SPOTLIGHTING: LOCAL, STATE, & FEDERAL PLUS: BRINGING EQ TO SUPPORT SERVICES YOUR DEPARTMENT MMRMA & MACP: Partners in Excellence Providing comprehensive liability & property coverage and superior risk management services to Michigan public entities since 1980 • 800-243-1324 CONTENTSMICHIGAN POLICE CHIEFS WINTER 2021.ISSUE 1

FEATURES 10 Peer Support: One Department’s Journey 14 The Invisible Habits of EQ 18 Reconnecting Your Officers to Their Sense of Purpose 20 Forensic Audio/Video Analysis 24 Winter Professional Development 10 Conference Preview 26 What’s a MFCU and Why Do I Need to Know? 28 New Laws Help Keep Our Most Vulnerable Populations Safe MMRMA & MACP: 30 Demystifying the Michigan Grants and Community Services Partners in Excellence Division Providing comprehensive liability & property coverage 34 Law Enforcement Engagement Unit and superior risk management services to Michigan public entities since 1980 34 DEPARTMENTS 04 President’s Message • 800-243-1324 06 Director’s Message 28 08 Accreditation News 38 Member News 44 Supporting Members 46 Advertiser Index 20 PRESIDENT’SMESSAGE

Over the last couple of months, I have had the honor and pleasure of attending multiple “Recognition of Accreditation” award presentations and Police Executives’ and New Chiefs’ School receptions. We support our Law Enforcement Officers - Thank you for your service. There is a common theme and enthusiasm that occurs with all these events. The accredited depart- ments and new police executives have a sense of pride and they are looking forward to the future. Through all the current challenges, there is a palpable excitement of what can be accomplished. The ONLY dealer holding the State of Michigan Change is inevitable in our profession and it will occur whether we like it or not. As law enforcement professionals, we continually look at ourselves and take steps to improve our level of service and ad- and Oakland County Municipal contracts. vance our profession. We have raised the bar through the Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (MLEAC) Program, and we have become national leaders in the F.B.I. National Use-of- Force Data Collection program. And, most recently, the MACP has become the credentialing body for the Department of Justice Safe Policing for Safe Communities Presidential order. CHEVROLET POLICE TAHOES IN STOCK The old adage of, “it may not be our fault, but we are responsible for it” stands true. We are the face Chief Ronald L. Wiles of the communities that we serve. Every day while proudly serving our municipalities, our officers drive a “billboard” that represents not only our departments, but our profession. The question be- comes - how do we continue to move forward during these potentially uncertain times and continue to guide our departments, all while serving our communities with the professionalism that is expect- ed and deserved. The answers lie in our values and our leadership. When we follow them, they will lead us to the right place.

During these times of uncertainty, leadership is needed now more than ever, and we have no shortage of leaders representing the law enforcement communities across the state of Michigan. We all have a choice to make; we can lead the change, or we can become the victim of change. It will not be easy, but as we continue to navigate through this uncertainty, the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police stands ready to address these challenges and help ensure that our profession and its members main- tain the highest standards of professional policing.

Being a member of the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police will help you lead your agency through the days to come. I would urge everyone to take advantage of the resources that the MACP has to offer. Our greatest resource is Michigan’s 600 law enforcement agencies and 1,100 MACP members. There are members with a wealth of knowledge and experience who are willing to help. The dedicated MACP staff and your committed Board of Directors continue to work hard to navigate these uncertainties, help lead our Association, and do everything possible to make sure our profes- sion continues to move forward. As law enforcement Another valuable resource is the new MACP messaging platform by “Higher Logic.” I encourage ev- professionals, we eryone to log into the MACP website and go to the Forums Tab and give it a try. This is the new dy- continually look at namic platform that replaced our previous email Listservs. In the Forums, you will have the ability to ask questions, receive up-to-date information on many topics, see future training opportunities, ourselves and take and access upcoming events. It is a one-stop shop for everything MACP. However, and most impor- steps to improve tantly, if you have not accessed it, then you will not receive any of the valuable communications or information that it holds. our level of service READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Lastly, a continued THANKS for everything that you do to support this noble profession and our and advance our Association; it is greatly appreciated. Please continue to pray for our law enforcement officers who The State of Michigan and Oakland County contracts for Chevrolet vehicles, and has been awarded to Berger Chevrolet profession. day in and day out work hard to make a positive difference in our communities. Stay Safe! exclusively for the current 2020 - 2021 model years. This offer is extended to all municipalities in Michigan.

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READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY The State of Michigan and Oakland County contracts for Chevrolet vehicles, and has been awarded to Berger Chevrolet exclusively for the current 2020 - 2021 model years. This offer is extended to all municipalities in Michigan.


Like most of you, I am glad to bid farewell to 2020 and excited that we are into the New Year. For law enforcement, it seemed that just about everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. It started with the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer while other officers stood by and watched. The immediate after affects included protests, riots, defund the police movements, violence against officers and legislative reforms. Then the COVID-19 pandemic made it not only one of the most chal- lenging years in recent memory, but also one of the deadliest.

According to the Officer Down Memorial Page (, there were 304 line-of-duty deaths (LODD) in 2020. This is up sharply from the 148 deaths in 2019 and bucks the long-term down- ward trend since 280 officers were killed in 1974. COVID-19 is attributed to 186 of the line-of- duty deaths and this number will surely increase as additional officers succumb over the coming months.

Michigan had 10 line-of-duty deaths in 2020 and ranked 6th in the nation, along with three other Robert Stevenson states. Of our 10 line-of-duty deaths, 5 were attributable to COVID-19. The departments suffering these losses ranged from the largest department in the state, with over 2,000 sworn officers, down to a department with 16 officers.

This raises three main questions: 1. Do you know about recent changes to federal law related to COVID-19 and the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB)? 2. Do you have a line-of-duty death pol- icy? 3. Are you aware of the Sheriff and Municipal Memorial Assistance Response Team (SMMART) and the services they can provide?

In August, with the dramatic increase in line-of-duty deaths and more anticipated from the ongo- ing pandemic, Congress passed the “Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act of 2020.” This Act established extremely generous presumptive provisions regarding COVID-19 contracted by actively serving first responders. Pursuant to the Act, it is no longer necessary to present a docu- mented exposure to qualify for benefits. It is only necessary to document that the first responder had been actively serving and was diagnosed with COVID-19, or “evidence indicates that the (first responder) had COVID-19,” within 45 days of line-of-duty activity. If the individual subsequently dies and has COVID-19, or complications therefrom at the time of death, the death is presumed to have occurred in the line of duty.

While most chiefs know that federal benefits exist, many assume things about them that are not true – such as the types of activities covered, how beneficiaries are determined, and more. With the benefit for death or permanent/total disability currently set at $370,670 plus college assistance for a spouse and all dependent children, it is incumbent upon you to ensure your agency has done their part to Consider that each prepare and inform. day that goes by that DO YOU HAVE A LINE-OF-DUTY DEATH POLICY? your department has Most chiefs go their entire career without having any reason to deal directly with a line-of-duty death. Additionally, the vast majority of Michigan police agencies have less than 25 officers and their de- not had a line-of-duty partment has never experienced a line-of-duty death. This leads to the false sense of “it can’t happen death brings you one here.” day closer to your However, history has told us that it will happen somewhere in Michigan every year. Consider that first, or one day closer each day that goes by that your department has not had a line-of-duty death brings you one day clos- er to your first, or one day closer to your next. Having a good line-of-duty death policy will greatly to your next. assist you in handling this devastating event.

6 WINTER 2021 The MACP maintains many LODD policies that departments have SMMART is now a statewide team that responds (if requested) provided along with the ability to share them with any requesting when officers are killed in the line of duty, as well as when ac- agency. Please contact the MACP office and we would be glad to tive-duty officers are killed or die suddenly while off duty. We of- forward them to you. fer support in the areas of funeral planning, the funeral service, benefit coordination, financial advisor, stress management and a ARE YOU AWARE OF THE SHERIFFS AND MUNICIPAL myriad of other necessary details that will occur in a LODD fu- MEMORIAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE TEAM? neral. There are different protocols for each type of funeral and In 2003, the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association (MSA) recognized the there is never any charge to the department. While the SMMART need to assist agencies and the officers’ families through the trau- crew stands ready to respond anytime they are needed, the mem- ma of having to deal with the death of a police officer. This result- bers of this dedicated team hope that each call they go on will be ed in the formation of the Sheriffs Memorial Assistance Response their last. Team. In 2012, the MACP joined the team and the name was changed to the Sheriffs and Municipal Memorial Assistance In closing, the MACP Staff prays that 2021 will be safe for you and Response Team (SMMART). all your officers.


Even with the continued challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Professional Development contin- ues to be very busy. The Accreditation Program continues to grow with 77 agencies currently in the program and many more looking to start the process in the beginning of 2021. At the present time, there are 29 agencies that have achieved “accredited” or “reaccredited” status. Despite the state’s lim- itations, the Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (MLEAC) met during the Fall Accreditation Conference on September 15, 2020 and granted accredited status to five new agencies.

Congratulations to the Chikaming Township Police Department, the Dearborn Police Department, the Ferndale Police Department, the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, and the Norton Shores Police Department on being awarded their original accredited status. And congratulations to the Rockford Department of Public Safety on being the first agency to be awarded their reaccreditation. The training was well received, and the networking exchange of information was extremely valuable. Save the dates of September 14-15, 2021, for the next Fall Accreditation Conference. Neal Rossow On behalf of the MLEAC, I want to thank Retired Chief Karianne Thomas, Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, for her leadership on the Commission and her dedication to the accreditation program. The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety became the largest agency in the state to become accred- ited. In fact, they are the largest public safety agency in the country to receive state accredited status. Congratulations Chief Thomas and good luck in your retirement.

As I mentioned in the last magazine, I am a member of a national group called AccredNet. It is an association of state law enforcement accreditation program directors and was originally established as a group to share ideas on state accreditation programs, advocate for state programs, and create a website as a resource. AccredNet was very active in lobbying the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the COPS office to have state accreditation programs become the credentialing bodies for their individual states. The Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, in partnership with the DOJ/COPS, was select- ed as the credentialing body for the state of Michigan for implementation of the President’s Executive Order on Safe Policing for Safe Communities initiative. Agencies must be certified/credentialed to re- ceive DOJ discretionary grant funding. The certification will last for three years.

On October 28, 2020, the DOJ and the COPS office announced Standards for Certification that will be used by credentialing bodies so we could begin certifying law enforcement agencies in Michigan The Michigan over the next three months. The mandatory standards that agencies must meet in their Use-of-Force policies are: Association of • Adherence to applicable laws. The applying agency maintains use-of-force policies that adhere to Chiefs of Police, in all applicable federal, state, and local laws. • Prohibition of choke holds. The applying agency maintains use-of-force policies that prohibit the partnership with use of choke holds, except in situations where the use of deadly force is allowed by law. the DOJ/COPS, was We encourage agencies to also meet the 12 discretionary standards listed which address such topics selected as the as: when to terminate use of force, duty to intervene, training protocols for use of force, providing credentialing body for medical care, early intervention systems, and community engagement. the state of Michigan On November 4, 2020, the MACP sent out the information and paperwork via the Forums and email for the certification of Michigan agencies. If you did not receive that information, please contact me. for implementation Agencies will be required to send me a signed attestation letter and copies of the appropriate poli- of the President’s cies. Agencies are required to obtain certification by January 31, 2021 to be eligible for federal funds in 2021. The MACP will maintain a list of certified agencies in Michigan and submit the list annually Executive Order on to the U.S. DOJ. This will serve as the repository for the list of all eligible law enforcement agencies. Safe Policing for Safe We are still optimistic that the Winter Professional Development Conference will be held on February Communities initiative. 10-12, 2021. Please watch the MACP website for updates.

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BY LASHANNA losing partners in the line of duty, think- ed each other implicitly with our lives. POTTS ing that will never happen to me. During We broke bread together and we com- one of our last weeks in the academy, we plained about our spouses to each other. In 1999, just two were asked by the instructor to look to We were all each other had when we were years into my polic- our left and then to our right. We did this on duty. And then it happened. I got a case ing career, I was in- with confusion on our faces. The instruc- on a Bronco and signaled for my take- volved in a police tor then stated, one of you will go to jail down crew. As I ran away, I heard a pop- shooting that would and one of you will not make it to your ping sound. The suspect had been killed leave one partner dead and another fight- 25th year. I never considered how those (there was no relief in that) but my part- ing for his life in the hospital. The words would come back to haunt me the ner (Termite) was gone, and I watched as Police Department is one of the best in the winter of 1999. he took his last breath. country, yet in 1999 they did not teach of- ficers how to survive trauma. I remem- I was working a decoy operation in an The media frenzy that followed and the ber sitting in the classroom at the acad- unfamiliar area. We had done this oper- chaos and confusion at the hospital was emy with other recruits listening to cops ation numerous times in the past. I knew overwhelming with hundreds of officers talk about shootouts, police funerals and my role and so did my partners. We trust- coming from near and far to mourn his

10 WINTER 2021 Seeking Nominations! Awards & Citations: Honoring heroic acts that occurred the previous year*.

Police Cross Citizen’s Medal of Valor Police Medal of Honor Presidential Medal Police Medal of Valor Purple Heart (Purple Heart Medal may be awarded Distinguished Service Medal in conjunction with another medal)

Youth Scholarship:

Life Membership:

*Complete rules, submission guidelines, and application forms are available online at: FEATURE

loss. I had to look into Termite’s parent’s eyes as they learned he had been killed. I We had never heard of peer support, but we knew that our wanted desperately to wake up from this department was in desperate need of it. I knew, firsthand, nightmare. Those words I heard from the instructor at the academy were now how much not addressing trauma could cost someone. my reality. That day changed my life for- ever. I spiraled into depression and had thoughts of suicide and used alcohol as ing from out-of-state conferences on available for callouts 24/7 for trauma of my coping mechanism. This lasted for trauma and undergo debriefings with a any nature. We make in-service train- several months. I saw my crew erode and team psychologist to ensure that we are ing available to newly promoted super- some of those officers began leaving the keeping ourselves mentally healthy. Chief visors as well as new recruits entering department. Yet, there were still no ser- Craig believes peer support is so import- the academy and for our Chaplain Corp. vices in place to help us heal. This all ant that he created a full-time team which We advocate for changes within our de- changed in 2013, when Chief James E. will be housed in a separate building. A partment on how we handle personnel Craig was hired. After a rash of officer in- place where officers can confidentially go trauma, such as when to interview offi- volved deaths, he began to ask the ques- to seek support and not be worried about cers involved in on-duty shootings. tions that no one else had, “What is in others seeing them. The unit will be place for officers suffering from trauma?” comprised of a , a Sergeant, a Last year, we formed a SOBER SHIELD This is where the journey to build the Police Officer, and a Civilian as the Core program for officers who suffer from al- Detroit Police Department Peer Support Team. Upon entering the unit, we will cohol dependency. We have built a con- Team commenced. shed our bravados and check our egos at glomerate of sponsors who are committed the door. The Team will have one agen- to the health and well-being of our offi- We had never heard of peer support, but da; to help and heal as many sworn and cers and are researching for legislation to we knew that our department was in des- civilian employees as we can. Our Team enact a Peer Support Law that provides le- perate need of it. I knew, firsthand, how responsibilities have evolved since 2015. gal coverage for Peer Members and those much not addressing trauma could cost In our first year, we were only respond- we serve. someone. I still wear the scars of Post- ing to callouts. The mission has evolved Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety. as the needs have changed. We now plan, This has been the most rewarding, yet It was important that the people on the facilitate, and help cover costs for all po- challenging, position of my 23-year ca- Peer Support Team could relate to trauma. lice and civilian funerals for those who reer. I am proud to say that I work with The process of picking the best people for die while on active duty or are killed in some of the most caring, dedicated, and the team took weeks, but it was crucial the line of duty. selfless individuals on my Team. This is to make sure that we got this right. We our labor of love. If you take nothing else were building this airplane while in flight. The Team serves as the liaison for the away from reading this article, please rec- There was turbulence along the way, but families of the fallen, as they come to ognize that it is our responsibility to let of- we were determined to keep this plane in terms with the harsh reality that they ficers know that there is help available and the air and on course. have lost their loved one. We assist that they do not fight alone! with processing all benefits entitled to I am proud to say that in 2020, we have the families through the state and fed- We are available to train and/or send in- a Peer Support Team in place, composed eral government. We provide support formation to any agency that is thinking of of 24 highly-trained sworn and civilian for personnel during termination hear- starting a Peer Support Team. members, certified in Basic and Advanced ings, retirement transition, and inter- Peer Support by the International nal investigations. We also offer sup- LaShanna Potts is a Captain with the Detroit Police Counseling Team as well as in Law port for non-departmental issues such Department and a member of the Detroit Peer Support Team. Enforcement Wellness and Trauma and as divorce, child custody disputes, do- Captain Potts can be contacted at DPDPeerSupport@de- Emotional First Aid. We also seek train- mestic violence incidents, etc. and are or by phone at (313) 600-7625.


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BY MARCEL BRUNEL knowing how to turn EQ skills into hab- mentality and, speaking as a former Army IN COLLABORATION its. Doing this requires a commitment to Airborne Ranger, it actually works. Yet, WITH TIM discomfort, to self-exploration, and ulti- habit is often stronger than reason. It can JOHANSSON, SR, mately, to re-claiming a shared value that be difficult, unfamiliar and uncomfortable PSYD AND CASEY police officers are valued as communi- to let people in. LANKOW, PSYD, LP ty members. Creating these new invisible habits requires more than a single serving Top five reasons Police Chiefs have asked of EQ. me to hit the road: motional Intelligence, or the 1. We only have four guys in our PD, Emotional Quotient (EQ), is cited as WHY ARE EQ HABITS SO we’re old school and don’t need EQ Ean important skill for police officers DIFFICULT TO BUILD? inside our agency. to develop. EQ is commonly understood I have been ushered out of numerous po- 2. The civil unrest going on right now as the learned ability to manage emotions lice departments for even talking about will calm down soon and then we can effectively and interpret messages directly. Emotional Intelligence and others for get back to doing what we were do- Leaders in law enforcement communities challenging them in a deeper way than ing. No need for anything different throughout the are becom- they were expecting. Building new habits now. ing increasingly aware of the importance is not easy, especially when the skills are 3. You are correct with everything you of building EQ skills for police officers. mostly invisible. are sharing and yet I am a civil ser- While it is important for application in the vice agency; there is nothing I can do communities, recognizing EQ is equally I work with police officers on knowing about the self-development process. important for the well-being of the offi- how to diffuse situations where emotions My approach to culture change is one cers themselves. run strong, opinions vary, and the stakes retirement at a time. are high. I teach them how our brains 4. The current environment out there In the fall 2020 edition of Michigan Police make decisions, solve problems, and build is not our fault. We are a young ISD Chiefs magazine, in his article, “The Truth relationships. I talk about the invisible that agency and are trying to stay afloat About De-Escalation,” John Bostain writes: causes the visible in officers: people, pres- here. There probably is not a more important sure, and personality. The visible is what 5. I love what you are saying, it all makes skill for police officers to possess than a shows up on a dash cam, body cam, and sense. But my guys must first be fully high level of Emotional Intelligence (of- cell phone when officers have been emo- armed before we would spend money ten referred to as EQ). Police officers are tionally hijacked, and the invisible took on “soft skills.” all human, and as such, officers (just like over. Building new invisible habits is not all humans) have emotional triggers that easy or familiar. It is, however, critically WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THESE EXCUSES can set them off. Whether it is a particular important. NO LONGER MAKE SENSE? type of call or a particular type of person, From observing Police Chiefs who have we all have emotional triggers. Officers It is safely exploring the invisible that embraced the journey of EQ develop- deploying with high levels of EQ have makes the visible difference. No matter ment, I have learned that: great self-awareness as to the things that the size of the department, the invisible is • Some departments enforce within the trigger them. They also have tools in place always driving the visible. We must spend community while EQ-focused depart- to manage those emotions. more time on the invisible to make a vis- ments enrich within the community. ible difference. Police departments need • Police chiefs can be tactical and tactful We all agree that EQ is important. to learn and adopt a structured, clear, op- at the same time. However, the common problem that leads erational and executable process for un- • You really can increase arrests yet have to under-implementation, under-execu- derstanding, exploring and developing citizen complaints go down. tion, and under-utilization is not a lack of the invisible, so that the visible becomes Being hard on the problem while being recognizing EQ’s importance; rather, it is something new. This is not a “hug a thug” soft on people takes more than good will;

14 WINTER 2021 it takes the real skills of courage, commit- (if not eradicates) our capacity to see oth- mindset and identifying disruptions are ment and compassion. Non-judgement is ers, or even ourselves, clearly. It changes critical skills for officers to build. Those not only possible, but also transformative. what situational data we pay attention to skills save lives. Resilience is the intelligent regulation of when making decisions and disconnects your emotional energy. Resilience can be from the part of our brain that stores those 3. CULTIVATE SELF-AWARENESS built. Like a muscle, it must be worked broader shared values. It also disconnects We comprehend and interpret our situa- out. us from our own natural emotional intel- tions through multiple dimensions of in- ligence skills. In self-protection, we forget formation: intellectual, physical, emo- With that being said, to implement some- our emotional truth. tional, and spiritual. Yes, emotions are thing your agency has never had, it must information (consider that an emotion is do something it has never done—embark Leveraging some tangible practices to de- a thought with energy). Thoughts, words, on a journey of EQ development and look velop mindset skills is often a first step in and physical sensations are also infor- at the invisible. developing an emotionally intelligent po- mation. Information can be interpret- lice force. ed, learned from, and listened to without Here are the five building blocks of the EQ threat and without the need for immedi- development journey I have successfully 2. IDENTIFY DISRUPTIONS ate action. Unfortunately, the habit of de- leveraged with Texas police departments: A disruption is a change to what we coding all forms of information before act- thought we knew. Disruptions occur con- ing has not been a prominent part of our 1. BUILD MINDSET SKILLS stantly from large scale changes to sud- larger society. Over the past 400 years, Mindset determines how we approach ev- den, unexpected calls to do something dif- we have learned as a society to disengage ery situation. It is perhaps one of the least ferent. In many ways, the job of a Police from the emotional, physical and spiritu- emphasized mental skills, yet it is the Officer is in constant disruption. Certainly, al information during moments of intense strongest predictor of how police engage- disruption occurs moment-to-moment as disruption. That is how we have come to ments turn out. It is the most difficult to calls come in and humans behave in un- allow words like “I am fine. I am good.” to master because of human nature and the predictable ways. And now, there are calls end further inquiry into our experience. most impactful element in every moment. for significant changes in how you do your jobs. Disruption after disruption af- Sadly, this habit of disengagement and For every human, there are two forces at ter disruption... disconnection is the birthplace of violence play in every moment: connection and for both the perpetrators and the protec- self-protection. These two forces are bat- A disruption first occurs externally (vis- tors. From this disconnected state we of- tling for control and the force that we ibly), outside of ourselves (e.g., a call to ten view intellectual information as the choose in any given moment informs us an incident) and yet how we respond to it only “rational and valid” way of knowing. how we enter into the situation and de- is determined by how it impacts us inter- It is how we can remain in a state of say- termines how we engage with others (and nally (invisibly). That is, how we interpret ing “I’m fine, I’m good.” when physically, ourselves) - especially those who appear the moment, the meaning we make of it, emotionally, or spiritually, that may not be different from ourselves. and of course what mindset we are in at the case at all. the time of it. Often, without conscious- When in the “connection mindset,” we are ly thinking, disruptions push us into (or For many reasons, as we navigate through able to see, hear, and understand others, keep us in) the self-protection mindset, life, many of us come to a point of being and ourselves, clearly. We are safe to con- rendering us inherently less connected to habitually disconnected from our physi- nect to our emotions and have a clearer our emotions, less clear on our values, and cal, emotional, and spiritual dimensions picture of our own emotional triggers. In less likely to keep others psychologically, of knowing. We work to keep them out of this way, we can evaluate situations more emotionally and physically safe. our conscious awareness, promoting the objectively and make decisions based intellectual dimension as the sole know- on relevant situational data and broader Police Officers, officers of the peace, who er. And yet, even though we may not ac- shared values. Whereas, in the “self-pro- are 1) conscious about their mindset and knowledge those other dimensions, they tection mindset,” we only have the capac- 2) internally aware of their interpreta- are still influencing our interpretation of ity to do one thing: protect ourselves psy- tion of a disruption are 20% more like- our situation, still influencing our per- chologically, physically and emotionally. ly to resolve intense situations in a more ception of threat, and still influencing our In fact, we may even protect our own ideas intentional and effective manner; using pull for self-protection. Habit is stronger about who we are. In the self-protection less excessive force or removing the need than reason. So then, how do we reason mindset, our minds do not feel safe to see, for force altogether (Trinker, Kerrison, & ourselves back into connection? Back into hear or understand others, which limits Goff, 2019). This is why the connection connection with our emotions, bodies,


and souls? Back to connection with oth- pathway to fierce compassion and non- es without threat. If psychological safety ers? How do we form a greater “we?” violent policing is through building EQ is provided to our officers, they will devel- habits and developing an integrated self, op the capacity to provide it to those they It is through the conscious practices of un- which requires a solid foundation of psy- swore to serve. This process works. It is derstanding our own physical, emotional, chological safety. safely exploring the invisible that eventu- and yes, even spiritual dimensions and ally makes the visible difference. bringing our minds into alignment with 5. SOLIDIFY PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY them that we cultivate a deeper level of Amy Edmondson coined the term “psy- THE NEXT RIGHT THING self-awareness. chological safety” and defined it as a be- EQ is developed over time through an in- lief that one will not be punished, threat- tentional program focused on integrating Police departments that provide oppor- ened, or humiliated for speaking up with these five elements. Indeed, it is not some- tunities for cultivating deeper levels of ideas, questions, concerns and mistakes. thing that is achieved through a single in- self-awareness see a more engaged agency Police leaders who model their own EQ- stallment. Yes, a single serving of EQ sus- focused on the whole officer. development begin to create a safe struc- tains a person for a bit. Just as with visible ture for officers to explore their whole ex- food, practicing EQ skills with commit- 4. INTEGRATE THE WHOLE OFFICER: perience without judgement or recourse. ment and regularity is like receiving invis- SITUATIONAL IDENTITY Modeling EQ skill building can dramati- ible nourishment. Eating is done regular- Just as we know situational information cally increase the presence of psychologi- ly. It is not hard. In fact, it is quite simple. through intellectual, physical, emotional, cal safety, not only in agencies, but in the and spiritual dimensions, we are also in- communities being served. Those with Developing EQ skills is much the same. tellectual, physical, emotional, and spiri- the most positional power have the great- It requires regularity and commitment tual beings. We each have minds, bodies, est influence on the presence (or absence) but is it not hard. It is not complex. It is hearts, and souls. Each part of the whole of psychological safety. not academic. It is not “hug a thug.” It is self must be given consent to exist, in or- not touchy-feely. It is important. It chang- der to be wholly present to our situation. The current occupational structure, social es lives, including those of your officers. Saying “I’m fine, I’m good.” when in fact climate, and community differences make This is the way to build a “we” perspec- my body and my heart are not, moves fostering psychological safety challenging. tive. It is with the “we” perspective where one into the self-protection mindset. This The temptation to perceive most situations we are all better together. We all do better is the neurological process of dis-integra- as “us versus them” is equally strong among when we all do better. There is a struc- tion, or dissociation. It is a real, neurobi- all groups of demographic differences. Our tured, clear, operational, and executable ological process that results from being brains have the power to quickly turn “any- process to create a habit of EQ. exposed to dangerous, overwhelming, or body” into “the other.” “Anybody” includes WHERE TO BEGIN? highly intense situations, just like the sit- even our most loved ones. Start by assessing where you are at. uations our peace officers encounter on a Complete a free audit of your Department’s daily basis. We must build the invisible skills that Emotional Intelligence with a 5-minute turn others back into “we.” This espe- tool at: The conscious practices associated cially applies to those most different from tureaudit-brunel. Here is to ensuring that with integration of mind, body, heart, the individual. This begins by listening the best day your police officers have ever and soul are offered in the Situational with curiosity; listening to the story, to had is one that is still out ahead of them. Identity Model. These practices increase the emotions, to the physical hurts, and self-awareness which allows the officer to to the greater connections that bind us all A S former U Army Airborne Ranger, Marcel Brunel has spent bring their best, whole self into any giv- together. We are all humans. We all have the last 23 years working with organizations as an expert en situation. The whole self always sees hurts. We all experience disruptions. We in psychometrics and performance development. He is the situation most clearly, most empath- all have the pull to protect ourselves at any the President of Brunel Group, which helps organizations ically, and most connected to our shared cost. We all dis-integrate and say, “I’m fine, raise self-awareness as to how they make decisions, prob- values of safety, courage and honoring of I’m good.” We all need to be listened to lem solve, and build relationships through the use of psy- chological & emotional intelligence assessments. He is the all citizens. without the threat of judgement. creator of a newly created virtual program for sergeants, FTO’s and PTO’s titled Co-Creating a Coaching Culture. He The depth of one’s integrated self-aware- Imagine a police force who leverages all currently works with multiple Texas police departments and ness impacts the degree to which our their might in listening more intently. One has his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Texas A&M peace officers uphold their sworn duty that encourages more voices to speak up, University. Marcel can be contacted at Marcel.Brunel@ in even the most intense moments. The ask questions and share their experienc- or (972) 841-5890.


BY GREG YOUNG, in your heart of hearts that you and your only way we have to find it is by digging M.DIV. CHAPLAIN officers make a huge difference in people’s these holes.” The next 10 holes dug by the lives and keep your communities safe. Far same four men took less time to dig than On Martin Luther too many have paid the ultimate price; the first four. Why? They now had a pur- King Day, I was the have taken their own lives; or carry the pose; a reason. keynote speaker at scars of experiences which haunt them the all-employee con- long after retiring. In these challenging times, with so much ference for the city of discord and animosity, it is vitally import- Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I went into the au- We tend to fixate on the negative, even ant to lift up your officers and show them dience and asked the city’s police chief to hateful voices and these days those voic- that they are making a difference. Remind think back on why he wanted to become a es seem louder. In these challenging times them that an officer’s job is not just a “job,” cop. His answer was predictably, “I want- with all the division and rancor magni- it is a noble calling. None of us do what we ed to help people; to save lives.” I asked if fied by social media, it is extremely hard do to get rich. We serve, each in our own he still felt he was fulfilling that purpose to tune out the negativity. Officers need way to help others, to serve and protect. after many years of service. Although he to be acknowledged and recognized as said yes, he lamented that it seemed to be often as possible for what they do and In the July-August (2018) issue of the getting harder to work as a police officer. what they are willing to sacrifice for their Harvard Business Review, there is a great ar- Many of his officers were disillusioned, communities. ticle written by Robert E. Quinn and Anjan disappointed, or demoralized, and this V. Thakor, entitled “Creating a Purpose- was before 2020. There is a story I heard many years ago Driven Organization.” In the article, they that during World War II at an Army base share the story of Gerry Anderson, the I receive a lot of calls these days to provide in the southern United States, an Army first president of DTE Energy. It was re- peer support trainings and psychologi- Sergeant marched four “volunteers” be- ported that the company’s employees cal support for officers and their depart- hind a building. He handed the men were not performing up to their poten- ments, as they struggle with the challenges shovels and instructed them to dig a hole tial. Anderson was invited by Joe Robles, of public scrutiny as well as COVID infec- four feet wide by four feet long by four the CEO of USAA and a DTE board mem- tions within their departments and their feet deep. He told them to, “Come and get ber, to visit some of the USAA call centers. communities. Many chiefs and officers are me when you are done and I will inspect Anderson observed fully engaged employ- retiring early or leaving because the cur- the hole.” The Sergeant reissued this order ees working with meaning and purpose. rent climate in law enforcement has them three more times. One soldier was so frus- Robles told Anderson that “a leader’s most asking themselves if it is worth it or if they trated he threw down his shovel and said, important job is to connect the people to are really making a difference. “Sergeant you can court martial me if you their purpose.” (Id. at 79) want to but why are we doing this?” The I have had the honor of serving, training, Sergeant said, “I owe you men an apolo- That eye-opening experience changed and providing debriefings and support for gy. I forgot to tell you why we are digging Anderson. When he returned to DTE’s police officers across the country in some these holes. You see, there has been an Detroit Headquarters, he made a video of their darkest hours. You should know underground gas leak along here and the connecting his employees to their high-

18 WINTER 2021 er purpose. The video showed employ- save lives.” When asked if he was worried continue to do so because my service to ees at every level and the impact of their about contracting the virus and getting officers, wherever needed, is my “why.” All work on the entire community in posi- sick, he said, “No. I am willing to risk get- of us together make a difference. I close tive ways. The first employees to see the ting sick, even dying if I know that what I with a paraphrase of something Fredrich in-house video gave it a standing ovation. do is saving lives.” Nietzsche once wrote, “He or she who has According to the article’s authors, “When a why to live can bear almost any how.” viewed by union members, some were Be an encourager and offer praise and Remember your “why.” moved to tears.” (Id. at 80) thanks with sincerity for jobs well done. Some departments have what I call: Greg Young, M.Div. is the Chaplain of a Federal agency, a Back in early May, amid our current pan- “Praise boards” or honor boards that share Debriefer for multiple agencies, a Chaplain for Germantown demic, I was watching the evening news. the positive things an officer has done. Police Dept., a Pastor of Our Savior’s UCC, a Co-Host for There was an interview with line work- Recognition for a job well done during “Cops Anonymous” Podcast, a Trainer at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Behavioral Health Training ers producing disinfecting wipes for the role call or staff meetings is not lost on Partnership, an Adjunct Faculty at Fox Valley Technical Clorox® company. One line worker your officers. College Public Safety Training Center. Greg is involved in said that prior to the pandemic, he only Crisis Intervention. He is a Resilience/Resilient Leadership thought of himself as a line worker that I want to thank all of you for your leader- & Post Traumatic Growth Consultant, an International Law made Clorox wipes. But now, knowing ship and for what you and your officers do Enforcement Education Training Association Member, and how important the wipes are in fighting every day. It has been an honor to do my an International Critical Incident Stress Foundation Trainer. this pandemic, he said, “I am helping to part in supporting and serving you. I will He can be contacted at (414) 573-6008.

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BY WADE DAKIN gations using timely, effective, and effi- Michigan’s criminal justice community for cient forensic A/V examination of crime advanced forensic analysis using the latest Forensic audio/vid- scene digital media. Their staff mem- scientific examination, comparison, and eo (A/V) analysis has bers have the necessary specialized train- evaluation of digital material. They want been a key investi- ing, skills, technology, and experience to to ensure that AVAS continues to foster gative tool for de- step into ongoing investigations and su- and build new relationships as their A/V cades. The demand pervise that portion which involves the support to agencies increases. will continue to in- technical application of forensic A/V clar- crease as more A/V evidence is being used ification equipment and processing tech- The AVAS is currently supported by five in criminal investigations through a vari- niques. This would include the direction section members who cover four geo- ety of formats such as: body-worn cam- and shaping of the investigation during graphic locations as part of the MSP eras, cell phone videos, in-car video, and the time in which the A/V evidence is be- Biometrics and Identification Division unmanned aerial systems. ing obtained and taking direct supervision (BID) under the Field Support Bureau. over the technical aspects of the investi- Each section member has been work- The Michigan State Police (MSP) Audio gation. Members are trained in the inno- ing from home since March 2020 due to Video Analysis Section (AVAS) is assisting vative interjection and development of COVID-19 restrictions, but has main- criminal justice agencies to tackle this ev- techniques that may be unfamiliar to the tained the same level of quality service to er-increasing demand by providing state- average investigator. the criminal justice community. Section wide support in this area. Their goal is to members not only provide profession- assist law enforcement agencies through- The goal of the MSP AVAS is customer al A/V examinations but can assist orga- out Michigan in their criminal investi- service and to be the focal point among nizations with training on proper A/V

20 WINTER 2021 downloading, safekeeping, and transfer protocols and procedures. Members also have training and experience in expert witness testimony related to their work. Additionally, they can provide recommen- dations to local businesses about proper camera placement, type of recording de- vices to use, proper storage of A/V media, and preservation methods for that media.

AVAS section members process between 600-700 cases a year, while receiving on- going extensive training in the latest fo- rensic techniques. Each member is ex- pected to keep up with the advances in technology and maintain their high lev- el of proficiency by attending training, exchanging ideas with the forensic A/V community, and collectively working to- gether to accomplish the goal of provid- ing professional and timely examinations across Michigan. Specialized training re- ceived includes comprehensive require- ments with the professionally recognized CONTACT THE AVAS Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA) to become Certified Forensic Video Technicians. If they choose, members can then ac- quire Certified Forensic Video Analyst or Certified Forensic Video Examiner Contact the AVAS through our centralized email [email protected] certifications with either LEVA or the or through one of our offices listed below. International Association of Identification, respectively. MPS AVAS members also re- FLINT OFFICE BRIDGEPORT OFFICE ceive training specific to forensic software D/Tpr. Zachary Batchelor D/Tpr. Adam Green programs. Members learn how to inter- 4495 Corunna Rd. 6296 S. Dixie Hwy pret A/V data to determine the best avail- Flint, MI 48532 (Bridgeport Detachment) able evidence for analysis. They utilize Cell: 734-735-6156 P.O. Box 608 their training to ensure the best practic- Bridgeport, MI 48722 es are used in the process of digital multi- LIVONIA OFFICE Cell: 989-385-3950 media evidence acquisition, and to make D/Sgt. Kevin Curtis certain the relevant data is complete and 18050 Deering LANSING OFFICE unaltered. Additionally, the section en- Livonia, MI 48152 D/Tpr. Jason Matter sures that forensic software is utilized in Cell: 313-378-3147 7050 Harris Dr. Room 42 a non-destructive workflow to enhance Dimondale, MI 48821 or clarify digital multimedia during their Cell: 248-309-2831 examinations. The customer is provided with a thorough technical and profession- al report for the work completed and fol- For more information you can also visit low-up expert testimony if needed.,4643,7-123-72297_64747_99612---,00.html


AVAS members continuously improve vided to the agency. FP micro-cassette player. Then an their skills as technology advances to pro- • Assisted a local police department with Olympus Digital Recorder was con- vide the highest quality assistance to crim- digital video for a homicide investiga- nected to the micro-cassette player and inal investigations. The following are cas- tion. They requested that the AVAS try captured the A and B sides as separate es which highlight the invaluable services to clarify and provide images of vehi- files. The captured files were saved in MPS AVAS members routinely provide to cles of interest from surveillance video. an mp3 file format and then loaded the law enforcement community: A USB drive was processed containing into a software tool for audio examina- • Assisted on a homicide investigation video files from four separate locations tion (Adobe Audition 2020). The AVAS by extracting video data of a shooting and an AVAS staff member was able to staff member noticed a significant amount of hum in the recordings, so a noise reduction filter was applied to AVAS members continuously improve their skills reduce it, followed by an amplification as technology advances to provide the highest filter to attempt to improve the clarity of the voices. quality assistance to criminal investigations. • Assisted with a hit-and-run motor ve- hicle accident by clarifying images of from a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) export images for two separate vehi- two suspects and their vehicle captured which was seized from a local busi- cles of interest, create documents with on surveillance video. Highly com- ness. A software tool (DVR Examiner), these images, provide a camera view pressed video was examined and, using designed to examine hard drives for in a specific format, and convert a seg- Amped Five software, the submitted data without using the DVR itself, was ment of video file for easier viewing. video file was converted for playing. used to forensically examine provided • Provided video assistance to a sher- The examiner was able to view the sus- hard drives. The examiner narrowed iff’s office by supplying still images of pects and vehicle from a far distance the search parameters and was able to a suspect captured on surveillance vid- (the camera was set to record an entire locate and observe the suspect entering eo and then the images were supplied parking lot from a high elevation). He the building, shooting two victims, and to the MSP BID Statewide Network of then exported the select images using leaving the scene. He then used a sec- Agency Photos Unit for a facial recog- a variety of editing techniques such as ond software tool (iNPUT-ACE) to cre- nition (FR) search. Amped Five soft- cropping, simple zoom, and de-block- ate segments showing a specific area of ware was used to play the submitted ing filters to create a document for interest. All frames were extracted from video files and four images which best demonstration purposes. those segments and select still images captured the suspect for identification were exported and combined into one purposes were selected. Two addition- Wade Dakin is the Manager at Michigan State Police Audio/ full file for the agency. al images were increased to 300% us- Video Analysis Section (AVAS) and Coordinator for MSP • Provided digital video assistance on a ing Amped Five’s smart resize filter and Forensic Artists. He is responsible for leadership and over- forgery/counterfeiting complaint by at- resubmitted to the MSP SNAP Unit for sight for audio and video analysis of criminal investigations tempting to clarify and provide imag- an additional FR search. and coordination of investigative composite sketches. Mr. es of the suspect’s vehicle and license • Provided audio examination assistance Dakin has a Master of Science Degree in Organizational Leadership from Norwich University and has over twenty plate information. Several sequential to a sheriff’s office by converting and years of service with the Michigan State Police. He is a re- vehicle images were exported and used clarifying audio that was captured on a tired Lieutenant Colonel having served in the United States to create a document for the agency. micro-cassette tape. The AVAS mem- Army National Guard. Mr. Dakin is an experienced lead- Two images of the vehicle and license ber removed the write protection tabs er with a demonstrated history of military leadership and plate were then enhanced using the from a micro-cassette and was able to working in the law enforcement industry. He can be con- software tool (Amped Five) and pro- play the submitted tape in a Panasonic tacted at (517) 242-9722.

22 WINTER 2021 DeWolf and Associates provides training courses for those who are assigned to train and evaluate the new probationary officer and those who are directly involved in the administration, implementation and managing Field Training Programs.

DeWolf & Associates offer courses designed to meet the needs of agencies and their members for the implementation of their Field Training Programs through competent, quality, state-of-the- art instruction. All of our associates possess expertise in the areas of management and education.

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1:00 pm — 2:00 pm 8:00 am — 6:00 pm 8:00 am — 3:00 pm MLEAC Commission Registration Registration MiPAC Meeting to Follow

9:00 am — 12:00 pm 9:00 am — 12:00 pm 2:00 pm — 2:50 pm KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Exposition A Chief’s Perspective: Leadership in the Midst of Change: Understanding the Importance Reminding Ourselves of the Skills 9:00 am — 11:00 am of Organizational Resilience and and Principles MLEAC Hearings Smashing the Stigma Jack Enter, PhD; Joe Collins, (Retired) Chief; Jack Enter and Associates 10:00 am — 10:50 am Acadia Healthcare’s Treatment Avoiding Negative Social Media/ Placement Specialists Team 12:00 pm — 6:00 pm Public Perceptions: Autism Spectrum Exposition Training for Law Enforcement 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm Joel Maatman; The Truths About De-escalation: 2:00 pm — 2:50 pm Autism Alliance of Michigan Shifting the Narrative with It Will Never Happen Here...but... the Community 1st Lieutenant Mrs. Georgie Juday; 11:15 am — 12:00 pm John Bostain, President; 51st Civil Support Team Exhibit Prize Drawings Command Presence Training must be present to win 3:00 pm — 4:00 pm FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 In God We Trust 1:00 pm — 1:50 pm 9:00 am — 12:00 pm Pastor Ralph A. Rebandt II; Internal Investigations: An KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: MACP Chaplain Accountability Measure that can Leadership for a Lifetime: Protect Your Exposure to Liability How the Past Prepares Us 4:00 pm — 5:00 pm Matt Heins; Loss Control Specialist for the Future MMRMA Meeting and Audrey Forbush; Paul Butler, (Retired) Chief Deputy; Plunkett Cooney, PC Paul Butler Presentation, LLC

12:00 pm Conference Concludes


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Thank you to our 2021 Winter Conference sponsors:





BY DAVID TANAY and, in most states, are housed within the the funding for the Medicaid programs in state office of the Attorney General. This each state. To explain what is the case here in Michigan. In addition a Medicaid Fraud to investigating and prosecuting Medicaid Again, the MFCU handles Medicaid pro- Control Unit (MFCU) provider fraud, these units also investigate vider fraud complaints. This means we is—and what it can and prosecute complaints of abuse or ne- must have Medicaid dollars involved and do for you—you need glect in residential care facilities—such as we do not handle complaints that only to know a few basics nursing homes or adult foster care homes. involve private health insurance fraud. about the Michigan Medicaid program. The MFCU in Michigan is based in East When a citizen walks into your depart- Medicaid is a government-funded health plan designed to pay for medical care for Accidents do happen while caring for vulnerable the indigent and disabled. Think of it as a state-run health insurance policy paid for adults, but not everything is an innocent mistake. with tax dollars. It differs from Medicare as Medicare is federally run and general- Lansing, with a few staff located in the ment and makes a complaint against a ly covers people 65 years and older. Every Detroit office. The total current staffing doctor, it won’t always be clear who is state has a Medicaid program, and they of 33 is made up of investigators (all of paying the bill and possibly getting de- continue to grow in scope and funding for whom are sworn AG Special Agents), at- frauded. It is a simple matter for us to a variety of reasons. Michigan is current- torneys who function as prosecutors, check and we encourage departments ly spending over $16 billion dollars every support staff, analysts, and an auditor. to contact us to see if we have a basis to year on Medicaid. Every one of our MFCU investigators get involved. Also, for us to be able to previously worked for a municipal po- open a file, the target of the complaint The infamous bank robber Willie Sutton lice department. Each MFCU is designed must be a provider; someone who bills was once asked by a reporter why he robs (under federal regulations) to be a one- the Medicaid program. This includes banks. Sutton plainly replied, “…because stop-shop to take a complaint all the way doctors, dentists, therapists of all types, that’s where the money is.” Similarly, $16 from intake, through investigation, and medical equipment providers, and in- billion dollars spent every year (and grow- all the way through prosecution in any home care providers—to name a few. ing) is highly attractive to fraudsters. To county. Under our funding limitations, we do make matters worse, although there are not handle beneficiary fraud complaints, safeguards, the foundation of the admin- Professional MFCU staff receive ongoing such as those which involve allegations istration of the Medicaid program is built specialized training regarding their area that a person lied on their application for around trust; we trust the provider to ac- of practice. The National Association of Medicaid benefits. Those types of com- curately bill the service that was actually Medicaid Fraud Control Units and oth- plaints are investigated by the Michigan performed or delivered. er professional organizations provide this Department of Health & Human Services, training to Michigan MFCU staff as well Office of General. In the 1970s, Congress created (and large- as other MFCU staff from around the ly funded) specialized law enforcement country. Training is also regularly pro- Typical fraud complaints that we can han- units in each state to be the watchdog over vided by the federal government (specif- dle include: Medicaid dollars. These units are known ically the U.S. Department of Health & • Overprescribing of narcotics as Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCU) Human Services), which provides most of • Billing for services not rendered

26 WINTER 2021 • Duplicate billing, such as billing both MCL 750.145n, vulnerable adult abuse depending on the amount embezzled and Medicaid and the patient or another is criminalized with four different degrees prior violations. payor ranging from a one-year misdemeanor all • Upcoding of service, including billing a the way up to a 15-year felony. For those agencies whom we have worked simple quick visit as if it were long and with in the past—thank you for your valu- complex Of course, not all abuse of a vulnerable able partnership. Together, we can best • Billing for services that are medically adult is physical—it can also be finan- provide the protection for our most vul- unnecessary cial. The MFCU regularly investigates and nerable citizens and prevent valuable tax prosecutes cases of embezzlement from dollars from being stolen by fraudsters. The MFCU has one other duty in a vulnerable adult. Unfortunately, the as- We hope the Attorney General and the addition to fighting Medicaid provid- sets of our elderly are sometimes siphoned MFCU can be a resource for you to call er fraud, and that is combating criminal away unlawfully once they are placed in upon for questions, technical assistance, abuse and neglect in health care facili- a care facility and no longer at home car- or to refer a complaint for us to handle ties (such as nursing or adult foster care ing for themselves. Too often, this is per- from A to Z. homes). Accidents do happen while caring petrated by a family member or another for vulnerable adults, but not everything person under the guise of “caregiver.” If your agency encounters a complaint of possible is an innocent mistake. Michigan law en- Medicaid fraud or a complaint of abuse or neglect of a forcement has numerous statutes that can Under MCL 750.174a, criminal penal- resident in a care facility, please call our toll-free hotline be used to prosecute those who abuse or ties are provided for embezzlement from at (800) 24-ABUSE or (800) 242-2873. This hotline is criminally neglect a patient or resident in a vulnerable adult that range from a 93- staffed during business hours and messages left there a care facility. For example, pursuant to day misdemeanor up to a 20-year felony, are reviewed the next business day.

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BY MICHAEL HISTORY OF THE BUBBA BILL / VIP LAW on his way home to a locked and emp- RANSOM The idea for the Bubba Bill/VIP Law start- ty house, with no key, and no knowledge ed when a father received a phone call of how to work a lock even if he had one. The Michigan State from his son’s school informing him that Police Vulnerable or they had mistakenly put his son on a bus What happens when a child who thrives Impaired Persons going home instead of releasing him to his on routine, collides with an unknown program allows for caregiver. This would not normally be an situation? Luckily, in this setting a po- the collection, search, issue for a twelve-year-old boy; however, tential crisis was averted due to an old- and storage of personal data, fingerprints, Andrew (also known as Bubba) has autism er sibling unexpectedly stopping by the and photograph of vulnerable persons, and has diminished cognitive skills, along house just prior to Bubba arriving home. minors, and adults in Michigan. with challenges communicating. He was Nevertheless, it prompted the father to

28 WINTER 2021 think about what could have happened if HOW DOES THE VIP PROGRAM WORK? BENEFITS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT his son had wandered away. How would When a parent or caregiver decides to Some law enforcement agencies are cur- he ever find his way home without hav- voluntarily enroll their VIP into the pro- rently participating in the enrollment of ing the ability to ask for help or provide gram, fingerprints are captured elec- individuals for the VIP fingerprint reason his name, address, or phone number if tronically using a live scan fingerprint- code, while others are not yet set up to do located? ing system. If the live scan being used so. Even if your law enforcement agency is can capture photographs, these will also not set up or chooses not to participate in PURPOSE BEHIND THE VIP INITIATIVE be taken. A VIP’s fingerprints and pho- the enrollment process, it is still important Unfortunately, the number of news stories tograph (if captured) are stored along that all officers understand these laws and about individuals with special needs who with additional demographic informa- the many benefits of this program. wander away from a parent or caregiver tion, including the home address of the are increasing at an alarming rate. This VIP along with a contact name, email ad- Some of those benefits are: wandering is a common problem in indi- dress, and phone number for the person • Identifying an individual who cannot viduals with cognitive conditions, such as legally responsible for the VIP. identify themselves and returning them Autism or Alzheimer’s. The medical com- to a safe environment. munity refers to this act of wandering If a special needs individual enrolled in • Distinguishing a special needs person away as “eloping.” Many of these individ- the VIP program has an interaction with from an individual under the influence uals who elope from a safe environment law enforcement and is unable to prop- to determine how to effectively deal also have problems communicating who erly identify him or herself, the law en- with the individual. they are, where they live, or other basic forcement officer may now utilize a mo- • Reducing investigative time to deter- information. Without this information, it bile fingerprint scanner, live scan device, mine residence from hours to seconds. is very difficult for law enforcement to de- or mobile device capable of running a • Identifying vulnerable missing persons termine where they belong, if should they facial recognition search, to access this via latent prints left at a crime scene. encounter such a person. Complicating information and quickly identify a VIP. • Identifying homeless people to help de- matters further, it is often challenging to Along with the identity of the person, termine if anyone is looking for them. distinguish whether an individual being the officer will have access to a prima- encountered has special needs, as the con- ry contact name, phone number, and ad- As the VIP community continues to grow at dition may present itself with characteris- dress of where the individual resides and a very rapid pace, it is important for law en- tics similarly found in someone under the will then be able to get the VIP safely re- forcement personnel to be equipped with influence of alcohol or drugs. turned home. the skills necessary to deal with these types of challenging encounters. Having the abil- The growing need to find a solution to HOW TO ENROLL AN INDIVIDUAL ity to use fingerprint and facial recognition help identify individuals who are incapa- 1. The enrollment process is straight technology in these situations may be the ble of identifying themselves was becoming forward. difference between having to go “hands a critical conversation in the law enforce- 2. Download and complete the VIP on” and risking an extreme reaction from ment community. This complex issue did Enrollment form which can be found the VIP as opposed to merely maintaining not have an easy answer. However, in late at line-of-sight until a responsible individual 2016, an idea was developed aimed at as- 3. Take the completed form to a partici- arrives to take the VIP home. The hope is sisting law enforcement with this exact area pating live scan agency. There is a list that the VIP laws will give law enforcement of concern. It was reasoned that if law en- of participating agencies found on one more tool to use in interacting with our forcement could use fingerprints and pho- the website, special needs community and will lead to tographs to identify criminals, why couldn’t or you can call a local fingerprinting the return of a VIP to a safe environment they do something similar with the spe- agency to see if they take VIP finger- with minimal trauma or loss of dignity. For cial-needs community? This proposition prints and photographs. additional information on this program, resulted in the successful passage of two 4. Once fingerprints and photograph please contact the MSP Biometrics and new laws, MCL 722.774 and MCL 28.274. are captured, the completed VIP form Identification Division at 517-284-3168. These laws went into effect in August should be sent back to the Michigan of 2017, allowing a parent, legal guard- State Police within 30 days at the ad- Michael Ransom is the Manager of the Automated ian, or power of attorney of an individu- dress located on the form. Fingerprint Unit of the Michigan State Police. His son al with special needs to voluntarily pro- Andrew who has autism, was the inspiration behind the vide the VIP’s fingerprints and photograph Note: There is a state fee of $30 plus the Vulnerable or Impaired Person Law. Ransom can be con- for inclusion into Michigan’s Automated amount charged by the agency providing the tacted at the Biometrics and Identification Division of the Fingerprint Identification System. printing services. Michigan State Police at (517) 643-7087.



BY NANCY BECKER The Byrne JAG funding “is the leading Although this money is available, we rec- BENNETT source of federal justice funding to state ognize that the application and oversight and local jurisdictions. The JAG Program process can be intimidating. Many of our Greetings from the provides states, tribes, and local govern- grants are managed through the Michigan Michigan State Police ments with critical funding necessary to Automated Grant Information Connection (MSP), Grants and support a range of program areas includ- (MAGIC+), a web-based system accessed Community Services ing law enforcement, prosecution, indi- from any Internet browser. Agencies also Division (GCSD). As gent defense, courts, crime prevention utilize MAGIC+ to manage their Office of many of you are un- and education, corrections and commu- Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) Traffic aware of who or what we are, the GCSD nity corrections, drug treatment and en- Safety Grants. From the application pro- manages several large federal and state forcement, planning, evaluation, technol- cess to managing the grant to closeout, ev- grants which benefit our criminal justice ogy improvement, and crime victim and erything is completed within the MAGIC+ partners. The GCSD, Grants Management witness initiatives and mental health pro- system. Agencies have everything located Section currently administers over $100 grams and related law enforcement and in one place for easy access. million in funding, from state to federal corrections programs, including behav- and competitive to formula. ioral programs and crisis intervention Rest assured, we are here to help and are teams.”1 happy to do so. We love to get new ap- There is often confusion about what a for- plicants with new ideas and new projects, mula grant is and why it is awarded to Each year, the State of Michigan, through and we love to spread the wealth. While the MSP. In Michigan, the GCSD has been the MSP GCSD, applies and is awarded we know that it is frustrating to spend designated as the “State Administrative funding for the Byrne JAG from the U.S. time applying only to be denied (if/should Agency” (or SAA) for many United States DOJ, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of that happen), please be assured that we Department of Justice (U.S. DOJ) grants Justice Assistance. With this funding, ap- will absolutely tell you where your appli- that are to be distributed statewide. These plications are solicited from criminal jus- cation fell short and help you to improve large awards are passed down from the fed- tice agencies for different program (topic) for the next round. eral government in a pre-determined allo- areas which have included multijurisdic- cation; the GCSD is responsible for apply- tional task forces, problem-solving courts, We announce most of our grant solicita- ing and then distributing the funding to indigent defense, juvenile-focused com- tions in the late spring or early summer eligible agencies based on state and federal munity policing, community engagement, and send the notification out via email to priorities. Most of our funding is available equipment/technology, training, and oth- several agencies for distribution, includ- to units of government that house state, ers. Applications for this funding are usu- ing the Michigan Association of Chiefs of county, local, and tribal agencies. ally released by the GCSD in June/July, Police (MACP). The MACP then forwards with a due date approximately four to it to their membership. New applicants The most visible GCSD program is the an- six weeks later. Awards are made in late are always encouraged to apply; unfortu- nual Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne September for a fiscal year of October nately, we often find that we do not get a JAG) and/or the recent Coronavirus 1 – September 30. Staff in the Grants lot of new interest even though the fund- Emergency Supplemental Funding grant, Management Section, Byrne JAG Unit, are ing is available. The program areas under although there are many other grants and the grant advisors for these awards and are which we accept applications for the Byrne grant-related activities with which we are responsible for overseeing funding from JAG do change from year-to-year and we involved. Regardless, we would love ev- application to close-out. They are also the try to incorporate new topics, when pos- eryone to become familiar with our grant ones who can provide assistance with any sible. This year, for example, we includ- programs so we can receive applications questions or concerns, and who will also ed a new program area for Community and distribute funding to new partners. share in your joy when you see success. Relations/Community Engagement and

1 U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance. (2020). Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. Retrieved from


could have provided funding to addition- for agencies with little grant experience they have not completed the DOJ Use-of-Force Certification. al eligible programming had we received to learn this process. Notification regard- If your departments have not obtained its certification, applications. ing opportunities for the 2021 IACP con- please contact [email protected]. ference scheduled for September 11-14, Nancy Becker Bennett is the Division Director of the In 2019, at the suggestion of and in co- 2021, in will be made by the Michigan State Police (MSP) Grants and Community operation with the MACP, the GCSD al- MACP during the spring of 2021.* Services Division (GCSD) where she provides leadership located a total of $50,000 to 25 small law to MSP’s writing, coordination, and implementation of fed- enforcement agencies so the chief/director We are happy to partner with the MACP eral, state, and private grants available to criminal justice could attend the International Association on this exciting grant opportunity, and agencies. In addition, the GCSD provides support to MSP’s of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference, hope to partner with many of you on fu- Community Service Troopers, coordinates statewide pre- something for which these agencies do ture grant opportunities as well! Please vention and outreach activities, houses the Office of School not normally have the funding. The only feel free to reach out to us if you would Safety, and manages all MSP facilities and the distribution center. Nancy has worked in grants management, program requirement was that the chief/director like further information or just have ques- development and implementation, and community policing could not have previously attended the tions about grants. Again, we are always and engagement since 1994. She has a Bachelor’s Degree IACP conference due to a lack of fund- here to help. in Sociology from the University of Michigan, and a Master’s ing. Feedback from attendees was excel- Degree in Justice, with a concentration in Law Enforcement, lent and we plan on making this an an- *Editor’s note: Per Presidential Executive Order 13929, an from the American University in Washington DC. She can be nual award. It is also a good opportunity agency will not be eligible for a DOJ discretionary grant if contacted at (517) 898-9496 or [email protected].

32 WINTER 2021 ai160738632884_MACP Winter 2020.pdf 1 12/7/2020 7:12:09 PM








JUNE 5, 2021 JUNE 2-4, 2021

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BY JENNIFER KNICELEY-SPROUSE and more. To assist criminal justice part- systems and programs to the very agen- ners to learn more about and gain access cies that contribute information and help The FBI’s Law Enforcement Engagement to services that may prove helpful, the make the FBI’s systems valuable resourc- Unit provides a link between law enforce- CJIS Division recently established the Law es for protecting public safety and nation- ment partners and the Bureau’s criminal Enforcement Engagement Unit (LEEU). al security—and bolstering officer safety. justice information services. Most law en- The LEEU also seeks opportunities to en- forcement officers know about running a The LEEU is a team of knowledgeable staff gage agencies that are not already sharing subject’s name through the FBI’s National who are well versed in the CJIS Division’s their criminal justice information with the Crime Information Center (NCIC) or sub- systems and services. They are dedicated FBI’s systems and data collections. mitting an individual’s fingerprints to to increasing awareness and use of these the FBI’s Next Generation Identification resources by authorized criminal justice The LEEU staff members are available (NGI) System, but not all officers know professionals. Nearly all CJIS Division ser- to the FBI’s partners to provide an over- that these systems are a part of the FBI’s vices operate as part of the CJIS Advisory view about CJIS Division services, or they Criminal Justice Information Services Process. The philosophy underlying the can focus on a specific program of in- (CJIS) Division. They may also not real- advisory process is one of shared man- terest. During the global pandemic, the ize the CJIS Division provides other use- agement; that is, the FBI along with law LEEU’s information-sharing engagements ful services and resources; ones that can enforcement agencies provide data to the have been virtual, including participa- help law enforcement with identification CJIS systems and are system users. They tion in webinars, video conferences, and and investigative leads, criminal justice share responsibility for the operation and online meetings. When it is safe to do information sharing on a national scale, management of criminal justice systems so, the LEEU team will be available to at- statistics to evaluate crime trends, train- administered by the FBI. As a result, the tend conferences, provide presentations, ing to improve officer safety awareness, LEEU’s work includes promoting the CJIS staff an informational booth, host vis-

34 WINTER 2021 itors at the CJIS Division’s West Virginia system which gives criminal justice agen- state and local law enforcement partners, campus, and/or disseminate information cies the ability to share, search, link, and examines and processes information pro- about CJIS Division services in person. analyze criminal justice information. vided by the public for FBI investigative and threat/victim identification purposes, SERVICES OF THE CJIS DIVISION The Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal and reports the information to the appro- The FBI has a long history of equipping (LEEP) is a law enforcement collabora- priate field office. law enforcement and criminal justice en- tion site that provides user-friendly ac- tities with vital criminal justice informa- cess to law enforcement services such as CJIS ADVISORY POLICY BOARD tion. While many law enforcement officers N-DEx, the National Gang Intelligence To stay up to date on the latest devel- regularly use many CJIS Division services, Center, and the Internet Crime Complaint opments with CJIS systems and ser- the LEEU is eager to share information Center. It can also host virtual command vices, the LEEU has staff involved in the about the entire slate of programs, several centers. CJIS Advisory Process, including coor- which are available 24/7. dinating one of its subcommittees. The The Uniform Crime Reporting Program CJIS Advisory Policy Board (APB), char- The FBI’s NGI System is the national re- has collected and published crime statis- tered under the provisions of the Federal pository for biometric-based identity his- tics for the United States since 1930. The Advisory Committee Act of 1972, includes tory information. The system supports program also gathers and publishes law representatives from law enforcement multiple biometric modalities. Available enforcement statistics regarding such top- agencies and national security agencies biometric services include: ics as law enforcement officers killed and and organizations throughout the United • Fingerprint identification of individuals assaulted in the line of duty and law en- States. The board provides recommenda- for criminal justice purposes. The NGI forcement use-of-force statistics. tions to the FBI Director regarding poli- staff also assists criminal justice agen- cy, technical, and operational topics relat- cies with processing latent fingerprints The National Threat Operations Center ed to CJIS Division programs. The board’s for use in support of investigations (NTOC) serves as the primary communi- recommendations reflect the efforts of one and the identifications of unknown de- cation channel through which the public federal and four regional working groups ceased individuals. provides information pertaining to feder- and numerous ad hoc subcommittees. • Face recognition searches via the NGI al crimes and threats to national security. The CJIS APB effectively helps maintain Interstate Photo System. The NTOC also receives threats to life. The strong relationships between the FBI and • National Iris Service provides search- NTOC mission employs efficient process- the 18,000+ criminal justice and nation- es of the iris repository within the NGI ing and reporting of information through al security agencies represented by the System. collaboration with FBI components and board’s members. Michigan law enforce- • National Palm Print Repository. law enforcement partners. In threat-to- ment representatives have regularly served • The Repository for Individuals of Special life situations, the NTOC coordinates with with the APB throughout the APB’s history. Concern allows agencies to use their mo- bile rapid ID devices to quickly assess the potential threat a subject may pose.

The FBI also manages critical informa- tion-sharing programs. These programs play a vital role in investigations, pro- viding timely information, collabora- tion opportunities, and statistical data for decision-making. A listing of FBI informa- tion-sharing services is below.

NCIC is a database of documented crimi- nal justice information available to law en- forcement and other authorized agencies. The information contained in the NCIC assists in apprehending fugitives, locating missing persons, recovering stolen prop- erty, and identifying those who pose a threat to officer and public safety.

The National Data Exchange (N-DEx) is a national investigative information-sharing


Currently, Michigan has both a state and ment. Each participating state also ap- assist tribal agencies to identify and over- local representative serving the APB. (See points a state Compact Officer. (See side- come obstacles that may otherwise pre- sidebar for more information.) bar for Michigan’s Compact Officer state vent them from accessing and participat- level contact.) ing in the CJIS Division services. COMPACT COUNCIL Along with the CJIS APB, the FBI pro- LEEU-MANAGED SERVICES Officer Safety Awareness Training staff vides support to the 15-member Compact In addition to sharing information about uses research and statistics from the FBI’s Council, created because of the National the CJIS Division services already listed, Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact the LEEU staff manages three other ini- Assaulted database and communicate Act of 1998. The council’s mission is to tiatives—the Tribal Engagement Program, findings via in-person or virtual trainings. enhance public safety through noncrim- the Officer Safety Awareness Training, and The training assists law enforcement man- inal justice background checks based on the CJIS APB’s Public Safety and Strategy agers, trainers, and personnel with iden- positive identification, while protecting Subcommittee. tifying issues and circumstances that may individual privacy rights. It aims to en- contribute to officer deaths and assaults sure that accurate and complete criminal The CJIS Division’s Tribal Engagement and help prevent them. history records are available for noncrim- Program is an outreach effort focused on inal justice purposes. These purposes in- establishing and fostering relationships Lastly, the LEEU administers the CJIS APB’s clude screening for employment, licens- with law enforcement agencies related to Public Safety and Strategy Subcommittee, ing, and immigration and naturalization Native American tribes and Alaska Native which provides guidance and recommen- matters. The FBI Director appoints an villages. Tribal engagement staff work to dations to the CJIS APB regarding CJIS FBI Compact Officer who administers understand how tribal agencies are using systems and services to meet the needs the Compact across the federal govern- the CJIS Division services. The staff can of law enforcement and criminal justice stakeholders. Topics from a recent meet- ing included: • Strategies to strengthen the rela- tionships and partnerships between MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVES TO the FBI and major law enforcement organizations. THE CJIS AND COMPACT COUNCIL • Outreach efforts to focus on preventing crime and increasing officer safety. • Collaborative work across programs to promote the CJIS Division services available to law enforcement. As part of the CJIS advisory process, Michigan’s CJIS Systems Officer (CSO) is Michelle Kuzera. The CSO represents the perspective of the state as a whole. Michigan’s local HOW CAN THE LEEU CONNECT WITH representative is Michele Lajoye Young. The local representative represents the interest YOUR AGENCY? The LEEU was created to assist the CJIS of all local law enforcement agencies within a state. Any law enforcement agency with an Division in connecting with its crimi- idea of how to improve CJIS-managed systems can reach out and share their ideas with nal justice partners. This team is the CJIS either Kuzera or Young. Division’s version of Siri® or Alexa™. Ask an LEEU staff member a question, and MICHELLE KUZERA As Michigan’s Compact Officer, Sherry they have the resources to find an answer. Michigan State Police Rosin, is responsible for administering the The LEEU team is not only interested in Phone: 517-897-6009 Compact within the state and regulating sharing information and resources to pro- Email: [email protected] the in-state use of records for noncriminal mote the CJIS Division services, but they justice purposes. are also seeking feedback and ideas about MICHELE LAJOYE YOUNG how the CJIS Division can better serve the Kent County Sheriff’s Office, Grand Rapids SHERRY ROSIN needs of its system users and stakeholders. Phone: 616-632-6103 Michigan State Police Law enforcement leaders and the CJIS sys- Email: [email protected] Phone: 517-284-3082 tem users should not hesitate to contact Email: [email protected] the LEEU with questions and comments by email at [email protected] or by phone at (304) 625-7768.


Jan 25-28, 2021 Gaylord, MI April 6-8, 2021 Detroit, MI May 11-14, 2021 Portage, MI May 18-21, 2021 Lansing, MI July 7-9, 2021 Saline, MI

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THE REID TECHNIQUE® Protecting The Innocent & Identifying The Guilty MEMBERNEWS

NEW MEMBERS ACTIVE VOTING Chief Paul B. Bianco...... Lawrence Police Department Lieutenant Karly N. Renaud...... Royal Oak Police Department Chief Julie Church...... St. Charles Police Department Sergeant Christopher Rhodea...... Eastpointe Police Department Chief Matthew J. Murphy...... Scottville Police Department Lieutenant Kelley Ross...... Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Chief Terry R. Post...... Caspian Police Department Captain Chris M. Rozman...... Michigan State University Police Department Chief Donald Thompson...... Morenci Police Department Captain Ian Severy...... Detroit Police Department Chief Michael L.Veach...... Mt. Morris Township Police Department Administrative Sergeant Darien Smith.....Kalamazoo Township Police Department Chief Steven Waltz...... Shelby Police Department Captain Corey Smith...... Dearborn Heights Police Department Patrol Officer Daniel J. Stocker...... Marysville Police Department ACTIVE Administrative Lieutenant Richard Troup...... Riverview Police Department Captain Robert Backus...... Lansing Police Department Sergeant Gary Voight...... Wayne State University Police Department Sergeant Joseph Brown...... Charlotte Police Department Sheriff Michael Williams...... Montcalm County Sheriff’s Office Captain Ryan Connor...... Detroit Police Department Lieutenant Jeremy Young...... Port Huron Police Department Deputy Director William Cudney...... Huntington Woods DPS Detective Lieutenant Christopher Aldrich...... Marquette Police Department Lieutenant Kyle Dawley...... Westland Police Department Lieutenant Sean Breen...... Garden City Police Department Sergeant Michael R. Harris...... Waterford Township Police Department Detective Sergeant Bryan Byarski...... Grand Blanc Police Department Sergeant Kevin Heinlein...... Ionia Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Jeffrey Daniel...... Shelby Township Police Department Sergeant Edward Hindley...... Huron Township Police Department Sergeant Janessa Danielson...... Ferndale Police Department Assistant Chief Matthew Huber...... Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety Captain Katherine Diehl...... Lansing Police Department Patrol Lieutenant Aaron Huguley...... Southfield Police Department Training Sergeant Christian Emert...... Livonia Police Department Lieutenant Jordan K. Kobernick...... Berkley Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Ryan Grim...... Marquette Police Department Detective Sergeant Scott Lavis...... Lincoln Park Police Department Detective Lieutenant Andrew Hadfield...... Berkley Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Derek Lindsay...... Monroe Police Department Captain Gregory N. Hannewald...... Northville Police Department Chief Investigator Drew Macon...... Michigan Attorney General Lieutenant Michael J. Mockeridge, Jr...... Livonia Police Department Commander Michael McGinnis II...... Detroit Police Department Lieutenant Paul Plaza...... St. Clair Shores Police Department Lieutenant Corey Miller...... Berkley Department of Public Safety Captain Andrius Radze...... Farmington Hills Police Department Patrol Sergeant Keven Miller...... Brighton City Police Department Sergeant Joseph C. Reyna...... Dearborn Heights Police Department Supervisory Special Agent Stephen Morse...... Michigan Attorney General Captain Jason Schmittler...... Shelby Township Police Department Detective James Myers...... Portage Department of Public Safety Lieutenant Charles Seeley...... Wyandotte Police Department Deputy Chief Michael Oakley...... Trenton Police Department Sergeant Marc E. Strain...... Saginaw Valley State University Police Department Captain Kenneth M. Pappas...... Sterling Heights Police Department Deputy Chief Renee Veldman...... Grandville Police Department Detective Sergeant Jeffrey S. Pefley...... Little River Band of Ottawa Indians DPS Inspector Brad Wise...... Battle Creek Police Department Captain LaShanna Potts...... Detroit Police Department Lieutenant Matthew Wolfe...... Portage Department of Public Safety HIGHLIGHTS IVES RETIRES FROM KALAMAZOO POLICE DEPARTMENT Ives has an In August 1978, Rick Ives began his career with the Kalamazoo Associates of Police Department, now Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety. Applied Science He retired in 2004 after 26 years of service. Rick served the de- degree in Law partment as a dispatcher, police officer, public safety officer, ca- Enforcement from nine officer, SWAT Commander, operations sergeant, Tactical Kalamazoo Valley Response Unit sergeant, operations lieutenant, executive lieu- Community tenant of training, and service division captain. College and a Bachelor of Arts After retiring in 2004, Ives served as Director of the Kalamazoo in Public Service Valley Community College (KVCC) Regional Police Academy Administration degree from Siena Heights College. He is also a where he had instructed for over 20 years. In 2010, he moved to graduate of the Delta College Regional Police Academy. the newly created KVCC Public Safety Department, where he has served as the director since 2012. 38 WINTER 2021 HIGHLIGHTS

ACCREDITATION RECOGNITION Congratulations to these four newest departments for achieving accredited status. Each department was presented a framed accreditation award certificate during meetings with their local government officials. The Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Program now has 29 departments under its state accreditation program.

Chikaming Township Police Department Ferndale Police Department

Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety Rockford Department of Public Safety


HIGHLIGHTS IN MEMORIAM: Retired Chief Ronald D. Cronin | West Bloomfield | E.O.W. December 17, 2020

Retired West Bloomfield Township Police Chief Ronald D. Cronin Oakland County Chiefs and the died December 17, 2020 after a long illness. He was 77 years old. Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police. Ron served as chief for 19 Ron joined the Detroit Police Department in 1968. During his ca- years before retiring in 2010. reer with Detroit, he worked everything from narcotics to orga- Cronin’s two sons, Kevin and Scott, nized crime and arson. He also served as an executive lieutenant followed him into police work. in the chief’s office and an inspector running special operations. Scott is still a detective sergeant with the Farmington Hills Police Ron received multiple citations and decorations during his ca- Department and Kevin, now retired, reer as a Detroit police officer, including a Purple Heart and the started his own investigations and Medal of Valor after being wounded in the leg and hand in an ear- security firm. ly morning shootout inside a restaurant in 1974 while he was on an undercover assignment. The gunman killed three people and In addition to his sons, Ron Cronin wounded others before Cronin fatally shot him. is also survived by an older sis- ter, Pat Summers of St. Clair Shores; brothers Robert Cronin of In 1991, Ron left Detroit to become chief of the West Bloomfield Florida and William Cronin of Houghton Lake; five grandchil- Police Department where he served on boards with both the dren, and one great-granddaughter.

IN MEMORIAM: Retired Chief Donald R. Barnum | City of St. Clair | E.O.W. December 11, 2020

Donald R. Barnum, retired Chief of Police for the City of St. Clair Friends of the St. Clair Library, passed away December 11, 2020 after a two-month battle with criminal justice instructor for St. COVID-19. He was 67 years old. Clair County Community College, substitute teacher for both the East Donald was born December 23, 1952 in St. Clair, MI to Glenn China School District and St. Mary’s and Gayle Barnum. He graduated from St. Clair High School Class Catholic School, and past president of 1971 and earned a degree from the University of Michigan. of the St. Clair Rotary Club. He attended the Macomb Police Academy. In 1978, he was hired as a cadet by the St. Clair Police Department and subsequently Donald will be remembered for his worked his way up through the ranks and ultimately promoted to keen wit and sense of humor. His Chief. Donald retired in 2015 after serving the community of St. favorite friendly reminder was “You Clair for over 30 years. have to learn how to make your- self laugh if you ever expect to keep During his career, Donald was very involved in department/com- yourself sane.” munity programs which included D.A.R.E., Shop with a Cop, Student Police Academy, and the D.A.R.E. Hockey Team. Among Donald Barnum is survived by his three children and his five sib- his numerous community activities were Children’s Book Club, lings. He was preceded in death by his parents and brother-in-law.

40 WINTER 2021 Corporal Bryant Searcy | Wayne County Sheriff’s Office | E.O.W. September 2, 2020

IN MEMORIAM Corporal Bryant Searcy was killed when he was assaulted by an inmate at about 10:00 pm at Jail Division 2 at 525 Clinton Street in Detroit. He suffered severe injuries during the struggle with the inmate after he was attacked. He was transported to Detroit Receiving Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The inmate who attacked him remains in cus- tody. Corporal Bryant had served with the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office for 18 years and was assigned to Jail Division 2. He is survived by his wife and daughter.

Sergeant William Darnell | DeWitt Township Police Department | E.O.W. November 4, 2020

IN MEMORIAM Sergeant Bill Darnell died as the result of complications after contracting COVID-19 while on duty. In 2008, Sergeant Darnell was ambushed and shot point-blank in the face during a domestic disturbance call. Despite his wounds, Sergeant Darnell was able to fight back and killed his attacker. As a result of his courage, Sergeant Darnell was presented with one of the nation’s Top Cop awards by President Barack Obama in 2009. Sergeant Darnell had served with the DeWitt Township Police Department for 20 years. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Sheriff Benny Napoleon | Wayne County Sheriff’s Office | E.O.W. December 17, 2020

IN MEMORIAM Benny Napoleon, Sheriff of Wayne County, and former Detroit Police Chief, passed away on December 17 after a month-long battle with COVID-19. He was 65 years old. Benny started his police career with the Detroit Police Department (DPD) in 1975. He worked his way up through the ranks to Chief, assuming the position in 1998. He retired from DPD in 2001 and became the Wayne County Assistant Executive in 2004. Benny was appointed Wayne County Sheriff after the position became vacant in 2009. He was elected to remain in the position in 2012 and was re-elected every four years since, most recently in 2020 with his new term to begin in January 2021. During his tenure as sheriff, he expanded Wayne County’s electronic monitoring program to more than 500 tether participants a day, which generated about $22 million in savings. He also reduced daily inmate populations by using alternate incarceration options. Benny, the son of a minister, was a student at Detroit Public Schools and graduated from Cass Technical High School. He later earned his bachelor’s degree from Mercy College of Detroit and his doctorate from Michigan State University. Sheriff Napoleon was nationally recognized as an expert in law enforcement after more than 45 years of dedicated service and was a long-time member of the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police.



DEWITT TOWNSHIP PASSED OUT HUNDREDS OF TOYS AT THE HOLIDAYS TO HONOR SERGEANT WHO DIED OF COVID-19 A national charity that benefits first responders donated hundreds of toys to the DeWitt Township Police Department to pass out to the community during the holidays.

Police Chief Mike Gute said the First Responders Children’s Foundation donated the toys in honor and in memory of Sergeant Bill Darnell, who died of COVID-19 in November. Chief Gute made a personal call (pictured) on December 18, 2020 to Darnell’s widow, Ella Darnell, to tell her about the toy donation.

Eight pallets of toys were delivered to the township for the drive-thru event. American Girl and Mattel also donated more than $1 million worth of toys to the First Responders Children’s Foundation.


Row One, Left to Right: Deputy Director Dennis Wilkins, Gun Lake Tribe Public Safety; Captain Ryan Connor, Detroit Police Department; Captain John Svec, Detroit Police Department; Lieutenant Andrew McKinley, Livonia Police Department; Chief Julie M. Church, St. Charles Police Department; Lieutenant Dina Caringi, Clinton Township Police Department; Chief Don Thompson, Morenci Police Department; Captain Ian Severy, Detroit Police Department; Lieutenant Jason Meier, Novi Police Department; Captain Brian D. Harris, Detroit Police Department Row Two, Left to Right: Sergeant Sean Leathers, Imlay City Police Department; Detective Lieutenant Andrew Hadfield, Berkley Public Safety Department; Captain Gerry Johnson, Jr., Detroit Police Department; Captain Gregory Hannewald, City of Northville Police Department; Sergeant Scott Lavis, Lincoln Park Police Department; Chief Braden Myers, Gerald R. Ford Airport Police; Special Agent in Charge Drew Macon, Michigan Department of Attorney General; Lieutenant Amanda Kulikowski, Novi Police Department; Captain Andy Radze, Farmington Hills Police Department; Lieutenant Michael Mockeridge, Livonia Police Department Row Three, Left to Right: Captain Robert Backus, Lansing Police Department; Lieutenant Jeffrey Cross, Fenton Police Department; Lieutenant Patrick Stanton, Royal Oak Police Department; Sergeant Christopher Rhodea, Eastpointe Police Department; Chief Josh Glass, Manistee City Police Department; Chief Wes Smigielski, Coloma Township Police Department; Chief Robert Hendrix, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Sergeant James Meldrum, Brighton City Police Department; Sergeant Christopher Platt, Royal Oak Police Department; Lieutenant Jeremy Young, Port Huron Police Department

42 WINTER 2021 EMU BIKE RODEO On August 1, 2020, the Eastern Michigan University Police Department (EMU PD), in partnership with Gene Buttman Ford, hosted EMU PD’s 2nd annual Bike Rodeo for kids. According to event founder and organizer Sgt. Joseph Torres, “This year’s event will be a little different as we take extra precautions to ensure the health and safety of all our attendees. But we felt it was still im- portant to offer the community this resource for ensuring bike safety, particularly as so many families are doing extra bike rid- ing lately.”

Activities consisted of an obstacle course to sharpen riding skills and safety, mechanical safety checks of bicycles, helmet fitting, and thanks to the support of local businesses, free helmets, give- aways, free food and drink, and the much coveted EMU PD swag. All of the officers had a great time interacting with the commu- nity members and according to reporter and editor Jeff Brown, of the Purple Walrus Press, “Based on the expressions on the faces of kids and parents alike, all involved had a wonderful time.”

BIRTHDAY DRIVEBY Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DeWitt Charter Township Police Department helped children celebrate their birthdays in a special way by providing escorted parades past these children’s homes. The parades were a great way for children to still have a special celebration during these unfortunate times.


Please show your appreciation for the support of these companies by considering them first whenever you are in the market for new products or services.

Absolute Exhibits, Inc. C.S. Trojan & Assoc., Inc. Macomb Community SAS Institute Since October 2020 Since December 2013 College Criminal Justice Since January 2021 Accident Support Services Dee Pietila Department Training Ctr. Security Credit Union International Ltd. Composites Since August 2016 Since August 2019 Since January 2015 Since November 2015 McGraw Morris P.C. Security Industry Alarm Actron Integrated Security DeWolf and Associates Since December 2012 Coalition (SIAC) Systems, Inc. Since January 2015 Michigan Municipal Risk Since January 2014 Since December 2020 EMU Center for Regional Management Authority Sentinel Technologies Allie Brothers Uniforms & National Security Since December 2015 Since June 2020 Since February 2013 Since December 2012 Michigan Police Sequoia Financial Services AMK Services Empco, Inc. Legal Advisor Group Since September 2012 Since March 2020 Since September 2020 Since February 2013 Seward Henderson PLLC Amway Grand Plaza Hotel Enforcement Products MSU School of Since August 2020 Since December 2013 Since July 2013 Criminal Justice Since March 2014 Shanty Creek Resort Anderson, Eckstein, & Enterprise Fleet Since December 2013 Westrick, Inc. Management Motorola Solutions Since September 2012 Shield Leadership Institute Since May 2019 Since February 2018 Since May 2019 National Hospitality AT&T Public Safety Fifer Investigations, LLC Suspect Technologies - Solutions Since January 2020 Institute Since December 2012 Video Redaction Since March 2019 FileOnQ, Inc. Since December 2019 BACKING THE BADGE Since July 2020 Nightlock Since December 2015 Tactical Encounters, Inc. Since June 2014 FirstNet Authority Since April 2014 Benchmark Analytics Since August 2020 NOAR Technologies Since August 2018 TAHPI Since March 2019 Getac Video Solutions Since December 2018 Business Watch Since August 2018 Nye Uniform Company Since October 2014 Tele-Rad, Inc. International (U.S.), Inc. Gorno Ford Since October 2012 Since June 2013 Since June 2015 Oakland Tactical Since November 2019 The 227 Project Center Mass, Inc. HEI Wireless Since January 2017 Since April 2016 Since January 2021 Olivet College Since September 2017 The Rossow Group Univ. Infection Prevention Since May 2014 Since June 2020 Technologies OnStar Since December 2012 Thin Blue Line USA Century Floor Space Since April 2020 Since December 2019 Since April 2020 ITC Holdings Panasonic Since January 2019 T-Mobile Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat Fleet Since June 2015 Since December 2013 Since September 2019 John E. Reid PM AM Corporation Since May 2016 Transportation Comcast and Associates, Inc. Improvement Association Since January 2019 Since March 2017 PowerDMS Since June 2013 Since December 2015 Command Presence Kentwood Office Furniture Tyler Technologies Training Since May 2015 Printek, LLC Since December 2019 Since August 2017 Since June 2015 LeadsOnline, LLC USA Bio Care Core Technology Since June 2013 Professional Police Training Since February 2020 Corporation Leica Geosystems Since March 2014 Since March 2014 Virtual Academy Since August 2018 Robertson Research Since November 2017 CLEMIS Lexipol, LLC Institute Since December 2013 Since May 2018 Zoll Medical Corporation Since December 2015 Since October 2020 Critical Response Group MACNLOW Associates Samsung Since August 2017 Since December 2013 Since June 2018 44 WINTER 2021 For more information regarding these companies and all MACP Supporting Members, visit NEW SUPPORTING MEMBERS

Summer Professional Development Conference!

June 27-30, 2021 Shanty Creek Resort - Bellaire, MI

Registration opens online in March.


PRESIDENT Chief Ronald Wiles, Grand Blanc Township ADINDEX FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Chief Larry Weeks, Eaton Rapids Anderson, Eckstein & Westrick, Inc...... 13 SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Chief Corrigan O’Donohue, Royal Oak Berger Chevrolet...... 5 THIRD VICE PRESIDENT Center Mass...... 33 Chief Kyle Knight, Harbor Springs

SECRETARY-TREASURER CLEMIS...... 18 Chief Curtis Caid, Livonia

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Dee Pietila Department Composites...... 17 Chief Terrence McDonnell, East Jordan DeWolf & Associates...... 23 DIRECTORS Chief Alan Maciag, Northville • District 1 Director Ron Moore, Wixom • District 2 Empco, Inc...... 27 Director Paul Myszenski, Center Line • District 3 Chief Richard Freeman, Jr., Davison Township • District 4 John E. Reid and Associates...... 37 Chief Eric Marshall, Paw Paw • District 5 Chief Gregory T. Long, Walker • District 6 Director Kevin Lenkart, Owosso• District 7 Macomb Community College...... 9 Chief Anthony DeGiusti, Ypsilanti • District 8 Chief Georgia Andres, Newaygo • District 9 Chief Donald Mawer, Frankenmuth • District 10 MMRMA...... 2 Chief Todd Woods, Mackinaw City • District 11 Chief R. Blake Rieboldt, Marquette • District 12 ® Chief James E. Craig, Detroit • District 13 REALTOR Todd Golnick...... 47 Colonel Joseph M. Gasper, MSP • District 14 Signature Ford...... 48 STAFF Robert Stevenson, Executive Director Janeice Morrow, Executive Assistant Neal Rossow, Director of Professional Development & Accreditation Program Brieann Banas, Communications/Member Specialist Stephanie Johnson, Lobbyist

MAGAZINE STAFF Brieann Banas, Managing Editor Melissa Travis, Graphic Designer

©1e 202 by th Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without prior written permission from the publisher.

Michigan Police Chiefs is the official magazine of the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP). The MACP does not assume responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by any contributor. Comments made by individuals may not reflect the official position of the MACP. Acceptance of publication of articles, advertisements, products and the services does not indicate endorsement of the same by the MACP, and the MACP assumes no responsibility for their accuracy.

Michigan Police Chiefs is published tri-annually with original member content. Do you have an interesting law enforcement story, research paper, member news photos or field scenes? Submit them to [email protected]. For advertising opportunities, please call 517.349.9420.

Presort Standard MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE U.S. Postage 3474 Alaiedon Parkway, Suite 600 PAID Okemos, MI 48864 Lansing, MI Permit No. 1096

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