Public Consultation Meeting

Quayside Evaluation February 29, 2020 “Small, efficient, and action-oriented corporation” Waterfront Revitalization Task Force 6 5 things to know about

1 2 3 4 5 Master planner Sell lands on Put conditions Land is Received $1.5 B with a mandate behalf of on developers tendered in seed capital from all 3 levels governments so they deliver competitively; from 3 levels of of government and retains public benefits partners must government, to deliver public proceeds to like LEED meet high returned $7.5 B benefits reinvest in our efficiency standards in tax revenue communities UV storm water filtration disguised as a park

8 Canada’s Sugar Beach Award-winning urban beach using “Silva Cells” to support healthy trees West Don Lands - before 10 West Don Lands - after Pic of – before and after

Queens Quay- before 12 Queens Quay- after 13 - before 14 Underpass Park - after 15 Port Lands Flood Protection River City – LEED Gold Aqualina – LEED Platinum Challenges Facing Growing Cities like Toronto

Climate Change Affordability Jobs Congestion • Extreme weather • Singles and • New economy • Traffic events families • Future proofed congestion • Greenhouse Gas • All stages of life • Resilient • Emissions Emissions • Build human • Road trauma • Household capital waste Can we find an Innovation and Funding Partner to help us find these solutions and pilot them at Quayside? One with:

• Expertise in the integration of real estate, city-building, and technology

• Ambition to create a new kind of place with global impact

• Willingness to invest in the idea

20 Quayside

21 Multiple Voices with a Range of Views • Not-for profit Multiple • Trade associations public • Labour voices • Business

• Stakeholder Advisory Committee WT Gov’t • Federal • Evaluation Committee Advisory • Provincial • Digital Strategy Advisory Partners Bodies • City of Toronto Panel (DSAP) • Design Review Panel

Sidewalk Labs & Alphabet

22 Where are we Today

We are here

Oct 2017 Jul 2019 Oct 2019 Jan 2020 Today 2020

SWL MIDP Technical Online Selected Threshold Public Meetings Published Evaluation Consultation following Issues Round 1 Complete open until RFP Resolved Consultations March 31

23 What we heard in July Oct 31st Resolution

Focus on 12 acres Confined to 12 acres at Quayside

Demonstrate if/how Waterfront Toronto Evaluation of solutions indicates yes objectives can be met at Quayside

Roles clarified Have strong public control and oversight Democratically accountable administration

Have strong regulatory framework for all Adherence to current and future laws and regulations things digital and to WT Digital Principles and Guidelines

Risks identified including technical, approval, inclusivity, Complete rigorous risk assessment project completion, eco-system risks

Make it financially fair for Toronto and Fair market value for land ($590 M) supportive of Canadian business sector Global patent pledge What Happens Next

Address key questions and listen to additional Yes: voices and report to Board June - Dec June - Dec 7 months due diligence to firm up the agreement City of Toronto Prepare Public Implementation Consultations Agreements March – May May 20 and Council Vote (Date TBD)

Clarify & Board Vote on No: Negotiate Innovation No further work with Plan SWL New RFP to implement some ideas

25 from explorations to date 25 Key Questions to Answer to Inform a Yes/No

1. Do the solutions raise the bar 4. Are there sufficient controls to on meeting urban challenges? address implementation and partner risks? 2. Does the development plan align with the and 5. Is Sidewalk Labs contributing Keating Channel Precinct enough to make the project Plans? work? 3. Are we taking a comprehensive 6. Is the proposed public approach to managing data investment in the solutions collection and use? appropriate? Q1: Do the Solutions Raise the Bar on Meeting Urban Challenges? Yes

The solutions were categorized as follows:

Support, Private funding/delivery 92

Support, Advocate for Policy/Regulatory Reform 17

Support, Advocate for Government Funding 24

Support, Waterfront Toronto Investment 11

Non-support 16

59 are digitally enabled Sustainability Complete • Decouple population Communities growth from greenhouse • Increase affordable housing gas emissions • Improve access to waterfront in all • More environmentally-friendly & seasons affordable energy solutions for • Safer streets for people (City of residents Toronto’s Zero Vision Plan)

Supported solutions: Supported solutions: • Passive House-inspired construction • Minimum of 24% affordable housing • Ambient thermal grid • Modular heated pavers • Pneumatic waste • Digital mapping of utilities • Automated schedulers • Care collective

28 Economic New Mobility Development • Reduce traffic congestion • Catalyze Urban Innovation • Reduce vehicular emissions Cluster • Vision Zero • Attract knowledge-based companies and employees

Supported solutions: Supported solutions: • Urban Innovation Institute • Wayfinding beacons • Venture Fund • Discounted mobility package • Sidewalk Works • EV charging stations

29 Support for these solutions does not mean Waterfront Toronto has approved moving ahead with the project or a partnership with Sidewalk Labs.

Support for certain solutions may change based on feedback from the public, support from Sidewalk, public policy priorities, and support from governments.

30 Q2: Does the Development Plan Align with the East Bayfront and Keating Channel Precinct Plans? Yes

• Information, communications, technology employers & jobs

• Over 20% affordable housing

• Subject to statutory development application processes and City of Toronto consultation

31 Q:3 Are We Taking a Comprehensive Approach to Managing Data Collection and Use? Yes

If the project moves forward, all solutions will:

1. Comply with existing and 4. Be subject to Privacy Impact future legislative and Assessments regulatory requirements 5. Be subject to Threat Risk 2. Comply with Waterfront Assessments Toronto Digital Principles & 6. Be subject to Algorithmic emerging Intelligent Impact Assessments Community Guidelines 7. Requirements will be enforced 3. Incorporate Privacy by Design by contract

32 Q:4 Are there sufficient controls in place to address the risks associated with the implementation of this project?

Possible Controls Answer is a work in progress and is subject to • Annual compliance commercial negotiations with Sidewalk Labs. Project will certification only go forward if adequate controls are in place, including (but not limited to): • Audit rights • IP infringement • Costs and liabilities covered should solutions fail remedies • Project delays due to regulatory barriers • Reserve fund for critical • Controls that manage risk to Waterfront Toronto and infrastructure the public should there be a change in the relationship between Sidewalk Labs and Alphabet • Step in rights • Transfer of IP rights to WT Will also be informed by outcomes of preliminary Human Rights Impact Assessment

33 Q:5 Is Sidewalk Labs contributing enough to make the project work?

Work in progress though private investment at Quayside will be significantly more than public investment. Sidewalk Labs Sidewalk Labs has committed to: • Design, funding & delivery of advanced & 144 solutions private infrastructure investment • $10 M for applied research for urban innovation • $10 M to support early-stage enterprises • Hire 10% of construction hours from Public equity seeking groups up to 35 solutions investment • Partnership with Teachers’ Pension Plan Q6: Is the proposed public investment in the solutions appropriate?

Land valued at approximately $590 million, proceeds from the sale could go to: Land servicing (e.g. providing water, sewer, some streets, other infrastructure to Quayside)

Affordable housing

Environmentally-friendly solutions such as pneumatic waste and permeable pavement

Solutions improving accessibility and reliability : • Wayfinding beacons to enhance • Real-time digital 3-dimensional accessibility map of open space assets • Real-time digital map of the • Environmental sensing technology utility network Our Purpose & Goal Today:

• To get your feedback on our technical • What do you think about the ideas we evaluation and recommendations on are recommending for Quayside? what ideas to move forward with on Quayside. • We want to know so we can revise, update and fine-tune these ideas into a • Staff has engaged with experts for Final Innovation Plan to present to the several months to evaluate and assess Board for a decision. the ideas put forward by Sidewalk Labs in their MIDP.

• We've arrived at a set of ideas that we feel are worth pursuing, but we now want to know what you think.

36 Questions for you

1. Do you think the innovations raise the bar 4. Are there some innovations you would on meeting the urban challenges? Why or like to see prioritized over others? If so, why not? which ones and why? 2. Do you think that Waterfront Toronto has 5. What would you like to see in terms of identified sufficient controls to manage commitments from Sidewalk Labs to this risks? What other controls would you like project? to see considered? 3. Do you think that Waterfront Toronto has appropriately prioritized solutions for public investment? Why or why not?

37 Move to breakout sessions