Glva Crp3.5 3May2011 Final Cllg-Dh
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Foreword We are pleased to present our proposal for CGIAR Consortium Research Program (CRP) 3.5 entitled ‘Grain Legume Value Alliance’. The first two words, Grain Legume, are self-explanatory; they identify the topical domain. The second two words – Value Alliance – require a bit of explanation. A theme that emerged again and again in our formative discussions was value. Grain legumes add value in ways that directly serve the CGIAR System Level Outcomes and are highly complementary to sister CRP targets. Grain legumes earn cash for farmers, increase and complement the nutritional value of cereals for consumers, and add value to farming systems through nitrogen fixation and through sustainable intensification by fitting into underutilized seasonal and cropping system niches. Because value concepts were so prominent we decided to harness them as an analytical framework. We saw that a value chain perspective could help us understand impact pathways, since value motivates change leading to impact. Since value is quantifiable, it is useful for priority-setting, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment. And it broadened our horizons beyond just the production system to the larger food/fodder/land health system, prompting us to ask new questions – questions about where and how much value is to be found in grain legume cropping, how it can be increased, and how poor smallholders can benefit from and capture more of it. New questions lead to new innovations. But value does not materialize in a vacuum. It is created by people and institutions through the knowledge that they generate and share with others. We realized that we needed an Alliance of partners to make value chains work for the poor. We also realized that an Alliance creates value of its own. Bringing seven world-leading grain legume programs together enables us to learn much more effectively from each other than in the past, increasing our impact. We will share expertise, facilities and services that improve all partners’ efficiency and effectiveness. We will communicate more clearly and effectively with our stakeholders and with those whom we need to influence in order to achieve change on the ground. Our title therefore embodies our promise: the Grain Legume Value Alliance (GLVA). This proposal describes how we will deliver on that promise. William D Dar, Director General, ICRISAT Ruben G Echeverria, Director General, CIAT Mahmoud Solh, Director General, ICARDA Hartmann, Director General, IITA CRP3.5 Grain Legume Value Alliance–May 3, 2011 1 Acknowledgments The seven core partner institutions of GLVA wish to offer their sincere thanks to more than one hundred scientists and external partners who have put large amounts of time and energy into this proposal. They crossed institutional boundaries to work as a united team. They gathered information and brainstormed ideas in two global meetings and in many focused sub-meetings and workshops over the course of 2010/11 in order to draft, revise and refine this proposal. The effort has been well worth it, clarifying our ideas and sparking new ones that will improve our focus and direction in the coming years. Apart from the scientists, many other staff in all the institutes (administration, finance, human resources and others) worked overtime to provide additional information and data, and to meet deadlines. We would like to express our thanks to all of them. Helpful suggestions have come from the members of ICRISAT’s Governing Board and the CGIAR Consortium Board as well as external experts. We thank you all for making this a better proposal. CRP3.5 Grain Legume Value Alliance–May 3, 2011 2 Table of Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................ 1 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ 2 Acronyms & Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 4 1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 7 2. Statement of Objectives ................................................................................................... 11 3. Justification ...................................................................................................................... 16 4. Quantified Impact Pathway .............................................................................................. 23 5. Main Activities to Generate Outputs and Outcomes ......................................................... 32 Regional targeting .......................................................................................................................... 32 Crop diversity ................................................................................................................................. 32 Standard profiles of Objectives ...................................................................................................... 33 GLVA Objective 1: High value grain legumes to reduce rural poverty .............................................. 35 GLVA Objective 2: Productive grain legumes to secure food supplies ............................................. 42 GLVA Objective 3: Nutritious, safe grain legumes ........................................................................... 52 GLVA Objective 4: Grain legumes for sustainable intensification .................................................... 58 6. Partnerships ..................................................................................................................... 65 7. Gender Research Strategy ................................................................................................. 73 8. Innovations ....................................................................................................................... 76 9. Interactions of GLVA with Sister CRPs ............................................................................... 78 10. Management Arrangements for Implementation ............................................................ 82 11. Time Frame ..................................................................................................................... 88 12. Mitigating Risks .............................................................................................................. 88 13. Monitoring and Evaluation System ................................................................................. 90 14. Budget .......................................................................................................................... 104 List of References ............................................................................................................... 106 Appendix 1. GLVA Initial Partners: Capacities and Priorities ................................................ 112 Appendix 2. GLVA Focus Regions: Brief Profiles .................................................................. 117 Appendix 3: GLVA Target Crops: Brief Profiles .................................................................... 123 Appendix 4. Grain Legume Regional R4D Networks: Brief Profiles ...................................... 128 Appendix 5. Global Partners in GLVA .................................................................................. 132 Appendix 6. Ongoing Grain Legume Project Portfolios of Core Partners .............................. 137 CRP3.5 Grain Legume Value Alliance–May 3, 2011 3 Acronyms & Abbreviations AGLN Asian Grain Legumes Network AICRP All India Coordinated Research Programs AID Analysis tracking ID AIP Agri-business Innovation Platform AMDAAD Authority of Merowi Dam Area for Agricultural Development ARI Advanced Research Institute ASARECA Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa ASR Asian soybean rust AVNET Asian Vegetable Network AVRDC AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BNF Biological Nitrogen Fixation CAADP The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme CBO Community-based Organizations CCRN Cooperative Cereals Research Network CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CIAT Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CLAN Cereals and Legumes Asia Network CMS Cytoplasmic-Nuclear Male Sterility System CORAF Counseil Ouest et Centre Africain Pour la Recherche et le Developpement Agricoles CRPs CGIAR Research Programs CSO Civil Society Organizations CWANA Central and West Asia and North Africa DARE Department of Agricultural Research and Education (India) ECABREN Eastern and Central Africa Bean Research Network ELS Early leaf spots ESA Eastern and Southern Africa FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FPVS Farmer-participatory varietal selection GCP Generation Challenge Program GLVA Grain Legume Value Alliance GWS Genome wide selection HPRC Hybrid Parents Research Consortium ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas ICIPE International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology ICM Integrated Crop Management ICT Information and Communication Technology IDM Integrated Disease Management IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IP Intellectual property IPDN International Plant Diagnostic Network IPG International Public Goods IPM Integrated Pest Management IPPPT