All of Two of Us ©2012 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Na Na Na Boo Boo ©1990 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Verse 1 Sometimes I get so mad that I don’t know what to do. There’s words I’d like to say, but I’m in trouble if I do. So instead, I simply say in a very proper way . . . Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo) Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo)

Verse 2 You know just what I mean; it happens to us all. There’s a baby in the family – they’re cute until they crawl. Then they get into your stuff, and they drool, and sneeze, and cough. Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo) Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo)

Verse 3 My parents make me go to bed at the same time every night. I try to sneak a comic book, but my dad turns out the light. As I lay there bored to death, I mutter under my breath . . . Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo) Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo)

Verse 4 My teacher gives us homework. It takes up all my time. When is a kid supposed to learn to run and jump and climb? Then comes the Friday test – and that pounding in my chest. Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo) Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo)

Verse 5 So the next time you get mad, and you don’t know what to do, Just follow my advice, it’ll help to pull you through. You simply have to say in a very proper way . . . Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo) Na Na Na Boo Boo (echo)

Loose Tooth ©1990 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain I’m gonna lose my tooth, tooth, tooth! (2 times)

Verse 1 I woke up one morning and to my surprise My tongue could push my loose tooth from side to side. Refrain

Verse 2 It felt squishy and made a sound as I pushed it around. I thought, “I gotta get it out of my mouth before the day is done!” Refrain

Verse 3 It was hanging by a thread and off to one side. Dad said, “Hey, let me pull it out!” but I didn’t want him to try. Refrain

Verse 4 Then to my big surprise as I was eating lunch, I bit into an ear of corn, and my loose tooth fell out of my mouth!

Coda I jutht lotht my tooth, tooth , tooth! (4 times) Star Tonight ©1990 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain Oh, there’s a star I see tonight - up in the sky tonight, Do you wanna come and see it with me, too? Ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah There’s a star I see tonight - up in the sky tonight, Do you wanna come and see it with me, too? Ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah

Verse 1 Celestial bodies revolving ‘round and ‘round – Shining only by the Sun’s reflected light. Refrain

Verse 2 There’s Mercury and Venus, Mars and Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, too. Refrain

Verse 3 Looking up in space – the wonder of it all! There’s no end in sight. I want to see it all! Refrain

Notes: The planets are listed in order from the closest to the farthest from the Sun. Which planet is not mentioned? (Earth) Which one is no longer considered a planet? (Pluto)

Catalina Madelina Traditional ©1990 Arranged by Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain Catalina Madelina Hoopa Skata Walka Nada Hoka Poka Loka was her name – What a shame!

Verse 1 She had two hairs on her head; One was alive, and the other was dead. Refrain

Verse 2 She had two eyes in her head; One was blue, and the other was red. Refrain

Verse 3 She had two teeth in her mouth; One went north, and the other went south. Refrain

Verse 4 She had a neck like a ten-foot pole, And in the middle was a big, black hole. Refrain

Verse 5 She had two arms on her body; One taught judo, and the other taught karate. Refrain

Verse 6 She had two feet like bathroom mats; Nobody knows how they got like that. Refrain

Verse 7 She worked for a doctor – made money quick; Stood on the corner and made people sick. Refrain

Verse 8 And then one day, a truck hit Catalina; Poor truck driver had to get a new machina. Refrain

Notes: Add the following motions as you sing the refrain: “Catalina Madelina Hoopa Skata Walka Nada (clap) (clap) (make hoop with arms) (walk fingers up arm)

Hoka Poka Loka was her name. What a shame!” (wiggle fingers as if casting a spell) (wave arms in disgust) I Don’t Want To Go To Bed ©1990 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain I don’t want to go to bed (No, No!) I don’t want to go to bed (Not now!) I don’t want to go to bed (Unh, unh!) I don’t want to go to bed (No how!)

Verse 1 When my mom and dad say, “Get to bed” at 8:00 each night, I feel that it’s my duty as a kid to fuss and fight. My legs go limp, I drag my feet, I’m slow as a snail. But when my dad starts getting mad, I know it’s time to hit the trail. Refrain

Verse 2 I really just don’t think it’s fair that my folks can stay up late. I’ve seen them in the morning, and, uh, they don’t look so great! Last night at eight, my dad and I discussed this man to man. But when he raised his eyebrow, I knew that it was time I ran. Refrain

Verse 3 I went into the bathroom and I sat down on the seat. For getting out of doing stuff, this ploy just can’t be beat. Then came a knocking on the door – I didn’t have to guess. “I’ll give you five more minutes son, or you’ll be in a heck of a mess!” Refrain

Verse 4 I brushed my teeth, put my jammies on, and I made it to bed in time. I promised I’d never force these rules on any kid of mine! On second thought, you know, there must be something to this bedtime rule. I’ve changed my mind – it’s eight for my kid – hey man, I’m no fool! Refrain

Note: If you’re working with a large group, split them into four parts, with each taking a different response (No, No!, Not Now!, etc.).

Twinkle Medley Traditional ©1990 Arranged by Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Theme Variation 1 Latin Variation 2 Minor Variation 3 Country/Western Variation 4 Rap Variation 5 Blues Variation 6 Rock and Roll You’re Number One ©1990 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Verse 1 Are your parents kinda cheap? Never dig down too deep? (Child) You ask to go to a show – the answer is, “No, the price is too steep.” Are your parents kinda slow when it comes to handing out dough? Do they give you that look – makes you feel like a crook – just before they say no?

Verse 2 You’re lucky to be here in the first place, so get your whining out of our face, (Parent) Or we’ll go back to the car and head for home. That’s right, kid! We work and we slave to put food on the table. We never had video games or cable! You’re gonna have to learn to get along like we did.

Verse 3 Are your children kind of greedy? Always claim that they’re needy? (Parent) They’ve got to have the latest name, and video game, and hottest CD? Do your children tend to bark at the amusement park? Do they bend back your ears for food and souvenirs till you’re broke before dark?

Verse 4 We never asked you to have us in the first place! (Child) So get your whining out of our face or we’ll walk out the front door And never come back – except for meals! We work hard at school and we take out the garbage. We practically never make fun of your lardage. You’re gonna have to accept us – that’s the deal.

Verse 5 Kids, please understand we’re trying to lend you a hand. (Parent, We’ve caught a few breaks, we’ve made some mistakes, then Hey, you guys weren’t planned! Child) Parents, stop and listen – you may not know what you’re missing. Your kids hold the key to our destiny and this world needs some fixing.

Verse 6 We’re all lucky to be here in the first place! (Parent Let’s stop our whining and our fast pace. and Take off those earphones. And turn off that tube! It’s just a rerun. Child) You know there’s no one but your family who will love you unconditionally, So look at each other and say, “You’re Number One!”

Note: Discuss both points of view – that of the parent and the child.

Good, Good Day ©1992 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Verse 1 Let’s have a good, good day (3 times) singing with Two of Us. Let’s have a good, good day (3 times) singing with Two of Us.

Verse 2 Let’s start to clap our hands (3 times) clapping with Two of Us.

Verse 3 Let’s dance and move about (3 times) dancing with Two of Us.

Verse 4 Let’s sing a song today (3 times) singing with Two of Us. Let’s sing a song today (3 times) singing with Two of Us. Singing with Two of Us. Singing with Two of Us.

Helping My Dad ©1991 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain There’s nothing I like better than helping my dad. I smile when I think of all the fun times we’ve had!

Verse 1 Like the time we fixed the kitchen sink, and I dropped a wrench on his foot, I think, But he said he couldn’t have done it without me. That’s why . . . Refrain

Verse 2 Like the time we fixed the garden hose and I sprayed some water up his nose, But he said he couldn’t have done it without me. That’s why . . . Refrain

Verse 3 Like the time we fixed the telephone and I called Australia on my own, But he said he couldn’t have done it without me. That’s why . . . Refrain

Verse 4 Like the time we fixed the VCR and I put in part of my candy bar, But he said he couldn’t have done it without me. That’s why . . . Refrain

Verse 5 Like the time we fixed the rocking chair and I squirted glue right in his hair, But he said he couldn’t have done it without me. That’s why . . . Refrain

Verse 6 Like the time we fixed the shower head and I helped my mom fix dinner instead, But he said he couldn’t have done it without me. That’s why . . . Refrain

Herman the Worm Traditional ©1990 Arranged by Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain I was sitting on the fence post chewing my bubble gum (smack, smack) Playing with my yo-yo (woo, woo) when along came Herman the Worm. And he was this big. And I said, “Herman, what happened?”

Verses 1) I ate my sister Refrain 2) I ate my brother Refrain 3) I ate my mother Refrain 4) I ate my father Refrain 5) I burped!

Notes: Pretend to chew gum (smack, smack) and play with a yo-yo (woo, woo). Show how Herman starts small, but grows bigger during each refrain by stretching out your hands. He gets very tiny on the last refrain!

Brown Shoes ©1991 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain I got my brown shoes on. I got my brown shoes on. I don’t want red, I don’t want blue, no other color is gonna do. I got my brown shoes on.

Verse 1 I get up in the morning. I get ready to go to school. I gotta have my brown shoes on, that’s my very own golden rule. Refrain

Verse 2 One day my dad cooked dinner on Sunday after church. It kind of smelled like my old brown shoe, but Dad said is was perch. Refrain

Verse 3 I saw some guys playing basketball – they had their high-tops on. I strolled up with my brown shoes on, I said, “How ‘bout some one-on-one?” Refrain

Verse 4 Then came the day when my brown shoes wouldn’t fit. My mom took me to the store. The man told me with a heavy sigh, “We don’t sell brown shoes no more.” Refrain – replace “got” with “want”

Verse 5 Mom bought me some tennis shoes. They were so clean and white. I discovered if I walked through mud, they’d turn brown over night! Refrain Bigger Than You ©1992 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Verse 1 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon a clam. I told that clam as he closed his shell . . .

Refrain I’m much bigger than you! So much bigger than you! Then I gobbled him up! (chomp, chomp) (mmm . . .)

Verse 2 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon a sea horse. I told that sea horse as he galloped away . . . Refrain

Verse 3 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon an old crab. I told that crab as he snapped his claws . . . Refrain

Verse 4 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon a sting ray. I told that sting ray as he flapped his wings . . . Refrain

Verse 5 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon an eel. I told that eel as he slithered away . . . Refrain

Verse 6 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon an octopus. I told that octopus as he waved his arms . . . Refrain

Verse 7 As I was swimming in the sea one day, I came upon a whale! He said to me as I hurried away . . . Refrain

Notes: This song is from a shark’s point of view. Hold arms out straight and clap hands up and down (chomp, chomp); rub tummy (mmm...) Create motions for the other sea creatures.

Cartune ©1992 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain What can we do when we’re riding (3 times) on a long trip in the car?

Verse 1 Look, there’s a graveyard – hold your breath. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 2 When you see a bridge – duck your head. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 3 Railroad tracks ahead – lift up your feet. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 4 Hey, truck driver – pull your horn. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 5 Policeman up ahead – slow down. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 6 Cows lying down – it’s gonna rain. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 7 Pigs by the road – hold your nose. (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain

Verse 8 Play our tape – sing along! (3X) on a long trip in the car. Refrain (2X)

Note: Discuss other fun ways to pass the time on a long car trip. Rags Traditional ©1991 Arranged by Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Verse 1 I’ve got a dog, his name is Rags. He eats so much that his tummy sags. His ears flip-flop and his tail wig-wags, and when he walks, he zigs and zags.

Refrain Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag. (2 times) He doesn’t have any pedigree, but I love him, and he loves me. Flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag. (2 times)

Verse 2 My little puppy loves to play. He rolls around in the grass all day. I whistle – but he doesn’t obey. He always runs the other way! Refrain

Notes: Add the following motions: Flip-flop – put hands by the side of your head like dog ears and flap separately. Wig-wag – hold hands together in front; wave from side to side like a tail.. Zig-zag – shake hips.

When I Get Ready To Go To Bed ©1992 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain When I get ready to go to bed, I start from my toes and work right up to my head.

Verse 1 First, I take my right shoe off. Refrain

Verse 2 First, I take my right shoe, then I take my left shoe off. Refrain

Verses 3-7 add to the list in this order: right sock, left sock, blue jeans, t-shirt, Bulls cap off.

Coda repeat song at faster tempo; end with And then I put my jammies on!

Notes: Refrain: touch your toes and then the top of your head. Verses: point to each article of clothing as it’s mentioned. No Kid’s Got It Toughe r Than Me ©1991 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Refrain I’m the oldest (middle/youngest/only) kid in the family, And no kid’s got it tougher than me. Oh, please, oh, please have pity on me, I’m the oldest (middle/youngest/only) kid in the family.

1) Being the oldest means being the boldest. I’m supposed to be in charge. But hey, since when should a child of ten have responsibilities so large? I feed the dog and brush the cat, and keep an eye on baby Pat, I clear the dishes every day, while the other kids run off and play! Refrain

2) Being the middle means I don’t get diddle. It’s like I’m hardly even there. The older kid gets neat stuff. I just get repeat stuff. Could my life be any more unfair? My older brother pokes and taunts, the baby gets whatever she wants, When something breaks, I take the blame. And people still forget my name! Refrain

3) Being the youngest means the bottom rung, it’s like I’ll never get ahead. The other kids are bigger, and so my parents figure that while they run off, I’ll stay with Mom instead. Well, half my clothes are handed down, and Mom carts me all over town. No matter what I say or do, the kids say, “Oh, that’s nothing new!” Refrain

4) Being the only means it can get lonely. Sometimes I feel awfully bored. But then I needn’t mention my parents’ full attention. Just once, it might be nice to be ignored. When we go on a family walk, my parents watch me like a hawk. “Be careful! Look out! Ooh, don’t fall!” They even leash me at the mall!

Coda I’m the luckiest kid in the family, And no kid’s got it better than me. Oh, please, oh, please be happy for me, I’m the luckiest kid in the family!

Notes: Discuss whether or not birth order has any effect on our lives. Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only kid in your family?

Good, Good Day Reprise ©1992 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Hope you had a good, good day (3 times) singing with Two of Us! Hope you had a good, good day (3 times) clapping (dancing, singing) with Two of Us! The Ornament ©1994 Dave Fletcher

Verse 1 I am an ornament on the tree, as bright and shiny as I can be, Hung way up high for all to see at the top of this Christmas tree. Everyone stops to admire and touch, it feels so good to be loved so much. All the attention is centered on me – oh, I’m so lucky to Be an ornament on the tree, as bright and shiny as I can be, Hung way up high for all to see at the top of this Christmas tree. (1, 2, 3, 4 Christmases come and go before)

Verse 2 I am an ornament on the tree, still bright and shiny as I can be, Hung a bit lower, but easy to see near the top of this Christmas tree. One more new ornament joins us each year, so I’ve lost my place at the top, I fear. Now and then, someone will look right past me – but I’m still lucky to Be an ornament on the tree, still bright and shiny as I can be, Hung a bit lower, but easy to see near the top of this Christmas tree. (2, 4, 6, 8 Christmases come through the garden gate)

Verse 3 I am an ornament on the tree, not quite as shiny as I used to be, Hung a bit lower and harder to see in the middle of this Christmas tree. My gradual trip down the tree hasn’t stopped, and two years ago, well, I sort of got dropped. I’ve gained a few scratches and lost a few beads, it’s getting tougher to Be an ornament on the tree, not quite as shiny as I used to be, Hung a bit lower and harder to see in the middle of this Christmas tree. (5, 10, 15, 20 Christmases come and go aplenty)

Verse 4 I am an ornament on the tree, not half as shiny as I used to be, Hung way down low and much harder to see at the bottom of this Christmas tree. But wait – I see someone looking at me - a small, young child of two or three. Look at her smile and giggle with glee! Oh, I’m so lucky to Be an ornament on the tree in just the right spot for this child to see. A Merry Christmas I know it will be at the bottom of this Christmas tree!

The Big Fat Man With The Long White Beard ©1994 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen

Verse 1 I saw him last week at the mall, sitting in a chair. His belly was so big, I thought he had a barrel in there. And then I tried to sit on his lap . . . He’s the big, fat man with the long white beard!

Verse 2 I told him all the things that I wanted on Christmas Day. He said, “You better be good, or it won’t turn out that way!” And then I whispered in his ear . . . You’re the big, fat man with the long white beard!

Verse 3 He’s got nine big reindeer pulling his shiny red sleigh. It’s loaded with toys, and I know I just can’t wait. I hope he’ll fly right to my house . . . He’s the big, fat man with the long white beard!

Verse 4 I got up on Christmas morning; I just couldn’t wait To open all the presents he brought for me before 8:00. And then I said to my mom and dad . . . He’s the big, fat man with the long white beard!

Verse 5 I didn’t get all I asked for, but that’s OK, ‘Cause I’m happy to know that he was here today. I can’t wait until next year . . . For the big, fat man with the long white beard! CREDITS

Dave Fletcher – Guitar, vocals Carl Johansen – Keyboard, vocals Marc Abel – Additional instrumentation Arrangement and instrumentation on “Bigger Than You” Keyboard on “The Big Fat Man With the Long White Beard” Gary Saxvik – Banjo on “Cartune” Betsy and Chris Fletcher – Vocals on “No Kid’s Got It Tougher Than Me” Jessica and Rebekah Abel, Emily, Chris, Jennifer and Molly Fletcher, Lauren Johansen, Reid Kay, Amy Winter – Additional vocals Special thanks to Betsy, Beth, Lori Produced by Ma rc Abel at Hippus Studio Mastered from original DAT tapes by Charles Johnson – Yes, Master Media “Two of Us!” caricature ©1990 Laurie Towner “Two of Us, Too!” caricature ©1993 Laurie Towner “The Ornament” drawing ©1994 Dave Fletcher Art design by Charle s Johnson & Dave Fletcher G & H 2012 Dave Fletcher & Carl Johansen All Rights Reserved