Matsumoto RAEKPictorial et al. / SarcomasEssay of the breast: imaging findings Sarcomas of the breast: findings on mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging Sarcomas da mama: achados mamográficos, ultrassonográficos e de ressonância magnética Renato Augusto Eidy Kiota Matsumoto1,a, Su Jin Kim Hsieh1,b, Luciano Fernandes Chala2,c, Giselle Guedes Netto de Mello2,d, Nestor de Barros1,e 1. Department of Radiology and Oncology, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 2. Grupo Fleury, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Correspondence: Dr. Renato Augusto Eidy Kiota Matsumoto. Rua Doutor Ovídio Pires de Campos, 75, Cerqueira César. São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 05403-010. Email:
[email protected]. a.; b.; c.; d.; e. Received 4 August 2016. Accepted after revision 2 February 2017. How to cite this article: Matsumoto RAEK, Hsieh SJK, Chala LF, Mello GGN, Barros N. Sarcomas of the breast: findings on mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging. Radiol Bras. 2018 Nov/Dez;51(6):401–406. Abstract Sarcomas of the breast belong to a heterogeneous group of breast tumors of mesenchymal origin, without epithelial components. These tumors can be primary or secondary (after previous treatment for breast cancer), are rare, present aggressive behavior, and have a poor prognosis. They occur mainly in women between 45 and 50 years of age, with the exception of angiosarcomas, which can occur in younger patients.