Stefan Ulmer Experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator Facility Of

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Stefan Ulmer Experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator Facility Of Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop 2021/03/02 Experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator Facility of CERN Review on Quantum Technologies applied in and FIP Sensitivity of AD experiments Stefan Ulmer RIKEN 2021 / 03 / 02 antihydrogen trap antiproton/proton balance The Sound of Antimatter • Concept of image current detection • Special Relativity • Resistive cooling changes Image current Low Noise Amp oscillation frequency Cp Rp Lp Amp Amp FFT Oscillation Resonator Particle FFT Inductor compensates system -95 Axially excited, trapped antiprotons capacitance -100 2 -105 1 푞 푣 푞 -110 휈푐 = 1 − 퐵0 2휋 푚 푐 퐼푝,푥~ 2휋휈푥 푥 -115 퐷 -120 푒푓푓 Signal (dBm) -125 -130 퐼푝,푥~ 0.1 푓퐴 /(푀퐻푧 휇푚) 645300 645400 645500 645600 645700 • Special relativity changes pitch Frequency (Hz) In the AD we are «listening» to the sound of extremely simple, well understandable Antimatter systems to detect exotic physics , which appears as changes in pitch / frequency beating Updated PBC Mandate • The physics objectives also include projects aimed at addressing fundamental particle physics questions using the experimental techniques of nuclear, atomic and astroparticle-physics, as well as emerging technologies such as quantum sensors. • This talk: Present experiments which apply atomic physics and quantum metrology methods to study fundamental physics questions using simple antimatter systems at lowest energy and with highest resolution Six collaborations, pioneering work by Gabrielse, Oelert, Hayano, Hangst, Charlton et al. The AD/ELENA-Facility BASE, Fundamental properties of the antiproton ALPHA, Spectroscopy of 1S-2S in antihydrogen ASACUSA, ALPHA Spectroscopy of GS-HFS in antihydrogen ASACUSA Antiprotonic helium spectroscopy ALPHA, AEgIS, GBAR Test free fall/equivalence principle with antihydrogen PUMA Antiproton/nuclei scattering to study neutron 60 Research Institutes/Universities – 350 Scientists – 6 Active Collaborations skins M. Hori, J. Walz, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 72, 206-253 (2013). Methods and Achievements • This community is performing measurements using quantum technologies at world leading precision… Innovation and Technology • Antihydrogen traps Clocks • Advanced Multi Penning trap systems • Ultra-stable ultra-high power lasers • Transportable antimatter traps and reservoir traps • Advanced magnetic shielding systems • Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Traps Lasers …and is a vital part of the low energy precision physics community… Quantum Technologies Non-destructive spin transition Sympathetic Cooling Quantum Logic Spectroscopy spectroscopy Quantum logic inspired Use Wineland Al-clock quantum-logic algorithm to measure antiproton spin x sympatethic cooling of A x B 휓 = ↓ 0 ↑ 0 antiprotons, Hbar +, and 휓 0 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↑ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 0 푝 푚,푝 퐿 푚,퐿 s 0 B 휓 = ↑ 0 ↑ 0 휓 1 = ↑ 푝 1 푚,푝 ↑ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 positrons to laser-cooled A 1 푝 푚,푝 퐿 푚,퐿 Potential Depth (a.u.) Be+ ions Distance (a.u.) 휓 2 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↑ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 휓 2 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↑ 퐿 1 푚,퐿 Improves 휓 3 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↑ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 휓 3 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↓ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 • spin detection fidelity 휓 4 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↑ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 휓 4 = ↑ 푝 0 푚,푝 ↓ 퐿 0 푚,퐿 • Anihydrogen yield • Resolution in test of Single spin spectroscopy in a Penning trap WEP Laser Cooled Superconductors Production of Hbar via Charge More Quantum Methods Exchange with Laser Excited PS coupled Penning traps with common SC-LC Deep UV two photon 푃푠∗ + 푝ҧ → 퐻ഥ∗ + 푒− spectroscopy in antiprotonic helium Atomic Demonstrated reduction of SC-LC circuit fountain temperature to sub-1K level microwave clocks Axion detection / precision frequency Similar methods to be applied for measurements production of Hbar+-ion / H2+bar Historical Milestones Hydrogen 1S2S HBAR 1S2S Proton moment PBAR moment Proton/PBAR mass First capture of hot Plus: antiprotons antihydrogen Start of AD program Trapped −3 ATRAP, ASACUSA, antihydrogen - 30 fold improved 10 ATHENA accellerators antiproton lifetime limits by BASE Single - First gravity study Penning traps −6 with HBAR by 10 Proton moment ALPHA from hydrogen (1971) Multi Penning traps 10−9 cold Positron Moment antihydrogen −12 10 frequency meas. Hydrogen MASER 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 2021 HBAR GSHFS HBAR GSHFS PBAR/He Precision Measurements – Some Highlights • Antihydrogen Spectroscopy • Magnetic Moment Measurements A. Mooser et al., Nature 509, 596 (2014) H 품 Hydrogen Hydrogen 풑 ä nsch = ퟐ. ퟕퟗퟐ ퟖퟒퟕ ퟑퟓퟎ (ퟗ) ퟐ Plot 품풑ഥ = ퟐ. ퟕퟗퟐ ퟖퟒퟕ ퟑퟒퟒ ퟏ (ퟒퟐ) ퟐ C. Smorra et al., Nature 550, 371 (2017) first measurement more precise Antihydrogen Antihydrogen for antimatter than for matter... H angst Antiproton to electron mass ratio Plot Production of antihydrogen in AEgIS Production of an antihydrogen beam Matter / Antimatter Asymmetry Combining the Λ-CDM model and the SM our predictions of the baryon to photon ratio are inconsistent by about 9 orders of magnitude Naive Expectation Observation Baryon/Photon Ratio 10-18 Baryon/Photon Ratio 0.6 * 10-9 Baryon/Antibaryon Ratio 1 Baryon/Antibaryon Ratio 10 000 Sakharov conditions Alternative Source: CPT violation – 1.) B-violation (plausible) adjusts matter/antimatter asymmetry by natural inversion 2.) CP-violation (observed / too small) given the effective chemical 3.) Arrow of time (less motivated) potential. Experimental signatures sensitive to CPT violation can be derived from precise comparisons of the fundamental properties of simple matter / antimatter conjugate systems The Standard Model Extension • Which type of measureable signatures of these KK and String theories «BSM» theories would be imprinted onto the structure of the vacuum-box of relativistic quantum field theories. Loop-Quantum Gravity ℒ =? Non-commutative FT CPT-V • Construct effective field theory which features: Motivation • microcausality Brane scenarios • positivity of energy • energy and momentum conservation Random dynamics • standard quantization methods models • SME contains the Standard Model and General Relativity, but adds CPT violation Expectation value / Mass Scale / Coupling strength Lorentz bilinear Kostelecký, V. Alan; Samuel, Stuart (1989-01-15). "Spontaneous breaking of • E.g. k=2 produces attractive baryogenesis scenario Lorentz symmetry in string theory". Physical Review D. 39 (2): 683–685. Limits on Exotic Physics – ONE example • Test the Standard Model (CPT invariance) by comparing the fundamental properties of protons and antiprotons with high precision 휇 휇 휇 훾 퐷휇 − 푚 − 푎휇훾 − 푏휇훾5훾 휓 = 0 푯 흍 = 푯ퟎ + 푽풆풙풐풕풊풄 흍 휟푬 = 흍ȁ푽 ȁ흍 Dirac equation CPT-odd modifications 풆풙풐풕풊풄 풆풙풐풕풊풄 − ퟎ 휇 −풙 ퟎ 풚 −풛 ퟎ 푏휇훾5훾 → 푏푥 +푏푦 +푏푧 ퟎ 풙 ퟎ 풚 ퟎ 풛 Pseudo-magnetic field, with different coupling to matter and antimatter, respectively ෪ ퟎ ퟎ V. A. Kostelecky, N. Russell, Δ푉푖푛푡 = 푏푧,퐷 0801.0287v10 (2017). ퟎ ±풛 Would correspond to the discovery of a boson field which exclusively couples to antimatter. sensitive: comparisons of particle/antiparticle magnetic moments in traps Physics – SME limits Time Dependence of Fundamental Constants Spontaneous breaking of any continuous symmetry leads to Possible Signatures the existence of (almost) massless NG-bosons 훼 푡 = 훼0(1 + 푔훾휙(푟Ԧ, 푡)) ퟐ푫푴 흓 풓, 풕 ≈ 퐬퐢퐧(풎흓풕) 풎흓 푔푒 푚푒 푡 = 푚푒,0(1 + 휙(푟Ԧ, 푡)) ퟑ 푚푒,0 푫푴 = ퟎ. ퟒ 푮풆푽/풄풎 Axion-like particles 푸 = ퟔ ⋅ ퟏퟎퟔ 푔푝 푚푝 푡 = 푚푝,0(1 + 휙(푟Ԧ, 푡)) ퟐ 푚푝,0 흂흓 = 풎흓풄 /풉 (Anti-)Atomic Transition Frequencies 푚푝푏푎푟 (푡) 푚푝(푡) 훿 휈푎푡표푚−휈퐿푎푠푒푟 푔푒 2휌퐷푀 = 2 푔훾 + for 휈 < 휈푐,푟 휈푎푡표푚 푚푒,0 푚휙 훿 휈푎푡표푚−휈퐿푎푠푒푟 푔푒 2휌퐷푀 = 2 푔훾 + ℎ푎푡표푚(푡) for 휈 > 휈푐,푟 휈푎푡표푚 푚푒,0 푚휙 These type of studies are possible within ALPHA and ASACUSA 600 kHz Antypas et al., arXiv:2012.01519 Axion Wind Model • Frist of all: a quick comment on axion / fermion coupling J. Kim, G. Carosi, this “derivative interaction” would induce a pseudo magnetic field and a modulation of the antiproton spin transition frequency Improves previous antiproton/axion limits by 5 orders of magnitude By 4 o.o.m. less stringent than current best matter limits C. Smorra, Y. Stadnik, Nature (575), 310 (2019) dJe514a63281b1498fe4274156d3788acc Technology available in Future Projection BASE • With a purpose-built experiment we should No specific relation to be able to improve sensitivity considerably antimatter Sensitivity comparable to 푉푎 휋 푓(푄) ퟑ/ퟐ ADMX / ADMX SLIC ∝ 푔푎훾 휈푎휌푎ℏ푐0 ∗ 풓ퟐ − 풓ퟏ 풓ퟐ + 풓ퟏ 푩풆 푉푛 2 4푘퐵푔(푇푧) Parameter Current New Factor Temperature ퟓ. ퟓ 푲 ퟎ. ퟎퟓ푲 − ퟎ. ퟏ푲 > ퟑ 푸 ퟒퟎ 풌 ퟏퟔퟎ 풌 > ퟏ. ퟒ 풆풏 ퟏ 풏푽/ 푯풛 ퟎ. ퟏ 풏푽/ 푯풛 > ퟑ 푩ퟎ ퟏ. ퟖ 푻 ퟕ. ퟎ 푻 ퟑ. ퟗ Geometry ퟏ ퟏퟔ ퟏퟔ Peak Sens. 1 > ퟐퟔퟎ Laser cooled resonators • Bandwidth-gain currently under development (F. Voelksen) • Recent lab result: 600 kHz tunability achieved (x 3000) Devlin et al, PRL126, 041301 (2021) Technologies available to build such an experiment / discussion with IAXO started Antiprotonic Helium (ASACUSA) • Helium atom with one of the electrons replaced by an antiproton • Elegant and technically challenging experiments on circular states lead to measurements of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio (0.6 p.p.b.) • For exotic spin-1 bosons: general approach assuming rotational invariance -> 16 spin dependent interactions (Moody-Wilczek- Dobrescu-Mocioiu formalism) Interactions would modify atomic potential and lead to shifts in wavelengths • First limits on exotic antimatter/axion coupling derived Summary • The physics community at the antiproton decelerator of CERN uses methods of low energy / high precision atomic physics and quantum spectroscopy to study simple antimatter systems with ultra high resolution, sensitive to signals Low Energy / high resoltuion imposed by exotic physics. antimatter experiments • A lot of creative potential and (quantum) expertise is available in this community at CERN. • Tremendous progress produced in recent years. • Bright future perspective for considerably improved precision measurements, thanks to the very strong support of CERN Thanks very much for your attention K.
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