Com Unity Spirit s Good PracticeOF Interfaith Dialogue COM UNITY SPIRIT GOOD PRACTICES OF INTERFAITH DIALOGUE This is a collection of 50 of Good Practice examples recommended by the participants of the “Interreligious Conference Graz 2013 ComUnitySpirit”, which have already been implemented in different countries and settings. This collection serves as an illustrative “snapshot” taken at the time of the Interreligious Conference and no claim is made with regard to its completeness. 1 Bad Gams/ Graz, Austria: “FrOM ALL FOUR POINTS OF THE COMPASs” (Recommended by Inge Brenner) In May 2013, the Jewish Community Graz and the Buddhist Centre Bad Gams jointly invited an interested audience to the Graz Synagogue for a reading of parables of different religions. The actor Daniel Doujenis narrated parables and traditions of some of the world’s major religions – Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam as well as the Bahà’I faith. A reading tour for the young and the young at heart inspired by the religious cultures and musically accentuated by Stefan Heckel on the accordion. Contact: Inge Brenner (
[email protected]) 2 Berlin, Germany: “BeRLIN DIALOGUE OF THE RELIGIOns” (Recommended by Anika Sendes) The Dialogue of the Religions, initially recommended by the mayor of Berlin and first implemented in 2011, is multilayered and includes a wide range of activities from events at the neighborhood community level, the so called “Kiez”, to cross-district partnerships and even Berlin-wide initiatives. Interfaith Dialogue can be initiated by all stakeholders involved: the leadership level of the religious communities, public institutions, multiplicators as well as the individual believer.