Mental Health Hub


In this edition

1. Save the Date - Giving Service Users a Voice! What do you do to support service user leadership? Pages 1-2

2. Have your Say! – CYP Consultation NHS England Page 2

3. Funding – Sport England and the Police Crime Commissioner Action Fund Pages 3 -5

4. News - CCG Chair to step down, Share your Experience of the NHS, Local Charity Day Pages 5-6

5. Events – Healthwatch Somerset Recommissioning Page 7

6. Training – SPARK free training sessions Pages 7 - 8


Tuesday 31st January 2017 and Wednesday 22nd February 2017 2.00pm – 4.00pm (Venue to be announced)

Giving Service Users a Voice! What does your organisation do to support service user leadership?

Service user involvement is about making sure that mental health support services provided by statutory and not- for-profit organisations are led and shaped by the people best placed to know what works: people who use our services. They are experts by experience. Increasingly, meaningful engagement of people who currently use—or have used—services is being recognised as integral to influencing and shaping future mental health services and in particular how, where and when services and support are delivered. When people are equipped and supported to help commission, deliver and check the services they and their peers use, those services improve and the people involved gain a voice.

Dr Geraldine Strathdee, National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England says “Service-user leadership is fundamental to designing, delivering and checking services that support people to fulfil their potential. Only by transforming services in the way that the people who use them want us to can better outcomes be achieved at a time of real budget constraint.”

Somerset Mental Health Hub is being organised by the three Somerset Mind groups working together. This work has been funded by Public Health, Building for the Future Initiative. This is intended to help strengthen the capacity of the third sector mental health organisations in Somerset.

Correspondence: [email protected] Discussions with commissioners are on-going and with the concerted efforts of the Somerset Mental Health Hub and Somerset Voluntary Community Enterprise Strategic Forum commissioners and key health care colleagues are recognising the wealth of experience of our sector in meeting the needs of the groups we work with, including those groups most excluded. In particular, we have experience of helping people to manage their own mental health better in the community—including through peer support services, user-led self-help groups, mentoring and befriending, and numerous projects, which enable service users to be both providers and recipients of support. We are also recognised for providing well managed and well-supported volunteering opportunities that enable people to develop the skills and confidence to play a more active role in their own wellbeing and their community.

Now is the time for our sector to further demonstrate our knowledge and skills in how we enable our service users to have a voice. We do not see people as passive recipients of services but involve service users in activities; seeking their opinions so that the design and delivery of our services are as good as possible. Colleagues from the Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, Somerset Partnerships and Somerset County Council will participate in the event so I do hope that you will regard these events as being an opportunity not to be missed.

2. Have your Say!

A Message from the National NHS England Specialised Commissioning Team

As part of the Mental Health Service review programme we are today launching the 90 day public consultation on the five following service specifications for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs) Tier 4

1. C11/S/a Child & Adolescent Medium Secure Service Specification (draft)

2. C11/S/b Child & Adolescent Low Secure Service Specification (draft)

3. C11/S/c Child & Adolescent Forensic Outreach Service Specification (draft)

4. C11/S/d Child & Adolescent PICU Service Specification (draft)

5. C07/S/a CAMHS T4 General Adolescent Service Specification (draft)

These specifications have been developed with the support of lead clinicians and patient and public representatives. This approach has ensured that the views of stakeholders have informed the development and now NHS England is undertaking a formal 90-day public consultation. We will also be hosting a series of webinars and face to face events in the New Year and we will share the dates and times once they have been confirmed. The new specifications once finalised will play an important part in our work to reconfigure services to ensure improvements in local overall pathway integration, improvements in local access and reductions in travel times and out of area placements. The closing date for responses is 28 February 2016

Cathy Edwards Operational Delivery Director (National) Specialised Commissioning NHS England, Mobile: 07887796606 [email protected]

3. FUNDING Page 2 of 8


Help to transform community sports facilities Traditional sports facilities are an important part of this, but it can be much wider too. There are thousands of outdoor spaces up and down the country – like canal towpaths, reservoirs and woodlands – all with great potential to be used and enjoyed as part of an active lifestyle.

If you know of a facility or space that’s important in your local area and could do with some help to improve it or open it up to more people, our new Community Asset Fund could be the answer.

What are we looking for? We’re interested in talking to lots of different sports clubs and community organisations with great ideas to create, or improve, opportunities to play sport or just get active. For example, you might be:

 A community organisation looking to take over a sports facility that might be under threat of closure or is underused.

 A sports club that wants to expand or improve the sporting experience you offer your customers.

 People who simply have a great idea for a project, like making physical improvements to a building or open space, that’s clearly needed in the local community. How will it work in the beginning? In December, we're going to launch a programme to test this new way of making sporting spaces work better for local communities. This £7.5 million investment is going to be available for a wide range of organisations such as sports clubs, community groups and public bodies to apply for.

£7.5mfund launching in December

It might be that you need help develop a proposal, or to consult your local community on what they would like to see happen. You might need help to get partners behind it and see what other funding or support might be available. Or maybe you already have a very clear idea of what you want to do.

We’re making the application process as simple as possible, and will be able to talk you through it. We anticipate making a wide range of awards from £5,000 up to £150,000. We will provide more detailed information on the application process in January 2017 and expect to make the first awards from April 2017 onwards. More funding will become available after the initial phase.

What are we trying to achieve? There’s a number of things we want to achieve with this funding, but most importantly we want to help local clubs and groups to create high quality, welcoming and financially sustainable facilities that benefit their community for years to come.

Sometimes, that will be by investing in a sports club to improve its facilities – perhaps refurbishing their changing rooms or fitting a new boiler in the club house.

We want to help local clubs and groups to create high quality, welcoming and financially sustainable facilities

Other times, it could be supporting a community group that doesn’t have a base to take over a local building that’s closed or underused, but that with a little help could be transformed into somewhere people could take part in sport or get active as part of a range of activities. Page 3 of 8 Who might consider applying for funding? Any eligible organisation with a great and innovative idea can apply for our support. This could include community organisations or clubs that:

 Own or lease existing local facilities that offer the community the chance to play sport and be active.

 Are considering taking over an existing local facility – whether or not it is currently used for sport.

 Haven’t accessed our funding before but that want to create great spaces for people to be active. What types of projects are we interested in hearing about? We don’t want to stifle your thinking and creativity, but here are some of the things you could think about:

 Work to repair, expand or improve a community sports facility. Perhaps your roof has been damaged in a storm, or you could increase the amount of time people can use your pitch or courts if you had floodlights installed.

 Taking ownership of an underused playing field that could be transformed into a place for people to get active. Maybe there’s a really well positioned but poorly maintained pitch in your area, that you could take ownership of, improve drainage and access, and bring back into use for the wider local community.

 Transforming an empty or underused building into a space where people can play sport. Is there a vacant community centre or school building that, with a new boiler, paint job and necessary alterations, could be brought back into life as a focus for community activity, including sport? What support is available now? It might be that your facilities project is already right for one of our open funding programmes, like our Strategic Facilities Fund. Find out more here.

We’ve also just launched an online toolkit to help community organisations, sports clubs and trusts through every step of the process of transferring ownership of land or buildings from government organisations (such as councils).

Need to know facts:  Fund: Community Asset Fund

 Value: £7.5 million (initial phase)

 Opening: December 2016

 Anticipated size of bids: £5,000 to £150,000

 Bids: From January 2017

 Facilities Investment Guide: January 2017

 Awards: April 2017 onwards

Page 4 of 8 rd On 3 January 2017 applications for the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Community Action Fund will reopen.

This fund was closed in September 2016 while we transitioned from our old Police and Crime plan to the new one as the priorities areas have changed. You can find out more about the new Police and Crime Plan here:

The first deadline for applications is Monday 1st March 2017, for a late April decision. The usual quarterly cycle will then be resumed.

Grants of up to £3k will be awarded for projects and services that align to the new Police and Crime Plan priorities.

Further information can be found here: http://www.avonandsomerset-


Somerset CCG Chairman to stand down

Dr Matthew Dolman, appointed Chairman of Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in April 2014, is to officially stand down from the end of this month.

His term of office ends in April 2017 and to allow smooth succession planning he has agreed to stand down. Dr Dolman, a GP from Axbridge, will continue as a clinical leader for the Somerset’s five-year Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).

Dr Dolman said, “As Chair I have greatly appreciated the support I have received from fellow Governing Board members and the opportunity to shape Somerset’s health services. The combination of clinical knowledge within the CCG and commissioning skills has allowed us to develop a clear vision for the future of healthcare in Somerset.

“In my ongoing role as a clinical leader for the Somerset STP I look forward to supporting the forthcoming engagement with professional teams, patients, carers and the public in order that their views can shape the improved joining up of health and social care services.”

David Slack, Managing Director said “Matthew’s leadership has made a major contribution to developing new models of care across Somerset. We are grateful for his passion, commitment and vision to improve services in these challenging times. We look forward to continuing to work with him on the wider engagement and then implementation of the STP.”

The decision means members of the CCG’s Clinical Operations Group (COG) will now nominate a new GP as Chairman for approval by members of the Somerset CCG Governing Body.

Page 5 of 8 Thermometer cards

Thermometer cards are available now; they have tips on keeping warm and well during the winter months and useful contact numbers.

Order copies from .

Share your experiences of the NHS

Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group regularly presents patient and carer stories to our Governing Body so that learning points can be identified, areas for improvement can be discussed and clinical commissioners can gain a deeper understanding of the barriers and issues faced by real patients and carers when they use health services. In the past, patients and carers have described the impact of their long terms conditions, the end of life experiences of their family members, how they have adopted healthy lifestyles, their experience of bereavement and of elective care services. Their stories have been very powerful learning tools for the CCG and we are keen to continue to capture the experiences of patients and carers in Somerset.

If you or a member of your family have recently used a health service in the county, please consider sharing it with us. You can do this in a face-to-face meeting, on the phone or by email, whichever is most convenient for you. Once we have written up your story, we will ask you to check it for accuracy and you will have the right to amend / correct / add to it before anyone else sees it. We will not share your story until we have your consent to do so. If you prefer, we will not share your name when we write up your story, so you can choose to remain anonymous. We are of course interested in hearing both negative and positive stories as we can learn from both types of experiences.

If you would be willing to tell us more, please email [email protected] or call on 01935 385020.

Local Charities Day

The Government has announced that 16th December is Local Charities Day. The Minister for Civil Society encourages citizens to donate to local good causes through Localgiving’s ‘Grow Your Tenner’ and #GiveMe5 campaigns, which the government is supporting with £250,000 of match funding. You can find out about how to participate and to promote your local charity below,4LJXT,MFBMKM,HA3JP,1

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Healthwatch Somerset Recommissioning

As you may be aware the current contract for Healthwatch Somerset is due to come to an end in September 2017. We are currently working to recommission this service, building on what we have learnt since Healthwatch Somerset launched in 2013.

One of the things we need to consider at an early stage is the service specification that describes what the Healthwatch Somerset service will do, and as a Healthwatch volunteer we would be grateful if you could share your knowledge and experience to help us to do this.

We are organising two meetings in early January to help us to develop the service specification and work with volunteers and people who use services to write a question for bidders to complete:

the first meeting will take place on Friday 6 January 2017, 10.30 – 13:00 in County Hall, Taunton. The purpose of this meeting will be to develop the service specification. We will also explain to you the procurement process and how you can be involved in this.

the second meeting will be on Wednesday 11 January 2017, 13:00 -16:00 in County Hall, Taunton. The purpose of this meeting will be for volunteers / people who use services to write a question for bidders to complete and discuss ways they can evaluate responses from bidders.

If you would like to attend one or both of these meetings please contact Catherine Logan at [email protected] or telephone 01823 359293 (please leave a voicemail message if she is unavailable). Please will you respond by 5pm on Tuesday 20th December 2016 as we need to confirm numbers before Christmas. If we do not hear from you we will assume that you are unable to attend.


Spark are offering a new range of training sessions of interest to VCSE organisations.

1st December - Disclosure and Barring Service - Everything you need to know -

15th December - Top Tips for Funding Applications - Langport

Page 7 of 8 10th January - Budgets, Management Accounts and Cash Flow Forecasting - Frome

26th January - Introduction to Facebook and Twitter - Crewkerne

For further information or is you wish to unsubscribe contact: Doreen Smith Somerset Mental Health Hub Manager Tel: 01823 334 906 [email protected]

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