what I also witnessed as understanding and families and the lives of those that is” rather than fi xing “what should learning took place on a daily basis. were involved in our school and be”. I later learned that the approach Students would enter my classroom community as well. I remember I had taken was appreciative inquiry. with ideas and comments from the entering my classroom for the Appreciative inquiry implements previous lesson, thus proving to me fi rst time. My mind was going a four D’s: discover, dream, design that retention was being fostered hundred miles an hour with ideas and and destiny. In addition to the through interest. Another unique expectations that I had been planning four D’s, the appreciative inquiry factor of this teaching approach was for during the past four years as a teaching approach uses teamwork in that it created interest and teamwork pre-service teacher. I had dreamed its participatory approach to learning. amongst all learning levels--from time and time again of the classes By using questions, appreciative moderate learning disabled to that I would teach; however, as I inquiry seeks to fi nd and develop gifted and talented. By the end of unlocked the door to my classroom a better understanding of “what the semester, it was evident that for the fi rst time, my mind began to is” which allows the positive in the appreciative inquiry teaching whirl and questions began to fl y at a situation to be uncovered and approach was my style of teaching. me from all directions: What do I accentuated. Once positives are really know about this place? Am identifi ed; the “what could be” is So what made it work? The answer I ready to teach in my very own the next logical step. This second was simple: Discover, Dream, program? Will my students enjoy step encourages learners to look Design and Destiny. Each of my my teaching style? Can I really beyond the current situation and lessons began with the discover teach these students? How am I see the possibilities that are within stage, thus allowing my students to going to make thing happen? As reach. The third step leads into the evaluate what they really knew about I stood at the periphery of my new “what should be” which persuades the subject. I encouraged them, career, I realized that for the fi rst the learners to take a deeper look into sometimes in groups and sometimes time in my life I had been given the the possibilities and fi nd those which individually, to list as many things sole responsibility of educating my represent the best of what should as they could in regards to the very own students. I was excited be. Finally, learners enter into the subject being taught. I used thought and terrifi ed at the same moment. design element of application where -provoking questions to encourage TThehe AApproachpproach they actually complete the process. the group to go beyond their initial This learning phase was one that reactions and dive deeper into their I felt would meet the needs of my personal knowledge of the topic. As I began remembering teachers students and provide them with a Students were also encouraged to in my past, I realized that many positive educational experience. ask questions of me and their peers. were problem-solvers--the kind of Once they became comfortable individuals who see what needs to MMakingaking ThinkingThinking with the process, I discovered that be fi xed and concentrate their efforts IInterestingnteresting students who were more confi dent in these areas. These were teachers with the topic would begin asking who concentrate so much of their My first few weeks of teaching questions and encouraging others efforts on the 1% that needs to be brought many challenges and to “discover” their own knowledge

May/June 2008 13 base. This was especially true of my the lesson. With my guidance, we move to the next level, appreciative honor students who began to realize would develop a plan or a design inquiry is a tool that will allow you how fun it was to actually help that would guide us through the to do just that. It incorporates a others in their quest of knowledge. learning process. I was amazed at the teamwork method that is vital in Thinking became interesting! interest that students showed as they today’s academic arena and allows developed ownership in the lesson. you to utilize your students in the MMakingaking LLearningearning As a teacher, I found it surprisingly development of their class. It also MMeaningfuleaningful easy to guide students into the uses collaborative inquiry that objectives that I knew needed to be enables students to work as a team Once students had unveiled all they taught. As with all great events, a to discover, dream about, design and knew about the subject, we began the plan was eventually constructed and determine the fi nal destiny with a dream segment with another round it was time to move to the fi nal phase particular goal. Most importantly, it of questions, this time encouraging of appreciative inquiry: destiny. begins with the positive knowledge students to envision what might base and allows students to learn in a be. In a landscape design class, it PProducingroducing LLearningearning way that is encouraging, motivating, may include “what might be” with RResultsesults exciting and fun. As I look back on a particular landscape; in animal the day I entered my classroom for science it could be looking into I must admit, the destiny phase the fi rst time, I realize that adopting “what might be” when evaluating of appreciative inquiry was the a teaching approach as powerful as a sick animal. The uses for this phase I enjoyed most. This was appreciative inquiry has allowed type of teaching are limitless in the phase where I got to teach me to change the lives of hundreds agricultural science classes. During what the students had “decided” of students in a manner that was the brainstorming segment, no were the most important objectives fun, entertaining and educational! answer was “wrong” and all within each topic. Sometimes suggestions were recorded and this was done through classroom discussed. I found that student discussions and lectures, but most interest escalated as they began of the time it would include some using their imaginations--moving type of hands-on learning. Whether from concrete solutions to abstract it was constructing a project in possibilities. Again, I would plug in agricultural mechanics or aging a a few questions to foster higher-order deer in wildlife management, each thinking and to maintain direction; lesson was “developed” by the however, most of the time students students (although guidance was were off and running on their own. provided by me) and because of this, the “ownership” was transferred to Eventually students would exhaust them. I was also amazed at how their visions as to what might be, easy it was to remind students and we would enter into the design that with their ownership came a phase of the learning approach. In shared responsibility for learning the this phase, students were asked to objectives of the topic. The thing construct a design that would show that amazed me most in this step what we needed to do or learn in is the seriousness that most of the David Frazier is a graduate order to complete the project. In my students displayed when it came to teaching and research assis- food science class, this might include learning the material. Not only did tant in agricultural education learning the steps to fabricate a hog students listen intently and show at the University of Missouri. carcass; in horticulture it might be sincere interest, they often amazed learning how to properly construct me with higher-level questions that a particular fl oral design. In any illustrated to me that they were case, students were again hit with a processing the information given. barrage of questions that encouraged them to think about what should be As a new teacher ready to begin, or learned or what should be done in as an experienced teacher ready to order to complete the objectives of

14 The Agricultural Education Magazine General Interest Sustainability of SAE via Horticulture in UUrbanrban AgricultureAgriculture PProgramsrograms

by Dan Lassanske & Wendy Warner

he decline of roamed the neighborhood. There capitalize on this opportunity, have Supervised Agricultural were other times when people in students sit down and identify the T Experience (SAE) has the neighborhood would throw actual cost of some of these items been well documented. Research has items in the sheep pens…resulting and then have them calculate an identifi ed several factors responsible in the construction of a large fence estimated amount of money that for this decline including a decrease around the animal area. Almost all they could earn through horticulture in extended contracts and elimination of my students rode the bus one SAEs. Examples like this help of SAE supervision periods (Steele, to two hours each way to school students understand that SAE is not 1997), lack of student motivation, and either held after-school jobs just for a grade in their agriculture limited student opportunities, lack or participated in sports and other class, but serves as an investment in of teacher time, inadequate fi nancial extracurricular activities, so the their futures! For instance, students resources and facilities, and low idea of staying after school to work can asexually propagate parent interest (Osborne, 1988 as on an SAE project was unrealistic. using division. Students make an cited in Dyer & Osborne, 1996). As my school expanded, valuable initial investment of approximately Additionally, Whaley and Lucero land was being taken up by portable $3.00 in September to purchase a (1993) identifi ed several barriers classrooms. So, how was I supposed 4 inch potted . They can then to SAE in urban schools: program to implement the SAE program fully? divide this plant into four equal completers, support at home/role While focusing on the challenges of parts each month. By February, models, crime, overcrowding, requiring each student to complete they will have 256 plants that can and community safety. an SAE, I re-discovered some of the be sold at $3.00 each. Using this things that I did have in my program. strategy, a student could earn almost Dyer and Osborne (1995) concluded I had a shade house and a greenhouse $600 in fi ve months. Such a project that “while teachers claim to support that were underutilized. This would is great for students because it the concept of SAE, many fail be an excellent place for my students requires limited fi nancial and time to implement the programs fully, to get involved with horticulture investment. Students can get started resulting in decreased participation projects. Promoting such projects on their project with an investment by students” (p.10). As a teacher can help efforts to engage each of only $3.00 and could care for in an urban school, I reflected and every one of our students in their plants prior to the start of on this statement. I faced several an SAE project. The following school, at lunch, or a designated of the same challenges that steps can help sell agriculture SAE day every other week. were mentioned above. Most of students on the idea of horticulture my students lived in apartment SAEs, which can take place in PPlantslants tthathat cancan bebe easilyeasily almost any agriculture program. complexes or subdivisions, so ppropagatedropagated throughthrough they had limited space at home for SAE projects. Also, many of 1 . Emphasize students’ ddivisionivision my students were fi rst generation investments in their futures. Agricultural Education students Many of my students were from a Ground Covers and their parents did not express a low socioeconomic background, Irish Moss ( subulata) lot of interest in their SAE projects so they had to earn and save their Stonecrop (Sedum sp.) or did not have extra time available own money to purchase the typical Baby’s Tears ( soleirolii) to assist with projects at home. teenager things. My students were Blue Star Creeper (Pratia Community safety was a problem. eager to share with me all the material pedunculata) Once, my students’ chicken projects things that they desired, such as new Woolly Thyme (Thymus were killed by a pack of dogs that sneakers, a cell phone, or a car. To pseudolanuginosus)

May/June 2008 15 BBuildinguilding tthehe PPipelineipeline – DDiversityiversity iinn AAgriculturalgricultural EEducationducation tthroughhrough JJuniorunior MMANRRS.ANRRS. by Jewel Moore, guest author

t’s often said that agriculture”is and related sciences. As junior in agriculture and work hard to a dying fi eld;” “young people MANRRS members, students ensure our membership resembles Iaren’t interested;” “it’s not get the opportunity to attend the diversity in our country and a lucrative career;” “it’s hard to local and regional workshops, the world around us. fi nd good candidates from diverse and national conferences where backgrounds.” Have we ever they participate and compete in Through Junior MANRRS we are asked ourselves why this is? How public speaking, poster research, building the bridges to success can agriculture be a dying fi eld if written essay, and other contests. while securing the pipeline to we eat and wear clothes everyday? They also have the opportunity to a fi eld of study that is full of interact with and see individuals adventure, excitement, wonder Cow, Sows, and Plows? How who look just like them, as well and endless possibilities, while at about Fashion & Apparel? as engage college students and the same time planting the seeds Human Nutrition? Environment? industry leaders--seeing fi rst of leadership and service to the Hospitality? Technology? hand, a future that is attainable. communities in which we live. Agri-business? Research, Law MANRRS continues to formally Enforcement, LEADERSHIP? Junior MANRRS members and informally engage our are affi liated with the National young people in understanding Through the National Society for Society through membership and appreciating the value of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural with a local MANRRS chapter agriculture in our daily lives and Resources, and Related Sciences where they are prepared for the world. Are you willing to do (MANRRS), we are changing leadership roles through the same? For more information the face of agriculture by linking mentoring, hands on applications, on establishing a MANRRS or hands around the world and networking, and the free Junior MANRRS chapter visit building the pipeline to agriculture exchange of ideas. Through the our website at www.manrrs,org through Junior MANRRS chapters National Society for MANRRS, or contact MANRRS Executive established across the country. we continuously reinforce the Offi ce at (901) 757-9700. reality that diversity does exists Jr. MANRRS is one of the cornerstones of the National Society for MANRRS. Its lasting success is anchored in how our young students are exposed and cultivated at a critical point in their educational matriculation (upon entering high school). Junior MANRRS is a pre-collegiate outreach program initiative of the National Society for MANRRS for urban high school-aged and younger students to expose them to career pathways, leadership, and educational possibilities in the food, agricultural, environmental,

16 The Agricultural Education Magazine Elfi n Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) Corsican Mint (Mentha requienii) Australian Violet (Viola hederacea)

Perennials Yarrow (Achillea sp.) Kenilworth Ivy (Cymbalaria muralis) Day lily (Hemerocallis sp.) Bearded Iris (Iris germanica) ‘Platt’s Black’ (Leptinella squalida) Society Garlic (Tulbaghia violacea)

Ornamental Grasses Blue Fescue (Festuca ovina glauca) Jewel L. Moore served as Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon japonicus) Fiber Optics (Scirpus cernuus) MANRRS National Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’) President in 2006/2007. New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax) In her “other” job, Jewel is the Assistant Regional 2. Maximize SAE opportunities. Not only do horticulture SAEs provide students with awesome experience in plant production and marketing, such Inspector General for the projects can also generate ideas for agriscience fair projects. Fertilizers, soils, USDA Offi ce of Inspector planting, watering, use of growth regulators…these all provide opportunities General for scientifi c investigation. Science project ideas that you may want to Northeast Region. encourage your students to pursue could include (but are not limited!) to some of the following: • Comparison of organic and inorganic fertilizers • Importance of proper planting depth • Comparison of watering techniques and watering frequency • Use of benefi cial insects compared to the use of insecticides Think about it! • Comparison between different types of bed preparation methods Billye • Use of traditional (sand, peatmoss, nitrifi ed shavings) versus non- traditional soil amendments (worm castings, rice hulls, etc.) US • Effect of different plant spacings on productivity L IO C 3. Garden creatively! My freshman students were responsible for N N preparing, planting and maintaining one large garden plot of primarily

I leafy vegetables such as broccoli, caulifl ower, collard greens, and lettuce.

Dividing the large plot into smaller plots for individual students or smaller

groups of students can help increase student ownership and interest in their

C garden plots. The use of signs to advertise which students are responsible for


E R specifi c garden plots can help promote student pride and involvement. A sign N might read, “This vegetable plot is professionally grown and maintained by Stephanie Dunlap, a student in Agriscience Foundations.” If garden plots are **Images used in this section not available, students can be assigned specifi c benches in the greenhouse courtesy of National MANRRS Offi ce for their individual or group horticulture projects. Also, students can be given the option to focus on a “theme” for their garden plots or greenhouse

Continued on page 24 May/June 2008 17 space, based on planting season Additionally, students may be able A synthesis of research. Journal of and climate zones. Some possible to market horticulture products Agricultural Education, 37 (2), 24- 33. themes could be: at community events or festivals. Osborne, E.W. (1988a). SOE programs • Plants grown and used by Horticulture SAEs provide students in Illinois – teacher philosophies and different cultures with many benefi ts. Students can be program characteristics. The Journal • Grow your own Caeser salad, involved in the process from start of the American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture, 29(3), 35-42. zucchini bread, vegetable to fi nish – from initially planting soup, pizza, salsa, etc. a seedling or making a cutting, to Steele, R. (1997). Analysis of the • Herbs providing care and maintenance, to continuing decline in use of Supervised Agricultural • gardens for cutting marketing and selling the fi nished Experience (SAE) in New York state. • Native plants and wildfl owers product – in a relatively short Journal of Agricultural Education, 38 (2), • Plant identifi cation specimens amount of time. Best of all, many 49- 58. from the Floriculture of the projects require a minimal Whaley, D.C., & Lucero, D. (1993). CDE, Nursery/Landscape financial investment and can be Barriers to successful Supervised CDE, or Vegetable Crop easily integrated into a variety of Agricultural Experience programs in semi- Judging agriculture classes. I know from rural and urban high school agricultural education programs. • Succulent gardens experience that it can become easy to • Butterfl y gardens list the reasons why all the students in your agriculture program do not 4. Market to the teachers, staff, have an SAE. The promotion of parents and local community. horticulture SAEs can help engage These individuals will probably all students and sustain SAE as a be interested in purchasing fresh viable component of Agricultural produce, houseplants, or fl owers on Education in urban schools, as well a regular basis. As the holidays near, as in suburban and rural schools. students can search the dollar store References for inexpensive holiday containers Dyer, J.E., & Osborne, E.W. (1995). to be used as pots. The dollar that a Participation in Supervised Agricultural student invests in a festive container Experience programs: A synthesis Dan Lassanske is a Professor in can have a financial return of of research. Journal of Agricultural the Horticulture & Crop Education, 36 (1), 6 – 14. several dollars. Farmers markets are Science Department at becoming more popular and can be an Dyer, J.E., & Osborne, E.W. (1996). California Polytechnic State Uni- excellent opportunity for the students Developing a model for Supervised versity, San Luis Obispo. Agricultural Experience program quality: to sell their plants or produce.

Wendy Warner is an Assistant Professor in the Agricultural Education & Communication Department at California Poly- technic State University, San Luis Photo compliments of Jack Elliot, University of Arizona Obispo.

18 The Agricultural Education Magazine General Interest

By Kim O’Byrne and Tom Dormody agricultural education teacher to give who have expressed interest in the interns a comprehensive look at agricultural education teaching as a f agricultural education is and successful experiences with the career can receive New Mexico State going to achieve 10,000 role of agricultural education teacher. University (NMSU) credit for AXED I quality secondary programs Interns get real experiences in all 100 (Introduction to Agricultural by the year 2015, it will need to three components (classroom and and Extension Education-3 credits) recruit and develop many new laboratory instruction, FFA, and SAE) and AXED 230 (Early Field-Based teachers. These teachers will replace and strategies (partnerships, program Experience-1credit) for interning those who will leave the profession marketing, professional growth, with their agricultural education and staff the estimated 4,000 new and community-based program teacher(s) while still in high school. positions that will be added by the planning) of Local Program Success. To receive credit, they must register 10x15 initiative. Currently, the for AXED 100 and AXED 230 the fall profession is experiencing a of their fi rst semester at NMSU. shortage in new agricultural During the year of high school education teachers. To end they are interning, students will the shortage and achieve Our idea is for develop a portfolio based on the the increase in teachers Local Program Success model, stimulated by the 10x15 agricultural education containing the following tabbed initiative, agricultural teachers to identify talented sections and entries: educators are challenged to think of new recruitment students who have the inter- 1. INSTRUCTION: Under the and development strategies. supervision of their supervising est and potential to become teacher, interns will plan and teach For New Mexico, we quality agricultural education at least two 50-minute lessons, conceptualized the and will develop the lesson “Agricultural Education teachers as their aides. plans and evaluation tools used Teaching Internship for for the lessons. Lessons may be Juniors and Seniors in selected from the NM Agriculture High School” as one new tool for Curriculum Lesson Plan Library, TM recruiting and developing new GGradingrading RRubricubric fforor LifeKnowledge curriculum, another teachers. Juniors and seniors in CCollegeollege CCreditredit curriculum used by the supervising high school commonly serve as teacher, or can be developed by the teacher’s aides for a unit of credit Upon entering college, the student student following the NM Agriculture toward graduation. Our idea is for receives college credit for their Curriculum Lesson Plan Library agricultural education teachers to internship by submitting a portfolio. lesson plan format. (20 points) identify talented students who have Our instructions and grading rubric the interest and potential to become for interns compiling and university 2. FFA: Interns will take a leadership quality agricultural education teachers faculty assessing internship role to facilitate the planning and as their aides. In the internship portfolios for college credit are: implementation of two major FFA program, their duties are structured activities. They will provide all and supervised/mentored by their Juniors or Seniors in high school planning tools developed (e.g. POA

May/June 2008 19 forms, calendars, etc) and utilized for the activities. Examples include facilitating the FFA chapter’s participation in a fair, a leadership program, a CDE competition, State FFA Convention, and State FFA Camp. Include details of travel, food, and lodging arrangements, students attending, and any other pertinent information in this section. (20 Points)

3. SAE: Interns will report on at least two SAE visits made with their supervising teacher. Discuss the size, scope and condition of the SAE and the status of the record book in each report. (10 points)

4. PARTNERSHIPS AND COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAM PLANNING: Interns will document interaction Graphic adapted from photo courtesy of the University of Arizona with the agricultural education program’s partners such as parents; Interns will keep a weekly journal of and AXED 230. The portfolio can school administrators, counselors, their internship experiences. In this be submitted any time during that faculty, and staff; the advisory journal, interns will refl ect critically semester up to the Monday of Finals committee; the FFA alumni affi liate; upon what they have learned from Week. A grade will be assigned to local organizations, agencies, and each internship activity. They the internship based on the points businesses; etc., by providing will reflect on what makes the received in the portfolio assignment. agendas, sign-up sheets, or any role of the agricultural education The scale used for assigning grades other documentation of a meeting teacher unique compared to the to the portfolio and internship or event attended. Interns will roles of other teachers. (20 points) experience for AXED 100 credit is: discuss the role of partners in an agricultural education program with 7. SCRAPBOOK: Interns will 117-120 pts. A+ a short, half-page essay. (10 points) keep a scrapbook of programs, 111-116 pts. A brochures, photographs, and other 108-110 pts. A- 5. MARKETING: Interns will records of their participation in the 105-107 pts. B+ be involved in planning and internship program. (10 points) 99-104 pts. B implementing one activity to 96-98 pts. B- market and promote the agricultural 8. SUPERVISING TEACHER’S 93-95 pts. C+ education program and/or the FFA EVALUATION: The supervising 87-92 pts. C chapter to encourage growth or teacher will use the rubric below 84-86 pts. C- support. Possible activities include (for readers at http://www.nmsu. 72- 83 pts. D coordinating Food for America edu/academics/axed/high-school- <72 pts. F internship.html) to evaluate the presentations, developing or updating An intern receiving a C- or better the program or FFA website, writing intern on their professionalism during the internship. (20 points) on the above scale will also receive and distributing a program or FFA an S (Satisfactory) grade for AXED newsletter, making a presentation to Interns will turn in the completed 230 which is graded S/U at NMSU. the board of education or to parents If you have any questions about at an open house, etc. (10 points) portfolio to the Agricultural and Extension Education Department this advanced credit program, please contact the Department 6. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: the fi rst fall semester they attend NMSU and register for AXED 100 of Agricultural and Extension

20 The Agricultural Education Magazine Education at (575) 646-4511. toward an advanced FFA the workforce with this simple degree and/or the Agricultural tool, alone!THEME ARTICLE BBeneenefi ttss ofof thethe ProgramProgram Education profi ciency award. 9. Students enroll in a full load The “Agricultural Education of courses their fi rst semester Teaching Internship for Juniors and in college, but in reality only Seniors in High School” has multiple attend four classes because winning aspects with no apparent they have already completed downside. Some of these aspects are: the work for four credits. 1. Agricultural education 10. The program is simple to teachers get involved understand and requires little in building the teaching additional paperwork for the workforce. agricultural education teacher. 2. Rich and meaningful 11. Additional costs for the experiences are provided internship should be minimal to high school students to non-existent. with the interest and potential to become FFinalinal NNotesotes quality agricultural education teachers. Our next step is to work with New 3. Agricultural education Mexico State University’s community teachers get the college campuses to allow for concurrent satisfaction and enrollment credit for these interns Kim O’Byrne is a teacher at experience of mentoring as part of our new Associates of Mayfi eld High School, Las their own students toward Science in Agriculture degree. This Cruces, New Mexico a career in teaching will give the students the credits on a agriculture. college transcript while still in high 4. Agricultural education school…and at the lower community teachers get more college tuition rate. The Associate’s assistance with their degree transfers seamlessly into our Tom Dormody is Professor program than a regular Agricultural and Extension Education and Head of Agricultural and teacher’s aide could major at New Mexico State University. Extension Education at New provide. Mexico State University 5. Students get a unit toward Although the program is new this high school graduation year and we’re just starting to get and four credits towards teachers interested in piloting it with their their college education. students, we anticipate that it will be a 6. Partnership links between success. Other states might be interested secondary schools, in adding such a program as a teacher teachers, students, and recruitment and development tool. While university agricultural we don’t anticipate that the program will educators are established completely solve the teacher shortage when the students are still and demand for additional teachers as in high school. new agricultural education programs 7. The most-motivated open under the 10x15 initiative, it could students start early on a make a sizable contribution. Just think, pathway to become an if each current agricultural education agricultural education teacher identifi ed and worked with one teacher. student over the next three years in such 8. Students could apply an internship, we’d have the potential internship experiences to add hundreds of new teachers to

May/June 2008 21 General Interest CCongratulations!ongratulations! YouYou GotGot TheThe Job...Job... NNowow What?What? By T. D. Fanning

From time to time we have oppor- you with copies of the… tunity to learn from the “Masters.” One of your fi rst steps is to sched- • school calendar for the next I’m speaking of those individuals ule a meeting with the building school year. who compiled their wisdom over principal. Start off by asking him/ • ag/FFA planned activities. the course of years of success- her what he/she and the commu- • inventory of classroom sup- ful educational experience. T. D. nity expects from the agricultural plies, resources, etc. Fanning is one of those individuals education program. She/He may • inventory of mechanics labora- and has agreed to share some of or may not have a valid answer for tory equipment. his wisdom in this issue. See if you you depending on how much expe- • schedule of classes. can fi nd any item you have never rience she/he has had with the pre- • names of FFA offi cers, their heard before. I think you will agree vious program and how successful postal addresses, phone num- that sound advice is often timeless. it had been. The principal may fur- bers, and email addresses. nish you with good information or • last year’s curriculum for each ongratulations, you are he/she may wax on with esoterical ag class. (You will need to talk about to graduate from a wanderings from which you will with students who were in those Cprestigious institution of need to winnow out any bits of ad- classes to check the validity as higher learning with a degree in vice. At least you made a good fi rst to content. Sometimes what secondary education. And, you step by including the administration was on paper in the principal’s have been hired for your fi rst posi- in your plans. offi ce is not what actually oc- tion of teaching agricultural educa- curred.) tion, vocational agriculture, agri- While you have the audience with • pre-enrollment information for cultural science and industry, etc. the principal ask him/her to furnish each class. Now what?

Graphic adapted from photo courtesy of the University of Arizona

22 The Agricultural Education Magazine • amount of fi nancial support Now that you have your basic in- uate replacing a successful teacher available in normal budget and formation, get your master calendar who retired. During the tour he told weighted monies. out and mark the dates you must my students and me that the fi rst • dates and deadlines for requi- make commitments to, such as state thing he did was to throw away all sitions of new materials you ag teachers meetings, FFA offi cers of the reference books and materi- might need to order. training sessions, state FFA Con- als the former teacher had devel- • names and contact informa- vention, county fair, etc. This list oped. The female sponsor I had tion of the agricultural advisory will vary with the situation in which with me on the tour, a mother of council. you fi nd yourself. one of my students, • names and positions of certifi ed was an executive in and non-certifi ed staff associ- Take the balance of a large corporation ated with the school. the information you Take the in the area where • last year’s FFA program of ac- have and analyze it I taught. Her reac- tivities. against the condi- balance of the tion to that statement • forms and procedural informa- tions that actually was, “Arrogant little tion associated with the school. exist. Then priori- information you bastard isn’t he?” (You will probably receive tize your action list. The limited reach of these during a teacher in-ser- No one can tell you have and your experience and vice meeting before the start of the proper order to analyze it learning might be school, but ask anyway.) implement action; a hindrance to your • procedures to be followed and that is governed against the understanding. administration support with by your local set of discipline. circumstances. But conditions that If you truly want to • transportation supplied by the remember, if you be considered a pro- school district for program su- do not have your actually exist. fessional, you need pervision. curriculum planned to: • keys to your new kingdom. and your lesson Then prioritize • (1) become an ac- plans organized your action list. tive member in your It would be prudent of you to have by the time school professional organi- the information you need written starts, the rest is for zations. An entire ar- in hardcopy form to present to the naught. ticle could be written principal. This could prevent mis- on this alone. understandings at a later date as to OOTHERTHER • (2) strive to be a pro- exactly what you had requested. fessional in appear- The principal could/will be over- RRANDOMANDOM ance. Granted, your appearance whelmed by your request and may TTHOUGHTS...HOUGHTS... will fi t the occasion when in not be able to furnish you with all of the mechanics laboratory, on the information you need, but they Now, some random thoughts in no a fi eld trip, or when making may direct you to reliable sources. particular order as you go about supervised visitations. In the your fi rst year. classroom situation or school If the teacher you are replacing is gathering, try not to appear as retiring or moving on to a different Make sure that when you make if you are going to participate opportunity, you will want to meet changes in the curriculum or the in a “goat roping” or an athletic with him/her and review the infor- physical environment of your facil- activity. mation you received from the prin- ity, you do so for improvement, not (3) remember that you are a pro- cipal. In fact, this person may take just for a change or to prove that fessional 24/7. As a former student you around and introduce you to you are “the new sheriff in town.” of mine reminded me, “You never those people you were asking about On one of our Mission Valley FFA know when a teaching opportunity and other key resource people in week long Spring Educational Ag- will present itself.” the community, thereby saving you ricultural Study tours we visited a considerable time and giving you three teacher department in Mis- Don’t just plan to teach what you an accelerated start. souri. One of them was a new grad- know--plan to learn. I had an out-

May/June 2008 23 standing teacher trainer tell me that to have it placed in the monthly PPrincipalrincipal he had a former student call him packet of each board member. FFindingsindings in a panic. It was November and Most of you will be on an extend- the student said he had taught his ed contract and the board must be ffromrom tthehe students everything he knew and apprised as to why this is neces- EExecutivexecutive SSummaryummary wanted to be advised as to what sary. This is a good approach to ooff UUnderstandingnderstanding to do. Even as a college gradu- gaining support, and remember, AAgriculturegriculture ate you are not prepared for ev- “Many high school agricultural erything you need to teach. You programs are only one teacher 11988988 will continue to learn every day of away from extinction.” • Agricultural education in your life, or at least you had better! U. S. high schools usually Like it or not, you will be a role does not extend beyond the of- Don’t be too proud to ask for help. model for your students. Be a fering of a vocational agricul- Reach out to: positive role model! You are ture program. • area agricultural instructors. molding and developing indi- • For many years, vocational • your agricultural advisory viduals, not just agricultural stu- agriculture programs have had council. dents. They will be individuals a positive effect on tens of • the agricultural instructor you long after they cease being your thousands of people: students, are replacing, if they were suc- students. their families, and residents of cessful. local communities. • community resource people. I Become involved in community • White males have mainly have discovered that you can activities, but don’t necessarily made up enrollment in voca- develop a stronger unit if you join everything. tional agriculture programs in allow community patrons to the past and continue to do so. have “buy in” by incorporat- Don’t waste your time criticizing • Much of the focus and content ing them into various phases of or demonizing the teacher you of many vocational agriculture your program. are replacing. IF you do make programs is outdated. • your college teacher trainers improvements, patrons, members • Vocational agriculture pro- and student colleagues. of the educational community, grams are uneven in quality. • other established teachers in parents, and students will know. • Vocational agriculture pro- the school. You might get new “You do not make yourself larger grams in secondary schools insight on actual discipline and by cutting others down.” are currently conducted as part administrative support. of the federal and state sys- Carry out your organizing, tems of vocational education. Plan to teach in complete blocks planning, work, and teach- of subject matter, not just “peek-a- ing as if you are a small busi- PPrincipalrincipal CConclusionsonclusions boos” or a little at various levels. ness owner getting started, not aandnd a school district employee. Insure that you include student mo- RRecommendationsecommendations tivation at the beginning of each Forget about the 8:00 to 5:00 ap- lesson or teaching block. They need proach! A small business owner • The focus of agricultural edu- to realize why what you are about to will put in the effort and time, cation must change. share will be important to them. whatever it takes, to make their • Beginning in kindergarten and business a success. Shouldn’t continuing through twelfth Don’t be too proud to say you don’t you? grade, all students should re- know something. But instead, “I ceive some systematic instruc- will research it and get back to tion about agriculture. you.” And then do it. T. D. Fanning taught agricul- • The success of reform in voca- tural education for 41 years tional agriculture programs Make a monthly summer report of at the high school level and relies on your daily activities as an educator served a two term school innovative to your principal and ask him/her board membership at the same school where he taught.

24 The Agricultural Education Magazine programmatic leadership at the QQuizzicaluizzical RReefl eectionsctions state and national levels. • Major revisions are needed within agricultural education. By Billye Foster because Dr. Warmbrod noted • The quality of vocational the committee was fi rst formed agriculture programs must in 1985. The final report was s mentioned at the be enhanced, in some cases published in 1988. These three beginning of this issue, I substantially. years should provide a snapshot recently had opportunity • The establishment of special- A of what the profession was like at to hear Dr. Robert Warmbrod ized magnet high schools for the time of the evaluation. the agricultural sciences in refl ect on his experience of helping develop the report that later became major urban and suburban WWhathat diddid I discover?discover? areas should be encouraged. the infamous “Green Book.” • Teachers should seek out and In the mid-1980s, the National share high-quality computer Research Council began a project Carefully recording the themes software and instructional designed to review the value of and articles published in those materials and media for ag- Agricultural Education in secondary past issues showed the two ricultural management and schools. This was accomplished different editors during that planning and for instructional by assessing the contributions of window of time had produced application. instruction in agriculture to the 36 issues of the magazine. maintenance and improvement • As a goal, all students en- Not counting the editor’s of U. S. agricultural productivity rolled in vocational agriculture comments, there were 357 programs should participate in and economic competitiveness. Understanding Agriculture: articles published from January worthwhile SOEs. 1985 until December of 1987. • The FFA should change its New Directions for Education, Written by 845 authors, these name and revise its symbols, has had both interesting and rituals, contests, awards, and profound effects on our profession. articles discussed the following requirments for membership themes: consistent with all applicable First reflections, while thumbing federal and state laws to refl ect through “The Green Book,” • January 1985 Theme: In- a contemporary image of ag- causedme to wonder, “what did ternational Agricultural riculture and a broadened and the profession really look like then?” Education improved agricultural educa- Although I began my own teaching • February 1985 Theme: tion program. career in 1977, I confess I’ve slept Vocational Agriculture and since then and those memories are the Handicapped Student hazy. It was then I realized I had • March 1985 Theme: In- the answer right within my reach- novative Student Manage- The above fi ndings and recom- -back issues of The Agricultural ment Strategies mendations were taken from Education Magazine! No other set • April 1985 Theme: Using Understanding Agriculture, New of manuscripts provides us with the Microcomputers in Agri- Directions for Education, pulse of the practice and evolution cultural Education National Research Council, of Agricultural Education than this • May 1985 Theme: FFA National Academy Press, publication. Conventions and Contests Washington, D.C., 1988. • June 1985 Theme: The Su- So began the systematic grouping pervisor: Local, State and and searching of past issues of The National Agricultural Education Magazine • July 1985 Theme: Plan- from January 1985 to December ning, Organization and 1987. I chose these issues Time Management

May/June 2008 25 Declining Enrollments • AugustTHEME 1987 ARTICLE Theme: Agri- • August 1985 Theme: Evalu- • October 1986 Theme: Staying cultural Opportunities for ation of Vocational Agricul- Current—Small Animals and Rural Nonfarm Students ture Specialty Crops • September 1987 Theme: • September 1985 Theme: • November 1986 Theme: Recognizing Excellence in The Teacher of Vocational Staying Current—Professional Teaching Agriculture Affairs • October 1987 Theme: The • October 1985 Theme: • December 1986 Theme: Staying Future of Agricultural Elementary and Pre-Voca- Current—Horticulture Education in Secondary tional Programs • January 1987 Theme: Schools • November 1985 Theme: Balancing Your Professional • November 1987 Theme: Teaching Tips and Personal Life Enhancing School and • December 1985 Theme: • February 1987 Theme: Community Relationship Future • December 1987 Theme: Programs of Serving Minority Groups Agricultural

Education Of the 845 authors, 61 were • January women, 19 were minorities, and 1986 Theme: 71 were actual secondary level Vocational agricultural education teachers at Agriculture the time the article was printed. and the Those numbers roughly equate to Excellence the following percentages: Movement • 7% female • February • 8% Agricultural Education 1986 Theme: teachers Staying Cur- • less than 1% minority. rent—Agri- cultural This made me pause because this Mechanics was one of the points noted in the • March 1986 Cover photo from Volume 78, Issue 6--May/June 2006 study: Theme: Staying “White males have mainly made Current—Agri- up enrollment in vocational ag- business and Farm Manage- Smith-Hughes at 70 riculture programs in the past ment • March 1987 Theme: Agricul- and continue to do so. • April 1986 Theme: Staying ture in a Global Perspective During the past decade, the en- Current--Crop and Food • April 1987 Theme: Women in rollment of females has increased. Production Agricultural • May 1986 Theme: Staying Education Current—Forestry and • May 1987 Natural Resources Theme: • June 1986 Theme: Staying Teaching the Current in Animal Agricul- Basics ture • July 1986 Theme: Staying • June 1987 Current—Classroom and Theme: Ag- Laboratory Management ricultural • August 1986 Theme: Staying Education in Current: Youth Organiza- the Political tions Process • September 1986 Theme: • July 1987 Staying Current with High Theme: Cop- Technology ing with Cover photo from Volume 59, Number 1--July, 1986

26 The Agricultural Education Magazine Female enrollment has concetrated fully implement- in a limited number of specialized ed K through 12 vocational agriculture programs. programs in Agri- Enrollment of minorities in voca- cultural Literacy? tional agriculture programs is dis- proportionately low” (National Re- Below are the list search Council, pg. 3). of themes from May/June 2005 to HHowow wwouldould wewe looklook to-to- May/June 2008, do they seem to be dday?ay? more on target?

In the past 36 months (May/June • May/June 2005 until May/June 2008), there 2005 Theme: have been only 19 issues, as re- The Art of Cover photo from Volume 59, Number 6--December, 1986 fl ected from the now bi-monthly Teaching publication standard. Within those • July/August as Logic is to ______. 19 issues were 193 articles. Forty- 2005 Theme: The Assessment • July/August 2007 Theme: seven percent of the 242 authors of Teaching and Learning “See Me—See you”—well, were women, 19% were minorities, • September/October 2005 not always…Dealing with and 12% were teachers at the time Theme: Resources in Teach- Differences the articles were published. Would ing • September/October 2007 the members of the National Coun- • November/December 2005 Theme: “Eenie, Meanie, cil’s Committee on Secondary Ag- Theme: Experiential Learn- Minie, Moe…Pick the Cur- ing riculum that best fi ts Joe!” • January/February 2006 • November/December 2007 Theme: Motivating Theme: “If reality is illu- Students to Learning sion, where does Agricultural • March/April 2006 Education fi t?” Words of Theme: Developing Wisdom Students for Careers • January/February 2008 Theme: • May/June 2006 Theme: How Can we ensure a future Thinking Critically for Agricultural Education? • July/August 2006 • March/April 2008 Theme: Theme: Enhancing What do you say to students Diversity considering a career in Agri- • September/October 2006 cultural Education? Theme: Development • May/June 2008 Theme: Professionals Problem Solving or Appre- Cover photo from Volume 79, Issue 5, • November/December 2006 ciative Inquiry—Which is March/April 2007 Theme: Refl ections and the Best? Future ricultural Education think we have • January/February 2007 Theme: The challenge facing us all is one improved? The World is Flattening— of refl ection and planning. But Perhaps the numbers look some- Will Agricultural Education that alone will not help us achieve what better in this single category, Still Fit? the lofty goals set in 1988--to but we all know there is much more • March/April 2007 Theme: achieve those goals, we need lead- to the story. How about our cur- The la joie de faire of Teach- ers in our profession willing to riculum? What about the students ing—Why We Do What We implement such plans that are built enrolled in the secondary level pro- Do upon those original goals. grams? And, then there is the issue • May/June 2007 Theme: of Ag Literacy--have we success- Research is to Practitioners, Are we up to the task?

May/June 2008 27 28 The Agricultural Education Magazine