vid Anna Da & Nic Sheff

Anna David and Nic Sheff present people with a new outlook on addiction. They're not preaching abstinence for all: they just want to show people how the choices they made impacted their lives and how addiction starts, develops and ends.

Nic Sheff is the author of the bestselling memoirs Tweak, We All Fall Down, and the upcoming novel, Schizo (due out Winter 2013). He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN with Sanjay Gupta, ABC with Diane Sawyer, The Today Show, and Fresh Air with Terry Gross. His articles have been published in Newsweek, Nerve, Wired, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Fix and is currently a writer on AMC's The Killing. He has been sober over five years and lives with his wife and two hound dogs in Los Angeles, CA. In over 12 years of sobriety, Anna David has published four books that have explored addiction: the novels Party Girl (Harper, 2007) and Bought (Harper, 2009) and the non-fiction books Reality Matters (Harper, 2010) and Falling for Me (Harper, 2011). Her recently released biography on , By Some Miracle I Made It Out of There (Simon & Schuster, 2013), also focuses heavily on the actor’s addiction. For two years, David was the Executive Editor for the addiction and recovery site The Fix and she’s covered addiction and recovery exhaustively in her articles for, among other publications, The New York Times, The LA Times, Details, Women’s Health, The , Premiere, People, , Maxim, Vanity Fair, Cosmo, Redbook, Self, Stuff, TV Guide, Teen Vogue, Variety, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed and Salon. David has also discussed addiction on The Today Show, , Dr. Drew, Jane Velez-Mitchell, The CBS Morning Show, Showbiz Tonight, , Attack of the Show and , among many other programs.

Listeners will learn to: • Recognize the role self esteem plays in addiction • Understand how their genetics and family of origin impact their lives • Help conquer self-defeating insecurities • Handle family members who are addicted • Take the shame out of mental illness, addiction and self-doubt

"Anna captured the attention of our students with her honest, insightful, and thought provoking recount of her personal struggles with alcohol and drugs. Thankfully this wasn’t your typical anti-alcohol & drug lecture, and because of this, For booking contact: students were engaged from beginning to end." Kirkland Productions – Laura Singletary, Student Programs and Leadership Coordinator, [email protected] Whatcom Community College 866-769-9037

"For school districts uncertain about inviting a former drug addict to speak to the kids, all I can say is, Nic Sheff is the opposite of a bad influence. He might even prove to be a life-changing speaker for some kids in need." – Publishers Weekly