The Book of PF Covers the Most • Stay in Control of Your Traffic with Monitoring and Up-To-Date Developments in PF, Including New Content PETER N.M
EDITION3RD BUILD A Covers OpenBSD 5.6, MORE SECURE FreeBSD 10.x, and NETWORK EDITION NETWORK 3RD NetBSD 6.x WITH PF THETHE BOOKBOOK THE BOOK OF PF OF THE BOOK THE BOOK OF PF OF THE BOOK OFOF PFPF OpenBSD’s stateful packet filter, PF, is the heart of • Build adaptive firewalls to proactively defend against A GUIDE TO THE the OpenBSD firewall. With more and more services attackers and spammers NO-NONSENSE placing high demands on bandwidth and an increas- OPENBSD FIREWALL • Harness OpenBSD’s latest traffic-shaping system ingly hostile Internet environment, no sysadmin can to keep your network responsive, and convert your afford to be without PF expertise. existing ALTQ configurations to the new system The third edition of The Book of PF covers the most • Stay in control of your traffic with monitoring and up-to-date developments in PF, including new content PETER N.M. HANSTEEN visualization tools (including NetFlow) on IPv6, dual stack configurations, the “queues and priorities” traffic-shaping system, NAT and redirection, The Book of PF is the essential guide to building a secure wireless networking, spam fighting, failover provision- network with PF. With a little effort and this book, you’ll ing, logging, and more. be well prepared to unlock PF’s full potential. You’ll also learn how to: ABOUT THE AUTHOR • Create rule sets for all kinds of network traffic, whether Peter N.M. Hansteen is a consultant, writer, and crossing a simple LAN, hiding behind NAT, traversing sysadmin based in Bergen, Norway. A longtime DMZs, or spanning bridges or wider networks Freenix advocate, Hansteen is a frequent lecturer on OpenBSD and FreeBSD topics, an occasional • Set up wireless networks with access points, and contributor to BSD Magazine, and the author of an lock them down using authpf and special access often-slashdotted blog ( ).
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