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The competitive eater is ranked 10th in the world in Major League Eating. She also holds the more appetizing world record for fastest time to eat a bowl of pasta at Humphrey is the world's smallest bull at just Sweet, sweet Humphrey the miniature zebu stands just over two feet tall. Joe and Shelly Gardner bought the petite bull at an auction in Iowa in , and he was so wee they didn't realize he was already 2 years old. The diminutive bull spent his days eating and hanging out with much bigger cattle. If there were an award for world's cutest zebu, he'd win it in a heartbeat. Most candles extinguished by nunchucks in one minute. Xie Desheng snuffed out 52 open flames with nothing but ninja-like precision. He just whacks the tip of the candles with his nunchucks. His grace under fire ha deserves praise. fittingly presented a monstrous gin and juice at a Napa food festival in , but no drink has managed to dethrone it yet. There is the broader "largest cocktail" record, which went to a 10,gallon margarita in Guinness said the tropical drink contained bottles of gin, bottles of apricot brandy and 28 jugs of orange juice. It was garnished with a watermelon on a sword and a giant parasol, and it could've doubled as an alcoholic jacuzzi. Greatest gratest? One might argue there is no amount of cheese on a pizza that could ever be considered "too much. But let's be real -- is varieties of cheese on one pizza too much? View this post on Instagram. A pizzeria in Melbourne, Australia, holds the record for the amalgam of dairy. Just reading about it is enough to inspire a tummy ache for some. A few questions: What could this possibly taste like? Only have sex in the shower? Or only have sex on the floor? Have sex with someone who has bad breath? Or have sex with someone who calls you "love bunny" while you're doing it? Hear dirty talk in an accent you hate while having sex? Or have sex in complete silence? Have sex when you're drunk? Or have sex when you're hungover? Or the only porn you're allowed to watch is on Vine, meaning it lasts only six seconds? Be a sex slave for a month? Or wear a chastity device for a month? Wolverine; McFarlane art. Amazing Spider-Man Newsstand Edition. Spider-Man 1. Thor: God of Thunder 2. Ms Marvel 1. Venom 3 3rd Printing. Batman Venom Avengers First full appearance of Taskmaster. X-Men Daredevil Death Of Elektra. Star Wars: Heir to the Empire 1. Black Panther 2. Star Wars: Legacy 1. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 1. Ultimate Fallout 4 2nd Printing. War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1. Miles Morales Spider-man 6. Venom 25 Stegman Wraparound 2nd Printing. Daredevil Origin of Bullseye; First appearance of Bullseye. Playboy Magazines for sale | eBay

There is the broader "largest cocktail" record, which went to a 10,gallon margarita in Guinness said the tropical drink contained bottles of gin, bottles of apricot brandy and 28 jugs of orange juice. It was garnished with a watermelon on a sword and a giant parasol, and it could've doubled as an alcoholic jacuzzi. Greatest gratest? One might argue there is no amount of cheese on a pizza that could ever be considered "too much. But let's be real -- is varieties of cheese on one pizza too much? View this post on Instagram. A pizzeria in Melbourne, Australia, holds the record for the amalgam of dairy. Just reading about it is enough to inspire a tummy ache for some. A few questions: What could this possibly taste like? Are there only two shreds of each type of cheese on the pie to make them all fit? How does one crust carry the weight of it all? Its creator Johnny Di Francesco told Guinness he was inspired by Donatello as in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, not the renowned Renaissance sculptor who once said that a pizza with 99 cheeses would be a "culinary impossibility. Nilanshi Patel holds the record for world's longest hair on a teenager. The year-old's hair is 5 feet 7 inches long. A good haircut can change your mood. A bad haircut might earn you a record-breaking feat. Nilanshi Patel, a year-old from Gujarat, India, vowed to never again cut her hair after a disastrous 'do at 6 traumatized her. Now her locks are 5 feet, 7 inches -- longer than she is. She told Guinness it takes her about an hour and a half to dry and comb all the way through. And she likes it that way. Full-handed pull ups are already impressive. Or only have sex on the floor? Have sex with someone who has bad breath? Or have sex with someone who calls you "love bunny" while you're doing it? Hear dirty talk in an accent you hate while having sex? Or have sex in complete silence? Have sex when you're drunk? Or have sex when you're hungover? Or the only porn you're allowed to watch is on Vine, meaning it lasts only six seconds? Be a sex slave for a month? Or wear a chastity device for a month? Only have threesomes? Batman Venom Avengers First full appearance of Taskmaster. X-Men Daredevil Death Of Elektra. Star Wars: Heir to the Empire 1. Black Panther 2. Star Wars: Legacy 1. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 1. Ultimate Fallout 4 2nd Printing. War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1. Miles Morales Spider-man 6. Venom 25 Stegman Wraparound 2nd Printing. Daredevil Origin of Bullseye; First appearance of Bullseye. The Eternals 2 1st appearance of the Celestials. X-Men First appearance of Phoenix; Phoenix origin concludes. Spider-Woman 1 New complete origin and mask added. X-Men First appearance of Dazzler. Thor Newsstand Edition. Predator 1. About For Books The Wwe Book of Top 10s Complete - video dailymotion

Write a product review. Customer images. See all customer images. Top reviews Most recent Top reviews. Top reviews from India. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Verified Purchase. The book is excellent.. It is cheap also as comparing Book's quality But in weeks it started becoming apart But you can buy it It is good for WWE fan I add so. Great Book with engaging articles and good image collection. Good move by dk. The book is very good but the condition of the book in just 2 days has become bad it has started to come apart. See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. Bought it for my son, whose a nut, the book is full of trivia, and fun facts and it would appeal to wwe fans. One person found this helpful. More writing than pictures. Some of the top tens not that interesting! My son enjoyed about a quarter of the book. Report abuse. Great book for all those WWE lovers out there. The young person this was bought for thought it was great, and was glued to it for a long time!! Very interesting grandson loves it. Pages with related products. See and discover other items: sports books. Back to top. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Audible Download Audio Books. DPReview Digital Photography. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Amazon Prime Music 60 million songs. It is clear that wrestling talent is not enough to cement your legacy or would be one of the top WWE superstars. To be a successful professional wrestler, you have to possess the complete package of necessary talents to have a career that people will talk about years after. As this list has been attempted a thousand times before, I have decided to rank the best of all time in a slightly different fashion awarding each wrestler a mark out of This mark out of 50 is divided into five marks out of 10 which comprise the five attributes necessary to being remembered as one of the greats. Career: What a wrestler accomplished in their career is always the first point of reference and although is a work, championship accolades and main event matches need to be taken into account. Look: A pro wrestler needs to look impressive and to look the part otherwise the audience will not believe in the role that they are playing. Two examples in of a wrestler being pushed based on look rather than wrestling ability are Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan. Marketability: A top star needs to be able to draw the crowds and sell tickets. It is very difficult to market someone without a good look or charisma to burn so that is why these three are linked. This is because, although they were undoubtedly legends of the business that laid the groundwork for the popularity of wrestling today, they were from a different era where they valued different attributes in a wrestler. It had not become "entertainment" at that point and while George and Rogers were undoubtedly showmen of their time, toughness and believability were valued more than charisma. It is also unfair to compare these men as they performed in a time where wrestling did not have anywhere near the mainstream popularity and interest generated in the "Rock 'N Wrestling" era, or the "Attitude Era" or even the "PG era". I have also decided to stay away from wrestlers that made their name abroad such as or Tatsumi Fujinami as it is difficult to equivocate their respective talents. In-ring: was famously short of wrestling talent and his limited moveset consisted mainly of clotheslines. He was able to make even the best workers in the business look horrible and you can count the good matches he had on the fingers of one hand. He could draw tickets and he was the huge attraction that the company needed to ultimately replace . Nobody took much notice of Benoit at this point as it was during the height of Vince Russo's bad booking. In the WWF, Benoit was in a constant struggle to elevate himself to main event status and his World title victory at WrestleMania XX was about giving the fans an unforgettable moment rather than establishing a new main eventer. Look: Chris Benoit had a rugged look enhanced by steroids and, despite his small stature, it was not difficult to see him as a tough competitor in the ring. In-ring: Chris Benoit was a technical wrestler of superb ability that played a huge role in the strength of the WCW undercard. He would often steal the show and his matches with were brutally but superbly executed. Benoit was often compared to his hero, the Dynamite Kid, and that is as good a testament as any to his wrestling ability. Mic Skills: Benoit's natural shyness and old school approach meant that he was nothing special with the mic. Although he spoke with a heated intensity, memorable Benoit promos are few and far between. He is, however, remembered as one of the greatest Intercontinental Champions of all time. He was adept at playing the role of the babyface in peril and the feuds that he was involved in almost always drew interest. However, despite his one reign as WWE Champion, he was never able to compete with the top stars on Raw. Look: Eddie had the look of an athlete and his cheeky grin and natural ability to make people happy contributed to his popularity. In-ring: Guerrero was first and foremost a wrestler and he came from a famous wrestling family that has produced countless superstars. The fact that he learned his craft at the knee of Mexico's greats made it inevitable that he would turn into a great worker that could have a good match with almost anyone. Mic Skills: exuded charisma and his numerous comedy skits never failed to make people laugh. But it was during his work as a heel that his mic skills started to become more of a strength. Marketability: Guerrero was talented, popular and charismatic. The fans loved to cheer for him and he played an integral part in the initial success of SmackDown. He was an attraction throughout his WWE career. But Roberts' talents soon shone through and he was able to establish himself as a star feuding with the likes of Savage, Steamboat, Rude and Andre. However, Roberts was never considered a main event talent and was used as the secondary baby-face to get the new heels ready for Hulk Hogan. Look: Roberts could be very convincing in portraying a "bona fide sicko" and his serpentine companion only added to his mystique. In-ring: Roberts was considered by many to be one of the best workers in the company at that time and his finishing move, the DDT, would become one of the most popular moves of all time. Career: Mr. Perfect was the AWA World Champion and he had successful tenures with both WWF and the WCW but he was never able to win a world title or establish himself as a main eventer in either if the big two companies. In-ring: described him as his greatest ever opponent and, according to almost anyone, Curt was a pleasure to work with because he was able to make his opponent look better than they were. Perfect has countless five star matches under his belt. Mic Skills: Hennig managed to become one of the leading heels in the business when he was the Intercontinental Champion and this was largely due to his mic skills. Marketability: The steroid scandal may have held back Vince in the marketing of Perfect as he wanted to project a new image just as Hennig was coming into prominence. Career: Foley played a big part in the rise of hardcore wrestling and gimmick matches particularly Hell in a Cell. Look: His three different alter egos all had a unique look and personality but it was the "Mankind" gimmick that was arguably the most successful. His ragged clothing and neglected look contributed to his status as the underdog which made him so popular. In-ring: Foley was never an athlete and was more adept at dangerous spots with foreign objects but his storytelling ability in the ring made up for his questionable fitness. Mic Skills: One of the most underrated promo men of all time, you only have to read Foley's books to see the thought and attention to detail that he paid his promos. The fact that they all came off with natural believability coupled with passion is a testament to Foley's intelligence and dedication. Marketability: Foley was immensely popular and while behind the other superstars of the "Attitude Era" in marketability, "put asses in seats" as evidenced by his first title win where WCW revealed the result before it aired causing millions of fans to change the channel. Career: The Million Dollar Man was the top heel in the WWF in the late 's and had memorable feuds with most of the babyfaces in the company. He was well built and it was not hard to believe that he could physically dominate opponents. He was a multiple time World Champion and one of 's greatest ever opponents. Look: Dusty did not have the look of a supreme athlete but it emphasized the fact that he was a "common man" which was one of the reasons that he was so adored. In-ring: was a decent to good worker and worked an impressive amount of good matches during his career. The way he reached out and appealed to the people and made it clear that he was going to win the World Heavyweight Championship for them inspirational. Marketability: It was very clear why the "American Dream" received so much adoration from the fans as he was the polar opposite of his great rival, Ric Flair. While Flair represented the rich and famous superstar, Rhodes represented the down-to-earth working class citizen. Career: Andre the Giant was a megastar and enjoyed a long and successful wrestling career with the WWF. However, he was only given the title for a matter of minutes and always played second best to Hogan. Look: The Giant was awe-inspiring standing at 7'4" and weighing pounds. It seemed all too likely that if he wanted to, he could have crushed anyone in the ring. In-ring: Andre is known as one of the best big man wrestlers of all time but his size and his speed handicapped him in ever having a match that would be remembered as a five star clinic. Mic Skills: Andre always preferred to do his talking in the ring and his intimidating presence meant that he got over despite the fact that his foreign accent sometimes made him hard to understand. Marketability: Billed as the "Eighth Wonder of the World", Andre was a special attraction that fans were always willing to pay to see. His main event match with Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania III was a key reason why that pay-per-view broke the indoor attendance record for any sporting event. Career: Cena is a time WWE Champion and, whether you like him or not, he is the name and face of the company right now. He has headlined countless WrestleManias and been involved in many high-profile feuds including his current war with the Rock. Look: One of the reasons why Cena was initially pushed was the fact that he has good genetics and supreme strength. When he is able to slam giants like the , it hearkens back to the days of Hogan and Andre. In-ring: While Cena has busted a gut to improve in the ring, he is still predictable and his explosive comebacks take away the realism of his matches. Mic Skills: Cena has charisma in abundance and, while he is often corny and immature, he always sound natural and his promos flow which is a skill that so many lack. Marketability: Cena sells more merchandise than anyone else in the wrestling business today and he is the perfect hero for the child-friendly PG era. He has been a main event star in the WWE for the majority of his career and his departure has left a big hole yet to be filled. Look: has that "rock-star" look that translates well into the sleazy heel role that he played for much of his career.

The Business Journals | Book of Lists

The collection of 36 plays, published shortly after the playwright's death, is one of only five complete copies still in private hands, the auction house said. The First Folio is considered among the most important collections of literature in the English language. It contains 18 works that had not previously appeared in print, and would otherwise have been lost to history, including "Macbeth" and "Twelfth Night. Published in by the actors John Heminge and Henry Condell, friends of the English playwright, the book is formally titled "Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies," based on the three genres the pair used to categorize the plays. It was put up for sale by Mills College in Oakland, California, which had kept the item in its collection since Amazing Spider-Man Newsstand Edition. Spider-Man 1. Thor: God of Thunder 2. Ms Marvel 1. Venom 3 3rd Printing. Batman Venom Avengers First full appearance of Taskmaster. X-Men Daredevil Death Of Elektra. Star Wars: Heir to the Empire 1. Black Panther 2. Star Wars: Legacy 1. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 1. Ultimate Fallout 4 2nd Printing. War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1. Miles Morales Spider-man 6. Venom 25 Stegman Wraparound 2nd Printing. Daredevil Origin of Bullseye; First appearance of Bullseye. The Eternals 2 1st appearance of the Celestials. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 19, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction , entertainment-industry , sports , humor , illustrated. What else is there to say, but it's a book of lists. Lists about professional wrestling. Now, the vast, vast majority of the entries are from the modern heyday of WWE current , but plenty of spotlight is shown of the WWF of my youth And only the briefest of mentions to classic wrestling i. There are lists on places wrestlers from TX, Canada, Europe , costumes, females, families, and all the draaaaaamaaaaaaa that happens with the male soap opera that is WWE. For an old-timer like me, who was raised with plenty of WWF and GLOW on the TV and who once had a philosophical discussion with a total stranger about the merits of athleticism and agility in the WWE ring while we waited on our food at the bar in the basement of the WWE restaurant in Times Square , this was bit of a walk down memory lane, with a bit of catching up with old friends. Oct 24, Amber rated it it was amazing. As a WWE fan I love how they listed their top tens in championships, champions, and matches I will highly recommend this book to any WWE fan that is out there all over the world because you get a glimpse about the superstars from the past to the current superstars that are coming up from NXT. This book was a fun read and I enjoyed remembering some moments from when I was younger. I didn't agree with the placement of some things or people on the lists, but I think that's normal with any type of Top 10 list. I was surprised that some people were left out of certain lists view spoiler [ Specifically, that wasn't on the list of NXT Champions when he was the first one ever and that Dean Ambrose wasn't on the list of United States Champions when he has the longest modern This book was a fun read and I enjoyed remembering some moments from when I was younger. I was surprised that some people were left out of certain lists view spoiler [ Specifically, that Seth Rollins wasn't on the list of NXT Champions when he was the first one ever and that Dean Ambrose wasn't on the list of United States Champions when he has the longest modern reign hide spoiler ] and on other lists I was happy that people or matches were included. Some moments are on more than one list and that was a bit redundant, but other than that, the lists were good. There are also a lot of great color photos in the book of wrestlers from throughout wrestling history. I'm happy to have this as part of my wrestling book collection. I would recommend this to any WWE or wrestling fan out there. Fun book. Mike Silva rated it liked it Feb 05,