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w Manchester beauty shop owners and Operators will meet at Albert’s About Town Beauty* Salon tomorrow at 8 p.m. rnie executive committee of Tall The Professiorjal Women’s Club Cedars of Lebanon will meet to wiil meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Miss Marcia Je^i Spade, d^gh- night .at 7:30 at the , Masonic tfi? Center Congregational Church. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John H ^padc, Temple. It Is hoped that members Miss Alice Madden and two of her Baldwin Rd., becatne^e bride Miss Dorothy Giuliano of Hart of the. ladies' night committee will 132 teenage assistants will speak on of Elmer Maurice F'rechoue, son of ford, director, of Consultants, Inc., also attend to make plans for the "Swimming for the Handicapped. " will discuss what can bp done in April event Mr. and Mrs. Denis ^ Frechette, 11 Tanner St„ Sati)(t4iay morning the, recreation field for convales The Women's Benefit Assn, will St. James’ Mothers' Circle will cent patients at a me'eting tomor meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the at the Church o f We Assumption. meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Odd The Rev. F r a ils Butler cele row 'evening sponsored by the , Fellows’ hall. home of Mrs. Edward Molloy., 44 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Weaver Rd. Mrs. Gerald McGurkih brated the n u ^ a l Mas's before Manchester Area Mental Health OPEN—Tuewlay, \Vedne*d*y, an altar decorated with white will be co-hostess. Assn. Thursday and Friday, lH. a.m. S t Bridget's Mothers’ Circle will gladioli. to 4 pjn. Thursday Nlghts''7.^to .meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the The bridpf given in' marriage by The meeting, open to everyone home of Mrs. John I.oughlin. 26 S . Manchester Lodge of Masons her . fathw, wore a floor-length interested in taking part in the »■ \ will hold a special meeting tomor New Haven, FeK, 16 Alton S t A Cl.inese auction will gown ot^white silk taffeta, fash recreation program being organ be held. row at 7:30 p.m. The Master Ma^ ioned /With long tapered sleeves ized for local convalescent homes, Leslie H. Tyler, vice pi'esident son degree will be conferred by. the and /a fitted bodice. The scoop will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. at in charge of public relations The Buckland School PTA v\ill Lord's Hill Quarry club of Con was trimmed with flower the Concordia Lutheran . Church, THE PENNY SAVER for the New Haven Railroad, mce^ tomorrow at* 8 p.m. at the necticut Mutual Life In.surance sters appllqued with tiny s^ Winter ■5t. ■ . 474 M AIN ST-.— Just North of Lincoln School Co. tthth John L. VonDeck, past died today. He was 64. school. jins'and . seed pearls. Clusters of Tyler suffered a heart attack master of Manchester lodge, gre- 'similar appliques accented the fuli Ohio Unive-slt.v, nas oeen aciive m and died at his home In nearb.v The wiy*s and means and altar siding. There will be a social hour bouffant skirt. Her fingertip veil recreation work since 1956. She is with refre.shments. bodbrl3ge. , He was appointed . committee.; ..of the Guild of Our of French Tljusion. edged wfW im working for her master's degree’ a v^ce president of the railroad ' 'l ^ y of St. Bsu'lholomew’s parish ported Frendh lace, was attached at the Hartford School of Social The Lydia Circle of Erngiiuel only “a few weeks ago. vnl meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in to an orange blossom crown en Work. Univensity of Hartford. An Tylef-, was named chief infor the basement of the rector\- at 741 Lutheran Church Women wWmeet crusted with uAy seed pearls. A affiliate of the National Recreation in the board room at the* church mation officer of the railroad in Cent IncreaseTViaTOfi Third Entry E. Middle IJike. w*hite lacd fan with white stream Assn., Miss Giuliano is a member 1956. tomorrow at 7:.’’0 jj.m. ^ s . War ers held her bouquel of pink of the New England Geronfologlcal ren Johnson and M rs/C . Henry For a number of yeara he was buds a'nd whi'Le orchids. Assn; RS well as the .Connecticut editor of the railroad’s employe For Is Class Anderson will b co-hpStesses. Mrs. Society of Gerontology. She was Carl Gustafson will have charge of Mrs. Robert J. Re^d of Bridge publication. Along the Line. He port was matron of honor, and instrumental in the establishment was named asaistikot director of AUTO de^’otions. Cancer ^essings will be of a pioneer program of recreation j Letter^ Jbuglit In Wisconsin rpade b.v the groin Miss June Seipel of Manchester publicity in -1949, imd resident OLLIE’S eODY was bridesmaid. They were dressed for convale.scentj homes in the i public relations manager In 1954. r o w e r B l o c similarly in peacock blue embroi Hartford area. She is die author of Tyler made his headquitrters in ★ W ELDING I Rdfert Man^- Thompson, son of a manual f ir establishing recrea W.i6hington, Feb. 16 (/P)— Marinette, Wis., Feb. 16 (iT*) of President Eisenhower and the . .Mrs. Lucy'Afin Thorhpson, 23 Or- dered cocktail dresses with match New Haven, where he was active President Eisenhower told Re l^te Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio. ★ AUTO BODY and ing headbands and bows aiid car tion in the convalescent hospital In numerous community activities. —Vice Presidenib Richard M, Washington, Feb. 16 (^^— , chard St;, has been named to the with emphasis upon the use of ■vol publican Congressional lead In the wake of the split. Demo I first semester honor roll at the ried feathered aqua carnations on He was a native of England, N'i.xon will enter Wiscon.sin’s crats swept to state offices in President Eisenhower asked FENDER REPAIR;S white lace fans with white 'stream unteers and 1 as trained volunteers and a graduate of New York tlnl- ers today the administration rUniv^sity of Mississippi where he In the field of recreation for the j presidential primary, appai- IS-IS. winning the governorship— Congress today for $4,175,- ★ COMPLETE CAR ] is .a spohomore^-j-n—the School of, ers. ' verslty. will .seek a one-cent increase for the first lime in 25 yisars—and aged. ■ ! Prior to Joining the railroad, he ently at the urging of State 000,000 in new foreign aid p a in t in g n ■ Commerce and Business Adminis Robert J. Reed of Bridgeport in postal rates on ell first- taking all hut one of the state’s funds to safeguard the free Ten local groups under the lead- j worked for newspapers in Pater constitutional offices. They also LA( qLBR GNA;,NA-MEL tration. was. best man. Cltaiies S. Lukas and of Manchester was an usher. ership of Mrs. John Buck. Volun-' son, N. ■ J., and New York City. ■* , , to use luS .standing in an ef- won control of the state assembly. world against the “enormous TEI. 5n 9-603J5^ teer Services Chairman of .the A reception was held at the K o f He leaves his widow, Glsd.vs Republicans hung on to theirNpiar- power bloc of Communist, im The executive board of Robert Mental Health Assn., have-^lndl- m a m h g T oU a o^ eu :r7 rl1 :f^ ^ ^ ^ the Wisconsin son PTA Will meet at the school C Rome. The bride wore a green Keeley Tj’ler, and an 8-year-old _____ . , gin in the state senate. But «(ven perialism.” 281 ADAM S pated willingness to take part in son, Leslie. cents to 5. cents. i GOP fortune.s damaged by tonight at ' o'clock. sil> sheath dress' with beige acces The budget. Eisenhower sept to Democratic V‘ictoi'ic.s tw o * as the Republicans sought unity, The mutual security program 1* sories for.a wedding trip to the the roonerntjve conirnunit.y pro- ; there were reports that Nixon’s gram"whlch will assist local con Congress last month'for the fiscal ' ago. essential to world progress in'free Pocono Mountains, Pa, Colonel Kills Self ; entry into the primary was dela^ dom, he said In a special message Mr. and, Mrs. Frechbtte will live valescent honies meet the recre year-starting July 1 said ah in- ’ Nixon'r entry into-the April 5 ^ V e “ mrkeu^ ational needs of their patients. Washington. Conn., Feb. 16 (A*i— crease in postal • rate.s would be p,imary maice.s him the third ma-.r®j ri-iegate slate that will be to Congress. i at 149 Chestnut St. after Feb. 21. \ The sum, nearly $1 billion more Tentative plans call for regiilarly former officer In the'Russian asked but did not go into detail as : jo,, pandidate in the race. Others , . Wisconsin Re- than Congress voted last year, soheduled visits to Uie convales Iiitperial Army shot himself to to increases to be proposed- . on are Democrats,. Sen.s. Hubert Publicans wUl have30 votes at the cent home in Manchester by rep deathsat his. home here last night. various kinds of mail. Humphrey (D-MinnV and .lohn F, ‘ would be split up in this way: $2 RECREATION ROOMS School Chi I drjeii resentatives of the. community State F^ice said. Eisenhower and Postmaster Kennedy (D-Mass). ' r-nu have billion for weapons aid to Allies groups and others Interested. He was. Boris Samsonoff, 74. General Arthur S. Summerfield Wisconsin GOP officials feel that , ' ' ' ' ’honsin roll no an and $2,175,000,000 for economic MRS.