Annual Report 2011
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International Paralympic Committee Annual Report 2011 Annual Report 2011 | 1 Contents From the President 4 About the IPC 6 Vision and Mission 7 IPC Structure 8 Strategic Plan 9 Paralympic Games 10 Athlete Development 14 Paralympic Brand 20 Funding 24 Organizational Capability 26 Strategic Partnerships 28 IPC Sports 31 Financial Information 36 From the President “The Paralympic Movement was bursting with sport in 2011 with a major world or regional para-sport taking place every second week.” The Paralympic Movement continued to enjoy The Paralympic Movement was bursting with The event was signifi cant for a number of rea- Sochi 2014 continued to make progress Looking ahead, 2012 presents a huge oppor- signifi cant growth on all fronts during 2011 sport in 2011 with a major world or regional sons. First 31 out of the 36 competing coun- in 2011, and the launch of their innovative tunity for the Paralympic Movement. Beijing despite it not being a Paralympic year. para-sport taking place every second week. tries won at least one medal, underlining the Accessibility Map willcomplement their saw the Movement grow up and the world take growing breadth of swimming talent in the ongoing work in creating barrier free notice. As a result we head into London with Key to continuing this growth over the next The fi rst major IPC sporting event of the year continent. Secondly the event was broadcast environments. an expectancy level that we’ve never experi- four years will be the IPC Strategic Plan which was January’s IPC Alpine Skiing World Cham- live globally around the world on the IPC’s of- enced before. was launched in April. It aims to build on the pionships in Sestriere, Italy. More than 130 fi cial YouTube channel In November, Rio 2016 launched its spectac- high standards already achieved within the skiers from 23 countries took part in the big- ParalympicSport.TV enabling billions of peo- ular new Paralympic Games emblem and the Guided by the new IPC Strategic Plan, I am Paralympic Movement and increase the num- gest snow sport event since the Vancouver ple around the world to watch the swimming organizing committee there is fully aware the confi dent that the growing number of re- ber of people participating in para-sport at all 2010 Paralympics. action. eyes of the world will fall on them following the sources available at the IPC in Bonn, com- levels across the world. conclusion of London 2012. bined with the hard work and dedication of In the same month New Zealand’s Prime Away from sporting competitions, prepara- our members, volunteers, offi cials and clas- The Strategic Plan is something I am partic- Minister, Rt. Hon John Key opened the tions for future Paralympic Games continued My congratulations must go PyeongChang, sifi ers within the Paralympic Movement, we ularly proud of and will act as an excellent 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships apace. Korea after they were awarded the 2018 will enjoy a year to remember in 2012 and for visiting card for every member of the Para- in Christchurch. Featuring more than 1,000 Winter Games in July. The most pleasing many years to come. lympic Family. athletes from 75 countries, 57 world and 173 Around the time of ‘One Year to Go’ until Lon- aspect about the whole 2018 bidding pro- Championship records were broken. don 2012 in September, a record 108 NPCs cess was that all three bidding cities saw the Also key to the IPC’s future growth will be our attended the fi nal Chef de Missions seminar Paralympics as integral to the success of their relationship with the IOC which dates back a March saw Italy upset the odds by winning the in the British capital. On the day prior to tick- bid – delivering two Games as one festival number of years now, in particular since 2000. 2011 IPC Ice Sledge Hockey European Cham- ets going on-sale International Paralympic of sport. Throughout 2011 we had much dialogue with pionships in Sweden. Italy’s success is even Day, which was held in Trafalgar Square, made Sir Philip Craven, MBE them on extending our Co-operation Agree- more impressive considering the team only global news including a number of newspa- In terms of fi nances, the IPC met its agreed President International Paralympic Committee ment which runs up to, and includes, the Rio came together in the lead-up to the Torino per front pages. budget in 2011 which is testament to the fi - 2016 Paralympic Games. 2006 Paralympic Games. nancial structures we now have in place. Years In a day of many highlights, British Prime Min- ago such a global fi nancial crisis would have Without the IOC’s support, the IPC and the Berlin, Germany staged a highly successful ister David Cameron and London Mayor Boris bankrupted the IPC, however we now have Paralympic Games would not enjoy the po- IPC Swimming European Championships in Johnson joined wheelchair tennis players Josh a long term fi nancial plan which is bearing sition they do today. Although we reached July featuring 440 swimmers from 36 coun- Steels and John Parfi tt for a game of doubles. fruition and making the Movement as a whole a consensus on extending the Co-operation tries. Such tremendous publicity helped LOCOG sell stronger. Agreement for the 2018 and 2020 Games with over one million tickets in just three weeks, a them during the year, our goal in 2012 is to se- During eight days of thrilling competition 59 record so long far out from the Games. Therefore I am delighted at the continued sup- cure a deeper and more broader relationship European and 31 world records were broken in port of our Worldwide Partners Atos, Otto- with them which recognizes the greater and an event that saw Ukraine top the medal table. The aim now is to sell the remaining tickets bock, Samsung and Visa as well as our new more signifi cant role the Paralympic Games and hopefully London 2012 will be our fi rst International Partner Allianz. Most pleasing is now plays in the world. ‘sold-out’ Paralympic Games. that we are now working hard to extend these sponsorships to also benefi t our members. 4 | Annual Report 2011 Annual Report 2011 | 5 About the IPC Vision and Mission Founded in 1989, the International Paralym- pic Committee (IPC) is the global governing “To Enable Paralympic Athletes to Achieve Sporting Excellence body of the Paralympic Movement and is responsible for co-ordinating the organiza- and Inspire and Excite the World.” tion of the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games. It also acts as the International Fed- eration for nine IPC sports. The IPC’s vision To guarantee and supervise the organization of To promote the self-governance of each is ‘to enable Paralympic athletes to achieve successful Paralympic Games. Paralympic sport either as an integral part of sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world.’ The organization works to ensure the the international sport movement for able- growth and development of the Paralympic To ensure the growth and strength of the Para- bodied athletes, or as an independent sport Movement, expand sport opportunities for all people with a disability – from novice to lympic Movement through the development of organization, whilst at all times safeguarding elite competitors – and champion the Para- National Paralympic committees (NPCs) in all and preserving its own identity. lympic Values of courage, determination, in- countries and support to the activities of all IPC spiration and equality. member organizations. To ensure that in sport practiced within the Whereas other international sports organi- Paralympic Movement the spirit of fair play zations for athletes with a disability act on prevails, violence is banned, the health risk of behalf of either one disability group or one To promote and contribute to the development specifi c sport, the IPC is an umbrella organi- of sport opportunities and competitions, from in- the athletes is managed and fundamental zation that represents multiple sports and dis- itiation to elite level, for Paralympic athletes as ethical principles are upheld. abilities. Currently, Paralympic athletes from From a Movement to the IPC 10 impairment groups compete in a total of 28 Sport for people with an impairment has existed in some shape or form for more than 100 years. the foundation of elite Paralympic Sport. sports in the Para lympic programme. The fi rst indications that sport was used to help re-educate and rehabilitate people with a dis- To contribute to the creation of a drug-free sport ability are found as early the late 18th century. However, the approach did not begin to take The IPC is an international non-profi t organi- root until shortly after World War II, when it became clear that traditional methods of rehabili- To develop opportunities for female athletes and environment for all Paralympic athletes in con- zation with an extensive membership base, tation were inadequate to meet the medical and psychological needs of the large numbers of athletes with a severe disability in sport at all lev- junction with the World Anti-Doping agency which is made up of: soldiers and civilians who were left with a disability. At the request of the British government, (WADA). 171 National Paralympic Committees Dr. Ludwig Guttmann, a German neurologist and neurosurgeon who had fl ed the Nazi regime to els and in all structures. (NPCs) England, set up a Spinal Cord Injuries Centre in 1944 at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury. 4 International Organizations of Sport for There Guttmann introduced sport as a form of therapy and rehabilitation.