1 Recreational Mountain Biking
Recreational mountain biking: A case study of sustainable trail development at Boggs Demonstration State Forest, Cobb, California. by Lauren N. Claussen A CAPSTONE PAPER submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Natural Resources Presented March 23, 2021 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, a sincere thank you to my graduate advisor, Dr. Michael Harte, for mentoring me through the MNR program, providing guidance and constructive comments as I developed my project, and for your encouraging feedback and wisdom over the past few years. It has been a pleasure to work with my committee members, and I am so grateful for the time and knowledge they have shared with me through this process. Dr. Ashley D’Antonio, thank you for opening my eyes to the field of recreation ecology and providing your expertise on my mapping and analysis questions, and Lynette de Silva who provided assistance with feedback and final edits on my project. I could not have done this without support from my family, who have always been my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you to my husband, Nicholas, who first introduced me to the sport of mountain biking, and always encourages me to find comfort and growth in the uncomfortable – whether on a trail or in life. Your assistance in data collection at Boggs was invaluable, and there’s nobody I’d rather do field work in the freezing rain with! All the professors and faculty I have learned from and interacted with during my time at Oregon State have helped further my research, writing, and analysis skills, and I am so grateful for this opportunity and experience.
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