The Parish Magazine of ST DAVID’S & ST OSWALD’S May 2014

Watch out he’s behind you Vicar ! The Cross Country Parishes welcome their new Vicar

1 A letter from Ann N. May these words be on our hearts and in Last Christmas our two year-old our minds as we blossom into the people granddaughter was given some beautiful God intends us to be in these Cross little gardening tools and gloves. Ever Country Parishes throughout the coming since then she has been impatient to use months and years. them. Eventually her granddad agreed to Ann Nicholas plant some potatoes, with her help, of course. Every time she visits us, she With thanks to Linda Clarke from toddles up to the greenhouse to see if the Green for the amazing cake! potatoes are ready for her tea!

It's not easy to have patience, no matter what our age. We live in a world of instant gratification -'buy now, pay later'. We have instant communication - mobile phones and emails wherever we are. Even on our Christian journeys we're fond of the dramatic conversion story and the tales of sudden spectacular changes. While those sort of accounts are wonderful testimonies to God's goodness, in our rush we can miss what God has been doing in slow, gentle ways in people's lives, or even in our own lives. Ascension Day

Throughout the last four years our Eucharist churches have been quietly Thursday 29th May growing to produce new fruit. The ground has been prepared and we are 7.30pm beginning a new season. A season of hope for new growth, not only in our St Mary’s, Acton church families under the guidance of Reverend Anne but also within ourselves. CONTENTS Letter………………… Page 2 The beautifully decorated cake at Anne's Wettenhall……………. Page 4-6 Gardening Tips……… Page 8 Induction service said everything we Biible bits………………. Page 11 need for the future. Holy Week in pictures…. Page 12-13 Worleston Rose Queen…… Page 16 'Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, Recipe…………….. Page 17 Worleston ……………. Page 18-19, 22 faithful in prayer' Services and Contacts …. Page 23 Romans 12:12. Induction Night Pictures.………. Page 24

2 OPEN HOUSE The Vicarage, Acton Wednesday 7th May 7.30pm onwards Come and meet your new vicar. Everyone welcome!


Most people know Pop-Eye; and what happens to him. How in the first half of the cartoon, the poor chap gets bashed all over the place by the villains. Then in the nick of time, he sees a tin of Spinach, downs the lot. A moments digestion, and then WHAM, Pop-Eye stages a dramatic comeback. Certain defeat is changed into glorious victory.

Which brings me to EASTER.

NO, I am not writing about Jesus rising from the dead. I am writing about a group of changed men and women. People who made the most astonishing comeback in the history of the world.

There they were, one day, defeated, scared, mixed up and disheartened, and that’s putting it mildly. A short time after, those self same people have lost their fears, got back their peace of mind, and are taking Jerusalem by storm with the proclamation of Jesus as a living Saviour, alive for evermore, and empowering them to be his witnesses.

It doesn’t make sense; unless the Resurrection really happened. If you do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead find another explanation for the change in the disciples. There’s no earthly doubt about their change, about their simply astounding comeback. Something changed them from weaklings into world beaters.


SIDESPERSONS 4th May Mrs. M. Drinkall 11th May Mrs. S. Langley 18th May Brownies & Guides 25th May Mr. J. Hamblin 1st June Mrs. S. Cookson

CLEANING & FLOWERS May 4/11 Praise and Play is a great opportunity Mrs. H. Wilson & Mrs. J. Cartledge for pre-school children and their May 18/25 parents or carers to come along and Mrs. A. Howard & Family sing a few songs (while playing our June1/8 instruments), listen to a story, take Mrs. S. Ward & Mrs. I. Drinkall part in a craft activity and then enjoy a snack and a drink. The activities will explore a little of WE HAD A BALL...... ! what God is like. The Spring Dinner Dance and Cabaret at We meet every 2nd Friday of the Town FC was a great success. month at St David’s Wettenhall at The food was delicious, the dancing enthu- 9.30am siastic and the cabaret was out of this world! Chris Pope did an amazing job as The next meeting will be on host for the evening. He's certainly missed Friday 9th May his vocation! Angela, along with Megan, We look forward to seeing you led the Darnhall Dancers and all those who enjoyed twirling around the dance floor. Don Reid proved to be the highlight of the CONGRATULATIONS.... evening as he created a wonderful atmos- to Wendy Rowland and Shane Lancini on phere of merriment and laughter. His jokes the occasion of their marriage on 26th were still causing chuckles in church the April in Townsville, Australia. next morning. We wish them every happiness in their Grateful thanks to everyone who support- married life together. ed this event and helped to raise the won- derful sum of £500 for church funds . ALSO TO...... Ann Hignett and Darnhall Brownies who received a special award of £250 for 30 Blake Nixon years service to the Show. The Ethan Aldington Brownies act as runners collecting show Lily Molyneux results and helping to ensure the smooth Scarlett Jackson running of our prestigious annual County Verity Smith Show.

4 FROM THE REGISTERS BROWNIE & GUIDE PARADE Funeral Service SERVICES 2nd April 2014 These will now be held on the third Alan Edge Sunday in the month from May. We are fortunate to have the Darnhall CONDOLENCES to the family and Brownies & Guides taking part in our All friends of Alan, especially to Adele, Age Service every month. They are very Sharon & Richard. much appreciated. ALSO TO Diane & Martin Jones and family on the death of Diane's mother, ANNUAL VISITATION Barbara Waddell, at the end of March. This will take place on Tuesday 6th May Our thoughts and prayers are with them 7.30pm at St. Mary's Nantwich for all. Churchwardens and all who are elected as Sidespersons at the Annual Meetings.

MOTHERING SUNDAY ROGATION SERVICE & WALK BLESSINGS Do make a note to join us at 6.30pm on Our Mother church was well- Sunday 25th May for our annual service of blessed with gifts this year. We are very Rogation and short walk around the parish. grateful to Jean Cornes for providing us Please come prepared with suitable with a delicious fruit cake, beautifully footwear and allow time at the end to share iced with golden daffodils to remind us in some well-earned refreshments! of our Patron Saint and Welsh connections. 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF WOMEN Mary Drinkall prepared a huge basket of colourful posies for all the ladies in TO THE PRIESTHOOD church ( and some of the men too!). On 4th May the church celebrates the 20th We are very grateful for the talents Anniversary of the First Ordinations of of all those who enrich our worship and Women. During this time they have made bring a smile to our faces in so many a remarkable contribution to the mission different ways. and ministry of the church and particularly to our churches of St. David's & St. Oswald's. We give thanks for the women HOLLY AT EASTER who broke new ground and paved the way Holly the donkey paid us her annual visit for clergy women to serve today. on Palm Sunday. She was beautifully A prayer of Thanksgiving groomed and her hooves were shiny and Gracious God, who through your perfect black as she trotted into church and then love created women and men to reflect led our palm procession outside and your abundant nature: continue to pour out around the churchyard. Thanks to Phil & your life-affirming Spirit upon all who Sharon Corke for letting her join us for serve within the whole priesthood of your the morning. Thanks also to Alan holy church, that together they may Williams for transporting her between reconcile what is divided, heal what is the parishes and returning her safely wounded and restore what is lost, through home again. Jesus Christ. Amen.


Meet on the 1 st Tuesday each month except January in Darnhall Village Hall. The April meeting taken by Jean Hitchen the President began with the singing of Jerusalem and apologies. Minutes and correspondence were read and approved.

Since the last meeting members had taken part in various social activities. Members were told of forthcoming Group and County Events including the Cheshire Show and the Group meeting at Tarporley.

The speaker for the evening was Janet Bradshaw who for the last twenty three years has worked at Tatton Park. She works along with about twenty other people as a History Interpreter. Her talk for the evening was entitled ‘Nine Lives at Tatton Park’. She dressed in various outfits relevant to the period and told us how history is brought to live for children and how they are encouraged to take part and use various skills in order to understand how people have lived throughout the ages.

Tea and cakes followed with time for a chat to look at the book stall and purchase items from an ‘Easter Stall’. The speaker did the draw for the Darnhall Village Hall 200 Club and the winning numbers are.3.19.146 &153.

Non members are welcome to come along to any of our meetings. More details on activities can be obtained from 01270 528367.

Thank You & Wettenhall Parish Council A big thank you to all who made the Lent Lunch at St David’s and those The Annual General Meeting will be who supported it held in St. David's Church, Wettenhall on Wednesday 8th May. The lunch raised over £88 - so well Please contact Helen Exley for further done to everyone involved. details.

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7 Gardening Tips for May When I wrote the tips for May 2013 there was a heavy frost on the ground and the daffodils had not come into bloom! What a change this year Spring certainly has arrived.

My first tip is concerning daffodils – the dead heads should be removed, quite a tedious job but well worth doing as this encourages growth for next year, do not cut off the greenery, leave as long as possible, six weeks from the final flowering is ideal.

Other plants that can be dead headed now include primulas and pansies. Pansies in particular will continue to flower throughout the summer with greater vigour if dead headed.

If it is not too wet to get onto your flower beds you could thin out some perennials such as delphiniums, lupins and phlox.

The recent mild weather has been ideal breeding conditions for slugs and snails and you might like to consider protecting some of the tender shoots on your delphiniums with slug pellets. Do be careful when using pellets if you have pets or young children – perhaps that should be the other way around! You can buy pellets which are pet friendly but it doesn’t appear to say child friendly – so take care.

Whilst it is mild at the moment beware of late frosts and keep tender plants well protected.

Now is a good time to look at your pond and clean it up a little, removing any floating debris. Blanket weed can be removed by twirling the weed around a rough stick. Put the weed at the side of the pond and leave for 24 hours, this will give time for any trapped creatures to crawl out and get back into the water.

If you are adding any aquatic plants to your pond put them in baskets and cover the compost with a layer of gravel this will prevent any fish or newts from stirring the compost up.

Hoe off any weeds and keep mowing the lawns if they are not too wet. If you are clipping the hedges look out for nesting birds and leave them undisturbed.

This might sound like a silly tip with the amount of rain we have had but it is good time to collect any rainwater into butts, it might come in handy later on in the summer. Finally did you know that old gardeners never die – they just spade away! Thanks to Mike Cookson for his tips


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10 A bit of the Bible Psalm 31:17-20 Something to think about It can take an extraordinary amount of courage to stand out against 'wickedness' and 'lying lips'. The poet confidently declares that God will protect righteous people from 'human plots'. This sounds unrealistically optimistic until you remember the personal cost to him of doing what was just - agonies of isolation and fear that have been spelled out over the past three days. To recognise God's goodness in that context is remarkable. Something to pray Do not underestimate how dangerous it is for millions of individuals to do what is right in the face of powerful people who are doing what is wrong. Pray for them.


12 13 14

15 Worleston Fete Rose Queen & Flower Girls Selection 2014

Any female child aged between 5 and 16, and living in the villages of Worleston/Poole/Reaseheath/Aston Juxta Mondrum / Cholmondeston or attending Worleston School may enter the draw for Worleston Rose Queen 2014-2015, or to become a Flower Girl.

The successful candidate will be crowned at the Worleston Fete on Saturday, 26 th July Flowers, crown and sash will be provided and the winners will be able to wear their own outfits. Closing date for entries is: Thursday, 3rd July 2014.

The first draw will choose the Rose Queen and a second draw will choose the Flower Girls and will take place during the Church service at St Oswald’s Church on Sunday, 6 th July 2014. Please do come along.

If you would like your child to apply, please complete and sign an application form and send to Mrs Susan Kaufman, Little Rose Barn, Aston juxta Mondrum. Nantwich. Cheshire. CW5 6DS. Application forms can be collected from, and handed in at: The Village Shop, Main Road, Worleston (opposite the Royal Oak pub); St Oswald’s School; St Oswald’s Church or downloaded from

A Letter of thanks from John Varty

Dear Friends

May I please record through the pages of this magazine my deep gratitude to you all for the love, support and friendship you gave during the very short time I was privileged to have the joy of sharing with you in ministry at Worleston. I was deeply moved by the gifts of a cheque for £150 and the barometer now displayed on my wall in the lounge above one of my sailing pictures. Thank you all for your kind generosity and love.

I am more than conscious that the real work, past, present and ongoing in the church is borne primarily by your two excellent wardens one of whom is also your reader. I will be praying regularly for Anne and your good selves and wish you God’s richest blessing in this next stage in the history of your church.

With my prayerful best wishes John

16 'How to be a BAD RECIPE May is the time for asparagus. This light, Christian....and a fresh tasting soup is a delicious starter. better human being' CREAMY ASPARAGUS SOUP Serves 4 This is the title of a book I was given 2 shallots, finely chopped for Christmas. It is by Dave 2 leeks, trimmed & thinly sliced Tomlinson. a vicar in north London. 450g (1lb) asparagus spears 700ml (11/4pt) vegetable stock He has some interesting things to say, 150ml (1/4pt) crème fraiche. particularly about how the average church service and congregation puts Heat 30ml (2tbsp) oil in a pan & fry the the majority of the population off the shallots for 2-3 mins. Add the leeks, cover Christain faith and therefore the & fry gently for 10 mins until soft. chance to meet and follow Jesus. Trim & finely chop the asparagus reserv- ing a few tips for the garnish. Add to the pan with the vegetable stock. With chapter headings such as 'How to Simmer for 15-20 mins until tender. find God without going near a Cool sightly & puree. church' and 'How to get to heaven by Return to the pan & stir in the crème having a good time' and 'God is not fraiche. a Christian', it is plain that the author Heat through & season to taste. wants to shake us and make us Serve garnished with the reserved lightly steamed asparagus tips. think. That is those of us who count Delicious! ourselves as Christians.

However he also has chapters on 'How to talk to God' and 'How to read the Bible and other good books' and FROM THE offers advice on 'spiritual WORLESTON practices' such as listening to God in silence, and on daily prayer. REGISTERS Marriage If this might appeal to you, then do 1st March 2014 - Cristopher Stubbs & borrow my copy or you can get it from Collette Gibbs Hodder at £8.99p and ISBN 978-1-444 12th April 2014 - James Horan & -70383-2 Laura Szczepanski 19th April 2014 - Andrew Anderson & Isobel Burnley Katrina Mackenzie

17 ST OSWALDS CHURCH, WORLESTON Worleston & District Village Visit Hall Association The committee have selected the suc- SIDESMEN cessful builder for the project from a 4th May Mr & Mrs Kaufman list of tenderers convassed by our Ar- 11th Mr & Mrs Flanagan chitects Bower- & Part- 18th Mrs M Booth 25th Mrs P Stalker ners. The successful tenderer is JMC 1st June Mr P Callwood Construction of , and they will commence the the building at the FLOWER ROTA beginning of May. Completion should 4th May Mrs L Ablard be in October. We will keep you in- 18th Mrs J Foster formed of progress. 1st June Mrs J Alexander Harry Dutton

CHURCH CLEANING May Mrs J Grocott THANKS June Mrs K Hesketh THANKS on our Mothering Sunday POOLE METHODISTS service to Kath and Lisa for All Services at 10.30am organising 11th May Service of Holy Commuinion Rev’d Malcolm Lorimer the lovely flowers which were given to 25th May Preacher: Mr T. Hodkinson all the ladies (old and young) present, and Joan for providing the COMPETITIONS AT cake which was an extra treat. WORLESTON VILLAGE FETE THANKS to Alan and Roger who SATURDAY 26TH JULY 2014. brought Holly the donkey on Palm CHILDRENS COMPETITIONS Sunday to lead our walk to the school To design an tee shirt for the and back. Holly came to our early world cup service so that she could do a second and / or to decorate four cup cakes. performance at Wettenhall.Thanks

too to Gordon who arranged the ADULTS COMPETITIONS To make a coffee cake and decorate it. sound system so that we could hear and / or to show a recently taken the organ outside. It certainly helped photograph of our singing. ' wildlife ' 7'' x 5''

As usual there will be the adult and Don’t Forget it children's eating contest Worleston Fete

More details to follow. Saturday July 26th

18 APCM Pat Stalker, Geoff Heap, Charles The Annual Parochial Church Meeting Bailey and Andrew Hamilton were was held on 9th April. elected to the PCC.

It began with the Vestry Meeting at The PCC elected Gordon Flanagan as which anyone living in the parish vice-chair may attend. Michael Alexander and Joan Grocott as secretary Isobel Burnley were elected as Church Geoff Heap as treasurer Wardens. Pat Stalker as electoral roll officer She reported 58 on the present roll. Then followed the annual parochial meeting for those on the electoral roll. We accepted reports on various activities, and church concerns, and Julia and Gordon Flanagan were there was a short business meeting. elected as our Deanery Synod PCC minutes are usually displayed in representatives for the next three church for anyone to read. years. Kath Alexander, Joan Grocott, Geraldine Morgan-Wynne, Jon Gater,

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20 21 Worleston W.I. Paradise at the Pinfold

When the Worleston WI ladies met in April, President Annita Grunner welcomed members, visitors and their guest speaker, Peter Reddish to their meeting.

The business agenda included discussions about the ladies’ regular activities, bowling fixtures, drama group rehearsals, spring walks and a forthcoming art class. Details were also confirmed for a visit to Bolton to see “Brassed Off”.

President Grunner then introduced Peter Reddish, who spoke to the ladies about his “Three Years in a Tropical Paradise”, an illustrated and very informative talk about Peter’s project work in the Solomon Isles. Living in the midst of wonderful scenery, experiencing local “facilities”, and witnessing local colourful traditions, Peter travelled widely between the islands during his time working on a seaweed project. Peter gave an insight into some of the local issues and need for European funding support for key necessities such as education. Having also experienced the heat, humidity, earthquakes and flooding during his time in paradise, Mr Reddish recounted the climate and geographical features that are an everyday part of life in paradise. Dorothy Barley thanked Peter for his talk which everyone had found very interesting and enjoyable.

The guest speaker at the May 14 th Worleston WI meeting will be Sue Church who will talk about “Nantwich Folk”. Visitors and new members are always welcome at Worleston WI. We are an active mixed-age group, meeting at 7.15pm on the second Wednesday each month at “The Pinfold Centre”, Wettenhall Road, Poole, Nantwich, CW5 6AL. Details from President Annita Grunner, tel: 01270-629164.

On the Subject of food-More Worleston Thanks

THANK you to those who made deli- THANKS to Rachel and Robert at the cious soup for our Lent Lunch in Royal Oak who gave us delicious soup, March. cakes, hot cross buns and coffee after we had followed the cross on Good Thank you also to those who attended Friday. St David's and St Oswald's each and enjoyed the soup, and received £51 from donations md by fellowship together - it was a very those who attended cheerful, noisy occasion! We were able to send £100 to the Rainbow LADIES WHO LUNCH Trust in Manchester, a charity which Tuesday 20th May works with disadvantaged children. Farmers Arms, Ravensmoor 12.30pm Cost: £10 (No need to book)


Rev’d Anne Lawson 01270 628864 The Vicarage, Road, Acton, Cheshire CW5 8LG Email [email protected]

Licensed Readers: Isobel Burnley 624521 [email protected] Ann Nicholas 528273 [email protected]

St David’s Parish Office Holders St Oswald’s Churchwardens Mr R Nicholas 528273 Mr M Alexander 624404 Mr R Brooks 528278 Mrs I Burnley 624521 PCC Secretaries Mrs H Pope 528755 Mrs J Grocott PCC Treasurers Mr M Cookson 528456 Mr G Heap 620199 Organists Mr R Nicholas 528273 Mr G Heap 620199 Magazine Reps Ann Nicholas 528273 Pat Stalker 625381

Sunday 4 May 11 May 18 May 25 May 1 June 8 June Services Pentcost

Wettenhall 11am 11.00am 11am 6.30pm 11am 11.00am St Davids Morning Eucharist All Age Informal Morning Eucharist Prayer Service Communion Prayer Worleston 11am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 11am 9.30am St Oswalds All Age Eucharist Morning Eucharist All Age Eucharist Service Prayer Service

When you contact one of our advertisers please mention that you found them in our magazine.

All copy for the June Magazine must be with Donald Brockbank at [email protected] or your parish rep NO LATER THAN Friday 16th May . For advertising contact Roger on 01270-528273

This magazine is printed for us by Cowdall’s Printers Ltd. Crewe 01270-212389