1900-1901 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
OBITUARY RECORD GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the Academical Year ending in JUNE, 19O1, INCLUDING THE RECORD OF A FEW WHO DIED PREVIOUSLY, HITHERTO UNREPORTED [Presented at the meeting of the Alumni, June 25th, 1901] [No 1 of the Fifth Printed Series, and No 60 of the whole Record] OBITUARY RECORD OF GKADUATES OF TALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the Academical year ending in JUNE, 1901, Including- the Record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported [PRESENTED AT THE MEETING OF THE ALUMNI, JUNE 25TH 1901] [No 1 of the Fifth Printed Series, and No 60 of the whole Record] YALE COLLEGE ( ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT ) 1824 BENJAMIN DOUGLAS SILLIMAN, since 1893 the last survivor of his class, and since 1896 the oldest living graduate of Yale Col- lege, was born in Newport, R. I., on September 14, 1805. He was the son of Gold Selleck Silhman (Yale 1796), grandson of General Gold Selleck Silliman (Yale 1752), who was distin- guished in colonial times as King's Attorney for Fairfield County and during the Revolution for vigilant and patriotic service in behalf of freedom, and great-grandson of Judge Ebenezer Silli- man (Yale 1727). His mother, Hepsa (Ely) Silliman, was the daughter of Rev. David Ely, D.D. (Yale 1769), of Huntington, Conn., a Fellow and Secretary of the College and granddaughter of Rev. Jedidiah Mills (Yale 1722 ) ^—.. At the close of the War of 1812 his father gave up his success- ful law practice in Newport and engaged in business in New York City, removing to Brooklyn in 1823, where he lived to the age of 90 yeais, dying in 1868, and wheie his son thereafter re- sided 4 For a \eai after giaduation Mi Silhman was at Yale as Assist- ant in Chemistiy, imdei his uncle, Piofessoi Benjamin Silhman (Yale 1790 ), and then studied law in New York City, in the office ot Chancellor Kent (Yale 1781) and his son (afteiward Judge) William Kent, and was admitted to the bar in M2LJ, 1829.
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