Copyrighted Material
Index ABC, 89, 158–162, 175 Auer, Joe, 105, 131 Adams, Bud, 130, 133 Axthelm, Pete, 235 AFC Championship, 215–222 Albert, Frankie, 70 Baab, Charlie, 121, 209–210 Allen, Bruce, 231 Ball, Larry, 209 Allen, Etty, 231 Bass, Mike, 240, 248 Allen, George, 162, 170, 227–228, Baugh, Sammy, 205 229–234, 240, 244 Baughn, Maxie, 231 Always on the Run (Kiick, Csonka), 18, 25 Bears (Chicago), 230 Alworth, Lance, 62 Beathard, Bobby, 138, 139–140, Ameche, Alan, 101 170–171 American Football League (AFL), 60, Bell, Upton, 76 129, 130, 132, 136 Benirschke, Rolf, 85 Anderson, Dave, 142 Bethune-Cookman, 51, 56–57, 197 Anderson, Dick Bielski, Dick, 101 Arnsparger and, 116, 122 Bierman, Marsha, 132 Giants game, 174 Bills (Buffalo), 62, 80, 91, 92–95, health issues of, 82, 87 117–119, 124–125 income of, 1–2 Bingaman, Les, 80 Jets game, 146 Blount, Mel, 218 Scott and, 174–176, 184 Bondurant, Bill, 68 selection of,COPYRIGHTED 105 Bradshaw, MATERIAL Terry, 107, 216, 217, 218, Super Bowl VII, 225, 242 221 Andrews, Billy, 213 Bramlett, John, 105 Arledge, Roone, 159 Brandt, Gil, 101, 182 Arnsparger, Bill, 115–125, 152–153, Braucher, Bill, 17, 133, 168–169 166, 185, 241, 242 Braxton, Jim, 94 Aron, Jaime, 154 Briscoe, Marlin, 12, 16, 59–62, Arrington, Rick, 178 240, 241 253 bindex.indd 253 6/20/2012 11:10:56 AM 254 Index Brittenum, Jon, 105 Carroll, Coleman F. (archbishop of Brodie, John, 70, 100 Miami), 142 Broncos (Denver), 37, 61–62 Caster, Rick, 153 Brown, Bill, 103 Chargers (San Diego), 51, 63–68, Brown, John Y., 55 76–77, 79–80, 129, 197–198 Brown, Larry, 242,
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