

VOL. XI, NO. 48 Circnlatloti 1106. liOWKU. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1904 Official Newspaper. TKN PA(iK PAPKR

1. A. Wood 10

COUNCIL "TIED UP" $i:>i m IIKNKRAI. I TM). ON QUESTION OV APPROPUI- .1. n. Nicholson $2 11. w. Makes The Moden Business ATlNtJ $160 FOR .MACK. H. 15. Springett 4 ».')

$7 45 President Hakes Cast Deciding man pays his bills by Motion made hy TniHteo Smith Veto In Favor. checks. Why not open that lilll of Hollon Mack for fl50 1h> What Room an account with us which .\( lite Conm-il inwtini? Monday allowed. Yeas: Collar, Nicholson. ninhl Hie inetnlwH (llvlilod on ilio Smith and the President. Nays: Is to be Papered can be subject to check at *im>Hlon of appropriatinu; fl.*»0 to Hicks, I/v and WineKar. Carried. any time? The bank jisHist Kolli'ii Mark In defraying tlie Trustee Ixv notified the President check when cancolled is cxponHCH of live Hiiil bvonjiht ap'ainKl that ho should not issue a warrant him by Knti .lolmson for Hie sliool- for payment of hill of Uollen Mack the best proof of the pay- iiK of iani fall. Trim toon. Nlcbolwon, for ¥15(1, as he as a taxpayer Intend- ment of any bill and is a Smith and Collar \'(i>tpd in favor of ed to secure an injunction restraining tin- rcKolniion andTnlstocK Winonar. payment of the same, as t here was great convenience as it I^cand lllrkH aufainHtlt. PiVHidi'iil no fund for such purpose. does away with the neces- llakOH cam llu'd(«<'|dlnw:v slmuld ap- The hall, parlor, sitting- room, bedroom, sums of money with you. ply for injnnction against tho pay- monl and Horvod notlco npon tho \'il- kitchen or hath room all require distinct forms of lajro Troamnvr not to pay K\ti-h an CONTRACT IS LET treatment. order. The City Bank, Hill, Watts & Co. Pending tho taking of ooinp"tont In our stock you find a variety of suitable de- lonal advico, Pn'sidont Hakes will FOR ONSTRUCTION OF ti. signs for each room in the house. So larg-e is the IHHUO no ordor and no hasty arlion R & 1. RAILROAD assortment that you can carry any sort ot decora- will he takon. For further Information in tho tive scheme desired. matter, the official prom-dhmx of Work to Begin Not l.ater Than .il.ufciliA.t Ail till Aii We can, if desired, furnish ideas and the pa- thoCoiVncil Khonld he consulted. Jnly 1 and Corapleied by March per to carry them out BOTH at the price of the Since the moetfng. 'I'mstee tjoo has OXamlnod the Viilajre charter and "The Grand Rapids & Ionia rail- paper and a low price at that. claims totind that an appropriation road has l)een tinanced and the con In justice to your own interests you must see ofthe kind referred to. rorjnlres a two- tract for construction let to the thirds vote of tho Council. Farnham company of Chicago," said our papers before you buy. Frank Wescott of Vernon to THK l

O. C. McDANNELL, M. D. Monarch's Patience Gave Out. gowcll %edgtr. Frederick the Great employed archi- PHYSIC: AN MRS. SCHAFF WELL KNOWN tects to build him a library, but they AND SL h L EON F. M. JOBW>n, Publisher. Choice Items from over the state, CHAMPION OF THE CHILDREN fought with true professional eti- MM mc* <1 UridicSt. Low*: Vrti Michigan News specially selected for our readers quette over their designs. The mon- arch who had braved the might of mm M. C. GP.EENE. M. D LOWELL, MICniOAH LEAVES : I wrrt THE V N V E P*~ THE Europe in arms was not to be defeat- •, i r- Physician ed by a parcel of nagging professional A Lon !s sometimes gain—« irbe* and Surgeon men. "Confound you," said the king, •dam lost that rib. Of5.ce Over Ecy'.mn * Stare. Dr.dge 9i, Lowell. SAND RUINS LAND FOR FARMING i FIRE DRILL PROVES EFFECTIVE | AGED WOMAN IS SENT TO PRISON Oft havo I wnlkod these woodland paths. "don't waste any more time; this cup- Without th«> blest foreknowing VETEB4IN•mmrS board opposite me is of a very good MM A itTong point in Kuropatkin'i Forestry Department It Called on to That undt-mesth the withered leaves S. P. HICKS Pupila Leave Building in Orderly Mother of Bank Robber Is Given Long The (a..-est buds were growing. design: copy that" They did as they favor is that his name doesn't sound Remedy Peculiar Condition. Manner and Without Mishap. Term in Detroit. Loans, Collections. Real Estate, and like a sneeze. To-day the south wind sweeps away were ordered. Land Commissioner Wildey has Just A blar.e that started In n wooden Mrs. riarissa S. Rico of Muskegon. The lyceB of Autumn's si>I<;ndor. Japan. Mg officers continuing to go on and on Insurance. And shous the sweet Arbutus flowi-rs— Roused from the slumber of an age- until ordered to desist LOWELL. MICHlOAtl. returned to i-anslng from Big Prairie receptacle for waste pnper and rub- 73 years old, was sentenced to from Spring s children pure and tender. Didn't Think Time Had Come. The prospect ot the czar dictating long night. At Antletam forty-four officers and township In Newaygo county, where a bish in the basement of the Central one year and three months to one Remember the old saying about She dropped the lacquered armor she had peace in Tokio seems to have been O prTl^t souls, with lips of bloom. ' ir.'.-n were killed and 152 wounded. MILTON M. PERRY peculiar and unfortunate condition ex- school building at Saginaw was re- year and six months at hard labor In creaky doors and long hinges. I had borne. jarred out of plumb. Outvying In tneir beauty Nor thought herself a recreant, forsworn. It again illustrates the regard with Attorney and Counselor at Law ists. The state owns a larpe tract of sponsible for a ripple of excitement. the Detroit house of correction on the Tne pearly tints til ocean •nells. an aunt who was over seventy, and KrontinK with steadfast eyes the srow- Ye teach me faith and duty. which the regiment was held In that Train's Kali Block, Lowell. M.ch. abandoned land In the township eight The Central, at Germnnia avenue and charge of receiving stolen property because she had some lh*er trouble ing light. An eminent physician says that Her nightmare dreams all put to instant when the officers In command wanted Speclu. aitrnilun slvtn t.> Cwlieclluns. Coo- miles east of White Cloud. Seven or Third street, ia a three-story brick amounting to $1,050. The property Is Walk Uf«{a dark ways, ye seem to say. she was continually praying out loud flight. V4»HUrlii/MMI ikU-of IW1 FltUiba. ll«s « there is no such thing as brain fag. a position taken the gallant Sixty eight years ago for some reason the building, and has a large attendance, said to be the proceeds of the rob- With Love's divine foreknowing. that she might never live long enough Hers not the part, untruthful years to uallflrd knd '<*-M adml'.lej U> pntctl--'* In tto« What does be call it? That where man sees but withered leaves, mourn. ninth was summoned for the task. Dterlur De-jariiu- nt -nd all toe bure»os sand of which the land is composed so that when the locality of the fire bery of the old National bank of God sees the sweet flowers growing. to bo a nuisance to anybody. But 1 Hers not to cling to what she saw out- Jir.c-utoaiid Is ri-iidy to p'i>*n-ut«* i-InIum for —Fanny r. Hatts. The boys were opposed to the Lou- began to form into dimes, and the sit- was learned, there was naturally a Grand Rapids, which occurred but a noticed one day when she got a sud- worn. tb'ne ilntt may iK-entiiifd to petuiua bounty. It appears that Patti's backer said isiana Tigers at Antietam, a regiment uation is becoming serious to the own- rush of friends and relatives to the short time ago, and for which her son, den ache she upset her prayer stool She planned anew, based on her ancient farewell to about 140,000 when she of men with half Irish blood. When ers of surrounding property. Adjoin- scene. How the fire started Is not Charles M. Rice, Is now serving a in a rush to the medicine closet.— nKht. •aid farewell to America. A fabric, stromc Time's wasting to defy the regiments clashed there was real R. E. SPRIN'GETT ing fields have been covered with sand known, but it blazed up and had the five-year sentence at Jackson. Re- "Joshua l.arrabee in Boston Herald. Then turned her thought to choose from to a depth of several inches and the appearance of being of greater pro- out the West. fighting. For six hours the battle cently Mrs. Rice was given a week to Wh ite'er htr wisdom taucht w/>uld serve ATTORNEY AT t.AH' A man never feels so flattered as dune threatens to make farming in portions than It realf; was. filling waged without the sign of either yield- reveal the hiding place of the money, Fish Put to Many Uses. her best; when a woman tells him he is the only Its vicinity impossible. The matter the building with smoke. Fortunately And now she stands queen of the rising ing. The Sixty-ninth won the day, General Law Practice and Collections but she absolutely refused to make In Gloucester, the "kins town' of East. who ever could understand her. has been referred to the forestry de- all th»» pupils got outside of the build- To lead its peoples higher paths to try. but at .a considerable cost. The lx)u- sny such statement She strenuous- fish, the humble cod has been utilized Office City Bank Blocic. Lowell. partment of the agricultural college ing without a single mishap, instanc- Till nation* clash no more, and wars Islana Tigers who lived through the ly objected to the sentence, telling the with success for making leather for have ceased. Approximately speaking, how long and. If possible, steps will be taken to ing the usefulness of the fire drill in war went on record as stating that the court that she was too old for hard shoes and gloves. In Egypt men walk —Archibald Hopkins, in Harper's Weekly. 4o you think it will take John L. Sul- prevent further injury to surrounding such an emergency. There was very Sixty-ninth gave them the hottest bat- DR. E. D. McQUEEN labor. on sandals made from th«' skins of livan to run through with that |4,000? property. Whenever the wind blows llttje damage done. tle of the war. VETERINARY ~JJ— Jr yw/'jQf7b&> Red Sea fish. In Russia certain peas- The Sixty-Ninth New York. the air is filled with sand, and it is SURGEON... Oil at Saginaw. ant costumes are beautifully trimmed With the laying of the cornerstone A real count has become a real doubtful if any vegetation will grow WORK OF PASTEUR INSTITUTE Surgeon General Harmon, A meeting of the Ypsllanti Business They sat on the end of tlie pier, wanted to tell you some other '.hinge. with the skins of a fine food fish, the the first real work in the construction Dentistry and Surzi" * Sp/cialtf. aonk in Bohemia More often they upon the tract. Comrade George A. Harmon, M. D., make monks of two syllables uf them- Men's Association was held to discuss watching the waves flash opaleocent That Is why I brought you out here turbot Bookbinders in Europe are of the new Sixty-ninth regiment arm- Lrsrrx, Fttd an J Sale Barn — Ccnneelim. Thirty-eight Persons Have Been the present surgeon general of the •elve«. the oil prospects, which are ranldly tints In the moonlight The notes where It Is quiet First, will you binding books with eelskin. ory. in Lexington avenue, between Both Pbooei No. 35. LOWELL, MICH. Importing Russian Labor. Treated at University of Michigan. Grand Army of the Republic, resides developing In that city. The meeting of the Marine band, struggling kindly slip off that ring and give it to Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, The Tawas Sugar Company is Im The first year of the Pasteur Insti- was attended by a number of oil and at I^incaster, Ohio, where for many Possibly those good people who are through the evening concert on '.he me?" .Cost of Torpedoes. will be .begun, says the New York porting Russian labor from Nebraska tute of the University of Michigan gas experts from other fields. The years he has been one of the leading moving to make wars less terrible are piazza of the San Marco, came faintly "Do you think I am that sort?" she Since the war began In the Orient Herald. and Kansas for work In the sugar bee ended April 1. During this time there present outlook Is that oil In paying physicians. He was born and reared unintentionally moving to make wars out to them. asked hotly. "Do you think I prom- and so much has been printed abcait The Sixty-ninth got Its name, the For Fire Insnranci fields about Bay City. About ISO have been thirty-eight persons under quantities has been struck, as the old In Franklin, Ohio, but in 1862 his frequenL "Don't you feel the least qu^ims at ised to marry you to desert you at a torpedoes, many people have asked in "Fighting Sixty-ninth," soon after the Russians, men, women and children treatment, thirty-seven of whom were Worman well, put down nineteen father removed to Indiana, and there ...CALL ON... the thought of leaving to-morrow?" time like this?" amazement why those implements beginning of the war. As an Illustra- have arrived at the factory. They were from Michigan, and one from Ken- years ago. still shows an escape of he volunteered In a company of Heave a sigh for the late Old Mose, the girl asked lightly, "I know," he argued, "that is very should cost so much. A good torpedo tion of the fierce fighting which this F. D. EDDY £& CO. brought in a special train and arrange- tucky: thirty-six were bitten by dogs, gas sufficient to light This gas comes strangers, asking for nothing and gel- the biggest grizzly uf He Rockies. He r "The deepest," the man responded, noble of you. But remember what made to order comes as high as regiment saw. It may be said that 572 infeuts will br made for such as desire one by a cat and one by a horse. The through 500 feet of water, which ting it. During his whole service he was a whole beef trust in himself, but gravely. "But then, the end comes to this means—years and years of wait- $5,000. Even ready made torpedoes were wounded and 162 killed outright. to setUe In the vicinity, while those treatment has been successful In all would drown It unless It was under was on<* of the men behind the guns. ie never denied IL * all things, you know-#ind it comes ing, probably. A man can lose In a are by no means cheap, as they cost Including many ofilcers. It was the who wish to return may do so at the cases so far, none of the patients hav- heavy pressure. He served In Company H of the rather quickly to one's funds at these cay what it takes a lifetime to re- sixth on the list of fatalities of all expense of the company when the ing developed the disease, either dur- 82,500 apiece at wholesale rates. Eighty-fifth Indiana volunteers, and I A Boston paper refers to the present winter resorts." place—what can sometimes never bo regiments which fought throughout Sail Rising Bread season closes. The sugar company has ing or after treatment In addition to Delays Salisbury's Sentence. replaced. I cau't subject you to such was a sergeant when discharged, June qjpring as "a climatical cataclysm." Is a large acreage of its own and can The girl laughed. Superstition in Korea. the civil war. 12, 1863. His captain testifies that the persons who received treatment, a Judge Newnham's bench in the su- / "For a man that has thrown bli conditions. You are young, and the One of the notable exploits in the A any wonder that Boston is some- not secure help in the district. number have come to the Institute for perior court at Grand Rapids was oc- No Korean couple would think of he was in every battle in which the limes astonished at itself? money nbout broadcast as you have. doors of the world are open to you. history of the regiment was the gal- a Specialty... advice regarding bites from animals, marrj-ing without consulting the sage. regiment was engaged, and he always cupied by Judge Wolcott, who listened It seems to me you're growing very lant work before Petersburg. The where the circumstances were such SZPJ -/ziDmc-sQfQFr This he does simply by adding the found him to be a "true, upright, hon Nearly Up to Saginaw. to a motion made by Assistant Prose- saving all at once." she said. Sixty-ninth was under fire for three There is a great deal in this theory Bay county patriots are Juhlliatlng that they could be assured there was cuting Attorney Ward asking that sen- bride's age to the bridegroom's, and. est and soldier, facing death In •£' behl's Mrs. Frederic Schoff. who presided nile Court Law that was passed In •*T sha'n't throw much more money days and asked to assault position tlhat music may arouse even the feeble no danger. A number of specimen" tence be again deferred on Lant K. after determining which star rules the more than a dozen battlefields, never over the fact that apportionment of at the Natloual Congress of Mothers Pennsylvania in 1902 was placed on broadcast," he said, grimly. after position. There was never a where yon will nlwUnd ail to manifestations of intense activity. have been examined, also, from ani- Salsbury. The request was granted destiny of their united ages, he de- flinching in the performance of any primary school money, given on a at Chicago. Is a Phlladelphlan and was the statute books largely through her "Good for you. Tod!" she cried, ap- moment when the "Fighting Sixty tlie producU of « Take "Bedelia," for instance. mals supposed to have been rabid, and Salsbury will not be sentenced un- crees that the wedding shall take duty and always obeying orders." The Cl««-8ak*ry—H<*,r«krs basis of children of school age. gives re-elected president of the organiza- efforts, and its result has been to re- V prevlngly. "It's really time you took ninth" was not ready to respond. The Cvukto, DonucbU, Bun*, Bay county within 13.000 as much as which have not bitten human beings. til the next term of the superior court, place upon the day sacred to that brigade In which the Eighty-fifth In all klnda of Brand, etc. tion a year ago. For many years Mrs. move children entirely from appear- life seriously." gritty Irishmen rushed the trenches The New Jersey justice of the Saginaw county. Bay. with fourteen which begins In September. star. diana was was taken prisoner by Van Onre a curtomer, always Schoff has been conspicuous In socie- ance In criminal courts. Mrs. Schoff "I sha'n't waste any more money," of the southerners time a,nd time pekce who married six persons in St townships and a trifle over half the Large Water Tank. Dorn's division March 5, 1863, and • rn-iomer. ties that have for their object im- has a beautiful home in Philadelphia he said slowly, "for the simple reason again, their wild yells ringing out minutes Tuesday has almost equaled i area of Saginaw county. Is credited Between 16,000 and 17,000 barrels of upon being exchanged re-entered the Plenty of Principals. provements In the laws that relate to I can't; and I shall take life seriously Match Making in France. across the blood-stained field, their the record of South Dakota for di- water will be required to fill the ex- and has seven children of her own, field. Joining Sherman at Chattanooga with 22.000 children of school age Everywhere In the state a shortage the care of children. The new Juve- because ! sm forced to It" Eight hundred tons of sulphur were officers always at the front Torce. perimental tank to be used In the to whom she is devoted. V; for the Atlanta campaign. He waa while Saginaw, with twenty-seven of teachers is reported, but there used in France last year In making 'Tod," she said qalskly. "tcttng In those awful charges men went with the advance column which en townships, has slightly over 27.000 study of marine engineering at the doesn't seem to be any trouble about matches. The daily consumption was •Kae grim, hidden meaning In his down by the score. The regiment tered Atlanta, and was on the sklr An article In one of the monthly children. University of Michigan the coming getting principals or superintendents MADE IT MUTUAL SECRET. '•COIN" HARVEY AN EDITOR. three per head of the population. Nothing has ever equalled it aagadnes says that some dining room college year. This tank, which Is In words, "what is It? What has hap- never paused, nor did It falter. Its mish line at the entrance into Savan of schools. Supt Jolllffe of Escanaba Match making Is a monopoly of the Nothing can ever surpass it papers cause Indigestion to sensitive the new engineering building. Is one pened?" brave commanders had seen many a nab. He took part In the battles ol Donates Land for Station. resigned and forty applications for his Convivial Gentleman Very Glad to Be Free Sllverite Publishing Newspaper "Oh, nothing much," Ve said quiet- French government to which it yields people. It took a bright mind to think of the largest under cover in the coun- wild moment during the three years Aversboro and Bentonville, the lasl The supervisors' of Midland coun position have been received. For the Assured of Silence. in Arkansas County. ly. "except that after to-n^it you will an annual revenue of 85.000.000. of thaL try. It Is 320 feet long. 22 feet wide they had fought their way south, and great battles of the war. At the clost ty have donated a strip of land from position of principal of the high school Gov. Joseph K. Toole of Montana and from 10 to 12 feet deep. At one "Coin" Harvey has begun the pub- be relieved of my society. To morrow many of the men with them were in of the war he studied medicine at and Dr. King's the rear of the courthouse block in In the same city twenty-five applica has a lawyer friend who has the fac- lication of a paper In Monte Ne, Ben- Japanese Servants. If It Is a fear of Peru that causes the end Is a dry-dock. There te machin- I face the world with a clean slate. the thick of hot scrimmages, but June was graduated from the Ohio Medical Midland to the Pere Marquette rail Uons have been received. ulty of always being able to say the ton county, Ark., a place which ho I shall have a taste of earning my The Japanese women have no ser- Chileans to hesitate In annexing an- ery for testing the model ships, which I 16, 18 and 22, 1804, are three days in College, then from Bellevue hospital road on condition that It be used for right thing at the right time. One vant problem to solve, simply because other slice of territory to their do- are here tested at the rate of 800 feet founded and named some years ago. dally bread." tho calendar of the Sixty-ninth that and passed through every course ol New Discovery passenger depot grounds. The com evening he started home rather the they do not look down on servants as stain It must be a fear of recent per minute. By variations in the bal- Wants to F>ll in Mill Race. It may or may not be significant that "You don't mean " she began In saw the regiment immortalized. Instruction with honor. He Is' past .^HrifPTIO* rrfca pany will rebuild Its station burned worse for wear, having been to a stag such. Visitors bow as low to servants For OtnilHa.4 Crowth. lasting. the models can be tested for The Ann Arbor railroad company Is Benjamin F. Wlnchell, president of amazement These same boys had been at Wind medical director. Department Ohio C5 some months ago, of either brick or dinner. His Idea of location was as to their mistress, and If the mis- different trimmings. seeking to condemn part of the mill tho Rock Island road, is a stockholder "That's just what I do mean," he sor. fighting earnestly and stubbornly G. A. R.. and ex-vice president of the stone, and it will be one of the finest somewhat hazy, but by accident he tress is away the servants serve tea That Albany centenarian who Is race In the Huron river at Ann Arbor In the paper, which is called the said. "Those western failures have Vaughn's Run. Spottsylvanla, where Ohio Association of ex-Prisoners ol A Perfect For All Throat and on the road. took the right street, though he was and entertain the visitors. growing a new set of teeth and new Trees for Forestry Farm. so that It can fill In with dirt In under Monte Ne Herald. Mr. Harvey's name wiped me clean off the map. 1 haven't Company H distinguished itself by the War. He has been commander Cure: Lung Troubles. unable to find his home. A bright Idea "I give It back on one condition." hair should sell the exclusive rights The first material for stocking the the bridge. The Michigan Milling Co. appears as "assistant editor" merely, a cent In the world, and consequently must conspicuous and stubborn fight- his post and has filled other offices ol Money back if it fails. Trial Bottlas fraa. In Jail for Obeying Orders. came Into his befuddled brain. He to himself to some patent medldne "Saginaw Forest Farm," which is a the City Ice Co.. and Mrs. Charles his son, Thomas W. Harvey, being set I can't afford to stay any longer at an It may be hard now, but you'll forget Government Pays Low Wages. ing of that awful day; Black water, honor and responsibility among hit Herman Durbln, a boy. was arrest- would Inquire at the nearest house. company. large tract just west of Ann Arbor Kayser are resisting the proceedl'jgs. down as editor. Mr. Harvey says the expensive place like this." me presently. It is better that you The British government continues Edonton Road, Tolopotomy, Clover comrades. ed at Adrian for stealing a ride, and He rang the bell and the daughter of The girl clasped her little hands to- and the gift of Regent Arthur Hill The hearing of testimony beforf the paper will be used "as an educational should." to be denounced by the workers' union HIII and Antletam. was given one hour to get out of the house appeared. She knew him, A Russian cartoon represents a big to the university, has arrived. It is commisFloa was adjourned until medium" and that he "would like to gether and knit her brows. She seem- "Tod!" There was a world of re- for the low wages paid at government The battle of Antletam gave the Third Battle of Bull Run. town. In order to make sure that he June 16. and when he asked i.er in as clear educate the people to want and make ed trying to grasp the full import of work shops, shipyards, arsenals and! — ~ Ooesack spanking a little Jap. Doubt- gift of 500 specimens of forest proach in her voice. s,x, r n,n,h ,t8 reaU;st Major General Corbln will fight tht would get out in time he stole a bi- tones as he was capable of to tell him gun factories, but all denunciations ) B opporlMnHy. less the Ccssack Is saying: *T hate trees, consisting of ninety species, better roads." He adds: "I will try his words. "Better give It back to me, he ad - The regiment was exposed to a tcr- third battle of Bull Run. The genera cycle which was standing in front of where his house was she pointed to It to do this, for It hurts me more than from Robert Douglas" Sons, forest tree Poor Railroad Service. to teach the Importance of promoting "It's awful!" she exclaimed. fised. and resolutions seem to have no rifle fire throughout the action staff of the army Is now engaged an office and rode out of town on It. The governor's friend thanked her THE BEST it does you." nurserymen of Waukegan, III. The Sanilac Centre has just had a goojl and preserving the common good— "Isn't It?" he said dryly. She covered her face with her hands feet The famous corn field was crossed upon Improving the strategy of Gen He was caught later and locked up. effusively and many times. In order trees will be set out at once on the lesson on the Insufficiency of the rail- local, state and national—and will, as "And you're going home to-mor- and began to sob. He watched her ami recrossed a dozen times, until the eral "Stonewall" Jackson In what to cut short the conversation the Prof. Sparks of Chicago university Saginaw Forest Farm under the di- road service In that section of the the subject develops. I believe, point row?" she asked. with all a man's helplessness at such Swln Law Little Observed. position had been won, but at terrible regarded by military strategists as ih< THE MARKET Wom'.r. Wants Damages. young woman sala: "Don't mention "Home?" He laughed recklessly. says the American people no longer rection of the forestry department state. A firm of produce buyers who out the remedy for the Ills with which a moment The killing of birds is forbidden In cost to the regiment. The bullets of most masterly campaign of the civl' Mrs. Elizab'tn Cramp of SL Clair It; don't mention it" "I never will "My dear child, why on earth should of the university. had been paying out 1100 a day to civilization is embarrassed and suf- "I—I thought you cared mor« tnan the Swiss Canton of Tessln, and lust the confederates had practically deci- waY If you won't" was the reply of the I go home? There's absolutely noth- AFFORDS Chicago university farmers of the vicinity has had to re- fering—a non-partisan remedy—and that," she said chokingly. year the rural police confiscated over mated the regiment The endurance From Portland, Me., which nevei against the Rapid Railway company lawyer. brand of originality. Fishermen Are Fined. move from there because it took ten one that will be practical and ef- ing there for me. Even worse; there "Cared!" he said, wildly, "cared! 20.000 traps and nets. Nevertheless, of the Irishmen on this day was won- came nearer to war than seeing in the for injuries received In alighting from fective." are a hundred and one men who have For fishing In Canadian waters days or more to get their produce into Good God! Have you any Idea how the birds are offered for sale In the derful. They never seemed to tire, offing Spanish fieets which never ex Is none too jrood for one of the company's cars a year ago. PARKHURST MAKES A PROTEST. been" waiting for the chance to Jump The Japanese have invented an In- without a license, Richard Welsh and Detroit, where they marketed It. much I care? Let me tell you then. markets with Impunity. and when night fell they were still Isted, the army maneuvers will bt those who buy their She claims the car was stopped In an on me when I'm down. Home? Well. extinguishable combustible for use Charles Evans, two Port Huron men. GERALD DE BATHE IN LUCK. I have cared so much I have stayed busy, firing and reloading as though transferred this year to Manassas, Va unsafe place and that she sustained Noted Minister Will No Longer Have < * I should rather say not Bentley has in their business, and the Russians were fined $16.90 each or one month Knights of Pythias Hall. here until I am well nigh penniless Korean Houses. their work had Just begun. The offi- which still bears the marks of the Inj.-.rles of a permanent character. Sermons Garbled. Jersey Lily Gives Her Husband Set of offered me a job on bis rubber reserve GROCERIES are now casting about for an incom- In Jail by Magistrate Gorman of the The Knights of Pythias of Marshall Come what might, 1 was bound to be The average Korean lives In cers distinguished themselves, but no heavy blows dealt by blue and gray Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst of New Magnificent Studs. in South America. I'm going there to- bustible extinguisher. Sarnia police ccurt. The men had are contemplating the erection of a with you until the last cent was gone thatched cottage having three rooms more so than the enlisted men. forty-two years ago. Two Attempts at Suicide. York declares that he is tired of hav- morrew." here. Everything been fishing In Sarnia bay when they hall to cost in the neighborhood of Evidently Lily Langtry bad a profit- I have stayed until there Is nothing in a row. The kitchen fire Is at one Then came the battles of Hatcher's For the first time an opportunity John Morrish of Flushing made ing his sermons "garbled in the news- The girl looked at bis face turned left—until It becomes necessary for will be afforded for effective compari in season, and prices Again the price of diamonds has were run down hy the Canadian offi- 110,000, and definite plans have been able visit to America last winter, be- (•nd and UB chimney at the other, the | str„„elTJ. p,„„ ,nd two attempts to kill himself, while he papers and will henceforth give no to hers In the moonlight It was a been advanced, and another Increase cers in a naptha launch. A third arranged towards starting the project cause she bought for her husband,. me to go over to the town to-morrow Hue passing under the rooms warms Heights. In this last engagement the sons between the old army which within reason. was despondent. In the morning be copies of his discourses to the press strong, determined face, the face of a is not impossible. This should show member of the party. Wm. Valentine. A hall capable of accommodating a Gerald De Bathe, some shirt studs that to pawn my evening clothes and Sixty-ninth assaulted a stone wall fought and the new army which if took a dose of laudanum, but was unless he is assured that at least man who asks odds of no one. She them. Orders by 'Phone the young man who Is planning to get Jumped from the boat and made good large assembly of people Is badly a duke might envy. These are cabo- watch to get my passage money down nine times before it was won. The being trained to fight. Can the mod pumped out In time. In the afternoon enough of bis sermon Is published to felt a sudden tightening of her throat. eagaged the peril of delay. his escape by swimming ashore. needed, as at present there is no chon rubles of good size and each there. I have cared like the desperate confederates put up one of the most ern armament and the methods ol promptly attended he swallowed five grains of strych- give a clear and accurate meaning of "When did you know this?" she American Rice Consumption. hall of any size in the city. Is surrounded by a rim of diamonds. gambler who plays the game to his resistances of the war. transportation which have developed to. nine. and the physician came back what he said. This decision followed asked him. The per capita consumption of rleo; stubborn Prefers to Carry Mail. The studs *ere purchased from a last farthing. That's the way I care." in the United States was three pound-,] Fighting their way almost to the muz- forty years from the days when Pope It's a question whether the Histori- and saved his life again. a request for a copy of a sermon he "The day after I came here," he Jay E. Beckcr of Lapeer received Fifth avenue jeweler and the price he ended hoarsely. in 1900, is five pounds now, and the zies of the guns, which were spitting and Leo raced from their respective cal Society of Pennsylvania, which Fire Fighters Resign. delivered on the higher criticism of , said. "Perhaps you recall It We went notice from the postoffice department was more than 81.000. Gerald De The man and girl faced each other Agricultural Department says that It lead with fearful accuracy, the Irish bases to the battleground change the McCarty & Co. has just secured a copy of "Poor Will is Not SusUined. All but two members of the fire de- the Bible—suggested by the confer- to Spider Pond that afternoon, and | at Washington that he would cither Bathe Is known In London as one ot in silence; he with tense, drawn face; lads reached the barrier, only to be result of their maneuvers? Twenty Grocers. Richard s Almanac" for |5C5. basat Tho jury In the Trahilcex will case partment at Lapeer have resigned be- ence of the American Bible league. you railed me for being stupid." will go to forty. have to give up his position as rurJ the best dressed men In England. He she with a wonderful light in her eyes. hurled back. Reonjanlzing, they as- two thousand modern soldiers will be paid too dear for Its whistle. at Ann Arbor returned a verdict In cause of dissatisfaction over the re- The minister feared that his position "And yet you have stayed on here mall carrier or resign as an alderman. affects conspicuous clothes, but there She drew the ring from her finger and saulted the position time and time used to test the prowess of the an which they failed to sustain the will. appointment of A. B. Wadsworth as would be misunderstood and threat- for two weeks," she said accusingly. Persian Date Palms. Bccke- h?-*- been a mail carrier for Is a certain distinction about bis ap- laid it in his big. brown hand. again, until the torn remnants of the cient armies of the rebellion and The sultan is very much pleased chief, and If a fire should break out 1It1 Iis estimateVDiiuiaicdu tha«.*•«•t* ..vno» .^fewew ^ r than The proponents will appeal to the su- several years and was elected alder- ened to make trouble for the reporter pearance that counteracts the effect "You are wise," he said heartily. prove what would have happened had with his new cruiser. He has had now a volunteer department would ten millions of date palms are scat-! regiment cleared the wall and planted preme court and in the meanUme Mrs. man over a year ago. He has resigned who should place him in a false attl- of his "loud" clothes. To his friends She looked at him searchingly. the commanders who^e names maiVc occasion from time to time to Inspect Jenn'.e Ellis will go ahead and try have to be depended upon. tered from the mouth of the Persian 1i their colors over the spot where the and a special election to provide an ude. he is known as "Jlggy" De Bathe. The "I give It hack on one condition." confederaie. s, hat dt fought so bitterlj,|, y history possessed Krag-Jorgenson eo many visiting war ships that he io ha' e deeds set" aside given by the Guif to beyond the region of Bagdad. all^rman will be held. Jersey Lily refers to him as "Jlggy.'" she said. and perslsiently rifles, Dougherty wagons and the new ought to know a good one when be deceased before his death. Sheep Are Weakened. BROUGHT RICH MAN TO TIME. seesit. They see little of one another. "Jlggy" "And that?" There was grim fighting at Fred- army field gun. Bridge Contract Is Let An Investigation by a veterinary af counts the king among bis friends, but "You must pawn It" Blow Restores Eyesight ericksburg, Deserted House, North Scattered Smallpox. Missouri Judge Allowed No Shirking At Dresden a blind man crossing a The township boards of Florence the supposed disease that has besn be has never entered the set in which "Pawn It?" he gasped. "Not this. 1 Anna, and the first Bull Run, in which "Dames of the Mexican War.'* A man found praying for Russell Ray Allen, the student who went of Civic Duty. street was struck on the head by a and Constantine met to receive bids killing eff so many sheep :n Alpena his wife moves. He loathes anything^ can't" the regiment played a conspicuous And now it Is the Mexican war. We Kage in .front of Russell's house In frrm Tpsilanti with the smallpox, ex- for the construction of a steel bridge county the past few weeks shown Circuit Judge Perkins of Jasper that approaches society, but Is some- "You must," she said. cart. It was then found that the shock part. It hail been attached to the hear from Washington, D. C.. that a New York has been adjudged insane, jiosing ocnntless people en route. Is over the St. Joseph river, between that is was nut a disease at all. but county. Missouri, sticks to the old- thing of a clubman. "Will you tell me why I must?" ha has restored the man's sight. First brigade. Sumner's division, camp of "Dames of the Mexican War" but. of course, this doesn't Indicate said to have had no suspicion of the Florence and Constantine. Ten firms that the long cold winter has simply fashioned idea that a rich man ought said, watching It flash In the dim Army of the Potomac, from December has recently been organized in that that Cncle Russell is regarded as past r.tnse of his illness when he left. He were represented and bids ranged from been too much for the sheep. to obey an order of court Just as a Believed in Outdoor Life. light. Walled City Missionaries. 1861. It was In the Second brigade city. Its membership Is comprised of praying for. Tint .to his home to soe his lather, $5,500 to SS.450. The contract was less fortunate citizen. J. W. Grounds, "To—to pay my passage down there Missionaries are at work in 247 Richardson's First division. Second the descendants of the commissioned xno is ill. and bad planned the trip Charles Edward Herrell, an eccen- awarded for the former amount Saloon at Tekonsha. a wealthy Carthage man, was sum- tric character well known In Wash- with you, Tod," she said with burning of the walled cities of China. There corps. Army of the Potomac, later officers who served In the Mexican An Albany, N. V.. man who fought f-r some days. moned the other day as a Juror. He For twenty years Tekonsha fought ington, died recently at Berryville^ chteks.—San Francisco Call. are still 1.500 walled cities without the regiment being discharged under war. The name of thf Washington in the war of 1812 is cutting new bluntly told the deputy sheriff who Paving at lona. with success against having a saloon, Va., from an attack of pneumonia at missionaries. Colonel Nugent June 30, 1865, near organization Is Camp Coufreras, in teeth and getting a new crop of hair Grand River Peach Crop. served him that he was too busy and After numerous delays, the depart- but this spring a man succeeded In the age of 75 years. Herrell had not Birthdays at the Landis Home. . Alexandria. Va. honor of the battle of Contreras on top of his head. He has not gone The horticulturists of the Grand would not come. Judge Perkins Im- fought on Aug. 20. I'vl7. The ofilcers ment of public works of lona has securing a license. In honor of his slept in a bed or In a bouse for thirty Representative Charles B. I^andls Poor Pay for Jap Girls. | |n tlip (.nKaSemenl at Peach Orch so far, however, ae to put on a Petsr River valley report that their present mediately issued an attachment for of Camp Contrera:1 are: DlMrict com completed its Job of brick paving and victory over the anti-ssloonists he has years, as ho contended that lack of of Indiana, recently had a birthday For making 1,000 clKarettes in a j arij tj,0 sixty-ninth suffered severely Tomkins waisL estimate is for about one-third of a him and fined him 815. His honor an- the citizens are Justly proud of the named bis thirst parlor "Wegota Sa- ventilation was largely responsible for and Mrs. Landis, to give him a sur- Japanese factory a girl gets 8 sen. One hundred and eight men were mandant. Mrs. Ixuiisf Kenaday-Hare; crop of peaches this year. nounced that business could not serve improved appearance of the streets. loon." disease. During all that time he never prise, went out and bought many pret equal to 4 cents killed and wounded and forty-two were first vice comman'i.int. Miss Mary Now that a rich New Yorker has as a valid excuse, adding for the Infor- Dosha; second vice .ommamlanl. Mrs had a day's sickness. In the mmmer ty things for his room. The ,ist In mlss'ng. This Is an evidence of tho placed an order with M. Santos Du- WoodsmEn Is Killed. mation of Mr. Grounds that to serve Howard F. John-on; third vie com Turns in False Alarms, Profit in Potatoes. he slept under a tree or in cemeteries, eluded trays, doilies and little knick Novel Writing m Japan. j fighting which the Sixty-ninth was xnont for an elaborate fiying machine Liberty Clark, a woodsman near on a Jury was one of the most impor- mandant, Mr- Diana K-arney Powell; The fire alarm Joker is loose In Ma- A Greenville man raised twelve using a grave as a pillow, and In win- knacks for his dresser. Until a decade ago novel writing ca]i«(| upon to do. It Is little wonder for his personal use. It looks as If an- Grayling, was killed by being run tant duties resting upon the citizen— rine City again and the council has of- acres of potatoes last year, and after When Mrs. Landis' birthday camo was not considered a respectable pro-1 that tho regiment was recruited from secrelary. Miss Alice Reynolds; corre other of Edward Bellamy's drtiimsby a pair of logging wheels ter he slept In an open shed. Herrell fi Jones' Livery fered a reward of 825 for his appre- saving enough for this year's seed, business that interests the entire com- along Mr. Landis decided to surprise spomiinu seen tary, Miss Nannie coming true. which he was driving. served under Stonewall Jackson dur- On the end of the pier. fension in Japan. New York eight timee. hension. has sold the crop for 81.510. munity. Heth; tre:;.-tin r. .Vi>s Aimco Powell; ing the civil war. "I have stayed as long as the money her with a few presents. Wbat\ did The record of the Sixty-ninth before you get her?" asked Itepresentatlvo p gist r. Mi.- s Marl* Stockton Barnes A St Louis judge has decided that | Farmer Swallows Strychnine, Eminent Men to Make Speeches. I bad with me—all the money I had Adopt American Methods. | Fredericksburg is one of the cher- historian. Miss Elizabeth Bryant John Upper Peninsula Fair. Cows Pasture in Streets. He Got the Cane. Hlldebrant of Ohio. Will give you flrat-clasH tbs young woman's father has a right; Respondent because his engagement While the president hlmtelf does in the world, for that matter—lasted," The wholesale textile firms of Leip- iBbed memories of the war. The tnon ton. These ladles are all prominent service at moderate price*. Upper peninsula people are still Mayor Mason of Gladstone recently Jones had been commissioned by "Oh, 1 bought a couple of boxes ol w to go downstairs after 11 o'clock and to an Indiana young woman had been not expect to deliver political a be said. sic, Germany, have determined 'th the ferocity of tigers, niembers of the Daughters of the i talking about a fair for that portion announced his Intention of enforcing his friend George to bid for an old good cigars, a pound or two of smok- interrupt the proceedings, either by broken. Charles Shearer, a young speeches during the approaching cam- "Wasn't that rather Imprudent?" have bargain sales on stated days of; suffering from the enfilading fire and Ameriran Revolution. Good hor*PH and inoderti of the state, but have decided that it the cow ordinance to the letter, but cane, which was to be sold, with other | ing tobacco, and a fine meerschaum force or otherwise. He evidently farmer of California township. Branch paign, it Is known that several mem- she asked. tho year. running into tho very mouths of the carriages, bulb elugln on J is too late to think of holding one his ardor was dampened when he as- family pieces, at auction., but he was pipe," Mr. l-andis said.—Pitsburg Dis- j enemy's guns and artillery. The rep- thinks he can be re-elected without county, committed suicide by bers of the cabinet will take an active "Is It imprudent for a man who Is Has an Active Conscience. double. swal- this year. The project will probably certained the price of a mowing ma- under orders not to exceed 812. Jones patch. i imont lost twenty-four klllod and the boy vote. losing strychnine. part in the contest. Secretaries Taft, Ir going to a perdition of a wilderness to Congressman Greene of Massachu be pushed next year. chine necessary to keep the grass cut started at 81 and went rapidly up to Murder Common In Madrid. ! ninety-four wounded. In May. IS'II Shaw, Moody, Wilson and Attorney drain his cup of happinesa to the last setts has received from a lady in his In the streets, and thus remove temp- 810 against a competitor, and before German Immigration Increases. Five or six murders in one day are at Spottsylvanla Court House, the reg- East Side. The 'Thumbnail edition" of the Bi- To Repair Fire Damage. General Knox are ail expected to de- la dregs before he leaves?" said he. district a letter accompanying Mie re Cleanest Streets in Michigan. tation from the lowing klne. he realized It he had bid 820, and tfte Statistics for the last year show not an Infrequent occorrence In Mad- iment was again called upon to carry ble. which ie so small that it cannot The board of statf auditors made an liver Important speeches, and some "Perhaps not," she admitted. turn of a lol of seeds he hail sent to Nenr Hotel Millersburg claims to have the cane was his. A friend over the tele- that 36,310 native GermQus left their rid. out one of the most trying orders of Lowell. be read without the aid of a micro- allowance of IM04.04 to the state cleanest streets of any town of its of them will speak many- times. It Is He threw his cigar Into the water her. She says she did not believe in Lowell. Boyne City Pest House. phone that evening to George: "I country to live abroad. The vast mc the day. In that memorable assault soope. is in great demand in England. prison board at Jackson for the pur- size and age in the state. It would ssld also that Speaker Cannon will and watched It float lazily away on the distribution of seeds by the gov Owing to the prevalence of contag- tried hard to get a cane for you this Jorlty camo to this country. This Is Use American Couplers. the members of the regiment were It has not been discovered, however. pose of repairine the damage done by be a good thing all around if every ious diseases In Boyne City a pest make an extensive tour of the country afternoon, but I knew you would be the tide. a considerable increase over 1902 and American self-acting couplers are to! ^ , . . . emment and. therefore, could not ac that there has been sjiy increase in fir^ on March 28 to the shops at the other place in the state would try to campaigning wherever his services "I wanted you to know all these hot J,own ln preal numhcrH , ut not house has been eilablished just out- angry at my going above 820, to I 1001. be used oa Bararian railways. I onc" e was there a waver, th-e 'remain- ccpt his preffor. •hs uls of microscopes. Institution. ] capture this distiECtion. side the town. seem to be needed most. didn't bid In." things before I went" said be. "and I Two Camera Bargains. 1 Taft proves himself most Valuable at I have for sale a x 8)^ Telephoto Swcct-Whitncy the capltoi, alili.iiigh his judgment car I'oeo it. camera, one of the best on 1 ries great weight. It is in the eonsld- the market, also plateholders, print- eration r»f p;iri> poliries. in which the ing frames, tripods etc. The price of Summer Normal president ami members of the senate tills on tilt is ?«i0, but if taken soon you can have It for |85 cash. Also a and house are mnMially interested, Training School SHREDDED ABOUT MEN AND EVENTS AT •I x 5 folding camera, ladders, tri- St doesn't pay you to make Uhe Shirt Waist Season 2/ou have Tlfissed Something that ealls intii play his most Talnablo pods, etc, for flU.OO cost .f22.50. -IN- WT THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. qualities of tactfuiness and politlral Either of t he above cameras will pay sense. Taft, is filling the place left for themselves in a short time. MUSICAL J. S. Adams, Lowell. your own Tlfuslin ^Underwear if you have not seen our line of summer goods in- vacant liy Eliini Root in a manner to KINDERGARTEN , opens and finds us with the largest, finest and eommand universal approval. AN IDEAL FARM DIVTSION cluding- the suitings, Grecian voile, poplin-de-soie, NO SYMPATHY FOR BURTON best assorted stock of shirt waists we have ever shown. Cnred UN Mother of RheunalKm, It fits you to tench lieglnners lawns, dimities, etc. The summer goods are cheaper How a WeU-Knowa Missouri Agri- We have the peau-de-soie, taffeta and Jap silks made up Army General Staff. "My mother lias lieen a sufferer for of all ages. All of our teachers if you are within reach of this store; and the peo- culturist Secures n Good Deal of have large classes. this year than ever before. nttdfe&w*- A j His Associates in the Senate Wish He Tho g< !i"ral staff of the army is many years with rheumatism," says ple are fast nndiog' out that the most economical way in the choicest styles. We sell the "Acorn Brand" in rapidly making itself obnoxious at the Profit and Comfort. W. 11. Howard, of lluHband, Pa. Would Resign—A Bit of His- "At times she was unable to movent Course Opens is to buy muslin wear at Collar's. the cotton waist "nuff sed." '•iipitol. The military affairs commit- July 18lh, 1904. tory—Problems for tiie all. while at all limes walking was t" .s of the senate and house resent The accompanying sketch shows the At Grand Rapids, Mich. painful. I presented her with a bot- War Secretary. what semis to he a growing disposition division of Mr. Decker's farm in Green tle of Cham berln In's Pain Balm end Write for terms—expenses low. on tho jiirt of Gen. Chaffee and his county. Mo. List year the crops raised after a few applications she decided Address Washington.—There is nn sympathy uhordinaies to control absolutely all were 40 acres of wheat. 40 ao-es of it was the most wonderful pain re- whatever amonu Senator Iturion's as- questions relating to military admlnis- corn, 40 acres of grass, in addition to liever sho'had ever tried, in fact, she MIM Whlthey sociates in thf> is never without It now and is at all i rat ion. Congress feels that the dis this there were 40 aires of pasture THE SWEET-WHITNEY CO. senate for the times able to walk. An occasional position of the army is a matter which divided into two lots, with a small The Qllbert. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. plight in whii-ii ' an he properly supervise.! by congrcss pasture next to the barn and feed lots. appleatlon of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formely he liml.-< himself, As will be noted Mr. Docker believes Course by correspondence if de- wjlh tho a distance of a civilian sec- troubled with." For sale by A. D. owing to his In tree planting and has a tract con- sired: Write for booklet. His retary. and it is not exai-tly clear why Sir mns. taking a retainer the little group of army officers com- fret*. Qfficc in U. B. Williams from a concern ADA HIGti SCHOOL prising the gmeral staff -houid be tho The DeLaval cream separator will LOCKS HER CREDITOR UP. Jewelry Store. which had busi- Cili. Phono 127 ultimate court of decision. do more and lietter work In less time m-ss before tlie Under Secretary Root, i<> whose abil- 4C foul and with less power than any other The Costly Trick of an Impecunious COMMENCEMENT EXERCISE Wood post olllce depart- ity and urgency the creation of thn make aud is the only separator that From Our Point of View French Countess to Escape An- nit nt. There is general staff Is due. there was less dis- In WAeort stands the test of time and constant MAY «7 AT AHA BAPTIST noyance During Reception. • ttd not a man in the position to control the whole business, service. Sold by Brown, Sehler & LL the'reliable patent modl- Ki nator Hurmn. senate of either McKay. jgfc A clnes advertised in tills pa- CHURCH and (Jen. Young, in the beginning, at per are sold by D. (i. LOOK, the When it comrs to dealing with Im- party who does not wish that ilurton any rate, was inclined to recognize the • THE LOWKMJ* LKUGKH and*Detroit Lowell Drug and Book man. portunate creditors there is a woman kV/77/ BfPPKS would resign and thus relieve what is superior authority of the civilian sec- JOto Free Press Farmer and Live Stock 40 tier fi .lournai, both weeklies, one year for THE LARUE CITY 18 THE POOR MAN'S HELL. HIS HOPE Twelve Graduates, Six Boys and hi this city, says a Doris report, a cer- rapidly becoming u very emltarrassing retary. When Mr Root went abroad to fnln counters, who is none too prompt situalion. At I ho same time tho sen- serve on the Alaskan boundary com- Six Girls. XO tirhtt In Mtadovf. 18 IN THE COUNTRY. In making settlement of her hills who (jar/ JCunter t Coal ate is not likely to take any steps in miaslim. however, the general staff be- TbiTut* Sunday's Detroit Free Press has the following: can give points to others who want to BISCUIT the case until after the courts have gan gradually to absorb the functions The commencement exercises ofthe dodge their creditors. finally passed on the question of Bur- of the secretary of war and to encroach "Men with larK? fnniiile* ninl working for a moileHt wage can lianlly Ada lligli school wiil lie held at tlie "Madam ia romtesse," it happened, and loirs-guilt or Innocence. upon the duties of the civilian admin- 10 — 40 Attn get housoH to live in in Detroit," Haid .lame* F. Ilili, agent for the Society- Baptist ciiureh ia that place on Fri- was givinf; one of the receptions for To expel him from the senate now, for Prevention of Crueity to rhihiren, yestenlay. "The IniKliorilH wiil not istrator of the department, so that day evening May Lllth at S o'clock, which she is famous. Her drawing- EXCURSIONS as time would like to do, would be iq when Root returned l.e foun 1 the staff X* C°rn rent to them beaiuse of the ehlldren and they do not m't enough money to VIA TUB with tlie following program: room was filled with dlBtinguisbed prejudge a case which is coming he- in the saddle. He had so little time own their own homes. The family of John J. Mnicaire. at 18:{ Twenty-«ee- Invocation—Be v. W. I). King. guests. Just ai the height of the fes- P M fur'' the higher courts on appeal, and to servo that he did not undertake to ond Htn?et. 1h iine »if many Instancen I might refer to. Salutatory—William Schenck. ERE ARQUETTE ROO TRtES tivities a maid held a whlspemi con- MA'iC "IIta hituation in bad hecauHe of tlie edict of tiie landiordR, hnt intiniteiy Foundations—Katie MeNaughton. AFTERTBE FLOOD the older senators in the hody do no* I curb the staff but left that unwelcome worae liei-aiiKe of the low wages paid him. lie geU oniy a day MM a ference with her ladyship. She was Grand Rapids Sunday May 29. Jmscuir — O OA* Kootprlnte—Esther Weldon. Be sure and want to do anything like that. A task for his successor, who, of course, common laborer and paya f9.00 a month n-nt. Thin take* part of iiin two Clnss History—Louis Stonebreaker. told that a woman was posted out in Rates 50 cents. I good many senators are sore iwenuse j lacked the prestige of having brought weeks' pay and, In order to get enough food and clothes for eigiit children, tnjjhem Fntlire of America—James Burt. the hall and would not leave until she Train will leave l.owell at 11:02a in. There will be repairs j Burton in his defense declared that ' the staff into existence. Secretary Taft Let us figure on your sidewalks and cement work the mother in obliged to work every day. Six of thechiMrenattendHCIIOOI, ('haracter—Ada Schenck. had been paid. She was a gownmaker 2 but the others are left at home without any one to watch and care for See posters, or ask Agents for par- | he had done no more than his asso- will have a merry time on his hands of all kinds. Having- secured the services of a competaut Ancient Koine—Earl Wride. and she wanted her money without ticulars. II. F. Moclier, G. P. A. that must be made. ciates and therefore could not propi when he fairly gets to work to bring them." Opportunities—Kansom Gibbs. man, we are now prepared to do this work. We guar- further delay. The insistent creditor Stale Convontioa at Urand Rapids. We are prepared to erly ho lilamod. the staff to a realization of the true ad- Patriotism—Eva Lawyer. The above is but one of many things that prove the large grew irate and raised her voice to such fill your wants in A little over a year ago Burton justment of its relations to the uni- PLAN OF IDEAL FAKM. antee you A No. 1 workmanship and reasonable prices. Importanee of Environment— a high pitch that the countess feared One fare plus 25 cents for round city to be the poor man's hell. It may be very well for the trip. Good koIiiv: May 17.and uiorn- wont to one of the oldest and most verse. talning 1,500 maple and cedar trees and George Haskin. her guests might hear what was go- rich with their mansions on fine avenues and for the well-to-do (Jlass Prophecy—Verne Bristol. Ing trains May Is. Good returiiiiiK I highly esteemed republican senat'irs in addition has trees planted along the ing on. Being a woman of wit and Valedictory—(5 race .lohnson. until May 1». ami told him he wanted a piece of ad- The Record Division. streets or roads. He also believes in Ecker & Foster 1 with their comfortable incomes. All of these can escape from having well-developed muscles, she Wall Paper and Presentation of Diplomas— j vice. He said that a sanitarium in Brig. Gen. F. C. Ainsworth, chief of good roads and ha& a strip of gravel the heat, smoke, foul air and dirt by Summer vacations in the seized the collector, pushed her Inf* Settler* Fares to the Soath and South- A. H. Martin. east | Kan as Wad a cash. Also a hy the sanitarium it did not come un Unction for a man who has won his way got to wash the children, ma'am. 4 x 5 folding camera, holders, tri- Crops for Higher Prices Is Not pure water for the household. Clothing, dry goods, groceries, FLYNNCJILBEKT TbeNatura/foodJa dor tiie class of work forbidden by to the confidence of successive secre- Chorus of Children — Oh, mamma, pods. etc. for $10.00 cost $22.r»0. W. S. Winegar. • Always Profitable. Rent applies Waqpra Falls HX . the statute. At the same time he told taries of war and members of congress meats, etc., can be bought as well, and mostly always better please engage her!—Tlt-Bita. Either of the above cameras wiil pay of both parlies by an exhibition of ex- than in the city; while fuel and farm produce can be bought at Ledger Employe Makes a Good for themselves in a short time. Drugs and Burton that a question of propriety The advantage to the farmer of stor- on Purchase Ilrram anil Awakrniaff. ,1. S. Adams. Lowell. was involved and that BO far as lie traordinary executive ability. first hands and very much cheaper. "Ittipreiisloa" and Secures a ing his grain and holding It till spring "There is a time." she said, "when was personally concerned he would When Gen. Ainsworth camo to the is not always represented by the In- The wife, if she wishes to add to the family income, can "Fat Take. ' Stationery. nearly every woman believes in luck, not think of accepting such employ- war department about a dozen years creased price he may get for it. The and also a time when she ceases to find all the work she can do, either going out by the day, or Miss Mary Flynn was married to ment. however every senator must do ago the records of the department wero shrinkage during the winter storage On the franklin all the writing is in plain sight. With taking the work to her home, earning nearly as much as her Zina (Jilbert Monday morning at believe in it" lli'trinnlni: Miiy Hrd and iimtlnulnit cido for himself as to the propriety in a state of chaos. It took days and must bo taken Into consideration, and during tho Siimmrr moiilhs iliis PERRMV " rn writing in sight, mistakes are niore easily corrected, there is no nine o'clock, at St. Mary's church. ''When are the two limes?" of his conduct. . That was the last [ sometimes weeks for the pension office, this shrinkage not infrequently more husband. Father Shehaii of Grand Rapids jter- OFFLL'O will IK! lifting of tho carriage and less work'all around4 Write for catalog "When she is engaged ami when aha May 1, 1W-I. heard of tho business until Burton whicli was dependent upon the depart- than offsets the increased price. The social, religious, moral and educational advantages of formed thecemnony with tlie nup- la married."—Chicago Post ment of records In the adjudication of tial high mass in tlie presence of rela- Trains leave Lowell &» foil owe: was Indicted, when the old senator In such cases It pays the farmer to the country are for poor people equal and in most cases super- Hie claims .to find out just what was tives and friends of tlie bride. Miss was mildly surprised to have Burton sell his grain as soon as it is in shape ior to those of the large city. Every housekeeper should know Openwn uvemnys€i For Detroit and EaM come up to him In the chamber one the record during the war of any given to go to the market. A good many CUTTER TOWER CO. Bertha Doyle acted as bridesmaid 10 54 am and tlie brhle'scousin. Will Flynn, as that If they will buy Defiance Cold day and calmly assert that he had soldier. Gen. Ainsworth, by the adop- investigations have been made to dis- Altogether, it is certain that while the city offers only a (RxrcptSftturdHy) For Toledo BDII South Is'st man. The bride was very pret- Water Standi for laundry use they Soft never before heard of Scetion 1.782 tion of a system of his own and hy cover the percentage of shrinkage in Boston, Tlfass miserable and hopeless existence for a life of toil, the country wiil save not only time, because It untif S o'clock. 10 54 nm tily dressed in white mull and wore For Qran4 am 8 65 pin nothing about it, but he was anything Immensely. also dressed in white and carried yel- each package contains 16 oz.—one Drinks... made It possible to find any given You poor, dragged-out city toilers, COME BACK TO full pound— while ail other Cold Offlcv 80-3 For Saginaw and Bar City but pleased later t9 learn that In his In some of the humid states and with low rows. After tho services tlie 7 48 am 5 47 pm GOD'S COUNTRY! Water Starches are put up Inft-pound testimony at St. Louis Burton had record within half an hour, and the early gathered crops the shrinkage ha? liridal party returned to the home of For Free port 4 85 pm extraordinary thing about it is that Mrs. Flynn where a wedding dinner packages, and the price is the same, Of All Kinds. sworn that he accepted service with been as high as 30 to 40 per cent, while B.L. Biurros, H. F. MOELLKR, he has vastly Increased the efficiency REGARDING the question on which the Village Council was served by Mesdames N. C. Hans- 1» cents. Then again Dellance ffiarnes, Qwuist. Agt. Oen. Pans. A cen the Rlalto company after consultation grain raised in arid states and hauled ford, D. Young and Burnett. Starch is free from all injurious chem- Cigars, with this senator, when as a matter nf the division while actually decreas- to humid states and stored has gained divided at its meeting Monday evening, a question in which Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert left on tlie noon ical. if your grocer tries to sell yon Tobaccos. of fact the Rlalto company had never ing the expense. In weight during storage. The shrink- every citizen is interested and concerning which he has a right t rain for tlie home of his parents at a 12 oz. package it is itecause lie lias CRAH0 TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. been mentioned between the two. age of wheat has not generally been as a stock on baud which lie wishes to to express himself, THE LEDGER must declare itself in oppo- Kalamazoo. After their wedding Now is the time for that hair cut. Joe Cannon's Cousins. great as that of some other grains. trip they will return to make their dispose of before he puts in Dellance. Wheat stored in Michigan elevator? lie knows tiiat Dellance Starch has Come In and see us. Arrival and departure of trains from Lowell Uncle Joe Cannon hardly sees a day sition to the resolution to pay Mr. Mack $150 for his lawsuit home here. The War Secretary. lost tVom five to ten per cent., duiing The Ledger, of which tlie bride was printed on every package iu large let- pass that some visitor does not enter ^tintington pianos expenses. While it has abundant sympathy for the officer and The WBBTBODND. Secretary Taft is already extremely winter. A lot of corn very heavy and a valued employe for four years, ex- ters and ligures "Id ozs." Demand tSarnes Bros. the s p eaker's sincere belief in his good intentions, and while it knows that Dellance and save much time and No li<*Mail and Ex to OdUaven 12 28 p.T popular both in the senate and in the room and claim little dry at the time of storing lost 3C tends heartiest congratulations. house. He spends money and the annoyance of the iron No IS'Maii to Grand Haven 4 21 p.ro refationshlp gen- percent, in weight by February. Tests President Hakes and his supporters in the Council are entirely more time at the sticking. Delia nee never slicks. 4w No 2ltSteBml>oal Express 8 17 p.m erally on such far- made in other states have shown conscientious in their motives and acts, still it believes that the TIIE LOWELL RANI) Qotiy.. capitol than all No 11 *311811 and Ex to Udllaven 9 28 p.-i fetched assump- shrinkages of ten to 16 per,cent. jV^endelssohn pianos the other mem- best interests of the Village demand that the resolution be de- u/vi •AST HOUND tions that Uncle One lot of corn, that was gathered Instrumentation and Organization R. R. EATON, M. D. bers of the cabi- feated. Mr. Mack has friends enough who are willing and HOTEL 7 13 a.m. .Joe cannot see at the time of year when It was well Lowell, Mick.' No 12*MaU aud Express net, and ho Is able to help him without involving the municipality in any un- for Summer Season 1904. 7 46 a-m. the connection a> glazed, but contained as large an Grand Rapids, Wloh. Oflii'H ut Rraidencc, One Block No 20fS oamboat Express rapidly assuming wesluf Botot Waverly. # 3 27 p m. amount of water as possible and pass Zfhe very best moderate priced necessary risks. The Lowell band is buying sixteen No lft Evening Express something of tho all. $2.00 and 50 /vr dajf. No U*Ea8tern Express ' 7 63 p.m. A day or two 1 In a state fair competition, shrank new caps and several new DISEASES OF, WOMEN. CHILDREN AND position which pianos on the market. ago, h o w e v er. 1 about 40 per cent. Oats shrink little coats to complete their uniform Mtjh 50e. KCr"" ACCOUCHEMENT A SPECIALTY* t Nos. 20 and 21 Daily. Vice President THE attention of all Lowell Democrats is called to the * Dally except Sunday. Hallle Ermlnle but are recorded to have last about onttits. At tlie meeting Monday Hobart filled so caucus notice elsewhere in this paper. No good citizen will evening. Waiter Morgan was elected A.O. HeTBLAorr,Agent, Rives, a southern four per cent, in weight during a win- We know the Piano market thoioughly, having made a study successfully dur- neglect his party primaries without urgent reason; and the president. Tlie other officers an*: writer, aston- ter.—St. Louis Republic. ing tlie first Mc- of Pianos and Piano Building for the past 25 years. During 11. A. Sherman, conductor. Elmer ished the speaker long-continued apathy of the Democratic party in Kent county Notice to Creditors. Kinley adminis- much of this time we wero on the lookout for moderate priced White, secretary. F. M. Johnson, Speaker Cannon. g , VALUABLE PASTURE GRASS argues against the political integrity of its members and au- treasurer. Mortgages, TATE OF MICHIGAN, The Pro- tration—an inter- by seQdin n hcr Pianos that were worthy; that were musical in tone, reliable in card on which she had described her- gurs ill for the interests of the whole people. Whoever or The instrumentation of the liand Lund Oontmcis, Telephone and Hunk .Stock S bate Court for the County of mediary between The Brome Grass Withstands Elthei construotion; handsome in appearance, aud above all—durable. ItuuKht. Beomary Tafi. self as his cousin, and when he saw for the coming season will lie as fol- % Kent. the executive and Drought or Excessive Moisture We found all these qualifications in the HUNTINGTON PIANO whatever you are, of whatever party, attend its primary elec- lows: In the matter of the estate of GIL- her she still further astonished him JOHN B. MARTIN with both ends ol tions and demand the nomination of the best men possible. If ('iariuets, 11. A. Shernian, ('has. MAN WALKER, deceased. Notice congress, familiar by proceeding glibly to recite facts and Matures^ Quite Early. i at $25o to $275, aud the MENDELSSOHN al $215 to $250. Pennsylvania avenue, and as well liked Howe, Don. Crawford, llariey May- 60 Monroe St. Grand Rapids Is hereby given that four In the family history of the Cannons you everlastingly fail in this duty, do not flatter yourself that months from the 13th day at one end as at the othe». After having sold hundreds of these Pianos to customers, who nard. Piccolo. Weldon Sniit li. Flute r of which the speaker supposed no- In discussing the question of grasses you are a good citizen: for you are not; but far from it. of May A. D. 1!KM, have been The secretary of war. under the new depended upon us to give them full value for their money, we Arthur Sherman. Cornets, Elmer body was aware except a few of his before tho Maine- Slate Dairy associa- Wiilte,Chas. Kopf, Altos,Geo. Morse, allowed for creditors to present their order of things since the aciiuisition feel more enihuNiastic than ever, and have no hesitatiou in declar THE UWELl MARKET REPORT. most intimate family connections. 11 tion. Prof. Hurd said: "The following BAPTIST. A. L. Knanp, I>ee Walker. Trom- claims against said deceased to said of the Philippines and the reorgani/a- SORRY FOR HIS EMPLOYER [Corrected May 18. 1004.] court for examination and adjust- seems that the Cannons and the -good qualities possesesd by the brome ing them TIIE BEST PIANOS OF EARTH FOR THE MON- bone, Charles Boyle. Baritone, F. tion o'f the army, to say nothing of The C. E. and B. Y. I*. I', wiil give ment, and that all creditors Illvcses intermarried away back in grass make it one of the most prom- EY! There is positively nothing to compare with them at the price. V M. .lolniHon. Tuba, Waiter Morgan. OKA IN. the beginning of work on the Panama Patrick Dooley Wanted to Returu another sacred concert and song ser- of said deceased are required the early part of the century in North ising grasses, especially for pasture Snare drum, Arthur Stone. Bass, canal, has become the most Important vice in the Baptist church on .Sunday drum. Theo. Mueller. Wheat 1 02 |ier bushel to present their claims to said Carolina and that the young Virginia lands. It can endure almost any de- evening at 7 o'clock. Vocal and Guts 4Uc '• •' court, at th« probate ofllco, in member of the cabinet. More weighty :• to Ada Towttship. The band will play for the annnai writer is actually what she assumes gree of cold, and can stand a high tem- Instrumental music will l>e provided Corn r....50c " " the city of Grand Rapids, lu said questions from now on will come up The ninny U-slinionisl letters received from our cmttomerB show eonolnBively Decoration day observance Monday. to be—the speaker's second cousin. perature during the summer months. Patrick Dooley of Ada township and a ten minuteaddess on "Kgot ism May :K». Bye We •• •' county, on or liefore the 13th day of before him for settlement than before that HUNTING I ON and MENDELSSOHN PIANOS give excellent and IIIBI- or Becoming acquainted with one's Speaker Cannon's southern ances- It withstands well either drought or was brought into police court this KKKI) September A. D. 19W. and that said, any other of the president's counsel- Self." All welcome. The sermon In claims will be heard by said court on try is a thing about which ho rarely excessive moisture. It matures early, ingTher Batipfactioe ie evern yiu reaso the homen why. they hhould; the concerns making them are lar»{e morning, charged with IKJIIIK drunk Democrat Caucus. Corn and Oats $24 00 per ton lors. All problems growing out of the on Ellsworth avenue. He pleaded the morning will l)e "Leaves of Neat i and Attractive Tuesday tho 13th day of September speaks and about which comparatively ripens soon after It heads, and live and tinani-ially strung, they hire only the most skilled labor, and the factories A caucus of tiie Democrats of Low- Bran 20 00 " " new acquisitions of territory as well as guilty ami told the court he came to Healing for the Nations." The B. C. in appearance and durable of con- A. I). 1094, at ten o'clock In the fore- few people know. But he is really a , stock relish it more than any of the are models of perfect eqiiipmeni. Every Piano is critically examined before ell township will be held Saturday Middlings 22 00 " " out of the construction of the canal town yesterday to get a Hiilt of B. C. were entertained at tlie home struction are our Dressers. noon. grasses, with perhaps the exception ot •diipment and it jjoes out under the manufacturer's Kuarantee perfect oon- May 21, in the office over Godfrey's Along the Trail Com Meal 22 00 " " must bo considered first by the secre genuine southerner, having gone umimivui...... clothes he had previously left in care of .Mrs. Barret on Monday evening. They nrv built of solid oak of Dated May 13th A. 1). 1!I04. orchard grass. Us feeding value equals structio-i-npiion aud exceiieuexcellent service. This guarantee we indorse, making the pur- corner store to elect delegates to I'UOItUCK HARRY D.JEWELL. tary of war, and In the last few weekn from North Carolina to Illinois as a of a saloonkeeper. After lie reached A meeting is called for Monday Our new serial slory follows mysterloia maple to match Iron beds or other that of timothy. Some fault has been cha-er doubly sure of permanent satinfaction. the county convention. This will \tv Flour f2 NO perewt ,1 ndge of Probate. boy, and he lias never lost some of onageHL'NTINOTOr iiuuuv N- - an. d MEKDELSSOUIN fJAuuo are sold on easy terms. here he drank Home and thought he evening May 23rd at the church pathways of the Wrpound of Quaker descent and he retains to I HI cause lie did not know lie had been Lard i» to He " " plete. Job Printing—The Ledger. some committee or other In order to growth, but that seems an advantage ments to all interested, or will mail literature on request. arrested untiii he woke up in jail. tlie society and any other boys who This caucus and convention wiil lie day many of the simple, direct charac- the only ones held by tiie Democrats. Wool 17 to 21c " " clear up a knotty question. The com- Dooley served a sixty-day sentence desire to join the boys^ummer camp teristics of the society of the Friends. Its real value is in pasture rather than All the business necessary will lie Beans 75 to 1 TtO per bushel Every Home Assossor's notice. mittee on the Phiiipinnes has had him only recently, and wasconunited lor are invited to be present. Gambling r It has been noticed more than once hay. It stands close grazing, is ready transacted at these tinies. Turnout. Potatoes 7.> " " The Village Board of Review for to discuss tho question of the exten- earlier than others, iurnishes late pas- a similar term again, lie told the Clover li 50 to 7 W) should have one of those Dressers during his political career that he ha-i court he did not mind going to Jail the village of Lowell will meet lu the sion of the Philippines' law in its pro- ! turc and is worthy ot strong endorse- Real Estate Transfers. Sunday Excursion Via Grand Alsyke (» 50 to 7 50 and then the young lady and gent- a warm spot in his heart for tho pCo QRjNNEI X on his own account, but ho was sor- With Fate council Rooms May 23 and 24 for the visions concerning the application of Trunk. May 22. Timothy 2 00 to 2 50 leman can have a suitable spot to nie south of Mason and Dixon's line. j ment. its chief drawback is the high \ f ry for the man for whom he worked. Lawson D. Wood and wife to Will- purpose to reviewing tiie Village Tax the coaitwise trade regulations to tho make their preparations fordressing. , price of seed, which is sown at the rate iam II. ('lark, land on sec 1-i, Lowell To Grand Rapids,50c for the round By WILLIAM WALLACE COOK MKATS Roll and adjust grievances If any. Philippine Islands. The committee on Ho was one of the last men in the "I took a contract,', lit' said, "to I AntboroC'HU Friend, the Enemy,"Bto. Also there's a place for collars, ties., : of 15 pounds to tho acre. A small township. trip. Train leaves Lowell 12:12, P. M., Beef,live, weight...!^ 25 to 4 00 per cwt etc. The cost of the same will 8ur- J. B. Yeiter. Assessor. interooeanlc canals has had him discuss- house to fall in to support the Lodge Music House, dig a ditch out in Ada, and I'm only Return train arrives at Lowell 7:00, election bill away back in the Fifty j quantity brought to maturity can be It Is a story that will interest every one of Beef dressed $5 00 to <5 00 " prise you. Call on us and learn full ing the bill for the government of tho Warerootns: 219-223 Woodword Aye. Factory ; and Jones half done. 1 wish you'd suspend Stops more pain, relieves more suf- P.M. A. O. Heydlauff, Agent. Veal dressed $4 00 to 5 00 " first congress, and he has never J grown for seed, and will in a measure sentence on me so 1 c'd go back and our readers. * - ••—- —* LM particulars. ;anal strip. Tlie committee on military fering, prevents more heart aches Sheen live weight...#! GOto 4 00 " Eye, Ear, Nose and Throai shown any sympathy for the proposi- j overcome this difflculty. linish up my job.'' and diseases than any other remedy. affairs has talked over with him ail DETROIT, MICH. Sick headache resnits from a disor ! Lambsiive welghtfS 25 to 0 00 " sorts of questions relating to the ad tion to reduce the representation of | A dull, sunken eye in a fowl denotes The court did not see it that way That is what Holilster's Kocky dered stoiiiach and is i|uickly cured j Tills story iiegan in our issue of Calves live |8 00 to :$ 75 " SPECIALTY, the south on account of disfranchise • defective nutritive power and lack of and Patrick went to Jail.—[Grand Mountain Tea will do. 515 cents. byChamiierlaln's Stomach and Liver April J4. Back numbers free to new Pork alive $4 00 " ministration of tho army. 1 B-t after all It Is not In tho discus- msDl of the negro. Baplds Post. Tea or tablet form. D. G. LOOK. Tablets. For sale by A. D. STI OIS. subscribers. Pork dressed »5 00 to (J 00 " Yeiter & Wadsworth. G. G TOWSLEY, M. D. LOUIS A. COOMDaK, constitution and vl^or. sion of these executive .mattors that Oflioe Graham Bik / Lowell, Mich

** i .Q i . •fioard you gentldBieff OTSlIng, you returning to HawkblU's after having DO YOU GET UP FALLASBCRQ. The technical point, which Murga- know, and thought It might bo some of gone with me to the hotel. troyd could not prove without Darrei's Murgatroyd's friends. I dliln't want Callers at Frank Beckwlth's Sun- C ' i "Telling McCloud to remain where WITH A LAME BACK? day were Mr. and Mrs. George Par- A Man's Wages help, was the only thing that could the fellow to get away until tho mar- he was, Murgatroyd rushed out of the ker and son of Lowell, Charlie Rog- throw a cloud over Darrei's theory. shal had a chance at him. I may have room, but did not .take his revolver Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. ers and wife and Ed. Alger, wife arid Made After School. GAMBLING WITH FATE Darrel was just asking himself how ho been wrong in some of my surmises, with him. Don't forget that point, daughter Miss Ninaof Vergemu'sand By WILLIAM WALLACE COOK should proceed In dealing with that but Mr. Lenyard has made It plain that Mrs. Will Armstrong of Coopersville. gentlemen. Strange as It may seem to Almost everybody who reads the news- Boys and girls iti every town and township phase of the question when another Murgatroyd will have to share in the oapers is sure" to Vnow of the wonderful A.uthor qf "Tha Cold Ghanitv: A Story of 1h» Cyanldt you, Murgatroyd was so excited he Mrs. Will Laux and little daugh- diversion occurred. punishment even as he has shared in cures made by Dr. ter of Lowell vicinity were guests at TmnKf," "WHby'a Van," "Hh friend the Enemy," did not take his revolver. can make as much in a few hours as some tho taking off of poor Sturgls. Bon't Kilmer's Swamp-Root, her old home to visit her parents " Ho/ltrj if "Bum," Etc., Etc, Roy Lenyard stepped into the room "McCloud picked up the weapon and put those on me just yet, Merrick. the great kidney, liver Great Purchase Saturday and Sunday. men can make working all day. We will tell and moved resolutely toward the group stepped to the open window. He and bladder remedy. I'm unarmed and you can sit close. I Mat Lotix of Keene visited at Ira sitting around the lamp on tho desk. leaned out. and down the street. In the It is the great medi- can't cscape. Open the vault, Jim Pottruff's Sunday. you how and start you out. WRITE NOW. "Mr. Merrick," said he, sharply, "I glare of light from the dance-hall op- cal triumph of the nine- (Copyright, KOI, by WlUUm WklUce Cook) Glenn, you know the combination, Miss Lottie PoPfcr tiff of Keene spent requested you to wait below until I posite, he saw Darrel confronted by teenth century: dis- 445 High Grade Suits don't you?" covered after years of Sunday at home. "What was (he verdict of tho cor- rejoined you and the doctor." Sturgls. He raised the revolver, sight- "Yes." scientific .research by THE PILGRIM, Then followed a terrible half-mlnuto. oner's jury In the Sturgls case, doc- "Things happened up here, Len- ed carefully, and fired. Then he rushed Mlss.lonule Bobson, who formerly Iun9 "Br. Payton" pursued Barrel as Or, Kilmer, the emi- At a discount of 40 per cent. Not a chcap suit in the lol. Murgatroyd was like a wolf, remember- ?" he asked. yard," returned the marshal, "that we away, pushing the weapon Into his taught school here and who now Is BATTLE CREEK. MICHIGAN. Glenn moved to the vault door and nent kidney and blad- teaching In West Lowell, visited at "It was foilnd that Sturgls met his had to look after. There was a fight pocket; rushed out through this very began rattling tho knob, 'you and der specialist, and is the home of Henry Scott over Sun- death by a bullet, 46-caliber, fired by of some kind, as you can see,"—Mer- room. I'm telling you, and failed to see Every unit IH from the best mnkefH and bus haml felled collars. Im ml niarkcil Imltou holes and Lenyard stand ready to catch Murga- wonderfully successful in promptly curing day and called on scholars and old one Nathan Darrel, of San Francisco," rick nodded toward the overturned Jim Glenn who was standing hero, a lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- hair cloth llnltigs. It was the best lot offered nttliegmit New York t'lrurunce Sulcs of Spring; suits troyd as he comes out. Have a caro, friends, Saturday. returned the doctor. cabinet—"and Doc and 1 breezed In. foot from tho door loading Into that bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst this year. It was the best lot, liecatiKu tliey are the hest goodn from t lu-licHt makers In America and for ho is armed. He has probably Mrs. Emma Beckwlth Is quite "Were the proofs of Darrei's guilt But that don't make no difference. other room. Isn't that so, Glenn?" form of kidney trouble. ore all tlie lalctit patteniM. heard nothing of our conversation out poorly again with her former allllct- quite conclusive?" Here we are and If you've got a card Lenyard appealed to the sallow-facod Dr." Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec- here Brick and mortar and two thick- ommended for everything but If you have kid- lon, rheumallstn. "The jury found them so." up your sleeve now's your chance to clerk who was leaning against the wall nesses of steel would prevent that" ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Mrs. Will Armstrong of Coopers- "But you, in your own mind; were play it" picking nervously at the sleeve of his Saturday, May 21st 'The marshal put his arm through just the remedy you need. - It has been tested * "Then." cried Lenyard. whirling on ville, who lived here some time ago. you quite convinced?" coat. In so many ways, in hospital work, in private Broderick & Son Barrel's and Payton and Lenyard the entire lot will bo offered for sale at wholenale prices. The best drrum rs can lie satisfied and every Is visiting Mrs, Charlie Rogers. "I don't recognize your right to ask Barrel and leveling a forellnger In his "That's so," said Jim Glenn, "but it ranged themselves close to the vault practice, among the helpless too poor to pur-, man can have a atrlctly high grade, hand tailored milt of the newest pattenw for the price he has usu- such a question. I am tho coroner and direction, "that man Is Junius McCloud will cost me my job, and maybe a chase relief and has proved so successful in Henry Scott Is home from Alto, door when Glenn swung It' open. As ally paid for common gooqft. where lie has lieen the past week 52 Canal St I have repeated to you the jury's ver- and I demand that you put him under whole lot of trouble besides, when the every case that a special arrangement has the knob of the Inner doors were arrest It was he. and not Nate Darrel, been made by which all readers cf this paper with his son Omer. dict." old man hears what I've told." turned, Murgatroyd came charging tut, Grand Rapidsf Mich. In spite of this Darrel could see that killed the man you know as Jack Mcrrick hitched his chair alongside who have not already tried it, may have a James E, Tower drove to the Rap- revolver In hand. sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book plainly that Dr. Payton had an honest Sturgls!" of Darrei's and the doctor turned a These Slits are Made for tha Best Relail- We will Cootiiiiie to Sell our own immensti ids Wednesday, visited his brother- Ho was caught by Payton, Lenyard telling more about Swamp-Root and how to in-law, A. G. Steketce, and returned doubt. "Holy Smoke!" roared tho marshal, piercing look on the clerk. j find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Stock as Advertised. Thursday, Never before such furious clothing selling. We "What's the use of splittin' hairs?" on his feet in a. second. • "Why, he's "Why did you keep this Information j and Glenn and, for a space, struggled tailers to sell at (12 to $25. When writing mention reading this generous Warren Llllle and wife of Lowell said the marshal. "And what has the all but proved that Murgatroyd did It. to yourself, Glenn?" he demanded. furiously but fruitlessly, dazed by re- are shattering records and turning trade topsy turvey. offer In this paper and $25.00 suits $ 7-48 for all $10.00 suits spent Sunday with Max Denny and First thing I know you fellows 'U have •Don't you know that it caused us to sistance and blinded by the light $15.00 Ih our price for all It is talked about on the street and on the cars, for no murder of Sturgls got to do with your send your address tpi Sl'IMMI suits 8 68 for all ^12.00 suits wife. It on to me—or Doc, thero." "Hands off!" he shouted, quieting a $13,50 Is our price for all row with Murgatroyd?" fix the crime on an Innocent man? It | Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blng-[ flS.IMI suits 1147 for all $15.00 suits such values were ever given as wc are scattering broad Utile when he saw the uselessness of $10.00 Ih our price for all Ed. Alger, wife and daughter of "Just this. Mr. Merrick," returned drove him to his death, that Is just , hamton, N. Y. The 9 8.60 0(ir prit'e for all f 12.00 stilts 13-50 for nil flN.INI and $20.00 suits Vergennes visited her sister, Mrs. cast throughout the country. what It did. Why didn't you come to , his efforts. "Let me at that man! I'll regular fifty cent and Hom«of swwnivnoot Darrel, steadily; "Murgatroyd killed CHAPTER XVII. James Colvln, Sunday. kill him!" dollar sizes are sold by ail good druggists. Sturgls—" me, or to Mr. Merrick, and tell of this?" Miss Minnie Steketce returned to DARREL UNMASKED. . "No, you won't!" cried Merrick. "What!" exploded Merrick, starting .'ho old man gave ino $100 to keep Cheap common goods have sometimes lieen tdaughtered but never before, either In New York her home In Grand Rapids Wednes- up. Barrel's amazement equaled the nrr- my mouth shut" "I've got charge of this man, Murga- Clearence Sales or by any retail hotiHe, have strictly high grade clothing: been HacrlHced. • day after a pleasant visit at her un- THIS PAPER in OH file with Murphy, The doctor was less amazed, al- shal's and the doctor's. So firm was "All!" cried the doctor; "and why j troyd, and there'll be no gun-play. cle's home and with old friends. This is the Last Week Quick A Co.. Advertlsluff Agents, though not a little startled. his belief In Murgatroyd's guilt that did he do that?" Take the weajton away from him, Boc." . Honsemun Bltlg., (Jrand UapldH, NATIONAL CLOTHING COMPANY Darrel repeated his words. he had heretofore left McCloud entirely "Because he wanted Barrel hung." with whom advertising contracts One of the greatest blessings a The weapon was wrenched from Grand Rapids, Mich. "Why," exclaimed the marshal. out of his calculations. "Accessory after the fact!" ex- ' may be made. tf 63*65 Canal Street. modest man can wish for Is a good, "Sturgls and Murgatroyd was friends!" Before Lenyard could follow up his claimed Payton triumphantly. "It Murgatroyd's clutch. reliable set of bowels. If you are of the Great Sale THERE WAS AN OVERTURNING OF not tbe bnppy possessor of such an "Murgatroyd would have no motive," startling announcement with an ex- means the penitentiary, anyhow." i "Is that you, Merrick?" asked Mur- CHAIRS AS THE MEN HURLED gatroyd, ceasing all attempts to get outfit you can greatly Improve tbe added the doctor. planation, the sallow-faced clerk "That's what," assented the marshal. WORLD'S FAIR EXCURSIONS THEMSELVES AT EACH OTHER. away and brushing a hand across his efficiency of those you have by the "Murgatroyd and Darrel were not pushed Into the room, paused, and "Blamed tough on Barrel, though. I Via jndlcloits use of Chamberlain's Stom- eyes. GRAND TRUNK RMLWAY SYSTEM and in order to close out this immense stock we will give Ing only the injury suffered at the friends," said Darrel. looked around him. aghast at the dis- reckon I'd better put these on you, Mc- The Epworth league will lie post- ach and Liver Tablets. They are poned next Sunday evening. hands of one whom he had believed to "That's no news," came from the order. Cloud." "Big as life," answered the marshal. Excursion tickets on Hale dally, pleasant to take and agreeable In you the bargains of your life. be his friend. Darrel was calmer, but marshal. "It don't bear on Murga- "Where's—whore's Murgatroyd?" he Merrick drew a pair of handcuffs "How is Jt-that you and all these commencing April 25, IDtM, and con- Born—to Mr. and Mrs. KalphStory effect. For sale by A. I). STIJIUSIS. others are here?" tinuing durlug the period of the Ex- none the less determined. troyd and Sturgls, anyhow." asked. from his pocket and leaned toward a 4 lb son. May 12th. HIO Men's Cheviots and Scotch mixed, $15.50 position. Chairs were tipped over, the desk "Yes. It does." persisted Darrel: "We don't want Murgatroyd now," Barrel. At that juncture a faint rat- "We heard the row and rushed up M'CORDS. and $1:1,50 S4.98 Fares from Lowell, Mich., to St. Eva Sa.vles of Grand Rapids has and lamp barely escaped, and then, iu "Murgatroyd killed Sturgls in such a said l enyard and drew close to the tling was heard from the vault. to see what was going on." Our Country Cousins been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Willis Burt and Louis and return, rate $17 10 season 75 Men's Cheviots and Casslmers, $18.00 ami a frenzy of brute force, they fell way that they would hang Darrel for clerk and whispered to him. "What's that?" came In startled "You came in time. Merrick, Nate Yeiter uud family. daughter Leltora,Graiid Kaplds, vis- excursion ticket; rate $14.40 00 day's •20.00 suits $6.46 against the mineral cabinet, dropping The clerk whispered a reply, five tones from Payton as every eye was Barrel wasn't killed by that explo- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. F. Clark, It." excursion ticket: rate 113.05 15 day's Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stahl of Odessa sion!'' Sunday. to the floor with the cabinet on top "Preposterous!" declared Dr. Pay- words of which Darrel happened to turned on the vault door. excursion ticket. spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. 100 Men's Scotch Tweeds, Home spun and of them. ton. overhear—"down tho hall—tuckered "It's Murgatroyd," said Barrel. "It's "Hey?" For descriplive literature and furth- Will Klabn. (Jhas. Reeves and Frank Ward of clay worsted, $7.48 er Information call on Local Agent or Darrel was no match for his antag- "You're a fool," averred the marshal, out." Who was down the hall and getting close In there and he must want "I say," declared Murgatroyd, "that Avon. WEST LOWELli. Graud Kaplds, are visiting friends In write to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. &T. Mr. and Mrs. H, J. Vanderwonde, Odd Coats and vests, small sizes, $1.50 onist in such rough work and he waa frankly. "Do you think Murgatroyd tuckered out? Barrel roused himself to get out." Nate Darrel. wasn't killed by that ex- Mrs. Ludlow of Ottawa visited at this vicinity. A., Chicago, III. A. O. Heydlauff, Lo- Bom—to Mr. and Mrs. Bert doff. visited their sons and famlles at underneath. A feeling flashed through would shoot a friend down In cold with freshened interest. "How long has he been In therfe?" plosion on tho War Eagle trail. Take C. Cary's a few days last week. Children's all wool suits, ages 4 to 7 years....69 cal Agent. May, 5 a son. Clarksvllle Sunday. Verne Stuart Is spending a few him that he had failed, and that the charge of him, for there he sits beside blood Just for the sake of having Bar- "This is most astounding, young queried Glenn. Mr. Comers tbe section foreman days with Mrs. Fluent. victory would be Murgatroyd's, but the you. He's not McCloud but has shaved Born—to Mr. aud Mrs. Eber Com- About thirty young (icople gave aud 1000 other bargains we cannot mention here. rel hung?" man," said he to Lenyard, with jeer- "Ever since the doctor and the mar- bus moved to Berlin. pton May 7, a daughter. j Lulu Hill a most genuine surprise Arch Wood aud Eddy Chappel and block of galena, tipping with the cabi- "Bid you ever know Murgatroyd to ing Incredulity. shal came." off his board and Is masquerading in OTATE OP MICHIGAN, The Pro* ate Mrs. Cole ami son of Holland, last Friday evening. It being her 18th "best girls" were the guests of Mr. net, struck (he stronger man on the make a play that wasn't cruel, crafty "It's a wonder ho ain't smothered to McCIoud's clothes. 1 know McCloud £5 Court for the County of Kent. At a Mr. Hopkins and Miss Sedle Unll "The truth comes that way, some- Mich., spent Saturday and Sunday birthday. She was the recipient of and Mrs. Raymond Haskin of Cas- back of the head and crashed to the and I know Darrel, and 1 swear to you session of said court, held at the Probat were quietly married last Wednesday: and safe?" asked Darrel. "He's a times/' returned Lenyard. death!" exclaimed the marshal. with ('. Cary and family. several tine presents. cade Sunday. office in the City of Graud Rapids, iu sai floor. snake and would, trail hl3 slimy length "But your accusation is arrant non- "He plays in too much luck for that," that that man is Darrel!" /Congratulations. county, on the 29th day of April, A. C., Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cary are able Mr. and Mrs. Adam Behler and Recent visitors at H.F.Patterson's Murgatroyd's fingers relaxed; with over any friendship for the sake of returned Barrel grimly. "In our strug- The marshal, too far gone for words, Jacob Kuhn, a much respected cit- sense," persisted Barrel, feigning an- 1904. to be about again after t heir recent daughter Pauline, Grandma Behler, were Mr. and Mrs. Sweet of .lames- a stifled groan he straightened out and netting his fangs Into an enemy's pic hero in the room wo knocked over dropped back in his chair. izens of North Keeue died at bis home DR. M. CLAYTON GREENE gry Impatience. "These gent lemon"— Pr«sent Hoi*. Harry D.Jewell, Judge of Mrs, Mary Kline, Mr. and Mrs. W.B. town, Mr. and Mrs. Sweden, her fath- lay like one dead. Excited and breath- ' Thursday of pneumonia at the age of illness. Qraduate of throat" ho waved his hand toward Payton and that cabinet of minerals and that piece Probate. (iraham aud Miss Jessie O'Harrow er, Freely Sweden, of Whitney vllle. less, Darrel drew himself out from un- "Bo reasonable, young man," said ^seventy five. Funeral services will lie Mr. and Mrs Dan I'letcber have attended tho wedding of Miss Jessie University of Michigan and Post Graduate Course at New York Polyclinic Merrick—"will not believe you. I have CHAPTER XVIII. In the matter of the estates of Alma Snyder of Belding is the guest der the cabinet aad rose to his feet. •v held at the Catholic church Monday been enjoying a visit with their Medical School and Hospital, New York City. the doctor. Impatiently, "be reason- already proved my case against Murga- JOHN 8 WALTON and ANN WALTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Behler of her uncle Wm. Sears and family. Murgatroyd was at his mercy and DARREL'S DOUBLE. inornlug. daughter, Lottie, of Grand Rapids. able." troyd." dec-dents, CHARLESH. ALEXANBER at their home at St. Louis, Gratiot Oflioe LOWELL. MICH. Mrs. Win. Patterson visited Friday wh^t should he do with him? As he "Talk's cheap," supplemented tha A bomb, suddenly exploded in the having filed in said court bin final ad- S. (Jrlstwood attended services nt county, last Wednesday Earl Behler "Not exactly proved It." qualified A Starttlna Test. of Grand Rapids also attended and with Mrs. W, Proctor of Alto, debated the guesllon he heard a quick marshal. "It would take strong proofs midst of those In the office, could not miuistraliun Mocounts. and bis petitions the Congregatioal church at Lowell tho doctor. "The revolver has yet to was best man. tread of feet in the hall below. to make mo believe anything like have caused greater consternation than praying for the alhwicee thereof and Cor To save a life, Dr. T. (J. Merrlt, of last Sunday. Mlna Man of Alto Is assisting Mrs. bo found and examined. In tills coun- the assigoment and distribution of the ^ No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a start- Acting on a quick impulse, he flew that" the furious words of Murgatroyd. The State Evangelist L. O. Drew, of The farmers are just hustling to W. Vanslckle In her housebold duties. try five loads don't often remain In residue of said estates. ling test resulting In a wonderful to the vault, pulled open the inner the Church of Christ, will preach al get In their sugar beet seed. "Gentlemen," resumed Darrel, "I a gun for a month. I'm not very hope- sase had been proved against Murga- It Is ordered that the Slst day of May cure. He writes, "a patient was Miss Myrtle Chaterdon of Grand doors, dragged the unconscious Murga- tlie t'ongregatlonal church at Lowell happen to know that Nate Darrel camo ful about your end of It, although Bar- troyd, then shifted to.McCloud, and A. D., 1904, at len o'clock in the forenoon attacked with violent hemorrhages, Miss Yeiter was the only one from Kaplds visited over Sunday at l^eroy troyd inside and had closed him in Thursday evening. Woods. to this town on the day the murder rel's ruse was a clever one." now McCloud was said to be Darrel at said probate office, be and is hereby caused by ulceration of the stomach. this school that took tbe 8th grade and turned off tho combination when was committed, lie came to Sandy I had often found Electric Bitters examination at Alto last week. * A "What was the ruse?" asked Len- and Darrel was known to be Inno- appointed for examining and allowing Peter Jay of Entrlcan, Mich., was the marshal burst open the hall door Bar to settle his dliTerences with Mur- said accounts and bearing said petitions. excellent for acute stomach and liver the guest of bis sons and other rela- Made Yonag Agala' yard. cent Miss Coppens and her scholars Im- and flung into Ae room, followed by gatroyd and, directly after he reached It is further ordered that public notioe troubles so I prescribed them. The tives the past week. The doctor told him, with now and Merrick, as soon as he had recovered proved the appearance of the school "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills the thick-set man. the camp, made straight for this office. himself a little, gave vent to a* holloa thereof be given by publication of a copy patient gained from the first, and grounds, last week and planted each night for two weeks has put Wall Paper then a word from Merrick." of this order for three snccessive weeta has not had an attack In 14 months.' Darrel, leaning against the wall, "Murgatroyd was out In the hills and groan. Lenyard stared at Darrel like Aa Open Letter. flower roots bulbs and seeds, me In my 'teens' again" writes 1). 11. When the recital was finished, ex- previooH to said day of hearing in Tbh Electric Bitters are postlvely guar- Turner of Dempseytown, Penn. eyed the newcomers calmly. Darrel went Into that private office one in a trance. From the Chapln, S. C.. News: ,Mrs. E. P. Sweet Is under the doc- pressive looks Hashed between the LOWELL LKDOEB, IT newspaper printed a6d anteed for Dysnepla, Indigestion, They're the best In tbe world for and wrote a line for him. Murgatroyd "Gentlemen," said Darrel, who was Early In tbe Spring my wife and 1 tor's care. Her sister Mrs. Lulas Is clerk and Lenyard. circulated in said county. Constipation and Kidney troubles. Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely Hint were taken with diarrhoea and so had forgotten his revolver and left It the first to speak, "If Mr. Merrick will HABBY B. JEWELL, Judge of Probate, Try them. Only 50 cents at • 1). G - with her, CHAPTER XVI. "Tho marking of those bullets." de- severe were tbe pains that we called vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25cents behind—It was lying on the desk in put the irons on Murgatroyd, we will (a true copy) Alvin E. Ewme. clared Lenyard, "proves that McCloud LOOK'S. a physician who prescribed for us, Mrs. Geo. Coppens of Grand Rap- at D. G. LOOK'S Drug Store. DARREL ACCUSED AS McCLOUD. front of Darrel as ho wrote his note. Rtgister of Probate. « The hint is that you come here before the nice, killed Sturgls." make him prove what he says." .but his medicines failed to give any ids is spending a couple of days with "Ah, the marshal," said Darrel, re- "Before leaving the room Darrel S8ELBY CORNERS. her daughter, Miss Vesle, aud friends. KEENE CENTER. "Why In the fiend's name should Mc- Merrick would not leave Darrei's relief. A friend who bad a bottle of new patterns and shades of this year's wall paper lieved to flnd that the offlcer was one marked every cartridge In that gun—" The funeral of Mrs. Noble Strong Cloud kill Sturgls?" asked Merrick. side, but tossed the handcuffs to Glenn. A very pleasant day was spent at Cbamlierlaln's Colic, Cholerla ami We enjoy very much reading tlie are sold. of the first to be drawn to the scene. It was then the doctor's turn to leap the home of our pastor and wife. Diarrhoea Remedy on band gave editorial column, "From Our Point was well attended. Those from a "It wasn't McCloud that quarreled "Snap 'em onto him, Glenn," said > When in need of Phone 166 We bought our paper to sell and with the hand- "I am glad you have come." from his chair. Rev. Holcomb, of Lowell, last Wed- each of us a dose and we at once felt of View," of the Ledger which of It- distance were: Frank Chase of Smyr- with Sturgls in HawkblU's." he, "I'll stay right here until we can f First class draying call on The marshal pushed farther Into the "You know Darrel did that?" he In- nesday. The ladles aid society met the effects. I procured a bottle and self aloue Is well worth the price of na, Judge and Mrs. Davis of Ionia, some stock we offer and our extremely low prices "There couldn't have been any mo- get head and tail to this Chinese puz- room, followed by his companion. terrupted. there. before using the entire contents we the paper. That Is what we like to Mrs, Emma Bllsh of Nlles aud Mrs. we are selling it. Better come soon. tive," spoke up the doctor, who seemed zle. Different things have been hap- were entirely cured. It Is a wonder- see. A man who dares to stand In W, Andrews of Washington, D. C. "What's been going on hero?" "I do." pening so quick that I'm blamed If I I R, P. MORSE Arrangements have begun forchlld- to be a stickler on that phase of the ful remedy and should be found In his own shoes. Some of these times Mr. Koon, father of Mrs. Lewis "Murgatroyd and I were settling an "Why did he do It?" ren'sday at the Snow Sunday school. question. know whether I'm afoot or horseback. every household. H.C. Bally, Editor wiite up about some of tbe young Daller, was burled Monday. old score," answered Darrel, pulling "Because he feared Murgatroyd Mcbby Sturgls wasn't killed at all; and j The Hustling DRAYMAN "You'll not flnd Murgatroyd's re- The ice cream social given by the This remedy Is for sale by A. 1). people that whls|>er and disturb Mrs. Mary Carr of Lowell who has his disarranged clothing into shape, would shoot him down from behind." MURGATROYD CAME CHARGING if be was, here's Doc and me left yet ladles aid society at tlie Grange Hall STUItlilS. chtirch services, Sunday base ball volver • in Murgatroyd's possession," OUT. REVOLVER IN HAND. I Pianos, household goods and Bauage been spending a couple of weeks with A. D. Sturgis. "but I am glad to say that It did not "Still." returned the doctor, sinking was well attended although tbe games, etc. Insisted Lenyard doggedly. "If you I'm expecting some one to.blow In and Mrs, Wilkinson, went on Sunday to result seriously." back Into his chair, "I can't see—" £ Special attention given to moving weather was so cold a good fire was flnd it anywhere you'll flnd It In Mc- of galena fell on Murgatroyd's head. prove that we did It" spend a few days with relatives. "Where is Murgatroyd now?" £ household goods to and from outside necessary for comfort. VEIIOICXIVES STATION. Whoopiaa Conah. "In his pocket-book Darrel placed a In some trepidation, Jim Glenn Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Goff, a Cloud's pocl

Ladies Tailor-Made Suits Ladies Spring Neckwear And Umbrellas

You'll be sorry If von buy one without tirst swing ours. In black Are a specialty with us this Spring. Never before have we shown We are showing the most bcnutlful collection of this class «>f goods so complete a line at prices so low as we art; offering now. There Is and c(IIOVH, wit h dotachahle handles. Onr fast black, full-alied um- ever exhibited In Lowell. There are yver twenty different styles of brella for 50c Is particularly good and our dollar one Is the best nothing in these garments that we do not guarantee—the cloth, popular priced jjoodn. t lie choicest deHlgnw of several manufacturers shown anywhere. the price, the make, the shape and everything that goes toward some of them exclusive to us. making high-grade, dependable garments. We sell the Wavne Knit Hose and the Black Cat Stockings, they It will pay you to come to our store to buy your Lace Curtains. always have a handsome glossy tlnlsh, never turn green or wash Our $10.00 Suits are the l>e8t we l,nve evor Hhown at ======that price. There an; llfty patterns to select from. out and they wear. li A - -W. "WEEKIES. r

A Bank Book Smart IH a good imlU-ntlon uf KIIUOCHB. Make thin bank tlio phu-e f« r de- poHiting your fnmlN. NVt» emh-; vor to treat all onr ciiHtonuTs with Uop Coats the groatPRt courtk'.v c nuld- eration, bu the accouinK lar^e or RUiall. Probably you have stood on 1 he breezy corner recent- ly, and nhlvercd while envy- ing the man with aTopCoat. Lowell State Bank Of course you don't want LOWEL'., MICH to wear a Winter Overcoat; AW VAN BYSTERVELD but the si'aHon o( chilly mornings and evenings Is al- ways here, and the comfort- HEARD ABOUT TOWN. Dr. Hodges,dentist. tf able man appreciates having WANTKD— Oats anil corn. his Spring Overcoat handy. : MT-yers and Mclvee. s« House for sale or rent. No drudgery with Silver Civani • Uhe H. S. Schreiner. U. B. Willimiis Feed grinding on short.notice. Feed, grain, IKIIIMI hay and straw Meyers and MeKee. Mt-yers and Mi-Kn- ffieal Snappy Miss Minnie Behler was at Alto A. C. Loomls Is repalnilng ills resi- Sunday. dence. J 9 Chns. Doyle was In Grand Kaplds Wedding stallouery, at Tin: Lifm - "TJopper Tuesday. ER office. • •« Silver Cream polishes all metals "Clms. Doyle was in Grand Rapids t hatcorrect ly dressed Young and cut glass. Tuesday. Men like, IH (piite "different" Miss Nellie Ford spent Sunday In Don't work so hard-use Silver from the baggy affair of a Grand Rapids. Cream. U. 1$. Williams. season ago. Their quick eye will soon Commencement programs at THE Mrs. Chas. Doyle Is making a two detect the "right" from the 1 weeks' visit In Detroit. LRDOEK office. 'vuna. v "wrong" kind. Try Lily White and White Swan Teacher of the violin. Miss Greg- Coveit Cloths and Vene- The disrase from which the |i;itient issof Flour. Meyers and McKe®. ory. Citizen Phone 230. The above is a cut of nun of the IIUIS tians, "Cravenetted," too— intereslin^ buiMings in Grand Rapids. It fering is arrived at entirely by an exam Wm. Perrlu Is recovering from an Repairs on the Methodist church won't wet through, If yon is the riivpensary and laboratory of A. W. ination of the urine. The wonder doctor illness of several months. are expected to begin soon. get caught out in the rain. puts the urine to various chemical tests C«mrH|M 1t04 ky tk« maktrf af Van Bysterveld, who is known as the Hoi- Onr prices won't empty Miss Pearl Flint visited her parents Chas. Alexander is having a new lanti Wonder Docior. The doctor e.uno to and ihus delects the germs which be claims MICHAELS-STERN at Clarksvllle Sunday. kitchen added to his residence. FINE CLOTHING your purse, f8, flO to |15. this country some two years ago from tho never fails to indicate the disease. MICHAELS, Sn«N * CO., Mrs. W. H. Godfrey is improving Try Silver Cream on you silver- Hague ioteniling to make only n visit. nocHsrrm. a.». The doctor has lately established a mail under treatment at St. Louis. ware. U. B. Williams. But so mncli iu love did he become order huviness and is treating hundreds ol with America that he decided to slay. He Miss Marlon Hill was home from Ed Kelly of Grand Rapids spent patients all ov.-r the country, it being nn- THE OLOtHlER, located iu Grand Rapids, anil in the course HATTIR AND Kalamazoo the flrst of the week. Sunday «,t the home of .Ino. Murphy. necessary for the patient to call in person of a month, as if hy magic, he found him- Bom—in South Lowell, May 11, Mrs. Reese of Jackson is visiting aslhe treatment to be presuribed is deler- Chas. Althen, HABERDASHER self with the largest practice of any phys- to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Story, a son. her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Springett. inined entirely by an exnminatiun of the ician in Miirhigan. Three hnndreil and urine. Our guarantee goes with Silver Harrison Sherman of St. Johns Is eighty patients iu one day was his record Cream, the silver polisher. Williams. spending a few days with Mr. and breaker. They came from miles around Tho doctor claims to l>e the possessor of Miss Parker of Grand Rapids visit- Mrs. Geo. Mescar. to seek assistance from the "wonder doc- secret compounds and drugs, which he ed Miss Lizzie Thompson Sunday. Austin Miles Is pretty badly "bung- tor." The physicians predicle l that this brought from the old conntry. No other Chauncey Dodge of Fen ton spent ad up" with rheumatism, but still enormous practice was but passing and physician, except the noted specialist. Dr. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. T. King. "sticks to his last." would vanish as quickly as it appeared. bellan of the Hague, with whom tho This prediction though, has not come true, Wonde." doctor practiced for some years, Come to us if you want what's Special meeting of Lowell Lodge, for from early morn till night the Holland knows of tin se secret com|>ounds. right in wedding stationery. THE F. & A. M., next Tuesday evening. Wonder doctor is still busy with his pa- LBDHER. Third degree work. Full informa|.ion will he furnished as to tienU. iMesdames Hetty Morgan and A. E. J. Anderson, superintendent of the tieatment by mail on applioalion to the BIG CUT McMuhon visited in Grand Rapids Cutter factory, has recently moved The system of treatment employ ud by medicine company, *220 Sheldon St., Grand this week. his family here from Kalamazoo. tbe medioine company is new and novel. Kapids. Mich. ••••••••• IN Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knapp of Ver- Jesse Fisher is recovering from a non visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. nearly fatal illness. His brother S. B. Knapp, this week. Charles Is home from Chicago for a Ladies Tailored Suits Miss Alice Story has accepted a two weeks vacation. osition as third grade teacher In the The third annual banquet of the St. Johns public schools. Lowell Alumni association will be to us. O-ain to you. F. M. Johnson and wife returned held June 23. Invitations will be from Chicago Monday eveving, hav- issued this week. ing postponed their St. Louis trip. AF. McGlocklin and family have re- We have some very desirable blacks and Floyd and Albert Oliver have a turned from McBrides, where they flue brood of eighty-five white leg- have lived for the past seven years, colors left in oi f new spring- suits. On account horns hatched in an Incubator last and have moved on the old Wilson of the backward season we are obliged to throw Friday. place west of Lowell. these on the market at Mrs John Wright haa returned from A spring tonic that cleans, purifies Holland where she went to see Miss and absorbs all poison from the sys- Dora Botzen, who is very low with tem. Holilster's Rocky Mountain 1-4 Off the cousumuptlon. Tea will make you well and keep Regular Price For sale—My harness store and you well all summer. 35 cents. Tea house and lot. This Is a first claas or tablet form. D. G. LOOK. chance for some one to get Into busi- The Board of Review for thetown- This sale is confmcd to FRIDAY, SAT- ness. H. S. Schreiner. ship of Lowell, will be In session at URDAY and MONDAY. This is an oppor- Alfred Wlkstrom, painter, the office of the Township Clerk on tunity for you. of Grand Rapids was here Monday Monday and Tuesday, May 23 and 24, figuring ou the re-frescoing of the so the taxpayers may examine the Methodist church. assessment roll. The South Boston Cemetery Association will give an ice-cream R rP A N S Tabules social at the Grange hall Saturday Doctors find evening May 21. J. B. NICHOLSON A g"ood prescription Wanted—A party to put in pota- LOWELL, MIOXICM. toes, beans, and other crops on For mankind shares. Will furnish land, seed, and Tho B-ccnt packet It enough for usual oocus- Htoa. Tbe family bottle (60 cents) contains a tools and give half. Dwight Brooks supply for a year. All druRRlits sell them. Phone 230. tf The Epworth League observed their 15th anniversary with an inter- esting tem prance program at their Sunday evening meeting. Tills was Olill not Scratch followed by an adress by the pastor on "The Voung People's Movement." T/U Finest Surface. F. C. Alger and James Anderson have gone into the timber land bus- iness at Roseburg, Oregon. See their announcement In this paper. These ur &J nces,., old Loweliites may be relied upon to Sliver Cream do business on the square. tho iincstniui- al pullsli In LOST.—The Lowell Alumni associa- thuwurld, pol- tion has lost its record book of ishes all met- names of members. Anyone who has als equal to new without This week on tumblers sold so many of them this book or can give Information as scrafc'hiiiK or we believe low prices win; and good goods f to Its wheroaboutw will pluase leave In any wny In- Our Bargain Table little money is what we are all looking for. If with or Inform F.T. King, President. JurlnK the fln- eat KUO