Congressional Record—House H2140

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Congressional Record—House H2140 H2140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 26, 2012 to the political transformation of Mr. Speaker, I want to just simply In short, we need to implement Burma.’’ say that these women act as a role SMART Security, the strategy that Jineth Bedoya Lima is from Colom- model for all women across the coun- I’ve spoken of from this spot hundreds bia and at age 38 is an investigative try, across the world; and we must of times since 2004. SMART Security journalist. While on assignment, she stand up for women’s rights. would replace our military surge with was repeatedly raped and left in a f a civilian surge. It would put humani- Dumpster. She was left in this Dump- tarian aid in front and center. It would SMART SECURITY: A STRATEGY ster by her attackers and told that emphasize development and diplomacy THAT INVESTS IN AFGHANISTAN they were sending a message to the Co- instead of invasion and occupation. AND ITS PEOPLE lombian press. Since that horrific at- It would mean, in place of troops and tack, she has spoken out against sexual The SPEAKER pro tempore. The weapons, we send experts with tools violence and has become a role model Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from and resources to rebuild Afghan infra- for women in Colombia. She was given California (Ms. WOOLSEY) for 5 min- structure, hospitals, and schools. It this award for ‘‘her unfailing courage, utes. would mean investing in programs to determination, and perseverance fight- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, last improve maternal health and child ing for justice’’ all around the globe. weekend, the United States Govern- mortality. It would mean a focus on de- Hana Elhebshi is a 27-year-old archi- ment and Afghanistan reached a stra- mocracy promotion and rebuilding tect from Libya who contributed to the tegic agreement to define the terms of civil society in Afghanistan. It would proper documentation of the violence the relationship between our two coun- also mean shifting the emphasis to during the revolution in her country. tries in the near-term future. peace-building, conflict prevention, First of all, this agreement affirms She also is an advocate for women’s and human rights education. rights in her country and received this that our combat troops will not leave This approach would save lives. It award for ‘‘courageous advancement of Afghanistan until 2014, which is far too would promote peace. It is a superior the cause of freedom of expression and slow a timetable. Don’t we have counterterrorism and national security promotion of women’s rights during enough evidence right here after 10- strategy. It will keep the American times of conflict and transition in plus years that we’re not making people safe. It will advance our values Libya.’’ America safer with this war, we’re not in a way that a decade of war clearly Aneesa Ahmed is from Maldives and minimizing the terrorist threat, and has not. founded Hope for Women. She advo- we’re not bringing stability and secu- We can’t wait until 2014, Mr. Speak- cates for ending gender-based violence rity to Afghanistan? er. We need a SMART Security ap- in Maldives and has served as the Dep- How much more will Americans be proach in Afghanistan, and we need it uty Minister of Women’s Affairs. She asked to sacrifice? How many more now. And we need to start by bringing received this award for ‘‘courageous ad- tens of billions in taxpayer dollars will our troops home. vocacy of women’s rights and protec- be wasted when we have so many needs tion from domestic violence.’’ right here at home? How many more f Shad Begum is 33 and is from Paki- Americans have to come home in a cas- HONORING OUR COUNTRY’S stan. She is a courageous human rights ket? How many more will take their VETERANS activist. She provides political train- own lives because the mental health The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing, microcredit information and more distress of serving in a combat zone be- Chair recognizes the gentleman from to women in her country. There have comes too much? How many more have South Carolina (Mr. DUNCAN) for 5 min- been numerous attempts to end her to spend the rest of their lives in a utes. life, but she remains committed to ad- wheelchair, or without a limb or limbs, Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Mr. vancing women’s rights and even won a because of injuries suffered in an im- Speaker, I rise today in honor of our local office in her country. She re- moral and unnecessary war? country’s veterans, and I want to begin ceived this award for ‘‘fearlessly cham- briefly by mentioning an organization pioning Pakistani women’s political b 1030 that helps veterans that was recently and economic rights.’’ Believe me, Mr. Speaker, there is not Samar Badawi is from Saudi Arabia a minute to waste. Now is the moment brought to my attention, Patriot Out- and at 31 monitors human rights in her to end this war and bring our troops reach, a nonprofit organization to as- country. She is the first woman in home. sist our military with getting the help Saudi Arabia to file a lawsuit against The meeting this weekend does, how- they need to deal with the trauma as- the government demanding that ever, show the importance of a plan sociated with aspects of military serv- women have a right to vote. She won going forward, a plan that will define ice. You can learn more about that at this award for ‘‘demonstrating signifi- the terms of our engagement with Af-, and I think cant courage in her activism while be- ghanistan after the war is over. they’re doing a great service for our coming a champion in the struggle for I’ve always said that ending the mili- veterans. women’s suffrage and legal rights in tary occupation does not mean aban- Benjamin Disraeli once said that Saudi Arabia.’’ doning Afghanistan. The question is, ‘‘the legacy of heroes is the memory of Hawa Abdallah Mohammed Salih is what form will our partnership take? a great name, and the inheritance of a from Sudan and is a human rights ac- And on that question, the agreement great example.’’ In our country, some tivist. Forced to flee Darfur, she lived signed this weekend provides very lit- of our greatest heroes are veterans, in- in an internally displaced persons camp tle guidance. dividuals who answered our Nation’s and has since spoken out against According to The Washington Post, call to protect and defend our freedom. human rights abuses in these very in fact, and I’ll quote them, they say: Our veterans are one of our Nation’s camps and has advocated for women’s ‘‘The specifics of the U.S. commitment greatest treasures and, as such, our rights in her country. She has been to Afghanistan have yet to be formally country has given them a firm promise. persecuted by the Government of outlined.’’ Because of their willingness to protect Sudan and forced to flee her country. Then The Post adds that ‘‘the docu- us with their service, when their serv- She received this award for ‘‘giving a ment provides only a vaguely worded ice ends, we promise to take care of voice to the women and children of reassurance, leaving many to guess at them. But, unfortunately, if you talk Darfur.’’ what the U.S. commitment means in to veterans today, they don’t believe Safak Pavey is a member of the Par- practice.’’ that our government is living up to liament in Turkey and is the first dis- Well, Mr. Speaker, we need more their promises. abled woman elected to Parliament in than a guess. We need a clear strategy When we made the commitment to her country. She is working to em- for investing in Afghanistan and it’s take care of our troops when they re- power the disabled, women, and mi- people. And while a lot of the talk has turned home, we never said anything norities in Turkey. She received this been about continuing to shore up Af- about making them jump through award for ‘‘her personal dignity and ghan security forces, we need a much hoops or navigate a complicated bu- courage.’’ more comprehensive approach. reaucracy. We promised our veterans VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:40 Apr 26, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26AP7.006 H26APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 26, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2141 the Moon and, instead, have failed, in DISCRIMINATORY VOTER ly, and other at-risk voters, such as the many instances, to provide them with IDENTIFICATION LAWS poor, who are unlikely to have the the most basic of care. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The technical kinds of ID that these pieces As of March 16 this year, the Colum- Chair recognizes the gentleman from of legislation demand. bia, South Carolina Regional Office of Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON) for 5 minutes. After the spotlight has started to the Veterans Administration had over Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- shine on ALEC, they have come out 21,927 pending cases, with an average er, today I rise to talk about the dis- publicly and said, Okay, we’re going to wait time of 232 days. criminatory voter ID laws that are un- get out of the public policy business. Survivor benefits for veterans’ democratic and simply un-American. They’re not going to not write any spouses can take between 10 and 18 The American Legislative Exchange more model legislation like the Florida months to be disbursed, and sometimes Council, also known as ALEC, has long ‘‘shoot first and ask questions later.’’ even longer, depending on the health been a secretive collaboration between They’re not going to introduce any status of the beneficiary.
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