Diptera Checklist
Species List of the Diptera of the Outer Hebrides Bibliography Ball, S. & McLean, I.F.G., 1986. Sciomyzidae Recording Scheme. Preliminary Atlas. Sciomyzidae Recording Scheme Newsletter Ball, S. & Morris, R., 1995. Working maps of hoverflies in Great Britain 2nd ed. Dipterists Forum, Hoverfly Recording Scheme Ball, S., Morris, R. & Rotherhay, G., 2012. Atlas of the Hoverflies of Great Britain (Diptera, Syrphidae) 2012, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Bland, K.P., 1994. Some leaf-mining Diptera from North Uist, Outer Hebrides. Glasgow Naturalist, 22(4), 385-387. Bland, K. & Rotheray, G., 1994. Tephritidae (Diptera) - four species under-recorded in the British Isles and new foodplant records. Dipterists Digest (Second Series), 1, 78-80 Bland, K., 1994. Agromyzidae (Diptera) new to Scotland. Dipterists Digest (Second Series), 1, 81-84 Bland, K. & Rotheray, G., 1994. The distribution and biology of two leaf-mining species of Cricotopus (Diptera: Chrironomidae) in Scotland. Dipterists Digest (Second Series), 1, 34-36 Bratton, J.H., 2012. Miscellaneous invertebrates recorded from the Outer Hebrides, 2010. Glasgow Naturalist, 25, 5-6 Carter, A.E.J. & Waterston, J., 1909. On some Scottish Diptera; Stratiomyidae to Asilidae.Annals Scottish Natural History, 18, 91-96. Chandler, P.J., 2000. The Scottish Moth Flies (Diptera, Psycholidae). Dipterists Digest (Second Series), 7, 71-78 Chandler, P.J., 1998. Notes on the Scatopsidae (Diptera) including Pharsoreichertella simplicinervis (Duda 1928) new to Britain. Dipterists Digest (Second Series), 5, 83-88 Chandler, P.J., 2019. An Update of the 1998 Checklist of Diptera of the British Isles. [updated 28 June 2019]. Available at https:// www.dipterists.org.uk/sites/default/files/pdf/BRITISH%20ISLES%20CHECKLIST%202019_06.pdf Coe, R.L., 1941.
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