2004 Spring Season Comedie-Franc;aise

Photo, Claudine Doury A Hearty Invalid

By Leslie (Hoban) Blake

Imagine a scenario in which a 51-year-old actor-playwright, at the height of his fame, is playing a hypochondriac in his latest satire-this one about medical quackery-when he collapses onstage and dies. Unbelievable?

Well, in 1673 that's exactly what happened to Jean Baptiste Poquelin-better known as Moliere­ when he was starring in his final play, La Malade Imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid). Ironically, Moliere actually was something of a hypochondriac, and his critique of the medical profession is as timely today as it was then.

Pick up a newspaper or watch late-night infomercia ls, and you'll find phony doctors and pills that promise life-altering changes, not unlike the shams and fake miracle cures encountered by lead character Argan. So it's fitting that the darkness behind his final play is as alive as the humor in Comedie-Fran<;aise's production (Harvey Theater, June 9-13).

It's only the fourth time in 25 years that the esteemed French theater has visited New York, and for director Claude Stratz, it's his first staging of a Moliere play. "I'd read all of his works and dreamed of directing one of his plays," says the handsome Swiss director, who is also director of the French National Academy of Dramatic Art (Conservatoire National Superieur d'art Dramatique). "While they're called comedies, I wanted to make sure to capture the underlying melancholic strain that also exists, especially in The Imaginary Invalid."

16 Comedie-Frangaise

That melancholic strain is indeed captured with film-noir lighting and music. Stratz, who was a student of Swiss philosopher and psychologist Jean Piaget, also makes use of shadows and underscoring, revealing the nasty truths beneath the comic surface.

But Stratz doesn't stint on the musical aspects of the play. Moliere's theater was at the forefront of marrying music and dance to the spoken word, and many of his plays (not unlike some of Shakespeare's) end with a song and a dance. In Invalid they are even more integrated, and Stratz has drawn upon the Italian com media deWarte character of Punchinello the clown for his fantastical interludes.

"But the set directions come directly from Moliere," Stratz assures. "He described one simple set and a hand-painted clavichord. Of course, at the Comedie-Frangaise, as in Moliere's own time, we play in repertory, so simple sets are very he lpful. And the sets and costumes we're bringing over are "absolument identique" to the ones in Paris. That clavichord is the heaviest and therefore the most difficult piece to transport."

"", Except for a dozen years during the French revolution .. , the company has performed more or less continually- even during two world wars,"

If you visit Comedie-Frangaise-or La Maison de Moliere, as it is fondly called-on its home turf, a three-theater complex on the Rue de Richelieu, you'll hear the French language spoken so perfectly that even those with only a rudimentary knowledge of the language can usually follow a play. (At BAM, of course, there will be English surtitles.)

Comedie-Frangaise's history dates back to 1680, a century before America was even a revolution­ ary glint in some founding father's eye, and seven years after Moliere's death. Louis XIV officially designated it as France's state theater. And except for a dozen years during the French revolution (1792-1804), the company has performed more or less continually--even during two world wars.

The acting company is a small society unto itself, with different classes of membership running from apprentices to pensioners. Current artistic director Marcel Bozonnet, who's held that post for four years, entered the troupe as an actor in 1982.

He chuckles as he points out, "It's been a long time since they haven't chosen an actor to lead [Comedie-Frangaisel. The [spiritual] founder of our theater was Moliere, and in Moliere's theater today, we still deal with the same kinds of topics he did , reflections of society, in a constant search for a new morality for human beings."

Stratz agrees: "The need to make theater remains, I believe, the same. I cannot prove it, of course, but I have the feeling that the motivations, the major desires which push somebody to make theater today are not very different from those which motivated an actor at the time of Shakespeare or Moliere." ~

Brooklyn-born arts journalist Leslie (Hoban) Blake writes for the New York Resident Th e Hollywood Reporter, and Theatermania.com. She is vice president of the Drama Desk.

17 Voice Fi Im Critics' Series

Village Voice: Best of 2003 Film Festival A Showcase for Oddities and Imports By Dennis Lim

Most film critics' awards tend to blur into a morass of pre-Academy Award prognostication. But the Village Voice's annual poll, a survey of some SO-plus of the nation's most cinephilic film reviewers (drawn mostly from the alternative press), can be relied on to spread the year-end, list­ making love among an idiosyncratic assortment of oddities and imports guaranteed to receive zero attention come Oscar night. Likewise, the Voice/BAMcinematek summer festival (Jun 1-30), based on the results of the poll, exists largely as a showcase for the underseen and the overlooked.

Which isn't to say that the program has no time for crowd-pleasers. Included in the current series are two of 2003's most beloved underdogs: Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki's droll amnesiac romance, The Man Without a Past, and Peter Sollett's sweet, loose-limbed Loisaida teen comedy, Raising Victor Vargas. There's even a Hollywood hit in the mix: Richard Linklater's triumphant The School of Rock, the year's best and arguably most political studio movie-a timely, rousing attempt to reinstate anti-authoritarian sentiment into the adolescent curriculum, and maybe into adult lives as well.

The 25-film "Village Voice: Best of 2003" slate attempts to summarize the year in art-house movie-going. Patterns are retraced and trends encapsulated. Sampling from 2003's crop of enor­ mously popular documentaries, the series offers the kid-centered charm assault of Jeff Blitz's Spellbound to Nicolas Philibert's To Be and to Have. Brit social realism, old- and new-school, are represented by Ken Loach's Sweet Sixteen and Michael Winterbottom's In This World . Ever vital Canadian auteurs left their marks-Guy Maddin with his dazzling ballet Dracula and David Cronen berg with the haunting, Beckett-inspired Spider. And Gus Van Sant heroically returned from studio good-will hunting to art-film provocation with Gerry, a pictorially majestic wilderness trek, and Elephant, an ethereal meditation on Columbine focusing on the hallucinatory tranquility of the final countdown.

Indeed , many of the year's boldest cinematic experiments are on view: Abbas Kiarostami's offers a textured picture of women in modern-day Tehran in Ten , shot with a digital camera mounted to the dashboard of a moving car. Almost as economical in its own way, Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's The Son is a withholding yet boundlessly humane parable of forgiveness. Unknown

20 Voice Fi Im Critics' Series

Pleasures, mapping the effects of post-Mao socio-economic convulsions on rootless teens in a moribund Chinese coal-mining town, establishes 33-year-old Jia Zhangke as one of the greats of our time, having perfected, after only three features, an exalted, observational style that owes as much to Robert Bresson as Hou Hsiao-hsien.

Especially strong, the program's French selection is also richly diverse. Olivier Assayas' demon lover takes a suitably nasty and seductive approach to its nightmare vision of new-media pornography and multinational capital. Comparatively old-fashioned, Claire Denis' Friday Night infuses a Paris one-night stand with a flavor of skewed enchantment. And Marina de Van 's In My Skin , a tour de force of dermatological and existential horror, is simply the gutsiest debut feature in memory-a literally lacerating film that invites the viewer to look anew at the human body.

The Voice poll's Best Undistributed Film category is perhaps its most important, functioning as a rescue mission of sorts. This year's selection of under-the-radar "orphans" is typically global. From Austria, documentarian Ruth Mader's downbeat fiction debut, Struggle, is about an immi­ grant laborer in Vienna. Boris Khlebnikov and Alexei Popogrebsky's Koktebel delicately contributes to the growing crop of Russian father-and-son films. Thailand's Apichatpong Weerasethakul enigmatically pays tribute to the joys of lazy afternoon picnics and al fresco sex in Blissfully Yours. Swedish director Tomas Alfredson's four-hour Four Shades of Brown is a black-comic symphony of family dysfunction. And from Iceland, there's U.S. director Bradley Rust's Gray's Salt, a teen movie with the jagged aesthetic of the Danish Dogme movement but a most un-Dogme-like sensibility- a heart.

Perhaps the strangest entry (and my personal pick of the series), French director Alain Guiraudie's No Rest for the Brave is, as its title suggests, an inexhaustible fount of fearless invention. This remarkable, shape-shifting first feature utterly defies definition: Is it a slacker comedy fueled by sleep deprivation? A rustic road movie that imagines rural life as a languid idyll of rock-and-roll and man-boy love? An existential odyssey in which a questing young hero goes on the run from death, only to confront the inescapable fact of mortality? Unbelievably, all of the above, and probably much more.

Finally, two Voice poll perennials make appearances in the Undistributed section (though both films have since been acquired for U.S. release): prolific nonagenarian Manoel de Oliveira, with the eccentric historical travelogue A Talking Picture, and Tsai Ming-liang, whose Goodbye, Dragon Inn won the category by a landslide. A wryly minimal valentine to a dilapidated Taipei theater, Tsai's latest is a movie about watching movies that holds up an inquiring mirror to its audience. Few films have so lovingly evoked the dream life of a particular space- a storehouse of memory and fantasy, exerting its pull even after the last picture show has unspooled. ~

Dennis Lim is film editor and a film critic at the Village Vo ice. Vii/age Voice: Best of 2003 17 A Talking Picture (Un film parle), Ma noel de Oliveira. Sneak preview courtesy Kino International. Jun 1 Koktebel, Boris Khlebnikov, Aleksei Popogrebsky 18 demonlover, Olivier Assayas 2 Ten, Abbas Kiarostami 19 Salt, Bradley Rust Gray. Q&A w/Gray and prod. 3 The School of Rock, Richard Linklater So Kim, post 6:45 show, moderated by Voice critic. 4 Elephant, Gus Van Sant 20 Struggle, Ruth Mader 5 Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Bu san), Tsai Ming-liang 22 In This World, Michael Winterbottom 6 To Be and To Have (Etre et avoir), Nicole Philibert 23 Spider, David Cronen berg. Cinemachat: writer Patrick 8 Unknown Pleasures (Ren xiao yao), Jia Zhangke McGrath & Voice critic Elliott Stein, post-6:45 show 9 The Man Without a Past (Mies vailla menneisyytfa), 24 The Son (Le fils), Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne Aki Kaurismaki 25 Friday Night (Vendredi soir), Clai re Denis 10 Dracula: Pages From a Virgin's Diary, Guy Maddin 26 No Rest for the Brave (Pas de repos pour les preceded by Heart of the World. Q&A: Guy Maddin braves), Alain Guiraudie. Q&A: Alain Guiraudie post-7:30 show post-6:45 show, moderated by Voice film critic. 11 Gerry, Gus Van Sant 27 Four Shades of Brown (Fyra nyanser av brunt), 12 & 13 Blissfully Yours (Sud sanaeha) , Apichatpong Tomas Alfredson Weerasethakul. Intra by Voice film critic. 29 Sweet Sixteen, Ken Loach 14 In My Skin (Dans ma peau), Marina de Van 30 Raising Victor Vargas, Peter Sol lett. 15 Spellbound, Jeffrey Blitz Q&A: Peter Sollett post 6:45 show 21 Ibe Campaign for BAM

The Campaign for BAM was initiated in 1992 to create Phase Two (1996-2000) combined operating, endow­ Brooklyn Academy of Music's first endowment. Phase One ment, institutional development, and building renovation (1992-1995) established a $12 million nucleus which needs into one unified effort and achieved the endowment has provided BAM with a strong financial foundation and goal of $20 million. The con tinued growth of the endow­ supports all BAM operations through annual distribution ment is critical to the success and future of BAM. Phase of interest income. Three (2001-2005) of the Campaign is now underway with a goal of expanding the endowment to the level of $40 million. BAM sincerely thanks the many contributors who have made major gifts to the endowment effort. Endowment $5,000,000 and above $250,000 and above Mr. & Mrs. Ame Vennema Judge Franklin R. Weissberg Ri chard B. Fi sher & The Bohen Foundation Verizon Communications & Judge Marylin G. Jeanne Donovan Fi sher William I. Campbell & The Isak and Rose Diamond (CC) The Peter Jay Sharp Christine Wachter Weinman Foundation Foundation The Charles & Valerie in honor of Madame $10,000 and above Lila Wallace-Reader's Diker Dance Lilliana Teruzzi Alfa Mechanical Corp. Digest Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Bloomberg for Community, The Horace W Goldsmith $50,000 and above Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Edu ca tional , & Public Foundation Robert & Joan Catell Buchan Affairs Programs Alex Hillman Family Kathleen & Neil Chrisman Calyon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ms. Anne Delaney $1,000,000 and above Carole & Irwin Lainoff Christensen III Beth Rudin DeWoody Altria Group, Inc./Next Maxwell Family Fund in Brendan & Barbara Dugan Dwight & Ann Ellis Wave Forward Fund Commun ity Funds, Inc. European American Bank Gail Erickson & Christa Rice Doris Duke Charitable HSBC Bank USA Mallory & Elizabeth Factor Foundation $100,000 and above Rita J. & Stanley H. Kaplan Joan Fields Emily H. Fisher Michael Bailkin , Marvin Family Foundation , Inc. Mrs. M. Derene Frazier Judith R. & Alan H. Levine, Jesse Masyr, KeySpan Foundation Mr. John M.Goldsmith Fishman David Stadtmauer Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Lampert Ms. Regina M. Griffin The Ford Foundati on Fund Charles J. & Irene F. Hamm John Lipsky & Jane Holzka & Mark Winther to Support Collaborative The Harkness Foundation Zsuzsanna S. Karasz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hulbert Creativity Among for Dance Evelyn & Everett Ortner William Kistler U.S. Artists Francena T. Harrison Arthur Ross Foundation Kelvin & Kathryn Kostohryz The Howard Gilman Performance Fund Lindsay & Brian Shea Albert & Joan Kroni ck Foundation William Randolph Hearst Eric & Amala Levine The Andrew W Mellon Endowment for $25,000 and above Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Foundation Fund For Education and Amanda M. Burden Luntey Opera & Music-Theater Humanities Programs Gerard Conn & Carol Yorke Mr. Jeffrey L. Neuman Bruce C. Ratner Independence Community Mr. & Mrs. G. Martin Fell Jonathan Newcomb The Peter Jay Sharp Fund Bank Forbes, Inc. John Michael Powers Jr. for Opera and Theater Annie Leibovitz & Studio William & Mary Greve Mr. & Mrs. David Puth The Starr Foundation Leo Burnett, USA Foundation Susan & Kanti Rai Anonymous Diane & Adam E. Max Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Kantor The Silverweed Foundation Sarah G. Miller & Miriam E. Katowitz & Mr. James Sollins $500,000 and above Frank L. Coulson Arthur J. Radin Liliane & Jose Soriano Michael Bancroft Goth The Morgan Stanley Rosemarie & Francis J. Barbara H. Stanton Endowed Annual Community and Kazeroid Nora Ann Wallace Performan ce Fund Educational Fund Charlotte & Stanley Kriegel Terilynn & Jeff Walsh Mary & Jim Ottaway Jr. J. P. Morgan & Co. Ticket Assistance Fund Charlene Magen Weinstein in honor of Ruth Incorporated WP. McMullan & Blackburne Ottaway The Jerome Robbins Rachel McPherson As of May 1, 2004 Rockefeller Brothers Fund Foundation , Inc. Robert C. Rosenberg Jonathan F.P. & May & Samuel Rudin The Marion Petschek Smith Diana VC. Rose Family Foundati on Fund for Choreographers

Planned Giving-BAM Angels

BAM Angels recognizes Estate of Bettina Bancroft Rita Hillman Scott C. McDonald individuals who have made Robert & Joan Catell William Josephson Evelyn & Everett Ortner planned gifts to the BAM Neil D. Chrisman Charlotte & Stanley Kriegel Frank J. & Adeline Pannizzo endowment. For information Mr. & Mrs. Henry Christensen III Edgar A. Lampert Alex Wagman call Denis Azaro at Mallory Factor Harvey Lichtenstein Judge Franklin R. Weissberg 718.636.4193. Judith R. & Alan H. Fishman Phyllis Holbrook Lichtenstein

22 The Campaigo for BAM

BAM sincerely thanks its many contributors listed below whose notation (E) . BAM major individual supporters are noted gifts over the past year are greatly appreciated. This listing (NS) for Next SOC iety. Members of BAM Patron Councils are primarily recognizes support for BAM's annual operating needs identified as Chairman's Circle (CC) and Producers Counci l (PC). and also acknowledges endowment contributions with the $500,000 or mar. Joseph S. and Diane H. $25,000 or mar. The Barker Welfare Foundation Brooklyn Borough President Steinberg Charitable Trust Asia Society Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. Marty Markowitz Steiner Studios Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Benson Industries, Inc. Brooklyn Delegation of the Verizon Communications Charitable Trust, HSBC Bank Mr. Vincent Borrelli Council Alberto Vilar (NS) USA, Trustee Boston Consulting Group Richard B. Fisher & Jeanne The Robert W. Wilson Anne H. Bass (NS) British Airways Donovan Fisher (E) (NS) Foundation, Inc. Belgian-American Chamber of The Howard Gilman Commerce Norman J. & Terri Buchan (E) Foundation (E) $50,000 or more BMG Melva Bucksbaum The Andrew W. Mellon Edith and Frances Mulhall Bowne Enterprise Solutions Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Foundation (E) Achilles Memorial Fund British Council Trust New York City Department of Association Franr;aise d'Action The Louis Calder Foundation CB Richard Ellis Cultural Affairs Artistique Credit Suisse First Boston Century Maxim Construction New York City Department of William I. Campbell & The Eleanor Naylor Dana Corp. Design and Construction Christine Wachter (E) (NS) Charitable Trust Mr. Disaphol Chansiri The Peter Jay Sha rp Con Edison Beth Rudin DeWoody Mr. & Mrs. Henry Foundation (E) Calyon The Irene Diamond Fund, Inc. Ch ristensen III (E) (NS) The Starr Foundation (E) The Gladys Krieble Delmas Brendan & Barbara Dugan (NS) Component Assembly Systems, Dffice of Juvenile Justice and Foundation Mr. & Mrs. G. Martin Fell Inc. Delinquency Prevention, Deutsche Bank (E) (NS) The Aaron Copland Fund for Office of Justice Programs, Charles & Valerie Diker (NS) Assemblyman Roger Green Music, Ine. U.S. Department of Justice The Educational Foundation of Charles Hayden Foundation Cultural Services of the French America Heckscher Foundation for Embassy in New York $100,000 or mar. Fleet Children Ms. Anne Delaney (E) (NS) Altria Group, Inc. The Ford Foundation (E) The Jordan Company, L.P. DCM Erectors, Inc. American Friends of the Paris Agnes Gund & Daniel Shapiro Kaufmann , Feiner, Yamin, Jean and Louis Dreyfus Opera & Ballet Giorgio Armani Gildin & Robbins Foundation, Inc. Susan Baker & Michael Lynch The Horace W. Goldsmith Dan Klores (NS) Eastern Exterior Wall Systems (NS) Foundation Me & Ro Inc. Bloomberg The Francena T. Harrison Leigh & Charles Merinoff Editions Schell mann, Inc. Booth Ferris Foundation Foundation Trust (E) Sarah G. Miller & Frank L. Electric Light & Power Inc. Carnegie Corporation of Rita Hillman (NS) Coulson (NS) Empire City Iron Works New York HSBC Ban k USA Natural Heritage Trust Etant Donnes Citigroup Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Neuberger Berman Foundation Mallory & Elizabeth Factor (NS) Del ta Air Lines Family Foundation New York Community Trust Neil R. Feldman (NS) First New York Partners KeySpan Foundation New York State Assembly Finlay Printing Judith R. & Alan H. Fishman John Lipsky & Zsuzsanna S. Brooklyn Delegation Mr. David B. Ford (PC) (NS) Karasz (E) (NS) Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Newhouse Forest Electric Corp. Forest City Ratner Companies The MAT Charitable Piper Rudnick LLP Fujitec New York The Florence Gould Foundation Foundation (NS) Pfizer Inc. Ann and Gordon Getty Charles J. & Irene F Hamrn (E) MetLife Foundation Jonathan FP. & Diana V.C. Foundation The Harkness Foundation The Ambrose Monell Foundation Rose (NS) Goethe-Institut New York! for Dance (E) Morgan Stanley Rush Philanthropic Arts German Cultural Center Independence Community National Endowment for the Arts Foundation, Inc . Ms. Sunny Goldberg Foundation Samuel I. Newhouse The Scherman Foundation, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Mairin & Emily Jerome Foundation, Inc. Kent Cobb Simons (NS) The Grand Marnier Foundation J PMorgan Chase New York Marriott at the The Valentine Perry Snyder William & Mary Greve The Kovner Foundation Brooklyn Bridge Fund Foundation Carole & Irwin La inoff (NSHE) The Harold and Mimi The Green Fund Inc . Robin & Edgar Lampert (NS) Community Affairs Steinberg Charitable Trust Ms. Regina M. Griffin (E) (NS) The Lepercq Foundation Department Trust for Mutual Understanding Semone Grossman, Andrew Diane & Adam E. Max (EHNS) New York Post Nora Ann Wallace & Grossman, GGMC Parking, MetroTech Downtown Fund Timothy U. Nye (NS) Jack Nusbaum (NS) LLC (PC) Consulate General of The Barbro Osher Pro-Suecia Washington Mutual The Helen Hotze Haas Monaco & the Monaco Foundation Vaughn C. Williams (NS) Foundation Government Tourist Office The Jerome Robbins Yamaha Artist Services IATSE - Theatrical Stage in New York Foundation, Inc. Estate of Martha Zalles Employees Local 4 (NS) New York City Central Labor May and Samuel Rudin Independence Community Bank Council and the Consortium Family Foundation, Inc. $10,000 or mar. InformatKln Methods Incorporated for Worker Education Serge Sorokko Gallery Academy Foundation Interstate Iron Works New York State Council Sofitel New York The Aeroflex Foundation Italian Cultural Institute of on the Arts Judy & Michael Steinhardt Almar Plumbing & Heating Corp. New York and Consulate The New York Times Company Target Stores Alvin J. Rockwell 1990 General of Italy in New York Jim & Mary Ottaway (NS) Time Warner (E) (CC) Charitable Trust J KW Foundation RIGA The Andy Warhol Foundation AMEC Construction JLS Industries Inc. Rockefeller Brothers Fund (E) for the Visual Arts Management, Inc. John Szoke Editions The Fan Fox & Leslie R. The Isak and Rose Weinman American Express Company Mr. William Josephson & Samuels Foundation, Inc. Foundation , Inc. (E) Artex Systems Inc. Ms. Barbara Haws Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Scripps The Norman & Rosita Winston ASM Mechanical Systems Karan·Weiss Foundation (NS) Foundation AT&T Emily Davie & Joseph S. The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Lily Auchincloss Foundation Kornfeld Foundation Avon Contractors Mr. & Mrs. Fran<;ois Letaconnoux

23 Brooklyn Academy of Music and Mark Morris Dance Group Alan H. Fishman Mark Morris Chairman of the Board Artistic Director

William I. Campbell Ba rry Alterman Vice Chairman of the Board General Director

Karen Brooks Hopkins Nancy Umanoff President Executive Director

Joseph V. Melillo Executive Producer

present Mark Morris Dance Group with the MM DG Music Ensemble and special guest Th e Bad Plus

Approximate BAM Howard Gilman Opera House running time: 1 hour 30 Jun 8, 10-12, 2004 minutes at 7:30pm including one intermission All Fours (New York premiere)


Violet Cavern (World premiere)

BAM 2004 Spring Season is sponsored by Altria Group, Inc.

Major support for the Mark Morris Dance Group engagement is provided by Forest City Ratner Companies.

Delta Air Lines is the official airline for BAM Dance with major support provided by The Harkness Foundation for Dance and The Jerome Robbins Foundation, Inc. Mark Morris Dance Group



Artistic Director Mark Morris General Director Barry Alterman Executive Director Nancy Umanoff

Development/Marketing Production Director of Development Lauren Cherubini Technical Director Johan Henckens Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations Assistant Technical Director A.J. Jackson Rob Handel Lighting Supervisor Nicole Pearce Director of Membership and Special Events Sound Supervisor Perchik Kreiman-Miller Alex Pacheco Wardrobe Supervisor Katherine McDowell Marketing Manager Sarah Weber Adm inistration Marketing Assistant Laura Wall Company Manager Aaron Mattocks Studio Manager Karyn La Scala Finance Administrative Assistant Kathleen Cannucci Fiscal Administrator Lynn Wichern Facility Manager Jose Suarez Finance Manager Elizabeth Fox Maintenance Luis Mandry Education Office Assistant Jay Selinger Director of Education Eva Nichols Receptionist Marc Castelli School Administrator Diane Ogunusi Accompanist William Wade

Major support for the Mark Morris Dance Group is provided by Altria Group, Inc., MetLife Foundation, The Shubert Foundation, and Target Stores.

The Mark Morris Dance Group New Works Fund is supported by The Howard Gilman Foundation and the Andrew W Mellon Foundation, as well as The Horace W Goldsmith Foundation and The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.

The Mark Morris Dance Group's education and performance activities are supported by Independence Community Foundation.

The Mark Morris Dance Group's performances are made possible with public funds from the National Endowment for the Arts Dance Program and the New York State Council on the Arts, a Sta te Agency. Choreography by Mark Morris

All Fours (New York Premiere)

Music Bela Bartok (String Quartet NO.4)

Costumes Martin Pakledinaz Lighting Nicole Pearce



II. Prestissimo, can sardina CRAIG BIESECKER , BRADON McDONALD




Commissioned in part by Cal Performances.

Bela Bart6k's String Quartet No.4 is performed by arrangement with Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. , publisher and copyright owner.

Premiere: September 12, 2003-Cal Performances, Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley, California

- intermission -

III Program

Violet Cavern (World Premiere)

Music The Bad Plus

Set Stephen Hendee Costumes Elizabeth Kurtzman Lighting Michael Chybowski

The Bad Plus Piano ETHAN IVERSON , bass REID ANDERSON , percussion DAVID KING





Commissioned in part by The Brooklyn Academy of Music .

For the Mark Morris Dance Group Thanks to Maxine Morris. Booking Representation Michael Mushalla, Double MArts & Events Sincerest thanks to all the dancers for their dedication, Legal Counsel Mark Selinger, support and incalculable contribution to the work. McDermott, Will & Emery Accountant Kathryn Lundquist, CPA For information contact: Orthopaedist David S. Weiss, M.D., NYU-HJD Mark Morris Dance Group Department of Orthopaedic Surgery 3 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn , NY 11217 Tel: 718.624.8400. Fax: 718.624.8900 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.mmdg.org

Additional funding has been received from the American Music Center Live Music for Dance Program; The Capezio/Ballet Makers Dance Foundation; Carnegie Corporation of New York; Con Edison; Aaron Copland Fund for Music; Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust; Dance Heritage Coalition; The Fund for U.S. Artists at International Festivals and Exhibitions; The Harkness Foundation for Dance; IDT Entertainment; Independence Community Foundation; JPMorgan Chase Foundation; Leon Lowenstein Foundation; Materials for the Arts; McDermott, Will & Emery; The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs; The New Yorker; Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation; Town & Country; and the Friends of the Mark Morris Dance Group.

IV Who's Who

Mark Morris was born on August 29, 1956 in Monnaie in Brussels. The company returned to Seattle, Washington, where he studied as a the in 1991 as one of the young man with Verla Flowers and Perry world's leading dance companies, performing Brunson. In the early years of his career, he across the U.S. and at major international festi­ performed with Lar Lubovitch, Hannah Kahn , vals. It has maintained and strengthened its Laura Dean, Eliot Feld, and the Koleda Balkan ties to several cities around the world, most Dance Ensemble. He formed the Mark Morris notably Berkeley, CA, where Cal Performances Dance Group in 1980, and has since created presents the company in two annual seasons, over 100 works for the company. From including engagements of The Hard Nut each 1988-91, he was Director of Dance at the December. It appears regularly in Boston , MA; Theatre Royal de la Monnaie in Brussels, the Fairfax, VA; Seattle, WA; Urbana-Champaign, national opera house of Belgium. Among the IL; and at the Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival in works created during his tenure were three Becket, MA. It made its debut at the Mostly evening-length dances: The Hard Nut; Mozart Festival in 2002 and at the Tanglewood L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato; and Dido Music Festival in 2003. The company's and Aeneas. In 1990, he founded the White London seasons have garnered two Laurence Oak Dance Project with Mikhail Baryshnikov. Olivier Awards. MMDG is noted for its commit­ Morris is also much in demand as a ballet cho­ ment to live music, a feature of every perform­ reographer. He has created four works on the ance on its full international touring schedu le San Francisco Ballet since 1994 and received since 1996. Cellist Yo-Yo Ma has frequently commissions from such companies as collaborated with the Dance Group; their proj­ American Ballet Theatre, Boston Ballet, and the ects include the 1997 Emmy Award-winning Paris Opera Ballet. His work is in the repertory film Falling Down Stairs, using Bach's Third of the Geneva Ballet, New Zealand Ballet, Suite for Unaccompanied Cello, and the 2002 English National Ballet, and the Royal Ballet, dance Kolam, created for The Silk Road Project Covent Garden. He has worked extensively in in collaboration with Indian composer Zakir opera, directing and choreographing produc­ Hussain and pianist Ethan Iverson of Th e tions for the New York City Opera, English Bad Plus. MMDG's film and television projects National Opera, and the Royal Opera , Covent include Dido and Aeneas, The Hard Nut, and Garden. Morris was named a Fellow of the two documentaries for the U.K.'s South Bank MacArthur Foundation in 1991. He has Show. In 2001, the Mark Morris Dance Center received honorary doctorates from The Boston opened in Brooklyn, New York. The 30,000- Conservatory of Music, The Juilliard School, square foot facility features three studios and a Long Island University, Pratt Institute, and school for dance students of all ages. Bowdoin College. Morris is the subject of a biography by Joan Acocella (Farrar, Straus & MMDG Music Ensemble was formed in 1996 Giroux). In 2001, Marlowe & Company pub­ and since that time has joined the Mark Morris lished Mark Morris' L'Allegro, it Penseroso ed il Dance Group on tour throughout the U.S., Moderato: A Celebration, a volume of photo­ U.K., Australia, and Japan. The Ensemble's graphs and critical essays. repertory ranges from seventeenth-century works by John Wilson and Henry Purcell to Mark Morris Dance Group was formed in more recent scores by Lou Harrison and Henry 1980 and gave its first concert that year in Cowell. In addition, the Ensemble presents New York City. The company's touring schedule concerts at the Mark Morris Dance Center in steadily expanded to include cities both in the Brooklyn and other venues, and participates in U.S. and in Europe, and in 1986 it made its the Mark Morris Dance, Music, and Literacy first national television program for the PBS program in the New York City public school series Dance in America. In 1988, the Dance system. Group was invited to become the national dance company of Belgium, and spent three The Bad Plus is a co-operative ensemble with years in residence at the Theatre Royal de la bassist Reid Anderson, pianist Ethan Iverson, Who's Who ani! drummer David King. They have two York Theatre Workshop, and Antony and releases on Columbia Records : this year's Give Cleopatra for Theatre de Carouge in Geneva. and last year's These Are the Vistas . They are Upcoming work includes Much Ado About noted for hijacking various styles while always Nothing at the Delacorte, two pieces at the remaining committed jazz improvisers. For Oregon Shakespeare Festival , and Lady With A more information, visit thebadplus.com. Lapdog at the Guthrie. Chybowski was the recipient of an Obie Award for Sustained Craig Biesecker , from Waynesboro, PA , Excellence in 1999. received a B.S. in Music Education from West Chester University of PA. While teaching music Amber Darragh began her dance training with in Philadelphia, he studied ballet with John Nancy Mittleman in Newport, OR. She received White, Margarita de Saa, and Bryan Koulman, her BFA from The Juilliard School in 1999 and and worked with choreographers Tim and Lina went on to dance with the Lim6n Dance Early. In New York City, he has worked with Company for two years. She is a recipient of Pascal Rioult, Carolyn Dorfman, New York the 2001 Princess Grace Award and has Theatre Ballet, Mark Dendy, and Gerald Casel. presented her own choreography in various Biesecker joined the Mark Morris Dance Group venues, including Alice Tully Hall and the Joyce in 2003. Soho. Darragh joined the Mark Morris Dance Group in 200l. Joe Bowie , born in Lansing, MI, began dancing while attending Brown University. Rita Donahue was born and raised in Fairfax, After graduating with honors in English and Virginia. She graduated summa cum laude with American Literature, he moved to New York a BFA in dance and a BA in English from and performed in the works of Robert Wilson, George Mason University in 2002 and joined Ulysses Dove, and danced with The Paul Taylor bopi's black sheep, dances by Kraig Patterson. Dance Company for two years before going to Donahue began working with the Mark Morris Belgium to work with Mark Morris in 1989. Dance Group in 2003.

Charlton Boyd was born in New Jersey where Marjorie Folkman began dancing for Mark he studied and performed with Inner City Morris in 1996. She graduated summa cum Ensemble Theater & Dance Company. He is a laude from Barnard College and has attended graduate of The Juilliard School and has 's Graduate Program in danced with the Lim6n Dance Company. He American Studies. She has also danced with appears in the Jose Lim6n Technique Video, Amy Spencer and Richard Colton, Kraig Volume 1, and other music videos. He first Patterson, Neta Pulvermacher, Sally Hess, El len appeared with the Mark Morris Dance Group in Cornfield, the Repertory Understudy Group for 1989 and became a company member in the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, and 1994. Sara Rudner.

Michael Chybowski (lighting designer) recently Jonathan Gandelsman (violin) most recently designed Four Saints in Three Acts, V, and played with Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Kolam for the Mark Morris Dance Group, as Ensemble at the Smithsonian Folk Life Festival well as Morris' A Garden for San Francisco in Washington D.C . He has also toured with Ballet and Gong for ABT and the Royal Ballet. the ensemble to the West Coast and Toronto. Other recent work includes Parsifal for Seattle Other chamber music collaborations have Opera, Moby Dick and Other Stories with included performances with Lynn Harrell , Nigel Laurie Anderson (BAM/Barbican), Wit (New Kennedy, James Levine, Franz Helmerson, ·York, West End) , and Da at the Guthrie, Sylvia Marcovici, Pa vel Vernikov, Sergey Beckett/Albee and The Beard of Avon for New Babayan, Gilbert Kalisch, Daniel Gortler, and

VI Who's Who

his father Yuri Gandelsman, the violist of the range of ensembles and chamber music Fine Arts Quartet. A recording on EMI of works groups, most notably the Orpheus Chamber by Bach and Bart6k with Nigel Kennedy was Orchestra and The Jupiter Symphony. As a released in January 2003. Since 1990, soloist, Koessel has performed the standard Gandelsman has been a student of Maya as well as unusual cello concerto repertoire Glezarova, and in 1999 he graduated from the with the Jupiter Symphony, the New York Curtis Institute of Music. He joined the MMDG Metamorphoses Orchestra, which he co-founded Music Ensemble in 2003. in 1994, the Mannes Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestras of Cordoba, Mendoza, Lau ren Grant was born in Highland Park, IL, Costa Rica and Stuttgart. Multifaceted as a and began dancing at age three. She continued chamber musician, Koessel is on the faculty of training, primarily in classical ballet, through the New York Youth Symphony Chamber Music high school. At New York Universi ty's Tisch Program and is the music director of "Sundays School of the Arts, Grant received her modern on the Island" (a chamber music series on dance training and graduated with a B. F.A. New York's City Island). He served until Grant joined MMDG in 1998. recently as cellist with the award-winning Meridian String Quartet. His performance of Stephen Hendee (set designer) has shown his Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations was featured dynamic sculptural environments in numerous on WQXR's "Young Artists Showcase." Upon museums in the U.S. and abroad since 1997. completion of his master's degree at the Recent exhibitions include the New Museum Mannes College of Music, he was the recipient of Contemporary Art; SculptureCenter; the of the George and Elizabeth Gregory Award for Whitney Museum of American Art at Altria; Excellence in Performance. He has played with the St. Louis Art Museum; the David Smart the MMDG Music Ensemble since 2000. Museum at the University of Chicago; the Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University; Elizabeth Kurtzman (costume designer) was and the Birmingham Museum of Art, AL . He born in . She began her career as a is also the recipient of many prestigious art product and textile designer for several presti­ foundation awards, among them: The Louis gious New York design houses after studying Comfort Tiffany award, a Pollock-Krasner grant, fashion at Parsons School of Design. She then an Elizabeth Foundation grant, and the Marie added costume design and illustration to her Walsh Sharpe Foundation Studio Program. list of vocations and designed numerous pieces for the Mark Morris Dance Company including John Heginbotham is from Anchorage, AK, and Dancing Honeymoon, The Argument, Greek to graduated from The Juilliard School in 1993. Me, and Four Saints in Three Acts. Kurtzman He has performed with artists including Susan lives and works in New York City. Marshall and Company, John Jasperse, Ben Munisteri, and as a guest artist with Pilobolus David Leventhal , raised in Newton, MA, has Dance Theater. Heginbotham's choreography is danced with the Mark Morris Dance Group featured in the performances and Emerge since 1997. Previously, he worked with Jose music video of recording artists Fischerspooner. Mateo's Ballet Theatre and the companies of .. He joined the Mark Morris Dance Group in Marcus Schulkind, Amy Spencer/Richard 1998. Colton, Ben Munisteri, and Zvi Gotheiner. He graduated from Brown University in 1995 with Wolfram Koessel (cello) made his critically honors in English Literature. acclaimed debut at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in 1994, since then he has per­ Bradon McDonald received his BFA from The formed as soloist and chamber musician in Juilliard School in 1997. He danced with the concert halls throughout the world . Based in Lim6n Dance Company for three years and was New York City, Koessel appears with a wide the recipient of the 1998 Princess Grace MARK III DANCE MORRIS GROUP

In 2001 , Mark Morris Dance Group became the first single-choreographer company in the U.S. to build its own dance center. Since moving into our Brooklyn home, we have grown from a touring dance company into a cultural institution.

As one of New York's cultural ambassadors, MMDG tours domestically and internationally for 25 weeks each season, always performing to live music. Mark Morris continually adds new works to his canon of over 100 dances.

The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center offers classes for children and teens, ages 4 and up, in modern dance, ballet, jazz dance, West African dance, and yoga, as well as classes for adu lts. All classes feature live music.

MMDG's education program provides free, year-long workshops to students in eight Brooklyn public schools. Our teachers also work with support groups for people living with movement disorders. Over 200 choreographers, from emerging artists to the biggest names in the field, have benefited from the Studio Rental Subsidy Program at the Mark Morris Dance Center.

Please become a Friend of the Mark Morris Dance Group and join us as we continue to grow. D $50- 99 Friend For full details on membership benefits, please D $100- 249 Associate call MMDG at 718.624.8400. D $250- 499 Patron D $500- 999 Sponsor Amount of gift: $ _____ D $1,000- 2,499 Crusader D $2,500-4,999 Premiere Circle D New Member D $5,000- 9,999 Leader D Renewing Member

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Address (b illing address of credit card, if applicable) ______

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Send this form with your contribution to: Mark Morris Dance Group, 3 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Telephone 718.624.8400 Fax 718.624.8900 www.mmdg.org Who's Who

Sequitur, Brandenburg Ensemble, and the 50th Anniversary of the Marlboro Music Orchestra of St. Luke's. She has also appeared Festival. A member of the Brooklyn with the Apple Hill Chamber Players, Da Capo Philharmonic, she is also an active chamber Chamber Players, Sospeso, Ensemble 21, musician, including performances with Eberli Ensemble, Cygnus, Mostly Mozart, and Sequitor, the Jupiter Symphony Chamber the Limon Dance Company. Schultz has spent Players, and the Eberli Ensemble, as well as summers performing at the Tanglewood, Aspen, with the Acacia, Maia, and Meridian String Ravinia, Caramoor, Vermont Mozart, and Cape Quartets. May Music Festivals, as well as the Pundakit International Chamber Music Festival in the Noah Vinson received his B.A. in dance from Phillipines. She has recorded for the Phoenix, Columbia College Chicago, where he worked CRI, and New World labels. A graduate of Yale with Shirley Mordine, Jan Erkert, and Brian University, she has also received an MM and Jeffrey. In New York he has danced with Teri Artist Diploma from the Cleveland Institute of and Oliver Steele and the Kevin Wynn Music and a DMA from SUNY Stony Brook. Collection. He became an apprentice with She joined the MMDG Music Ensemble in MMDG in 2003. 2001. Julie Worden , from Naples, Florida, is a Jessica Troy (viola) has played for the MMDG graduate of the North Carolina School of the Music Ensemble since 1998. A native New Arts. She worked with Chicago choreograph ers Yorker, she holds degrees from Amherst Bob Eisen , Jan Erkert, and Sheldon B. Smith. College, the State University of New York at She has been dancing with Mark Morris since Stony Brook, and the Musikhochschule in 1994. Luebeck, Germany, where her major teachers were Philipp Naegele, Caroline Levine, and Michelle Yard was born in Brooklyn. She Barbara Westphal. She has been a participant began her professional dance training at the at many chamber music festivals, including New York City High School of the Performing Marlboro and Prussia Cove, performing with Arts. Upon her graduation she received the Felix Galimir, Nobuko Imai, Isidore Cohen, Helen Tamiris and B'nai Brith awards. For three Siegfried Palm, Ida Levin, and James Tocco, years she was also a scholarship student at among others. She has had the opportunity to The Alvin Ailey Dance Center. She attended work with many composers on their own New York University's Ti sch School of th e Arts, works, including Roger Reynolds, Jacob where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Druckman, Oliver Knussen, and Gyorgy Kurtag; Arts. Yard began dancing with the Dance her performance of music by the latter can be Group in 1997. heard on a recent Bridge CD celebrating the

IX Mark Morris Dance Group

Mark Morris Craig Biesecker Joe Bowie

Charlton Boyd Amber Darragh Rita Donahue Marjorie Folkman

Lauren Grant John Heginbotham David Leventhal Bradon McDona Id

Gregory Nuber Maile Okamura June Omura Matthew Rose

Noah Vinson Julie Worden Michelle Yard Mark Morris Dance Group

2003-2004 The Harkness Foundation June O. Goldberg Roberta & Joe Hellman Annual Fund Donors to for Dance Jane Hamilton Marvin Hoshino the Mark Morris Dance The Sandy Hill & Thomas V Hansmann Fred & Jean Leventhal Group H. Dittmer Foundation Cynthia & Leon Polsky Robert & Bethany J.P. Morgan Chase Frances A. Lewis Millard The Mark Morris Dance Foundation Kathleen Lingo Virginia Morrow Minges Group would like to Michael Bowen Kulp The Lucille M. & George Eliot Nolen & Timothy thank the following Annie Leibovitz F. Jewett, Jr. Fund Bradley individuals and organiza- Leon Lowenstein Elizabeth Liebman John C. Novogrod tions whose contributions Foundation Carol McFate & Bob Maureen Nuber have helped make the The Adele Markwitz Jensen David & Janet Offensend continued success Memorial Fund Alexander & lesl ie Drs . Emily & George and growth of this Isaac Mizrahi Meyerovich Omura organization possible. The New Yorker Martin Pakledinaz Mr. & Mrs. Bradley (List as of 05.10.04) Town & Country Sarah Peter Reifler The Untitled Foundation Resnicow, Schroeder Harriet Rosenstein & $100,000 and above Anonymous Associates, Inc. Herbert Krohn The Howard Gilman Isabella Rossellini Lisa Roumell & Mark Foundation $5,000-$9,999 Scharffen Berger Rosenthal Independence Parks & Christie Chocolate Maker Robert S. Rubin Community Foundation Campbell James Rosenthal & Philip Scaturro James Duffy E. Terese Ca rpenter Marvin Schofer Joan & Mark Sherman Linda Erickson Rawlings City of New York Mary Anne & Douglas Betsy & Wi lliam Sledge Jane & Robert Stine Department of Schwalbe Spirits Marque One Cultural Affairs Stevens Bandes Alida B. Stange $50,000-$99,999 The Aaron Copland Graphics Management Patricia & Jeff Tarr Altria Group, Inc. Fund for Music Ruth Turner Ann Tanenbaum & Carnegie Corporation Con Edison William Wegman Thomas H. lee of America Lisa Eltinge & Irene M. & lynn Weigel Jane levy Troy The Fan Fox & leslie Jonathan Burton Tiffany Trunko R. Samuels Foundation Judith R. & Alan H. $1,000-$2,499 George L. Turin The Horace W.Goldsmith Fishman John Brooks Adams Nora Ann Wallace Foundation Howard Hodgkin & Lisa Liebmann Joan Waricha The Andrew W. Mellon IDT Entertainment Arthur Alterman Alice Waters Foundation Kathleen & Hugh Rosalind & Walter Ma ry R. Wa ters MetLife Foundation Howa rd Bernheimer Andrea & David Weiss National Endowment Kounterattack Design Judith Blumert Francis H. Williams for the Arts laura Shapiro Kramer Charles & Birgit Blyth Dr. & Mrs. Steven Wolfe New York State Council & Jay Kramer Capezio/Ballet Makers Angela & James Worden on the Arts Carol S. Morton Dance Foundation , Inc. Ellen M. Poss Susan & Donald Gerard Conn & Carol $500-$999 Newhouse Yorke Esther Allen & Kim $25,000-$49,999 E. lee & Cokie Perry Karen & Everett Cook l andsman Shelby & Frederick Gans Thomas Steyer & Kat Ranny Cooper & Macky Bennett McDermott Will & Emery Taylor David Smith Fred & Morley Bland The Shubert Foundation Nancy Umanoff & Robert Couturier Bob Buckholz & Target Stores Johan Henckens Jean M. Cunningham Lizanne Fontaine Micki Wesson Douglas S. Cra mer Selma Jeanne Cohen $10,000-$24,999 Mark & Andrea Zola Belden & Pamela Patricia Connelly American Music Center Daniels Andrea Cutler The Eleanor Naylor $2,500-$4,999 Sharon Delano Susan & Gary De l ong Dana Charitable Trust Jane E. Aaron Joan & Peter Faber Francine & Merton Fund for US Artists Iris Cohen & Mark Joan & Burton Grant Ekelman The Gladys Krieble Selinger Nina Griscom Nancy Ekelman Delmas Foundation Cathryn Collins & Shirley E. Hanigan Thomas Evans Jonathan Gans & Abigail Dr. Gerald Imber Eric S. Hanson & Joel Finkelstein Turin Ron Finkelstein Anita Storr Elizabeth Frankel 2.-SJ{ XI Mark Morris Dance Group

John & Gillett Gilbert Christine & Donald Ann Bell McCoy Marcia Cohen Linda & Richard Greene Benson Daniel D. McCrary Dorothy & Richard Cole Joan Greenfield Rose Myra Boxer Dennis McNally & David Charles Collins Bernard & Shirley Louanna Carlin Susana Millman Sally Collins Handel Albert Clowes Jerrell Carter Montouri Rebecca Cooney John Harbison Millard Coffin Marilyn Morrish Jean Crichton & Christopher Herrmann J. Linzee & Beth Michael Mushalla Robert J. Gunhouse T. Radey Johnson Coolidge Karen Nelson Linda & Ronald Daitz Martha W. Jones Cory & Bob Donnalley Leslee Newcomb Dancewave, Inc./Kid's Maira Kalman Charitable Foundation Dr. Robert A. Nichols Cafe Festival Helene Kaplan Sharon L. Cumberland Dianne E. O'Donnel l William Darger M.J. Karger Theresa Davis Daniel Okrent Dale Anna Dean Barney M. Karpfinger Phil & Hilary Deely L. Jay Oliva Julie & Chris Dolan Barry & Jill Lafer Diane C. Harder Wine Jaylyn Olivo & Dale Cat Doran Phyllis & Harvey Marketing Flecker Kate Dvorki n Lichtenstein Jill Dobbins Carol Pardo Barbara Epstein Marian Goodman Gallery John & Linda Donovan Marcy Plavin Joseph Alan Fazio Lee H. Marshall Neil Ericcson Judith Plows Kevin Finnegan Barbara Martin Jeffrey Escoffier Marit Oybo Roman Carol Fippin Margaret Mastrianni Karen S. Faircloth Matthew Romanelli Ann & Stona Fitch Judy & Robert Geraldine Fitz Gerald James E. Sabin Jim & Sheila Foley Munzenrider Carolyn George Douglas & Nancy Herbert & Marilyn David Nichols Colin & Adriana Schwalbe Freedner Ann Omura Goedecke Laura Schwartz Melinda & Lawrence June Omura Jennifer Goodale Joshua Shapiro & Friedman Kieth & Jill Pattiz Henry A. Gutman Heller B. Berman Lynne Gilson & Joel Kathleen Pavlick Wil liam Herbst Ruth Stanton Schuman Perry Peltz Phyll is Hyde Cynd i Stivers Linda B. Goldstein Marjorie Randell- Frances J. Ingebritson David P. Stone I. Michael Goodman Silver & Eric Silver Irene Jacobs Dr. Irena Tocino Leslie Gould Katheri ne Ross Amy & David Jaffe Cory Toevs Ch ristina G. Graybard Ellen Sackoff Tim Johnson Jane Weingold Amy Gross Debra & David Segal- Marianne Karmel & Vivien L. Weisman Madeleine Grynsztejn Brackman Murray Sackman Jesse & Eva Weiss Sharon Gurwitz Li nda Wellman Joy Katz Marcia Stecker Weller Marshall Hagins Stansfield Julie Kaufman Janice R. Wilford Andrew D. Hamingson Frederick J. Tetzeli & John Kelly Thomas Wong Nancy & John Mari Blecher Gabriella Kiss Hammond Tiffany & Co. Albert & Joan Kronick $100-$249 Sybil Hannah David Vaughan Dann Krueger David Barnett Wendall K. Harrington Olie Westheimer Mia Leo & Dick Frances Beatty Adler Fred M. Hartwick Megan Williams & Kuczowski John Bergman Joan Barkhorn Hass Andy Wollowitz Kate D. Levin Gail & Jim Berson Elise Hauenstein Harry C. White Joe E. Lewis Shirley Blancke Martha Hayward Anonymous John Lipsky & Marsha Blank Mary Jo Hill Zsuzsanna Karasz Barry Blecher Nancy J. Hodin $250-$499 Keith Lockha rt & Peggy Brady Danica A. Holoviak James Anning Lucia Lin Edward & Sarah Brash Katharine Homans Frank & Mary Ann Matthew Lore Robert & Marie- Karen Brooks Hopkins Arisman John P. MacDonald & France Bunting Carol H. Howard Kristin Balder-Froid Thomas von Foerster David Bushier Edward M. Hull Leslie & Alan Beller Eugene Malinowski Charles Byron Alan Hyde Melvin Berkowitz Carol Mandel Elaine Carmen Mildred lantosca Susan Bernfield & Arthur Manzi Jane Castaneda John S. Ireland Claude Millman Erica Marks & Dan Toby Chuah Dorothy M. Jeffries George Cynthia A. Clegg Caroline Jennings -ySl- XII Mark Morris Dance Group

Paul D. Ralston Floranne Reagan Kristi n Richa rdson Kathleen Roberts Susan S. Rowland Siri Sakkaf Emily Samton Soph ia D. Schachter Estelle Schecter Edna Seaman Michael Shernoff Steve Shiffman Dr. Lorraine Siggins & Dr. Bra xton McKee Herbert Simon Sidney Smith Keith Somers Steven J. Spector Phyllis Spielman Judith & Ri chard Steinberg Peter D. Sternlight Mary & Robert Sutter Gust & Ann Svenson Lynne & Michael Tanner Gregory F. Taylor Heather Thomas & Chet Kerr Suzanne Tokarsky Robert Tumbelston & Craig Seligman Haydee D. von Sternberg Carol K. & Peter Walker Elizabeth Warms Margaret & David Kaplan Nancy Lorenz Jon Nakagawa Lucy Watson Victoria Keller Dennis Low Ann Marie Napolitano John H. Watts Judy Kennedy Helen Lukievics & Jean Nordhaus Carol Weil Justine Kirby Ernest Lendler Everett & Evelyn Ortner Suzanne Weil Neil Klein Steve & Robin Lydenberg Margaret O'Shea Clare Weiler Catheri ne Kodat William Lynch Michael Osso Elissa Weinstein Bennette & Eliot Kram er Nancy Major Rocco Osso Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Sandra Krieger Natalie Mandel Steve C. Owen Weller Sali Ann & Alan M. Phyllis Massar Ruth Pa chman & Peter J. Wender Kriegsman Cynthia Mayeda Donald Fallati Ess A. White Lu cille Kurian Peter McCallion Carl Paradiso Donna Wick Doriane Kutz Mary & Bill McFeely Irmgard Parker Mark & Carol Willis Young Ju Kwon , M.D. Maria S. Mejia David Pearl Eliza beth & Paul Wilson Jean M. Lay Pablo Melendez Sarah Y. Penney Judith A. Wilson Deirdre Leipziger Mary A. Michaud Dr. and Mrs. Jarnes Ethan D. Wohl Mark Leno Andrew J. Moore Pennington David Wright Wendy Lesser Susan Moore Joan Titcomb Perkins Mary Anne & Richard Charlotte Levenson Maxine & Maureen James & Ellen Perrin Yancey Wilbur A. Levin Morris Hilary Pettit Anonymous-3 Howard Levy Roderick Morrison Deborah Pheasant

Phyllis Longobardi David J. Muckle Diana Prechter Photo, Ken Friedmiln

XIII Ibe Campaign for BAM

Jean-Pierre & Rachel Lehmann Roger & Brook Berlind (NS) Charles Stewart Mott Foundation George E. Berger & Associates (NS) The Brooklyn Brewery The Netherland-America LLC (CC) Frances Lewis (NS) Amanda M. Burden (E) Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Berger Dorothy Lichtenstein Caruso Painling & Decorators New York Stock Exchange Howard Berkowitz (CC) Phyllis & Harvey Lichtenstein Neil & Kathleen Chrisman (NS) Foundation Mr. Raphael Bernstein (CC) (NS) Liz Claiborne Inc. Nortel Networks Ms. Susan V. Berresford (CC) Macro Consultants, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Peler Cohen Evelyn & Everett Ortner (NS) The Bloomingdale's Fund of Mr. & Mrs. Hamish Maxwell Consulate General of the The Laura Pels Foundation the Feeeratee Department (NS) Netherlands Pennoni Associates Inc. Stores Foundation Meeco Plumbing The Corcoran Group Mr. Attilio Petrocelli Breeze Carting Corp. Medgar Evers College Gills Cosentini Associates Ms. Claude Pine Mr. Juan Carlos Carrera and Grants Tony & Lawrie Dean (NS) Puget Sound Fund of the Tides Cantor & Pecorella, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Kenneth & Maria Cuomo Cole Foundation The Cantor Seinuk Group, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth de Cuevas (NS) Rad & D'Aprile, Inc. Ms. Vanessa Casiano Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation The Walt Disney Company Rajika & Anupam Puri (NS) Cetra/Ruddy, Inc. Edward S. Moore Foundalion Max & Victoria Dreyfus David L. Ramsay, M.D., Chelsea Garden Center David Nachman & Amy W. Foundation M.Ed. (NS) Chelsea Lighting, Inc Schulman (NS) Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo & Robin Renzi (NS) Clermont Communications Corp. Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. Cady J Smith (E) (NS) Simon H. Rifkind Center for Cole Consulting Corp. New York Land Services, Inc. Fidelity National Title the Humanities / CCNY Commodore Construction Corp. The New York Times Company Insurance Co. James E. Robison Foundation Construction Insurance Foundation, Inc. Fine Painting & Decorating Rose Contracting Co., Inc. Partners, LLC Paul Newman (NS) Co., Inc. Mr. Keith M. Rosenbloom Control Point ASSOCiates, Inc. Peter Norton (PC) Mr. Len Fink Martha A. & Robert S. Rubin Ranny Cooper & David Smith Oilean Construction Mr. Ronald Finkelstein (NS) (NS) (CC) Otis Elevator French-American Foundation Mr. Daniel D. Rubino Corporate Security Services, Inc. The Overbrook Foundation Forbes Inc. (NS) Rudin Management Company The Cowles Charitable Trust Ozone DeSign, Inc. Fortress New York Holdings Inc. Crallsman Storefronts & Glass, Phat Farm/Baby Phal Fribourg Family Foundation S & C Products Corp. Inc. The Picower Foundation Friee, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Scharff Weisberg, Inc. Mrs. Catherine G. Curran (CC) Mr. Bruce C. Rainer (NS) Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mr. John F. Davis III The Reec Foundation, Inc. (NS) Susan & Michael Furman (NS) Schwartz (NS) Dr. & Mrs. William DeHoff (CC) Rockmor Enterprises, Inc. GMAC Commercial Mortgage Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff (NS) Deloitte & Touche LLP (CC) Joseph Rokacz Goldfarb & Fleece The Silverweec Foundation Dewberry-Goodkind, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Rogers John M. Goldsmith (NS) Harry J. & Clare Smith (CC) Hester Diamond & Ralph. Jonathan Rose GreenPoint Bank Sonnabend Gallery, Inc. Kaminsky (CC) Raux Associates, Inc. Mary Livingston Griggs & Seth Sprague Educational and DiFama Concrete, Inc. Helena Rubinstein Foundation Mary Griggs Burke Foundation Charitable Foundation Donaldson Acoustics Co., Inc. Safeway Environmental Corp. The Gradzins Fund Swanke Hayden Connell Ellenoff Grossman Schole & EJ Sciame Construction Co., Inc. HBO Films Architects Cyruli LLP Free & Robin Seegal Heleco Decorating Company Sylk Cream/Bacardi Dwight & Ann Ellis (E) The Evelyn Sharp Foundation Buck Henry (NS) TechCon Management Enclos Corp. Fern Silverman Jon & Diana Herzog Consulting, Inc. Seth S. & Sarah R. Faison (CC) Mr. & Mrs. Howard Solomon John & Karen N. Horn (E) (NS) Mr. Tom Thomas Ronald E. Feiner, Esq Sony Corporation of America The Hyde & Watson Foundation ThyssenKrupp Elevator Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon M. Jean Siein (NS) IG Feeeral Electrical Supply Jane M. Timken (NS) Fireman (CC) Suba Reslaurant Corporation Tribune New York Foundation Fox & Fowle Architects (PC) Consulate General of Sweden International Creative Jakob & Lisa Trollbiick Christopher Franzese in New York Management (NS) UBS Fresh Meadow Mechanical The Sweeish Inslitute J.D.C. Sales & Service, Inc. Village Voice Corp. Taipei Economic and Cultural Johnson Controls, Inc., SSD Margo & Anthony Viscusi (NS) Future Tech Consultants of NY, Inc. Office in New York John Wiley & Sons Vivendi Universal FW Sims Corporation Michael Tuch Foundation, Inc. J.P. Hogan Coring & Sawing Charlene Magen Weinstein Gallagher Pipino, Inc. Turner Construction Company M & T Bank (E) (NS) Egon Gerard (CC) Two Trees Management Mary Kantor (CC) Judge Franklin R. Weissberg Consulate General of the Company Miriam Katowitz & Arthur & Judge Marylin G. Feeeral Republic of Germany Ms. Beth M. Uffner (NS) Radin (NS) Diamond (CC) New York Urban Substructures, Inc. Kelley Drye & Warren LLP John Wiley & Sons David & Susie Gilbert (E) (CC) Wendy vanden Heuvel (NS) Edward & Norma Kleinbard (NS) Wilkstone LLC Golden Vale Construction Corp. John & Barbara Vogel stein Charlotte & I. Stanley Kriegel (CC) Willkie Farr & Gallagher Barbara L. Goldsmith (CC) Waldorf Carting Corp. Sarah & Louis Lenzi (E) (NS) Nina Winthrop (NS) Goldstein Associates Zwicker Electric Co., Inc. John Lichtenstein (NS) Carol Yorke & Gerard Conn Consulting Engineer The Liman Foundation Inc. (E) (NS) Mr. Paul Gottlieb & Ms. Sara $5,000 or more The M & T Charitable Adler (CC) Almar Plumbing & Heating Foundation $2,500 or more Gordon & Mary Gould (CC) Corp. Marsh & Mclennan Companies Chris Aheam & Marla Mayer (CC) William T. Grant Foundation Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Stuart & Michele Matthewman AKRF Inc. David Gruber (CC) Kahn, PLLC (NS) Alfa Mechanical Corp. (E) H & L Electric, Inc. Arnold & Porter MBIA Foundation (NS) AMA Consulting Engineers, P.C. J. Dozier Hasty (CC) Atlantic Stone & Flooring McDermott Will & Emery Aperture Magazine Henegan Construction Co., Inc. A. Williams Construction The McGraw-Hili Companies Arts International Heritage Mechanical Services, Axe-Houghton Foundation w.P. McMullan & Austrian Cultural Forum in Inc. Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro Rachel McPherson (E) New York Diana & John Herzog (CC) Sasson Basha Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ava Shypula Consulting Inc. Highrise Hoisting & Scaffolding Mr. & Mrs. Sid R. Bass (NS) Menschel (CC) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Baio Madeline de Vries Hooper & The Bay Foundation Martin & Selma Mertz (NS) The Howard Bayne Fund Ian Hooper (CC) Berkley Foundation John Morning Mr. Tony Bechara (CC) Mr. Steven L. Holley (CC)

26 The Ca mpa ign for BAM

Horizon Engineering P. Schoenfeld Asset Ms. Margaret A. Conklin & Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Associates, LLP Management LLC (CC) Mr. David Sabel (El Jennings Jr. Richard & Dorothy Hulbert (CC) Securities Industry Costas Kondylis & Partners LLP Mr. T. Radey Johnson & Ms. Integrated Power Solutions, Inc. Automation Corporation Mr. Douglas S. Cramer (PC) Jane Platt (PC) Island International Industries, Martin E. Segal (CC) Constans Culver Foundation Gerri Kay Inc. Mr. Phil Selway Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. DeScherer Mr. Brian A. Kelly The Ives Group Mr. Tad Sennott & Ms. Jennifer Dewberry-Goodkind, Inc. Jessie & Peter Kelly (PC) James E. & Marcia Kelly (CC) Kellogg (CC) Ms. Tambra L Dillon (PC) Christine Kim & Jay Chang Jaffe Holden Acoustics (PC) Shamberg Marwell Hocherman RCDolner, Inc. Mr. Leonard M. Klehr (PC) Paula Jarowski & Earl Black Davis & Hollis, PC Frederick N. & Michele Oka Joan & Albert Kronick (PC) (CC) Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP Doner (PC) Elroy & Terry Krumholz JCC Construction Corp. Siemens Building Technologies Gordon Douglas (PC) Foundation Randolph & G. Miller Jonakait Ms. Patricia J .S. Simpson (CC) Duncan Interiors Inc. Hugh & Betsy Lamie (PC) (El (CC) Linda G. Singer (CC) Ms. Lonti Ebers (PC) Robert E. Lee III (El William Kistler (E) Brian & Lavinia Snyder (CC) Mr. & Mrs. Martin L Edelman Mr. Jonathan Leiter KleinKnecht Electric Company, Melissa & Robert Soros (CC) (PC) Mr. Robert F Lide (PC) Inc. Spectrum Kitchen Egg Electric Kitty C. Linder (PC) Kelvin & Kathryn Kostohryz (E) John Tamberlane William S. Ehrlich & Ruth Stephen T. & Sigrid E. Lindo (PC) Bruce R. Kraus (CC) Tate Access Floors, Inc. Lloyds (PC) Long Island University Laquila Construction Inc. Juliet Taylor & James Walsh (CC) Mr. Richard Eisenberg Ms. Grace Lyu-Volckhausen Nancy Lassalle (CC) Tocqueville Asset Management Jim & Dawn Ellwood (PC) Michael Mahararn Raymond Learsy (CC) Thornton-Tomasetti Gail Erickson & Christa Rice (PC) Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Marshall Anna & Jonathan Lehman (CC) Ti mes Mirror Sherli Evans & Eric J. Maspeth Welding, Inc. Eric & Arnala Levine (E) (CC) Mr. Peter C. Trent (CC) Vanderbush M.D. (PC) Ahrin & Ligaya Mishan (PC) Liberty Electric James Truman, Conde Nast Mr. Marshall Felenstein & Donald & Gwen Amer Moffat (PC) Liberty Marble, Inc. Publications (CC) Ms. Diane Marshall Mr. Eric Morgenstern & Lifestyle Ventures LLC The Alice Tully Foundation Steven & Susan Felsher (PC) Ms. Sharon Scherl Lovett Silverman Twin County Edith Ferber Jean-Marc Mariani Richard Lynn & Joseph Evall VAL. Floors, Inc. Susan & Arthur Fleischer (PC) Mr. Vicente J. Muniz & (CC) Charles Antoine van Joan Fields (El Ms. Janaina Tschape (PC) Mr. & Mrs. William Mack (CC) Campenhout (CC) Flack & Kurtz Consulting N&W Electrical Appliances & R.H. Macy's & Co., Inc. Ms. Joy Walker Engineers, LLP Supply, Inc. Madiba Restaurant Ms. Carrie Welch (CC) Mrs. M. Derene Frazier (E) Nelson Air Device Corp. Mr. Stephen Maharam (CC) Winston & Strawn Friars Foundation Mr. Roger D. Netzer & Mrs. Mr. Richard H. Maidman James D. Wolfensohn Family Ms. Jamie Friedman Frances Campbell (PC) Mark Family Foundation Foundation (CC) Gallagher Pipino, Inc. Stephen Parahus (PC) Scott C. McDonald (E) (CC) I. Peter Wolff (CC) Paul A. Gangsei (PC) Tayla Nevo-Hacohen (E) (PC) Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Wolkow Braker Roofing Corp. Geto & de Milly, Inc. Karl Ottosen & Judi Steinberg Bella Meyer & Martin Kace (CC) Patricia Wright & Sean Moore Mr. Whitney Goit (PC) Pecker Iron Works, Inc. Mueser Rutledge Consulting (CC) Hayley Gorenberg & Erach William A. Perlmuth, Esq. (PC) Engineers Mary Anne & Rich·ard Yancey Screwvala (El (PC) Petrocelli Electric Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop R. (E) (PC) Francis Greenburger & Marian S. Pillsbury (PC) Munyan (CC) Mr. Steven L. Zelkowitz Isabelle Autones (PC) Barbara G. Pine (PC) Ms. Susan Nassau Matthew & Myra Zuckerbraun Stephen R. Greenwald & Podell, Schwartz, Schechter & Talya Neveo-Hacohen (CC) (E) (CC) Rebecca A. Sullivan (PC) Banfield (E) New York Fire Detection, Inc. Mr. Ralph Guild (PC) Mr. & Mrs. Leon B. Polsky (PC) Kathleen O'Grady (CC) $1 ,500 or more Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman Ms. Linda Nochlin Pommer (PC) Mr. Jonathan Otto (CC) Active Sprinkler (PC) Mr. & Mrs. David Puth (E) Patti & Sons Inc. Antar-Com Inc. Mrs. Gunilla N. Haac (PC) Ron Reel (PC) R.G. Peterson & Ellen Flamm Milton & Sally Avery Arts Harbor Electric Fabrications & Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Reisberg (El (CC) Foundation Tool, Inc. (PC) Antonia Pew (CC) Ms. Sarah Jean Avery (PC) Hugh & Tiziana Hardy (PC) Mr. David Resnicow (PC) Mr. Thomas N. Pieper & Nancy Barber-Stone (PC) Ms. Molly K. Heines & Richmond County Savings Carol Ann Foley Benjamin Barber & Leah Thomas J. Moloney (PC) Foundation Diana Elzey Pinover (CC) Krauss-Barber HLW International LLP Yvonne Riley (PC) John M. Powers Jr. (CC) Theodore S. Bartwink (PC) Barbara Hoffman (PC) Rimi Woodcraft Corp. Mr. Edward E. Purcell Jayne Bentzen & Benedict Joel S. & Lily M. Hoffman (PC) Ms. Joumana Rizk (E) Rael Automatic Sprinkler Silverman (PC) Mr. James Hoge Ms. Vanessa C. Rodriguez Company, Inc. Mr. Frederick Bland (PC) Pamela J. Hoiles (El Connie and Ted Roosevelt (PC) R & J Construction Robert E. Blue Consulting Stephanie Holmquist & John A. Ross (PC) R & R Scaffolding, Ltd. Engineers PC Mark Allison (PC) Ruby & Company Joe Regan Jr. (El (CC) Sallie & Martin Blumenthal (PC) Jane Holzka & Mark Winther Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Mr. & Mrs. David Rockefeller Philipp von Borcke (E) (PC) Schlesinger (PC ) (CC) Etta Brandman, Esq. (PC) Ms. Catherine Hong & Mr. Eleanor Schwartz (PC) The Rodgers Family Brookside Environmental,lnc. David Ferris Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Sculco Foundation, Inc. Robert & Julie Jensen Bryan (PC) Phyllis S. Hyde M.D. & (E) (PC) The Rodgers & Hamrnerstein Cake Man Raven Confectionary Jan Thomas Hyde (PC) Rena & Michael D. Shagan (PC) Foundation Capezio I Ballet Makers Island Acoustics, LLC (El Shakespeare & Co Booksellers Vanessa Casiano Rodriguez Dance Foundation Island Architectural Woodwork , Rosamond Shannon (PC) Mr. Seth L. Rosenberg & Robert B. Catell (PC) Inc. Harold & Myra Shapiro Family Ms. Catherine Lebow (CC) Cesar Pelli & Associates , LLP Izze Sparkling Jus Foundation (PC) Maria & Louis F Rosenthal (CC) Champagne Paul Goerg Dr. & Mrs. Edison O. Jackson Manya & Howard Shapiro (PC) Ross & Cohen, LLP Dr. Paul Chapman (El (PC) Ted Shen (PC) Saramac Inc. Mr. Gustavo Cisneros Steven Jacobson (PC) Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Shorin Schieffelin & Somerset Co. Joan Hardy Clark (PC) Jaffe Holden Acoustics (PC) Ms. Anne Sidamon-Eristoff (PC) Schindler Elevator Corporation Coca Cola Bottling Company of Bianca Jagger (PC) John C. & Elizabeth Simons (PC) New York Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Jakes (PC) Sive Paget Riesel

27 Tbe Ca mpa ign for BAM

Mr. Edward Skloot (PC) Ms. Sally R. Brody Ms. Andrea Kaliski-Miller & Princess Grace Foundation Ms. Ellynne Skove (PC) Mr. Andrew Duncan Brown (E) Mr. George Miller Mr. Mark Plashne Ms. Abigail Smith (PC) J.B. Brown (E) Ms. Gerri Kay Quebec Government House Stephen R. Smith & Mr. D.J.R. Bruckner Ms. Frances Kazan Susan & Kanti Rai Ford Rogers (PC) Ms. Patricia Caesar & Ms. Anne Keating & Ms. Kim Ms. Eve Ramboz Liliane & Jose Soriano (PC) Mr. Vincent Stehle Hawkins Mr. Larry G. Remmers (E) Joan & Laurence Sorkin (PC) Mr. Thomas Cerabino Mr. & Ms. Howard Kelberg Rep Heating & Air Conditioning Annaliese Soros (PC) Mr. Jean Jacques Cesbron Ms. Christine Kim Ms. Frances Resheske Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Scsin (PC) Alexandre H. & Lori Chemla Kings County Waterproofing Ms. Nancy Roblee Richardson Dr. Rogelio Sosnik & Civetta/Cousins Joint Venture Corp. The Frederick W. Richmond Dr. Irene Cairo (PC) Nina & Peter Cobb (E) Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Klein Foundation Inc Ellen & Samuel Sporn (E) (PC) Charles & Ellen Cogut Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Klotz RIPCO Real Estate Corp. (E) Barbara H. Stanton (PC) Mr. Edwin C. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Townsend Knight River Cafe (E) Axel Stawski (PC) Michele & Terry Cone (E) Edward & Phyllis Kwalwasser Mr. Harrison Rivera-Terreaux Mr. Oliver M. Stevens (PC) Mrs. Lois Conway Peter Lamm The Rockefeller Group Susan Stewart (PC) Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Mr. Robert S. Langley Alvin J. Rockwell Charitable Trust Mr. Charles S. Sullivan (PC) The Cygnet Foundation Inc. Pablo & Almudena Legorreta Felix G. & Elizabeth F. Rohatyn Patsy Tarr (PC) Mr. Herman Deweerd Abby & Mitch Leigh Foundation Ms. Anne M. Saunier (E) Mr. Jim Taylor The DiPaolo Foundation Mr. Julius Leiman-Carbia Andre Spears & Anne Rosen (E) Coralie S. Toevs (PC) John & Anne Dockery Mr. Jonathan Leiter Rosenwach Tank Co., Inc Treasurers & Ticket Sellers Ms. Cathy Drew The Dorothea L. Leonhardt Ms. Nina Rosenwald Union Local 751 (PC) Peggy and Millard Drexler Foundation, Inc. Steve & Rory Rothman Sue Erpf Van de Bovenkamp Family Foundation Marie Louise & M. Michael Mr. George Sape (PC) Marie V. Driscoll Lerner (E) Mr. Larry Sauer Bernardette Vaskas (PC) Francisco Duque (E) Ms. Averill Leviton Ms. Anne M. Saunier (E) Vinmont Foundation, Inc. Ebenesterie Beaubois Mr. John Levy & Ms. Victoria James Sollins Mr. Daniel R. Wacks Ms. Therese M. Esperdy Westhead Laura E. Schwartz & Law Offices of Claudia Wagner Mr. Fred Eychaner Mr. Jeffrey S. Lewis & Ms. Arthur H. Jussel (E) Raymond W. Wagner (PC) Joan & Peter Faber Karin Miller-Lewis Mr. Michael Sekus & Esther RedmounVHarry White David Farer & Elisa King Mr. Christopher LiGreci & Ms. Bianca Russo (PC) Pauline & Lawrence Feldman Mr. Robert Ohlerking (E) Mark Alan Seliger Mr. & Mrs. William E. Wallace Mr. Daniel B. Ferris Mr. Daniel Loeb Sempra Energy Jr. (PC) Dr. Michael B. First & Louis Frey Co. Inc. Mr. Leonard Shaykin Terilynn & Jeff Walsh (E) Susan G. Babkes (E) Ms. Jeanne M. Luboja & Mr. Professor Stuart Sherman Sr. Leigh & Robin Walters (PC) Betty Freeman John C. Timm David Shuldiner Inc. Ms. Joan Waricha (PC) The Friars Foundation Joshua Madan Sire Foundation Mr. Walter J. Wilkie (PC) Richard J. Furman (E) Christina & Guillaume Malle Solco Plumbing Supply, Inc. Susan R. Witter (PC) Mr. Howard Ganek Ms. Carol A. Mandel Mr. & Mrs. Rich Somerby W. Wynn & I. Pachter (PC) Steve & Donna Gartner Ms. Marianna Mather Ms. Norika Sora Anonymous Georgica Advisors LLC Ms. Jennifer McConnell (E) Ms. Irene Speiser (E) Mrs. Barbara P. Gimbel Dr. James & Jane McGroarty Ms. Nicolle Spence $1,000 or more Ms. Francoise Girard & Mr. James I. McLaren Stefan Stein MD Mr. & Mrs. Marc Abrams Mr. David Knott Mr. Gordon McLeod Steven & Jeanne Stellman Kenneth & Diana Adams Michael & Deborah Goldberg Dr. Monica Menell-Kinberg Vincent Stramandinoli & Ronald & June Ahrens Mrs. Barbara Goldfarb­ Ph.D. & Jud Kinberg Associates American Signcrafters Tepperman Mr. Joseph V. Melillo Ms. Barbara Swartz & Amphion Foundation Mr. Guido Goldman Mr. Francis J. Menton Jr. Mr. Knud-Erik Rosenkrantz Aon Construction Services Mr. I. Michael Good ma n & Judith S. & David Miller linda Sweet (E) Ariel Mutual Funds Ms. Judith Uman Mr. Rodman W. Moorhead III Toby & Daniel Talbot Frank B. & Mary Ann Arisman Robert D. & Marjorie S. Graff Fiona Morgan & Harvey Fein Mr. Willard B. Taylor Ms. Caroline Arnold Green Art Enterprises Mr. Jeffrey Morris Dr. Irena Tocino (E) Avanti Demolition & Carting Mr. Peter w. Greenleaf Mr. Jerry A. Nelson Harriet Trepper Corp. Ms. Sandra Grieser Nets That Wor!< Company Triple S Air Systems, Inc. Mr. Robert l. Baker Marta & Michael Gucovsky News America Incorporated Mr. Donald J. Trump Bank of America Matching Ronald & Amy Guttman Mr. Harry Newton Calvin Tsao & Zack McKown Gifts Program Scott & Ellen Hand Jane F. & Dwight Nishimura Ms. Susan Unterberg Ms. Andrea Barbieri (E) Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Nonesuch Records Vanguard Coverage Corp. Permanent Mission of Belgium Ms. Caroline E. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Numeroff Robin & Stephanie Ventura to the UN Mr. Murray Henry & John & Bonnie Nuzum Mr. Franklin J. Walton & Ms. Carol Bellamy Ms. Elizabeth Ochoa The George Oliver Family (E) Ms. Callie J. Herzog Alan & Leslie Beller Arlene Heyman M.D. & Mr. David C. Olstein Ms. Joan Webenman & Maurice & Doris Benewitz Shepard Kantor M.D. Omni Risk Management Inc. Mr. Roy Renox Betons Prefabriques du Lac Inc. William T. Hillman On Par Contracting Corp. Ms. Elaine Weinstein John H. & Penelope Biggs Mellody Hobson Mr. Hank O'Neal & Mr. Jonathan Weld Mr. Jeffrey B. Bishop Ms. Judith M. Hoffman Ms. Shelley Shier linda Cheverton Wick (E) Charies R. Bjorklund Mr. Frank M. Holozubiec James O'Neill Mr. Frank Wohl Roger D. Blanc House of Bernstein Dr. Janusz A. Ordover Mary C. Wolf Edith C. Blum Foundation Barbara Warner-Howard (E) Ms. Bianca Maria Orlando & Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Wolk Mr. James P. Bodovitz Mr. Brad Howes Mr. William McGinty (E) The Zeitz Foundation Mr. George A. Bowen & Ms. Consuelo Hudgins (E) Ms. Friederike Penberg Zephyr Trust Ms. Marianne L. Nosal Mr. Alan Hyde & the Sandy & Steve Perlbinder (E) Susan S. Braddock Hon. Ellen Gesner (E) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Peskin As of May 1, 2004 Mr. Edward R. Bradley Jr. Mr. Steven M. Jacobson Henry Pillsbury & Ms. Cecilia M. Brancato Linda & Lawton Johnson Barbara Watson Thomas Logan Brannum (E) Stephanie R. & William Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Poster

29 Brooklyn Academy of Music Brendan J. Dugan Steven J. Nulty Chairmen Emeriti Mallory Factor Timothy U. Nye Seth Faison Chairman of the Board Ronald E. Feiner, Esq. Evelyn Ortner Leonard Garment, Esq. Alan H. Fishman Susan Foote David L. Ramsay, M.D., M.Ed. Robert M. Greenberg Bruce C. Ratner Honorary Trustees Vice Chairman of the Board Charles J. Hamm Frances Resheske Robert L. Forbes William I. Campbell Kenneth V. Handal Jonathan F. P. Rose Stanley H. Kaplan Rita Hillman Amy W. Schulman Laurie Mallet President Dr. Edison D. Jackson Samuel H. Scripps Karen Brooks Hopkins Mary Kantor Danny Simmons BAM Archive Chairman James E. Kelly John C. Simons Barbara B. Haws, C.A. Secretary Amy Klein John Tamberlane Joseph V. Melillo Dan Klores Nora Ann Wallace BAM Endowment Trust I. Stanley Kriegel Elaine Wei nstein President Emeritus Edgar A. Lampert Hon. Franklin R. Weissberg Chairman Harvey Lichtenstein Jean-Pierre Lehmann Vaughn C. Williams, Esq. Richard B. Fisher Fran~ois Letaconnoux Members Kitty C. Linder Ex-Officio Vice Chairman Susie Babani John Lipsky Hon . Michael R. Bloomberg Norma n L. Peck Susan L. Baker Cathy-Ann Martine Hon. Gifford Miller Hyatt Bass Adam E. Max Hon. Marty Markowitz Members Tony Bechara James I. McLaren Hon. Kate D. Levin Susan L. Baker Norman J. Buchan Martin F. Mertz Mark Page Henry Christensen III Neil D. Chrisman Sarah G. Miller Steven C. Parrish Frank L. Coulson Jr. Henry Christensen III Ah rin Mishan Diana Taylor Alan H. Fishman Beth Rudin DeWoody Jean-Marc Mariani Ellyn Toscano Elizabeth Holtzman Charles M. Diker John Morning Irwin Lainoff Nora An n Wa lIace BAMstaff Karen Brooks Hopkins Shoshana Polanco Mario LaMothe Bill Horton Jr. President Executive Assistant Assistant General Manager Master of Properties, HT Joseph V. Melillo Sharon Lehner Tracy Shar Alison Dabdoub Executive Producer Archive Advisor Project Coordinator Sou nd Engi neer, HT Alice Bernstein Cindy Lou Edwards Matthew Karges Henry Beckman Executive Vice President Archive Intern Fiscal Coordinator Utility Man Ernest Southerla nd Peter Gee Matthew Lembo Administrative Assistant House Maintenance Chief Financial Officer & Education & Humanities Mary Lou Houston Vice President for Operations Suzanne Youngerman Production Wardrobe Supervisor Jeffrey Levine Director, Department of Colman Rupp Vice President for Marketing Education & Humanities Director of Production Artist Services & Communications Gail A. London Don Coleman Mary Reilly Lynn M. Stirrup Assistant Director Assistant Production Director of Artist Services Vice President for Planning John P. Tighe Manager Danielle Dybiec & Development Program Manager Philip Naude Associate Director of Charisse Williams Marissa Kaplan Artist Services President's Office Administrative Manager Aude Albiges Andrea Salvatore Sophia A. Kremer Alicia Dhyana House Rebecca Zuber Artist Services Executive Assistant Humanities Manager Production Coordinators Representative Victoria Lynford Alicia Mathewscn Jennifer J. Davis Theater Management Production Office Manager CIG Coordinator Program Associate Bob Riordan Neil Freeman Steven Serafin Theater Manager Administrative Assistant Humanities Program Stage Crew Christine Gruder Matthew Buchholz Consultant Thomas Paulucci Associate Theater Manager Cinematek Manager Crew Chief Sonia Clayton Cyrus Similly Jake Perlin Jacqueline David Programming & Curatorial Head Carpenter, OH Cinematek Assistant Adrienne Manda Leroy Houston Timothy Fuller Theater Staff Supervisors Film Curator at Large Flyman,OH BAM Rose Cinemas Florence Almozini Patrick Conlon James D'Adamo BAM bus Manager Efi Shahar Associate Film Curator Head ElectriCian, OH Cinema Manager Limor Tomer Jack Gelbart Human Resources Duane Wizzard BAMcafe Programming Electrician, OH Gregoriana Isaac Assistant Cinema Manager Danny Kapilian Howard Larson Administrative AssistanV Michael Katz Music Consultant Master of Properties, OH Human Resources Associate Hunter Webb Haruna Ito Carl Wurzbach Diana Frazier PrOjectionists Programming Intern Sound Engineer ReceptionisV James Kehoe Administrative Assistant Head Carpenter, HT Exec utive Producer 's Office General Management Jessica Shapiro Lewis Resnick Patrick J. Scully Head ElectriCian, HT Program Coordinator General Manager

30 Finance Information Technologies Ticket & Customer Services Fiscal Anna Lee Lloyd Nesbitt G. Scott Kubcvsak Kozue Oshiro Controller Director Director of Ticket and Fiscal Manager Kenneth Keating John Kit Customer Services Robin Bowie Budget Manager Associate Director Robert M. Speck Fiscal Administrator Rachel McBeth Tamisha Ralph Ticket Services Manager Su Hyun Lim Accounting Manager Administrative Assistant Jose Noel Vega Fiscal Coordinator Cynthia Smith Silvio Niculescu Telemarketing Manager Akiko Kawamoto Payroll Manager Helpdesk Manager Royda C. Duncan Fiscal Intern Catherine Cacho Ira Silbulkin Ticket Services Budget Analyst Network Analyst Assistant Manager Membership Tameka White Boris Kleynbck Crystal Backus Beryl Jolly Fiscal Coordinator William Allan Lee Shanequa Battle Director of Individual Giving Latasha White Programmer/Analysts Brienne Blenman Michael Hambcuz Accounts Payable Monika Wunderer Margo Brooks Major Gifts Associate Bookkeeper Tessitura Project Manager Sheyla Echevarria Marilyn Casowitz Rachael Faulkner Daman Harun Membership Coordinator Finance Assistant Marketing & Communications Denise Lewis Zhe-Wei Hsuan Box Office Katora Matthews Membership Assistant Capital Projects/Operations Fred Dorso Latasha McNeil Antonette Burrowes Toby Rappaport Treasurer Elsie Pacella Andrew Cohen Capital Projects Marsha Rosenberg Louie Preston Seneca Doss Manager First Assistant Treasurer James Riddick, Jr. Membership Interns Joseph O'Hara Victor A. Jouvert Sha rell Rogers Fiscal Coordinator Kevin McLoughlin Terri Shaw Patron Services Charlie Dolce Richard Tayloe Angela Romualdez Building Operations Frances Oestricher Michelle Taylor Patron Services Manager Michael Davis Assistant Treasurers Kevin Varner Matthew L. Arbc Director of Operations Ticket Services Walida-Simone Bailey Daniel J. Dier Communications Representatives Heather Kane Building Services Assistant Sandy Sawotka Monique Davis Patron Services Assistants Nicole Pile Dire::lr:< of Communk:ations David Dunn Facilities Coordinator Eva Chien Sam Gordon Special Events Olga Blank Publicity Manager Telemarketers Jennifer Stark Administrative Assistant Dewonnie Frederick Special Events Manager Susannah Hall HVAC & Repair Services Public Relations Associatel Planning & Development Bazaar Coordinator James Wu Laili Paksima Lazzaro Curato Special Events Coordinators HVAC Supervisor Molly Gross Executive AssistanV Cinema Publicity Manager Office Manager Ryan Tracy Anthony Shields Special Events Intern Angel Ova lies Fatima Kafele Richard Serrano Senior Public Relations Research Manager Courtney Harris Accountants Carl Blango Manager Naomi Beckwith Jennifer Lam BAMart Coordinator & Deloitte and Touche LLP Security Publicity Assistant Development Administrator Bookseller Alvin Youngblood Tamara McCaw Amanda Faye Lacson Shakespeare & Co. Security Operations Manager Community Affairs & Audllnce BAMart Intern Melvin Patterson Development Manafll( Susan Yung Design Consultant Shirley Phillips Endowment Pentagram Supervisors Publications Manager Denis Azaro Kenneth Aguillera Endowment and European Production Collie Dean Design Development Director Representative Manadou Tounkara Eric Olson Peter Conroy On Tour Ltd., Roger Chapman Senior Attendant Guards Director of Design Endowment Assistant Terrence Caldeira Clara Cornelius Film Buyer Grants Aubrey Gravesande Senior Designer Jeffrey Jacobs William Lynch Theophilus Johnson Dan Dobransky Jacobs Entertainment, Inc. Anthony Pirrone Designer Grants Director Derrick Tinglin Yasmin Spiro Michaela Goldhaber Immigration Counsel Clyde Yearwood Design Studio Manager Assistant Grants Manager Jonathan Ginsburg, Michael Whyte Beth Elliott Fettman, Tolchin and Attendant Guards Marketing Grants Assistant Majors, PC Lisa Mallory Mee Custodial Services Director of Marketing Sponsorship Insurance Ramon Cabassa Sao Pak Aimeelyn Calandria Marsh USA Inc. Supervisor Marketing Manager for Sponsorship Manager Calvin Brackett BAMcinematek & BAMcafe Jessica Warner legal Counsel Joanna Brown Scott Sullivan Sponsorship Coordinator Kaufmann, Feiner, Yamin, Carl Cato Marketing Manager Raphaele Andriuzzi Gildin & Robbins Franklin Fernandes for Mainstage & Education Sponsorship Administrator Market Research Harold Heath Antoinette Moore Erzi Palko George Wachtel Ron Rathan Marketing Associate Sponsorship Intern Brenda Murad Audience Research Harvey Theater Intern & Analysis Lionel Stevens Building Supervisor Medical Consultant Rendell Blount Jonathan Lorch , M.D. Ismael Colon Restaurateur Great Performances

31 R&B Festival at MetroTech

The 'Freaks' and Greats Take the Stage

By Liz French

The name Nile Rodgers may not carry instant recognition, but if you were around in the disco days of the 1970s you probably danced to his group Chic's chart-topping single "Le Freak. " And it's the music that matters, as Rodgers learned from his longtime band mate, bassist Bernard Edwards, at a sold-out concert in Tokyo 24 hours before Edwards' death in 1996.

"He looked out at the crowd and he started crying," Rodgers remembers. "He said, 'Oh my God, this music is bigger than we are.' And I looked at him and said, 'What are you talking about, why are you getting sappy on me?' And he said, 'Look at this, they didn't come to really see us, they came to hear the music.' And that's what allowed me to go on and play Chic music."

On June 17, the multitalented singer-songwriter-producer-guitarist will appear with the latest incarnation of his supergroup, Chic, at the annual BAM Rhythm & Festival at MetroTech , performing hits he wrote for the group as well as other acts. The free outdoor concert series, a summertime tradition, runs Thursdays from noon to 2 pm, June 10 to August 12, at Brooklyn's MetroTech Commons at MetroTech Center

Festival producer Danny Kapilian compares his job of programming the ten-week festival to sequencing songs on a great record. "Every summer I release an album of ten greats," he says. "I am seeking to present the best and broadest spectrum of African-American-based popular music, free."

Thi s year's "album" opens with another lively dance party group, go-go band Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers. The Washington, D.C.-based band first climbed onto the R&B charts in 1978 with the single "Bustin' Loose," moving into mainstream success with such albums as Go Go Swing Live and This Is a Journey .. . Into Life.

32 R&B Festival at MetroTech

"Tracks" three, four, and five have younger artists rocking their roots. Multi-instrumental- ~_II.~~' ist Chris Thomas King will burn up the stage with his version of 21st century blues-a mix of acoustic traditional songs, what Kapilian dubs "blazing elec­ tric guitar," and hip-hop turntab­ lists and perform­ ers-on June 24.

The July 1 double bill features The Soul of John Black, a duo featuring former multi-instrumentalist John Bigham ("JB") and bassist Christopher Thomas ("CT"), and guitarist-vocalist Ellis Hooks. The Soul of John Black spins a new sound out of such diverse influences as Neil Young, Sly Stone, Jimi Hendrix, P-, and Curtis Mayfield , while Hooks masterfully melds R&B, blues and Southern gospel.

Appearing July 8, singer and social activist Oumou Sangare, the biggest star out of Mali, will show her roots-Wassoulou music crafted into what Kapilian calls "pure great Afropop." Next up are soul survivor and Detroit resident Bettye LaVette on July 15 and the Neville Brothers on July 22. Kapilian raves about LaVette that she is "se nsational live-one of the strongest female Motown stars on stage," and says simply of Neville siblings Art, Charles, Aaron, and Cyril that they are the greatest New Orleans band.

South African reggae star Lucky Dube takes us back to his homeland July 29, singing his songs of liberation and laying down the one-love beat. The following week, on August 5, the Ohio Players get funky and sexy, as only the outfit that Kapilian calls "the quintessential American band" can. Opening for the Players will be singer Vaneese Thomas, daughter of Stax legend Rufus Thomas, sister of soul singer Carla Thomas and an awesome, sultry vocalist in her own right.

Selecting an album's closing track has confounded many a producer. Kapilian chose to close things with a funky fusion party hosted by Roy Hargrove and RH Factor on August 12. A jazz trumpeter and composer, Hargrove has headlined at Carnegie Hall and released nine albums as a band leader in his fourteen years as a professional musician. RH Factor fuses jazz, neo-soul and hip-hop into a funky urban beat.

Kapilian says he tries to shape a musical arc with the festival and that this year is "almost a perfect mix. " You can see this year's album and decide for yourself-it's not available in stores, but you can't beat the price. ~

Liz French is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer.

For complete schedule, see "Upcom ing Events" page in the BAMbili.

Photo, Bettye LaVette

33 Upcom i og BAM Eveots

BAM Rhythm & Blues Festival at Jul 1 Double Bill: The Soul of John Black MetroTech and Ellis Hooks Thursdays, noon- 2pm, through Aug 12 Jul S Oumou Sangare MetroTech Commons at MetroTech Center. Jul 15 Bettye LaVette Free admission! Jul 22 The Neville Brothers Jun 10 Chuck Brown and the Soul Searchers Jul 29 Lucky Dube Jun 17 Chic with Nile Rodgers Aug 5 The Ohio Players Jun 24 Chris Thomas King Aug 12 Roy Hargrove and RH Factor BAMcinematek BAM ci nematek at BAM Rose Cinemas features daily screenings of classic American and foreign films, documentaries, retrospectives, and festiva ls.

4th of July: 4 by Pacino Steve Buscemi & Jo Andres Select Jul 1- 5 Jul IS- Aug 1

Tokyo Stories: Films of Yasujiro Ozu Cinema Tropical Jul 6- Aug 24 Jul 21 A Lucky Day Aug IS Two Summers Fassbinder's Revenge! Films by Rainer Werner Fassbinder The Korean Film Festival Ju17- 25 Aug 20- 22 Cinemachat With Elliott Stein Jul 14 Gideon of Scotland Yard Rock On Film: Selected by Olivier Assayas Aug 11 A High Wind in Jamaica Aug 26- Sep 14 Check www.bam .org or the BAMcinematek calendar for details. For weekly sched ules, call 718.636.4100 x2 . For tickets cal l 718.777.FILM (order by "name of movie") or visi t www.bam.org. Programs and showtimes subject to change. Check within three days of screenings to confirm.

34 BAM directory BAM BAM Box BAMcafe Headphones 30 Lafayette Avenue Office Hours Performances and BAM offers infra-red Brooklyn , NY 11217 Mon-Sat: hours of operation listening devices for 12noon-6pm 718.636.4100 the hearing impaired; BAM Ticket Services Sun: open performance please inquire at the 718.636.4100 days only from Restrooms coat check room. General information, 12noon-3:30pm BAM Howard Gilman single ticket and Opera House: Administrative Offices subscription sales Advance ticket sales mezzanine and balcony 718.636.4111 stop one hour prior level- Handicapped BAM Patron Services Internet Orders to curtain. accessible: orchestra 718.636.4182 www.bam.org level and BAMcafe BAM Harvey Theater BAM Harvey Theater: BAMart Fax Orders box office opens 90 lobby and gallery level BAM's visual art 718.636.4106 minutes prior to curtain collection. Information : on performance days. BAMbus 718.636.4101 Group Sales 718.636.4100 For ticket orders of Student / Senior Make your reservation Lost & Found 20 or more Rush Information up to 24 hours prior to Mon- Fri: 9am-5pm 212.398.8383 718.636.4100 curtain-time. 718.636.4133 800.223.7565 Call to check ticket availability on th e day Rental Information Brooklyn Philharmonic of the performance. 718.636.4198 718.622.5555 651 ARTS 718.636.4181 BAM Rose Cinemas Box office opens 30 BAM Rose Cinemas is are available; inquire Advance TIcket Sales minutes before the first wheelchair accessible. at the box office. 718.777.FILM screening of the day. Infra-red headsets for or www.bam.org BAMcinematek the hearing impaired Info: 718.636.4100 Please Note

Warning The photo­ street. In the event of BAM backstage ~ Food and drinks are graphing, videotaping, fire or other emer­ employees are «!$> not permitted in the or sound recording of gency, please WALK represented by BAM Howard Gilman any performance or TO THAT EXIT, FOL­ the International Opera House or BAM the possession of any LOWING THE DIREC­ Alliance of Theatrical Harvey Theater. device for such inside TIVES OF THE HOUSE Stage Employees this theater, without STAFF. Thoughtless (IA.TSE.). BAM is a charter written permission of persons annoy patrons member of the League of Historic American the management, is and endanger the BAM ATPAM prohibited by law. safety of others by theater Theaters and an affiliate Violators may be pun­ lighting matches or managers and press member of the League ished by ejection and smoking in prohibited agents are represented of American Theaters may be liable for areas during the by the Association of and Producers. money damages. performances and Theatrical Press Agents Freight Transportation is intermissions. This and Managers, Local provided by Schenker Fire Notice The exit violates a New York #18032,IATSE, International. indicated by a red light City ordinance and is AFL-CIO. and sign nearest to the punishable by law. Children under five seat you occu py is the - Fire Commissioner not ad mitted unless shortest route to the explicitly noted. 35 FlJoders

BAM 2004 Spring Season sponsor: Spring Season supporters: BAM would like to thank the Brooklyn The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation Delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives, which-under the Altria Richard B. Fisher & Jeanne leadership of BAM's district Donovan Fisher congressman, the Hon. Major R. Owens The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels and in close partnership with the Programming in the BAM Howard Foundation, Inc. Hon. Edolphus Towns and the Hon. Gilman Opera House is supported Nydia M. Velazquez- has secured a and endowed by The Howard The Starr Foundation major Federal appropriation for BAM's Gilman Foundation. The Shubert Foundation, Inc. youth and community initiatives. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Programming in the BAM Harvey BAM's community and education Theater is endowed by the Doris Duke Mairin and Emily Jerome programs are supported by Award No. Charitable Foundation. Booth Ferris Foundation 2003-JS-FX-01l3 awarded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Presenting sponsor for Rhythm & BAM: Carnegie Corporation of New York Delinquency Prevention, Office of J PMorgan Chase (tlndep-endence Justice Programs. Community Foundation The SHS Foundation BAM Dance: Presenting sponsor for A Midsummer The Norman & Rosita Winston Night's Dream: Foundation Official airline: o Fleet Ta rget Stores A .Delta The Bodman Foundation Major sponsor for Pericles and Robert Sterling Clark Foundation Major support: Homebody/Kabul: The Harkness Foundation for Dance Samuel I. Newhouse Foundation Inc. The Jerome Robbins Foundation, Inc. TlmeWarner The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation BAM marquee sponsor: Presenting sponsor for Bill T. Jone~ The Ambrose Monell Foundation Arnie Zane Dance Company: The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation embank The MAT Charitable Foundation HSBCID www.bam.org sponsor: Judy and Michael Steinhardt The Imaginary Invalid: . R/GA The Isak and Rose Weinman Leadership support: Foundation, Inc. Official hotel for the Spring Season: The Florence Gould Foundation ~ The New York Times Community New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge Lepercq Foundation Affairs Department Francena T. Harrison Foundation Trust Presenting sponsor: Yamaha is the official piano for BAM Robert W. Wilson Foundation, Inc. ~ Presenting sponsor for ImI CREDIT LYONNAIS New York State Assembly Brooklyn Delegation BAMcinematek: Additional support: Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust STEINER STUDIOS Estate of Martha Zalles Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Leadership support for Sofitel New York Charitable Trust BAMcinematek: Major sponsor for DanceAfrica: Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust ~ Joseph s. and Diane H. Sieinberg ~ CH"'RITA'LETRUST Friends of BAM MorgahStanley James Ottaway, Jr. BAM Cinema Club The BAM facility is owned by the BAMcafe Live sponsors: City of New York and is funded, in part, Your tax dollars make BAM programs with public funds provided through the possible through funding from: <§ conEdison New York City Department of Cultural New York City Department of BMG Affairs with support from Mayor Cultural Affairs Michael R. Bloomberg; the New York Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust New York State Council on the Arts City Council; Council Speaker Gifford Miller; the Brooklyn Delegation of the National Endowment for the Arts BAMcafe piano provided by Council; Councilwoman Letitia James; Deutsche Ba nk Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz; and Cultural Affairs Commissioner Kate D. Levin. NYSCA~ 36