Shopping Center Hearing Brings out 100 Citizens
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Shopping center hearing David Miller, 81, fornvr Lo- well man now living in Flor- brings out 100 citizens ida was involved Wednesday aft- ernoon in an inlercection acci- dent with Clinton Chilstoff on A public hearing on re-zoning pated compeition with clothing essary in the town. Lowell Riversidp Drive. some 7 acres on West Main stores in the community. He should not Ix' afraid of outside capital building in the town. Police Issued Miller a notice Street, so L. V. Eberhard can replied that 90 percent of his build a new ^i|>«'r market and sales would l)e food products. Most of the ndustry in the , to appear for failure lo yield develop a shopping center at- Mrs. Thelma Hahn accused community is the result of out- the right-of-way. tracted a crowd of about 100 the Lowell Development Cor- side capital and management • poration of using a false identi- by outside men. Mrs. Ed Marshall reported citizens Monday night. fication, that they were outsid- Mrs, Maryan Siegel told the to police on Sunday that $60 After about an hour of rou- ers interested in exploiting the hearing thai in her experience fhad been stolen from her home tine business, the council open- community. She said thai a let- in other parts of the country, on Lincoln Lake Avenue. She ed the hearing, which ran pret- ter they sent around the com- profits from a shopping center said the money was missing ty smooth considering several hot tempers in the audience and munity was insulting to the citi- go out of the community, ex- ,froni $180 that was left on the zens. cept for the taxes, salaries and table in tlin home. an extra hot evening. At least Further she said that this other costs of operating. Polce are investigating in Lowell everyone is given a chance to Ix' heard and has the town had been here for 135 Rev. Robert Webber, pastor • years and the citizens were of the Lowell Methodist Church, Vol. 73—No. 15 THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1966 A large semi-track, driven respect for his fellow citizens not a bunch of country bump- said that he could take an ob> by James F. Gallagher. 25, of that they also are heard des- kins who could be fooled by a jective view of this proposed Palo hit a pick up truck driven pite their personal feelings. group of outsiders. There was shopping center since he had no Sherry Davis receives by Everett Wittenbach, 16. of After two hours the meeting a round of applause after her business interests and was a news of death of one Route 1, Ada, Tuesday after- broke up. No vote was taken impassioned speech. relative newcomer to the town. noon. and no decision was made. The brother, other wounded He said the community should The truck driver was given question of re-zoning the land Dave Clark, Jr., said that he had checked with the state and show some trust in Mr. Eber- a notice to appear for im- was referred back to the Plan- Mrs. Ablwt G. (Sherry) Da- the Lowell Development Corp. hard and let the progress take ' proper passing. ning Commission's recommen- vis received news this morning dation. The Planning Commis- should be known as Lowell De- place, July 20, of the (loath '>f her brw • velopment Corp. of Massachu- Anita Boersma. who identified Wheat Is starting to roll ill- sion meets on Wednesday of thcr, Paul Hendrix. lie w a s herself us a housewife of the 'to King Milling Company here this week and will no doubt setts. serving in Viet Nam in the L. V. Eberhard spoke again community, urges approval of with favorable weather. First lo vote on the referred request. United States Marine Corps. the shopping center so she arrive with new wheat was Lew- If the Commission's vote on saying that he was ready to Her husband, serving in Viet could do her shopping for all i. is (iasper of Belding. this is the same as they did nut his money on the line, a Nam as a Navy Medic, called her needs in Lowell. He delivered 13.5 percent before, when a request to re- lot of money and had confi- via overseas telephone to break She said that she now shops wheat testing 57 pounds a bus- zone this land for a lesser com- dence in the growth of this this sad news to her and also to mercial use. the vote will be community. out of town, because there is 3 hel. feV .' Viv tell her that another brother, against Eberhard The matter Other businessmen in the no adequate shopping facility. also a Marine, had suffered • Tom McNamara, attorney for Work Is underway lo move after the Planning Commission's community have the same op- head wounds from a hand gren- Mr. Eberhard, complemented a 1,000 KW oil burning diesel recommendation will go back to portunity if they are willing to ade. Both brothers were career the community for its fine turn- engine out through an opening the Council. work and give the community service men. out at the public hearing and into the McQueen building on The Council could over-ride what it wants. A round of ap- HMC Davis will Ix? escorting the interest in community af- North Brodway Street, the die- the recommendation of the plause followed this comment. the body of his brother-in-law fairs shown by those In atten- sel engine will be shipped to Planning Commission, but only Mrs. Virginia Myers, mem- home to the States. dance. He asked the group if Wisconsin where it will Ix? re- according to the ordinance by ber of the council accused the Mrs. Davis left to fly to Geor- they could find anything wrong built and converted to gas op- a 4-1 vote. At the present time three members of the council gia to meet her father and they who had signed their name to in the American way of allow- eration. it appears that the Council does will go on to Texas for the fu- ing a business to make a pro- Cost of the rebuilding has not have sufficient votes to al* a letter opposing allowing Eber- neral services. fit from its investment and ef- $33.INM and 541,000. low the re-zoning. hard to build on West Main St. of pre-judging the case before forts. • Commenls At Hearing People will shop where com- . Leonard Thompson, 427 N. it was given a hearing at the Powell speaks Vfonroe reported to police that Jack Boule, Grand Rapids at- council. munities offers service and ade- two rifles, two pistols and a torney representing Wendell Mayor Arnold Wittenbach, ex- quate variety and stock of mer- shotgun were stolen from his Herman, owner of the land, plained why he signed the let- chandise. A good merchant will always succeed in a community Talent night winners to Rotary Club residence on Monday evening. opened the hearing with a ter to give more information to the citizens. He said the of healthy competition. State Representative Stanley statement of the problem and • fact that he signed the letter Gordon Hill said he felt sor- M. Powell of Ionia was the fea- Alexander Grelik, 48, will be the position of the land owners. Six amateur acts won the opportunity to perform with Bob did not indicate his stand on ry for the Council if they allow- tured speaker at the regular missing from Main Street for He said that the Lowell Devel- Newhart and other performers on the Lowell Showboat In the the rezoning question before the ed the business center of the weekly meeting of the Lowell a time. He was arrested on a opment Corporation had built Talent Search Finals Saturday night on the dock-side stage in Council. community to go out of exist- Retriever Club Rotary Club, held in the Ameri- dnmk and disorderly charge & 30 new homes and have a 4- l/owell. From left to right arc Diane Reltrano, Harper Woods, Phil Schneider, member of ance. can Legion Hall on Wednesday, sentenced to 60 days in jail family apartment building un- baton twlrler; Denny Platte, Pam and Dwaln Schott.. billed as the Council, told the citizens Joe Parker said he thought hold field trial July 13. and fined $55 and costs. der construction. "The Schotts," from GraPd Rapids; Pam and Penny Feuer- at the hearing that he believed the Council made it real diffi- President Orville Jackson call- If the fine Is not paid, he The development company stein, a song and dance act from Saranac; Julia Turner song- in following the advise of the cult for a business to expand The Flat River Retriever ed on Rotarian Lee Lamkin to will received an additional 31 has followed all the rules set stress from Grand Rapids; John Stranzanac and Helen Chorny, city planner since he was an under the present zoning. He Club of Michigan announces introduce the speaker. He was days in Jail. down by the Planning Commis- "The Plain Folk Singers" from Grand Haven; and Reanne Mil- expert hired to advise the coun- told of his efforts to expand his plans for its 5th Annual Chal- program chairman for the day. sion and the Council and are ler, acrobatic dancer from Hastings. cil. He said he would vote to business. lenge Trophy Field Trial to be Mr. Lamkin had invited Rep. merely asking for approval o( uphold the decision of the Plan- Steve Wittenbach said compe- held on Saturday and Sunday, Powell to review some of the Eugene Pettis, 76, a commercial area already Six outstanding talent acts tons on Thursday night, July 28.