Connecting Road^O^Aliusrol Top Town's First Craft Fair Flood Costs Rec/Forfht Soughrighr N "Craftjers, Photographers, and Those of the Trlbution
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Your Want Ad R€>Portin9 k Easy To Place- Just Phone 686-7700 Manner Every TKondoy Ly 7 rumor PubliiH tfent, SpiingfUld, N.J. 07081 — 686-7700' MgiMno,_dd> Second Clou Potug.. ' Subscription Rats 15 Cents Per Copy VOL. 38 - No. 2 P.O. Ho« «P, Sprlngll.ld, N.J. O'OSt Paid ot Spnngfield; N.J. SPRINGFIELD, N.J. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 (5.00 Yearly Connecting road^o^aliusrol Top Town's first Craft Fair Flood costs rec/forfht soughrighr n "Craftjers, photographers, and those of the trlbution. For the handicraft section, hobbyists younger art set (Grades 3 through 9)~come out are being sought to exhibit ceramics, copper One and all," Mrs. Leslie I. Rosenbaum, chair- enameling, quilting, furniture-making, embroi- forLLS. aid man of the first Springfield Craft Fair, urged' dery,' needlecraft,^ metalcraft. .woodworking, - this Week. Tljls. event, which is under the.spon—leathercrafr ana carving. • •• Mayor picks teenagers .aorshlp of theSpringfleidAssociatlonofCreative Photographers were .requested,to bring their Arts, will take place ln the Florence Gaudlneer black and white photos, as well qs color pictures for town Youth Council School cafeteria on Sunday from 1 to Sp.m. The mounted f6r banging. general" public (s invited' to exhibi•'••• t or to view' , The exhibits of crafts ansLphotography are to -.' By ABNIiR GOLD ,--. • and there will be no admission, charge, she de- be_brought to_thc_Gaudlneer_School cafeteria -A-plan-to-rrrake-thc-lonE-awaited" connecting clared, '. - • . • ..-..•-- between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday. Children's-' road from Baltusrol-Top to'the restofSpring- The Craft Fair co-chairman, Erwln May, art. and sculpture may be brought after school fleld a reality before next summer highlighted further stated, "If you should have only one item, tomorrow, from 3 to 4 p.m., to the same place. jhe Township Committee meeting Tuesday night o"r~as many as three Items to show, we would The children's work (Grades 3 through 9) may be at the Municipal Building. greatly-welcome and carefully display your-con- ln such media as oils, water colors, pastels and In other major business, committeoment ap- charcoal, and should be ready for hangtagrThere pealed to—residents to prepare~estimatcs of will be no entrv fee. - flood damage from die Railway River, as a meuns of convincing; the Army Corps of Fjigl-. Starting at 3 p.m., there will be demonstra- u Me?7ci ierhnecL~U0B5~By~6J(p'Srren"CSr'CraTtsWSr."Mr3. SamUel rfthdl 7pj LlRpincott of Springfield will explain rug-hooking Mayor Robert G. Planer named seven young as sho works at her frame and will give instruc- men and women to a Youth Council to advise- tions fuf^hcincxpcnaivc method of maldng-and the Recrqatlon Department In Its dealings with dying tlio needed yarns. ' ftd ~ • Commltteeman Arthur M. halkin offered a Belmont of the Parslppany-Troy Mills school motion authorizing preparation of an iigreument - system. Silvcrsmlthing, as well as Jewelry- for the Baltusrol Top roud involving tlie town- making, will be shown by Mrs. Gladys Reimors_ sliip, tlio Baltusrol Golf Club and tlie 1 loudaillo Democratic Commltteeman Jay Bloom this of Westfield. ' • Quarry. - — week gave his endorsement for the election Additional Information may be obtained from Tlio deal, • which hus received preliminary _._ qf._ToWii5jiip_CommiaeacandidateJerryVezza. l_Mrs. Leslie_l—Rosenbaum(379-9039), Erw. iroval from all parties, involves tlie ex-. Bloom described Vezza as the "best qualified ,.May (376-0954) or Mrs. Leo Johnson (376-4139) now owned by the town for a candidate for office put forth by either local Mrs. Johnson is SAC A president. road with other land owned by the golf club political party in the past 10 years." which will ease construction problems. The new Dloom said, "This Is, not a simple gesture routo will also provido for easidr access to •' qf one --Democrat .endorsing another. I am Shunpikc rd., Falkin commentedn IcoddeU that endorsing Jerry Vczza, because he Is the man die lloudalllc firm. Will pay for tlie costs of for the Job-—not-because he Is the party'cand- 1-st contribution construction of the mile-long road. •' • idate. He has demonstrated his intention to know Falkln^-was— pral-seil-foiHits-role-iti-ilie-two —all thero is to know about Springfield. Through years of. negotiations by his Republican collea-r constant interrogation of people involved In la uncHes^ effort guesr-However, Jay Bluuiu.'lonc-^&CTTia.crar~6nT-. our government, he already knows more than tlio governing body, expressed somo doubts. * some of my colleagues on the_Tpanshlp-Coro— "The last two times wo were on the vorgirce "*• mlttee," of'achieving this road," Bloom stated, "'were . "Working together in a campaign," Bloom ott3nited Fund REALISM, PRACTICE, EDUCATlON-were listed as the keynotes of shown include Robert .Vqorhqes, squad captain, behind theopen door,. durinn g, the last two Octobers, just before elec- added "people, get-to-know each other-quite The" first, pledge of a donation to the resl- tho Sprlngflold First Aid Squad drill hold last week at Ruby Field, and Robort Robinshon, Gloria Simpson and Ann Ogftnowskv ln tlie _^ d v~" well. In the fast several months. 1 have found tolLdiiV —-with-participationjby squadTTfom West hssex and~WesHIeiaZFIfe~ SlrctCIVer creWT^Im^^^ mask of bund- ommlttee7nan Robert D. Hardsrove declared Chief Ormond. W. Mesker is in tho''<iark Jucket at left, hear his C lerrv Vezza to be a man who.possessej-an. U£cs- . ',- „ ril m\ tllat ""^ Township Committee in die past de- viable characteristics. He Is Intelligent, cool- department's emergency lighting truck. First Aid Squad volunteers headed aqd aggressive. Moreover, he has the - . loian pnocoj cnde could have completed the road, but at a liouvy in the-amount-of-$2S-Bums-i3-a-lette: r,—cost-to-thlb-town.—Wlth-thu-now-agrceinent,- self-possession and diplomacy needed to be a at tlio Springfield Post Office. said,._(hc .townslilP-.wlll'..savo.Eome...$3,000 In •••• fair and .Impartial member of the Township It was. also announced that tlie first pledge- construction costs, . -- Committee." in the merchants division was received from—~- squads GOPcandidate • • * "Jerry Vezza Is the mani would llKetbThave Robert~Colandrear proprietor' of the- Com- DISCUSSING FLOOD CONTROL, Mayor Plan- . work-with me-on' ourTownshtp Committee. munlty Shoppe, 247 Morris ave. ner said that Falkin, Bloom and Walter Kozub, I would consider it n personal favor if all of Tlie United Fund of Springfield Is starting participate with local group township engineer, had met Tuesday morning my friends will vote for him and support his asks center for with an official of tlio Army Engineers mid had— election in any way that they can," Bloom with- a kick-off date of next Monday for die toured areas affected by •chronic flooding ~ said. By JACLYN HERZLINGER Dy i" lest Lieutenant JerryJIurvey. Tlio four . • residential solicitation. Last wook at its regular monthly drill, tlie ambulances, .C CiJT\.|:/?\.K partlcularly tlioso swamped followlng_tlie_heavy Saul Freeman, chairman of the residential Springfield First Aid Squad was host to first fiqld, cured for their assigned victims and re- ^^1 11 V ' division of the United Fund, stated: "We are ald_ squads from West_Esscx_and Westfield. turned with the victims to the mock fieltiiips- Falkin reported tliat die Army uses n formula in need of volunteer' workers and to assist "Each visiting squad came with an ambulance pitnl which was set up at the Squad I louse:"" "I would strongly recommend that tlie pres- requiring thai tlie anmrai" damnj'.e equal five Bloom takes issue those~wbrkers there Is reproduced lnthls Issue and twp crews. — _ At the SquudJlouse, Dr. Arnold Constadwas ent library, once vacated,_£h.ulUd_lni_Utilizod percent of tlio construction costs in order to Justify flood control work. With (in estimated the pledgo .card you will be. asked to sign. By Ruby Flold on Caldwell pi. was tho site of- in charge. Each viciim was placed on tlie In part as a senior citizen center. Leisure - familiarizing yourself with this card tlme-inay-woll-bQ-one-of-thergroaresnissets—eotK-ef-$6©0,000 fu' the wiuRiiuuduU ill": be able to In _ . s over center urged Springfield Volunteer Fire DDepartment , ddireci - questioned' th' e crew member' s as to their think' - we Americans of .today, and the future, will field, he said,residents must prove annual dam- lcltatiQiLso much sooner ai»d easier." (See ted by Chief Ormoud W. Mesker, lit the work ing; as he exposed each '.'injury". He cbm- possess, and facilities for utilization'of tliese age of $30,000. Fnlkin said that this figure seem-. For recreation illustration on Pago Four.) area* of- die flold with Its emergency lighting meiitedDn the first aid.trentmcm of each in- hours may shortly chflngoTfom'a luxury to a ed possible to prove,. : • .' " • • Frpeman continued: "We ar"O~~seeklng equipment. '• jury and explained—why certain ficflt aid necessity," Philip Del Vecchio, Republican Both'ho and Bloom urged all who had suffered pledges of $25 such as that made by our first candidate, for Township Committee declured Township Commltteeman Jay-B. Bloom, tho 'Women from the- Women's A_uxi Uaryjofjlio meusllres were'to be usa^ f»n*''M:ainiiv|urlos.' flood damage-to. prepare proofs of their loss. contributors, Mr." and Mrs. Burns, 'or youTfiiiy"" residents of Briar- Mills circle lorie Democrat on the five-niomber governing Springfield Squad serveiLas "victims" for-the- -Noteg were taken so that crews would have Mayor Planner added that'lip will hold a meet- pledge the equivalonirof one hour's pay pe* " on Saturday. , body.—thibnveek' took issue with a statement drill. They were Instructed as to tlicir in- "the benefit of each other's Instructions.