Historic Jewellery Reproduction

www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk Historic Jewellery Reproduction

Established in 1969 by Peter Shorer F.I.I.C., Buy online from us. acclaimed archaeologist and conservator at the for over 40 years, Historic All of the historic jewellery reproductions in this brochure can be Jewellery Reproduction has become the bought online at www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk leading retailer of a specialist range of historic artifacts and stunning gold, silver and precious Each item is unique and individual and make great gift ideas at stone-set jewellery which have the uniqueness at affordable prices to suit all pockets and tastes. Each item is of being exact reproductions of the original accompanied by a full money back guarantee and certificate of exquisite pieces. authenticity.

Peter, with his unprecedented experience of many years Our Historic Jewellery Reproduction collection includes a vast working with antiquities at the British Museum and countless range of brooches, pendants, rings, cufflinks, earrings and bracelets other museums throughout the world, is one of the select few from many historical periods and areas including Bronze Age, antiquarians allowed to handle and take moulds from these rare Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Viking, Roman/Romano British, Medieval, and priceless artifacts. His amazing reproductions have been Egyptian, Far East and South American. acclaimed for many years as stimulating and exciting aids to the world’s history lessons and lectures as well as being a necessary This specialist collection of historical jewellery and antiquities part of historic cinema and televisual productions. make unique and perfect gifts. Treat yourself or someone special with one of these historical pieces.

All item measurements in millimetres throughout this brochure. Front cover illustrations, left to right: The images are not to scale. Bronze Age Chi Rho Brooch, Anglo Saxon St. Cuthbert Pectoral Cross, Celtic Ipswich Torc Terminal Brooch (also back cover), Romano-British H = Height W = Width Harness Mount, Medieval Gold Salamander Brooch. L = Length Ø = Diameter 3

Yesterday’s Contents treasures are About the reproduction process...... 4 Services to Museums, Schools tomorrow’s and similar institutions...... 5 presents. Jewellery Bronze Age...... 6 Iron Age...... 6 Celtic...... 7 Roman / Romano-British...... 8 –13 Anglo Saxon...... 13 –16 Viking...... 16 –17 Mediaeval...... 17 – 24 Egyptian...... 25 Far East...... 26 South American...... 26–27 Recent...... 27– 28 Celtic Curves Collection...... 28 – 29

Reproducing Historic Jewellery: The Process.... 30 Historic Jewellery Reproduction: The Future..... 30 Mediaeval Mermaid Brooch 4 — www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk Historic Jewellery Reproduction

About the reproduction process. Remembering Many antique items are copied by modelling from photographs or drawings of original items, or designed ‘in the form of’ such items, the past to but are modern creations.

Our items are contact moulded from the original that reproduces imagine the the , form and surface texture of the original, which conveys the perceived beauty or attraction that the perceptive customer appreciates. It provides its own value of historic manufacture, and future. in some cases, signs of wear of a previous period of its history. They attract enquiring comments when worn, or displayed. They can be purchased and then compared to the original, which is kept in a glass case, and found to be of equal appearance, but the one in the glass case cannot be held in your hand or worn.

Some of my reproductions, made a few years ago, have become unique because the original may have become too fragile, due to corrosion, for further moulds to be made. Such an antiquity, in the form of a Helmet and Mask, I moulded after I had filled the lacunae and modelled to follow the decoration of the missing areas. It was sufficiently effective for a Roman Scholar to mistake it for a ‘recently excavated’ original, although my additions had been modelled to provide a distinguishing surface texture to prevent such a delusion. The mould has now become unique, but reproductions can still be made. Romano-British Deer Brooch www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk — 5

Services to Museums, Schools and the Entertainment Industry

Conservation: When the original may be too fragile to be handled or exhibited, a faithful reproduction may be used. If the original is incomplete, the missing areas may be modelled. If damaged, an electroform may be produced and refurbished to the initial appearance whilst the integrity of the original antiquity remains intact and undisturbed.

Educational: The RTV silicon rubber moulds produce excellent details for scientific examination of tool marks, surface texture and former wear and tear, etc. A reproduction can be handled by the students without endangering the original.

Economics: Many small museums cannot afford to purchase original artefacts for exhibition or conservation, so an exact reproduction may be acceptable.

Presentation: Often a ‘finder’ of treasure, or a would-be donor is happy to give an antiquity to a museum if they can have a reproduction made and presented to them in exchange.

Commercial: HJR supplies items for Museum shops worldwide and also for Film, TV and Theatre. We are able to design and create jewellery and accessories with the correct historical design themes 20th century Navajo Bracelet required for the production. 6 — Bronze Age / Iron Age www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 71 AR 73 AR 396 AR 81a/b AR 435

AR 82 AR 84 AR 403 AR 142 AR 236

AR 71 - Bronze Age AR 73 - Bronze Age AR 396 - Bronze Age AR 81a/b - Roman AR 435 - Bronze Age Bronze Comb Spectacle Brooch Loch Glashen Bronze Age Axe head Cruciform Brooch Twisted wire bangle The original incorporates three ducks The original was excavated in a The original socketed bronze axe The bronze original was found Beautiful tapered twisted round wire in its design and was excavated in a cremation burial north of Randers. head may be seen in the National outside a house of the Roman Iron bangle. C. 300 BC. W83 cremation burial north of Randers. 1000 BC. Kulturhistorisk Museum, Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. The Age during excavations at Marslev, 1000 BC. Kulturhistorisk Museum, Randers, Denmark. Also in bronze modelled miniature is available as a North-East Funen. 5th century AD. Randers, Denmark. H55 finish. W62 bronze pendant. H34 Odense Bys Museer, Denmark. Gilt or bronze. H66

AR 82 - Viking AR 84 - Viking AR 403 - Bronze Age AR 142 - Bronze Age AR 236 - Iron Age Miniature Bronze Sword Bronze decorated Razor Kilmarten Flat Axe head Crickley Hill . c 300BC Coriosolite Stater The bronze original was found in an The original shows chased decoration Modelled from a Bronze Age The bronze original has a coil-spring The original bronze coin dated c.75BC urn during excavations at Katberg, in the stylistic form of a ship. It is Cairn stone mould impression with a a split-tube central support was found in St Peters Port Guernsey. North Funen. 9th century BC. Odense from Voldtofte, South-west Funen. to miniature size. Cast in bronze. and was found during excavation Produced in Gaul and used by Iron Age Bys Museer, Denmark. L86 8th century BC. Odense Bys Museer, Kilmarten House Trust, Argyll, at Crickley Hill, Gloucester. Cast in people of the Channel Islands. Features Denmark. L130 Scotland. H33 bronze. L39. of Philip 11 of Macedonia is on one side, reverse shows a stylised horse. Guernsey Museum Channel Islands. Bronze plated pewter. Pendant. Ø19 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Celtic — 7

AR 1a AR 1b AR 5b AR 40 AR 111a/b

AR 155 AR 327 AR 440 HJR 59 AR 87

AR 1a - Celtic AR 1b - Celtic AR 5a/b - Celtic AR 40 - Celtic AR 111a/b - Celtic Ipswich Torc Terminal Brooch. 1st c BC Ipswich Torc Terminal Pendant. 1st c BC Celtic Plaque Pendant Dragonesque Brooch Gallo-Belgic Stater Pendant (a) The original is one of five gold Torcs The original is one of five gold Torcs The bronze original represents the c. 90 AD. The bronze original, & Cuff Links (b) discovered by a farmer whilst ploughing discovered by a farmer whilst ploughing face of a warrior and was found decorated with enamel is of unique The gold original is a coin of uniface in Ipswich Suffolk in 1966. The decorated in Ipswich Suffolk in 1966. The decorated in Chesters Fort, Hadrian’s Wall, Celtic curvilinear work and was form with a stylistic design of a terminals were part of the solid gold terminals were part of the solid gold Northumberland. Late 1st to 2nd excavated in 1956 at Tullie House, horse. This example was found in twisted . The hoard can be seen at twisted collar. The hoard can be seen at century AD. H61. AR5a as a brooch. site of Roman Carlisle (Luguvalium). Worthing. 1st century BC. Worthing the British Museum London. W46 the British Museum London. W46 Tullie House, Carlisle. L54 Museum, Sussex. Ø17

AR 155 - Celtic AR 327 - Celtic AR 440 - Celtic HJR 59 - Celtic AR 87 - Celtic The Silchester Horse Reconstruction of Snettisham Celtic Massive Armlet Celtic Bronze Bull. 1st or 2nd century AD The bronze original is similar in style gold bracelet. c 70 BC 1st – 2nd century AD. Massive bronze 3rd century BC. This large masculine The original was found at Marslev, to horses of the late Celtic period. Part of a hoard found at Snettisham armlet found near Drummond Castle, gold ring is decorated with a rather North East Funen. Odense Bys It was most likely one of a pair of Norfolk in 1950. The original was Muthill, Perthshire, Scotland. One of kindly mask using the typical Celtic Museer, Denmark. L83. tankard handles and was found in the damaged by the plough but this a pair, cast in one piece, chased and curves in the Plastic style of the Basilica of Silchester – the Roman city reconstruction shows the intricate polished by hand. The reproductions period. The original is in the Victoria of Calleva. 1st century AD. Museum design in the form of the bracelet have been chemically patinated and and Albert Museum, London. Ø59 and Art Gallery, Reading. L104 before damage. British Museum lacquered to retain the colour. They London. Ø78 weigh approx. 2kg. Ø133 8 — Roman / Romano-British www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 7 AR 3 AR 26 AR 16 AR 14

AR 35a/b AR 44 AR 49 AR 77a A 77b

AR 7 - Roman AR 3 - Romano-British AR 26 - Roman AR 16 - Romano-British AR 14 - Romano-British Romano-British Animal Brooch 2nd c AD Romano-British Phaelera Animal Brooch Sestertius of Emperor Nero Ipswich Torc Terminal Brooch 2nd c AD The bronze and enamel original is in The bronze original is a of Romano-British Brooch, 2nd century The bronze original was found during The bronze and enamel original is in the form of a deer and was found in distinction given to private soldiers AD. The bronze and enamel original excavation of a Roman villa at the form of a hare and was found at Coventina’s Well, Carrawburgh Roman and worn on the breast. Yorkshire is in the form of a horse. Roman Frindsbury, Kent. The reverse depicts Stockton Earthworks, Wiltshire. Roman Fort. Roman women wore small animal or Museum, York. 2nd cent. AD Ø38 women wore small animal or bird the harbour at Ostia, the port of Rome, women wore small animal or bird bird brooches cast in bronze and delicately brooches cast in bronze and delicately showing seven types of craft. 54 -68 AD. brooches cast in bronze and delicately enamelled in a variety of colours. L30 enamelled in a variety of colours. L36 Guildhall Museum, Rochester, Kent. Ø32 enamelled in a variety of colours. L30

AR 35a/b - Roman AR 44 - Roman AR 49 - Roman AR 77a - Roman AR 77b - Roman Flavian Pendant (a) Earrings (b) Roman Trumpet brooch. 2nd c AD Roman Trumpet brooch. 2nd c AD Romano-Celtic Harness Mount. Romano-Celtic Harness Mount. c. 100 AD. The original was The original of bronze was excavated The original of bronze was excavated 2nd c AD 2nd c AD excavated from the Commanding from the river Walbrook, London in from the river Walbrook, London The original of bronze, was found at The original of bronze, was found at Officer’s residence at Vindolanda 1950. Museum of London. Reproduces in 1950. Museum of London. South Shields. Designed on the Celtic South Shields. Designed on the Celtic Vicus. Vindolanda, Barton Mill, in brass. H71 Reproduced in brass. L61 ‘trumpet’ motif in ‘Triquetra’ form. ‘trumpet’ motif in ‘Triquetra’ form. Northumberland. H57 Museum of Antiquities Newcastle. Museum of Antiquities Newcastle. Gilt finish. W61 Bronze finish. W64 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Roman / Romano-British — 9

AR 53 AR 79 AR 109 AR 96 AR 88

AR 112 AR 134a AR 134b AR 136 AR 139

AR 53 - Romano-British AR 79 - Roman AR 109 - Roman AR 96 - Roman AR 88 - Roman Romano-British Ox-head Roman Scabbard Ornament Enamelled Pendant Wheel ornament 2nd c AD Dragonesque brooch. 2nd c AD Escutcheon Brooch The bronze and niello original The bronze original is decorated The original is part of a hoard found The original of bronze found at South 1st – 2nd century AD. The bronze came from Walker-on-the-Tyne. It with red and blue enamel and near the Roman gold mines at Shields. Named ‘Dragonesque’ from original is one of a pair that decorated represents a tiger and has the form probably made in Belgium. It was Dolaucothi. The wheel is attributed the monster head at each end, is the handle attachments of a stave – of a scabbard chape. 2nd century AD. excavated at Rockbourne Roman to the Celtic thunder god, Taranis. unusual being wrought with rivet built bucket. Found in Dinorben Hill Newcastle Museum of Antiquites. Villa, Hampshire, where it can now Carmarthen County Museum, Dyfed. decoration. Museum of Antiquities Fort, Abergele, North Wales. May. W34 W45 be seen. W34 Gilded pewter. Brooch or pendant. Ø22 Newcastle. Gilded pewter brooch. L45

AR 112 - Romano-British AR 134a - Roman AR 134b - Roman AR 136 - Roman AR 139 - Romano-British Romano-British Fish Brooch Dragonesque Brooch Dragonesque Brooch Roman Triskele pendant Romano-British Brooch The bronze original is decorated with 2nd century AD. The bronze and 2nd century AD. The bronze and The bronze original is of open-work The original is a bronze plate brooch enamel. It is from a Romano-British enamel original is a fine example of enamel original is a fine example Celtic-style ornament. Excavated with blue enamel roundel and orange shrine at Findon, Sussex. 2nd century the double headed ‘dragon’ brooch. of the double headed ‘dragon’ at Verulamium. 4th century AD. enamel triangle decoration. 2nd AD. Worthing Museum, Sussex. L33 This was found at Milking Gap, brooch. This was found at Milking Verulamium Museum, St. Albans, century AD. Verulamium Museum, St. Hadrian’s Wall. Gilt finish. Newcastle Gap, Hadrian’s Wall. Bronze finish. Hertfordshire. Ø55 Albans, Hertfordshire. L45 Museum of Antiquities. L52 Newcastle Museum of Antiquities. L52 10 — Roman / Romano-British www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 145 AR 149 AR 150 AR 140 AR 173

AR 179 AR 189 AR 210 AR 219 AR 225

AR 145- Romano-British AR 149 - Romano-British AR 150 - Romano-British AR 140 - Romano-British AR 173 - Romano-British Romano-British Brooch Romano-British Brooch Romano-British Disc Romano-British Brooch Romano-British Cockerel The bronze original is in the form of The bronze and enamel original The bronze and enamel original is The original is a bronze plate brooch Excavated from a cremation burial a bird decorated with red and blue was found on Down Farm, Gussage of unusual form of grape vines half in the form of a hunting hound with at Aston, Hertfordshire. A cockerel is enamel. It was found at Sixpenny- St. Michael, Dorset. 2nd century encircling each side of the centre. blue and yellow enamel decoration. often found at the feet of the figure Handley, Dorset. 2nd century AD. AD. H42 Found at Hamshill Ditches, Wiltshire. 2nd century AD. Verulamium of Mercury. Probably a cult offering Gussage and District Museum, 2nd c AD. Gussage and District Museum, St. Albans, Hertfordshire. in a temple. 2nd century AD. P&RB Woodcutts, Dorset. H28 Museum, Woodcutts, Dorset. H41 L40 Dept. British Museum. H60

AR 179 - Roman AR 189- Roman AR 210 - Roman AR 219 - Romano AR 225 - Roman Roman Bronze Pin Chesters Terrier Roman Silver Brooch Roman Brooch Roman Brooch The bronze original would have been The bronze original is said to have The original was found at Binchester The bronze original is decorated The bronze original depicts dogs used as a dress fastening. General been found during the excavation Roman Fort. It was probably made in with blue and green enamel. It chasing rabbits. Similar small animal Pitt-Rivers excavation at Woodyates, of Coventina’s Well, Carrawburgh, Germany during the second century is of lozenge form with tooled brooches were found throughout Dorset. Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire. on Hadrian’s Wall in 1876. 2nd AD. Bowes Museum, Co. Durham. circular projections at the corners. the Empire during this period. 1st to L62 century AD. Chester’s Museum, L40 It was found at Bungay, Suffolk. 4th century AD. Ashmolean Museum, Northumberland. H42 2nd century AD. Ipswich Museum, Oxford. L35 Suffolk. L47 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Roman / Romano-British — 11

AR 11 AR 240 AR 249 AR 251 AR 262

AR 255 AR 258 AR 261 AR 269 AR 270

AR 11 - Romano-British AR 240 - Roman AR 249 - Roman AR 251 - Romano-British AR 262 - Roman Romano-British brooch. Hercules Club Pendant Venus figure Romano-British Hippocamp Brooch Bronze Owl 2nd century AD The gold original, with glass inlay The original bronze figure was found The original bronze and enamel brooch The bronze original was found in The bronze original , with enamelled is from a hoard of Jewellery of in 1959 at Verulamium, St. Albans. depicts a ‘Hippocamp’, a mythical Aventicum Roman City, Avenches, wings, was found in the Roman the Roman period discovered at Now in Verulamium Museum, St. creature with the head and forelegs Switzerland. H42. aqueduct, Lincoln in 1952. City Thetford, Norfolk. 4th century AD. Albans, Hertfordshire. 20cm high. of a horse, the tail of a fish, and wings, Museum, Lincoln. L38. British Museum, London. H39 Cast bronze on marble base. H200 which pulled the chariot of Poseidon across the heavens. 2nd-3rd c AD. L41

AR 255 - Romano-British AR 258 - Romano-British AR 261 - Roman AR 269 - Romano-British AR 270 - Roman Romano-British Mercury Group The Hounslow Boar Bronze Horse Roman Triskele Brooch Roman Belt Fitting The bronze original was probably made Reconstruction to Prof. M. Jope’s The bronze original was found in An elaborate series of trumpet scrolls The bronze original was found at in Gaul but found in 1971 in excavations interpretation to include the spine Aventicum Roman City, of uncertain producing a flowing circular design. the Caerleon Amphitheatre and in St. Albans. The group comprises the missing from the original which may date. Avenches, Switzerland. H53 The bronze original was found in may now be seen at the Roman figure of Mercury, a Ram, a Cock and a be seen at the British Museum. 1st the Roman city of Aventicum in Legionary Museum, Caerleon, South Tortoise, upon a pedestal. He is a patron century BC. L72 Avenches, Switzerland. Ø48 Wales. Reproduced as earrings. 2-3rd of Commerce. 2nd century AD. The century AD. L26 original may be seen in Verulamium Museum, St. Albans, Hertfordshire. H125 12 — Roman / Romano-British www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 271b AR 302 AR 314 AR 319 AR 320

AR 321 AR 322 AR 341 AR 343 A 351

AR 271b - Roman AR 302- Romano-British AR 314 - Roman AR 319 - Roman AR 320 - Romano-British Roman Trumpet Scroll brooch Consecration Cross Roman Oyster Spoon Roman Key Ring Romano-British Bronze Mount 2nd c AD The original cross dates from The bronze original was excavated The bronze original is a finger The original bronze open-work The original of tinned bronze was the foundation of St. Peter from the City water front by the ring with a key attached and was mount, worn a s a decorative belt found at Usk, Gwent. It may be seen Monkwearmouth in AD 674 by St. Museum of London. 200-250 AD. excavated from the City water front fitting, was found at Piercebridge at the Roman Legionary Museum Benedict Biscop. Monkwearmouth, L98 by the Musuem of London. W17 Roman Fort, Co. Durham. 150-250 South Wales. Nickel plated. AR 271a Tyne and Wear. As a . Ø20 AD. The Bowes museum, Co. Durham. is bronze plated. W33 Ø48

AR 321 - Roman AR 322- Roman AR 341 - Romano-British AR 343 - Romano-British AR 351 - Roman Roman Bronze Spoon Roman Phallic pendant c 200 AD Romano-British Horse Brooch Leopard Terminal Pointer Roman Earrings The bronze original, with animal The original of bronze was found 2nd century AD. The original is a The original iron pointer with bronze c. 160 – 240 AD. The gold original is head handle, was found at at Piercebridge Roman Fort Co. bronze plate brooch of a galloping terminal, from early 2nd century AD, a disc with chased decoration around Piercebridge Roman Fort, Co. Durham. The phallic symbol was horse. The body and neck are inlaid was found in the palatial Hadrianic the edge and a green glass stone set Durham. 150-250 AD. The Bowes believed to have magic properties with green enamel dappled with white wooden building. Probably a map or in the centre. The original was found museum, Co. Durham. L117 to ward off the evil eye. Bowes spots. Found in a house in Roman plan pointer. Vindolanda Museum, in the hearth of a civilian house at Museum Co Durham. Cast in bronze Verulamium, it may be seen in the Northumberland. L123 Vindolanda, Northumberland. H30 as key ring or pendant. L32 Verulamium Museum, St. Albans. L44 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Roman / Romano-British / Anglo Saxon — 13

AR 355 AR 356 AR 434 HJR 47a HJR 47b

HJR 133 HJR 328 HJR 351 HJR 60 HJR 76

AR 355 - Romano-British AR 356 - Romano-British AR 434 - Roman HJR 47a - Romano-British HJR 47b - Romano-British Romano-British Disc Brooch Romano-British Fantail Fibula Roman Curve Brooch Romano-British Dress Ornament Romano-British Dress Ornament The tinned bronze original from c. 90- The original bronze and enamel Very graceful curved brooch The bronze original was excavated Cufflinks 97 AD is embossed with a Hunter and brooch, from 2nd century AD. representative of the fine work of in Colchester. Colchester and Essex The bronze original was excavated Stag motif and was probably sewn Excavated at Vindolanda, Hadrian’s this period. Early 2nd century AD. Museum. W38 in Colchester. Colchester and Essex on to a textile garment. Excavated Wall, Northumberland, where the L65 Museum. at Vindolanda, Hadrian’s Wall, original may be seen. Enamelled Northumberland. Ø33 a-red b-blue. Available in gold. H38

HJR 133 - Roman HJR 328 - Roman HJR 351- Roman HJR 60 - Anglo Saxon HJR 76 - Anglo Saxon Roman Marriage Ring Aemillia Gold Ring 2nd – 4th c AD Roman ear-ring circa 160-240 AD Anglo Saxon Ring Saxon Shield Mount. 7th c AD 1st – 2nd century AD. The gold The original was found at Corbridge The original of gold is a disc with Late 8th or early 9th century AD. Part of the Sutton Hoo Treasure original is decorated with the in 1840. The open work motto chased decoration round the edge The silver original was found in the from the Burial Mound No 2. Bronze crossed hands symbol of friendship. AEMILIAZESES (Aemilia may you set with a green glass stone in the Thames at Chelsea. It has a finely gilt. Ipswich Museum. Reproduced in City Museum, Liverpool. live) may be a Christian betrothal gift. centre. A twisted wire below indicated decorated oval bezel with a dragon silver and silver gilt, as shown. Ø45 Possibly the earliest Christian artefact a similar ornament, not found. It was medallion flanked by four monster found in Roman Britain. Museum of found in the hearth of a house at heads. Victoria and Albert Museum, Antiquities. Newcastle. 9ct Gold. Vindolanda Vicus, Northumberland. London. 9ct gold. H30

14 — Anglo Saxon www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

HJR 146 HJR 154 HJR 186 AR 17 AR 63

AR 74 AR101 AR 110 AR 113 AR 169

HJR 146 - Anglo Saxon HJR 154 - Anglo Saxon HJR 186 - Anglo Saxon AR 17 - Anglo Saxon AR 63 - Anglo Saxon Anglo Saxon Stud Cufflink Anglo Saxon Long Cross Penny of St. Cuthbert Pectoral Cross Anglo-Saxon Saucer Brooch/ Veggerslev Horse brooch or Early 7th century AD. The silver Aethelred II Cufflinks c. 640 670 AD. The gold original is Pendant buckle original, with zoomorphic design is 978 – 1016 AD. The silver original decorated with cloisonné enamel, The ormolu original was found in The bronze original brooch was found probably from Kent. City Museum, was minted at the City of Rochester. garnets and a white shell centre. a series of graves at Higham, Kent. in East Jutland, Denmark. 7th century Liverpool. Guildhall Museum, Rochester. Example shown in 9ct gold and 5th -7th cent. AD Guildhall Museum, AD. National Museum, Copenhagen, enamel. Chain supplied. H64 Rochester, Kent. Ø41 Denmark. L87

AR 74 - Anglo Saxon AR 101 - Anglo Saxon AR 110 - Anglo Saxon AR 113 - Anglo Saxon AR 169 - Anglo Saxon Saxon Strap End Brooch Anglo-Saxon Sculpture pendant Anglo-Saxon Penannular brooch. Anglo-Saxon Disk Pendant Disc pendant 9th c AD Modelled detail of a Saxon Strap A pendant based on a sculpted stone 5 – 6th c AD The silver original is one of a pair, The original of silver is part of a End. 9th century AD. The bronze on the facing of the opening door of The original of bronze found decorated with typical inter-twined necklace from the cemetery within original was inlaid with silver and the west porch at St. Peter’s Church, in Yarm, Cleveland. Used as a design, forming part of a necklace. the Battle Ditches at Saffron Walden. was excavated at Bamburgh Castle. Monkwearmouth, Co. Durham. W17 cloak fastening. The terminals From the cemetery within the Battle (see AR 113) The disc has four The beasts are a small part of the L27 have a zoomorphic (animal-like) Ditches, Saffron Walden. 9th century pierced holes and a cross of different intricate entwined design. Bamburgh form. Cleveland Archaeology, AD. Saffron Walden Museum, Essex. style engraved on each side. Saffron Castle, Northumberland. H44 Middlesborough. Cast bronze. W55 Ø88 Walden Museum, Essex. Pendant. Ø32 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Anglo Saxon — 15

AR 176 AR 221 AR 226 AR 227 AR 247

AR 250a AR 250b AR 296 AR 372 AR 278

AR 176 - Anglo Saxon AR 221 - Anglo Saxon AR 226 - Anglo Saxon AR 227 - Anglo Saxon AR 247 - Anglo Saxon Anglo-Saxon Fish Pendant Saxon Strap-End Anglo-Saxon Open-work Brooch Equal-arm Brooch Repton brooch AD 800 The bronze-gilt (Ormolu) formed a The silver original, with zoomorphic The silvered bronze original was The original of this unusual bronze The original is a Mercian silver-gilt brooch belt ornament, possibly symbolizing design, is one of four from Lilla found in a grave at Standlake, brooch – a derivation of the exotic found at the Anglo-Saxon monastery Christianity. Discovered at Kingston Howe, Goathland, Yorkshire. 9th Oxfordshire. 7th century AD. equal-arm. Brooches of the 5th of Repton. The Griffin is a classic Deveril, Wiltshire. Salisbury Museum, century AD. Merseyside Museum, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Ø29 century - was found in a grave in example seen in Byzantine illuminated Salisbury. Also as ear-rings. L27 Liverpool. L59 the Anglo-Saxon burial moundat manuscripts. Derbyshire Museum. W32 Berinsfield, Oxford. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. L52 AR 250a - Anglo Saxon AR 250b - Anglo Saxon AR 296 - Anglo Saxon AR 372 - Anglo Saxon AR 278 - Anglo Saxon Anglo-Saxon ‘Janus’ pendant. Anglo-Saxon ‘Janus’ pendant. Anglo-Saxon Wrist Clasp Penannular Brooch 6th – 7th c AD Anglo-Saxon small ‘Long Brooch’ 6 – 7th c AD 6 – 7th c AD The silver-gilt original is a triangular A circular brooch with decorated The bronze original was one of a pair This decorative padlock from This decorative padlock from part of a wrist-clasp set, used to terminals. The original lead model of a worn by a woman and buried with Bishops Court, Dorchester on Bishops Court, Dorchester on decorate a sleeve cuff. Found at terminal was found at Dynas Powys, her. Circa 6th century AD, it can be Thames, depicts the two faced Thames, depicts the two faced Mildenhall. Moyse’s Hall Museum, S Glamorgan. The form of the pin is seen at Moyse’s Hall Museum, Bury St. Roman god Janus looking forward Roman god Janus looking forward Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. unknown but has been reconstructed Edmunds, Suffolk, England. H61 to the new year and back to the old. to the new year and back to the old. H47 to compliment the terminals. Cast in Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Gold Ashmolean Museum Oxford. Bronze bronze with enamel. W72 plated. H28 plated. H28 16 — Anglo Saxon / Viking www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 435 AR 74a/b AR 61 AR 62f AR 62r

AR 82 AR 84 AR 86 AR 93 AR 72

AR 435 - Anglo Saxon AR 74a/b - Anglo Saxon AR 61 - Viking AR 62f - Viking AR 62r - Viking Bamburgh Beast Gold Plaque Brooch Bracteate Pendant Bracteate Pendant Bracteate Pendant brooch Modelled detail of a Saxon Strap- 6th century AD. The gold original 6th century AD. The gold original is As AR62f, showing detail on reverse. 7th century AD. Excavated at End. 9th century AD. The bronze is of the Migration period and of the bifacial type of the Migration Ø28 Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, original was inlaid with silver, from was found near Randers in 1847, period. It was found in Eastern 1971. Modelled representation. L48 Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland. as Treasure Trove. Kulturhistorisk Jutland, 1825 as Treasure Trove. H44 74b is a pendant version. Museum, Randers, Denmark. Ø48 National Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. Ø28

AR 82 - Viking AR 84 - Viking AR 86 - Viking AR 93 - Viking AR 72 - Viking Miniature Bronze Sword Bronze decorated Razor Bracteate Pendant Viking Trfliget Filigree Brooch The bronze original was found in an The original shows chased decoration The gold original has a repousse This reconstruction shows a gilded 5th century AD. The gold original is urn during excavations at Katberg, in the stylistic form of a ship. It is decoration of stylistic form and was version of the original bronze which an interwoven design with filigree North Funen. 9th century BC. Odense from Voldtofte, South-west Funen. discovered at Gummerup, South-west was excavated at Ribe, Denmark. and granular decration. Found Bys Museer, Denmark. L88 W17 8th century BC. Odense Bys Museer, Funen. 5th century AD. Odense Bys 10th century AD. Antikvarisk I in North Jutland. Kulturhistorisk Denmark. L120 Museer, Denmark. Ø25 Samling, Ribe, Denmark. W54 Museum, Randers, Denmark. Ø 32. Historic Jewellery Reproduction Viking / Mediaeval — 17

AR 135 AR 185 AR 399 AR 8 AR 9

AR 406 HJR 43 AR 108 AR 10a AR 10b

AR 135 - Viking AR 185 - Viking AR 399 - Viking AR 8 - Mediaeval AR 9 - Mediaeval Tortoise Brooch Viking Trefliget Brooch Viking style Harness Buckle Face from the shrine of St. William Altar Screen bracelet The bronze original is decorated with The bronze original is decorated in Modelled and cast in bronze. Old of York Faces from an Altar Screen. 15th single gripping beasts in panels, and the style of the period with gripping Buittle Tower, Castle Douglas. 14th century AD. The carved cent. AD The original magnesium bosses with Borre-style knot. Found beast and Borre knot. 9th century Scotland. W45 magnesium limestone original is limestone screen may have been in Lisbjerg, Jutland. 9th century AD. AD. Forhistorisk Museum, Moesgard, from the figure of a crossbowman on in York Minster. Yorkshire Museum, Forhistorisk Museum, Moesgard, Denmark. H52 the shrine of St. William, Archbishop York. L195 Denmark. L88 of York. Yorkshire Museum, York. W35.

AR 406 - Viking HJR 43 - Viking AR 108 - Viking AR 10a - Mediaeval AR 10b - Mediaeval Viking-style Drinking Horn Anglo-Viking Ring Horse of Ribe Brooch Pilgrim Badge Brooch Pilgrim Badge Pendant terminal c. 900 AD. The gold original depicts 9th to 10th c AD. This reproduction 14th century AD. The lead original 14th century AD. The lead original Modelled in the form of a creatures two animals clasping a human head in has been created from the original depicts St, Thomas of Canterbury. depicts St, Thomas of Canterbury. head, to fit the end of the horn as their claws and is typical of Germanic clay mould fragments found in the Recovered from the Thames at Recovered from the Thames at protection, including a suspension art. Found in Fishergate, York. Yorkshire 9th century bronzesmith’s workshop Dowgate. Museum of London, Dowgate. Museum of London, hole. Cast in bronze. Old Buittle Museum, York. at Ribe. Reproduced in collaboration London Wall. Ø42 London Wall. Ø42 Tower, Castle Douglas, Scotland. L53 with the Konservatoskole, Kobenhavn and Den Antikvarisk i Samling, Ribe, Denmark. L52 18 — Mediaeval www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 439 AR 438 AR 19 AR 21a AR 21b

AR 22 AR 29 AR 31 AR 32 AR 18

AR 439 - Mediaeval AR 438 - Mediaeval AR 19 - Mediaeval AR 21a - Mediaeval AR 21b - Mediaeval of St. John Heart Pendant Knights of St. John Heart Earrings Spanish Gold Four Escudos of Gold Cross of a of Malta Gold Cross of a Knight of Malta The original gold heart-shaped The original gold heart-shaped pendant Philip II c 1560-80 AD Belonging to Fabricio Spinola of Genoa, It belonged to Fabricio Spinola of Genoa. pendant, with the cross of the Knights is represented here as a pair of earrings, The original of silver was recovered captain of the Girona, one of the He was Captain of the Girona, one of of St John, turquoise and white with the cross of the Knights of St John, from the wreck of the Girona. Reverse Galleass of the Spanish Armada. the Galleass of the Spanish Armada. enamel, with seed pearls, is from the turquoise and white enamel, with seed - Royal arms of Philip II inscribed, W57 This reproduction pendant is highlighted 17th century. H32 Museum of the pearls, 17th c. H32 Museum of the SISAL. ET, HIERVSAL. Ulster museum. with white enamel. The original may be of St John. Clerkenwell, London. Order of St John. Clerkenwell, London. Belfast. Pendant. seen in the Ulster Museum, Belfast. W57

AR 22 - Mediaeval AR 29 - Mediaeval AR 31 - Mediaeval AR 32 - Mediaeval AR 18 - Mediaeval Seal of Walter Ashanti Gold Weight Cufflinks Annunciation Pendant Nativity Pendant. German, 15th Spanish Gold Four Escudos of Philip II Walter, the first Grand of the 17th century AD. The bronze original The silver-gilt original is the obverse century AD The gold original, struck at the Order of St. John in England (1144- was used in Ashanti, Central Ghana of a pendant and depicts the The silver-gilt original is the reverse of Seville Mint was recovered from the 62) is shown kneeling in adoration for weighing gold dust which was Annunciation which was a favourite a pendant that depicts the Nativity wreck of the Girona, a galleass of before a patriarchal cross. 1148 AD. the medium of exchange from the devotional motif in the Late Middle which was one of the principle the Spanish Armada, sunk off the Order of St. John Museum, St. John’s 17th century onwards. City Museum, Ages. Possibly used as a Rosary mysteries of Late religion. coast of Ireland in 1588. 1560-80 Gate, London. Ø51 Bristol. W18x18 ornament. German, 15th century AD. Victoria and Albert Museum, London. AD. Ulster Museum, Belfast. V&A, London. Ø43 Ø 43 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Mediaeval — 19

AR 37 AR 38 AR 39 AR 34 AR 45

AR 46 AR 48 AR 51 AR 68 AR 69

AR 37 - Mediaeval AR 38 - Mediaeval AR 39 - Mediaeval AR 34 - Mediaeval AR 45 - Mediaeval Queen Elizabeth 1st Armada Swan Pendant 15th c AD Sydling St. Nicholas Brooch ‘S’ Motif bracelet.16th c AD Cruciform Harness Pendant AD 1589 The original of bronze with enamel 14th century AD. The gold original, The original of silver forms a long 12th – 13th century AD. The gilded Commemorating the defeat of the may have belonged to a retainer of set with gemstones is inscribed . Thought to be English but bronze (ormolu) original with a Spanish armada in 1589. The reverse Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII +I.M.I.C.V.I. and was found at may be Scandinavian. Victoria & repousse pierced cruciform design shows a Bay tree and inscription. who held Tattershall Castle. The Swan Sydling St. Nicholas. Dorset County Albert Museum London. Bracelet. was excavated at Old Sarum,. National Maritime Museum London. was a badge of Lancastrian supporters. Museum, Dorchester. W24 L180 Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire. W42. Gilded pewter. Pendant. H60 Gilded pewter with enamel. Ø33

AR 46 - Mediaeval AR 48 - Mediaeval AR 51 - Mediaeval AR 68 - Mediaeval AR 69 - Mediaeval Enamelled Harness Pendant Gold Salamander Brooch St. George Pendant Mediaeval Pilgrim Badge Mediaeval Pilgrim Badge The silvered bronze original has a 16th century AD. The gold original, set The silver-gilt original depicts St. 15th century. The lead original 14th century AD. The lead original reposse design of a plant between with rubies was recovered from the George, a favourite saint of knights depicts Richard Caister of Norwich depicts St. Michael the Archangel. two lions endorsed regardent, as wreck of the Girona. It was regarded as and nobles in the Late Middle Ages. (1420) Found in Salisbury in 1852. Found in Salisbury in 1852. Salisbury found on the seal of Countess a charm against fire. Ulster Museum, Pendants of this kind were often Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire. H55 Museum, Wiltshire. W38 Ela. Excavated at Old Sarum. 13th Belfast. Also available in gold with worn hanging from Paternosters century AD. Salisbury Museum, garnets or rubies, HJR 48. POA. L40 and Rosaries. 15th century AD. V&A, Wiltshire. Ø40 London. Ø31 20 — Mediaeval www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 83 AR 91 AR 13 AR 141 AR 143

AR 170 AR 218 AR 175 HJR 144F HJR 144R

AR 83 - Mediaeval AR 91 - Mediaeval AR 13 - Mediaeval AR 141 - Mediaeval AR 143 - Mediaeval Mediaeval Pilgrim Badge Mediaeval Pilgrim Brooch Mediaeval Livery Badge Florentine Sea Horse Double Ended Spoon The lead original depicts the 14th century. The lead original The lead original depicts the sun in Florentine Sea Horse bronze figure. Double Ended Spoon The original ‘Crowned A’ signifying ‘Amor Vincit depicts St. Thomas a’Becket, the arms of a crescent moon. Possibly On marble base. 16th century AD. of bronze found in the early Omnia’ as worn by the Prioress in Archbishop of Canterbury 1162 – the arms of the Daunger family. National Maritime Museum, London. mediaeval levels at Coppergate Chaucers’ ‘Canterbury Tales’. 14th 1170. Found in London. Museum of Found in Salisbury in 1852. 14th – W125 York in 1978. York Archaeological century AD. Museum of London, London, London Wall. H44 15th cent. AD. Salisbury Museum, Trust. York. Cast bronze. L151 London Wall. H30 Wiltshire. W45

AR 170 -Mediaeval AR 218 - Mediaeval AR 175 - Mediaeval HJR 144F - Mediaeval HJR 144R - Mediaeval Bronze stud Waltham Abbey Flask Pilgrim Badge 12th c AD Wolsingham Cross Wolsingham Cross The bronze original was found during 12th century AD. Pewter Flask to Cast from the original stone mould 16th century AD. The silver original 16th century AD. The silver original excavations in Park Street, Old hold Holy Water from a pilgrimage. of a souvenir sold to visitors to the is English or Flemish with applied is English or Flemish with applied Hatfield in 1975. It depicts a winged Created from the original mould. shrine of the Holy Cross of Waltham figures, Obverse - Christ crucified, figures, Obverse - Christ crucified, griffin and was possibly a harness (Waltham Abbey) The inscription Reverse - the Virgin Mary. Found at Reverse - the Virgin Mary. Found at mount or furniture decoration. 14th reads + Signum Sanct Crucis de Wolsingham, now in the Cathedral Wolsingham, now in the Cathedral century AD. Hatfield and District Waltham Museum of London. Treasury, Durham. H58. HJR 144F is Treasury, Durham. H58. HJR 144F is Archaeological Society, Hertfordshire. Pewter Pendant. L70 W45 Obverse, HJR 144R is Reverse. Obverse, HJR 144R is Reverse. Ø24 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Mediaeval — 21

AR 178 AR 223 AR 228 AR 229 AR 239

AR 273a AR 273b AR 274 AR 275 AR 279

AR 178 - Mediaeval AR 223 - Mediaeval AR 228 - Mediaeval AR 229 -Mediaeval AR 239 - Mediaeval Bronze key Replica of a circular gold medallion Byzantine Bronze Horse Brooch Lihou Island Crucifix 16thc AD Dove descending Bronze original found in cottage gardens Possibly used for ornamenting a Scroll 10 – 12th century AD. This beautifully Original of bronze found in the Priory Modelled on a mid-eleventh century at at Wilton, Wiltshire, in the 19th c. A of the Law. In the centre, a seven stylized horse seems to imply it is in 1838. The Priory was a daughter AD manuscript illustration of the bird is enclosed by a wreath bow and the branched candelabrum, below to the wearing a saddle. The original, from house of the Abbey of Mont St Michel Dove Descending to the King suspension loop is held in the mouth of left, the Schofar and to the right, the Antioch, Beirut or Smyrna would in France. Obverse Christ Crucified, David, following the account of the a grotesque animal. 11th – 12th century Luvav. Byzantine, 8th century AD. have been used to fasten a cloak. reverse Virgin Mary. Guernsey Museum. Baptism of Christ, (Matthew 3:16, AD. Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire. L70 Jewish Museum, London. Ø 64. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. L40 Cast bronze or plated pewter. H86 etc.) British Library, London. H32

AR 273a - Mediaeval AR 273b - Mediaeval AR 274 - Mediaeval AR 275 - Mediaeval AR 279 - Mediaeval Lion Mask Stickpin Lion Mask Cufflinks Close Helmet Stickpin Mermaid brooch. c1620. Possibly General Monck Medal The original is a steel part of a The original is a steel part of a The original, from c. 1570 is Alsace-Lorraine A bronze badge in the collections of superbly decorated detached wheel- superbly decorated detached modelled on a close helmet made The steel original from c. 1620, is the the National Army Museum, it was lock in the Royal Armouries collection, wheel-lock in the Royal Armouries in the workshops at the Royal wheel-retaining clip of a superbly cast from a silver original. Produced in HM Tower of London, England. collection, HM Tower of London, Armouries, HM Tower of London, decorated wheellock in the Royal 1660 for distribution among Monck’s Franco-German, possible Lorraine, c. England. Franco-German, possible England. W18 Armouries at HM Tower of London, friends when he was raised to peerage 1620. H15 Lorraine, c. 1620. H15 England. L40 for services rendered to the King. National Army Museum, London. H42 22 — Mediaeval www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 293 AR 294 AR 295 AR 300 AR 311

AR 315 AR 316 AR 318 AR 329 AR 331

AR 293 - Mediaeval AR 294 - Mediaeval AR 295 - Mediaeval AR 300 - Mediaeval AR 311 - Mediaeval Mediaeval Ampulla Horse Harness Pendant Mediaeval Pilgrim Badge Norman Amphisboena Prince Rupert of the Rhine The lead original is in the form of a The bronze and enamel original bears The lead original, in the form of The original stone sculpture is in This medallion has been modelled shell and was filled with Holy the Arms of St. Edmund. It would have a camel, was found at Dunwich, the form of a dragon with a snake from a reconstruction of a painting; Water sold at a shrine as a souvenir been used by a retainer to show he Suffolk. Moyse’s Hall Museum, Bury head tail. From c. 12th century AD, engraved arms on reverse. Nephew of pilgrimage. Found at Hockwold in belonged to the Abbey of Bury St. St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. L47 it was found at St. Peter’s Church. of Charles I. Fought at Edgehill, Norfolk. Moyse’s Hall Museum, Bury Edmunds. Moyse’s Hall Museum, Bury W27 Monkwearmouth, Tyne and Wear. Cropredy, Naseby, Bristol. H54 St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. H38 St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. W31 L44 W25

AR 315 - Mediaeval AR 316 - Mediaeval AR 318 - Mediaeval AR 329 - Mediaeval AR 331 - Mediaeval Mediaeval Manuscript clip Cock and Hen badge Mediaeval ‘Ich Dene’ Feather Badge Sarratt Emblem pin Foliated Cross The bronze original was excavated The lead original was excavated from c. 1376 AD. The lead original was A modelled Cross within a gilded The original from early 13th century from the City water front by the the City water front by the Museum possibly made for the funeral of the Garland of Friendship bronze stud (c. AD, sculpted decoration on a tomb Museum of London. 1350 – 1400 of London. 1350 – 1400 AD. L26 Black Prince in 1376. Excavated from 1520AD), found in the churchyard, in the Church of St. Chad may be AD. L63 the City water-front by the Museum of Sarratt, Hertfordshire. L18 x18 seen at the Parish Church of the Holy London. He was the eldest son of King Cross, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Ø27 Edward III and was known as Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales. Reproduced to half size in plated pewter. H58 Historic Jewellery Reproduction Mediaeval — 23

AR 336 AR 345 AR 346 AR 361a AR 361b

AR 362a AR 362b AR 364 AR 375 AR 402

AR 336 - Mediaeval AR 345 - Mediaeval AR 346 - Mediaeval AR 361a -Mediaeval AR 361b - Mediaeval Ampulla of Thomas a’Becket William & Mary 1689 Cypher. Pilgrim Badge of St Alban. 15th c AD Tudor Rose Bracelet The Mary Rose Bracelet 1270 – 1350 AD. The lead original is a Taken from a fine brass lectern The lead original, depicts the severed Decorated in the style of the As AR 361a in gold plated pewter. Pilgrim’s Ampulla, designed to hold Holy decoration in the English Reformed head of St Alban hanging from a Emblem of the Mary Rose flag L175 water. Decorated with pierced surround Church, Amsterdam. Presented when tree. Legend says the executioners ship of Henry VIII sunk in 1545 and Latin inscription “Thomas is the William & Mary were crowned in eyes fell out, seen here as the Roman and recovered in 1982. Mary Rose, best Doctor of the worthy sick”. The England. Begijnhof Church Amsterdam. Soldier catches them. Found in Angel Portsmouth. Nickel plated pewter. reproduction is in domestic pewter. Ø65 Modelled as a brooch. W30 Passage London. H51 Bracelet. L175

AR 362a - Mediaeval AR 362b - Mediaeval AR 364 - Mediaeval AR 375 - Mediaeval AR 402 - Mediaeval The Mary Rose Earrings The Mary Rose Earrings Cross of St. Alban Pilgrim Badge St. Andrew Mediaeval Pilgrim Badge Created with emblems of the Tudor As AR 362a with nickel plated finish. The form of the cross of St. Alban, The pewter original, from 16th The lead original was found at St. Rose, connected with the Mary Rose, H13 who was martryred in 304 AD is century was excavated in Chelmsford, Andrews incomplete and damaged. flagship of Henry VIII, sunk in 1545. illustrated in Mediaeval manuscripts, Essex in 1972 and depicts the Pie-Ta This brooch was carefully moulded, The Tudor Rose decorates many depicting a slender cross with a disc Virgin Mary with the dead Christ in reconstructed as a brooch. St. artefacts such as cannon, used on and at the top. An actual cross has not her lap. It was, perhaps, mass produced Andrews Museum, Kinburn Park, recovered with the wreck. These stud been found. H38 for pilgrims as a souvenir. Chelmsford Argyll, Scotland. H63 earrings are gold plated pewter. L175 and Essex Museum. L30 W25 24 — Mediaeval www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 405 AR 216 AR 415 HJR 345 HJR 229

HJR 264 HJR 177 HJR 334 AR 2a AR 2b

AR 405 - Mediaeval AR 216 - Mediaeval AR 415 - Mediaeval HJR 345 - Mediaeval HJR 229 - Mediaeval Oliver Cromwell medal Pilgrim Badge of Compostella St. Columba Pilgrim Badge William & Mary 1689 Cypher Lihou Island Crucifix 16th c AD From 1599-1658 AD, this medal 15th century AD. The pewter original Represented by modelling the Taken from a fine brass lectern The original is bronze and was found by is thought to have been an official was recovered from the Thames near cross of Iona within an emblem of decoration in the English Reformed F.C. Lukis during his excavations of the Protectorate reward for political or London bridge. The scallop shell is the Dunedd, Argyll on behalf Kilmartin Church, Amsterdam. Presented when priory on Lihou Island1838. Lihou Priory military service. The 1740 cast is very emblem of St. James, patron of pilgrims Museum, Argyll. H45 William & Mary were crowned in flourished from mid 12th to mid 16th c as rare and may be seen in the Cromwell and is often worn on the pilgrimage to England. Begijnhof Church Amsterdam. a daughter house of the Abbey of Mont. Museum, Huntingdon, Cambs. Ø36 Santiago de Compostella. Museum of Modelled as a brooch. W30 St. Michel in France. A also in silver. H86 London. H24. HJR 264 - Mediaeval HJR 177 - Mediaeval HJR 334 - Mediaeval AR 2a - Mediaeval AR 2b - Mediaeval Girona HIS and Cross Ring Taunton Silver-gilt Spoon St. Austin’s Friary Ring Detail of Pew Decoration Detail of Pew Decoration 16th century AD. The gold original is The silver original was made by 15th century AD. The gold original, The Greek monogram Khi Rho, The Greek monogram Khi Rho, inscribed with the sacred monogram Robert Wade and has a gilt knop inscribed ‘Ave Maria Gracia Plena’ was signifying Christ from the parish signifying Christ from the parish ‘HIS+’ and is likely to have belonged chased ‘LM 1634 FW’. Taunton found in 1984, encircling a finger bone church at Doddington House. church at Doddington House. to one of the clerics on board the Museum, Somerset. L180. Available in a burial associated with St. Austin’s Gilded pewter as pendant or brooch. Gilded pewter as pendant or brooch. Armada Galleas Girona from which singly or in a set of six at a discount. Friary, Shrewsbury. Rowley’s House Add Also available in gold and silver, Add Also available in gold and silver, it was recovered in 1968. Ulster Museum, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. HJR 2a and b. H46 HJR 2a and b. H46 Museum, Belfast. Historic Jewellery Reproduction Egyptian — 25

AR 97 AR 98 AR 99a AR 99b AR 148

AR 180 AR 253 HJR 117 HJR 192 HJR 147

AR 97 - Egyptian AR 98 - Egyptian AR 99a - Egyptian AR 99b - Egyptian AR 148 - Egyptian Ring of Akhenaten Egyptian Menat Egyptian Shell Pendant Egyptian Shell Earrings Egyptian Cat The gold original is from Tell The bronze original is a counterpoise c. 1850 BC. The gold original is from As AR 99a as earrings. W19 The bronze original is representative El-Armana and belonged to the for a heavy bead collar worn in the Riqqeh, 21st Dynasty. It contains the of this type of art and adulation father of Tutankhamun, Eighteenth Eighteenth Dynasty. It depicts the name ‘Kha’Kaure’ (King Sesostris III). of the feline form. City Museum, Dynasty. 1350 BC. Manchester goddesses Isis and Hephthys. 1400 Manchester Museum. W19 Bristol. H52 Museum. W23 BC. Manchester Museum. H129

AR 180 - Egyptian AR 253 - Egyptian HJR 117 - Egyptian HJR 192 - Egyptian HJR 147 - Egyptian Seal-Box Pendant Egyptian Cosmetic Knife Egyptian Signet Ring XVIII Egyptian Charm Ring Mycenaean Ring The original of bronze inlaid with The bronze original is in the form of Dynasty c1450 BC XVIIIth Dynasty, 1300 BC. The c 1400 - 1300 BC. The gold original enamel, in the form of a Lotus an Ibex standing erect on its hind legs The original of gold shows two silver original has a Hieroglyphical is a typical design from Minoa/ flower. Seal boxes were used to upon a crescentic blade for cosmetic figures of the god Bes. From a tomb inscription to provide magical Mycenae. G&R Dept. British protect the seal of packages in use. This is a representation of the at El Amarna. Liverpool Museum. protection to the wearer. Museum, London. transit. Collected by General Pitt- elegant style of designs utilizing Manchester Museum. W16. Rivers in Fyoum, Egypt. Salisbury animals as cosmetic implements in Museum. Gilded pewter with the XVIII dynasty. 1400 BC. WAA enamel. Pendant. L33 Dept. British Museum. H135 26 — Far East / South American www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 27 HJR 106 AR 30 HJR 115 HJR 129

AR 131 AR 42 AR 130 AR 128 HJR 131

AR 27 - Far East HJR 106 - Far East AR 30 - South American HJR 115 - Far East AR 129 - South American Chinese coin Pendant Japanese Kadzuka Quimbaya Pendant Japanese Menuki Columbian Pendant Wang Mang, AD 14. The original 18th – 19th century AD. The bronze Disk in the form of a mask to 18th – 19th century AD. The bronze c. 1200 – 1600 AD. The gold original copper coin is shaped like a spade original is a knife hilt ornament represent the sun. The gold original original is a knife hilt ornament in is a stylized female in Muisca style. and is known as a HUO PU. Oriental showing a superbly modelled horse. is from the Quimbaya area of the form of a lion. Royal Scottish Merseyside Museum, Liverpool. H62 Museum, Durham. H53 Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. Columbia. 9th-15th cent. AD. V&A Museum, Edinburgh. L34 London.

AR 131 - South American AR 42 - Mediaeval AR 130 - South American AR 128 - South American HJR 131 - South American Columbian Pendant Chinese Belt hook Columbian Pendant Columbian Pendant Columbian Pendant c. 500 – 1000 AD. The gold original The bronze original is in the form of c. 500 – 1000 AD. The gold original c. 1000-1500 AD. The gold original c. 500 – 1000 AD. The gold original is of a lizard who’s front feet are a dragon of the Yuan Dynasty. 13th is of a male figure in the Quimbaya is in the form of a dancing man is of a lizard who’s front feet are hollowed to allow it to hang freely -14th century AD. Oriental Museum, style. Merseyside Museum, Liverpool. wearing a head-dress. Royal Scottish hollowed to allow it to hang freely from the chain. Merseyside Museum, Durham. L80 H38 Museum, Edinburgh. H62 from the chain. Merseyside Museum, Liverpool. L34 Liverpool. L34 Historic Jewellery Reproduction South American / Recent — 27

HJR 232a HJR 232b AR 203 AR 206 AR 224

AR 50 AR 127 AR 181 AR 205 AR 338

HJR 232a - South American HJR 232b - South American AR 203 - Recent AR 206 - Recent AR 224 - Recent Tolima Pectoral Tolima Pectoral American Indian Manta Navajo Pendant 20th century Silver gilt Amulet. 18th c AD c. 1000 AD. The cast and hammered c. 1000 AD. The cast and hammered Decoration Called ‘Naja’ by Navajo Indians. Who Ten Commandments over the Angel gold original is characteristic of the gold original is characteristic of the The original, made from silver coins, made them from silver coins until preventing Abraham sacrificing his flat, stylized human figures with flat, stylized human figures with was used to fasten a shawl-like the US Government issued silver son Isaac. Reverse -Clock face at 9 a crescentic base of this period. a crescentic base of this period. garment pinned at the neck. C. 1880 ‘slugs’ to stop the practice. American o’clock, the time for Morning Prayer. Modelled to 1/4 size as a pendant. Modelled to 1/8 size as a brooch. AD. American Museum in Britain, Museum in Britain. Bath. Plated Jewish Museum. London. Cast in H27 Bath. W41 pewter with enamel. H81 brass. H73

AR 50 - Recent AR 127 - Recent AR 181 - Recent AR 205 - Recent AR 338 - Recent General Strike Memento 1926 Palmetto Emblem 18th c AD General Pitt-Rivers’ Medallion Navajo Bracelet 20th century Organ Brooch The original of brass in the form Replica of military cap badge of a The originals were designed by Dr. These were originally made To commemorate a new organ of a Miner’s lamp was made to South Carolina Regiment. Composed John Evans and were placed by from silver coins until the US based upon the original 1754 design raise funds for the striker’s families. of the shields of the State Seal and General Pitt-Rivers in the majority Government issued silver ‘slugs’ in the English Reformed Church Beamish Museum Co. Durham. a Palmetto tree, the trunks of which of his excavations in Cranbourne to stop this practice. Turquoise Begijnhof where the Pilgrim Fathers Gilded pewter as Pendant or fob- were used to defend Fort Moultrie Chase, stamped with the date. was used for decoration. American gathered. Begijnhof, Amsterdam. brooch. H27 on Sullivan’s Island 28th June 1776. Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire. Ø37 Museum in Britain. Bath. Plated Nickel plated pewter. Brooch. H50 Private collection S Carolina USA. H54 pewter with enamel. 28 — Recent / Celtic Curves Collection www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

AR 352 HJR 452 HJR 438 AR 437 AR 441

HJR 47c HJR 451a HJR 2b HJR 450a HJR CC 4

AR 352 - Recent HJR 452 - Recent HJR 438 - Recent AR 437 - Recent AR 441 - Recent Louis Philipe XIV Cross. 1725 – 85 Silver Brothel Token cufflinks Silver Caesar Augustus ring Maltese cross buttons, 19th c Maltese Cross with fleur-de-lys An eight pointed cross with dove Used in brothels across the Roman Based on a coin found by a metal Gold plated with nickel plated, enamelled granulation decoration, gold, 19th descending. Modelled from a Empire to avoid confusion between detectorist, the master pattern has cross detail. Swivel back fittings. The c, Malta. The Maltese Cross is the painting in Chateaux Vaux le languages when a particular service is been created by Mike Shorer DCJ Maltese Cross is the symbol of an Order symbol of an Order known as Knights Vicomte near Melun, France. Gilded desired. Ø20 FGC FIPG. top Ø24 known as or Knights Hospitaller or Knights of Malta. H44 pewter with enamel. H44 of Malta. Ø 20. Museum of the Order of Museum of the Order of St John. St John. Clerkenwell, London. Clerkenwell, London.

HJR 47c - Recent HJR 451a - Recent HJR 2b - Recent HJR 450a - Recent HJR CC 4 - Celtic Curves Silver Celtic Dress Ornament Venus, Goddess of Love Brooch Chi Rho Pendant Diana the Huntress Brooch Large Sterling Silver Pendant Pendant Moulded from a beautifully carved As AR2a in silver, as a pendant. Silver/gilt. Moulded from an Designed by Peter Shorer, based on The bronze original was excavated steel gunstock detail from the Royal See AR 2a and b on page 24. escutcheon plate on a flintlock the flowing motifs seen on Celtic in Colchester. Colchester and Essex Armouries, Tower of London. H76. musket from the collection at the metalwork. Museum. W38. Also available as a pendant, Royal Armouries, Tower of London. HJR 451b. H62. Also available as a pendant, HJR 450b. Historic Jewellery Reproduction Celtic Curves Collection — 29



HJR CC 10 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 6 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 7 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 8 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 9 - Celtic Curves Satin/polished Sterling Silver Large Sterling Silver ‘Open’ Articulated Sterling Silver Articulated Sterling Silver Satin/polished Sterling Silver cufflinks Brooch Bracelet Necklace cufflinks Satin and high polish finish swivel- Designed by Peter Shorer, based on Articulated Bracelet, designed by Articulated Necklace, designed by Satin and high polish finish swivel- back cufflinks, designed by Peter the flowing motifs seen on Celtic Peter Shorer, based on the flowing Peter Shorer, based on the flowing back cufflinks, designed by Peter Shorer, based on the flowing motifs metalwork. motifs seen on Celtic metalwork. motifs seen on Celtic metalwork. Shorer, based on the flowing motifs seen on Celtic metalwork. seen on Celtic metalwork.

HJR CC 5 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 11 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 1 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 12 - Celtic Curves HJR CC 3 - Celtic Curves Medium Sterling Silver Pendant Satin/polished Articulated silver Large Sterling Silver Brooch Satin/polished Articulated silver Small Sterling Silver Brooch Designed by Peter Shorer, based on earrings Designed by Peter Shorer, based on earrings Designed by Peter Shorer, based on the flowing motifs seen on Celtic Satin and high polish finish the flowing motifs seen on Celtic Satin and high polish finish the flowing motifs seen on Celtic metalwork. articulated stud back drop earrings, metalwork. articulated stud back drop earrings, metalwork. designed by Peter Shorer, based on designed by Peter Shorer, based on the flowing motifs seen on Celtic the flowing motifs seen on Celtic metalwork. H36 metalwork. H36 30 — www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk Historic Jewellery Reproduction

Reproducing Historic Jewellery: Historic Jewellery Reproduction: The Process. The Future.

Depending on the complexity and fragility of the piece, RTV My father devoted over 40 years perfecting the RTV moulding (Room Temperature Vulcanizing) liquid rubber is poured onto technique, creating exact replicas of many famous artifacts. He or around it. The catalyst within the rubber cures it within a 24 always questioned the efficacy of all the techniques he used hour period. Every nuance of detail is picked up by the rubber. in his quest to find out how on earth such beautiful objects The mould is then coated with an electro-conductive chemical were made so many thousands of years ago. He even devised a spray and immersed in a tank of acidic Copper Sulphate. An technique of shrinking the RTV mould to produce exact replicas, electrode of pure Copper is lowered into the solution and but on a smaller scale, which had never been done before. attached to a power supply. I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have had my dad as such a remarkable tutor, linked to the artistic abilities of my A current is passed from this anode through the solution to the mother, so that many museums and individuals around the mould, which is wired up to be the cathode, thus completing the world and even the British Library have had the confidence to circuit. This creates ionic deposition, i.e. the copper travels through allow me to make reproductions of their artifacts. the solution from the solid copper block and deposits onto the mould. We build up a working thickness of 1.0 – 1.5mm. Mike Shorer DCJ, FGC, FIPG www.mikeshorerjewellery.com Any excess metal is removed, the pieces are filled and fitted together to create a solid representation which is then used as a master pattern for cire perdue (lost wax) casting. It sounds quite simple, doesn’t it? It isn’t. www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

Illustrations, left to right: AR 362b The Mary Rose Earrings, AR 45 Cruciform Harness Pendant, HJR 450a Diana the Huntress Brooch, HJR CC 1 Large Sterling Silver Brooch, AR 437 Maltese cross buttons. Historic Jewellery Reproduction

T: +44 (0) 1273 612 959 E: [email protected] www.historicjewelleryreproduction.co.uk

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