T h e Connecticut J o u r n a l O f International L a w ARTICLES Symposium Introduction: What Can Mathilde Cohen We Learn From Transnational Courts About Judicial Diversity? Where are the Black Judges in Iyiola Solanke Europe? Why Women? Judging Transnational Kathryn M. Stanchi, Courts and Tribunals Bridget J. Crawford, Linda L. Berger United in Diversity? Gender and Konstantinos Alexandris Judging at the Court of Justice of the Polomarkakis European Union (CJEU) Women and Case Law Laurence Some Loose and Comparative Burgorgue-Larsen Wanderings Vive la Diversité or Aluta Continua? J. Jarpa Dawuni Achieving Gender Equity on the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights Towards a Less Essentialist, More Sally J. Kenney Intersectional, and Institutional Approach to Gender and Judging Volume 34 Summer 2019 Number 3 THE EDITORIAL BOARD AND MEMBERS OF THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW WISH TO THANK TIMOTHY FISHER DEAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT SCHOOL OF LAW AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT LAW SCHOOL STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT LAW SCHOOL FOUNDATION, INC. The Connecticut Journal of International Law is published at least twice a year by the student members of the Journal at the University of Connecticut School of Law. Office of publication: 65 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105. Please address all subscriptions and inquiries to the Administrative Editor at the publication office. Telephone (860) 570-5297. Facsimile (860) 570- 5299. Electronic mail address:
[email protected] The views expressed herein are those of the authors, and are not those of the University of Connecticut School of Law or the Connecticut Journal of International Law and its editors.