Algebraic Number Theory George D. Torres Math 390C - Fall 2017 1 Number Fields 2 1.1 Norm, Trace, and Discriminant . .3 1.2 Algebraic Integers . .5 2 Dedekind Rings 7 2.1 Fractional Ideals and Unique Factorization . .8 2.2 The Ideal Class Group . 10 3 Geometry of Numbers 14 3.1 Lattices . 14 3.2 Minkowski’s Theorem . 17 3.3 Dirichlet’s Theorem . 20 4 Ramification and Decomposition of Primes 23 4.1 Prime ideals in Galois Extensions . 26 4.1.1 Decomposition and Inertia Groups . 27 4.1.2 The Abelian, Unramified Case . 28 5 Local Fields 29 5.1 Defining Local Fields . 30 5.2 Finite extensions of Qp ........................................... 32 5.2.1 Ramification in p-adic fields . 34 5.2.2 Krasner’s Lemma . 35 5.3 The Approximation Theorem and Ostrowski’s Theorem . 36 6 Analytic Methods in Number Fields 39 6.1 The Zeta Function of a Number Field . 40 6.2 Dirichlet Characters and L-Functions . 44 6.2.1 Quadratic Characters and Quadratic Fields . 46 7 Introduction to Global Class Field Theory 50 7.1 Moduli and the Ray Class Group . 50 7.2 The Artin Symbol . 51 ————————————————– These are lecture notes from Mirela Çiperiani’s Algebraic Number Theory course M390C given Fall 2017. The reader should be comfortable with the essential notions of commutative algebra, general field theory, and Galois theory. Please forward any typos to
[email protected]. Last updated: February 13, 2019 1 1. Number Fields v A number field is a finite extension of Q. To be more precise, we’ll begin with some review of field extensions and algebraic elements.