Log in: cascadecms.willamette.edu What’s New in Cascade CMS Help: willamette.edu/go/cascadecms

Element WebEdit (old) Cascade CMS (new) Login Screen White background with WebEdit branding Dark background with Cascade CMS branding Dashboard Asset tree on left No left column (when on the dashboard) Responsive design Bright colors, larger fonts Widgets can be added, moved, removed, and some can be customized. Site Chooser Drop Top left Top left: Go to a Site drop-down menu Once a site is chosen, the dashboard still remains in Also, from the Dashboard, the My Sites widget lists recently visited sites. the main (right) column. Once a site is chosen, the site's folders are listed in the main (right column) Main tools Home Top blue navigation Click Cascade "C" logo in top left corner New Top blue navigation Preferred method: After a site is chosen: "+ Add Content" in top menu" Other: "New Content Wizards" on dashboard. See note below about using the New Content Wizards on the dashboard. History Top blue navigation Top right navigation, click, circle with your first initial Tools Top blue navigation After a site is chosen > ... More drop menu Administration Top blue navigation Top right navigation, hamburger menu Quick Tools Quick Links: Recycle Bin Top right corner After a site is chosen: Upper left corner, right above the asset tree Quick Links: History Top right corner Top right navigation > Circle with your first initial > History Quick Links: Drafts Top right corner Top right navigation > My Content > Drafts My settings Top right corner Top right navigation > Circle with your first initial > Settings Log Out Top right corner Top right navigation > Circle with your first initial > Sign Out New Content Wizards Dashboard > New Content Dashboard > New Content IMPORTANT: If these buttons are used, be sure to set the correct Placement Folder. It is better to navigate to your site first, then create new content by clicing the "+ Add Content" link. Folders Choose a folder Click the folder name or Click right arrow next to the folder name Open folder contents in left Click plus (+) icon next to folder name in the left Click folder icon or folder name in the left navigation (asset tree) navigation navigation (asset tree) Files Open a file or page Click file name or icon Click file name or icon Edit a page or asset Top bar, above dark blue navigation bar Edit link in upper right area (with pencil icon) Inline editing on a page Click a yellow pencil Hover mouse over area and click "Edit Content" Log in: cascadecms.willamette.edu What’s New in Cascade CMS Help: willamette.edu/go/cascadecms

Element WebEdit (old) Cascade CMS (new) Saving changes Submit button, lower right corner Save & Preview button, upper right corner Save as a draft Save as Draft button, lower right corner Save & Preview automatically saves as a draft. Then click the Submit button at top of the to save a full version. Successful Save indicator Top green bar Pop-up menu near bottom of the screen. Publish Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Publish link in upper right area (with cloud/checkmark icon) Unpublish Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar > Upper right corner > ...More > Unpublish Publish tab, then select Unpublish Move/Rename Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Move Upper right corner > ...More > Rename Copy Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Copy Relationships Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Relationships Delete Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Delete Access Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Access Audits Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Audits Reference Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Reference Versions Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Versions View Live Top tab bar, above dark blue navigation bar Upper right corner > ...More > Live Add a new page, image, or file Top blue navigation bar > New > Select template Top left menu > + Add Content > Select template from flyout menu. from drop-down menu View the Publish Queue Top blue navigation bar > hurricane icon > Publisher Top right corner > Hamburger menu > Publish Queue > Active Jobs Page Sections: Icons on the left side of the section bar Icons on the right side of the selection bar Adding, Delting and Moving