Draft November 9, 2017 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Green Bank Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia National Science Foundation November 9, 2017 Cover Sheet Draft Environmental Impact Statement Green Bank Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia Responsible Agency: The National Science Foundation (NSF) For more information, contact: Ms. Elizabeth Pentecost Division of Astronomical Sciences Room W9152 2415 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22314 Public Comment Period: November 9, 2017 through January 8, 2018 (extended beyond typical 45-day review period to allow for the holidays) To Submit a Comment: • Send email with subject line “Green Bank Observatory” to:
[email protected] • Send mail addressed to: Ms. Elizabeth Pentecost, RE: Green Bank Observatory Division of Astronomical Sciences Room W9152 2415 Eisenhower Avenue Alexandria, VA 22314 Abstract: The NSF has produced a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to analyze the potential environmental impacts associated with potential funding changes for Green Bank Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia. The five Alternatives analyzed in the DEIS are: A) collaboration with interested parties for continued science- and education-focused operations with reduced NSF funding (the Agency- preferred Alternative); B) collaboration with interested parties for operation as a technology and education park; C) mothballing of facilities; D) demolition and site restoration; and the No-Action Alternative. The environmental resources considered in the DEIS are biological