1802 the London Gazette, 13 March, 1925
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1802 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 MARCH, 1925. Electricity Commission.—1925. In the Urban District of Battle:— St. Mary's Villas, St. Mary's Terrace HASTINGS CORPORATION ELECTRICITY and Harold Terrace, Footpath between (EXTENSION). Thorpe's Plot and Upper Lake and foot- path between Calbec Hill and Lower T^TOTICE is hereby given that application is Lake, Roads on bridges over the Southern •^ intended to be made by the Mayor Railway (Tunbridge -Wells and Hastings Aldermen and Burgesses of the County Branch) at Lower Lake, east of Telham Borough of Hastings whose office is at the Hill Farm and south-west of Whatlington Town Hall, Hastings (hereinafter called " the and approaches thereto. Corporation "), to the Electricity Commis- In the Hastings Rural District:— sioners for a Special Order (hereinafter called " the Order ") under the Electricity (Supply) (i.) Main roads— Acts 1882 to 1922 for all or some of the follow- The Hastings to "Winchelsea and Rye ing amongst other purposes (that is to say): — road, the Hastings to Newenden Road. 1. To extend the area of supply under the (ii) Other roads— Hastings Corporation Electric Lighting Order 1898 (as confirmed by the Electric Lighting Beaney's Lane, Rodger's Lane, Road Orders Confirmation (No. 5) Act-1898) so as to from the Rural District road at Three Oaks include the borough of Rye, the urban district Hotel to the level crossing known as Max- of Battle, the rural districts of Hastings, Rye field crossing on the Southern Railway and Battle and the Parish of Ninfield in the (Ashford and Hastings Branch), Road rural district of Hailsham, all in the County of from the Hastings to Winchelsea Road via East Sussex (hereinafter referred to as " the " Fair View " to Rock Lane, Road from added area "), and to authorise the Corpora- the Rural District road at Three Oaks tion to supply, distribute and sell electrical Hotel to House known as " Redroof," energy for public and private purposes and to Road at Shellies Green from Church Lane exercise all powers usually conferred on dis- to Almshouse, Road from the Hastings to tributors of electricity within the added area. Pett Level Road to Coastguard Station and branch from that road to Warren 2. To extend and make applicable to the Farm, Road from the Hastings to added area all or some of the provisions con- Pett Level Road East of Stonelink Farm tained in the said Order of 1898 and of the via Waite's Farm and Fairlight Hotel Hastings Corporation Act 1924 subject to such' to Haddock's Cottages and branches from variations and exceptions as may be contained that road, Road from the Pett to Pett therein. Level Road at the Royal Oak Hotel via 3. To exclude from incorporation some or Elm's Farm to Carter's Farm, Road from all of the provisions contained in the Schedule the Pett to Pett Level Road from Chick to the Electric Lighting (Clauses) Act 1899, or Hill to " Westcot " and " The Hun- to incorporate the same with such modifications dreds," Roads on bridges over the and exceptions as may be indicated in the Southern Railway (Ashford and Hastings Order. Branch) at Three Oaks Guestling, and 4. To confer upon the Corporation all or Doleham Halt and approaches thereto. some of the powers of the Electricity (Supply) In the Rye Rural District:— Acts 1882 to 1922, and enactments incorporated therein and to alter, vary or extinguish all (i) Main roads— rights and privileges which would or might The Hastings to Winchelsea and Rye interfere with any of the objects of the Order Road, the John's Cross to Rye Road, the and to confer all other rights and privileges Cripp's Corner to Beckley Road, the Hast- necessary for carrying such objects into effect. ings to Newenden Road, the Newenden to 5. The following are the streets and parts of Beckley Road, the Northiam to Rye Road. streets not repairable by the local authority and railways which the Corporation propose to (ii) Other roads— take powers tc break up : — Road from the rural district road via " Snailham House," Upper Snailham, I.—STREETS. level crossing at Snailham Halt, Lang- ford's Bridge, and Udimore Church to the In the County of East Sussex. •••* John's Cross to Rye Road, the Royal Mili- In the Borough of Rye:— tary Road from the boundary of the Borough of Rye to the Star Inn, Road (i.) Main roads— through.Point Hill Estate from the bound- Road on Monkbretton Bridge over River ary of the Borough of Rye to Saltcote Rother and approaches thereto. Place. (ii.) Other roads— In the Battle Rural District: — Eagle Road, Road on bridge over the (i) Main roads— Southern Railway (Ashford and Hastings The Hastings to Newenden Road, the Branch) and approaches thereto north of Hastings to Hawkhurst Road, the Hast- Landgate, Hilly Fields Road, Road from ings (Hollington) to Battle Road, the Rye Hill through Point Hill Estate to Hastings (Baldslow) to Battle Road, the Borough Boundary, Road on Tillingham Dallington to Robertsbridge Road, the Bridge over River Rother, Royal Military Heathfield to Battle Road, the Horse- Road from Landgate Bridge to Borough bridge to Battle Road, the Battle to Lam- Boundary. berhurst Road, the John's Cross to Battle.