
22, WISTERIA LODGE SPRINGFIELD CHELMSFORD ESSEX. CM1 5FT The District Messenger (0245) 468422



Holmes Winery (PO Box 59, Mt Pleasant 5235, South Australia) offers Sherlock Holmes Port & Dr Watson Claret at the following prices: 1 bottle of each, Aust $35 or US$25; 1 bottle of each + 2 glasses in wooden gift pack, Aust$45 or $32. The glasses are gold-rimmed & bear a Sherlock Holmes emblem. All prices include postage worldwide. Society of Australia (Box 13 PO, Stir- ling, South Australia 5152), 10 years old this year, solicits subscriptions (US$12 p.a.) for its quarterly newsletter, NEWS FROM THE DIGGINGS, and offers sets of 8 fine used Australian stamps with canonical connections & a brief commentary on each (US$15, inc. air mail postage).

Michael & Mary Ernest (No. 9 Gifts & Games, 9 Steep Hill, Lincoln LN2 1LT) offer a very handsome Sherlock Holmes chess set made by M. Petrushkin. Pieces are made of stone & resin. White: King, Sherlock Holmes; Queen, Mrs Hudson; Bishop, Dr Watson; Knight, G. Lestrade; Rook, Wiggins; Pawns, Policemen. Red (brown): King, Prof. Moriarty; Queen, ; Bishop, Col. Moran; Knight, Dr Roylott; Rook, Hound of the Baskervilles; Pawns, Villains. Holmes is 5 ½" high. I can't reproduce photos here, but they show the pieces to be very handsome. The set is £60.75 plus postage. The recommended board is £26.55 plus postage.

Bill Michell reminds me that Chris Martin's adaptation of STUD is currently running at the New Victoria Theatre, Etruria Road, Basford, Newcastle-under- Lyme, Staffs. ST5 0JG (box office 0782 615962). October dates are 5th - 9th and 26th - 31st.

Cleveland Public Library (325 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44ll4-1271, USA) presents SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE CLEVELAND CONNECTION, a centenary celebration of , with Mrs Hudson's Lodgers, a scion society of the Irregulars, on Saturday 7th November. A plaque will be presented to the Police Museum commemorating the help given in the case by the Cleveland Police Chief. Films and lectures will follow, and a dinner will conclude the day, at Kiefer's restaurant. Places are limited. Reservations are $18.87 from Ernest Simak, 8960 N. Shiloh, Chesterland, Ohio 44026. Cheques payable to Mrs Hudson's Lodgers.

Another Sherlockian dealer with a very full catalogue available is THE SILVER DOOR (PO Box 3208, Redondo Beach, California 90277, USA). Karen La Porte, the proprietor, deals in mystery & crime generally, but specialised in .

You may care to consider subscribing to CANADIAN HOLMES, the magazine of the Bootmakers of Toronto, edited by Chris Redmond. Subs are available for the equivalent of US$12 p.a. from The Business Manager, 125 Lincoln Road (The Victorian), Apt. 1101, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2N9, Canada. It's a well-produced quarterly, with stimulating articles and -er - interesting verse, most with a distinctive Canadian aspect.

From Peter Blau: Carroll & Graf have published SKULLDUGGERY by Peter Marks, a novel about the Piltdown hoax, with appearances by ACD. The Grosvenor Hotel, Orlando, Florida, will reopen after refurbishment with Sherlockian bars and restaurant & a Sherlockian museum. A new round-robin pastiche by the Pleasant Places of Florida, MYSTERY OF THE PALE-ONTOLOGIST OF MELTDOWN, costs $2.50 from Baker Street Designs (1397 22nd Street North, St Petersburg, Florida 33713, USA).