Kathy Reichs | 304 pages | 28 Jan 2016 | Cornerstone | 9781784752392 | English | London, United Kingdom Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection

Synopsis: Fans of the Virals series will be thrilled with this companion volume that includes three short stories originally published as eSpecials as well as an all-new, never-before-seen Virals adventure! Terminal finds Tory Brennan and the rest of the Morris Island gang tracking a pack of rogue Virals who call themselves the Trinity. In the riveting conclusion to the Virals series, Tory and the others are nearing an impossible choice—and the ultimate showdown. And worse is yet to come: It seems that a secret government agency is tracking both packs down, fully intent on Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection them and learning all their secrets…even if that means subjecting them to invasive surgery. But worst of all, their own independent research tells them the virus has changed their cellular makeup and may even threaten their lives. This series conclusion has all the ingredients that made the first four installments so easy to read: solid character development, a viable plot incorporating both teenage angst and teenage adventure, and high stakes readers can believe in. A worthy coda to a gripping multivolume adventure. But the gang has other problems to face. Their powers are growing wilder, and becoming harder to control. Chance Claybourne is investigating the disastrous medical experiment that twisted their DNA. The bonds that unite them are weakening, threatening the future of the pack itself. The Virals must decipher the clues and track down a ruthless Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection before he strikes again, all while protecting their secret from prying eyes. And everyone seems to be watching. Oddities in their powers—surging and blinking at the worst possible moments—keep them Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection their toes as they investigate the kidnapping of three Charleston, South Carolina, prep school classmates. The low country atmosphere of historical homes, sand dunes, and magnolia-lined lanes adds great atmosphere, while a twist at the end offers a new plot thread begging to be expanded. Fans will eagerly await the next installment. Synopsis: Tory Brennan, the great-niece of Dr. Tempe Brennan, and the Virals return for a third thrilling adventure on Loggerhead Island. The Virals are put to the ultimate test when they find a geocache containing an ornate puzzle box. A second, greater geocache is within reach — if Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection Virals are up to Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection challenge. But the hunt takes a dark turn when Tory locates the other box — a fake bomb, along with a sinister proposal from The Gamemaster. Now, the real game has begun: another bomb is out there — a real one — and the clock is ticking. But now the very place that brought them together — the Loggerhead Island Research Institute — is out of funding Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection will have to shut down. That is, unless the Virals can figure out a way to save it! When the group rescues a dog caged for medical testing on a nearby island, they are exposed to an experimental strain of canine parvovirus that changes their lives forever. The pack is back on the prowl in this Virals adventure set after the events of Terminal. She expected to resolve last- minute wardrobe emergencies or venue issues but wherever the Virals go nefarious adversaries follow. Tory and her friends will need to stop a clever saboteur dead set on ruining the big day, whatever the cost. Just in time for the release of the final book in the Virals quintet comes a riveting short story that takes us back to the beginning. A dazed Tory Brennan steps off the plane in Charleston. Reeling from the recent death of her mother, and nervous about meeting her dad for the first time, she could hardly be less excited at the prospect of starting this new chapter of her life. But her worries begin to fade once she lays eyes on rugged, mysterious Morris Island, and three quirky boys who are as lively and curious as Tory herself. Maybe—just maybe—this new home has something wonderful in store for her after all. In this glimpse into the world of the Virals before they became Virals, sometimes what seems like an ending is only the start. But while Tory and the Virals are taking in the legendary convention in all its nerdy glory, a priceless Terminator robot is stolen from the crowded exhibition hall. When the bot-napper threatens to destroy it unless a hefty ransom is paid, Tory leaps at the chance to help her Aunt Tempe with the investigation. Subtle clues lead the Virals into all the weirdness that Comic-Con has to offer — strange costumes, ferocious mock battles, and fanboy geekdom beyond their wildest dreams — but the Terminator seems to have vanished without a trace, and the clock is ticking. As a renowned Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection anthropologist, Tempe is obviously qualified to figure out whodunit, but Tory and her Virals pack want to crack the case on their own. Yet the crime is puzzling. Who could have accessed the labs at LIRI, and how could they have gotten the equipment off the island? Brennan in this short story that gives readers a brand new insight into the world of the Virals. Toggle navigation. The Virals Series. Published Mar. They are Virals. Published Nov. SHOCK Synopsis: Just in time for the release of the final book in the Virals quintet comes a riveting short story that takes us back to the beginning. Published Feb. Published Dec. Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection () » Read Online Free Books

Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. Thanks for taking this ride with us! You know who you are! You guys made it all possible. Many thanks! I stood outside Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection the curb, waiting. Sweating, actually. And stood there. Twenty minutes and counting. Unpacking our winter hats and gloves. Not strolling around in shorts and T- shirts like these blond people surrounding me, radiant in their tanned, athletic perfection as they soaked in the morning sunshine. The word seared my mind. I had to stop thinking that way, too. Unbidden, tears gathered in my eyes. I pushed them back, angry. Determined not to let my emotions overcome me. Not again. Not today. At least not where anyone could see. I have a first impression to make. Wiping my eyes irritably, I glanced up at an iron clock bolted to the concrete pillar beside me, just above the taxi line sign. Twenty-five minutes. Am I going to need a freaking cab? Forgot to charge, then one episode of Scrubs too many. Anxiety crept in. Slowly and stealthily, like a jungle cat. Everything about this place felt foreign to me. It was more than just the temperature. Scanning the pickup area, I spotted palm trees swaying in the breeze. Heard a symphony of chirping crickets. Complete strangers nodded as they strolled past me, smiling, in no particular hurry. Some even said hello. That stuff could get you punched in the face. Even the name sounded exotic to me. What did I know about the South? Rhode Island that one summer when I was twelve. Familiar, normal New England locales, not so different from my central Massachusetts home. But this place? I felt like I needed a passport. Westborough seemed a million miles away. Calm down. You can do this. The silent Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection talk did nothing to ease my nerves. I was about to meet my father for the first time, face-to-face. A person Mom never told me about—not even his name—in all the years we spent together. We had spoken over FaceTime, sure. Honestly, he was the only realistic Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection. Other than my great-aunt Temperance Brennan. The Fates had decreed that Kit Howard would parent me through my high school years. So now I had a dad. I guess. Only four years until college. That got me thinking about Mom again—the car accident, the doorbell, the sad-eyed police officer—but I shoved the raw memories away. After two weeks of mourning, I was desperate for a reprieve. My tears were spent. Another gaggle of passengers exited the airport. They all seemed to have rides waiting. Where was this new father of mine? How can you be late to pick up your long-lost daughter? As if in answer, a mud-streaked Mini Cooper raced around the corner. Tires screeched as the tiny car slowed, then lurched forward, cutting across two lanes to halt directly before me. I mean, Tory? Tory Brennan? Which he kinda had. I understood. There was no script for this scenario. So we stared at each other. Behind him, a shuttle bus roared toward the exit. Spotting my bags, Kit shot forward. But he moved too fast, whacking his knee on the fender as he rounded the vehicle. Kit grabbed his leg, flushing beet red. A four-letter word curled his lips, but after glancing at me, he choked it back. I suppressed a smile. This guy might be a total doofus, but he was clearly more nervous than I was. Which was oddly comforting. But the app was displaying the correct landing time, nearly a half hour ago. Without warning. Airlines always get that stuff wrong. But he clearly underestimated their weight. The first one dropped like a stone, nearly smashing his foot, while the second bag toppled the cart before slamming into the side of his vehicle. For a beat, Kit simply stared at the carnage. Kit needed to calm down a lot before he could safely drive. An exasperated look crossed his face. Kit closed his Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection. Took a deep breath. Ran a hand over Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection face. Then his lids slid open and he gave me a wry smile. Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection shook. Meeting my father, complete. She was a good soul. Nor had he tried to convince me that everything would magically be okay. I appreciated that. My father, at least, seemed to understand. Looked away. There was only so much honesty I could take right then. Kit seemed about to say more, but must have thought better of it. Instead, he walked back around the car and popped the trunk. The Virals Series - Brendan Reichs

Fans of the Virals series will be thrilled with this companion volume that includes three short stories originally published as eSpecials as well as an all-new, never-before-seen Virals adventure! Fans of the Virals series will be thrilled with this companion volume that includes three short … Read more. Just in time for the release of the final book in the Virals quintet comes a … Read more. Having Temperance Brennan for a great-aunt comes with a few Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection an invite to the famous … Read more. Terminal finds Tory Brennan … Read more. The evidence is irrefutable: In sixteen New York Times bestsellers over the course of as many … Read more. Tempe Brennan has seen it all. Human bones. Animal bones. Old bones. Young bones. Male … Read more. Tory Brennan, the great-niece of Dr. Tempe Brennan, and the Virals Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection for a third thrilling … Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection more. Ever since Tory Brennan and her friends rescued Cooper, a kidnapped wolf pup with a rare … Read more. When Charlotte police discover the body of a Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection girl along a desolate stretch of two-lane … Read more. A newborn baby is found wedged in a vanity cabinet in a rundown apartment near Montreal. Just asfans are pouring into town for Race Week, a body is found in … Read more. John Lowery was declared dead in —the victim of a Huey crash in Vietnam, his body … Read more. There are bones in the human body. Forensic anthropologists know them intimately, can read in … Read Trace Evidence: A Virals Short Story Collection. In a house under renovation, a plumber uncovers a cellar no one knew about, and makes … Read more. As a child, she was told to forget about the missing girl. To some, the dead are a commodity. For Tempe Brennan, they hold the key to cracking … Read more. The bones of three young women are … Read more. She has a passion for the truth. Nine-year-old Emily Anne Toussaint … Read more. In the bitter cold of a Montreal winter, Tempe Brennan is digging for a corpse buried … Read more. In the year … Read more. In No Rest for the Deadbetrayal, vengeance, redemption, greed, and love, are tied together … Read more. Trace Evidence Published by Penguin Group. A Conspiracy of Bones Published by Scribner. Good News for Temperance Brennan Fans! The Bone Collection is coming to you this November. Bones on Ice Published by Random House. Shock Published by Penguin Group. Swipe Published by Penguin Group. Shift Published March 5, by Penguin. Terminal Published March 3, by Penguin. Published March 4, by Penguin. Published March 12, by Putnam Juvenile. Published by Razorbill. Virals Published by Razorbill. Bones Are Forever Published by. Devil Bones Published by Scribner. Bones to Ashes Published by Scribner. Break No Bones Published by Scribner. Published by Scribner. Published by Pocket Star. The secrets of the dead are in her hands. Published by Scribner. She works with the dead, but she works for the living. Grave Secrets Published by Scribner. A harrowing excavation unearths a chilling tragedy never laid to rest. Fatal Voyage Published by Scribner. Deadly Decisions Published by Scribner. When innocent blood is spilled, she deciphers the shattering truth it holds. Death Du Jour Published by Scribner. Her life is devoted to justice — for those she never even knew. No Rest for the Dead Published by Touchstone.