MEETING Thursday 17th March 2016 at 3pm Council Offices Monkton Park SN15 1ER Committee Rooms C/D Item Notes

Attending LL Lord Lansdowne (President) FdRP Fleur de Rhé Philipe(Chairman) RB Cllr Rolf Brindle Without Parish Council RW Cllr Richard Wiltshire Melksham Town Council CC Chris Coyle Wilts & Berks Canal Trust GC Gavin Champion Cooper Tires RBr Richard Broadhead CG Colin Goodhind Melksham Community Area Partnership KH Kath Hatton Wilts & Berks Canal Trust KO Ken Oliver Wiltshire Council CR Charlotte Riggs BC RY Robert Yeowell British Canoeing Paul Harris Oxfordshire CC, Alistair Millington Sustrans, Cllr 1 Apologies; Rodney Rose Oxfordshire CC, Cllr Mark Clarke CrickladeTC, Elizabeth Payne IWA/CCT, Vaughan Welch IWA ,Rob Dean KACT, Mark Evans CRT, Jason Leach CRT, Jonathan Till WBCT, Cllr Andrew Bennett Swindon BC th were 2 Notes from the last meeting 17 December 2015 (pre-circulated) approved . LL asked for clarity on the revised wording in the Strategy Document regarding land acquisition. The revised wording is now ... The Partnership policy is to use the historic alignment of the canal where possible noting the agreed deviation to this route in Melksham Swindon Cricklade and Abingdon. Other pragmatic minor deviations will be made to accommodate technical difficulties and landowner preference. Based on this policy the Partnership seeks to acquire land by negotiation wherever possible...... 3 Chairman’s Announcements FdRP noted that this would have been Cllr Andrew Bennett’s last meeting but due to Mayoral duties he was unable to attend. FdRP wished to record the thanks of the Partners to Andrew for his work over a number of years as deputy Chairman and for particularly in the Eastern Villages. FdRP will FdRP write a letter of thanks. CR had a short message from Andrew: ‘He hoped for more progress on the Swindon eastern route as there was lots of local support now. In an environment where there was a continuing shortage of funds he wished the project success and sent thanks to all who he had worked with’. 4 Projects update Melksham Link KO reported that the Environment Statement and other

revised documents had been submitted to Wiltshire Council and that the process to determine the planning application could now start again . The planning ref is W/12/01080/FUL. The new documents will be uploaded soon. The Environment Statement is available on the Partnership web site . A new consultation period will again start and it is hoped to get to a planning committee before the summer ( subject to responses) LL noted it would be helpful to see the plans particularly relating to the proposed housing. KO said that this application (Planning application W/12/01080/FUL) only dealt with canal ( and river) corridor. The external Masterplanning team were still revising the scheme and WBCT would make available these plans when they were finalised.CC confirmed that the Masterplan would be submitted as a separate outline planning application. FdRP noted that when the application came to a committee it would be helpful if there were 3 supporters to speak. KO said that when the information was available on the planning web site the details would be circulated to partners so they could add (supportive) comments. FdRP KO suggested that local Members are contacted and it is made clear that this application is about the canal not the enabling development. KO said previously that most contact had been via the Area Board. CC thought that there should be clarity between the canal application and the enabling development in agenda items. KO said that it would probably be best if WBCT tabled the enabling development plans when they were at a stage where they could be discussed. FdRP asked if an overall plan could be circulated for the canal scheme. KO will circulate this with the notes. RB KO noted that the enabling development plans had been shown to the Parish Council. KO said that these plans are likely to be changed before a planning application is submitted.CG thought it was important that any potential housing issues should not obstruct the canal planning application. RW said that the canal was being included in one of the schemes at Chippenham and hoped that the two schemes might be mutually supportive. Pewsham Locks KH reported that Canal & River Trust had been successful in obtaining a £500k grant from Peoples Postcode Lottery. It was not yet generally known that the Wilts & Berks Pewsham Locks projects is one of the beneficiaries of this funding (Dreamfund) . An official launch is expected in late April/early May. This CRT lead initiative is partnered by Help for Heroes and the W&B is one of six original schemes in the bid ( which was for £1m). PPL decided to award the lower amount as there were two equally deserving applications. The reduced funding has meant the withdrawal of 2 schemes and a slight reduction in the funding available for Pewsham which is now just short of £100k.Wiltshire Council’s Chippenham Area Board has made a grant of £20k to make up the shortfall. The project is reconstruction of top lock at Pewsham. Tidworth Help for Heroes will be making their contribution to the project in spring 2017. A further separate bid to Heritage Lottery Fund for approximately £700k will be made in June this year for the remainder of the site ( excluding Top Lock Cottage). FdRP thanked Kath for the hard work and successful outcome . KO noted that this is the first time that Canal & River Trust have got directly involved with a funding bid for an externally led restoration. This reflects CRT current thinking about how they are dealing with specific

restoration projects and recognising that the Wilts & Berks and Cotswold restorations will create a new southern waterways network centred on Swindon. Major schemes like this are likely to be recognised as being of national significance and supported appropriately. The Help for Heroes connection to help re-skill injured service personnel is also of great significance and we hope will lead to other similar collaborations. Studley Grange CC reported that after pausing for winter, the restoration will be restarted when ground conditions are suitable for the contractors to return to work. The first work will be the towpath surfacing to allow volunteers access to carry out the extensive planting programme for the wildlife trail. KH showed examples of the interpretation boards that had been created using local colleges and schools- this work has been carried out by the project officer Kate Jones. The planting work will be done in association the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. To complete the excavation works the water level will need to be slowly reduced over a number of weeks. The next phase of the scheme subject to further funding will be building Bincknoll Lane bridge to allow the Studley Grange section to be linked to Morningside Farm. WBCT now regards linking Royal Wootton Bassett to Swindon as high priority. Swindon Wichelstowe KO reported that any progress still depended on a formal signing for the Joint Venture Company between Swindon BC and Barrett Homes. When this had taken place discussions will start on the proposed Wichelstowe Link to join the canal at Westleaze. It is also hoped that some work can be carried out on the water supply to the canal at East Wichel . It is also hoped to start meaningful discussion about co-siting of the road and canal crossing for M4 . LL asked if a replacement for Cllr Bennett had been identified as a Partnership representative. CR said that this would not be decided until after the May election. Swindon Central A meeting was held with Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Regeneration, senior officers and WBCT . It has been proposed that a cooperation agreement may be a way forward. The terms will need to be carefully worded and a draft has been sent for Swindon BC to consider. Swindon New Eastern Villages KO Outlined some technical proposals that are being suggested to use the canal in the New Eastern Villages for land drainage and flood prevention The full technical report is available on the Partnership web site . Abingdon (new proposal- outline of scheme at the end of these notes ) Nearly ten years ago Jubilee Junction was constructed and the is now a possibility of a funding for a scheme to extend this further westward. An initial proposal has been discussed with IWA which would extend the canal by approx 1km. KH was keen to make a start even if it was limited to connecting to the lake. KO also noted that a submission had been made to EA consultation on the Oxford & Abingdon Flood relief proposals.

5 Wilts & Berks Canal Trust –restructure CC reported that the reorganisation had now been completed :

Pen pictures of the WBCT Executive are included at the end of these notes. New support teams are currently being appointed. There is an interim Board of Trustees but in the next few months there will be invitations to a number of organisations including the Partnership to nominate someone to act as a Trustee. 6 VWHDC Local Plan Enquiry KO noted that (not directly related to this item) there were public discussions about local government reorganisation in Oxfordshire . A number of proposals were being considered to create a Unitary Authority KO had attended the EIP on 17th February. The objective was to persuade the Inspector that the original Canal Policy was restored to Pt 1 of the Local Plan. Amongst the points raised were the duty to co-operate with the other Local Authorities and that VWHDC should not over-weight the views of 4 landowners ( who had originally objected to the policy) compared to the needs of green infrastructure for all of the community. Further technical information is to be submitted by VWHDC to the Inspector by 29th April after which he will be producing an interim report. KO noted that the majority of interest in the Local Plan is about housing and therefore the canal issue is only a very small part of the document. LL noted that LA support was vital to the delivery of the scheme. RW asked if the Thames Water reservoir plan was still relevant. KO said that it was still being proposed as a possibility but did not feature in any management plan until at least 2030. LL wondered if the housing shortage in Oxfordshire might be able to produce enabling development. KO said that there has been a meeting with the Leader of the Council and Head of Planning to discuss this but they had indicated that there was a considerable demand for funding for transport infrastructure which would be competing with any canal funding. 7 Partners Reports KO presented some further ideas about how the canal water storage might be used to provide attenuation on some of the watercourses that flowed from the Downs. The proposal had not been fully engineered and was currently being discussed with Environment Agency. LL noted the extra demand on land if this were implemented. RB said that this was obviously at a very early stage of design and much more work would be required to define the scale of the storage.

KH informed partners that a new funding appeal was about to be launched to purchase a section of the canal (approx 850m) between Melksham and Lacock at Queenfield Farm. Ground investigation survey has been carried out to determine the nature of the canal infill. RB noted the enthusiasm of Melksham Without PC for this corridor as a route to Lacock. RY would like to encourage use of the Studley Grange section of canal when completed for canoeing. It was agreed it was desirable for all areas of restored canal to be used for this purpose and RY would look at CC RY refreshing canoeing guides in conjunction with CC GC noted that Cooper Tires are still seeking ways to move out of their site adjacent to the river. RB asked if the proposed bridge at Bincknoll Lane RWB was a restoration or new construction. CC said that it was intended to be a new ‘Flexiarch ‘ construction . Melksham Food & River Festival will be taking place on September 4th CG festival-5-and-6-september-2015 CC noted that WBCT had just authorised an environmental study of the canal route in Oxfordshire. Peter Brett Associates have been appointed as consultants . RY noted that the North Wilts branch was not discussed much, It was agreed to put it as an agenda item for the next meeting together with plans for Chippenham – it was noted that these plans would not be circulated KO but shown to partners as indicative schemes.

Meeting Closed at 16.25 : 9 Date and time and location of next meeting Proposed Dates for 2016 16th June:15th September(possible site visit):15th December

Item 4 Melksham Link Plans

Item 4 Abingdon Proposal

Sheila J. Wade MA Oxon PR & Communications, IT Director After graduating in the late 70’s from St Hugh’s College Oxford, I went into industry initially in the manufacturing sector and then in the information sector, where I held a variety of roles in multinational corporations in HR and Communication. I started my own service company in the 90’s which is still working today in the environment management sector. I have been MD and FD for Greenscape Services Ltd, and am now on the last stage of my exit strategy, as a nonexecutive director. I have also lectured, trained and facilitated in Management and Communication, mainly working with young people. I have, for the last 20 years, been committed to voluntary work, both in my community and nationally, and I continue to work at Trustee and Director level for a number of Charities and voluntary organisations. In 2013 Andrew Chapman, the then Chair of Foxham & Lyneham Branch, recruited Greenscape as a corporate member of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust in order to have our professional environment management skills available to the Branch and the Trust on a pro bono basis. In 2015, I became the Foxham & Lyneham Branch Secretary and will continue to work with Ian Gilbert Foxham & Lyneham Branch Chair, and other Branch Officers, to ensure the branch remains an effective part of the Trust. I am delighted to join the Executive at this exciting time in the Trust’s development, and I look forward to working with the other Directors in order to support and achieve the aims of the Trust.

Derek Flexer C.Eng. MIET Volunteers, Property, Commercial Operations Director I have had a varied career starting as an Engineering Cadet in the Merchant Navy. I then moved on and had jobs ranging from Software Engineering, through Project and Programme Management, and Product Management through to Compliance Management. I am currently a Programme Manager with TMForum, a telecom industry body. I have lived in Chippenham since 1996, with my family and have been on many family canal boat holidays round most of the popular cruising rings of the Midlands and further North. I have been an active volunteer in the Chippenham area since 2000 and have been with the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust since March 2011. I was elected Chair of the MCC Branch in June 2012 where I remained for three years. Since then I have been Maintenance Director and Health & Safety Officer. I was recently appointed as Volunteers, Property, Commercial Operations Director and Health & Safety Officer. I believe I have joined at an exciting time for the Trust and that we are about to see dramatic changes in the scale of our operation to address the major planning and civil engineering projects.

Andrew Matters Projects Director After an apprenticeship with Rolls Royce I spent 28 years in the Royal Navy, serving in the Cold War and the Falklands, the Persian Gulf and the Adriatic conflicts. Highlights included the role as Squadron Marine Engineer Officer for six Destroyers; leader of a team to introduce the novel concept of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) and finally in a role charged with ensuring that new maritime procurement projects are supportable. I joined BAE Systems in 2002 on the Type 45 Destroyer Support team to define the services and processes needed for the waterfront maintenance and servicing of these six ships. I moved to the Queen Elizabeth class Aircraft Carrier Support team in 2009 and now hold the authority to ensure that all the maintenance instructions, technical manuals, training packages, spare parts and stores for this £6 billion project are fit for purpose and safe to use. I am a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers where I am chair of their Ethics Working Group, in which role I have just rewritten the Code of Conduct. For the last 18 months I have served on the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust Engineering Committee and as a member of MCC branch. I have led groups of up to 350 people while knowing exactly what their jobs involve. My project management experience comes from the RCM team experience and my employment within BAE Systems, during which I undertook formal training. In my role on the Executive I look forward to directing major restoration projects in liaison with Branch Chair and individual Project Managers, while making best use of support from the Engineering and Land Teams.

Chris Coyle Finance, Legal, Administration Director Although I lived in Hertfordshire at the time, a business visit in 1987 to Wantage led me to spot by chance the profile of a dry canal in the car park of the factory I was visiting. This led me to join the Wilts & Berks Canal Amenity Group (as it was then). Over the next few years I worked on the canal, on the WRG Big Dig, and at other sites, mainly at Foxham and Royal Wootton Bassett. A Chartered Accountant by training, I have been Finance Director of a number of companies. My work gave me little time for the canal, but it did give me a lot of experience in company administration, and in helping businesses of all sizes and types with a large range of problems to solve. In 2001 I moved to Bath. In 2008 I decided to retire (mostly) and to take a more active role in the canal restoration. I was very pleased to be asked to take on the role of Company Secretary following the AGM in 2008. Since that time I have been looking after the legal aspects of the Trust, such as arranging insurance cover and making the legally required returns of the company, and also have made a wider contribution, at one time editing Dragonfly and taking a part in developing the wider strategy and its implementation. Recently I have been helping with the proposals for the reorganisation of the Trust. Joining the Executive as Director of Finance and Administration I look forward to strengthening the Trust’s financial position and building the strength of the administration, in addition to retaining the separate role of Company Secretary.

Kath Hatton Fundraising, SPonsorship Director When I first became aware of the Wilts & Berks Canal restoration in 1993, it was instantly appealing as I wanted to join something that was at an early stage where I could make a difference. As a new member I went to the AGM that year, but nobody spoke to me. So I was a little disheartened and just became an armchair member for a few years. In 2000 I retired from the Civil Service and moved to France for 8 years and was even more out of reach, but keeping up with progress by reading Dragonfly. I have been a boater for many years, first hiring, then having a share in a narrowboat for 14 years. We moved the boat regularly and so I have seen many different canals. When I finally moved into Wiltshire in 2008, I was at last close enough to attend local MCC meetings where Colin Fletcher encouraged me to try fundraising. I really enjoyed it and we managed to raise enough to dredge a good length of canal at Pewsham and restore the horseshoe spillweir. I became Fundraising Director for the Trust in 2010. The last few years of running without a Chairman meant that as Vice-Chairman I had many extra duties and responsibilities, and fundraising activity suffered as a consequence. The Trust is moving into a new exciting phase now and I am really looking forward to my new post on the Executive. I have many ideas and hope at last I will be able to “make that difference”!

Jonathan Till MA Cantab Chief Executive Officer After graduating in the early 80’s from Corpus Christi College Cambridge, I joined the banking industry learning the ropes at Barclays Bank International PLC. My career later took me to Ernst & Young as a consultant in Financial Services doing organisational and financial modelling work mainly for the banking industry. But it was not long before I was once again employed by the industry, firstly at National Westminster Bank PLC and then – thanks to Ernst & Young – at Budapest Bank Zrt in Hungary with the job of supporting the organisation prepare for privatisation – as it turned out by GE Capital. After 10 years here I moved on to the Austrian Erste Bank’s Hungarian subsidiary where I spent a further 10 years at a bank – eventually being appointed to the Board of Directors. For the last 5 years I have worked outside the banking industry in both the UK and in Hungary, and I have at last had the chance to pick and choose what challenges I take on. One such challenge has been to modernise the organisation of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust. If we get it right (which we will), then the target of making substantial progress on getting the canal restored over the next 10 to 15 years will be a reality. I’m very proud to be working with my fellow Directors on the Executive – with Andrew, Chris, Derek, Kath and Sheila – and excited about moving on to deal with the challenges ahead of us. With the continuing support of our members and with the new organisation coming into place I have no doubt that the pace of our progress will quicken!

165500N 165500N

388700E 388800E 388900E 389000E 389100E 389200E 389300E 389400E 389500E 389600E 389700E 389800E 389900E 390000E 390100E 390200E 390300E 390400E 390500E 390600E 390700E 390800E 390900E 165400N 165400N 391000E 391100E 391200E 391300E 391400E 391500E 391600E 391700E

Proposed connection onto historic 165300N line of Wilts & Berks Canal towards 165300N Reybridge/Lacock

165200N Melksham 165200N Loop

165100N 165100N

165000N 165000N

164900N Melksham Forest 164900N

164800N 164800N

164700N 164700N

164600N 164600N

Murray Walk Foot bridge Foot bridge

River 164500N 164500N


164400N Road 164400N

Foot Forest Existing EA Flood Gate bridge adapted to incorporate new narrow lock, hydro School 195 164300N generator & weir structure 164300N 194 Way with fish & eel pass


196 Western 192 197 Existing activity Centre, 198 199 191 Pontoon type 'rise and fall' 200 A350 201 canoe landing / slipway 202 203 204 164200N 164200N visitor mooring facilities 205 206 208 207

210 King George 209 188 189 215 214 211 187 213 212 186 190 Playing Field

184 185 Sandridge Town 183 182 Road Bridge 180 181

179 178 Lock landing stages 161

164100N 164100N

Bath Lowbourne

160 159 Road

Sewage 162 158 Works. Challymead 163 164

165 164000N Supermarket 164000N Union Street

Electricity 157 Sub Stn. (B3107) 166 167 Melksham 168 169 156

Road 155

171 163900N 163900N Proposed 170

140 172 173 174 Bradford 175176 154 Canal junction 153 177 139 152 151 with R.Avon 150 389600E 389700E 389800E 389900E 390000E 390100E 390200E 390300E

148 149 147 146 145 Bridge 144 NAIL 4 389999.49 228 163827.57 143 35.77

Proposed weir incorporating 141 228 Bridge NAIL 3 227 390008.97 138 163812.65 226 35.87 163800N canoe pass & fish and eel pass Avon225 142 163800N 224 RiverAvon 222 32.97 River 32.95

32.82 32.81

Fence 221 33.00 33.10 33.30 137 32.89 223 32.92


32.90 32.90 135 33.11 134 'Grasscrete' or similar 33.01 133 220 33.00

163700N re-inforced hardstanding 132 163700N 32.75 Towpath route under Challymead PLACE ROAD 33.2m 131 for channel maintenance 130 St Michael's Court 219 32.81 218 32.64 Post 217 Tennis 216 Rd. Bridge to provide footpath/cycleway Courts 32.50 32.65 MELKSHAM LANE 32.74 Challymead 32.1332.25 129 Challymead House 127128 link to Melksham town centre Mill 32.13 126 125 32.00 32.75 Cemetery Tennis 118 31.67 Reedbeds 32.55 Courts Swimming Pool 177 117 Bowling 33.00 124 Lodge 175 123 Cemetery 32.76 122 Green House 174 121 Playing Field 33.87 32.79 Lock water 116 33.51 32.78 120 163600N 163600N Post 32.81

32.86 33.91 Bottom Lock 33.31 34.19 119 back pump system 115

Drain 34.15 34.28 Well 32.91 34.66 River Avon 33.29 33.00 114 Melksham 33.0932.73 113 Pond 36.00 House 34.27 35.66 (Club) ED 34.93 112 33.72 Small fishing/public CR & Ward Bdy 34.00 34.04 35.58 111

35.00 car park 110 MP 101 38.63 33.78 36.00 38.59 Terraces Post 35.72 35.65 37.00 38.14 20 14 34.02 38.00 12

34.42 Football Ground 37.91 109 163500N ALDER WAY 26 163500N 35.56 7 63 37.98 Thornbank 38.49 1

34.00 Way 34.00 69 Top Lock 1 61 108 Ppg Sta 35.00 CEDAR CL WAY 34.59 14 32 35.51 36.00 21 80 37.00 107 12 55 38.0138.00 7


35.40 71 Western Tennis Courts 106 1 38.43 7 35 38.66 35.42 38.50 70

37.43 18 53 75

38.25 105 ORCHARD A350 8 37.12 25 14 49 Play Area GARDENS New fixed 'Flexi Arch' 37.95 27 163400N 163400N 92 Canal CLOSE 100 104 LARCH 38.00 47 60 footbridge 13 19 1 23

38.07 9 21 37.85 1 15 P 10 4 11 37.60 37.75 CONIGRE Berks 37.13 12 WILLOW CL Melksham14 15 37.50 CLOSE & 37.63 58 14 8 37.25 5 37.00 21 School Bungalow 37.01 37.30 12 37.19 Playground 103 AVENUE 36.49 Wilts 36.75 8 163300N 20 391000E 391100E 391200E 391300E 391400E 391500E 391600E 391700E 163300N Short footpath diversions 36.53 50 102 LIME 20a of 36.50 1 35 36.01 27 36.24 HAZELWOOD ROAD 34.7m 37.00 along new field access track BEECH AVE 33 36.25 36.57 101 Aloeric 10 36.50 1 36 30 Primary School line 7 & over footbridge 36.99 36.75 6 48 37.0437.00 37.00 ESS 5 LB 100 37.16 Playing Field 37.52 37.25 20 37.33 39 58 99 52 37.39 4 23 13 LEGEND 37.76 ROAD Original 37.92 163200N ESS 31 44 37.50 PINE 29 8 46 40 Footpath ST MICHAEL'S CLOSE 57

98 3 30 37.75 1 38.00 37.64 97 21 45 37.75 17 Fire 38.13 25 Twr 37.9996 38 New46 earth bund separating canal/highway. 13 LABURNUM DRIVE 35 13a 18 27 Bund to be planted with native trees & shrubs 26

38.01 Planning Application Boundary 95

38.19 2 Filling Station Refuge Moorings & 38.03 94

38.25 38.09 14 38.11 38.48 37.84 163100N 17 37.95 38.15 GREENWOOD 15 Winding Hole ROAD 11a 2 38.00 1 17 11

38.03 12 HORNBEAM 9

2 1 ROWAN COURT Fence CRESCENT 11 4 1 Footpath 37.97 Marsh 2 55 9 38.25 38.00 38.00

38.50 44 CRESCENT 57 PEEL COURT 38.67 38.02 A 350 59 New hedgerow & 2 DRIVE 93 A LB 59 1 12 LABURNUM 61 38.17 11 HORNBEAM 137 WESTERN 10 El hedgerow tree planting 5 38 Sub Existing tree likely to be retained 38.16 Sta 67 WAY 163000N 38.25 11 5 El 14 Sub 32 Sta 1 38.06 A 350 38.10 38.30 2 18 Track 22 NAIL TCB 389901.40 38.52 HORNBEAM 162969.33 ROAD 38.39 38.50 1 CRESCENT 2 75 38.34 Towpath 38.21 8 ASH GROVE 3 8 A350 1 5 38.11 2 38.37 Ppg 63 WesternWESTERN Sta RADNOR PL Farm track for field access 38.34 1.37m RH WAY LINDEN GROVE 6 38.25 Way 6 38.21 and canal maintenance New access38.47 38.53 162900N 137 roads to 89 Existing tree likely to require removal

12 38.25 Townsend SEMINGTON ROAD 64 North Townsend 1.37m RH 38.40 A 350 Farm Farm 38.57 A 350 38.50 38.43 65 66 5 67 4 68 69 38.53 South 48 70 71 Townsend 72 Farm 3


1 TOWNSEND FARM 49 38.66 44 38.49 73 43 162800N 74 38.31 7538.50 111 83 38.34 76 40 1.37m RH 38.35 113 77 82 38.19 Silo 78 38.49 38.14 79 38.25 37 Proposed new tree planting 80 38.06 38.22 117 1.37m RH 81 36 Boundary Farm 85 38.22 86 38.02 87 88 89 119 38.22 37.98 90

Fence 91 92


Def Track 38.24 59 29 37.99 38.00 Towpath 57 123 38.19 25 38.24 37.80 26

38.06 37.95 23 1 162700N 38.02 22 Melksham Mobile Home Park 37.72 6 38.09 38.00 21 37.97 10 37.81 12 14 37.97

38.35 16 New fixed 'Flexi Arch' 37.86

38.00 17 Proposed new Hedge planting BERRYFIELD LANE road bridges 485 38.00 37.8m

37.90 37.74 Highcroft Farm Footpaths37.95 37.94

Poultry Houses 84 37.84 162600N 37.98


37.80 37.83 NOTES: Westwood 37.90 1.37m RH Westward Farm 37.75 Farm 486 Tree reference numbers relate to 'Tree Survey and Implications

37.77 37.81

37.77 628 629 Winding Hole Assessment' Report prepared by Woodland & Countryside

Fence 48 hr visitor 37.75 37.64 626

37.70 Management Ltd. (02.09.2012) 37.73 37.76 162500N 488 37.64

moorings 37.78 37.75 624 Fence 612 611 613

37.83 37.84 ROAD 38.24 37.86 38.15 Berryfield Lane

60 Fence

Avon 38.02 38.25 37.86 610 37.91 603 602 37.86 38.00 SEMINGTON Closed 32 59 38.00

37.92 38.14 37.68 37.77 River Allotment Gardens 607 604 Towpath 37.83 37.92 37.85 37.91 1 BERRYFIELD 37.60 604a 37.88 LANE 37.51 37.62 58 607a 37.78 37.84 37.91 38.1338.00 BERRYFIELD CLOSE 62 61 37.94 LANE 37.84 37.9857 BERRYFIELD 56 607b 26 601 491 27 Road Closure. 17 38.05 37.88 599 37.98 162400N 606a 23 22 1 37.76 26 New (lift or swing) 7 55 PADFIELD GARDENS 51 37.63 1 37.59 53 37.74 54 Pumping Station BERRYFIELD PARK 37.48 27 1 13 52 foot bridge. 605 51 37.33 37.56 Issues 12 50 4 50 7 GY 491b 30 36.97 6 49 606 20 48 37.12 37.06 f El Sub 47 37.10 30 Sta 31 29 Bridge 1 101 46 37.14 18 21 WINSTON ROAD 45 37.20 605a 3 37.31 32 NAIL2 37.54 37.44 33 36.99 390106.19 BerryfieldBERRYFIELD PARK 99 26 162337.66 58 FB 37.16 37.11 HOLBROOK 25 VALE 103 LB 34 34.43 102 105 113 7 CLOSE 98 37.20 491a ELIZABETH 97 104 36.92 96 115 36.96 95 35 Ditch 4 8 1 112 36.92 110 24 7 36.91 13 44 106 36.90 23 37.03 162300N 3837 92 39 36.69 36.75 22 492 36 109 40 21 37.05 PlaygroundFence El 597 15 37 85 Sub 41 20 44 36.24 Berryfield 42 18 19 Sta 43 1215 17 16 596 LB 66 Hall 493a Pump 36.11 14 House 89 1113 9 596a 36.85 Culvert 83 10 7 36.32 8 493b 36.29 Conifers 595a 34.41 Brook 6 36.20 36.80

36.21 78A 72 36.17 36.00 595b 37.4m494 73 75 36.25 74 34.28 37.22 New sewer 73a 74a 36.19 36.39 36.71 162200N 37.25 496 36.51

crossing 35.83 36.47 36.00Berryfield 37.00 595 36.16 36.04 36.00 36.56 36.89 37.4037.60 594

496a Aqueduct 28

37.33 37.00 496b 37.28 27 48 hr visitor 37.02 496c 36.89 37.00 36.80 moorings 592

37.25 497

37.22 37.48 37.83 Winding Hole 162100N 37.50 588 37.79 37.51 Holbrook 37.64 HolbrookDairy Farm 587a 37.46 37.61 Dairy Farm 37.75 Footbridge 502 37.69


MH 37.77 37.95 37.84 584

37.66 582 38.15 Footpaths 38.04 Shelter 506 38.28

162000N 38.29

38.09 38.00 512 513 513a 513b 37.77 SHAILS LANE 38.00 37.86 514

New hedgerow & hedgerow New lock & water38.04 38.14 Pond a 514 Pond 514b 514c 514d tree planting back pump system C1 C2 518 12 14 38.15

Ashville Centre


37.75 11 Pond 10 37.4237.41 NAIL1 B7 390075.47 B6 161907.74 38.49 5 161900N 37.52 38.00 B1 B2 6 New Culvert B3 37.68 Minor 37.81 38.04 El Sub Sta 37.50 under canal ESS 4 watercourse 3 2 A1 A2 37.25 A3

36.96 1 to 13 Tank 26 37.27 574 33

14 25

37.25 37.10 SEMINGTON ROAD Evans 37.40 37.20 37.15 37.47 37.54 572 Business

37.15 37.68 37.82 Centre 37.18 37.85 37.36 30 19 20

161800N 37.32 Silo 37.55


37.71 38.1m

Rd. Hampton Park West Business Park

37.42 37.47 Gas Govn 37.42 37.58


37.62 161700N Farm accommodation bridge & 37.69 37.50 local footpath diversion Semington Pp 37.54 37.46 37.46 37.55 Divisional Shelter Police HQ


37.61 Shelter 37.59

El Sub Sta

37.74 37.69 5 37.50 37.57 37.81 Disused 37.50 37.48 4 Railway (embanked) 37.73 161600N 37.77 37.71 Pond

37.62 37.49 37.48 37.51 37.63 37.76 37.66 38.00 37.61 39.00 37.30 1 Dismantled Railway 40.00 37.37 37.77 40.63 Issues 40.70 2 37.94 Outmarsh 40.67 541 40.00 41.03 41.31 41.31 41.52 41.60 41.66 41.64 Outmarsh 39.00 42.06 37.49 38.00 41.60 41.66 40.69 41.94 Dismtd 37.51 PEG1 37.30 389776.55 38.83 Rly 37.32 161545.61 3 Footpaths 37.14 42.10 38.61 37.31 37.34 37.72 37.89

37.49 37.52 37.40 37.80 37.98 37.36 37.37 561 37.50 161500N 37.72 37.76 37.51

37.19 37.26 37.7837.75 37.47 36.87

Canal Track Cattle Grid 37.95 Old 37.82 37.64 Fence 37.68 37.13 37.63 37.18 36.73 36.93 38.07 37.00 37.03 37.59 Pond 37.19 36.95 37.48 38.00 Stone Outmarsh Farm Local37.02 footpath 38.05 Outmarsh 36.90

37.72 37.25 Farm 36.67 Canal 37.59 diversions37.38 along 37.45 37.63 Underground 37.50 37.64 37.75 Outmarsh 161400N Oil Pipe towpath Marker36.48 37.75 37.77 37.50 35.95 37.84 Slurry Pit 36.00 38.09 36.17 37.92 Berks

38.19 37.33 Pipeline 37.82 38.15 & 37.00 Pond 38.06 38.12

36.14 37.36 37.84 38.21 37.97


38.19 38.04 38.01 38.05 Wilts

38.07 37.87 38.00 Old Canal 37.92 38.00 161300N 37.77 38.00 38.17 of 35.89 37.31 38.06 37.95 38.11

36.00 37.95 Semington 37.75 37.87 38.10 38.09 38.19

Brook 37.50 37.89 line ED & Ward Bdy 35.61 38.08 38.09 37.25 38.27 37.90 37.95 38.06 38.44 37.99 38.25 38.44 CS 38.46 38.33 Proposed new Kennet & Avon - 37.91 37.97

38.02 38.45 36.84 37.59 39.2m 38.00 Wilts & Berks Canal Junction 38.21 37.75 37.74 38.68 Original 161200N 38.27 38.75 38.95 37.37 37.63 37.80 38.50


37.00 38.25 37.25 37.50 37.94

37.25 36.88 38.74 Cattle Grid 38.15 Original Kennet & Avon & 36.51 37.65

37.76 38.41 Wilts & Berks Canal Junction New K&A Towpath 38.85 37.91 37.56 38.00

161100N 'Flexi Arch' bridge 554 38.18 38.25

38.57 38.50 545 38.69 39.13 38.00

37.97 39.16

38.75 39.00 38.34 38.51 38.29 38.63 38.34 38.57 38.61 38.64 38.95 Semington 39.22 38.63 Semington Bridge 38.61 OLDNAIL 389965.14 38.71 161027.24 42.30

NAIL 389964.42 Top Lock (K&A) 161025.12 42.28

Wharf Cottage Lock Kennet 161000N & 41.3m Avon Semington Brook Lock House Canal CS Slipway ED & Ward Bdy Track Semington 546 Aqueduct Track Dry Dock Lock 389200E 389300E 389400E 389500E 389600E 389700E 389800E 389900E 390000E 390100E 390200E 390300E 390400E 390500E 390600E 390700E Semington 552 Brook

160900N 388700E 388800E 388900E 389000E 389100E 390800E 390900E

Towing Path

34.9m Swing-bridge Semington Bridge

Brook House

Poultry Brook Cottage 14 House Drain Drain

10 15 3 19 9 21A 21B

4 El 22 1 Sub Sta ORCHARD25 24 Somerset Arms (PH) 5 31 THE 74 6 to 11 6 5 0 100 200 300 400 5a 73 30 72a

1 PALMER GR Garage 27 29 73a 7a Semington 28 5b metres 7 72c LB

72b 9 17 10 15 22 20 9A Slurry Hall 10A Pit 5c 30 10

71a TCB

72 15 11 71 Scale bar:1:5000 at A0 35

CLOSE 5 37.7m WAY 12 69 13 The Old 25 POUND CLOSE Chapel POUND LANE POUND 24 40 SOMERSET 10 32 22 8 El Sub Sta Manor Farm 13a 20 14 13b Red Cross 18 19 House 17b 17c 2 13c 14 17a 1 2 HIGH STREET 17 CHURCH STREET 12 39.5m 10 6 1 20 6 CLOSE El 27 CHURCH STREET MANOR CLOSE SHEET LAYOUT DO NOT SCALE FROM THIS DRAWING Notes: Project 6 The Layout drawings should be read in conjunction with WILTS AND BERKS CANAL TRUST Melksham Link (Project 10)

Sheet other drawings and documents submitted in support of

Sheet 5 Drawing Wilts & Berks Canal Trust 7 this planning application. OFFICEADDRESS OFFICETEL


Sheet Sheet 6 - Overview Plan Sheet 4 Total Scheme N Sheet 3 Overview Sheet 3a Drawn by: MAG Date: 26.04.2012 Rev Drwn Chkd Apprvd Date Description Checked by: ML Date: xx.xx.201222.07.2015 Sheet 2 Grid to Local Datum 0 MAG ML EGT 01.06.12 FIRST ISSUE / PLANNING Approved by: EGT Date: xx.xx.201222.07.2015 1 MAG ML EGT 14.11.13 REVISED PLANNING Drawing No. Revision (orientated to magnetic north) Sheet 1 2 MAG ML EGT 22.07.15 REVISED PLANNING WBCT/10/006 2 Levels to Local Datum 3

Drawing Scale: 1:5000 at A0

MEETING Thursday 29th September 2016 at 3pm Wiltshire Council Offices Monkton Park Chippenham SN15 1ER Committee Rooms A/B Item Notes

Attending LL Lord Lansdowne (President) RW Cllr Richard Wiltshire Melksham Town Council RBl Roderick Bluh Wilts & Berks Canal Trust RBr Richard Broadhead Wiltshire Council RD Rob Dean Kennet & Avon Canal Trust (Chairing the meeting) KH Kath Hatton Wilts & Berks Canal Trust KO Ken Oliver Wiltshire Council JW Jonathan Wilshaw Swindon Borough Council RY Rob Yeowell British Canoeing

1 Apologies; Cllr Fleur de Rhé Philipe Wiltshire Council, Colin Goodhind Melksham Community Area Partnership Cllr Rolf Brindle Melksham Without Parish Council, Cllr David Nimmo- Smith, Mark Evans CRT, Jason Leach CRT, Gavin Champion Cooper Tires, Lesley Tait Thames Water, Colin Goodhind MCAP, Cllr Mark Clark Cricklade TC, Kevin East British Canoeing; James Blockley OCC. th 2 Notes from the last meeting 16 June 2016 (pre-circulated) were agreed

3 Chairman’s Announcements Membership changes: Oxfordshire CC now being represented by Cllr David Nimmo- Smith ( replacing Cllr Rodney Rose)- he is unable to attend this time . Elizabeth (Liz) Pain (IWA/CCT) has resigned as she is moving to Devon Alistair Millington has a new role at Sustrans – contact now is Nick Farthing

Wilts & Berks Canal Fatality at Pewsham Locks WBCT had issued the following statement: The Trust is extremely sad to inform members that there was a fatal accident at the Pewsham site on Wednesday 24 August. The Trust sends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of our volunteer who tragically lost his life. The Trust also would like to express our thanks to the emergency services who responded so promptly and who took such great care of all of our volunteers at the scene. WBCT is cooperating fully with the ongoing Health and Safety Executive investigation. All enquiries should be directed to Sheila Wade on 07976 281586 or [email protected]

a short summary had been pre-circulated and is also at 4 Projects update – the end of these notes. KO outlined current issues in trying to deal with Environment Agency where charges were now being levied for technical meetings. Robert Buckland MP (South Swindon) had set up a meeting earlier in the day and it was hoped that by talking to the newly appointed EA Catchment Coordinators it would be possible for community based projects to continue to discuss technical matters without charge. (Especially as EA are project partners and the restored canal is generally able to deliver their aims and objectives). A further issue was raised at the meeting, particularly in the planning context of Swindon’s New Eastern Villages, where it would appear that no one organisation is coordinating fluvial flooding (EA responsibility) and surface water flooding (Local Authority responsibility).WBCT engineering team have made a comprehensive proposal to use the canal as part of the drainage solution for NEV. This WBCT report needs to be technically assessed and if viable and effective the new canal should be made part of the NEV infrastructure requirements. RBl said he hoped that Robert Buckland would facilitate a meeting with the Minister responsible for flood issues. RY asked if Network Rail were involved in any way. KO said that the railway embankment was part of the problem and the WBCT solution would involve a new culvert to allow more water to flow to the north of the railway line. RW wondered if there was any way WBCT could cross- charge EA for technical design. RD thought that the planning system seemed to be flawed where developers did not have to account for the ‘big picture’. KH reported that the HLF bid had been unsuccessful this time for Pewsham Locks but based on the comments send to the team, a review would be held to assess how the application could be suitably modified for resubmission. KH also reported that work on the Peterborough Arms was progressing slowly but the community room was going to be available for hire shortly. Volunteers were working on other parts of the building. A bid had been submitted to the current Leader funding programme to refurbish the letting rooms (as part of the Rural Tourism development programme). The timescale for the Leader programme had been shortened following the Brexit decision. KO/RBl reported on Studley Grange that a further decision would be made the following day regarding the cost of completion. [Post meeting note the contractors were scheduled to start work on excavations week commencing Oct 10th] The completion of the towpath would now allow planting for the wildlife trail to go ahead (now scheduled for next spring in conjunction with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust). KH noted that Big Lottery Fund (People’s Millions) had been very supportive with extending funding deadlines to cope with the project delays. JW said he was working with the NEV team on the Green Infrastructure plan and that the canal route seemed to be gaining more importance for issues like walking/cycling to school routes. The proposed plan would be going out to public consultation soon. RD said there was plenty of evidence from the K&A in places like Bath on the importance of this issue. RY asked if there was any progress on Wichelstowe. RBl said that work on the District Centre had been authorised but everything else awaited the

conclusion of the joint venture agreement. RY said the local community would be pleased if this work included the long awaited footbridge adjacent to Waitrose. 5 Wilts & Berks Canal Trust RD asked how the new management structure was working out. KH/RBl said that in general it was working well in terms of the Executive. Some more work is now required to enhance the Trustee Board. The team still requires more people to ease the workload on the Executive members.

6 VWHDC Local Plan Enquiry There has been little progress since the last meeting. It seemed likely that the Inspector was not going to change the canal route protection provisions in Part 1 of the Plan and therefore WBCT would have to provide further evidence during the Part 2 process building/planning-policy/new-local-plan-2031/vale-white-horse-local WBCT intend to hold a festival in the Autumn of 7 Towpath Festival 2017. KO 2017- probably the first weekend of September. Rather than as previously an ‘end to end’ walk key sites were being identified to initiate local walks. Sheila Wade (Communications Director from WBCT) to be invited to the next meeting to give more details. Sheila has spoken to James Blockley OCC who is keen to help if possible with the plans. RBr said the Wiltshire team would be able to be involved when more details are known and that he had worked with James in his previous role as Cotswolds National Trails officer. RD asked how much of the towpath was currently available and accessible. KO estimated about 50%.KH reported that the ‘Destination Lacock’ funding appeal had now reached about £50k. 8 Review of the Partnership- All RD asked Partner organisations and representatives to think how the Partnership might be more effective in helping the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust to deliver the project. KO said that in looking at other successful restorations the role of the relevant Partnership (and usually a lead Partner Organisation) had been crucial. It would seem timely to ask those who had ‘signed up’ to the Partnership to review if they could help further with the delivery of the scheme. KO suggested that ideally each organisation would have a ‘Champion’ for the project who would need to proactively promote the Wilts & Berks. LL asked which organisations actually financially contributed to the Partnership KO said that Swindon BC currently contribute £5k and WBCT £6k. All other costs of the post are supported by Wiltshire Council. RBr noted that in the current and future financial climate it is unlikely that this situation is sustainable. RBl said that the biggest challenge appeared to be to convince others that this project can be achieved. Identifying and promoting the benefits was likely to be a major part of what WBCT had to achieve. RBr said that all other partnerships he worked with are facing the same challenges. RY said British Canoeing were able to contribute to capital works schemes like the lock landing stages on the Cotswold Canals. RBr said the real challenge is ‘core funding’ without which there can be no

officers to make capital projects happen. LL said that the importance of the Partnership is to gain the belief, and therefore support, of organisations other than the Canal Trust RD said he thought there should be a wider circle of people involved from Partner organisations. RW asked if Semington and other Parish Councils could be asked to join the Partnership KO suggested English Heritage and the National Trust might also be approached. RD suggested that the role of the Partnership and the WBCT Trustee Board needed to be considered and requested that Partners consider how to take this forward at the next meeting in December. RBl noted that the LEP would be a useful addition. RBL and KH emphasised that control of the route was the crucial issue to solve. LL thought it would be useful for Partners to be able to see the route and the current status of landownership/restoration. 9 Partners Reports and Issues RW asked if WBCT could more actively support the Melksham Neighbourhood Plan. RBl RW noted the Melksham Food & River Festival had been very successful. RY asked if WBCT were considering how to issue boat licences. RBl said it would be looked at where WBCT had control of the waterway. KO noted that as part of the ongoing publicity campaign audio trails and information boards were being developed for a number of sites. This is an example of the audio information about the history of the canal: JW said that SBC are in negotiation to buy a section of land at Pack Hill which contains the canal route. KO thanked Rob for chairing the meeting : 15th December 3pm at 10 Date and time and location of next meeting Monkton Park Proposed Dates for 2017 : 16th March;15th June;21st September;21st December

Project Summary June to September 2016 Melksham Link A number of responses received from -Canal Planning application consultees ( some more supportive than others!) Engaging with EA continues to be a problem

Pewsham Locks Project Project work suspended ‘Help for Heroes’ team scheduled for spring 2017 Dauntsey Lock Visitor Centre project Work progressing – community room (Peterborough Arms ) has just been used for first time by external

Royal Wootton Bassett Following contract issues a new Studley Grange Project company has been appointed to complete the works. Towpath has been completed - other excavation works scheduled for October

Royal Wootton Bassett Work continuing on discharge of Depot site planning conditions under -

Swindon Mouldon Hill No further progress

Swindon Wichelstowe -Wichelstowe Link plans on hold awaiting final signing with Swindon BC joint venture partner Barrett (David Wilson) homes Swindon Town Centre Awaiting co-operation agreement from SBC Swindon Eastern Villages Submissions made to SBC consultations on land drainage . Land Acquisition Programme being agreed with Wiltshire Council for transfer of land at four locations

Towpath - Studley Grange

MEETING Thursday 15th December 2016 at 3pm Wiltshire Council Offices Monkton Park Chippenham SN15 1ER Committee Rooms C/D Item Notes

Attending LL Lord Lansdowne (Partnership President) FdRP Fleur de Rhe Philipe Wiltshire Council (Partnership Chairman) WCr Cllr Wayne Crabbe Swindon Borough Council RBl Roderick Bluh Wilts & Berks Canal Trust RBr Richard Broadhead Wiltshire Council KH Kath Hatton Wilts & Berks Canal Trust KO Ken Oliver Wiltshire Council CR Charlotte Riggs Swindon Borough Council SW Sheila Wade Wilts & Berks Canal Trust RY Rob Yeowell British Canoeing Apologies; Cllr Richard Wiltshire Melksham Town Council, Rob Dean KA 1 Canal Trust, Cllr Mark Clarke Cricklade Town Council Mark Evans CRT Jason Leach CRT Colin Goodhind MCAP, James Blockley OCC th 2 Notes from the last meeting 29 September 2016 (pre-circulated) were approved 3 Chairman’s Announcements Membership: Further update from Sustrans – a new area manager to be appointed soon . In the meantime we are communicating with James Cleeton Cricklade Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Mark Clark has asked that Partners are made aware of the current consultation on their proposed Neighbourhood Plan. These are the relevant sections:

4.4.11 The Wiltshire, Swindon and Oxfordshire Canal Partnership, in conjunction with a number of partners, is working on a project to restore the Wilts & Berks Canal and the North Wiltshire Canal which links to The Thames & Severn Canal at Latton just north of Cricklade. This is the largest canal project currently underway in the UK and will take many years to complete. The work is programmed to be carried out in stages, each of which will require significant funding. 4.4.12 The original route of the canal through Cricklade has been built upon and it is therefore not possible to restore it. An alternative route has been identified to the east of the town and this is detailed in the Wiltshire Core Strategy. For this reason this alternative route has a degree of protection from other forms of development. The National Planning Policy Framework will require a Flood Risk Assessment to be carried out as development proposals are put forwards. 4.4.13 Experience elsewhere shows that bringing the canal back to Cricklade would undoubtedly produce an economic benefit in terms of tourism spending from boat users and other visitors. Policy LAF6: Cricklade Canal The development of the canal in Cricklade should include tourism and leisure uses. Pedestrian and cycle connectivity to the town centre should be a priority to ensure the economic benefits are retained in the town.

He further added that there should not be many concerns about the Cricklade NP because of the ‘protection’ that the canal already have from the Wiltshire Council Core Strategy. From the Cricklade Town Council point of view we thought we should not ignore the canal (or railway for that matter) when writing the draft plan. Partners are invited to comment until 6th January at Projects update – a short summary pre-circulated and is reproduced at 4 the end of these notes. KO noted the progress with consultees for the Melksham Link planning application. KO also noted that at Studley Grange Royal Wootton Bassett the works were now complete for this year and the two sections of canal had now been connected (see image on the update report). Further work including an extensive planting programme would take place in spring 2017 with an official opening in the summer- date to be confirmed. KH noted successful sign off of the end of project report from Big Lottery Fund. KO also noted that when the towpath was opened it was hoped to connect the ‘dead end’ via a permissive path over the Biffa landfill site – initial discussions were taking place to see how this could be achieved. KO also noted a lease negotiation has been concluded on a new section of canal in the Challow area (Oxfordshire). 5 Wilts & Berks Canal Trust Towpath Festival 2017 Sheila Wade Director of Communications WBCT made a presentation showing how the Trust hoped to increase its membership over the next few years (the presentation is circulated separately). The main focus for the membership drive will be a Towpath Festival on 2/3 September 2017. There will be several different locations for events with provisional locations at Melksham, Calne, Dauntsey, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Wantage and Abingdon. The aim is to attract 10000 people to the events and to recruit 2500 members. The main aim of this campaign was to increase awareness of the Trust, to recruit more volunteers, and to raise more core funding. LL asked about the fee structure and what you would get as a member. SW said the basic fee was £10 and the real benefit was showing active support for the project (+ quarterly Dragonfly magazine) There was a general discussion about the merits and disadvantages of different fee structures. 6 Vale of White Horse District Council Local Plan KO reported that Pt 1 is now approved by the full Council– a considerable amount of work will be required in the early part of 2017 for Pt 2 for protection of canal route. Review of the Partnership- further discussion on how the Partnership 7 could be more effective. Rob Dean (KACT)had sent the following comments: Why we’re involved? We’ve seen the success of canal restoration and reckon that the restored Wilts & Berks would be every bit as successful. More than that, we think the synergy of a southern circular route would become one of the great canal journeys and be beneficial for both waterways. What we’re offering? The K&A was restored through a series of partnerships. Of great importance was that with local government. Life is tricky for LAs right now and more than ever, they’re taking a short-term perspective. Our role is to highlight the huge long term gains of the K&A restoration and to encourage and cajole members and officers to have the same vision that their predecessors did. We also want to lend a helping voice to our fellow volunteer led organisation, the WBCT.

I hope that might be of some help. I would very much hope that the WSO Partnership will continue. FdRP commented that Local Authorities were in a very difficult position financially so continuing public support for the project was vital to retain any funding. KO said that since the last meeting he taken the opportunity to speak to a number of partner organisations to see if they could provide a more proactive support for the canal restoration. RBl said that this issue had been discussed within WBCT and perhaps there was scope for a different approach with possibly more than one strand – it was clear there were two or three broad categories of membership of (statutory, commercial etc) and maybe these groups could separately pursue the partnership aims. He was keen that the Partnership continued but also took on a role to actively support WBCT in delivery of the scheme. SW noted that there are other partnership models (e.g. for the Pocklington Canal) that may be suitable- it has a core partnership organisation but pulls in other organisations for specific tasks. LL would like to see a more detailed briefing for partners to take back to their organisations. He thought it was very important to re-engage with the Local Authorities in Oxfordshire. FdRP said that perhaps we should look at the history of the K&A Partnership and there it took a major ‘event’- the HLF restoration- to attract support from a senior level. The economic study for the K&A corridor was significant in attracting the attention of Local Authorities. Perhaps the WSO Partnership needs to think about a similar large scale ‘leap forward’ event. In the meanwhile it is very important that the existing Partnership continues its work. LL thought that every success story should be given maximum public exposure. RY noted that British Canoeing continued to support the Partnership as they were keen to expand the opportunities for their sport and more canals was directly in alignment with their aims. KH thought that WBCT should try to connect with the volunteers of other partner organisations to seek their help. RBr said that in dealing with other organisations he noted that when personnel changed very often the

‘successors’ were not fully briefed and therefore were not able or motivated to give the support that had happened previously. LL thought that we should be aware of the changing trends in leisure activities and the rise in the popularity of cycling and other ‘health related ‘activities should be reflected in the aims of the restoration. RBl wondered if some the partnership meetings could be turned into ‘workshop’ events to stimulate interest. He suggested that WBCT could perhaps work on a set of options for discussion at the next meeting to be circulated before the next meeting. RBl FdRP agreed this would be a good idea and thanked everyone for a useful discussion. RY wanted to know the process for becoming a partner- FdRP said it was by invitation or a direct request to join- the Partnership is run by a non legally binding Memorandum of Understanding. There was further discussion and agreement that a strategy to gain control of all the land for the Wilts & Berks was essential, RBr said he saw parallels with other groups he worked with and a need to get public understanding of the purpose of the partnership. FdRP that getting involved the Visit Wiltshire Great West Way project may be useful as it could potentially attract funding.

Partners Reports and Issues not covered elsewhere 8 WCr said he had recently met Swindon South MP Robert Buckland at Wichelstowe and was going to meet Justin Tomlinson MP (Swindon North) and had asked them for their support for the project. He thought that the partnership should pursue this further. KO said that at a previous meeting with Robert Buckland he had indicated that he would be willing to host a meeting for all the MP’s along the route at the House of Commons. It was further suggested that a more active engagement with the Local Enterprise Partnerships would be very useful. Date and time and location of next meeting : 23rd March 2017 (revised 9 date) at Wiltshire Council Offices Monkton Park Chippenham Further Proposed Dates for 2017 : 15th June; 21st September; 21st December

Project Summary September to December 2016 Melksham Link A number of responses received from -Canal Planning application consultees Still to complete: Wiltshire Council Ecology CRT- expected late Dec EA Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Pewsham Locks Project Project work suspended ‘Help for Heroes’ team scheduled for spring 2017 Dauntsey Lock Visitor Centre project Work progressing – new toilet (Peterborough Arms ) operational – first phase works scheduled to be completed by end of December

Royal Wootton Bassett All excavations now competed for 2016 Studley Grange Project – there will be further work to do in the future but the basic canal is completed . Planting programme scheduled for spring 2017. Opening planned for summer 2017

Royal Wootton Bassett- Templars Firs Extension First works planned for late Dec 2016

Swindon Mouldon Hill No further progress

Swindon Wichelstowe -Wichelstowe Link plans on hold awaiting final signing with Swindon BC joint venture partner Barrett (David Wilson) homes. Comments made to SBC on canal profile design. Investigations in progress to see how East Wichel Canal can be kept at proper water level. Swindon Town Centre Awaiting co-operation agreement from SBC Swindon Eastern Villages Submissions made to SBC draft GI plan Land Acquisition First transfer from Wiltshire Council at Morningside Farm RWB in progress. New lease at Challow in progress.

New Excavations - Studley Grange