CLIMATE CHANGE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT OF WANGCHUCK CENTENNIAL PARK i Author(s) : Phurba Lhendup, Eric Wikramanayake, Sarah Freeman, Nikolai Sindorf, Kinley Gyeltshen and Jessica Forrest. SUPPORT TEAMS WWF Bhutan 1. Vijay Moktan 2. Pema Tshering 3. Dechen Yeshi WWF US 1. Jon Miceler 2. Jeff Price 3. Bart Wickel Wangchuck Centennial Park 1. Damber Singh Rai 2. Tenzin 3. Lekey Dorji 4. Ratna Bdr. Mongar 5. Rinzin Copy Right© photographs: Phurba Lhendup (for those not cited) Design and Layout : Kado Printed at: Norbu Rabten Press, Thimphu. For further information contact Freshwater and climate change program WWF- Bhutan Program Office Post Box No.210, Kawajangsa, Thimphu Tel : +975 3 23316 Fax: +975 3 23518 Email:
[email protected] Copyright © WWF & WCP Thimphu, Bhutan August 2011 ii ACKNowLEDGemeNts e would like to convey our appreciation to all contributing teams from Wangchuck Centennial Park, WWF US and WWF Bhutan for their Wdedication and effort which has led to this research report. We would also like to thank the reviewers from WWF US office (Judy Ogelthorpe, Jon Miceler, Bart Wickel, June Reyes, Eliot Levine, Shubash Lohani) for their comments and constructive inputs. The suggestions made by Jonathan Cook and John Mathews during the time of proposal development are also appreciated. This initiative is a part of program funded by WWF Finland, WWF US and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland for enabling biodiversity conservation in the Wangchuck Centennial Park. The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge their generosity. Finally, our appreciation and heartfelt gratitude also go to all the members of local communities from Chhokhor, Tang, Nubi and Sephu geogs and officials who provided necessary information during the time of our research in the field.