Forest Farm, Environmental Statement Non-technical summary

April 2016 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

Non-technical summary


NTS.1 Gleeson Developments Limited (Gleeson) is applying to Council for outline planning permission for a mixed use development on land to the east of Chippenham. This application seeks the approval: a) in outline for up to 200 new family homes (including affordable housing), up to 4,645 square metres (50,000 square feet) of B1 office and light industrial floor space, up to 465 square metres (5,005 square feet) for a D1 community building, public open space, landscape planting, children’s play areas, footpaths, cyclepaths, surface water attenuation facilities, sewage pumping station, car parking, infrastructure works and bus stop lay-bys on either side of the A4 Road; and b) in full for a new junction on the A4 London Road, providing vehicular access into the application site.

NTS.2 While the scale of development being proposed in this application would not ordinarily need to be subject to environmental impact assessment (EIA), there is the potential for significant cumulative effects with a second phase of development that could come forward on the wider site (see area outlined in black on figure NTS1). This area is being promoted for up to a further 500 homes, land for a primary school, a local centre potentially incorporating a petrol filling station and food store (around 1,000 square metres), the potential reinstatement of part of the former Wilts and Berks Canal, additional public open space, children’s play areas, landscape planting, surface water attenuation facilities, footpaths, cyclepaths, car parking and utilities / infrastructure. In this context, it was considered that an EIA should be undertaken.

NTS.3 An environmental statement (ES) has been prepared to report the findings of the EIA and its key elements are summarised in this non-technical summary (NTS).

The proposed development site

NTS.4 The Forest Farm application site extends to 15.86 hectares (ha) and lies to the south east of Chippenham. The centre of the application site is approximately 2.4 km south east of Chippenham town centre.

NTS.5 The entire application site is currently in agricultural (grazing) use, with species- poor hedgerows bordering its west and north west sides. Overhead electricity pylons cross the site in a north east to south west direction. An aviation fuel pipeline and a rising sewer cross the northern part of the site in an east west direction. Part of the former Wilts and Berks Canal lies within the southern part of the site. Footpath CHIP16/CALW83 also crosses the western part of the site, linking Pewsham with the disused Pewsham Locks and wider countryside to the south.

NTS.6 The site is bordered to the west by woodland and Pewsham Way, beyond which lies the residential suburb of Pewsham, which developed in the 1980s and 1990s. To the north of the site lie a number of residential dwellings and the A4 London Road. The Stanley Park Sports Ground lies immediately opposite the site to the north east, beyond the A4 London Road. To the east lies the former Wilts and Berks Canal. To the south hedgerows adjoining part of the

April 2016 NTS-1 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

Avon Valley Walk and fields can be found. Figure NTS2 shows the location of sensitive receptors and key local features in relation to Forest Farm.

The proposed development

NTS.7 Figure NTS3 illustrates the proposed distribution of land uses across the application site. The main land use will be residential development and this will accommodate up to 200 dwellings of a range of sizes, types and tenures, including affordable housing. The amount and type of affordable housing are to be agreed with Wiltshire Council.

NTS.8 Up to 4,645 square metres of office and light industrial floorspace and associated car parking is proposed, together with a 465 square metre community building and associated car parking. It is envisaged that the community building could be used as a health centre, a community building, a children’s nursery or a combination of all three if designed appropriately. A foul water pumping station is included within the employment site. Most of the pumping station will be below ground, with a small control kiosk being the only above ground feature.

NTS.9 4 hectares of public open space will be provided, primarily located in the south and south east of the site with a number of smaller areas located throughout the residential area. The landscape strategy for Forest Farm has been designed to: • Provide containment on the south eastern boundary to help integrate the development in raised views from the east and south east and provide long term filtering of raised views by including lines of tree planting throughout the development • Retain views from the development to the ridge and countryside to the south east / east to enhance a sense of place • Retain and enhance the network of hedgerows within and bounding the site, to reinforce the landscape structure, improve wildlife value and provide containment and filtering of views • Provide a buffer along the existing woodland edge in the west of the site, with areas of grassland / wildflower meadow to provide suitable habitat for great crested newts

NTS.10 The building heights plan is shown on figure NTS4. For the most part, buildings will be up to two storeys high with a maximum ridge height of 10 m. Buildings up to 2.5 storeys high, with a maximum ridge height of 11.5 m are proposed in the north and east of Forest Farm. The proposed non- residential uses will be up to two storeys, with a 10 m maximum ridge height.

NTS.11 The new junction on the A4 London Road will be a roundabout with two lane approaches from three arms. A fourth arm will be a ‘stub’ that will provide the opportunity for future access into the Stanley Park Sports Ground to the north of the A4 London Road. A new 2.5 m wide shared use footway / cycleway is proposed on the western side of the street within the development. A new shared use footway / cycleway will also be provided along the northern side of the A4 London Road.

NTS.12 Additional pedestrian accesses will be provided onto the A4 London Road to the north west of the proposed roundabout and from the south west corner of the development onto the A4 Pewsham Way using the existing public footpath

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(CHIP 16). The existing bus stops on the A4 London Road will be relocated to the north west of the proposed roundabout. Bus lay-bys will be provided and both stops will have raised kerbs, bus stop flags and bus shelters.

NTS.13 Surface water runoff from the proposed development will be controlled through a combination of permeable paving, swales and attenuation ponds. A series of ponds will be provided that will discharge at a controlled rate into the existing stream 200 m to the south of the site. This will ensure that there will be no increase in runoff rates as a result of the proposal. Wetland planting, such as reedbeds, will be put in place within the ponds and this, together with the swales and permeable paving, will improve the quality of the runoff. If necessary, measures such as trapped gullies and petrol interceptors will also be incorporated into the drainage system to prevent pollution.


NTS.14 Gleeson has not considered alternative sites because the application site is the only parcel of land in the area under its control. The master plan has evolved over time and has been subject to a number of changes following consultation and the findings of baseline environmental studies. The main aspects of the master plan where alternatives were considered are: • Vehicular access junction – the design and scale of the junction were given careful consideration and several alternatives were considered through the design of the master plan. Earlier options tested a priority turn junction into Forest Farm, but it was deemed inadequate. The chosen option also provides for a potential fourth arm into Stanley Park Sports Ground • Attenuation ponds – the location of the attenuation ponds was determined by the extent of the proposed built development, existing ground levels and the location of the proposed open space

Assessment methodology

NTS.15 The initial stage of the EIA involved carrying out an informal scoping exercise that identified the potential environmental effects to be addressed during the process.

NTS.16 The various specialist assessments, discussed in more detail below, followed generally similar methodologies. All methodologies were undertaken in accordance with current guidance and best practice. Desk and / or field studies were undertaken to establish the existing situation (the baseline) at and surrounding the application site. The effects of the proposed development were established using a method that compares the sensitivity and importance of receptors(1) with the likely size of the predicted change to establish the degree of the effects. If the combination of the above factors result in a degree of effect that is moderate or above then the effect is considered to be significant. Significant effects can be either beneficial or adverse. Slight or negligible effects are not considered to be significant.

NTS.17 The degree of an effect determines the resources that should be put in place to avoid or reduce (mitigate) an adverse significant effect and identifies the actual value of a beneficial significant effect.

1 A receptor is a part of the natural or man made environment, such as a river, a woodland, a person or a building, that is affected by an impact

April 2016 NTS-3 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

Cumulative effects

NTS.18 For the purposes of assessing the effects of the proposed development on other schemes in the area that are proposed for allocation, consented or for which planning permissions are currently being sought, the following were identified during the scoping process for inclusion within the ES (see figure NTS6): • Phase 2 of Forest Farm – up to 500 dwellings, an additional access off the A4 London Road, land for a primary school, a local centre incorporating a petrol filling station and food store, the reinstatement of part of the former Wilts and Berks Canal, additional public open space, children’s play areas, landscape planting, surface water attenuation facilities, footpaths, cyclepaths, car parking and utilities / infrastructure. A concept master plan for phase 2 is shown in figure NTS7 • North Chippenham (registered application) – a mixed use scheme of up to 750 dwellings, up to 12,710 square metres of employment floorspace, a local centre, a primary school, woodland management facilities, a new link road and other highway access, public open space, landscaping and other associated infrastructure works • Rawlings Green (proposed allocated site in Chippenham Site Allocations Development Plan Document) – 650 dwellings, 5 ha of employment land, a new primary school, distributor road and a country park • East Chippenham (proposed allocated site in Chippenham Site Allocations Development Plan Document) – 850 dwellings, 5 ha of employment land, a local centre, land for the expansion of Abbeyfield school, distributor road and country park • South West Chippenham (registered application) – 1,000 dwellings, 18 ha of employment land, a new primary school, local centre and riverside country park • Hunters Moon (registered application) – 450 dwellings, 2.33 ha of employment land, land for a primary school, public open space, landscaping and infrastructure (including detailed application for first phase for 103 dwellings) • Land North and East of Barrow Farm (registered application) – residential development for up to 500 dwellings, two new roundabout accesses, two- form primary school, up to 4,000 square metres of employment floorspace, up to 500 square metres of assembly and leisure floorspace, up to 300 square metres of retail uses, play areas, open space, landscaping, drainage and ancillary works

Environmental effects

Community, social and economic effects

NTS.19 The provision of new dwellings, employment land, community facilities and public open space has the potential to have effects on the existing local community, economy and services in the surrounding area. To assess these effects, current conditions in Chippenham Pewsham ward, Chippenham town and Wiltshire as a whole have been examined.

NTS.20 Chippenham Pewsham ward’s demography, including age breakdown and household composition, differs slightly from the Wiltshire, regional and national

April 2016 NTS-4 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

averages. There is an existing shortage of affordable housing in the town and the overall available supply of deliverable housing sites in the area is also considered to be below the requirements of national planning policy. Unemployment within Chippenham and Wiltshire is below the national average.

NTS.21 Chippenham contains many local shops and businesses that cater for the residents of the town and also a number of villages within the wider community area. Forest Farm is in the catchment area of one primary school and three secondary schools. It is anticipated that the primary school (King’s Lodge Primary School) will only have 10 spare places at time of completion. Abbeyfield Secondary School is anticipated to have spare capacity at the time of completion. The site is in the catchment area of three GP surgeries, all of which are accepting new patients. There are four NHS dentist surgeries in Chippenham; however, only two of them are accepting new NHS patients and these are only registering children.

NTS.22 Chippenham does not meet the recommended standard for all but one category of recreation provision (youth play space). However, Stanley Park Sports Ground is close to the site. There are also a number of community halls and facilities within Chippenham, including a library, Town and Neeld Halls (which offer a number of halls and facilities for hire), Pewsham Community Centre and St Andrews Parish Church. A public footpath passes through the south west of Forest Farm, which is considered to be generally rural in nature.

NTS.23 At this outline stage, detailed estimates of employment numbers to be generated during construction are not available. It is, however, thought that the increase in employment will lead to a slight beneficial effect that will not be significant. The amenity of the public footpath on site is likely to be reduced during construction as a result of increased noise. The footpath will be temporarily bounded by security fencing where it passes alongside areas of construction works to prevent access to the construction site. A temporary, slight to moderate, significant adverse effect is predicted on the amenity of the footpath on site during construction.

NTS.24 There will be a long term increase in population when the site is occupied, which will lead to a small change to the area’s demography. The proposals will lead to an increase in housing provision in the area, which will be a slight to moderate, significant beneficial effect. There will also be an increase in the provision of affordable housing, which will be a moderate, significant beneficial effect. The proposed development will create a range of jobs post-construction, which will be a slight beneficial effect. It is predicted that there will be a small increase in demand for local businesses post-construction as a result of the increased local population, however this will not be significant.

NTS.25 The increase in population will increase demand for local services, including schools, healthcare and community facilities. There is insufficient spare capacity at King’s Lodge Primary School to accommodate the primary school age children from the proposed development. However, a financial contribution towards primary school provision will be made to Wiltshire Council, which will assist with there being no significant adverse effects on the town’s primary schools. Abbeyfield School has sufficient spare capacity to accommodate the secondary school age children living in the proposed development.

April 2016 NTS-5 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

NTS.26 The increase in demand for GP surgeries and dental services is predicted to be negligible, and could be met if the community building on site is used for healthcare provision. The proposed development includes public open space to cater for increased demand, with a slight adverse effect that will not be significant predicted on other community facilities.

NTS.27 The potential for significant cumulative effects from other developments within Chippenham was also examined. Slight to moderate, significant beneficial cumulative effects on employment were predicted during construction. A moderate, significant cumulative effect was predicted on the area’s demography as a result of the town’s increased population. A moderate to substantial, significant beneficial cumulative effect has been predicted as a result of the increase in housing provision, while a very substantial, significant beneficial cumulative effect has been predicted as a result of the increased provision of affordable housing.

NTS.28 The other developments in the area include a range of services and facilities, including primary schools, local centres and public open space. It is likely that these schemes will also make financial contributions to Wiltshire Council towards healthcare and community facilities. As a result, no significant adverse cumulative effects are predicted.

Cultural heritage

NTS.29 A desk study was carried out to investigate the archaeological, built heritage and historic landscape resources within a 1 km study area of Forest Farm, which was agreed with Wiltshire Council. There are no designated scheduled monuments, conservation areas or registered historic parks and gardens in the study area.

NTS.30 Site investigations have identified areas of archaeological remains on site, which are likely to relate to Iron Age / Romano-British livestock management and to agricultural activity during the medieval and post-medieval periods. The archaeological resource on site is considered to be of low to medium value.

NTS.31 The proposed development will involve groundworks, which will affect below ground archaeological remains where these are present. A programme of further archaeological investigations will therefore be put in place on site, which will focus on the areas most likely to contain surviving archaeological remains. Depending on the findings of these investigations, a strategy for recording any areas identified as archaeological sites will be agreed with Wiltshire Council.

NTS.32 In the unlikely event that features of archaeological interest are uncovered outside these areas, further appropriate surveys and investigations will be carried out in consultation with Wiltshire Council. These measures will ensure that there will be no significant adverse effects on archaeology, and will themselves result in a moderate, significant beneficial effect from the knowledge gained through the work.

NTS.33 There are a few listed buildings in the study area, all of which are listed at grade II. These include the 17th century Middle Farmhouse and Hither Farm Cottage to the north east and the 18th century farmhouse at Rooks Nest to the west. The other listed buildings in the study area are mainly along London Road, and include a former turnpike tollhouse, several milestones, an 18th century inn and

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the buildings at Chippenham cemetery. Forest Farm does not contribute to the setting of any of these listed buildings and no significant adverse effects are predicted as a result of the proposed development. The site is 2km away from the listed buildings at the north west edge of the landscape park at Bowood Park, on the ridge overlooking a wide vale including the town of Chippenham. The development will not change the character of this view or its value to the landscape at buildings at Bowood.

NTS.34 The site makes a low to negligible contribution to the area’s historic landscape character, as the pattern of modern agriculture has led to a significant loss of field boundaries. The proposed development will lead to a slight adverse effect as a result of the changed use and appearance of the fields in the north of the site, which will not be significant.

NTS.35 There is the potential for adverse cumulative effects on the archaeological resource of the local area as a result of the other developments proposed. However, a similar approach in terms of archaeological evaluation and preservation by record may also be applied to mitigate potential effects and increase knowledge. As no significant residual effects are predicted on built heritage as a result of the proposed development, there is no potential for significant cumulative effects with other schemes.

Landscape and visual effects

NTS.36 Desk and field studies were carried out to evaluate the landscape in and around Forest Farm, and to identify potential sensitive views of the site. Several were selected to provide representative viewpoints from various locations.

NTS.37 Landscape resources on site include grassland fields, scattered trees and hedgerows. Forest Farm is mainly rural in character, although it is affected by the neighbouring lit main road and by an overhead electricity line on tall pylons that passes through the south east of the site. Alongside the A4 in the north and east Forest Farm is generally open, while the woodland along the western boundary provides enclosure in that part of the site. The south west of the site has a degree of tranquillity, but this is reduced in the north west and north east by the neighbouring busy roads.

NTS.38 Landscape character studies produced by Wiltshire Council and the former North Wiltshire District Council include the site within an ‘open vale’ landscape type. The key characteristics of this landscape character area include a level landform with views to ridges and downs, pastoral land use, large scale fields with hedgerows, and major transport corridors. There are no designated landscapes near Forest Farm.

NTS.39 The potential for effects on the landscape resources and views was a key consideration in the design of the proposed development. Landscape proposals include extensive areas of tree and shrub planting along the south eastern boundary of the site and alongside the A4. This will provide containment and soften the new urban edge in local and elevated views. Retained and enhanced hedgerows within and bordering the site will reinforce the landscape pattern and filter views, and integration of the attenuation ponds within the south eastern landscape buffer will provide a varied habitat and maximise biodiversity.

NTS.40 The effects of the proposals on the landscape, both in terms of landscape features and overall landscape character, will generally not be significant. This is

April 2016 NTS-7 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

because the part of Forest Farm proposed for development is partially contained, with no significant landscape features that would be affected by the proposals. It also lies within an area where detracting features associated with the edge of the town already have some adverse effect on landscape character. However, significant adverse effects will occur in terms of land use, Forest Farm’s landscape character and enclosure as a result of the introduction of built development.

NTS.41 The introduction of built development will change views of the site from the surrounding area. Significant adverse effects are predicted on views from the public footpath within the site (CHIP 16), neighbouring properties on the A4, and Forest Farmhouse and bungalow to the south of the site. The proposed landscape planting will mean that, over time, effects on views from the footpaths west of , on the northern edge of Hazel Copse and to the south of Forest Farm, and on views from properties on the west side of the A342 at Derry Hill, will reduce from significant to slight.

NTS.42 No significant effects are predicted on views from the Avon Valley Walk, the footpath at Pewsham Locks, the bridleway along the access road to Great Lodge Farm, the footpath near The Lysley Arms, the A342 at Old Derry Hill, the footpath near Nocketts Hill, the A4 London Road, the minor road in Bencroft Hill, Maud Heath’s Monument west of Wick Hill, and house numbers 1-3 and the house at Wedmore Farm on the north east side of London Road.

NTS.43 There is the potential for cumulative landscape and visual effects, particularly with the development of phase 2 of Forest Farm. A significant cumulative effect is predicted on land use as a result of the area of farmland that will change to built development. However, no other significant cumulative landscape effects are envisaged. Potential significant cumulative visual effects could occur in views from the footpath within the site (CHIP 16), from the A4 next to the site although structure planting to be provided as part of Phase 1 will provide screening, and from the footpath to the south of Hazel Copse (CALW 83) as a result of the extension of development of phase 2 further into moderately open countryside. No other significant cumulative visual effects are predicted.

Natural heritage

NTS.44 There are no designated sites of nature conservation value within or immediately next to Forest Farm. The Bath & Bradford-on-Avon Bats Special Area of Conservation is 8 km to the south west and there are three sites of special scientific interest within 5 km. There are 16 local wildlife sites within 2 km of the site, the nearest of which is Mortimor’s Wood, an area of ancient woodland 1.4km to the west.

NTS.45 All of the above designated areas are sufficiently far from the application site that there will be no adverse effects on them during the construction of the proposed development. There is the potential for increased recreational use of these designated areas by residents of the proposed development. However, the distance of these areas from Forest Farm and the provision of public open space and footpaths as part of the proposed development mean that increased recreational use of these areas will be negligible.

NTS.46 There is a range of habitats on site, including plantation broadleaved woodland, scattered trees, improved grassland, hedgerows, introduced shrub and ditches.

April 2016 NTS-8 Forest Farm, Chippenham ES Gleeson Developments Limited Non-technical summary

All the habitats on site are of negligible or low ecological value. Much of the grassland on the site will be lost to the proposed development, together with short lengths of hedgerows and a single mature oak tree. However, new areas of habitat will be created as part of the proposed development, including wetland areas associated with the proposed drainage system, species-rich grasslands in areas of public open space, and new tree, shrub and hedgerow planting.

NTS.47 Best practice measures will be put in place through a construction environmental management plan to protect retained habitats on site during construction. All habitats on site will be managed in accordance with measures to be set out in a landscape and ecological management plan (LEMP). Overall, a slight beneficial effect that will not be significant is predicted on the site’s habitats.

NTS.48 A range of protected species surveys were carried out on site. These found that Forest Farm is used by a range of invertebrates, two small populations of great crested newts, several species of bats, badgers, hedgehogs, harvest mice and brown hares. Several bird species were also found to be potentially breeding on site, including starling, house sparrow, skylark, song thrush, linnet and yellowhammer. No evidence of hazel dormouse, otter or water vole was recorded during the surveys, although the ditches could periodically be used by otters moving through their territories.

NTS.49 A program of mitigation measures will be put in place during and post- construction to ensure that there will be no significant adverse effects on protected species as a result of the proposed development. For great crested newts, these measures will include moving the newts to land that will not be affected by construction works before construction begins, and habitat improvements. Excavations and piping will be fenced overnight to prevent harm to badgers during construction, and grassland buffers will be retained around the development to prevent fragmentation of badger territories. Bat boxes will be provided across the site and all new lighting will be designed to minimise light spill into retained woodland and hedgerows.

NTS.50 Vegetation removal will be undertaken outside the bird-breeding season where possible, or under the supervision of a suitably qualified ecologist. Bird boxes will be provided across the site to provide additional breeding areas for a wide range of species.

NTS.51 No significant cumulative effects are envisaged on ecology from the other proposed developments within Chippenham.

Traffic and transport

NTS.52 The traffic and transport assessment deals with the effect of the increased traffic associated with the proposals on traffic flows on the surrounding roads and on people using and living alongside these roads.

NTS.53 It is estimated that there will be up to a peak of 20 HGV movements per day during the construction phase. Construction traffic will be restricted to accessing Forest Farm from the A4, the A350 and the A342 to avoid the use of more sensitive roads. This will be managed through a construction environmental management plan, which will set out construction traffic routes

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and delivery times. No significant effects are predicted as a result of increased traffic during construction.

NTS.54 Junction modelling has shown that most of the junctions on the local road network will continue to operate within capacity with the proposed development in place and will not be significantly affected. However, a moderate, significant adverse effect on driver delay is predicted at the Bridge Centre roundabout (including the A4 Avenue La Fleche / Gladstone Road junction) as a result of increased traffic flows from the proposed development.

NTS.55 The assessment focused on the community as a sensitive receptor and addressed the traffic and transport effects in terms of changes to pedestrian severance (for example, being unable to cross the road), fear and intimidation, the accident rate and pedestrian and delay and amenity.

NTS.56 Negligible effects are predicted on pedestrian amenity, fear, intimidation and severance on most of the roads around Forest Farm as a result of increased traffic associated with the proposed development, including the A4 London Road, the A4 Pewsham Way and the A4 Avenue La Fleche. A slight beneficial effect that will not be significant is predicted on pedestrian fear and intimidation as a result of new crossings that will be provided on the A4 London Road and the A4 Pewsham Way under a S278 highways agreement.

NTS.57 The new crossing points will also lead to a slight beneficial effect on pedestrian delay, which will not be significant, as they will improve the ability of people to cross these roads. The increase in traffic on the A4 Avenue La Fleche is predicted to lead to a slight adverse effect on pedestrian delay that will not be significant, as controlled crossings are already provided on this road.

NTS.58 The proposed development will generate additional traffic, which could increase the risk of accidents. However, this risk is reduced by the fact that the proposals will not generate significant numbers of HGVs and will not lead to significantly greater numbers of vehicle movements. No significant effects are therefore predicted on the accident rate.

NTS.59 As set out in the proposals section, the existing bus stops on the A4 London Road will be relocated to the north west of the proposed roundabout. A framework travel plan has been prepared for the proposed development to encourage sustainable travel.

NTS.60 The potential for cumulative traffic and transport effects was also examined. It is likely that the other schemes will put in place construction environmental management plans, and no significant cumulative effects were predicted during construction. As for the proposed Forest Farm phase 1 development alone, most of the junctions on the local road network will continue to operate within capacity with the other developments in place and no significant cumulative effects are predicted on these junctions. However, moderate, significant adverse cumulative effects on driver delay are predicted at the London Road / A4 London Road / Pewsham Way junction and the Bridge Centre roundabout as a result of the increased traffic flows. These could potentially be reduced through the provision of a second site access to the Forest Farm phase 2 development and junction improvements.

NTS.61 No other significant cumulative traffic and transport effects were predicted.

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NTS.62 This non-technical summary has outlined the findings of the EIA of the proposed development Forest Farm, Chippenham, contained within the ES that accompanies the planning application. The proposed development will result in a limited number of changes to the local environment, but a range of measures will be put in place to minimise potential significant adverse effects and enhance beneficial effects.

NTS.63 Copies of the full ES and its technical appendices have been distributed to Wiltshire Council and the statutory consultees. The full documents are available for public inspection during the consultation period at Wiltshire Council’s offices at the address below: Wiltshire Council Monkton Park Offices Monkton Hill Chippenham Wiltshire SN15 1ER

NTS.64 All the planning application documents should also be accessible from the Council’s website:

NTS.65 Copies of the ES on CD can be purchased from Terence O’Rourke Ltd at a price that reflects the time and production costs. Paper copies may also be available (at printing cost) from Terence O’Rourke Ltd at the following address: Terence O’Rourke Ltd Everdene House Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH7 7DU

Tel: 020 3664 6755 Email: [email protected]

April 2016 NTS-11 FOLD FOLD

Land in the control of the applicant/future phase 2 development

Application site boundary

Site location plan

Forest Farm, Chippenham Gleeson Strategic Land

0 125 m I

Revision Dwg no/

Drawn by: Checked by: 09 November 2015 JC ER

Scale: 1:5,000 @A3

Based upon the 2015 Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 colour raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. 100019980.

Copyright Terence O'Rourke Ltd, 2015

LONDON Linen Hall 162-168 Regent St London W1B 5TE

BOURNEMOUTH Everdene House Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH7 7DU

TELEPHONE 020 3664 6755

Forest Farm, Chippenham Figure NTS1 Site location and application boundary Environmental Statement


Abbeyfield A342 road school A4 road

Avon Valley Walk

Wilts and Berks canal



Built up area of Pewsham

Listed buildings

Risk of flooding from rivers and sea Stanley park sports Application site boundary ground Kings lodge Land in the control of the primary applicant/future phase 2 school development

Sensitive receptors in relation to the site

Forest Farm, Chippenham Gleeson Strategic Land

THE 0 190 m LYSLEY I ARMS Revision Dwg no/

Drawn by: Checked by: Derry Hill 09 November 2015 JC ER Pewsham Locks Scale: 1:8,000 @A3

(disused) Based upon the 2015 Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 colour raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. 100019980. Data provided by Historic , Wilts and Berks Canal Trust,

Copyright Terence O'Rourke Ltd, 2015

LONDON Linen Hall 162-168 Regent St London W1B 5TE

BOURNEMOUTH Everdene House Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH7 7DU

TELEPHONE 020 3664 6755

Forest Farm, Chippenham Figure NTS2 Sensitive receptors and key local landmarks Environmental Statement in relation to the site



60 52

172200 The Haven

31 54

46 Def 27 CLOSE 27 51 BURY 28 15





44 Const 40


8 PEWSHA 1 & Jay's Farm House M ED A 22/10/15 Amendment of red line SF 25 Bdy Football Pitches

23 32 B 26/10/15 Amendment of developable area SF El 27 Sub Sta 20

WAY Key 30

21 C 27/10/15 Amendment of developable area SF

21 ROMAN 28 17 1 to COLBORNE 6 D 27/10/15 Amendment of red line SF CF

Pewsham 7 Stanley Park 20 10 15 London E 04/11/15 Amendment of key SF CF 14 9 11 CLOSE

12 Ponds



to F 06/11/15 Amendment of red line SF CF 15

CLOSE 33 Pewsham 12 Cottage

35 G 06/04/16 Updated, Landscape notation enhanced 14 172100

Site Boundary 12 Football Pitches

3 11 Road H 08/04/16 Updated colour scheme. Redline confirmed


1 Y 1 ABBEY 18 M I 11/04/16 Key simplified


4 J 11/04/16 Colours adjusted, Forest Farm access track 7 CA4 Stanley Park Sports Ground R

6 shown 14

2 1 12 LEGATE WA

Y 10

CLOSE 5 Gorley N 1 Downalong

ROMA 393500 393600 393700 393800 393900 394100 394200 394300 394400 16 61.3m


Developable Area. 12




8 Bourne

3 7


11 10

8 13

Open Space/General Landscape. 12 1 5


18 Tank

Existing hedgerows and trees to be retained. - 33 31 32 1 1 A 4 Within public realm with suitable buffers, unless 30 otherwise agreed with Local Planning Authority 29 3 28 Spires View

at detailed design stage. Access gaps to be 27

25 26

1 23 agreed with Local Authority at detailed design 24 WAY

stage. PEWSHAM




Way ED

20 18 Areas of proposed structure planting.

Subject to detailed design 12



CLOSE Pewsham 1 Proposed structure planting (min. 10m wide) 2 Wedmore Farm

adjoining A4 (to be subject of S106 agreement). 8 171800 Co Access gaps to A4 to be agreed. Const & ED Bdy


Great-crested newt buffer zone to be retained ETL free of built development.

"Green streets" - streets orientated across site (north east/south west) incorporating street 171700 trees within public realm. Design intent shown - Locations to be agreed at detailed design stage.


1.37m View corridor/visual connection from development to hills beyond to be Trevan accommodated within development layout.

171600 R Co Const & ED Bdy H Forest Farm CLIENT:Drain Gleeson Strategic Land Proposed surface water attenuation features

Final areas subject to detailed design. Track PROJECT:

of Old Canal Forest Farm Chippenham

Proposed Vehicular Access Point. DRAWING:

171500 Parameter Plan Landuse and Landscape SCALE: 1:3000 @ A3DWG NO:1810 P A 01 N Indicative proposed vehicular access point to

R suggested employment area. H DATE: Sep'15 REV: J


© The copyright of this drawing remains with Pro Vision 0 50 100 150 200 M

Planning & Design and may not be reproduced in any form 171400 without prior written consent.

Do not scale from this drawing. C D

Any discrepancies between this and any other consultant's Drain drawings should be reported to the Architect immediately. The contractor must check all dimensions before commencing work on site and all discrepancies reported to the Architect. No Grosvenor Court, Winchester Road, Ampfield, Winchester, Hants. SO51 9BD deviation from this drawing will be permitted without the prior Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2015. Drain Tel: 01794 368 698 All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 2 Old Bath Road, Newbury, Berks. RG14 1QL consent of the Architect. Tel: 01635 40184


Forest Farm, Chippenham Figure NTS3 Land use and landscape parameter plan Environmental Statement




44 Const 40


1 & Jay's Farm House A 22/10/15 Amendment of red line SF M ED 25 Bdy Football Pitches 23 32 B 27/10/15 Amendment of area boundaries SF CF El 27 Sub Sta 20


30 SF CF

21 C 27/10/15 Further amendment of area boundaries

21 ROMAN 28 17 1 to D 27/10/15 Further amendment of area boundaries SF CF COLBORNE 6

Pewsham 7 20 10 E 27/10/15 Amendment of red line SF CF 15 London 14 9 11 CLOSE

12 Ponds



20 F 06/11/15 Amendment of red line SF CF

to 15

CLOSE 33 Pewsham G 06/04/16 Storey Height Key Amended 12 Cottage


14 172100

12 Football Pitches

3 11 Road


1 Y 1 ABBEY 18 M


7 4 CA4 Stanley Park Sports Ground R



2 1 12 LEGATE WA

Y 10

CLOSE 5 Gorley N 1 Downalong

ROMA 393500 393600 393700 393800 393900 394100 394200 394300 394400 16 61.3m


12 Site boundary




8 Bourne

3 7


11 10 Up to 2.5 storeys


13 12

1 5


18 Tank


31 32 1 1 A 4 30 Up to 2 storeys

29 3

28 Spires View 27

25 26

1 23 24 WAY





Way ED


18 12



CLOSE Pewsham 1

2 Wedmore Farm 8 171800 Co Const & ED Bdy



171700 N




171600 R Co Const & ED Bdy H Forest Farm CLIENT: Drain Gleeson Strategic Land


of Old Canal Forest Farm, London Road, Chippenham


171500 Parameter Plan - Building Heights

SCALE: 1:3000 @A3 DWG NO: 1810 PA04



© The copyright of this drawing remains with Pro Vision 0 50 100 150 200 M

Planning & Design and may not be reproduced in any form 171400 without prior written consent.

Do not scale from this drawing. C D

Any discrepancies between this and any other consultant's Drain drawings should be reported to the Architect immediately. The contractor must check all dimensions before commencing work on site and all discrepancies reported to the Architect. No Grosvenor Court, Winchester Road, Ampfield, Winchester, Hants. SO51 9BD deviation from this drawing will be permitted without the prior Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2015. Drain Tel: 01794 368 698 All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 12 West Mills Yard, Kennet Road, Newbury. RG14 5LP consent of the Architect. Tel: 01635 40184


Forest Farm, Chippenham Figure NTS4 Building heights parameter plan Environmental Statement Building heights













3.50m 2m FOOTWAY 7.62m R15.00m TIE INTO EXISTING R22.50m FOOTWAY 7.99m



R25.00m 7.55m 3.01m 3.00m 3.49m 4.00m R22.50m EXISTING BUS STOP LAY-BY RELOCATED 3.00m TO THE WEST OF ROUNDABOUT

5.00m 5.99m R25.00m R100.00m 7.79m

3.05m 2.5m FOOTWAY/ 2.50m 3.00m 2.75m CYCLEWAY 7.40m R60.00m






PROPOSED SITE ACCESS ROUNDABOUT RED LINE FILE REF: DRAWN: DATE: ITB10015-GA-009 AS NOV 2015 A 09.11.15 MC MINOR AMENDMENTS RH BH PROJECT: CLIENT: DRAWING No: REV DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK APD Grove House, Lutyens Close, Chineham Tel: 01256 338640 ITB10015-GA-014 Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AG Fax: 01256 338644 FOREST FARM CHIPPENHAM GLEESON DEVELOPMENTS LTD PROJECT No: REV: ISSUE ITB10015 A Forest Farm, Chippenham Figure NTS5 Proposed site access roundabout Environmental Statement


Application site boundary

Land in the control of the applicant/future phase 2 development Draft allocated sites/Registered applications

1. North Chippenham 2. Land north and east of Barrow Farm 3. Rawlings Green 4. East Chippenham 2 5. South West Chippenham 1 6. Hunters Moon



Figure 3.1: Cumulative sites

Forest Farm, Chippenham Gleeson Strategic Land

0 600 m I

Revision 6 5 Dwg no/

Drawn by: Checked by: 09 November 2015 JC ER

Scale: 1:25,000 @A3

Based upon the 2014 Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 colour raster map with the permission of the Ordnance Survey on behalf of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, © Crown copyright. Terence O'Rourke Ltd. Licence No. 100019980.

Copyright Terence O'Rourke Ltd, 2015

LONDON Linen Hall 162-168 Regent St London W1B 5TE

BOURNEMOUTH Everdene House Deansleigh Road Bournemouth BH7 7DU

TELEPHONE 020 3664 6755

Forest Farm, Chippenham Figure NTS6 Developments considered in the cumulative Environmental Statement effects assessment


A 23.10.15 Amendment to labels SF CF

B 26.10.15 Amendments to layout SF CF

C 27.10.15 Amendments to layout on London Road SF CF

D 06.11.15 Amendments to red line SF CF



Land for employment

Land for community facilities

Land for primary school

Land for Local Centre (Potential for foodstore and PFS)

Stanley Park Public Open Space PEWSHAM Playing Fields

Primary street

Secondary street

Home zone

Possible re-connection of former Wiltshire & Berks Canal

Existing footpath

Avon Valley Walk Way Wedmore Proposed cycleway / footpath Farm Canal

Pewsham Berks Proposed footpath Hyundai & LEAP showcourt Wilts Vehicluar access


FOLD FOLD Emergency & cycle / pedestrian access

Possible bus stop

REV: DATE: AMENDMENTS: DRAWN: CHECKED: Existing tree A 23.10.15 Amendment to labels SF CF

B 26.10.15 Amendments to layout SF CF

C 27.10.15 Amendments to layout on London Road SF CF Woodland New tree

D 06.11.15 Amendments to red line SF CF Canal London KEY & Berks Wilts Road Residential

Land for employment

Land for community facilities LEAP Land for primary school Open Space (to include SUDS) Belt Land for Local Centre Wooded (Potential for foodstore and PFS) Forest Gate business court Stanley Park Public Open Space PEWSHAM Playing Fields Avon Valley Primary street Walk

Secondary street

Home zone

Possible re-connection of former Wiltshire & Berks Canal Pewsham Garage Existing footpath

Avon Valley Walk Way Wedmore Proposed cycleway / footpath Farm Canal CLIENT: Pewsham Berks Proposed footpath Hyundai & Gleeson Developments Ltd LEAP showcourt Wilts Vehicluar access PROJECT: AccessFOREST FARM, CHIPPENHAM FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Forest Farm, Chippenham

Emergency & cycle / pedestrian access DRAWING: Possible bus stop Concept Masterplan, Phases I & II N Phase I Phase II Existing tree Residential Up to 200 dwellings Residential Up to 450 dwellings SCALE: 1:2500@A1 DWG NO: 1810/P03 1:5000@A3 Woodland New tree Employment area 1.0Ha (approx. 50,000 sqft) Site Area 28.75Ha DATE: NOV 15 REV: D 0 50 100 150 200 m Community Area 0.3Ha (approx. 5,000 sqft) Developable Area 12.8Ha Canal 1FE Primary School 1.2Ha London & Berks Local Centre 0.9Ha Wilts Road

LEAP Grosvenor Court, Winchester Road, Ampfield, Winchester, Hants. SO51 9BD Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2015. Tel: 01794 368 698 Open Space 12 West Mills Yard, Kennet Road, Newbury. RG14 5LP (to include SUDS) Belt All rights reserved. Licence number 100022432 Tel: 01635 40184 Wooded Forest Gate business court

Avon Valley Walk

Pewsham Garage

CLIENT: Gleeson Developments Ltd


DRAWING: Concept Masterplan, Phases I & II N Phase I Phase II Residential Up to 200 dwellings Residential Up to 450 dwellings SCALE: 1:2500@A1 DWG NO: 1810/P03 1:5000@A3 Employment area 1.0Ha (approx. 50,000 sqft) Site Area 28.75Ha DATE: NOV 15 REV: D 0 50 100 150 200 m Community Area 0.3Ha (approx. 5,000 sqft) Developable Area 12.8Ha 1FE Primary School 1.2Ha Local Centre 0.9Ha

Grosvenor Court, Winchester Road, Ampfield, Winchester, Hants. SO51 9BD Ordnance Survey (c) Crown Copyright 2015. Tel: 01794 368 698 12 West Mills Yard, Kennet Road, Newbury. RG14 5LP All rights reserved.Forest Licence number Farm, 100022432 Chippenham Figure NTS7 Tel: 01635 40184 Concept master plan for Forest Farm phase 2 Environmental Statement