California Institute of Technology

Volume 27, No.1 Febftlary 1993

From left, profeaaora Peter Orde.hook, Vyachealav Nlkonov, Fuad Aleakerov, and Rod Klewlet ahare Ideaa and data aa they con alder the myriad political and economic challengea facing Ruaala.

Rebuilding the Russia House

By "IIIary Bha.karan

In America, if someone renrwates his or Although generalizations, these economics professor and social scientists haven't given up on rhe her hOlm, a neighbor might think: "Maybe examples help illustrate some of the research department director at the future of democracy or capitalism in I should imprrwe my house too." But in fundamental differences between Institute of Control Sci ences of the the new country, or on the potential for RUJJia, if someone imprrwes his 0" her howe, American and Russian values--differ­ Russian Academy of Sciences, was a new ideas to take root. a neighbor's natural inclination might be to ences that make the westernization of visiting lecturer ar Cal tech last quarrer; When these scholars and students burn the house d(tuJn, thinking: "Why is he Russia all the more difficult. The first two Russians will visit this quarter; look at specific problems facing Russia, getting rich

CAMPUS UPDATE He earned his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania in 1974, and joined the Cal tech faculty in 1976 after two years as an IBM Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the father of two daughters, the elder of whom, Maha, is a junior at the Insti­ tute, majoring in chemistry. Now a U.S. cieizen, Zewail was elected to ehe National Academy of ((Race, Politics, and Sciences in 1990. In 1989 he traveled to Saudi Arabia co accept ehe King Region" Program to Faisal International Prize in Science, and last year he was the reci pient of the probe diversity in Carl Zeiss International Award. His ocher honors include the American Southern California Chemical Society's Harrison-Howe Award, the Nobel Laureate Signature What will an incteasingly multira­ Award, and the Buck-Whitney Award; cial and urban Western world be like and the American Physical Society's during the 21st century? Much like Earle K . Plyler Prize. In 1992, Science southern California today, many Watch, which tracks erends and perfor­ authorities believe. speak directly to the concerns of our From left, Caltech political .clentl.t mance in basic research, named Zewail Yet surprisingly little is known own region, and also serve as a model EII.abeth Gerber, hl.torlan Doug fifth among the world's fifey most cited Flammlng, and hl.torlan and .oclal chemists, a ranking that helped propel about the political, racial, and cultural for similar programs throughom the .clentl.t Morgan Kou ••er will bring dynamics of this complex region, says United States. their own dlv_ per.,.ectlve. to a Douglas Flamming, Caltech assistant "Southern California is the ideal new In.tltute program that will examine racial, political, and cultural professor of history and cofounder of geographic region for such a program," dlver.lty In .outham California. the new Race, Politics, and Region Flamming adds. "Los Angeles has (RPR) Program in Caltech's Division of emerged as one of rhe most important the Humanities and Social Sciences. multi-cultural centers in the world, The program is intended to offer a new and, as a result, must deal with intense focus for research that Caltech histori­ interracial and interethnic issues. ans and political scientists are already "The critical questions facing Los carrying out in the field of racial and Angeles now-such as how people Zewail wins erhnic politics, and to build a bridge from such diverse backgrounds can get between academic research and com­ along, and how an urban society can WoljPrize munity inreresrs. equitably meet their needs--are ques­ The program will include three tions the rest of the nation, and indeed A few years ago he was called to major components- research, educa­ the world, had better start trying to Riyadh. Then came trips to Cairo and tion, and community interaction-and answer. Alexandria. Now, he's on his way to wiJI support visiting scholars from a "We urgently need co find ways to Jerusalem. Henry Kissinger or James variety of disciplines, including politi­ create and sustain a JUSt and equitable Baker? No, it's Ahmed Zewail, cal science, history, sociology, and an­ multiracial society. Doi ng so wi II de­ Caltech's Linus Pauling Professor of thropology. In collaboration with these mand more than present-minded policy Chemical Physics, who has been guest scholars, Cal tech faculty will analysis. It will require basic social­ awarded the highly presrigious Wolf design and teach courses for both un­ scientific research into the long-term Prize in chemistry by rhe J erusalem­ dergraduate and graduate students, dynamics of race, ethnicity, and politi­ based Wolf Foundarion. Established in Ahmed Zewall expanding the Institute's curriculum in cal behavior. Long-term perspectives 1978, the award-a medal and multicultural and ethnic studies. can shed new light on our present di­ $100,OOO--has proven to have some The success of RPR rests largely on lemmas, and theteby allow us to build predictive power with regard to the Caltech to first place as the institution the insights co be gained by interac­ a better future. That is the challenge Nobel Prize. Previous Calrech recipi­ with the highest number of ci tations tions among students, scholats, and and the opportunity before us." ents are biologists Seymour Benzer, for chemistry in the world. community leaders, says Flamming. The origins of the RPR Program Edward Lewis, and Roger Sperry, and Commenting on Zewail's arrival in The program's first major undertaking, Stem in part from remarks made by chemist Rudy Marcus. Zewail will the ranks of the Wolf winners, his a monthly seminar series entitled "Race President Everhart at the Institute's receive the honor from the president of longtime chemistry colleague, fellow Relations in America: H istorical Per­ 1992 commencement exercises. Com­ Israel in a ceremony this May. Wolf winner, and 1992 Nobel laureate spectives and Present Imperatives," menting on the tecent upheavals in Los The Wolf prize committee decided Rudy Marcus said, "Zewail's winning has been under way since late last year, Angeles, Caltech's president said that unanimously to confer the award on this high award is a reflection of his and appears, says Flamming, "co be rhe Institute had a responsibility to Zewail, who has carried out pioneering ability to recognize important prob­ providing a lively forum for public playa role in improving race rel ations research in the new field of laser femto­ lems and his fearlessness in atracking debate." in so uthern California. Everhart's com­ chemisery---chemistry on the femto­ them. In his work on seeing molecules The program's plans include sympo­ ments prompted discussions among second time scale. Using lasers and fall apart, ci ted by the Wolf Prize com­ sia, colloquia, and on-campus work­ humanities and social science faculty, beams of molecules, Zewail and his minee, he combined two different shops. In additi0n, RPR hopes to which resulted in the formation of the research team have been able toinves ti­ techniques--femtosecond lighr pulses create summer student internships in RPR Program. gate the dynamics of chemical reac­ and molecular beams--and opened up public service agencies. The involve­ Flamming, whose research specialty tions-the breaking and formation of a new area of study. He is utterly dedi­ ment of leaders in community and is race relations in Los Angeles, is one molecular bonds--as they happen in cated to his work and approaches it government, and in such organizations of several Cal tech faculty members real-time. Some of these chemical with enthusiasm and good humor. Ie is as the Urban League and NAACP, will focusing on the politics of the region. steps occur in amazingly shorr i nter­ a delight to have him as a colleague." also play an important role in the pro­ Elisabeth Gerber, assistant professor of vals, measured in a few femtoseconds, The Wolf Foundation was estab­ gram's evolution, Flamming stresses. political science, studies the politics of or a few billionths of one millionth of a lished by the late Dr. Ricardo Wolf, "Initially this program will have a race and ethnicity in southern Califor­ second. (Light requires roughly one inventor, diplomat, and philanthropist, very specific focus," says Flamming. nia, and Morgan Kousser, professor of femtosecond to travel one one-hun­ "to promote science and art for the "We will concentrate on southern history and social science, conducts dredth the width of a human hair.) benefit of mankind." California as our social research labora­ research on equal rights and voting Zewail, 46, was born and raised in tory, and will place particular emphasis rights. Another contributor to the Egypt, where he received both his on political developments. In this way, program is James Lee, associate profes­ bachelor's (with honors) and master's we hope to build a program thar will sor of history and a specialist on China. degrees from Alexandria University. 3

These whirlpools of current interfere wirh the material's superconductivity, and the stronger the field, the more Yeh awarded vortices it generates. At a certain criti­ New honors for the new year cal point, the superconductivity van­ p ackard Fellowship ishes, and the material becomes ordi­ Jacqueline Barton, professor of chem­ gan, where he did his undergraduate nary. Yeh is trying ro increase the istry, has been elected to the board of work before getting his PhD at Cal tech For the fifth consecutive year, the end urance of superconductors to mag­ directors of the Dow Chemical Com­ in 1941. The university tecognized David and Lucile Packard Foundation netic fields by introducing different pany. President Thomas Everhart re­ Housner's pioneering efforts in the has bestowed a half-million dollar, five­ types of defects into the material by marked that "the insight [Barton] design of earthquake-resistant sttuC­ year Fellowship in Science and Engi­ itradiating it with charged particles. gains from her activities on the board tures and in the establishment of gov­ neering on a Caltech researcher of These added flaws help to "pin" vorti­ will improve the understanding be­ ernment building codes that help "outstanding promise." The recipient ces in fixed locations, which reduces tween industry and academia and will protect structures against earthquakes. is Assistant Professor of Physics Nai­ lead to more significant interaction Chang Yeh, who will receive $100,000 between corporations and universities." Mark Konishi, the Bing Professor annually for the next five years to Barton is a member of the National of Behavioral Biology, will share the further her research in high-tempera­ Science Board Commission on the Fu­ Charles A. Dana Award for Pioneering ture superconducting materials. ture of the National Science Founda­ Achievement in Health with Fernando Yeh, 31, becomes the sixth Insti­ tion, and of the California Council of Nottebohm of Rockefeller University. tute professor to be named a Packard Science and Technology. Konishi's part of the $50,000 award Fellow. Past Cal tech recipients have recognizes his studies of songbird been Associate Professor of Chemical Arnold Beckman, chairman emeritus development, in which he studies the Engineering Frances Arnold, Assistant of Caltech's Board of Trustees, has role of nerve-cell death-basic research Professor of Cosmochemistry Geoffrey received the Bower Award for Business that could help explain human neuro­ Blake, Professor of Astronomy Shrini­ Leadership for his inventiveness and logical diseases. vas Kulkarni, Associate Professor of philanthropic activities in the areas of Chemistry Andrew Myers, and Assis­ research and development. He was Bruce Murray, professor of planetary tant Professor of Electrical Engineering honored by the Franklin Institute in science and geology, has received a Yu-Chong Tai. Philadel phia. fellowship from the John and Mary R. Yeh conducts research in high-tem­ Markle Foundation to cooperare with perature superconductivity and is cred­ Chrin Brennen, professor of mechani­ the foundation on a study of the role of"' ited by her colleagues with opening cal engineering, received the Fluids mass communications in a democratic up new areas of investigation in the Engineering Award of the American society. The foundation was esrab­ burgeoning field. Specifically, she Society of Mechanical Engineers at its lished in 1927 to promote the advance­ pointed out that no one had done theo­ November meeting in Anaheim. Spe­ ment and diffusion of knowledge and retical work on the behavior of high­ cializing in the study of cavitation the general good of mankind. Murray's N .. I-Chang y ..h temperature superconductors in power­ -how pockets of vapor form and research will concentrate on the behav­ ful direct-current magnetic fields and behave in rapidly moving fluids­ ioral changes people will need to make high-frequency e1ectromagneric fields. the loss of electrical energy caused by Brennen was honored "for exceptional in the next century to reach a sustain­ She wrote several papers on the theory vottices when they move. contributions to fluids engineering able balance in the world, and on the of these subjects, even though she is Yeh also studies the combined ef­ through outstanding research, teach­ relation of information and communi­ trained as an experimentalist, and her fects on superconductors of direct­ ing, and service to ASME." cations technology to these changes. innovative work has inspired much new current magnetic fields and electro­ activity among other scientists. magnetic waves. Judith Goodstein, Institute archivist, Ares Rosakis, associate professor of Superconducrors expel weak mag­ The David and Lucile Packard registrar, and faculty associate in his­ aeronautics and applied mechanics, has netic fields, but stronger fields pen­ Foundation was cteated in 1964 to tory, has been named to the board of received the Hetenyi Award for a re­ etrate the material with magnetic field support and encourage organizations trustees of the Pasadena Historical search paper he coauthored, entided lines, and generate a small vortex of dependent on private funding and Society for a three-year term. Founded "Quasi-static and Dynamic Crack electric current around each field line. volunteet leadership. in 1924, the society maintains a re­ Growth Along Bimaterial Interfaces: A search library and museum whose focus Note on Crack-tip Field Measurements is the history of Pasadena. Using Coherent Gradient Sensing." The Society for Experimental Mechan­ Harry Gray, the Arnold O. Beckman ics commended the paper as the best in Professor of Chemistry and direcror of its field in 1991. the Beckman Instirute, received the Kaj Linderstr~m-Lang Prize, December Thayer Scudder, professor of anthro­ 2 in Copenhagen, recognizing out­ pology, has won the American Anthro­ standing achievement in biochemistry pological Association's Edward J. or physiology. The prize of a gold Lehman Award for his "creative and medal and 30,000 Danish kroner valuable application of anthtopology in (about $6,000) rewards Gray's "pio­ the public sector." Scudder has used neering contributions to the srudy of dara from his long-term studies of the the electron transport mechanism in effects of relocation on an African com­ proteins," according to the Linder­ muni ty to understand the social conse­ str~m-Lang Endowment Fund. quences of forced resetdement in other parts of the world. Philip Hoffman, associate professor of history and social science, has won Paul Sternberg, associate professor of the Arthut H. Cole Prize for his article biology and assistant investigator at the "Land Rents and Agricultural Produc­ Howard Hughes Medical Institute, has tivity: The Paris Basin, 1450-1789." been elected a Fellow of the American Sol... ob... rv .... Bill M.. rqu .... nd .John V.... lk ...Jolc ..... C .. lt'. Big B ..... The prize recognizes "the ourstanding Association for the Advancement of Sol... Ob ...rv .. tory ...op .. n ...nd .ecord. th.. flrat plctu.... of th... un t ..ken .Inc.. atticle" published in The Journal 0/ Science (AAAS), in recognition of his th.. .June 28 Lande.... nd Big B ...... rthqu ..k.... The d ..mag .. Incurr.. d by th .. Economic Histo,">, in 1992. distinguished efforts toward the ptO­ magnltud.. 6.6 Big B ..... qu.. k_c .. nt ...ed .Ix mile. from the ob.erv.. tory-f'equl.ed more than four month. to .ep.. lr. The .haklng ..Imo.t rocked the three.tele.cope motion of science and its applications. .y.tem off It ••upport ...nd ruined m ..chln ..ry that .teer. the flv.. ·ton In.trument. George HouIner, John G Braun Pro­ Founded in 1848, AAAS is the world's fessor of Engineering, Emeritus, has largest general science organization and received an honorary doctor of science publishes the weekly journal Science. degree ftom the Universiry ofMichi- 4

they'll leave no fingerprints." thinki~g won't allow for such a basic and students paying the expenses. The laws may have more legitimacy rendering. In fact, the current consti­ These reeducation efforts let people Russia House for the people if lawmakets and govern­ tutional draft is about 45 pages long, know they're needed, he says. ment institutions become increasingly compated to the 5-page U.S. docu­ Aleskerov points out that unemploy­ representative of the people. Toward that mene. ment is one of the harshest lessons Continued from page 1 end, the counery needs a democtatic How do the social scientists share being thrown at the Russian people-­ constitution, says Caltech's Peter their opinions and expertise with the most of whom have been assured of a Nikonov is one of them, having re­ Otdeshook. A committee appointed quatreling politicians and the popu­ job for the last 70 years. Until re­ ceived Russia's equivalene of a docror­ by Yeltsin is struggling to wtite one. lace? Ordeshook published his analysis cently, people had jobs regardless of the ate in American political history. But Having analyzed the cutrene draft, of the constitutional quagmire in quality of the product they produced. when he looks at the Russian political Ordeshook believes that Russians need Moscow's Izvestia newspaper. Nikonov Now, "it's almost impossible to explain spectrum, he asks, "Whete is left, to thi nk differently about the putpose frequently writes articles for Russian to them that if the tractors they make right, libetal, conservative? Russians of a document that's meant to lend newspapers and makes guest appear­ don't sell, they won't have a job. It's were never taught that in school. I legitimacy to a government. He's stay­ ances as a polirical observer on a weekly necessary to change psychological must define these terms for myself, ing out of the political bickering over TV news program. Together, the two ideas-not in two generations," but are preparing a series of articles discuss­ soo ner. Aleskerov says people must i ng aspects of democraric processes, ro be retrained in areas like the service be published in Russian newspapers. industry, which is "absolutely under­ And, at his Moscow institute, econom­ developed." Assuming a lot of well­ ics scholar Fuad Alesketov is establish­ managed development and foreign ing special courses to reeducate the investment, he is optimistic about unemployed. The courses offer man- Russia's economic futute.

Olga ShYataoYa Ilaft) and Katya Sharatyuk are In thalr third yaar at Caltech.

fitst, and then for others." details--details that make the docu­ In Ruaala'a Related questions pour forth: Whete mene look like a business coneract. For more open political do Russia's innumerable political par­ example, Ordeshook says the emer­ cllmata, Red ties stand ideologically? And what are gency provisions section provides for Squar. aarvaa the significant parties? Caltech politi­ aa a venue every conei ngency and reads somethi ng not only for cal scientist Rod Kiewiet is tackling a like this: "In case of a hutricane, you proteatora,but piece of that puzzle by quantifying the don't have to deliver widgets the next alao fOl' atreet voting records of the Russian Congress day." Ordeshook's concern is that a entartalnera, Including thla of People's Deputies. H e finds a clear constitution should not issue edicts, man and hla coneingene of old-line Communists but instead should focus on "creating aubdued and another ofYeltsin "democrats"­ institutions--executive, legislative, Ruaalan baar. "refotmisr-types by Russian standards," judicial, and federal." He would adds Kiewier. Less predictable ate import a version of the U.S. document agement education to fotmer military It might not take two generations about half the legislators, who ate, as with a few extra statements to bolster personnel. Aleskerov wants U .S. uni­ for Russian values ro change, bur it will Russians say, "in the swamp." Their people's confidence, saying that people versiries-maybe even Caltech-ro rake some time. One of the thi ngs that voting patterns seem erratic but may be should have housing, food , etc., rather expand this mission by opening their Americans can learn from Russians is to coalescing around a platform of "Civic than making promises that can't be own managemene or economics pro­ be patient and to better undersrand the Union industrial experts," who might delivered. However, he says Russian grams rhere, with the Russian army situation, says Nikonov. Things are represent a middle group. Kiewiet will not so simple as American newspapers keep studying, even though the Con­ imply when they repon that "conserva­ gress he studies may not last uneil its rives" are fighting with "progressives," next popular election in 1995. whose leader is the "good guy," As legislators make new laws, will Y eltsin. Even the more objective re­ the citizens follow them? Fot hundreds ports don't convey the constant agita­ of years, Russians have been forced ro tion that Nikonov hears about while in adhere to the spoken dictates of a re­ Russia. "Every day there's a scandal, pressive governmene. But that doesn't somerhing terrible happens, people die, mean they've ever respected written local wars start up," says Nikonov, who laws. Nikonov likes to quote Saltikov­ smokes to calm his nerves. On a Schedrin, "a Russian Mark Twain," lightet note, he adds that Americans who wrote in the 19th cen.tury that can learn from the Russians about "the "the sevetity of Russian laws is com­ diversi ty of the world and a very differ­ pensated fot by the fact that nobody ent culture." obeys them." He contrasts Russians The understanding and bridging of with Americans, who generally "follow cultural values will take place in infor­ the rules." And as the 21st centuty mal settings as well as public forums. approaches, Nikonov says that "no­ As more people travel between Russia body in Russia is paying taxes accord­ and western countries, habits as basic as ing to the laws. Business accounes smiling at strangers-symbolizing show that companies are earning no friendly openness-might be picked up money, and that no salaries are being by Russians. Graduate students Katya paid." In reality, Nikonov adds, "they Sherstyuk and Olga Shvetsova diffet on may be earning no less than Ross Perot. Armed with thalr nawto... d freedom of ap_h, Ruaalan cltlzana gather In Rad this point. Sherstyuk remarks how, in They make transactions with cash so Square to yolce their oppoaltlon to tha atata of tha economy undar Yeltaln. her university city of Novosi birsk, 5

many Americans visit, and they do smile at strangers a lot. When observ­ ing this habit, about "half the Russians like it, and half think it's artificial," she Caltech team finds evidence of water on Mercury} says. The American values she'd like to see Russians adopt are that sense of ethane ((lakes}) on Titan openness and-in work settings--Iess formality and more room for creativity. "But Russians are nervous and tired," counters Shvetsova. "You need to By Jay Aller create a world for people to smile." Other influences on Russian habits Radio astronomers from Cal tech and on the horizon at the poles, and any likely water ice," said Calrech planetary and values are not so attractive. Shers­ JPL are among a team of scientists who slight depression or crater is in constant scientist Muhleman. The group based tyuk talks about a moral deterioration recently announced that radar images shadow. Besides receiving scant sun­ their conclusion on rhe percentage and driven by the vagaries of an ailing show evidence of ice on the scorching­ light, Metcury's poles lack the earth's type of radio waves reflected. "We economy. And Shvetsova gives an hot planet Mercury, and possible "lakes" thick warming blanket of atmosphere, can'r think of any other substance thar example: "Children don't believe in of liquid ethane and methane on Titan, so the surface temperature there may be fits the observations so well," said their parents' educational and work the giant moon of Saturn. They pub­ as cold as 125 K (-235" F). Gases in Muhleman. values when they [the children] see lished their findings in two papers in the sparse atmosphere would freeze and Using the same radio telescopes, that they can make mote money selling Muhleman, Grossman, Slade, and But­ imported and other goods on the ler bounced signals off Titan, Saturn's screet than their farher earns in a more huge yellow moon, for several days each traditional job"-as a professor, for July over rhe last four years. Because of example. the thick cloud layer thar envelops Coming ro Pasadena, the Russian Titan, its surface was not visible to the visitors have learned that not all is rosy, Voyager probes rhat flew by in the even in this city of roses. As years of early 1980s. But radio waves easily Russian "propaganda" warned them, penetrate the fog, and give scientists a there are homeless people, which sur­ hint of what the surface is like. prised Shvetsova. Shvetsova was also Although Titan is bigger rhan both introduced to the expense and hassles of the moon and Mercury, it lies 10 times U.S. healrh care, remarking cbac, "until further from the sun than Earth does, so you have co pay, you don't realize thac the radio waves that echo back to Earth you'll change your behavioc and post­ are almost too faint to detect. Even at pone seeing a doctor." In another case, rhe speed of light, the signals rake rwo Nikonov has learned that public uni­ and a half hours for rhe round trip. versities are undergoing economic When the scientists analyzed rhese hardships. These problems break the radio whispers, they found some puz­ "fairy-tale" image of America, as zling results. Titan's reflectiviry varied Shvetsova calls it, but none compare [Q from day to day, indicating that its the ctises facing Russia. surface is not uniform. Previously. America is "very comfortable," says scientisrs suspecred that Titan's surface Aleskerov. But he laughs about his VLA IVery Large Array) lmagea of Mercury made with about 100 degreea of was covered by liquid hydrocarbons American twist on the classic Russian rotation apart. The bright eat polnta In the lmagea lie on the planet'a north pole thar had condensed in the frigid (94 K story of searchi ng for unavailable prod­ and·are almoat certainly the reault of Ice In the permanently aun·ahadowed or -2900 F) lower atmosphere and terrain, where reaearchera have calculated that the temperature never rlaea ucts. He wanted to buy a morning above roughly .2300 F. A almllar depoalt haa been found on the aouth pole. "rained" onto the surface. breakfast tea similar to the type he But based on the differing strengths brews in Russia, with loose black tea of the radar echo, the researchers now leaves. Unsuccessful in the major Pasa­ the October 23 issue of Science. "snow" out onto rhe ground, where believe rhey probably observed varying dena grocery stores, he tried a Chinese Participati ng in the research were they would remain for rhe lifetime of terrain of highly reflective pure ice market in Monterey Park, but faced a Duane Muhleman, Calcech professor of the solar system. mixed with a dull, dirty surface. These language battiet. He asked if a cecrain planetaty science, Martin Slade of JPL, Visual surveys of the surface of poorly reflecring surfaces might be tea was blnck, and the salesperson Cal tech gtaduate student Bryan Burler, Mercury, a small, rocky planet closer in large bodies of liquid methane and smiled and said "yes." When he and Arie Grossman PhD '90, now at size to the moon rhan the earth, are ethane, or possibly tars. The radar btought it home, it turned out [Q be rbe University of Maryland. hindered by irs proximiry to the sun. reflecrions most resemble those of green. The next ti me he also got a The scientists examined parrs of Scientisrs use radar ro look at Mercury Callisro, Jupiter's dirty, icy moon. "yes," but the tea was rose-flavored. So Mercury, which has surface tempera­ because radio waves are relatively im­ it went, and meanwhile he drank the tures that can reach 700 degrees Kelvin mune to solar interference. Using the breakfast tea that his American col­ (800 degrees Fahrenheit), that were 70-merer (230-foot) radio di sh ar Gold­ league, Rod Kiewiet, had brought back missed when rhe Mariner 10 spacecraft srone, California, they beamed a from Moscow the year before but had mapped about half the surface in the SOO,OOO-watt signal at Mercury for never used. Eventually he discovered mid-1970s. These observations, ini­ about eighr hours on borh Augusr 8 the Yellow Pages and Bristol Farms, tially released as preliminary results in and 23, 1991, and listened to rhe faint and the ordeal was over. In compari­ November 1991, detected highly ra­ echo with the 27 radio antennas of the son, Aleskerov says, "in the former dar-reflective regions near both poles, Very Large Array near Socorro, New Russia, people could search for some­ similar ro areas previously seen only in Mexico. thing but not find it. That's what I icy polar regions of Mars and on the The scientists found surprisingly call a bad economy. Now people can frigid moons of the outer planets. The reflective regions when they looked at find what they need, but they can't pay study also found three large moderately their data. The Caltech/JPL scientisrs for it." He says that when the transi­ reflective areas at lower latitudes. and John Harmon of the Narional As­ tion to a good economy is complete, Ice can exist on Mercury, a planet tronomy and Ionosphere Center in they will be able to find what they need hor enough at the equator to melt a Arecibo, Puerto Rico, interpret the and pay for it. pop can, because it has no seasons and a large splotches nearer the equaror as Then maybe the Russian people will very rhin atmosphere. On Earth, the possible impacr crarers. The rough have a reason to smile. rilt of the planet's axis alternately ex­ ground in a crater, rhey rheorize, would poses our north and south poles to reflect radar beuer than rhe smooth warming sunlight, but Mercury's axis surrounding surface. has no tilt, so the sun is always exacdy As for the polar regions, "It's most 6

Gimbels make gift FRIENDS of real estate

William T. Gimbel and his wife, Georgina, both members of the Cal tech Associates and longtime residents of Annual Fund Pasadena's neighboring community of San Marino, have made an unrestricted honors top workers gift of real property on the Big Island of Hawaii to the Campaign for Cal tech. Lee and A.,.ola DuBrldge have enjoyed a long aHlllallon with Caltech and the This is the second gift of real property Nineteen fund-raising volunteers ARCS (Achievement Award. for College Sclentl.t.) Foundation. and now ARCS ha. found a way to honor their oommltment to both. by e.tabll.hlng the Lee and rhey have made to the Institute, for a have been honored by the Annual Fund Arrola DuBrldge ARCS Endowed Scholar.hlp Fund. The new .cholarahlp will be total value of nearly $1 million. for exceptional perfotmance in the awarded annually to a Caltech .tudent. ba.ed en the criteria u.ed to William Gimbel is chairman and fund's Regional, Young Alumni, and .eleot other ARCS .cholar. at the In.tltute. grade•• field of .tudy. need. and U.S. cltlzen.hlp. The flr.t DuBrldge ARCS .oholar. Junior major Dorl Levanonl chief executive officer of Reliance Steel Special Gifts Campaigns. po.ed with hi. new patron. at a rec.nt lunch commemorating the DuBrldge.· and Aluminum, a company he has been In the Regional Campaign, awards many y .... of aupport for and .ervlc. to young p.ople In .clanc •. with since 1947. Prior to that he in the Highest Donor Participation worked for both Douglas Aircraft and Rate category go to Capt. Robert f)on Northrop Corporation. The Gimbels Gerichten, USN (Ret.), who as Regional have been members of the President's Chair Outside California achieved a Circle of the Associates since 1981. 66.8% performance rate for Region 11 Gimbel has also served on the Associ­ (D.C.-Virginia). The awardee for Henigsons establish Scholarship Fund ates Board, and was that group's secre­ Regional Chair Inside California is tary for the term 1987-88. Dr. Robert W. De Grasse, for a 31.6% Responding to the Campaign for received while a sophomore at Caltech, rate in Region 5 (San Francisco). Caltech's need for student endowment as well as of the GI Bill. Carrying off the top Area Campaign aid, Phyllis and Robert Henigson bave Henigson is a retired partner of the honors are John Inman, Area Chair Out­ pledged $250,000 to establish an un­ Los Angeles law firm of Lawler, Felix, side California, for an 86.8% rate in dergraduate scholarship fund in their and Hall (now Arter, Hadden, Lawler, Area 500 (Bethesda), andJameJj. name. The Campaign goal for en­ Felix, and Hall), whose founding mem­ Gifts by Will Kosmicki, who achieved a 60.8% rate for dowed undergraduate scholarships is ber, Oscar Lawler, was a founder of the Area 026 (Arroyo), as Area Chair Inside $15,000,000. With the Henigsons' Cal tech Associates. He currently serves Trusts and bequests prOfJide welcome sup­ California. pledge, 22 of the desired 60 such schol­ on the board of the Constitutional port to Caltech's Operating and Endowed This year's highest-performing Vol­ arships have now been provided. Rights Foundation, a nonprofit organi­ Funds. One recent gift is a legacy of the unteers are Dr. James A. Woodhead, Area The Henigsons have been members zation geared to educating high school generosity of Allan C. Balch, who chaired 026 (Arroyo), 100%; Dr. I-Lok Chang, of the Caltech Associates since 1976. and middle school students in civic the Caltech Board of Trustees from 1933 to Area 500 (Bethesda), 100%; Alfred M. Phyllis has served on several of its com­ responsibility; on the board of the Pasa­ 1943, and his wi/e, Jan,t Jacks Balch. Goldman,jr., Area 500 (Bethesda), mittees. Bob is now an emetitus direc­ dena Symphony Association; and as a 100%; Dr. Dallas L Peck, Area 510 tor, having completed his service as a member of the steering committee in Allan and Janet Balch were part of (Northwest Vitginia), 100%; Robert regular membet of the board and as the the Campaign for Harvard Law School. the founding group of the Associates of E. Olif)er, Area 515 (Northeast Vir­ Associates' president in 1987. Both Phyllis and Bob, in addition to provid­ Caltech, who first met at the home of ginia), 100%; Thomas L Kirtley, Area remain active in the President's Circle. ing support to their respective schooIs, Henry Huntington in 1926. At their 520 (Southern VA-West VA), 100%; Phy llis is a graduate of Stephens have been active supporters of the Los deaths, numerous trusts were set up for Edward A. Schroeder IV, Area 565 College (AA '54) and USC (BS '56). Angeles Music Center and the Hun­ the benefit of various people, and Cal­ (Western New York), 100%. Bob is an alumnus of Caltech (BS '48 tington Library. They live in South tech was named the remainderman. In the Highest Percent of Dollar and MS '49) and the Harvard Law Pasadena and are the parents of two Recently three of those trusts termi­ Goal Attained category, perennial School (LLB '55). Both think it a criti­ sons, the older of whom, Ted, is an nated, leaving for Caltech the sum of favotite Capt. Robert f)on Gerichten, USN cal necessity to ensure that all qualified honors graduate of the University of $63,437. Of the approximately 19 (Ret.), came through again as Regional students have access to a college educa­ Pennsy lvania, and the younger of trusts originally established, one still Chait Outside California, Region 11 tion, regardless of theit financial cir­ whom, Jeff, is just completing his col­ remains open. The funds are equally (D.C.-Virginia), 104.4%. Taking the cumstances. Bob is the personal ben­ lege education at the London School of divided between the Allan C. Balch honors for Regional Chair Inside Cali­ eficiary of a half-tuition scholarship he Economics and Political Science. Endowment Fund and the Janet Jacks fornia was Daf)id B. Ritchie, Region 01 Balch Endowment Fund. (Pasadena and Vicinity), 101.3%. The Balches met while attending Excelling in the Area Chair category Cornell, were married in 1891, and were Area Chait Outside California moved to the West Coast, whete they Arthur Niell, Area 590 (Cambridge), Dorl. Pankow (In helped to develop the cui rural and 206.8%; and Area Chair Inside Califor­ h_d. I.ft) and C.I educational resources of southern Cali­ Ott. (right' w ... nia Louca! Christodoulides, Area 20 (East ameng 46 Calt_h fornia. In 1925 Balch joined Caltech's Pasadena), 234.6%. A_oclat •• who Board of Trustees, serving as its presi­ Recognized fot achieving the High­ explor.d the dent from 1933 until his death in April natural hl.tory est Donor Participation Rate in the and geology of 1943. (Janet Balch died in August of Young Alumni Campaign were House the Paclflo North· that same year.) Together, the Balches Chair Daniela Bonafede-Chhabra, Rick­ we.t during a trip gave more than $1.5 million to Cal­ Ia.t fall led by etts House, 31 %; and Class Chair Sf)en llmerltu. Pro· tech, to endow the humanities and A. Wolf, Ricketts House, 86.7%. Top f •••or of Geology biology, and fot the construction of the honors for Highest Percent of Dollar and Atbenaeum, including the furnishings Clarence Allan Goal Attained went to House Chair (center,. The and landscaping. In 1930, they were Mark Vagim, Ruddock House, 114.7%; group toured the honored for their many contributions and to Class ChairJunko Munakata, Columbia River. to Cal tech at an Athenaeum dinner the Ca.cad. 922.3% Mountalna, and the presided over by Robert Millikan. In the Special Gifts Campaign, hon­ Mt. H_d wlld.r· For· information about wording for ots for Highest Dollars 'Attai ned went n •••• and viewed bequests to the Institute, call the Office the deva.tatlen to Special Gifts II Committee Member brought about by of Gift and Estate Planning, at (818) Jeptha A. Wade, Jr. MI. Saint Helen•. 356-2927. 7

F it to be black-tied

Speaking before rhe Caltech Associ­ ates can be a daunting experience, but at leasr Noyes Professor of Chemistry Rudy Marcus had a chance to warm up in from of Sweden's royals before he spoke about life as a chemist and recem times in Stockholm at an Associates Black Tie Di nner in his honor last Rudy Mareua with Henry Keck and Ellae Mudd Marvin. month. The members of the Cal tech support group did their best to allay Prealdent Ev.rIuI.t (right) In good company. From left, Crafoord Laureate .. erry the inevitable speaket's jitters by Waaaerburg, and Nobel Laureatea Yuan Lee, Rudy Marcua, Nlco Bloembergen, and including a sprinkling of Marcus's Willy Fowl... fellow laureates among the 400 guests (Ctafootd Laureate Jerry Wasserburg, and Nobelists Willy Fowler, Yuan Lee ofUC Betkeley and the Cal tech Boatd of Trustees, and Nico Bloembergen of Harvatd), and by making sure that Cal­ tech geochemist and longtime ftiend Sam Epstein was on hand to provide collegial support. Epstein and Marcus were PhD students together at McGill University in their native Canada, back in the days when they both wondered what the future might hold. Do.'a Ev.... a.t, Anoia DuB.,dg., Inatltute Prof.aaor of Chemlatry, Emerltua, "ack Roberta, and Caltech Prealdent Tom Everha.t. with Edith Robe.ta and Laura and Rudy Marcua.

Rudy Mareua with "ean and George Henry Keck, with Ellae Mudd Marvin, Rudy and Laura Wa ...en and Katie Schllnger, with Rudy Marcua, and "ean Smith. Mareu., and Willy Fowler. and George Smith. .• ' · F···~--··~·,··,,'

Marilyn van Wlngen with C.aper and Leonhard Profeaaor of Geology Emerltua Sam Epateln, with Albe.t and "on Ie Snider, with Bud and Ruth Smoot. Beverly Mohl. Laura Mareu., Diane Epateln, and Rudy Marcua.

Rudy Mareua and Profeaaor of Fran Yarlv, with Nlco and Dell Bloembergen; George and Seth Hufatedler, George Smith, "ean Smith, MacA.thur Literature ..enlJoy La Belle. "ean Smith. Profeaaor of Geology and Gaophyalca ....ry Waaaerburg, and Shirley Hulatedl... 8

WhatJs a director like me doing in a place like this?

By Shlrl.. y Mam.. u.

In years past, when such well-known Caltech performers as Beckman Professor of Chemistry Harry Gray, jPL senior Jcientist and "Voice of Voyager" Albert Hibbs, and the late Richard Feynman have stepped On a stage, it hasn't always been to regale audienceJ with the latest details of their scientific reJearch. Along with dozens of other Institute faculty, students, and staff, they have been regular participants in Caltech's theater arts program (TACIT), flr/der the direction of Shirley Marneus. MarnerIS originally came to Caltecb seeking peace and qlliet after many hectic years in theater and television. Bllt she'd barely arrived on campus whm she found herself back in show busineH, with a cast of characters unlike any she'd previously encountered, including pet/ormers who halted rehearsals to debate whetber a p,·op moon hung at tbe app,-opriate declination, and a bongo-pletying physicist whose previous acting experience consisted of a walk-on in Stockbolm. In ber more than two decades on campus, Marneus has bem the guiding infiumce behind shows mnging from Shakespeare to experimmtal theater. But her signature achievement, and om that has b,·ought considerable local fame to Caltech's theater arts program, has bem the staging of a st,·ing of lively, polished, and hugely popillar sp,·ing musicalJ, a /eat that might be considered tantamount to sllccessflllly peopling a physics experiment with the cast of A Chorus Line. TACIT's 1993 production of Hello, Dolly! marks Marmus's twentieth anniversmy of directing mllsicals on camp"s, an experience that as she relates in this article has given her a uniqlle and highly entertaining perspe<1ive on the Imtitute and the determination of its people to be the best and most original at what they do, whatever that happens to be. This story is adapted from a talk MarneuJ gave some months ago to ct standing-room-only audience at the Caltech Women's C illb.

There have been two decades of Then, during World War II, when stared at my resume, then stared at me in which four young m en wearing hats musicals at Caltech, but the theatrical most of the men on campus were away, and said, "Do you know what we do put botdes on their heads and dance. tradition on campus goes back much working on the war effort, they left a here?" And I said, "I know the Dewey They do some fairly intricate steps, further than that. Back in the 1930s, lot of lonely people behind whose mo­ decimal system by heart: I was raised in down on their heels kicking, and so when this place was all male, there was rale needed buoying up. So a group of the ~ounty library by a Pima Indian forth. One relatively easy way to do a fine old tradition of putting on Greek faculty, faculty wives, some staff, and a and an old IRA man from Dublin­ this is to put Velcro on the bottom of and Roman comedies, with the men few grad students got together and there must be something I can do." the botdes and Velcro on the hats. But wearing balloons under their togas. started reading plays, and that of course And they sent me over to the public this suggestion offended the Caltech Somewhere, around '38, I'm told, all became the Caltech Playreaders. In affairs reading room in humanities. student pride, so four young men from the balloons burst, and that stopped. the '60s, when there were a lot of grass­ But not before they explained to me entirely different disciplines, who had roots movements allover the nation, that "the lady in charge there is a Ii tde never seen each other before, became some students got together and put on difficult. She keeps sendi ng people absolutely inseparable on campus, and a production of The Threepenny Operet. away." everywhere they wenr, they went with I came to work at Cal tech on April So I went over and I talked with her, wine botdes on their heads. For the Fool's Day, 1970. I was on hiatus from and we hit it off immediately. I loved two months that Fiddler was in re­ NBC, because I did not want to move the room, and it looked like a very hearsal, you would see them every­ to Arizona with "The New Dick Van quiet place to work. No excitement. where--walki ng past the fishpond, Dyke Show." I was looking around for N o sign of theater, which was what I into the library, out of Chandler cafete­ a local job, one preferably nine-to-five. thougbt I was looking for. When my ria-with wine botdes on their heads. I looked in the Pasadena Star-News, and interviewer learned during our conver­ there was a bold-print, small ad that sation that I had studied Shakespeare said BRING YOUR TALENTS TO extensively, she said, "Of course,Bacon CALTECH. wrote Shakespeare," and I said, "Non­ So, armed with a resume, I showed sense!" without thinking, and she said, up in the Personnel Office, where they "You're hired." As I ran back across the campus that day, I passed Millikan Library, which was then new, and I met my firsr Cal­ tech student. He was at about the fifth floor, climbing up one of those granite chimneys. I was qui te alarmed, and I ran into the library and said, "There's someone climbing Millikan Library!" The librarian said, "Relax, they do it all the time." And this was the first important thing I learned about Cal tech students-that they will climb Wher.. other... w literature and Millikan Library, they will climb the cheml.try prof.... or •• Mam.. u. aaw Himalayas, they will rise to meet any good-tim.. girl. and .mall-tlm.. wi... idea, any challenge. They want to guy...... nIJoy La B ..lle (above photo. right' made an engaging frontier excel, and they are infinitely curious temptre•• for Man• .whlle Harry and inventive. Gray'. appearance a. mob.ter Harry I can give you a wonderful example the Hor.e In Guy. and Doll. (right. hand photo. lower right' wa. gener­ of that from one of the musicals we did, ally agreed to be In.plred typeca.tlng. Fiddler on the Roof, if you'll forgive me for briefly jumping ahead a few years. The production that launched Caltech'. formal That show has a Jewish wedding scene ened by a from the .how'. author Meredlt 9

Guy. and Doll. marked Caltech theate". Introduction to Richard Feynman (above, with bongo. and drumming partner Ralph Leighton) and Feynman'. Introduction to thellter. "How come nobody ever told me IIbout thl•• tuff before?" he ..Id afterward. The phy.lcl.t went on to appear In .everal more TACIT .how •.

the banana broke, And that was to the stage, essentially, and they all Caltech's first Broadway musicaL fell in as family. It was quite wonder­ The next production that we did was ful to see people working on homework Guys and Dolls. This turned out to be a in tbe aisles, for example, and Dick groundbreaking show, because, once solving problems for the first-year again, I didn't know any better, We physics students. started out with a cast of abour 35 There's another story I'd like ro tell srudents. Now the first two minutes of you about Dick, and it's about his per­ Guys and Dolls is taken up with a num­ formance in South Pacific, which we did ber called "Runyonland," in which a few years later. We were hoping to there are approximately 200 people talk him into drumming, dressed up crossing the stage. I knew that there in a great featbered headdress and cape, was no way that 3 5 actors could cross Dick, bowever, had just come back to the stage as all of those rich Damon campus after having had cancer sur­ Runyon characters, so I got on the gery. He was not very active, and bis phone and said, "We're going to call morale, perbaps, was not very bigh. I the faculty, we're going to call the phoned his secretary and said, "Dare I administration," I didn't know, or ask him to perform?" and she said, care, who they were--I wanted bodies. "Yes, it would be good for him. And I called Dave and Annette Smi th, I don't let him say no." I talked to his called Lance Davis,Jim Morgan, and wife, Gwenyth, too, and she said the Charlie De Prima, I called Dave same thing. So I called bim. And he Morrisroe. I had never looked at my said, "Well I don't know, Sbirley. check, I had no idea he signed it, he I got this scar. It goes from bere to was just a body. I called everybody I here; it's pretty ugly. It would spoil could thi nk of, including a very famous everything. " person on campus who played the And again, saying the first thing bongo drums, bur I had never heard of tbat came into my head, I said, "Oh, him, I said, "Grear, Icc's ger him. He but Dick, tbat's why you're chief." He can play rbe drums in tbe opening of said, "Whaddaya mean?" "Why," I tbe scene that takes place in Havana," said, "That's where [he shark bit YOll When we did the performance, the intended to stay forever-the student He showed up, and said, "Hi, I'm when you dove to the depths to recover wine bottles went on with no glue and producer, Greg Simay, came up to my Dick." I said, "Fine," and we oiled him the pearl in tbe cave for the monthly no Velcro-and they danced. The wine library desk and said, "We want to do down with peanut oil so he was shining sacrifice by the full moon. The shark bottles nevet fell off. It was a beauriful a Broadway musical, and everybody attacked you, but you pulled the knife thi ng to see. says we can't," and I (not thinking, from your teeth and killed the shark. Bur that came much later. It wasn't again) said, "Nonsense," And he said, You floated unconscious to the surface, long after my odd hiting in 1970 "Would you direct it?" and I said, the maidens carried you to shore, cov­ thar a group of undergraduares gor "Sure." ered you with hibiscus flowers, nursed together and said, "We're going to do So we did KiJI Me Kate, and that was you, and made you chief," Pirates of Penzance." They boughr a lot the first of a series of Broadway musi­ He said, "No kidding? Then I guess of horizontal, striped, blue-and-whire cals that is almost unbroken, We did I bettah do it," T-shirts, made a papier mache rock, the show with three folding screens and Our next musical after Guys and and on brand-new Ramo stage stood in several yards of pink ostrich feathers for Dolls was Fiorello, and it made the CBS a semi-circle and did Pirate.r of Penzance, "Wunderbar," and I learned a little evening news. It was another rime The following yeat, they did H.M,S, more about the inventiveness of Cal­ wben we broke a litrle ground, Fiorello Pinafore, wearing the same T-shirts tech srudents--a cast of 27, by the La Guardia was the Italian Episcopalian and a couple of tricorns. The rock did way. KiJs Me Kate is of course based on mayor of New York, so he was of not appear. The third year that I was The Ttlming of the Shrew, and there is course played by a Korean matb major, here-and mind you, I had not really this wonderful song, "Where is the Life He was the right man for the role­ that Late I Led?" sung by Petruchio. that was all there was to it- and when Jim Hugg, who was a senior that year, they interviewed him on CBS, he said, sang it sitting on a table with a fruit "Well, after they get over the shock, I bowl, and I thought it would be simply don't think it will matter." And it marvelous if he picked a grape out of didn't, the bowl and said, "There's more than "Wa. thl. part of the Job de.erlptlon?" We had our acting president, Bob With wife Mildred, Caltech'. newly one way to tame a shrew," popped it in arrived pre.ldent, Murph Goldberger, Christy, in the show as our radio an­ his mouth, and walked offstage, Imparted a touch of Caltech Gothic to nouncer, and Dick Feynman as a Mafia Throughout rehearsals, he popped the 1979 production of Mu./c Man. chieftain. Harry Gray, who bad played the grape in his mouth wonderfully. Harry the Horse in Guys and Dolls, But, opening night, instead of picking and put a rumpled purple calypso suit came back as a corrupt businessman, up rhe grape, he had what he obviously on him. After the show was over, I and Professor of Literature Jenijoy La thought was a better idea. He picked finally tealized who Dick Feynman Belle was on the end of tbe tap line. up a banana, and said, "There's more was, and the next time I saw him I said In fact, our of that show she won a than one way to tame a shrew," Now, timidly, "Hello, Dr, Feynman," and national contest sponsored by a deodor­ in those days, we did five performances kind of hid. But, of course, he was ant company, in wbicb contestants in one weekend-two each on Sarurday great, and that was the moment wben had to finish the slogan "Nervous is and Sunday. By the second perfor­ he said, "This is fun. How come no­ when . .. " SinceJenijoy was in the tap mance, Jim had picked up the banana, body told me about tbis sruff before?" line and could never remember which walked down to the audience, and said It was just a wonderful experience foot to use, sbe wrote, "Nervous is "There's more than one way to tame a all the way atound. Bur what was kicking left when everyone else is kick­ shrew," just in case they missed the really groundbreaking was that ir was ing right." She won the contest and point when he made it from the stage. tbe first time rhat faculty, their appeared on a commercial. The third performance, he began to families, staff, undergraduates, and Tbe next year we did Music Man. It peel the banana; by the fourth one, the graduate srudents--and a few people was anotber one of tbose times I didn't peel was halfway down the banana. who wandered in from JPL--worked know any better, so I asked the srudent together as complete equals with abso­ 'eat .... art. program, Mu./c Mlln wa. enllv­ His fifth and final night was truly WII.on and the pre.enee of Penny the pony. magnificent- he walked offstage and lutely no hierarchy, They were all new Continued on page 13 10

ALUMNI From the alumni president The Cal tech Board of Trustees has ultimately we will lose. " created a new Trustee Committee on If Cal tech and its alumni write Institute Relations. The committee letters to Congress opposing pork­ will review policy and operating plans barrel appropriations, that is appropri­ for Institute relarions programs, ate lobbying that also serves Cal tech's including the Alumni Association, the broader interests. Cal tech Associates, Development, Pub­ President Everhart has poi nted out lic Relations, Government Relations, tbat after LIGO (Laser Interferometer Chapter activities and Community Affairs, and will offer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) had advice and counsel to the Institute's cleared all reviews, and the NSF was Bostonians steep themselves in president and to the vice president for requesting funds from Congress, navigable technology Institute Relations. It will also encour­ Cal tech people educated congressional age and teview volunteer efforts and representatives aboue supporting the Boston alumni who made their way make recommendations on these funding. This is an example of Caltech from a luncheon in Lexingron to a efforts. Committee members will lobbying for its interest. It is not pork. seminar in Bedford last month learned receive teports on plans and programs Alumni who have any government about LORAN (Long-distance Radio from these organizations and will pro­ c·ontacts or interesr in government Navigation System) and its importance vide direction and counsel to volunteers affairs are encouraged to become in­ ro maritime and airborne commerce. and staff. volved by contacting Hall Daily, direc­ During their research and development Making up the committee will be tor of government relations and seminar at Megapulse Inc., the East the chair of the Institute's Board of By Le V.I Lund community affairs, at(818) 356-6256. Coasters saw Megapulse's newly con­ Trustees, along with Caltech's presi­ We welcome your comments about structed LORAN C transmitter, which dent, the presidents of the Alumni the Alumni Association and its activi­ will send signals throughout the north­ Association and the Associates of Cal­ tech's Office of Government Relations ties. Please contact Le Val Lund, west Pacific Ocean from Soueh Korea. tech, the chair of the Annual Fund, and and Community Affairs and will focus president, Caltech Alumni Association, five trustees, one of whom-W..\llter OIl mll.tters of general Institute interest. Mail Code 1-97 , Pasadena, CA 91125 Bay-Area BioControl executive says, Weisman, member of the board since Included in this first issue is a lengthy or via electronic mail c/o "Look, rna, no hands" 1988-will also serve as committee discussion of "pork barrel politics," [email protected]. chair. Current plans call for the group that is, the allocation of funds by Con­ San Francisco chapter members to meet four times a year. gtess on the basis of congressional dis­ heard about the fascinating advances ar The committee will also playa role tricts' political clout rather than on BioControl Systems last month, when in reviewing Caltech's public relations merit. In recent years, science funding the company's president, Dr. Hugh program in efforts to increase and im­ has been increasingly influenced by rhe Lusted, gave a talk on "Using Your prove Institute visibility, and will par­ "pork" lobby, a development that is F or a summer hire} Nervous System to Control Machines." ticipate in and monitor annual and strongly opposed by institutions such The company is developing machines long-range fund-raising plans, consis­ as Cal tech. In 1980 Congress ear­ check out ASPIRE that do away with the need for hands­ tent with Caltech's established aca­ marked $1 0.7 million in so -called on contact, allowing people to fire demic priorities. Members will also be pork fot seven academic institutions. For the eighrh successful year, the missiles with their eyes and write musi­ asked to provide advice and recommen­ As of last year, the amount of science­ Alumni Association and the Institute's cal scores with non-dexterous motion. dations on selected federal, state, and funding based on pork-barrel alloca­ Career Development Center (CDC) are local government affairs and relations tions had reached $700 million annu­ coordinating a summer work-experi­ Seattle chapter learns the ABCs of with the Caltech community. ally, in support of programs and ence program, ASPIRE (A Summer cell-to-cell communication Issues that affect the Caltech com­ facilities at 499 academic institueions. Position In Research or Engineering), munity may soon be engaging a larger "Caltech should do everything in its for Caltech students. The language of cells was illumi­ audience, with the introduction of a power to oppose pork in an effective According to CDC Director Sally nated by Ellen Rothenberg, Caltech new publication, Ca/tech Community, way," says Cal tech's President Everhart. Asmundson, ASPIRE has proven associate professor of biology, in her Commitment and Comment, or "4C." The "The nature of this institution is that it exrremely valuable to both the students talk on "Chemical Messengers for the new newsletter is produced by Cal- is based on quality. If pork wins oue, and the companies that have hited Immune System." Speaking to Seatde­ them. Students participating in the based alums in December, Rothenberg program can explore their career op­ presented recent research on protein­ tions in industry, support their educa­ based hormones that make ir possible tion through summer earnings, and for cells in the immune system to contribute their technical skills to the "discuss" how to fight a disease. workplace. For the prospective employer ASPIRE provides the oppor­ tunity CO do informal recruiting and gives useful clues about whether a match could be made at graduation. Employers also get the chance to intto­ duce Cal tech students to their compa­ nies and to spread rhe word about their n...... been • apllt In the Ahamnl A ••oo .. tlon· ..... Fnanol.oo Clulpt... firms on campus. Employers who have _ .....yed o .....lty of the 1989 taken advantage of ASPIRE fi nd they L...... PrI.t. Quak.? Not .xaotly- get studenrs who are not only self­ tum. out that the more th.n 600 .Ium. who IIv. In the lEe.t Bey Ar_ motivated but also able to make valu­ w .... flndlnll It dlffloult to ...rtlolp.t. able and thoughtful contributions to In ....otlvltl •• on the oth.... Ide their organization. of the water. So. I•• t month•• Iumnl Ileft to right) Ben Burke '61. C"y If you are interested in offering a Enll" '49, _d ,,1m Prlo. '74 lIot summer work experience ro a Caltech tOlleth ... to begin organlzlnll the student, please contact Rosana Madrid openlnll of • new lEe.t B.y .... lEe.t B.y will hold .t I_.t one Joint Gatti, assistant director, CDC, at (818) .vent • y~ with It ••I.t ... In 356-6361. Sen who•• r.nk. h.v. now ~n ...... d to • p.ltry thou_nd or .0. 11


Februllr}' II, Santa CtiJ~A"'a AprI12.2, ColQrrldo Chrlpte, Dinner/ Monthly Luncheon, Peachwood'sat Meeting. with Daniel Kevles, J. O. PlISatlempo Inn,noo.n. F~nreseJ:'Va­ and Juliette KoepfliPcofessor of the ttons, call Bob Shacklet.c .ar 408/7 22- Humanities. 6021. Luneadis­ May 14, CI4SS of 1968, 25th Reflnion cussion ofalumnl involvement in Dinnllt, the Athenaeum. community services, with op.ening remarks by PresIdent E.vethart. Mlly 15, S6th Annllal SemirJrlr Drly. .and Dinnef.on the Caltechcampus. Feptullr}' 18, W4Sbinglon, D. C., Chrlpter Meeting. with Charles Elachi. May 15. CllIJJOf 1958 35th Reunion , assistant lab director for Space Dinner·, the. .Athenaeum. , Science and Instruments •.]PL. It w ....·t .Iw.y. ea.y to Rudy M.rcu. In the d.y•• nd we.k. MIlY 15 .• CI4SJ 011963, 30th Reflnton following the .nnouncement th.t he'd won the Nobel Prize for•• 0 when the Alumni A•• ocl.tlon decld.d th.y·d Ilk. to have C.ltech·. newe.t Nobel Febtullr}' 23. T ri..strlte Ch4pter Din­ Dinner. the Athenaeum. I.u.... t ••s the S.mln.r D.y spe.k.r for 1993. th.y ••ked the King of Swed.n to ner/Meeting, Glen Ca1is,profes­ .xt.nd the Invll.tlon. Marcus. shown h .... with King C.rl Gu.t.v XVI •• h. sorof engineering .cc.pted the Nob.1 Prlz. In Stockholm Ia.t D.c.mber. will .ddr••• the .Iumnl on MIlY 15. Ci4SJ of1983, 10th Reunion the topic of "EI.ctron Tr.n.f.r .nd Stockholm" on M.y 15. R.glstr.tlon p.cket. and mechanical engi neering. Dinner, the Athenaeum. for the A•• oel.tlon·. 56th Annual S.mln.r D.y .hould be In the m.1I next month. Febl'Uqry25-26. PhoenixlTficson June 24, Cal tech Big Bear Solar Ch4pter Dinner/Meeting!, with David Observatory Tour. Halpern, senior research scientist. JFL, "El Nino and Climate." July 12.21, lrel4nd Trrw.,JISllldy. New Association officers and board Pr~gl'iIftI. with Robert Sharp '.34, March 1 I, Boston Chapter Dinner! Robert P. Sharp. Professor .0£ Geol­ members nominated Meeting, with Jean-Paul Revel, ogy,Emedeus. and Susan Kieffer Albert BilLIngs RuddockPto£es$oJ' PhD '71, Regents Pcofess.or of Geol. of Biology. At their January meeting, the nated for the board: Lisa Anderson, ogy .• Unive.rsity of Arizona, Alumni Association accepted the pro­ Warren Goda '86, Patricia M. George, MarCh I posals of the nominating committees PhD '81, Susan Murakami '75, and 12, ChkagIJ Cbapter .Dinner A\lgus.t. 7• .Mr. Wilson Observatory for officers of the Association board of Tom Tyson '54, PhD '67, all for three­ Meeting, with Charie.sPll:ltt, Tout.. directots and members of the board. year terms. Named to serve a one-year Harkness Pl'ofessocof EI"onomil:s. The terms of office for directors and term as chapter representative was and Political Science. August 17 -23. Asbland 8hrllmpean officers begin at the close of the annual Dennis Kodimer '69, president of the F.sti1Jal withJenijoy La Belle, meeting in June 1993. Phoenix Chapter. March 16. H~flll6n Chapter Dinner1 profe.ssor of literature. Nominations for officers were pro­ Section 5.01 of the Association by­ MeetIng. with Ronald Blom. PhD. posed by committee membets Jeanine laws provides that members of the geologist, Earth and Space Sciences For information regarding the Hoffmann '86, Edwatd M. Lambett Alumni Association may make addi­ Division, JPL. above ,please contact Arlana '82, Le Val Lund '47, Gary Stupian '61, tional nominations for directors or Bostrom for chapter events (818t and William M. Whitney '51. The officers by petition, signed by at least March 25, San Diego Chapter Dinner! 350-83(3), Patsy Gougeon for nominees are: President, William M. 50 regular members in good standing, Meeting, with Paul Pacterson, Seminar Daylreunions (818/356- Whitney; Vice President, Peter V. providing the petition is received by professor of biology. 8366i, lind Helen Shafrll.n for travell Mason '51, PhD '62; Treasuret, the secretary no later than April 15. In study and local. progr.ams (818/3·56- Franklin D. Dryden '54, MS '57; Secre­ accordance with section 5.02 of the Mlll.'chi7., Merle Norman "San 83(4). tary, Edward M. Lambert. bylaws, if no additional nominations Sy Imar" Cla1isic Beauty Collection Making up the nomination proposal are received by April 15, the secretary tour. committee for board members were: casts the unanimous vote of all regular Lisa Anderson '74, PhD '82, Franklin members of the association for the elec­ D. Dryden, James Fanson, PhD '87, tions of the candidates nominated by Doug Josephson '65, Le Val Lund, the boatd. Otherwise, a letter ballot is Gary Stupian, and William M. required. Whitney. The following were nomi- 12

Alumni computer system update: the world at your fingertips

By Oary Stuplan, chair, Electronic Communication. Committee

Now that the alumni computer Cal tech, an account would still be very system has been running for about a desirable, but the computer is not lim­ Stage is set for new Ashland excursion yeat, I want to bring you up to date on ited to communications with the cam­ its operation and urge those of you who pus. As I mentioned, the alumni Experience the splendor of beautiful Trip fees, not to exceed $1,100 per haven't yer experienced the joys of computer is connected to the Internet somhern Oregon when we attend tbe person (double occupancy), will include electronic communication to give the network, which electronically links award-winning Oregon Shakespeare all lodging, activities, entrance fees, system a try. I'll begin with a brief together thousands of computers Festival, to be held in Ashland, August entertainment, most meals, and trans­ description of the capabilities of the around the world. Internet, which 17-23,1993. This travel/study pro­ portation while with the group. The system and discuss how it might be developed originally from links gram will focus on drama and gourmet cost of transportation to and from even better utilized in the future for between government and cotporate dining, and is the second in a series led Ashland is not included. Only 20 the benefit of alumni, collecrively and computers, is the largest such agglom­ by Jenijoy La Belle, who in addition to spaces are available, so if you would individually, and for the benefit of eration, but there are others. You can being a Cal tech professor of literature, like to be a part of this exciting travell Cal tech as a whole. send mail to virtually anyone in the has frequently taught, lectured, and study program, please fill out the form Our computer hardware sits physi­ world who has computer access. There written on the Bard. The itinerary will below and return it, with your deposit, cally on campus, somewhere in the are hundreds of news groups wirh include performances of Antony and to the Alumni Association. Complete Jorgensen computer sciences building. worldwide distribution. They accom­ Cleopatra, Richard III, and A Midsummer details of the program will be mailed Although I have been involved with modate interests ranging from the Night's Dream, as well as The White with your confirmation. If you have the system from the beginning and use serious (e.g., scientific disciplines, cur­ Devil by Shakespeare's contemporary any questions, please call Helen it daily, I have never actually worked rent events) to the perhaps less serious John Webster, and A Flea in Her Ear Shafran, assistant director for programs, on this computer or even seen it! (e.g., locksmithing, astrology, arcbery). by Georges Feydeau. at 818/356-8364. Regular users of computers and com­ About 1150 alumni now have ac­ puter networks are quite accustomed to counts on the computet. Of tbese, a this sott of remote access. If you have a few hundred are active to varying de­ CALTECH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION home or office computer of virtually grees. We would like to see the num­ Ashland II Travel/Study Program, August 17-23, 1993 any type (PC, Mac, laptop, etc.), you ber of users increase. Benefits, tangible can use it as a terminal and connect to and intangible, could accrue from bet­ REGISTRATION FORM the alumni system, either through a ter general communication among telephone line using a modem Ot via alumni. One of our alumni news I/We wish to partici pate in the Alumni Association's travel/study program in rhe "nerwork" (which I'll describe later groups, for example, is for the exchange Ashland. Enclosed is my deposit check for $ reptesenting in more derail), Your computer can be of job offers and resumes. In aHdition persons at $200.00 per person. converted to a terminal (temporarily!) to information contributed by indi­ by using anyone of the many commu­ vidual alumni, we are working toward Name: nications programs now readily avail­ providing job postings obtained from able. Once you establish a link to rhe various other sources. (This activity is Phone: (home) (business) alumni computer (available to members complementary to and separate from of the Alumni Association upon re­ ProNet, which is described elsewhere Note: Please make check payable to Caltech Aillmni AJJociation and retllm it with this form quest) and enter your name and pass­ in this issue of Caltech News). This sort to: Cetltech Alllmni Association, Mail Code 1-97, PctSctdenct, CA 91125 ~ord, you are connected to the of networking (literally and figura­ machine. What can you do then? tively) will only succeed to the extent Quite a bit! that alumni participate. You can easily determine whether an The Electronic Communications old classmate has an account on the Committee (ECC) was established to system. Just ask the computer. You deal with questions relating to the can then send electronic mail. When alumni computer network and to plan the addressee next logs onto the sys­ for possible future improvements. The tem, he or she will be automatically members of the committee are Ross notified that mail has been teceived and Berteig '88, Bob Bunker '69, Pete Ma­ can then read and reply to your mes­ son '51, Gary Stupian '61, Bill sage. Our computer is a multi-user Whitney '51, Kimo Yap '78, and Judy system, meaning that many people can Amis, our Alumni Association execu­ be connected to it simultaneously. You tive director, You can send e-mail to can, with a few deft key srrokes, display any or all ECC members if you have a list of the people currently logged on questions. Our collective "street ad­ and can even rype messages back and dress" is: [email protected], and forth in real-time. I have chatted via we go (in alphabetical order) by these the computer with alums as far away as user names: rberteig, rbunker, Hong Kong and England. pvmason, stupian, ww, kby, and "Ain't MI.behavln'": Vlo Vay.ey '36 judyamis. If you don't currenrly have (top) gat. a feal for the realltle. of In addition to the inrerchange of Elizabethan life during ...t .ummer'. mail with individuals, you can post e-mail, you can try writing the old­ Alumni A ••oclatlon travel/.tudy trip messages that can be read and com­ fashioned way via rhe Alumni Associa­ to the A.hland Shake.pear. Fe.tlval, while Milt Andre. '411 (right) exper­ mented on by all users of our computer, tion office. Ience. a wigging of a different .ort. and in fact by users of any computer on The committee has quite a few the Caltech campus or at the Jet Pro­ projects under way. I'll mention only pulsion Laboratory. We have estab­ one. Many alumni both in industry lished several of these "news groups" and academia already have other means Michigan. Computer accounts ate free especially for alumni. Some of rhe of access to the Internet. These fortu­ to members of rhe Association. Write discussions have been qui te spirited, nate people are able to reach our com­ to rhe Alumni Association (Caltech, and students join in. Other campus puter without incurring long-distance Mail Code 1-97, Pasadena, CA 91125) interest groups (e.g., undergrads, grad charges. The ECC is researching ways for your application form. You will students, academic departments, clubs) in which we might make Internet discover that the computer can keep also have news groups, which you can access more economically attractive for you in touch with the campus and read . Calrech's Office of Media Rela­ all our users. engender a sense of involvement not tions has just established a news group The Caltech Alumni Association is otherwise easily attained, especially in rhar will regularly post press releases as leading the way in providing compurer the case of alumni living some distance they are issued by the Insti tute. access to alumni-our new computer away. The members of the ECC, and If our computer system only pro­ system has al ready prompted inquiries other users of the alumni system, hope vided mail to other alumni and news of from MIT, RPI, and the University of that you will join u~ . 13

had Penny wait in the wings down by what used to be Baxter Art Gallery. TI-IE CALTECH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Marneus We led her on, led her off, and took her back up the elevator and out to her ANNOUNCES "stall" for each of her five performances. Continued from page 9 On Monday morning, about eleven CALTECH o'clock, Roger Noll, who was then activities coordinatot to write the com­ division chai rman for the humanities poset, Meredith Wilson, and invite and social sciences, called me. "Shir­ PRONET him to come and play the Wells Fargo ley," he said, "I have a very strange wagon driver in the production-he question. Was there a ... horse in a career service for people would have one line. We not only got the building this weekend?" This kind not lookingfor ajob ... a letter back, we got a phone call. He of caught his attention. There were no and those who are. was thrilled. All these years, and no repercussions because we had taken one had ever asked him to be in his precautions and observed the rule of the five P's: "Proper preparation prevents on't miss the opportunity of a lifetime because a Venture Capilal own musical. Unfortunately, he could poor performance." We had prepared D company doesn't know you are there. not play the part, because he had out­ From venture cap ital firms seeking senior management for of-town guests from N ew York, but he, for Penny, and thete was no problem. start-ups to Fortune 500 companies searching for experienced High-tech his wife, and the guests came to one of There was one othet thing that was professionals, companies of all types and sizes are always the shows. very important about MUlie Man. Once looking for top talent. Now, I'd done something a litrle again, not knowi ng any better, I called Content as you may be with your current position, there Fortune 500 the president-Murph Goldberger­ are opportunities out there that might entice you to make dangerous, I guess, because MUJie Man a change. And, if yo u're actively looking for a new position, is a play where the collars are up to who was brand new, and said, "Look. I ProNet can help you, too. Start-ups your chin, the sleeves down to your need you. I need you and Mildred to Registering with ProNet assures that a prattle of your wrists, and the skirrs reach the floor. play the Grant Wood farmer and his experience and abilities is available to employers seeking to There were no "girlie numbers," if wife." He said, "But we haven't time. lill challenging positions you wouldn't hear about otherwise. Dio-tech you'll pardon the expression, and you We can't rehearse!" I said, "You don't HOW DOES CALTECH PRONET WORK? really need one in a musical. So, dur­ need time, you don't have to rehearse. Management ing the song "Sadder but Wiser Girl Just ler us send a costumer over to you. A company calls ProNet and requests a search for the indi­ vidual they need. This request is cross-matched against the for Me," sung by the music man, We'lJ put costumes on you; you show If Harold Hill, I had decided I would run up before the perfotmance, you go on prottles of participating alumni. you're the one they're Engineering looking for, you'll be nOliJied. Complete confidentiality is in a girlie number. We had, again, stage, and I promise you, it will stop maintained throughoutlhis process and you can restrict the Professor La Belle, dressed up as a fron­ the show." He and Mildted didn't release of your profile. Phannaceuticals tier "wicked woman," and we had a know any bettet ei thet; they said okay. WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR DETAILS belly dancet. We had forgotten that We outfitted the ptesident up in his we had interpolated this, and that office in bib ave talis, and then we went ProNet information packages were mailed in January. Chemicals evening, there sits Meredith Wilson, over to the president's house and put If you have not received one, please write to Cal tech ProNet Mildred in the tattiest dress you can Registration Department, Caltech Alumni Association, Mail and I saw his face and thought, "Uh­ Code 1-97, Pasadena, CA 91125; or call (818) 356-0654. Manuracturing oh, what have we done?" The conduc­ imagine, so that she looked barely re­ tor gave the cue, and the belly dancer spectable. On opening night they came on. We then saw Meredith Wil­ showed up, and Murph looked at a son look at his wife, shrug his shoul­ hundred people--and at the horse, the ders, and lean forward and give a big dog, the baby in arms, and a mechani­ wolf whistle. Mter the show was over, cal chicken that an 'electrical engineer­ he came backstage and stayed about ing major had designed for us--and I two hours. He spent 15 mi nutes with think, although he never admitted it, one of the dancers who had been in­ that he may have had an attack of stage How to stay in touch jured and had to perform again that fright. He said, "I don't know what to night. He picked up a flute and played do. What am I supposed to do?" I Looking for involvement in all the of the Cal tech Alumni Association. "Seventy-six Trombones," he signed said, "Follow Hatty Gray. When wrong places? If you're a Cal tech alum Or, maybe you're a longtime resident autographs. He was charming, and it Harry stops, you stop, face front, stand who's passing through a new area, or who would like to get more involved in was really a delight. there. When Harry pushes you, go one who has just moved to a new part alumni activities. In all of these cases, This was also the musical in which off." Which he did. And when Murph of the country, you might want to ger here are the names and numbers of we had Penny the horse, which made and Mildred appeared as Gtant Wood's back in touch with the Institute and its people to contact at twelve of Caltech's for an interesting experience, because farmer and his wife, the show stopped. people by contacting your local chapter alumni chapters nationwide. the Ramo stage is a very small place, All five performances. It was wonder­ and its backstage was apparenrly de­ ful. They lived backstage with us Boston San Diego signed for a small string quartet. We through those five performances, all Kelly Beatty '73, 508/458-7361 (h) Lee Hanan '55, 6191755-5570 (h), had 102 people, a dog, and Penny the day Saturday and Sunday. 619/554-1225 (w) pony. I had originally thought I'd And when it was all over, and not Chicago bring Penny down the freight elevator, forgetting that incident with the horse Ed Seidman '55, 708/945-3602 (h) San Francisco bu t the floor was metal and she slipped in the elevator, Murph and Roger Noll Peter Tong '81,408/446-3276 (h) around, which a1atmed her. So we put their heads together, and Murph Boulder brought her into the theater down the came up with a small grant to start a Bob Dullien '72, 303/499-6777 (w) Seattle passenger elevator in Baxter Hall. She real theater arts program on campus. Ernest Janzen '61, 206/232-7459 (h), was stabled behind the Cal tech Office He said, "If you can keep the campus Houston 2061957-5482 (w) of Public Events where the recycling in an uproar for three months, you Tim Murray '65,713/622-9464 (w) center is now, with a grad student who should do it year round." It was what Tri-State (New York, New Jersey, slept with her and stayed with her I think you would call a field promo­ Albuquerque Connecticut) full time because of the insurance. We tion. They took me out of the public David Kauffman '62,505/298-4425 (h), David Peisner '74, 914/633-8302 (h), didn't tell anybody we were going to affairs room, where I had been opening 505/277-5522 (w) 212/305-3373 (w) do this because, of course, someone the mail and quierly racking the paper would have said, "You can't." I was and going home, and they created Orange County (CA) Washington, D. C. still working for the libtary at that TACIT, Theater Arts at the California Tom Tyson '54, 714/723-5125 (w) John Andelin '55,703/243-7181 (h) time, and there were lots of leftover Institute of Technology. And they newspapers being thrown out. We made me chief, and that's the story of Phoenix brought newspapers to a depth of about how I came ro be standing before you Dennis Kodimer '69, 602/860-4080 (h) an inch, papered the entire hall, and here roday. 14

1965 W. ALFRED MUKATIS, PhD, associ ••e profes­ sor of business and environmental law at Oregon State University, has recently ~ad two articles PERSONALS published: "Estimating Lost Future Earnings: A Procedural Simplification Using Net D is­ count Factors," by Wilbur W. Widicus and W. Alf.ed Mukaris, Trial uwyer, 3 (November 1952 1992), and "Secured Lending in Oregon Under RICHARD KENNON, of Sunnyvale, Califor­ Superfund," by W. Alfred Muk•• is and James F. nia, writes, "I have retired after 18 years with Nielsen, The Secured uT/der, )6 (Novembe.­ the Eleccric Power Research Institute in Palo December 1992). Alto, California. For the last 10 years I have been Program Manager for Overhead T.ransmis­ ARDEN B. WALTERS, of Delray Beach, sion Lines. HiShliShu of these 10 years have Florida, writes that he has been presented a tncluded the construction of one and managi ng Product Champion Award by .he Electric of two larse outdoor labs devoted co transmis­ Power Research Institute (EPR!) for pioneeri ng sion-line research. One lab is for electrical and the application of advanced electric-power­ the other for Structural testing. I am actively generation technologies that were projected consulting now and expect [0 keep busy for to save his company $9)6 million from .heir several years yet." He adds that in the spring fj CSt two power-plant applications. The award Aa a .etlred .JPL aenlo. aclentlat, AI his wife, Aileen, and he plan to move up to their was presen.ed by GEORGE T. PRESTON, BS Hlbba '45, PhD '55, la no at.ange. to mountain home near Pioneer, California, in the '64, vice president ofEPRI's Generation and the new and unexpected, but evan he Sierra Nevada. S.omse Division and "a fellow Calrech ChE had neve. encountered anything quite like the concert preaented by "th._t and Ruddock housemate,l) on January 13, at alnge.a" the Aalan land OBITUARIES G. NEAL RICHTER, MS, PhD '57, Research the division's Industry Results Review in San of Tuva, who came to Paaadena laat Fellow a. Mon.ebello Laboratory, was elee.ed a Francisco. month to .Ide In the Tournament of Texaco Honorary Fellow for 1992 in recosni.ion Roaea Parade. Tuva and Tuvan th._t-alnglng-ln which a alngle orhis history of exceptional achievement during 1926 1970 alnger almultaneouaiy producea and his 27-yetll careerwirh the company, including, CORNELIUS ("NIALL") O. HORGAN, PhD, holda two different notea-galned a SEERLEY G. KNUPP, on April 28, 1992. according to Texaco vice president David C. writes, "I was recently elected a Fellow of the following at Caltech th.ough the He is survived by his daughter. Crikelair, "innovative and significant advances American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and eHorta of Richard Feynman, who with in [he development and applicadon of Texaco's I have bccn at the University of Vicsini a since hla friend Ralph Leighton aought 1927 unauoceaafully to vlalt the proprietary gasification technology." Richter's 1988 as professor of applied ma.hemarics. Soviet .eglon before hla d .....h In WILLIAM A. MINKLER, of Alhambra, contributions range from design, pilot, and Jefferson'S country reminds us of Ireland­ 1988. At a barbecue held In the vial. California, on April 4, 1992. He is survived start-up operations to full-scale commercial green, mountains, and lots of horsesl" to.a' hono., Hlbba 1.lght) and Leighton by Alice, his wife of nearly 60 years. projects, including the cool-water plant. He laecond from .Ight) celebrated the Tuvan New Y_. with thel. gueata. has developed technologies for waste-water 1971 BERNARD N. MOORE, PhD '30, of New treatment and the use of product gas in power DAVID N. SCHRAMM, PhD, of Chi cago, has Haven, Connecticut, on October 20, 1992; generation, and has provided analyses of the been awarded .he 1993 Lilienfeld Prize of .he he was 86. After graduating from Caltech, environmental aspectS of the gasification pro­ American Physical Socie.y (APS) for his work in SOO-]ONG REY, MS, PhD '88, will be he did field work in .he Rocky Moun.ains for cess. He has been awarded 36 patents and has nuclear astrophysics. The prize will be pre­ returning to Seoul, Korea, in March, where he . .he U.S. Geolosical Survey. He undecrook au.hored or coau.hored 12 technical papers sented at the annual Washington, D.C., meet­ will join the Center for Theoretical Physics as exploratory field work in 1938 for .he Caracas relating to gasification. ins of .he APS in April 1993. a professor. He will also marry Seunshye Pe.roleum Corp. and .he Cia. Consolidada Sunwoo, who is currently a lighting designer de Petmleo, and, in 1941, in Haiti and the 1955 1975 in New York City. Dominican Republic. In 1942 he joined GEORGE EPSTEIN, ofCharlocre, North RICHARD N . MITCHEll, of Natick, Massa­ Sinclair Venez.uelan Petroleum Co. in Caracas, Carolina, remains a professor of computer sci­ chusetts, writes, "Much against my will, I guess 1991 eventuaJly becoming vice president and director ence at the University of North Carolina, Char­ I've become a real adult. I am an assistant MARK LYTTLE, of Decacur, Georgia, is now a of exploration. In 19)9 he moved '0 .he New lorre. His book Mliltipl'-1Ialutd Logic Design: professor in pa.holoSY a. Harvard Medical graduate student and research assistant in mate­ York offices of Si nclair as chief of explora.ion. An IntrodNction is scheduled for publication in School and am a staff pathologist at Brigham rials science at the University of Virginia, where Both before and after the acquisition of Sinclair 1993 by Instieu.e of Physics Publish ins, Bristol, and Women's Hospital in Boston, teaching, he plays lef. wins on .he recently crowned by .he Atlantic Richfield Co. (Arco), he traveled Ensland. doing cell biology I immunology research, and intramural-champion floor-hockey team. ex.ensively in the Middle and Far East as well as specializins in cardiac patholoSY. My wife, Africa and South America. He'retired from 1956 Diane, and I have tWO kids, tWO dogs, two cars, PAMELA]OY SHAPIRO, PhD, of Moscow, Areo in 1969 and moved 'Q .he W es.ville RAYMOND L. ORBACH, a well-known and a mortgage on a house in the suburbs. Idaho, was appoin.ed '0 the facul.y of .he Uni­ section of New Haven in 1977. Martha, his physicist and the newly appointed chancellor of ArShl Responsibili.yl We periodically see versiry ofIdaho in Sep.ember 1992. She com­ wife of 60 yea .. , died in 1991. He is survived UC Riverside, and his wife, Eva, received Hon­ fellow Rudds RICH BAKER [BS '74) and pleted a postdoctorate at Du Pont in Delaware. by his brother, Gilbert; a son, David; and two orary Fellow Awards at the seven.h UCLA KEllY BEATTY [BS '73), bu. miss a 10. of.he Her field is chemistry. grandsons, Sydney and Peter. Collese of Lerrers and Science Awards Dinner old sans." on Oc.ober 8, 1992. Mter earning his doctorate a. UC Berkeley, Orbach joined .he UCLA 1986 facul.y in 1963. He served as provost of .he LISA CUMMINGS BAXTER and STEVEN College of Leuers and Science for 10 years, and BAXTER, BS '84, have had a baby boy, Colin KEEP US INFORMED! he was appointed chancellot of UC Riverside in Tait, born on November 6, 1992. He weighed March 1992. Eva Orbach holds a in 8 pounds, 13 ounces. Steven is a senior scientist Keep uS informed so we can keep your fellow alums informed. Send us news about psycholosy from UC Berkeley and has been at Rohm & Haas in Springhouse, Pennsylvania. you and your family, about a new job, promotion, awards-anything you'd like to see accive in school and civic organizations. The printed in the Personals section of Caltech News. Return this coupon and any addi­ Otbachs live in Pacific Palisades, California. MARGARET CARTER, of Ann Arbor, Michi­ tional materials to: Caltech News, Calrech Mail Stop 1-71, Pasadena, CA 91125. They have been married for 36 years and have gan, writes, "I have just earned my PhD from

.hree children and five grandchildren. the University of Michigan in environmental ~ame ______engineering. 1 am also proud to announce that I 1963 am currently unemployed, unmarried, and Degree(s) and Year(s) Granted ______PAUL]. NAHIN, MS, recently presen.ed an childless. " invited lecture at the W. V. T. Rusch Engineer­ Address ______ing Undergraduate Honors Colloquium at the GEOFFREY B. MILI.S, PhD, of Los Alamos, University of Southern California. Nahih, an New Mexico, returned to the United States twO associate professor of electrical engineering at years aso five and a half years in Europe. • he Universi.y of New Hampshire, spoke on He has two sons, Alexandre and Jonathan . "The Paradoxes of Time Travel." The lecrure Is this a new address' __ Day phone ______Occupation ______was based, in part, on his book Tin~ MachineJ:

TifM Traut/ in PhYJiu, MetaphYJiu, and Science ~ews ______Fiction, just published by the American Institute of Physics. TifM Machines is a selection of the Library of Science Book Club. 15

1929 surgeon. On April 18, 1942, he served as both 1938 JOHN J. SUTYAK, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylva­ STANLEY W. LOHMAN, MS '38, of Denver, flight surgeon and gunner on a B-25 bomber ROBERT J. BARRY, of Pasadena, California, nia, on June 5, 1992; he was 68. He retired in Colorado, on January 12, 1992. He carried out during the first American air mid on Japan. led on October 24, 1992. He is survived by his 1979 from Mesta Machine Company, where he groundwater studies for the U.S. Geological by General James Doolittle. He was the first wife, Doris; a son, William; two daughters, had served as manager of research and develop­ Survey in Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Colorado, and only flight surgeon whose duties included Barbara Blackman and Jane Balesrri; four ment, and was n certified professional engineer and in 1951 became the staff geologist and in flying as a gunner. When his plane crash­ brothers; and six grandchildren and nine step­ in the Commonwealrh of Pennsylvania. He was 1956 the branch area chieffor the Rocky Moun­ landed in the China Sea, he attended wounded grandchildren. also a volunteer for the Boy SCOUtS of America. cain area, He retired in 1974 as a senior re­ airmen and escaped with the help of Chinese He is survived by his wife, Mary; a son, John; search geologist, hue coneinued part time until partisans. He received the Silver Star and the 1939 and a brocher, Michael. 1981. In addition to his principal disciplines of Distinguished Flying Cross, and his diary of JOHN M. PEAT,JR., of Redondo Beach, geology and hydrogeology, he was a musician, a the raid appeared in the June 1943 Allanlic California, on October 13, 1992. He se rved 1947 mathematician, an electronics specialist, a Morl/hly. He also took part in the invasions of in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World JAMES S. LESKO, MS, ENG '48, of Mercer photographer, a teacher, and a technicaJ writer North Africa, Sicily, and Italy, and served in War Il, and later became a test pilot for the Island, Washington, on November 11 , 1992; and editor with 70 reports to his credic, He England. He was discharged as a major. He aerospace industry. He was an avid ocean-rocing he was 71. Mter gcaduating from Caltech, he authored GrolmJ Wafer Hydraulics. which has then practiced general medicine and surgery in yachtsman and a member of the los Angeles, worked fot Chance Vought on Long Island, undergone six printings, including one in Span­ Redlands, California, and Kailua, Hawaii. He St. Francis, and King Harbor Yacht Club,. He New York, and spent five years with the ish, as well as several geologic reports for lay was a member of Doolitde Raiders Inc.; the is survived by his sistcr, Jean Alderton. Wright AeronauticallaboC"oltories in Ohio. readers. He was a Fellow of both the Geological Adventurers Club of Honolulu, Hawaii; rhe He joined the Boeing Company in December Society of America and the American Geophysi­ Silvergate Yacht Club of San Diego; the Ameri­ ROBERT A. SANDERS, MS '52, of 1953 as an engineering supervisor, and after cal Union, and a member of numerous other can Medical Association; and rhe Pan Pacific Shelbyville, Tennessee, on September 27, 1992. 29 years retired as a unit manager in systems scientific and geological organjzacions. He was Surgical Association. He is survived by his wife, He is survived by his wife, Sara. engineering. He worked on the B-70 bomber, the recipienc of many honors, including the Marjorie; a son, Nelson; a daughrer, Victoria and later on the U.S. Air Force's Dynasoar, the Distinguished Service Award of the Department Whitehand; and five grandchildren and seven JOSEPH D. WINSTON, MS, ofLo, Angeles, forerunner of NASA's space shuttle. He is of the Interior and the Distinguished Service great-grandchildren. on April 4, 1992. He is survived by his wife. survived by his wife, Barbara Ann; three sons, Award of the Hydrogeology Division of the Peter, Paul, and Andrew; two daughters, Julie 1932 Geological Society of America. He is survived 1940 Anna Kelley and Catherine Bersos; six grand­ RUPERT A. BROWN, of San Marino, Califor­ by Ruth, his wife of nearly 59 years; by sons FRANK W. (BILL) BROWN Ill, EX, of children; Po brother, John; and two sisters, nia, on July 28, 1992. He is survived by his William, Terry, and Robert; by his ~rother, Kensington, California, on May 15, 1992; he Matie Grega and Helen Musa nte. wife, Phyllis. Kenncth; and by seven grandchildren and four was 77. He was a member of the American great-grandchi Idren. Association for the Advancement of Science, the JOHN P. PRENDERGAST, of San Jose, 1933 Betkeley Camera Club, the Enstbay Astronomi­ California, on November 20, 1992; he was 70. STERLING BECKWITH, PhD, of Menlo Park, 1930 cal Society, and the Chi Phi Fraternity of Cam­ He had been a student at Cal tech for three years California, on December 1,1992; be was 87. DONALD C. GRANT, EX, of Upland, Califot­ bridge, Massachusetts. He is survived by his when WorJd War II incelVened. As a J;eurenanr He wotk.d fot the LOs Angeles Metropolitan nja, on Januaey 20,1985. He was a retired wife, Sue; 'ltwo sons, Rkhard and Lawrence; a in the Army Air Forces, he served as a radar Water District, the Westinghouse Electric Kaiser Steel mechanical ellgi neer. daughter, Hope Bowles; a sister, Esther Fox; and officer. After graduating from Caltech, he Corp .• and the Allis Chalmers Manufacturing four grandchildren, Michele, Lindsay, Matthew, briefly worked for the California Highway Co. He held more than 100 U.S. and fore ign 1931 and Robin. Department, then in 1948 moved to the Califor­ pacents, mainly in the fields of hydrogen-cooled REA A. AXLINE, of Rancho Santa Fe, Cal ifor­ nia Water Service Co. in San Jose , where he rose power generators, liquified-natural-gas transpor­ nia, on October 30, 1992. He was a retired FRANCIS MORSE, MS, of Wayland, Massa­ from assistant engineer to assistant chief engi­ tation, and air-curtain multishelf frozen-fd business executive and n major financial con­ chusetts, on October 4, 1992; he was 75. Dur­ neer before retiring in 1987. He is su rvived display cabinets for supermarkets; he also pat­ tributor to the San Diego Museum of Contem­ ing World War II he worked at Lockheed by his wife, Helen; two sons, Jeff and John; ented a mulriroror helicopter thar he test pi­ poracy An. He was also a life trustee of the San Aircraft Corporation and later at Goodyear a grandson; and a brother, Robert. loted himself, an electric-drive auromobile, and Diego Museum of Art, a member of (he Finance Aircmft Corporation in Akron, Ohio. In the a refrigerator using a supersatumted environ­ Comminee of the San Diego Zoological Society, 1950s he was employed by General Electric 1949 ment for the long-term storage of fresh foods a member of the board of &ripps Memorial at their division in Pittsfield, Massachusetts: JAMES R. WILTS, MS, PhD '52, on August and produce. He was the author of numerous Hospital Fou ndation, and a member of the He was an active member in community and 31,1992. He is survived by a brother, Herman. scientific alld technical articles, and he was a President's Council and n trustee of the UCSD ecological groups, and in 1968 he ran for a seat member of many professional organizations and Foundation. He was a member of the Associates in the Massachusetts House of Represe ntatives. 1951 honor societies. In 1958 he received the Lamme of Caltech, and he was a !lfe member and served He was an advocate for a stronger United ARTHUR 1. FREER, MS, of New Windsor, medal of the Instirute of Electrical and Electron­ on the board of direcrors of rhe Alumni Associa­ Nations, and an activist for peace during rhe New York, on February 11, 1992. He is sur­ ics Engineers for "his contribution to the art and tion. In 1976 he pledged Sl million to estab­ Vietnam War. He is survived by Carmina, his vived by a son. sc ience nnd design and applicarion of rotati ng lish the Rea A. and Lela G. Axline Professorship wife of 47 years; their four children; and three electric equipment." He is survived by Fmnces, in Business. Economics, in the Division of the grandsons. 1952 his wife of 65 years; his son, Herbert; his daugh­ Humanities and Social Sciences. He is survived HENRY E. SUZUKI, MS, of Los Angeles, on ter, Diana Garis; and seven grandchildren and by his wife, Lela. 1941 December 17 , 1992. He had served with U.S. one great-grandchild. KIM HILL, JR., of La Cafiada Flintridge, Army Intelligence during World War II. He JOHN R. MCMILLAN, of Pasadena, California, California, on March 2, 1992; he was 74. Mter worked extensively throughout the Antelope GERALD 1. HASSLER, PhD, of Los Angeles, on November I, 1992; he was 83. A retired oil­ graduating from Caltech, he studied law at Valley as a consulting civil eng ineer specializing on May 11, 1992. He is survived by his wife, industry executive and consultant. he was con­ USC, and later graduated from its school of in water-supply and water-discribution prob­ Mildred. sidered one of the last of his generation of business, becoming a CPA. He worked for lems, and he was also involved wirh site survey­ Haskins & Sells and later for the Department of ing and subdivision engineering. He began his wildcatters. Over the years he worked for 1935 own company-Heney E. Suzuki En.gineering, Barnsdall Oil, Fullerton Oil, Monterey Oil, HENRY W. STOLL, of Mill Creek, Washing­ Defense Contracts Audit Agency, at JPL. He was very active in the Sierra Club, and with his in. Pasadena-in 1960. He is survived by his Tmnswestern Pipeline, and Humble Oil and con. on November 6, 1992. He worked for th,· wife hiked the local mountains almost daily. sons, James and John; his daughters, Judith Refining •• unong others. More recendy he had Taylor Instrument Company in Rochester. N ew Walters and Katherine Suzuki; two grandchil­ been president and chief executive officer of York, where he achieved an incernaciona1 repu­ He was also a major collector, and had the nation's largest colleccjoo of dassj( boys' books, dren, Amy and Carrie Walters; and four sisters, Reserve Oil & Gas. He served on Presidem radon in prcXess conrtol. After retiring in 1974 such as Tom Swift and the Hardy Boys, He was Agnes, Georgia, Lu cy, and Magdalen. Richard M. Nixon's Petroleum Council and was he continued to consult for Eli Lilly in India­ an aeeive member in the Yosemite Association, a former president of the Western Oil and Gas napolis fot 13 years, and he remained acrive the National Trust for HisfOric Preservation, Associarion. He was named Wildcat Oil Man of reaching for the Instrument Society of America 1958 the Year in 1982. A former president of the until his death. He is survived by his wife, and the American Institute ofCPAs. He is THOMAS O. THOSTESEN, MS, of La Associates of Cal tech , he in April 1989 pledged Marjory; his sons, Henry, Howard, Donald, and survived by his wife, louellen; two sons, Brett Crescenta, California, on October 31,1992. He is survived· by his wife, Sarah. $1.5 million to establish the Eleanor and John Gerald; his daughter, Barbara Lindbo; 13 grand­ and Kevin; and a grandchild, Cody. R. McMillan Professorship in Caltech's Division children and one great-granddaughter; and a of Geological and Planetary &iences, primarily brother, Robert. 1943 1962 to honor the memory of his wife, who had died STANLEY C. SNOWDON, PhD, of Wheaton, ROGER E. MESSICK, PhD, of Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 12, 1992; he was 63. Mter the previous May. He is survived by his daugh­ 1937 Illinois, on November 4, 1992. He is survived graduating from Cal tech he taught mathematics ters, Linda Bozung and Laurie Dodson, and by VERNON A. C. GEVECKER, MS, of Rolla, by his wife. at Case Institute of Technology for four years three grandchildren. Missollri, on Occober 14, 1992. He was a and then taught marhematics, mechanks, engi­ retired faculty member of the civil engineering 1945 neering science, and computers at the Univer­ T. ROBERT WHITE, of Palm Springs, Califor­ department oCthe University of Missouri at WILLIAM F. TIERNAN, JR., MS, of Narberth , nia, on November 29, 1992; he was 83. He Rolla. He is survived by his wife, Mildred. Pennsylvania, on November 23, 1990. He is sity of Cincinnati for 22 years. He retired as received his medical degree from Harvard and survived by his wife. Jo Anne. professor emeritus in 1989. He is survived by his wife, Eleanore; two daughters. Myra was a fellow at Johns Hopkins. He served his HUNG-CHANG YIN, PhD, of Shanghai, Messick-Hersko and Lyla Messick; a gmnd­ medical residency at Queen's Hospital in Hono­ China, on November 30, 1992. He was honor­ 1946 daughter, Hannah; and his macher, Lillie. lulu, Hawaii, and later graduated from the U.S. ary director of the Shanghai Institute of Plant JAMES 1. MCCARTHY, of San Rafael, Califor­ Army Air Corps School of Medicine as a flight Physiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a nia, on May 24, 1992. He is survived by his member of thar academy. wife, Huberta. California Institute of Caltech.News Technology California Institute ofTechnology Pasadena, California 91125 CaltechNews

ADDRESS CORRECl1ON REQUESTED Volume 27, No.1 Feb",.,. f993

Issued six times a year (Feb., April. In this issue With the Anew After an It)s a role June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.) and breakup of the Institute published by the California Institute of exhaustive Shirley Technology and the Alumni Association, , program on radar study, Marneuswas 1201 East California Blvd., Pasadena, social ethnic and Caltech radio born to California 91125. Third class postage paid at Pasadena, California. scientists from racial astronomers play­ Postmaster: Send address changes to: Caltech and diversity will bounce the director of ell/tech News Caltech 1-71 Russia find use southern notion of ice Ca/tech's Pasadena, CA 91125. common California as on Mercury Theater Arts ground in its laboratory. off the program. LeValLund their concern Page 2 planetary Proih !ifthe AUmmi ASSO

£=uti", Editor - HeIdi Asparurian Production Arlist - Barbara Wirick Editors - Danien" Gladding, Julie Hakewill P hotogl'aph"" - Rohert paz Contributors _Jay Aller, Hillary Bh.askaran, Winifred Veronda, Betsy Woodford Cir.cJl4!titmM4n4ger-Susan Lee